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WWF vs WCW: The War Continues...

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I've got a question. Are you using two companies or only the WWF with WCW being a second brand?


It's a single company, Smasher. I'm playing the 2001 mod but I made WCW a second brand, gave them Smackdown! and called it Thunder. Then I went about hiring guys like Hogan, Sting, Flair, Nash, Hall, Jarrett, Mysterio, Goldberg etc like what should've happened in real life. That's why they were all missing from the first show and some of them were still not present for Slamboree.


This is the way I feel the whole thing should've been done when it was revealed Shane had "bought" WCW out from under his father's nose rather than the lame-ass Invasion angle the WWF actually ran.

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This is the way I feel the whole thing should've been done when it was revealed Shane had "bought" WCW out from under his father's nose rather than the lame-ass Invasion angle the WWF actually ran.

Definitely agree. I actually considered doing a diary very similar to this one a couple of years back. It's ironic that they introduced their "brand split" less than a year later; it would've been so much more effective if they'd done it here and given the illusion of competing companies, rather than Raw vs. Smackdown.

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Definitely agree. I actually considered doing a diary very similar to this one a couple of years back. It's ironic that they introduced their "brand split" less than a year later; it would've been so much more effective if they'd done it here and given the illusion of competing companies, rather than Raw vs. Smackdown.


Yeah, the whole Raw vs Smackdown! business is really when I lost interest and switched off.

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Actually, while I'm here I wouldn't mind a poll of anyone who's a regular reader of this dynasty:


Which of the brands do you prefer so far: WWF (including Judgment Day and KOTR) or WCW (including Slamboree and the Great American Bash)??


Secondly, were you more a WWF fan or a WCW fan during the Attitude Era??


Lastly, is there anything you'd like me to do to make this diary more entertaining/readable??

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I like both brands quite a bit, but I think WWF edges WCW out by a hair,because I thought KOTR was top-notch.


I was definitely a WWF guy during the Monday Night Wars.


I think you're doing a great job so far. I like your format and your storylines. I couldn't think of anything to improve it, just keep doing what you're doing.

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I'd probably give the edge to WWF so far, but I think that's mainly down to the greater star power.


I can't say I preferred one promotion over the other during the War. My friend and I would use my TV's PIP (picture in picture) to constantly track what was going on with both shows and flip between whatever looked more interesting.


I honestly can't think of anything to suggest. You're doing great work; keep it up!

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I think WWF has the star power, but WCW have the better story lines so i'm enjoying WCW more


I probably lean more to WWF even thou i only watched WWF Metal on channel 10 but i always made sure i found there ppv on vhs where as i watched nitro on channel 9 but never realy looked for there ppv


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It's a single company, Smasher. I'm playing the 2001 mod but I made WCW a second brand, gave them Smackdown! and called it Thunder. Then I went about hiring guys like Hogan, Sting, Flair, Nash, Hall, Jarrett, Mysterio, Goldberg etc like what should've happened in real life. That's why they were all missing from the first show and some of them were still not present for Slamboree.


This is the way I feel the whole thing should've been done when it was revealed Shane had "bought" WCW out from under his father's nose rather than the lame-ass Invasion angle the WWF actually ran.


Yeah, the Invasion angle was definitely not even a shell of what it could have been if the WWF had done something different. It was not only the fact that the WWF didn't create a brand to WCW, but then the fact that the WWF failed to sign some of the main stars from WCW, which made the angle a little pointless as well. Austin turning more times than I change my underwear didn't help anything either. I definitely agree with you, and I applaud you on doing it this way. I'm enjoying the read thus far, so keep up the good work. Props to you for debuting Brock Lesnar in a way that will get him over really quick, I hope that quick enough to have a good role when WCW is still around as a brand, because I don't know for how many time you plan on keeping WCW around.

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WWF RAW IS WAR, Monday Week 2, July 2001

Colorado Pepsi Center (Mid West)

Attendance: 18,007 (sell-out)

Announcers: Jim Ross, Jerry “The King” Lawler




The show opens with Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler discussing tonight’s card and how set to see at least two title matches, as Raven will face either Steven Richards for the Hardcore Championship or X-Pac for the Intercontinental Championship and the New Age Outlaws will be defending their Tag Team titles up against the A.P.A…





Triple H comes to the ring and says that now he’s qualified to face Steve Austin at Vengeance for the WWF Championship he can take the one thing that Austin cares about more than himself. He says he’s still pissed off at his so-called friend X-Pac for taking his Intercontinental title at King of the Ring; however he has bigger fish to fry, and he’ll deal with X-Pac in due time.


As for his “lovely wife” Stephanie, he STILL hasn’t seen her since King the Ring but he’s expecting to see her somewhere here tonight and he’ll be demanding answers…





The man Triple H defeated last week to earn the right to face Austin at Vengeance comes down to the ring and tells us that finally he’s come back to Colorado. He says he’s out here to tell Triple H one thing, and one thing only… “Congratulations.” He tells Triple H that last week he beat him fair and square in “one hell of a match” and he hopes that in three weeks’ time at Vengeance he whoops Steve Austin’s “candy ass” and takes the WWF Championship from him.


