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Your main gaming computer's standard screen resolution?

Derek DiBenedetto

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As I tend to change the preferred resolution to fit my needs I think a lot of game developers do good by adding options to change it.


As not everyone has perfect 20/20. I think those that choose to not allow these changes lost business, may not be a lot, but some. I think in my opinion those that don't allow that option are just saying they don't care about the needs of the players.

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Good answers so far everyone!


moon: Yes, i'm aware people do change their reses, i'm trying to find the "sweet spot" so that players don't need to change, at least to play my games anyway. If I didn't care about players and their needs, this thread wouldn't exist. :)


I think 1366x768 allows me to present more data onscreen without having to use tiny fonts or cram stuff in i've found, yet will work on most older systems and laptops fine.


One previous game project I used 1280x1024, and that ended up being a nightmare in terms of people with older machines, but was needed to display all the data required for the game.

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I'm not saying you don't care. It's just that giving the option for even a few Res choices would be good. I've no freaking clue what mine should be. I tend to play some of my games on 800x600. But others different. I guess it would really depend on the game.



If it's a lot of text maybe a way to raise the font would be awesome. But that's just my opinion because I hate reading itty bitty fonts. :p

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