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[HYPE]Risky Business (January 1985)

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Some alter egos to add (pics will be included)


Mexican Devil Twins (1 and 2) for Gary Royal and George South respectively

Cruel Connection (1 and 2) for Gary Royal and George South respectively


Both are masked alter egos. I'd set usage at 0 but have them in there for the user.


George South should have 100 stamina. He was used heavily by JCP because of his stamina. He and Gary Royal worked JCP in the late 80s as the Devil Twins, Cruel Connection and Gladiators, at times all in the same night AND George South would be expected to go out and work a tv match on the same night!

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Some alter egos to add (pics will be included)


Mexican Devil Twins (1 and 2) for Gary Royal and George South respectively

Cruel Connection (1 and 2) for Gary Royal and George South respectively


Both are masked alter egos. I'd set usage at 0 but have them in there for the user.


George South should have 100 stamina. He was used heavily by JCP because of his stamina. He and Gary Royal worked JCP in the late 80s as the Devil Twins, Cruel Connection and Gladiators, at times all in the same night AND George South would be expected to go out and work a tv match on the same night!


Both George South and Gary Royal have had their stamina increased based on the information provided. Those alter egos will be added as well. And while I am doing my best to keep stats in line with Derek B's Mod Making Guide, if someone can make a good case such as what justtxyank posted above, I can take a look and make the appropriate changes.

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I've read numerous things over the years about George South having insane Stamina and working multiple matches a night. I think Ric Flair talks about it in his book or maybe one of his million DVDs that WWE put out.


I've heard him referred to as the "perfect enhancement talent" because of his fantastic selling and stamina.

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In 1988, George South worked two tag matches (Cruel Connection and Mexican Devil Twins) and then worked a 20 minute tv match with Ric Flair.


I've gained a lot of respect for him the more I've read. I think I may rerate him to give him 100 stamina, good basics and selling but star quality that is INCREDIBLY low.

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Mike Zrno should be Mile Zrno.


I think this is an error that has been carried from Genadi's mods to multiple mods.


Note that it is Mile, not Miles.


Oddly enough, all I had to do was import him from Main Event, where he was already Mile Zrno. I think I had come across that way back when I was working on Main Event.


Anywho, I've sent an updated beta to my beta testers. If there's anybody that's been beta testing for me that I forgot to send a beta to, hit me up and I'll send it your way. Barring any drastic errors that need fixing, all I have left to do is to complete the free pics, work on the agers, and complete the dojo graduates. Can't believe I've been working on this since September of last year! :eek: I hope when I do release this (getting very close), it will have been worth the wait. That said, since I am nearing completion, I may go ahead and announce my next potential project and make a hype thread:


1989: Mega Powers Explode

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Great to see the amount of time and effort that is going into this mod, dude.

I'm a big fan of your Main Event Mod and Justtxyank's 91' Mod so to see you to having a collaboration of sorts on this is really cool.


Been waiting for a mod to get really invested in. Think this may be it. Keep up the work fella. Looking forward to the release. :D

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Just want to add this in. The Alliance is worthless if you ever want to go National. After about 45 shows, the game slaughters your pop in every area you don't run a show or are seen on TV in, whether you can run there or not, due to the Alliance. If you don't get a National TV deal before then, you're pretty much never going to get one because your pop in those unvisited areas will be 0 in about 6 weeks. Even if you do, it has added months if not a year+ at Cult, which is still a money hemorrhage in 13.
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Just want to add this in. The Alliance is worthless if you ever want to go National. After about 45 shows, the game slaughters your pop in every area you don't run a show or are seen on TV in, whether you can run there or not, due to the Alliance. If you don't get a National TV deal before then, you're pretty much never going to get one because your pop in those unvisited areas will be 0 in about 6 weeks. Even if you do, it has added months if not a year+ at Cult, which is still a money hemorrhage in 13.


It seems to me that if you are in an alliance that prevents you from running shows in other area, you probably shouldn't be able to get to national. In real life JCP didn't really start expanding until they started buying other promotions like mid-south. Not to mention that they were probably now where near a national promotion until they left the NWA and became WCW. (I know the expansion technically started before becoming WCW but they really began the promotion pacts prior to that.)

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It seems to me that if you are in an alliance that prevents you from running shows in other area, you probably shouldn't be able to get to national. In real life JCP didn't really start expanding until they started buying other promotions like mid-south. Not to mention that they were probably now where near a national promotion until they left the NWA and became WCW. (I know the expansion technically started before becoming WCW but they really began the promotion pacts prior to that.)