Triple H acknowledges his thanks and says that when he wins the title, The Rock will rightfully get the first shot at it. They shake hands in a rare show of sportsmanship…






…but the nWo have seen enough! They come sauntering down the ramp and surround the ring, even though Triple H and The Rock look unfazed by the three to one numbers advantage and The Rock motions for them to “just bring it”. Hall, Nash, X-Pac and Big Show each mount an opposing apron, and it looks like they’re about to get it on, when…





It’s the owner of the WWF! Vince interrupts everybody to inform them that tonight’s Main Event will be a tag team matchup with The Rock and Triple H taking on the Big Show and the WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin. He then goes on to tell the nWo to cool their heels right now, as he wants everyone fit and healthy for the Main Event tonight. Hall, Nash, X-Pac and Big Show choose to ignore this request anyway and proceed to enter the ring and surround The Rock and Triple H…


This causes Vince to angrily yell out “HEY, AUSTIN!! Call your goons off!! If they lay one finger on Triple H or The Rock before the matchup tonight, I’ll strip your WWF Championship right now, and don’t think I won’t!”


Austin reluctantly calls the rest of the nWo from the ring while the King quips that Vince is channelling his “inner HBK”.





After the commercial break we have Raven heading down to the ring to tell us that after close consideration, he's decided he’ll use his title shot from last week against Steven Richards for the Hardcore Championship. And he wants his match right now!





Raven vs. Steven Richards

WWF Hardcore Championship




This was a pretty solid match between two superstars who have mastered the art of hardcore wrestling. For the majority of the matchup Raven was in total control utilising all manner of weapons and objects just lying around at ringside, in the process displaying the hardcore prowess which has seen him previously crowned an 11 time WWF Hardcore Champion and a 2 time ECW Champion. That is, of course, until…





The former WWF Tag Team Champions, Val Venis and the Goodfather rush the ring and brutally beat-down Raven. As we’ve seen so many times before in Richards’ matches, the Goodfather hits Raven with a Death Valley Driver, Val Venis follows up with the Money Shot, and Richards picks up the pinfall for the victory.


Winner by pinfall: Steven Richards. Steven Richards makes defence number 2 of his WWF Hardcore title.



After the match is finished, Right to Censor continue their brutal assault on Raven, beating him down with weapons and steel chairs. After the attack is complete, Steven Richards is clearly seen yelling “You dare to challenge me?!?” as we go to our next commercial.





We come back from our break to find Triple H and Stephanie McMahon backstage locked in a heated argument. Triple H is furious that his wife seemingly betrayed him to side with the nWo, but Stephanie insists she wasn’t backing the nWo at all, she was just teaching her husband a lesson about paying his wife the appropriate respect…





At that point in time Vince walks in and he’s also furious. Although he says he’s not interested in her so-called affiliation with the nWo, he wants to know about her apparent 45% share in WCW?? He says as a 20% shareholder in the WWF that this is clearly a conflict of interest! To which Stephanie coolly replies that there’s no conflict of interest as she has nothing to do with the day to day booking of either company, she just helps out with “some contractual stuff” where necessary.


Despite her best protests, Vince is all but pleased to hear that she helped her brother Shane buy out his competition…





We now cut to where Trish Stratus is standing by with Chris Jericho and she asks him about Kane’s assault on him last week during his King of the Ring coronation ceremony. Jericho says he has no idea what “that big red freak’s problem is, but if he’s looking for a fight, he’ll get one!!”





Well, strong words, because as soon as he says this, the very same “big red freak” comes out of nowhere and attacks Jericho again! Before Jericho can do anything to defend himself, Kane clotheslines him to the ground, picks him up and slams him into a brick wall, all under the rabid direction of Paul Bearer…





The A.P.A. vs. New Age Outlaws

WWF Tag Team Championship




Faarooq and Bradshaw, fresh from their denial of any involvement in Paul Bearer’s so-called “Army of Darkness” get their chance to once again challenge for the WWF Tag Team Championship. And they really take it to the Outlaws, with their sheer power being a brilliant foil for the Road Dogg and Billy Gunn’s tactics and guile. The match comes to its conclusion when Bradshaw goes to hit Billy Gunn with a Clothesline From Hell, only to have Billy duck it and follow up with a Fame-Ass-Er. Faarooq comes in to break the count, but Road Dogg is there to cut him off.


Winner by pinfall: New Age Outlaws. New Age Outlaws make defence number 2 of their WWF Tag Team titles.






As has been the case so often lately, the second the match is over, Right to Censor storm the ring and begin to take it to the Tag Team Champions. Billy Gunn and Road Dogg try to fight them off, however the numbers advantage begins to take its toll, until…





It’s Triple H!! Triple H comes flying down to the ring with his trusty sledge-hammer, nails Val Venis with it, and takes a wild swing at Steven Richards, who “bravely” flees the ring. This evens up the odds enough for Billy Gunn to hit Val Venis with a Fame-Ass-Er and take him out of commission. Triple H then hugs both of the New Age Outlaws and they stand in the centre of the ring with their arms raised as Right to Censor retreat up the ring, obviously not used to the odds being not in their favour.





