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I suck at this game.

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I love it, it's a great idea and a great game. But I'm absolutely horrible at it. I can't maintain storylines to save my life. I keep incurring penalties because my storylines don't have enough heat. I can take the simplest of stories and make it so even the most common of fan would hate it.


I did the 88 mod and took the gem of the storyline between hogan, Andre and Debiase and killed it. By the time WM4 came around, that thing had a heat rating of 60.


I recently started a real word mod. John Cena vs Mark Henry, the heat was a 90 when I got it. 2 shows later its a 65.


What am I doing wrong?



I do promos, interferences, distractions, backstage assaults and that kind of stuff, but whatever little heat I get, I lose it plus some by the end of the next show.


I tried a 5 way match thinking that I could combine two storylines and get a lot of heat out of it. Cena vs Henry vs Danilson vs Kane vs Orton, it got a 78 rating and both storylines dropped.


Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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<p>It may sound simple but until you get a better handle on things.</p><p> </p><p>

Use most over workers doing whatever they are good at. If they don't excel at menance or entertainment skills just use angles based on overness. I have been using Ford Gumble who excels at nothing just brawl everyone and now he has gone from 40 overness to over 90+. He has been a main eventer and been a stud for me (although i am not a big fan of his).</p>

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<p>Yeah this game really rewards people who follow the Paul Heyman theory of booking: Emphasize strengths, hide weaknesses. Got a guy who is an awesome worker? Push him hard to get some good mains/co-mains on a regular basis. Got a guy with Menace/bad skills? Menace beatdown angles, and then get his overness siphoned off by another worker at a big event before rebuilding him again. Good promo cutter? Keep them over so their combined overness/Mic/charisma give you 1 good angle per show minimum(Which is important in most feds, even ones with 80% angles).</p><p> </p><p>

In most cases IRL, companies can't follow this because too many people hold too much political power or bookers are insistent on doing it their way because of close friends/ego. If you book hyper realistically, you may not get much success ratings-wise.</p><p> </p><p>

For storylines, one key thing to remember is this: The most recent segment has a lot of weight on the storyline rating. if you get 88 then 60 then 84, the 84 will have more influence on the current rating. At least, that how I think it works....it seems to work that way at Local but maybe it changes at National.</p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: Another good theory to use is the 80s WWF Superstars booking template. Pick two guys you want to main event a PPV, build them up with nothing but victories, hold a blow off at the PPV. You may see a decrease in TV show ratings though, but hopefully your workers will get over enough and talented enough to compensate.</p>

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<p>First of all, you have to understand that you don't suck at this game. </p><p> </p><p>

Probably, your major problem is that you don't understand the product of your company, or you're not exploiting the product at all. For example, you're booking WWE, so you basically needs to focus only in popularity. Put the more over guys on your show every single week. If they're upper or main eventers, use them more than twice. Use them on angles based on overness a lot! Thats your key point. Seriously, this game isn't rocket science, its all about understanding your product.</p><p> </p><p>

One other thing that comes to my mind is the options like perfect show theory. If you're having problems, just untick things like that. Don't use them yet. And please, start of with the Cornellverse. Why? because is balanced. Everything is gonna be easier if you use the default database. Then you can move to a real world mod.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, don't forget to use options like open match, slow build (16 min or more), all out, etc. That gives you little bonuses on your matches. BTW, 78 is a great match rating for the ones that are involved. Book things like WWE do, hey know that they don't have the best wrestlers, so they limit their time on the ring. And please, use your wrestlers the right way. If they don't have for example charisma, don't use them on angles based on that.</p><p> </p><p>

One other thing that comes to my mind (forgive me if im wrong, i dont play real world mods) is the 'gimmick' effect. Your characters in the WWE had to have the perfect gimmick. Use the dirt sheet, but please, do not overused!</p><p> </p><p>

Those are the things that comes to my mind now. Im a newbie too at this, i've been only playing this game since TEW10 (I come from the EWR era).</p><p> </p><p>

PS: Sorry for my awful english, I know it sucks xD</p>

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<p>To reiterate what I do first thing when I start playing: untick pretty much everything from the preferences. This makes the game more forgiving.</p><p> </p><p>

Once you start to understand the game you can start ticking back some of the options until you've figured it out.</p><p> </p><p>

Don't beat yourself up. I'm pretty sure I booked a whole year in TEW 10 before I was decent.</p><p> </p><p>

This game is hard in the sense there is A LOT of information thrown at you at once. Once you figure out everything a little bit, it makes the game a lot easier.</p><p> </p><p>