^^This. And it sounds like things are playing out just like they would have in real life. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think World Class got their ESPN deal until they withdrew from the NWA, just to cite another example. And like Griff just said, JCP didn't really kick in their expansion till around the time they sold to Turner and become WCW.

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Okay, here's my counter-argument to that. By that logic, the Alliance is nothing but an artificial handicap for the AI, which is a terrible idea as the AI has so many weaknesses compared to a human player, because you're telling people that when you start the game, the first thing to do is pull out of the alliance. Sure, if you want to just run a Regional company forever that has 0 pop across the US except in your home area (oh yes, the game guts your spillover pop too in case that wasn't clear in my post), then have at it. That sounds like something you'd do in hell, but to each their own.
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So, in other words, run exactly like The NWA? In the territory days, this was how thing where done. You had each territory, which catered to their area, and you didn't promote and most likely had no popularity in the others. Yes, the top guys where known all over, but most of the time, you just shuffled talent around, and had them run different gimmicks until something stuck, and they started making a name for themselves.


But if you lived in Portland, you didn't know about what was going on in Florida, unless it was going to be some big cross promotion thing, where say Dusty was coming in, maybe he would cut a promo talking about what he did in Florida, and what he was going to come do in Portland.


So, yes alliances work just the same as they did in real life, and on a side note, some people prefer to play as a smaller company.

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So, in other words, run exactly like The NWA? In the territory days, this was how thing where done. You had each territory, which catered to their area, and you didn't promote and most likely had no popularity in the others. Yes, the top guys where known all over, but most of the time, you just shuffled talent around, and had them run different gimmicks until something stuck, and they started making a name for themselves.


But if you lived in Portland, you didn't know about what was going on in Florida, unless it was going to be some big cross promotion thing, where say Dusty was coming in, maybe he would cut a promo talking about what he did in Florida, and what he was going to come do in Portland.


So, yes alliances work just the same as they did in real life, and on a side note, some people prefer to play as a smaller company.


Also, keep in mind that the alliance itself had it's own unique popularity and prestige. Shows and events were always branded as NWA events.


But yes, if you want to go national you can't be part of an alliance. Just like real life. In order to go national, every promotion that tried had to break away from the alliance except for JCP that tried after all of the power players were basically gone and they could get away with whatever they wanted.


So what are the advantages? Well for 1, most of the promotions in the alliance in 1985 are nowhere close to national. Sure, some of the WORKERS are national names, but the companies themselves aren't. Being in an alliance lets you build your own popularity, have access to other companies stars AND prevent you from being challenged in your own territory by another member of the alliance.


Now, of course that may not be attractive. You may think you can book well enough that you'll have no problem going over the AI and getting to national and you have no need for the alliance. Cool, do it. But that means you don't want to be part of an alliance anyway so the feature hasn't failed, you just don't want it.

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Beta notes:


Bugsy McGraw should have a JCP alter ego of Green Machine (pic is in pack)


Moondog Rex should have alter egos of Assassin #2, Deadeye Dick (Moondog Rex DD), Dr. X (WCW only)


Personal preference: Ted DiBiase babyface at 85 or 90. His babyface run in Mid South was tremendous.


Personal thought: I would take JYD's physical status for body down to 80 at least. He was already getting fat and slow by this point and it's arguable that he never wrestled a good match after 1984. (sad as he is a personal favorite)


Weird stat anomaly: Hulk Hogan a better brawler than Wahoo McDaniel? I think you could make a strong argument that both Hogan is too high and Wahoo is too low.


Relationship: Barry is listed as protege of Dusty. However, at this point Barry and Dusty had bad blood due to Barry Windham feeling like he was severely underpaid under Dusty and his decision to leave for the WWF after the whole "highest priced free agent angle" was done about Windham. Windham has claimed to have been paid less than $40 for a show or something like that which caused him to leave. Dusty wouldn't bring Barry back to JCP until after Magnum got hurt.

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Few things I've noticed just looking through the data.


Mark Calaway should've debuted and be working in WCCW. He was under the name Texas Red as he worked matches with Brody.


Savage should have a PPA deal (I think) with WWC as he occasionally had matches down there with Carlos Colon and Abdullah The Butcher.(certainly did at the tail end of 84', so may still be there at start of 85'). And if we go with that, Abdullah should be PPA with WWC aswell as NJPW.