We go back to Stone Cold Steve Austin’s locker room where he is sitting with Hulk Hogan enjoying some kind of joke. Suddenly, Paul Heyman and CM Punk walk in, and Heyman introduces his new “protégé” and asks whether they would be interested signing him up to the nWo. At this suggestion, Hogan and Austin both burst into laughter, leading to Heyman and Punk beating a hasty retreat, with Heyman reassuring his client “Don’t worry kid, they’ll be sorry…”





Obviously cocky that Triple H is now tied up with Steve Austin and the WWF Championship, plus the fact that Raven chose to use his title shot tonight against Steven Richards, X-Pac comes out and gives an open challenge for his Intercontinental title to “any chump out there who wants to be taught a lesson in wrestling.”


But as they say, be careful what you wish for…





It’s the Rabid Wolverine! Chris Benoit comes out to the ring, and without saying a word starts to lay into X-Pac. We have a match!!





Chris Benoit vs. X-Pac

WWF Intercontinental Championship




Once X-Pac gets over the initial shock of a fired up Chris Benoit, this match proves to be a very competitive and entertaining one. X-Pac’s quickness is more than matched by Chris Benoit’s ruthless aggression and technical prowess, which leads to Benoit eventually locking X-Pac in the Crippler Crossface in the centre of the ring.


With the ropes out of reach, and his nWo “buddies” nowhere to be seen, JR speculates it’s only a matter of time before X-Pac submits. That is, of course, until…





Kurt Angle and his “insurance policy” Brock Lesnar come flying down to the ring and start beating into Chris Benoit! As Brock Lesnar picks up Benoit and gives him a devastating F5, referee Mike Chioda has no alternative but to ring the bell for a disqualification!


Winner by disqualification: Chris Benoit. X-Pac retains the WWF Intercontinental title.



After the bell is rung, Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar continue their assault on Chris Benoit in what can only be described by Jim Ross as “beyond personal”. Angle locks Benoit in an Ankle Lock in the centre of the ring, and Benoit writhes in absolute agony…






…but it’s the Hardy Boyz!! After being hospitalised by Brock Lesnar at the King of the Ring, Matt Hardy comes out armed with a steel chair and hooks straight into the monster himself! His brother Jeff, who got taken out by the nWo at the same event, goes straight for Kurt Angle, also armed with a chair, and forces him to break the hold on Benoit.


With both Hardyz in the ring armed with steel chairs and Benoit back to his feet, Kurt Angle grabs Brock Lesnar and directs him back up the ramp, even though Lesnar obviously still wants to fight!





We go backstage to Vince’s office where he has his son, the owner of WCW, Shane McMahon and he’s discussing with him the benefit that Sherriff Michaels has obviously delivered to WCW with stopping the nWo absolutely ruining everything. Vince asks Shane if he can perhaps procure HBK’s services on WWF in a similar role if it’s at all possible.


Shane looks thoughtful and tells Vince they may be able to come to some kind of deal, and he’ll get back to him with his terms and conditions on Thursday night on Thunder.





Triple H and The Rock vs. Steve Austin and The Big Show


Despite the numbers advantage being stacked firmly against them, the People’s Champion and the Number 1 Contender for the WWF Championship absolutely take it to the Big Show and the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan keep trying to interfere wherever they can, however The Rock and Triple H work seamlessly to keep them back at all times. The match comes to its conclusion when Austin and Big Show try to double-team Triple H, leading to The Rock clotheslining Austin out of the ring and Triple H hitting the Big Show with a Pedigree.


Winner by pinfall: Triple H and The Rock



Once the bell has sounded, Triple H and The Rock are completely swamped by Hogan, Austin, Nash, Hall and the Big Show. JR comments on how X-Pac appears to be missing tonight after his showdown with Chris Benoit, but once again laments how the numbers game of the nWo has made it impossible for anybody to stand up to them. That is, until…






It’s the New Age Outlaws!! Both armed with sledge-hammers of their own, the WWF Tag Team Champions come down to the ring and attack the nWo, scattering them as they hit the ring. This allows The Rock and Triple H enough time to recover, and as we close the show we see Austin, Hogan, Nash, Hall and the Big Show outside the ring, with Triple H, the New Age Outlaws and The Rock on the inside.


We go off the air as Triple H, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn give DX chops to rabid applause from this sell-out WWF audience at the Pepsi Center. The Rock looks across at them all in bemusement, and gives a few “crotch-chops” of his own!!



Final Show Rating: 95

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Just a quick update on this one. Sorry all, I went on a bit of a three-day bender, but I've booked the last Thunder before Bash at the Beach and provided work isn't too crazy I should be getting it written tomorrow and get the Bash Prediction card up too.
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WCW Thunder, Thursday Week 2, July 2001

Colorado Pepsi Center (Mid West)

Attendance: 18,007 (sell-out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes




Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes welcome us all to the sold-out Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado for the last edition of WCW Thunder before Bash at the Beach in three nights’ time…





The camera then cuts to where X and Cage are seated at their own announce desk, although they still have no sound so we have no idea what they are saying, but it’s obviously something very, very funny, as they are laughing a lot and slapping each other on the back…





And without wasting any time, out comes the Sherriff of WCW, Shaun Michaels. He straight-up questions Hulk Hogan and the nWo’s actions last week on Thunder, interfering in the Goldberg/Ric Flair match and ultimately costing Goldberg the match. The way he sees it, he has no alternative but to strip Hogan of his right to face Goldberg at Bash at the Beach for the Number 1 Contender spot for the World Heavyweight Championship…





To these words, a visibly distressed Hulk Hogan (minus anyone else from the nWo for a change) comes out telling Michaels to cool it and rethink his decision, “brother”. He says that he and his “associates” purchased tickets for that match legally, and it’s not his fault that Goldberg chose to leave his match and chase them from the arena!