Get into <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=522201&page=451" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=522201&page=451</a> that thread and ask little questions at a time. Also go back and read other peoples questions and the responses. It should help a lot. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Like others have said, you really have to play to your workers strengths. In Fleisch's current real world data, I started my own promotion as Shawn Michaels. Keeping in character, I hired Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Now, neither can really still go at in the ring, but I have them set as 'Occasional Wrestlers'. Nash would easily get into my main event scene if he was a full time worker, and Hall in the Upper Card. But their strengths lie in their entertainment skills. Taking advantage of this, I put them in a stable with Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair and Kevin Steen & Steve Corino (who Flair is managing). Now, all of those veterans have great entertainment skills, so I make sure on each show I have them in angle's that focus on them skills.</p><p> </p><p>

An angle involving HBK, Nash, Hall and Flair will typically get me a grade of B- to B+. They is far higher than anyone else could get me on my current roster.</p><p> </p><p>

Another couple of things I usually do in most games are booking a majorily over (in comparison to my companies popularity) worker against someone with decent - high entertainment skills (assuming I'm playing as a Sports Entertainment promotion). So in the same game I had Batista feud with Scott Steiner. Batista's overness made sure their match grade didn't go below a C and Steiner's entertainment skills made sure his promo's didn't get below a C-.</p><p> </p><p>

The second thing I do is take two really talented workers, one heel and one face, and try and push them as high up the card as I can. In my current game it's AJ Styles and Shelton Benjamin. In this example, Styles can also put on a decent entertainment angle, but Benjamin would probably struggle. I'm not pushing them for that, though. What I want them for is to eventually be able to "carry" other main eventers to good matches. I plan to make Batista my "main guy", as his overness is higher than anyone else. He's a face currently, but if I can get Benjamin's overness up to around a C across the States, then a Batista vs Benjamin match wouldn't (hopefully) bomb, and would make a good "stop gap" storyline between Batista's major feuds. Same goes for Styles. He'll be able to go against most of my main event heel's in good matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, take advantage of chemistry. If I have a throw away match on TV and I notice they have good chemistry, then I'll usually make that the lead in match to a storyline. Have them feud until the PPV, and then put them in a match again there.</p>

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<p>Yeah. We can't give many specifics here because there isn't much data; it's kind of like you saying "I own a car but sometimes it doesn't work, what am I doing wrong?"</p><p> </p><p>

In a WWF or WWE style product I'd try and get a good strong angle to be the last part of most storylines seen on a given show, to boost the heat back up. How you do that will vary from performer to performer.</p>

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Lots of good advice here, the best advice I can give- sandbox it. On the options screen turn off the penalty for storylines, turn off other penalties. Play the game to learn and have fun. And then like Rated RKO said, as you learn turn those items back on to "increase the difficulty."


One piece of advice I can give is that storyline heat is most heavily influenced by the last segment booked. So say you book 4 segments in a storyline and the first three are rated 78, 80, 82, then the 4th gets a 40 then your storyline will have low heat, despite booking three hot segments. however if the 40 is the first segment, your storyline will be hot.

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If you have perfect show theory off book your biggest match of the show to go on LAST. Your second biggest match to go on SECOND TO LAST. These are the most important factors that go into your show grade. The main event segment rating is like 70% of the final grade for the show. So that's a big deal. Now you're asking how do you get John Cena and Mark Henry to put on a great match? You have to build heat.


I assume John Cena has great mic ratings. Put john cena in angles where he's judged on entertainment or microphone skills (whatever he's better at) or if you absolutely need to Overness. Now angles are ALWAYS partially rated on overness. So no mater how good a worker is ont he microphone, if he's autopushed at opener his segment will not get A+ ratings. However, you're in luck. If a wrestler auto-pushes to main event, he has enough overness to be in a well-rated angle. John Cena is definitely over enough :-)


Simply Have John Cena cut promos on Mark Henry each week until a big PPV and the storyline heat will increase.. When the big PPV hits, have the match, end the storyline, and both guys momentum will increase depending on how they did in the storyline and how long it went.



Very basic, beginner way to build heat with two top guys. Once you start getting an idea of what the game's looking for it will all come together for you I promise. This game isn't designed to be easy where you're getting A+ show grades on a weekly basis. You just want to have a show that's as good as your company's popularity. I've been playing for years and I'm still learning stuff so just take it in stride. It's not a game to be mastered in days it's meant to be enjoyed over a long period of time :-)

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<p>Couple of basic things I have picked up in the last week or so, also using a Fleisch mod, starting August 2013.</p><p> </p><p>

After matches use taunts by heels, if their entertainment skill is good enough, and even use celebrations, as long as it features both workers which will continue the storyline. Also make sure the angles you use are set as Major angles or else they will not contribute to the storyline.</p><p> </p><p>

I used to really suck at booking on TEW, even though I had feuds that I thought would be good. Once you get your head around the basics though you will see a dramatic improvement in your booking skills. Keep at it!</p>

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