Also, if only for aesthetics DDP should have a built in strong friendship or loyalty to Jake Roberts for when he debuts. He's noted in several instances that he becames friends with Jake when Jake used to visit his nightclub in the 80's with other wrestlers



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Thanks for these notes. I wasn't sure where to put Wahoo on brawling since his career was starting to wind down. But looking back and watching some of his Mid Atlantic work, I agree that his brawling should be higher. Would 90 be too high or just right? Or maybe around 85? I've also raised Wahoo's hardcore to 80.


As for Hogan, keep in mind that by the time the majority of his WWF matches were power moves, and brawling moves such as punches and clotheslines. And cage matches typically are categorized as Brawl Based (I'll have to look back to see how they're categorized in my mod), and it's safe to say Hogan never complained about his skills not being best for cage matches. That said, I have lowered his brawling to 72 as he should grow into a better brawler working with Piper, Orndorff and Orton.


I've also raised DiBiase's babyface performance to 90 because of the great face runs he had with JYD and later on, "Dr. Death" Steve Williams. I almost forgot how over of a babyface he was. In fact, one of his early WWF matches before he became the Million Dollar Man was at a house show in Houston against One Man Gang in '87, and he seemed to be mad over. I'll make the other adjustments shortly as well. Thanks again!

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Few things I've noticed just looking through the data.


Mark Calaway should've debuted and be working in WCCW. He was under the name Texas Red as he worked matches with Brody.

Savage should have a PPA deal (I think) with WWC as he occasionally had matches down there with Carlos Colon and Abdullah The Butcher.(certainly did at the tail end of 84', so may still be there at start of 85'). And if we go with that, Abdullah should be PPA with WWC aswell as NJPW.


Also, if only for aesthetics DDP should have a built in strong friendship or loyalty to Jake Roberts for when he debuts. He's noted in several instances that he becames friends with Jake when Jake used to visit his nightclub in the 80's with other wrestlers




Not sure if you saw the PM I sent or not as I had just sent it, but the Mark Calaway thing is a bit confusing because that video on Youtube where the user said it was from 1984, that user is wrong. That particular match against Brody is from 1987. The graphics WCCW were using by that time, the lighting, and the ring ropes all indicate it was from 1987. I would know, that company was in my area and I watched it all the time! :D


Now what I want to know is, is it possible that Taker did have another match with Brody, but in '84? That's what I'm wondering about. And I'll be sure to add the Jake/DDP relationship. That was an oversight on my part.

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Thanks for these notes. I wasn't sure where to put Wahoo on brawling since his career was starting to wind down. But looking back and watching some of his Mid Atlantic work, I agree that his brawling should be higher. Would 90 be too high or just right? Or maybe around 85? I've also raised Wahoo's hardcore to 80.


I'm a Wahoo mark so I may not be THE BEST person to ask here. :)


He was still putting on a decent brawl in 1991 though, so I think for sure in the 80s I wouldn't lower that stat any lower than 85. (Personal opinion) if anything you could ding his physical level if you want his matches to be degraded. I'm pretty sure his good brawls with Magnum TA haven't happened yet by the start of this mod.


As for Hogan, keep in mind that by the time the majority of his WWF matches were power moves, and brawling moves such as punches and clotheslines. And cage matches typically are categorized as Brawl Based (I'll have to look back to see how they're categorized in my mod), and it's safe to say Hogan never complained about his skills not being best for cage matches. That said, I have lowered his brawling to 72 as he should grow into a better brawler working with Piper, Orndorff and Orton.


I'm not knocking Hogan. I think he was a better brawler in the 80s than given credit for and people tend to think I overrate him in my mods. :) But, for all the punching and stuff he did, I wouldn't say it was as believable as the very best in the business. He was still a telegrapher. :)

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I'm a Wahoo mark so I may not be THE BEST person to ask here. :)


He was still putting on a decent brawl in 1991 though, so I think for sure in the 80s I wouldn't lower that stat any lower than 85. (Personal opinion) if anything you could ding his physical level if you want his matches to be degraded. I'm pretty sure his good brawls with Magnum TA haven't happened yet by the start of this mod.




I'm not knocking Hogan. I think he was a better brawler in the 80s than given credit for and people tend to think I overrate him in my mods. :) But, for all the punching and stuff he did, I wouldn't say it was as believable as the very best in the business. He was still a telegrapher. :)


I think I've already got Wahoo pretty low on his physical stats: 75 head, 60 body and arms, and 55 legs. I'll have his brawling around 85 for now. And agreed on Hogan. There have been times where I'll watch back on his old matches and go "Could you make it anymore obvious?!" :D

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