HBK looks thoughtful, and says he has to agree with Hogan and reinstates his match, though in the process warns him that he’ll be watching the nWo tonight very, very closely…





If Hulk Hogan’s words were enough to placate Shawn Michaels, they didn’t do enough to convince Goldberg!! The animal comes charging down the ramp and heads straight for Hogan, who bails out of the ring just in time…





And then out comes the Giant!! This seven-foot “largest professional athlete in the world today” comes tearing down to ringside and places himself between Hogan and the ring, while the furious Goldberg paces inside and screams at them down below. He looks ready to charge headlong out of the ring when Michaels gets on the microphone and tells everybody to cool it.


HBK then informs everybody that he thinks it’s about time that Hogan “shook off some of his ring rust” before the big match at Bash at the Beach, and sanctions a tag team matchup for tonight with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair going up against Sting and Goldberg!


Goldberg looks thrilled at the prospect of finally getting his hands on Hogan in the ring, however Hulk Hogan looks less than pleased and exits up the ramp in close discussion with the Giant. And the nWo can’t interfere or Hogan loses his match at Bash at the Beach!!





Konnan vs. Chavo Guerrero


As a prequel to our six-man tag match at Bash at the Beach between the Filthy Animals and Chavo and KroniK, we see Konnan go one-on-one with Chavo Guerrero while Rey and Kidman will face KroniK later on tonight. This one’s a relatively short match, with plenty of action, however on the outside Adams and Clark prove to be constant distractions to Konnan, hindering his chances of building any momentum at all.


That is, until…





Adams and Clarks’ opponents for tonight come running out to ringside and start attacking the much larger KroniK!! This, along with a wayward spitball from the direction of X and Cage’s “announce table”, provides enough of a distraction to Chavo for Konnan to lock him in a Ziplock and pick up the victory.


Winner by submission: Konnan





We go backstage to where Goldberg is walking along a corridor when all of a sudden he is confronted by Sting! Sting tells Goldberg he wants to know one thing, and one thing only, can he trust him tonight against Flair and Hogan? Goldberg confirms that they’ll be on the same page "for tonight", but then goes on to tell him it just might be safer for Sting to get out of his way and let him take out both Hogan and Flair!





Rhino comes down to the ring with a strange title belt draped over his shoulder. The cameras zoom in to it, and it proves to be the ECW World Heavyweight title! Rhino says that even though ECW is now defunct, he is still the ECW Champion, and it’s still a recognisable Main Event Championship! He then offers to put it on the line (in an “extreme rules” match of course) against anyone at Bash at the Beach who “is man enough!”





To these words, Kanyon comes out to ringside, and obviously still with a score to settle with Rhino, accepts the matchup for Bash at the Beach. They stand in the ring, toe-to-toe, eye-to-eye, as we go to another commercial…





We come back from the break to find Hulk Hogan and the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin backstage, heads together, obviously plotting something.





Along comes the Sherriff, Shawn Michaels. HBK taunts Austin about what he’s even doing here on WCW, seeing as he should be focussing all his energy on Triple H, who is “odds on favourite to take that belt right there on your shoulder” at the next WWF pay-per-view. He then laughs, before reminding Austin that neither he nor any of his buddies better interfere in Hogan’s match tonight, or Hogan will lose his opportunity at Bash at the Beach.


Michaels continues on his way leaving Hogan and Austin visibly furious in his wake.





Filthy Animals vs. KroniK


Not only are the odds back in the Filthy Animals favour for this match, they actually outnumber their opponents at ringside four to three due to the presence of Eddie Guerrero! Eddie spends the majority of this match content in taunting his nephew Chavo, which prevents him from interfering in the matchup. The match itself is a reasonable one, as the power of KroniK goes up against the quickness of Mysterio and Kidman. In the end, KroniK picks up the victory when Brian Adams is able to hit Billy Kidman with a Choke Slam after he is hit in the face by a rubber band flicked from a ruler by Cage at ringside.


Winner by pinfall: KroniK



After the bell goes, absolute pandemonium reigns in the ring as the Filthy Animals, KroniK, Eddie and Chavo brawl all over the place! You’d think the numbers advantage would work in the favour of Eddie and the Animals; however Brian Adams is able to deal with Konnan and Kidman one on two quite effectively.


In the end, referees and road agents flood the ringside area and break up the brawl, but there’s plenty of heat in this one for Sunday night’s six-man match!!






