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AI has an unfair advantage in negotiations?

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I'm getting a bit frustrated in my current WCW game as I'm always losing bidding wars to the WWF (unless the worker in question has a poor relationship with Vince, in which case they won't try to re-sign them).


I have 30 million dollars in the bank and Ted Turner is set to be flashy with his finances - yet I can't offer anywhere near the amount of money the WWF is throwing around.


Take Bret Hart, as an example: the initial offer from WWF for him is 56,550 dollars per month (plus bonuses) while the maximum offer I can throw his way is 48,260 dollars per month! In spite of me being much wealthier and having a flashy owner!


And the above example is not my first encounter with this issue. Am I missing something here that I'm not accounting for? Is it a hidden bonus the AI gets to add competition? Or is it a bug? :confused:

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Did you click "Toggle Smart Offer"? If not, you will often not be able to offer as much as you would like.


CK is correct, but at some point the owner may set a cap regardless. It will likely be higher than what your current maximum offer is.

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Did you click "Toggle Smart Offer"? If not, you will often not be able to offer as much as you would like.


I hadn't toggled that one, as I'll admit to not really knowing what it does.


However... now that I have toggled it, I can go all the way up to... 53,290 dollars. Yeah. So still lower than the first offer from WWF.


So basically trying to hire top workers is broken unless you play as owner? That sucks.

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I am playing modern day TNA, and have signed away John Cena, Dolph Ziggler(who was WWE Champion) Ryback, and Roman Reigns. It's not always just the setting, but also business ability I think.


Also I always figured the rival contract offer is based off the current contract, so WWF is maybe already paying that much for Bret, while your owner looks at their actual value, so it could be the mod setting the contract to high.

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Its possible to offer less and steal them. Just fatten the contract a bit. Maximum dollars allowed, in ring exclusively, major shows and ppv, creative control, and whatever else you want added. Also throw in promises like never lower than ME or icon of company. Hell if they're that important sweeten the pot.
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It's not always just the setting, but also business ability I think.


I've tried adjusting Turner's business setting both all the way up as well as all the way down, to no effect.


Also I always figured the rival contract offer is based off the current contract, so WWF is maybe already paying that much for Bret, while your owner looks at their actual value, so it could be the mod setting the contract to high.


No, the mod has no pre-set value for any contracts.


It just seems very strange that it's technically possible to offer up to $125k per month for a worker, but even a flashy and absolutely filthy rich owner won't even allow half that amount to be spent...

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Its possible to offer less and steal them. Just fatten the contract a bit. Maximum dollars allowed, in ring exclusively, major shows and ppv, creative control, and whatever else you want added. Also throw in promises like never lower than ME or icon of company. Hell if they're that important sweeten the pot.


But that's not really the point: the point is that the way it currently works is obviously broken for the player.

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Is it though? Like I said I was able to steal John Cena and the current WWE in game champion as TNA.


You just have to sweeten the pot a bit.


it has more to do with the money cap the owner is putting on.


if he were to switch companies, would the company he left still have the same cap on spending?


like I mentioned about the territories getting workers who told me I was too small, when I switch companies the workers would sign with the company I just left... but not with the company I moved to.


It could be a build in handicap?

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it has more to do with the money cap the owner is putting on.


Aside from the fact that AI can and will offer those same perks in addition to the higher money.




If I as WCW have to offer a 200 % bonus for showing up to shows on top of creative control over all other wrestlers, a private locker room directly beneath the ring, legendary super icon status that only requires 4 appearances per year and 10 ponies in order to match WWF's offer to Duke Droese, I think it's fair to call the system unbalanced and unfair. Especially when I have at least twice as much cash as WWF as well as a (supposedly) flashy owner.


Something just isn't right, currently.

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I noticed that I was constantly running into this issue. It's why I moved into owner mode. (like others have mentioned)


I also knew about the smart toggle, but it doesn't matter. Eventually I get to the owner block.


Now, you can get around this by setting Vince McMahon's finances to mean or prudent instead of average or whatever the setting is on most mods. But from what I've seen, if the owners are at the same financial spending willingness, it will never matter what you do, the other side can outbid you if they want. I have had guys I stole because I went too high for Vince, but no superstars.

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Considering you get this and sometimes stupid/inane/really annoying/nonsensical Owner Goals, I don't know why playing as Booker is even still an option. I guess it is nice for the RTG challenge, but I'll never play as anything other than Owner and haven't since 08 outside of that RTG challenge. There's no upside to playing as Booker right now. It's not a realistic challenge, just a headache.
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That's why I never play as a booker, unless it's a game where I don't feel the need of signing any big names, or a game where I'm a company with zero competition at all, or is a challenge game. The Owner Goals are fun sometimes though.
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