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Why Do Workers on Guaranteed Money Get Upset if They're Not Used?

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I've been watching some WCW related interviews and stuff lately, and one of the topics has been the guaranteed money that WCW offered. In the WWF, if you weren't used, you didn't get paid, but WCW offered guaranteed money, so there wasn't a reason to work, really.


People like Nash would have been really happy just sitting at home, drinking beer and getting paid. It made me wonder why does TEW make workers on monthly pay unhappy, if they are not used on shows. If they are not used, they don't have to travel and take bumps, but get paid the same, anyway. Not being used is a sweet deal in TEW.


I guess it's there as a gameplay feature, but what do you think, should it be changed?

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I guess different personalities would react differently to not being used. Passionate driven wrestlers want to wrestle. As much as they want money they want to be in the ring, doing what they love to do. Sitting at home isn't a sweet deal to those people. As for others... At the very least, people want to be on TV. They want to be able to grow their 'brand', sell more merchandise, and become bigger stars.


Maybe the feature could be more nuanced, but I don't think it should be changed entirely.

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I guess different personalities would react differently to not being used. Passionate driven wrestlers want to wrestle. As much as they want money they want to be in the ring, doing what they love to do. Sitting at home isn't a sweet deal to those people. As for others... At the very least, people want to be on TV. They want to be able to grow their 'brand', sell more merchandise, and become bigger stars.


Maybe the feature could be more nuanced, but I don't think it should be changed entirely.


This will probably be the first time I can remember ever disagreeing with you, but yep, this time I do.


I know there are quite a few people that would sit at home and collect, and actually be happy to do so. This goes for more then just wrestlers, but just about in every career I can think of. For example, I know plenty of DJ's that would be just fine collecting a check and not having to DJ for it. Fact is, almost every aspect of entertainment I can think of would think of that as a "Good Day".


"Hey, my group and I are ready to perform, going to really rock it for you!"


"Sorry, we ran out of time. Since we booked you here is the money we promised."


*Wow, that was the easiest money I made in a while. *


To be honest, the only personality in TEW I think would actually complain about it, are the Driven.


I always pretend it's my creative team complaining rather then the worker, because it has never made any sense at all to me.

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I don't disagree with your points, and I can see that there may be certain areas of the system that could be tweaked. I can totally see most people being happy with the idea of showing up, not being used, and still getting paid, to be a sweet day at the office. However, if that happens for a few months straight (and with guaranteed money Written deals are we assuming they are making the travel and being backstage for every show?) surely that's going to wear on a person. The constant/frequent lack of use. In my current diary game, I've got a Lower Midcarder on a Written that I've barely used for about a year. He has morale issues. He's not furious. He's not on the verge of walking out. He's just kinda bummed. That makes sense to me.


As a side-note, I think Egotistical personalities would be bothered by it too. It's a blow to the old ego to not be needed for a show, surely?


Although, if you're not going to use someone, send them on vacation. Then they will be happy to sit at home for a few months.

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Try to look at it as a sport: when professional team athletes aren't fielded, do most of them simply enjoy sitting on the bench and collecting a paycheck? No, most (of course not all) will do whatever they can to either be playing for their team or transfer to a new club where they'll get a chance to play.


Why? Because athletes, including wrestlers, are in the business because they love their field. They want to win matches, be seen by fans, evolve their talent, build a brand, etc.

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^^ Like Hive said.


Not every wrestler is a Kevin Nash or Scott Hall. Happy to do minimal work for big money. A guy like Punk or D-Bry loves their craft and wants to work, regardless of the guaranteed money. Suppose it should depend on their personality and how driven/lazy they are, if it was a feature to implement in the game.

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I still say that if you'd rather bump for the money than get it for "free", you're an idiot, and a stupid mark for the business and yourself.


I do professional stand up comedy, and I got into the business for the "passion" reasons originally, but as time's gone by, I've learned to really appreciate the money and the time when I don't have to work. I like my job, sure, but I'd take money sitting on my coach over actually working the clubs for the same amount in a heartbeat. And every collegue I know would do the same.


But sure, there ARE marks like that. Booker T and DDP, for instance, chose to work for Vince instead of sitting out their Turner contacts in 2001.


I just don't think it should be the attitude of every worker in the game.


Of course, taking the "morale lowered if not used" feature out of the game would just make it easier, and that's not fun for gameplay. Instead, the other extreme, where certain personalities specifically want the max amount of money for the minimum amount of work, should be added. This could add a whole new dimension to contract negotiations.

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I think the system might work better if written workers lose momentum every time they're not booked. The losses can be much higher for an event and higher still the further up the card you are.


That way you'd absolutely need to use your top guys most shows to keep ther momentum going.

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If you know you wont be using a certain worker you could always give him the week off and he won't complain.


I see it as this- if you don't give them the week off and you don't use your main eventer it pretty much means that you required him to travel to the show for nothing, wasting his time, making him unhappy.


The issue in this case would be a week is too long for just one show. That is just something we have to deal with and hopefully this is all resolved by the next game.

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By the way you can negotiate this into contracts. Under the "Utilize" option, I think, I don't have the game open, but there are different options you can select. Click on the question mark and some will make it so the worker doesn't mind not being used. I think Icon, and pass the torch for sure. I tend to use it for workers in decline that I may not want to use every show.
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