The nWo are relaxing in the backstage area when Ric Flair walks in and goes straight up to Hulk Hogan. He tells him he wants to be clear that Hogan is good to wrestle and that the nWo will have their back tonight. At this question, Syxx, who is reading a magazine with his feet up in the corner, smirks and says the nWo aren’t allowed to interfere in the match tonight, so Flair and Hogan are on their own.


“What, you are!!” he responds when Hogan glares at him angrily…





We then cut to a different area backstage when Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson are standing by with Booker T. They ask him about the tag matchup tonight between Hogan, Flair, Goldberg and Sting, as well as his thoughts going into the World Heavyweight Championship match at Bash at the Beach against Flair and Sting. Booker T says he’s confident that Goldberg and Sting will “get it done” against “those old dinosaurs” Hogan and Flair tonight, particularly with the nWo not allowed to get involved, while at Bash at the Beach he will emerge from possibly the biggest challenge of his career still the World Heavyweight Champion.


Now can they dig that, the pair of suckas??





A sight we’re very used to seeing these days, a very bored Team 3D come out to the ring, say they’ve beaten the best in the business today for the WCW Tag Team titles and throw out as open invitation to any team with a WCW contract that want to bring it.


They get more than they bargained for, however when…





The Radicalz and Steiner Brothers come marching down the ramp, which prompts X and Cage to slide into the ring as well! It looks like Team 3D have bitten off more than they can chew, and we’re going to have a four-way team tag match!!





The Suicide Blondes vs. The Radicalz vs. The Steiner Brothers vs. Team 3D

WCW Tag Team Championship




This match is a very good contest between four of the best teams in the world today, if not in the history of sports entertainment. With four competitors in the ring at all times, there’s always plenty of action in this one, and they all get a chance to show off their wares with equal offence by all eight superstars. This matchup doesn’t just pique the interest of the four tag teams involved, however…





It’s Kevin Nash and Scott Hall! The two nWo members saunter down to ringside and stand at the bottom of the ramp with their arms crossed, intently watching the action. When referee Charles Robinson comes over to the ropes to ask them what they are doing at ringside, they both put their hands up in the air innocently and begin to back up the ramp. At this point in time, Team 3D are able to hit Dean Malenko with a 3D, and with all the other competitors involved with each other both inside and outside the ring, Brother Devon is able to make the pinfall for the victory.


Winner by pinfall: Team 3D. Team 3D make defence number 7 of their WCW Tag Team titles.





We go backstage to Shane’s office to see him standing with his father Vince McMahon and Sherriff Michaels. Vince is reiterating from Monday night how impressed he is with the job that HBK is doing keeping the nWo from interfering in everything on WCW and again asks if they could possibly “co-lease” him. Shane says he’d be happy to allow Vince to utilise HBK’s services, however he will need a favour be cashed in in the upcoming weeks. Vince reluctantly agrees to this, and then asks HBK his thoughts. Michaels says he’d be keen to do it, provided Vince lets him be the special guest referee for the Austin/Triple H WWF Championship match at the next pay-per-view. Vince looks thoughtful for a second, and then responds with “Well, why the hell not?? Favours for Shane and refereeing for Shawn!! It’s a small price to pay to get the nWo out of my damned company!”


We have a deal!!


HBK shakes Vince’s hand and leaves the office, as Vince then starts to question why Shane’s sister Stephanie now owns 45% of WCW. Shane shrugs and says he needed an investor, but with himself owning 55% she can’t make any major decisions without his backing. He sees no harm in the deal, and it just seems that Vince is still annoyed that they made the purchase from under his nose.





We go back out to ringside where Jeff Jarrett calls out Diamond Dallas Page. DDP comes down to the ring and Jarrett says after DDP’s cowardly “chicken-like behaviour” leading to his attack on Jarrett last week, he says he’s willing to give him one more shot at the United States title at Bash at the Beach. Under one condition… it’s a title versus career match! If DDP loses the match then he has to retire from WCW!


DDP thinks about it for a second, and then accepts. We now have a US title vs career matchup for Bash at the Beach between Jeff Jarrett and Diamond Dallas Page!





After we come back from out final commercial break, Booker T comes out and joins the announce team for tonight’s Main Event. He says that he wants to scout his opposition for Sunday’s World Heavyweight Championship match, as well as observe the two possible next contenders for his title that are also in action tonight.





Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair vs. Sting and Goldberg


Despite being warned not to interfere in this matchup, Hulk Hogan comes to the ring flanked by all of the nWo members with the exception of Syxx, who is nowhere to be seen. The announcers excitedly put this one over as Hogan’s in-ring return since the infamous Vince Russo incident last year at Bash at the Beach. The long-awaited return to the ring ends up being a massive anti-climax though, as Hogan takes absolutely no part in the matchup, always distracted by tying up his boots or talking to another nWo member outside the ring whenever Flair tries to make a tag. With it effectively being a two-on-one matchup, it’s only a matter of time before Goldberg hits Ric Flair with a Spear and picks up the victory.


Winner by pinfall: Sting and Goldberg



The very second the bell rings, the nWo floods the ring and starts to assault Goldberg and Sting. This leads to Booker T sliding into the ring with a steel chair and laying out both Nash and Hall before the Giant manages to grab him in his gigantic paw and deliver a thunderous Chokeslam!


Hulk Hogan then grabs the World Heavyweight Championship belt and the show goes off the air with Hogan and Austin standing tall in the centre of the ring with the two major titles in sports entertainment held aloft.


Mike Tenay finishes off the show by mentioning that it all looks rosy for Austin and Hogan right now, however there’ll be no one to save Hogan’s hide when he meets Goldberg in a steel cell in three nights’ time, and Austin now has Sheriff Michaels refereeing his next championship match against Triple H!!



Final Show Rating: 94

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Sunday, Week 2, July 2001


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge?


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals


In the result of a tie then a countback will occur preferentially favouring the results at the top of the prediction sheet. In a further result of a tie the person who submitted their post first will get the final result. The winner of this prediction contest will get creative input into one of the major storylines happening in WCW throughout July/August.


Good luck everybody!

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

Suicide Blondes vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge?

Suicide Blondes


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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Sunday, Week 2, July 2001


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge? The Blondes


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge? The Outsiders


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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Sunday, Week 2, July 2001


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge? NWO


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge? Blondes


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge?


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge? X and Cage


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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Sunday, Week 2, July 2001


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge? The Outsiders


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan

Hogan is the big deal right now, so him against Booker will either be a big match for him to take the belt or a match to put Booker over huge.


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©

Unless Page is retiring, he should win this.


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©

Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge? The Outsiders


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn

Eddie is probably the best bet here, but I in a submission match I can't go against "The Man of 1,000 Holds"!


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

Could go either way, but Rey being put over more is always a good idea.

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge?

The Outsiders


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Sting vs Ric Flair vs. Booker T ©


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan


Career vs United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett ©


WCW Tag Team Championship Open Invitation

??? vs Team 3D ©


Bonus question: Who will accept Team 3D’s open challenge? The Outsiders


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kanyon vs Rhino ©


Unadvertised Submission Match

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko vs Perry Saturn


Six-Man Tag

KroniK and Chavo vs. Filthy Animals

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WCW Bash at the Beach, Sunday Week 2, July 2001

Georgia Dome, Atlanta (South East)

Attendance: 64,497

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes




Bash at the Beach starts off with original three members of the nWo; Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall coming out to ringside to cockily announce that a new era in WCW begins tonight when Hogan defeats Goldberg in the Steel Cell to become the Number 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship…





But before they can get too far with their boasting out comes the Sherriff of WCW, Shawn Michaels!! He interrupts them to say that after Goldberg rips Hogan apart inside the Steel Cell tonight the only new era that will be beginning will be the post-nWo era of WCW!!






We then cut to the announce desk where Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes are discussing tonight’s card, including the triple threat Main Event for the World Heavyweight Championship between Sting, Ric Flair and Booker T, where the winner of that match will go on to face the winner of the Steel Cell match between Goldberg and Hulk Hogan. Also tonight Diamond Dallas Page will put his career up against Jeff Jarrett’s United States Championship, we will see the debut of the ECW Championship in WCW, and KroniK and Chavo go up against the Filthy Animals, which is right now!





KroniK and Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. the Filthy Animals


Our first match of the evening gets underway in this rather fast-paced six man tag match with Chavo and his “hired goons” KroniK up against the Filthy Animals. The majority of the match saw Kidman, Rey and Konnan trying to match their quickness up against the power of Adams and Clark, while Chavo seemed more than happy just directing traffic from the apron.


About halfway through the match there was an interruption to the flow, when…





X and Cage come proudly strutting down the ramp, waving to the crowd as if they’re royalty. They once again wander down to where their own “announce desk” is set up, sit down and start talking into non-connected headsets. This causes enough of a distraction for Chavo to tag himself in, and run at Rey Mysterio, who still has his back turned…


But Mysterio sees him coming and at the last second steps aside, take him down onto the ropes, dials up the 619 and hit the West Coast Pop for the pin!! Both Adams and Clark storm the ring, but Konnan and Kidman are waiting for them and run the interference, allowing referee Charles Robinson to count the 1-2-3. What a great match to start the night off!


Winner by pinfall: The Filthy Animals





We go now to Shane McMahon’s office, where the Radicalz are questioning why none of them have a match booked for their first PPV since becoming official WCW competitors. Shane agrees that this has been a bit of an oversight on both his and Shawn Michaels’ behalf, but says he’ll rectify this by booking them in a three-way submission match for later on tonight. The winner of this matchup will be the next Number 1 Contender for the United States Championship!


“Give you boys a chance to finally show off some of that technical prowess you’re always bragging about.”





In a hallway in another part of the arena, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are hanging out by a water cooler. At that moment, Goldberg comes storming into the shot and grabs a cup of water from the cooler. He glares at both Nash and Hall, before asking them “what are you looking at??”


Both of the nWo members hold their arms out to profess their innocence, and Nash wishes him luck in his match against Hulk Hogan tonight. “I’m not going to need luck!” growls Goldberg back at them, as he skulls his water and storms away.


Nash and Hall give each other a grin, high-five and then wander off themselves. What was all that about??





Kanyon vs. Rhino

ECW Championship




For the first time ever, the ECW Championship is defended on WCW. The whole purpose of this match is to show that there’s a new championship in town, and show that these competitors did, putting on a very brutal display here under “extreme rules”. The match itself had plenty of weapons, plenty of blood, and was also often marred by interfering paper planes and spitballs from X and Cage on the sideline. In the end, and to the surprise of the announce team, Kanyon is able to pick up the victory over Rhino after he hits him with a Kanyon Cutter onto a trash can and takes his lights out.


Winner by pinfall and new ECW Champion: Kanyon





We go backstage to Hogan’s locker room where he is in the process of giving Syxx a dressing down about the seemingly lack of interest he’s been displaying towards nWo affairs the last few weeks. Syxx calmly responds by saying that Sherriff Michaels has decreed that the nWo aren’t allowed to interfere in any matches, so he’s been following the rules. He reminds Hogan that he didn’t want to cost him his opportunity to face Goldberg tonight in the Steel Cell, words which seem to impress Hogan even less…





At that point in time, Sherriff Michaels and his old running mate Triple H walk in!! When Triple H sees Syxx he says “Hey kid, enjoying that title I gave you??” before Hogan interrupts him and asks HBK what Triple H is doing on WCW, considering Steve Austin has been banned from the building tonight.


Triple H then tells Hogan to relax, he’s just here to see Michaels about some personal business, and he was only stopping by to wish Hogan luck is the Steel Cell matchup with Goldberg. He seems less than sincere, really emphasises the words “Steel Cell” and finishes by giving Syxx a wink before he and Michaels saunter back out of the room.


Hogan is visibly annoyed.





It’s a McMahon family reunion in Shane McMahon’s office, as his father Vince and sister Stephanie have joined him. Once again they grill her about turning her back on her husband Triple H, and her possible involvement with the nWo. Steph denies any involvement with the nWo and calmly reiterates that her and her husband are fine, she just had to teach him a lesson. Vince then questions her about possible conflicts of interest considering she holds a 20% share in the WWF and a 45% stake in WCW. She says there’s nothing anybody needs to worry about, she doesn’t have a majority in either company and all she does is handle a bit of contractual stuff with both organisations and she’s professional enough to not do anything “unethical”.


With that, she walks out of the office, leaving Shane and Vince to exchange unsure looks.





Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko vs. Perry Saturn

United States Championship Number 1 Contender Submission Match


Shane McMahon challenged these three superstars to show off their technical prowess tonight, and that’s exactly what they did. With a shot at the United States Championship on the line, these three superb technicians put it all out there, although due to their obvious respect for each other, none of them bend the rules or cheat to pick up the advantage. The finish comes when Perry Saturn is hit by a crumpled up piece of paper from the direction of X and Cage’s announce desk and leaves the ring to question them. This allows enough of a distraction for Eddie to lock Malenko in a Cloverleaf and pick up the win.


Winner by submission: Eddie Guerrero. Eddie is the new United States Championship Number 1 Contender



After the bell sounds, Perry Saturn slides back into the ring as Eddie is helping Malenko back to his feet. The three superstars face off for a second, before they hug and Malenko and Saturn raise Eddie’s arms in victory. The Radicalz are as solid as ever!





We cut backstage to where Booker T is standing by with Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. He tells them that tonight will be a massive challenge facing both the legend that is Sting and the crafty and wily Ric Flair at the same time for his World Heavyweight Championship, but he promises he will walk out tonight still the champ. He then goes on to say that nobody should write off Hulk Hogan, even though he’ll locked in the Steel Cell against Goldberg, however whoever wins that match tonight he’ll be ready for them.





Once again Team 3D come out to the ring, once again Team 3D complain about the lack of genuine tag team competition in WCW, and once again Team 3D throw out an open invitation to any tag team out the back with a WCW contract who want to step up to the plate. But the response they get is totally unexpected…





It’s Kevin Nash and Scott Hall!! They come down to the ring, both clutching a piece of paper in their respective hands, which they hand to referee Billy Silverman. Silverman checks the two pieces of paper, nods his head, and rings the bell. We have a match!!





Scott Hall & Kevin Nash vs. Team 3D

WCW Tag Team Championship




To say that Team 3D was put off by the appearance of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall would be a complete understatement. Nash and Hall take full advantage of the confusion this causes and really take it to the tag team champions, tagging each other in and out seamlessly and keeping complete control in the early stages of the match. Finally though, Brother Devon and Brother Ray start to click into gear, and when they get their stuff together in tag team action, there’s not a team in the world who can match it with them.


That is, until…





It’s the Steiner brothers!! Just as Devon was about to set up Scott Hall for the 3D, the Steiners (who aren’t even on the card tonight) come charging down the ramp, causing both members of Team 3D to come over to the ropes to question what they’re doing. This is enough of a distraction for Nash to enter the ring and clothesline Brother Ray over the top ropes, as Hall hits Devon with the Outsider’s Edge to pick up the pinfall. We have new WCW Tag Champions!!


Winner by pinfall and new WCW Tag Team Champions: Scott Hall & Kevin Nash



Kevin Nash then picks up Devon and throws him to the outside of the ring where the Steiner brothers are already handing a beatdown to Brother Ray. Referee Billy Silverman hands Nash and Hall the tag team title belts, and they celebrate in the ring becoming WCW Tag Team Champions for the fifth time, while the announce team questions how on earth any of this is even possible.





Ric Flair is walking backstage when all of a sudden he comes face to face with Sting. Sting just glares at him, and they look ready to come to blows when lower midcarders, security guards and road agents manage to separate the pair. It’s going to be a volatile Main Event tonight!!





Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jeff Jarrett

Career vs United States Championship




Diamond Dallas Page looks extremely focussed going into this one as he understands it’s all on the line tonight. This is not only his last chance to try and regain the United States Championship from Jeff Jarrett, but his very career is on the line! Every time these two superstars have squared off recently it has been a great match, and this one proves to be no different. In the end, DDP appears to have the victory, but as he lifts Jarrett onto his shoulders for the Diamond Cutter, he all of a sudden collapses to the floor!! DDP appears to be out cold, Jeff Jarrett makes the pin, and this one is just as quickly over!!


Winner by pinfall: Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett makes defence number 1 of his WCW United States title.



As Jeff Jarrett celebrates with the United States Championship, the camera zooms in on his fist and he has some kind of large signet ring on his right hand. As Jarrett exits the arena, we see a replay of the final minutes of the match, and when DDP lifts Jarrett onto his shoulder, Jarrett connects with his massive ring right into the right temple of Page, knocking him out cold! It appears Jarrett has stolen another one.


As the referee checks on Diamond Dallas Page and he slowly comes around, it dawns on him that his career in WCW is over. DDP gets up and leaves the ring dejectedly, slowly walking up the ramp as the fans give him a standing ovation.





We come back from commercial to find Stacy and Torrie standing by with the Steiner Brothers. Scott says that the reason for their actions earlier tonight against Team 3D is simply because they were pissed off about not being on the card and somebody had to pay.


So who better than the tag team champions??





Hulk Hogan vs. Goldberg

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender Steel Cell Match


Hulk Hogan comes out to the ring first, in full ring attire and waits. And waits. And waits. Just when it appears that Goldberg isn’t coming and Hogan is gesturing to referee Charles Robinson to ring the bell and declare this one a forfeit, out comes the Animal himself! But there’s something wrong with him!! He’s staggering from left to right down the ramp, can hardly walk, and it looks like he’s clearly been drugged. He climbs into the ring with an obviously worried Charles Robinson and a seemingly delighted Hogan, while Hogan orders the referee to drop the cell. Robinson doesn’t seem keen at all, however Goldberg also appears to be gesturing to the referee to lower the cell, so it appears we still have a match!


Once the cell has been lowered into place, the referee gets this one underway, but with Goldberg in the condition he is, it’s fairly one-sided. Hogan spends most of his time toying with Goldberg, slapping him around the face and dancing out of his way, while Goldberg just lumbers around the ring, occasionally swinging punches at nothing.


It only seems like a matter of time before Hogan will put him away, when absolutely out of nowhere, Goldberg manages to hit Hogan with a Spear!! Hogan is out cold, but Goldberg is still stumbling around the ring, and doesn’t quite have the wits about him to make the pin!!


That’s when a hand rips out of the canvas and grabs Goldberg on the shin…





It’s the Giant!! Obviously not happy enough with one backup plan, Hogan has installed his own personal monster under the ring! The Giant rips his way through the canvas, grabs the groggy Goldberg and delivers him a thunderous Chokeslam to the canvas!! And in a Steel Cell match it’s all perfectly legal. The Giant then picks up Hogan, drapes him over Goldberg, and orders Charles Robinson to count the 1-2-3.


Winner by pinfall: Hulk Hogan. Hogan is the new World Heavyweight Championship Number 1 Contender



As the cell rises back up into the roof, the Giant picks up Hogan and helps him from ringside. The announcers discuss the obvious travesty we’ve seen here tonight as the EMTs come down to the ring to check on Goldberg, who is in a pretty bad state of affairs. Dusty Rhodes postulates that the “chance meeting” between Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Goldberg by the water cooler was perhaps not so chance at all…





Speaking of which, we see Nash and Hall backstage, WCW Tag Team title belts draped over their shoulders, watching what has just transpired in the ring on a monitor. They are delighted by Hogan’s win, and high five each other again, but then….





Sheriff Michaels and Shane McMahon come along and Shane demands they return the WCW Tag Team titles to Team 3D, as they do NOT have official WCW contracts. At this, both Nash and Hall pull the same pieces of paper from their pockets and hand them to Shane and HBK. “Read it and weep, gentleman” says Nash as they saunter away off-screen.


“Well, they’re official WCW contracts alright,” states Shawn Michaels, “and look who’s signed them. None other… than Stephanie McMahon.”





Sting vs. Ric Flair vs. Booker T

WCW World Heavyweight Championship




So we finally arrive to our Main Event of the evening, as our World Heavyweight Champion Booker T goes up against Sting and Ric Flair in an epic contest. The in-ring action itself is excellent and you’ll go a long way to see the quality of a match that these three tremendous superstars can produce. This match has it all, as the three competitors all get a fair chance to showcase their offence against both opponents at once, as well as one-on-one with each other.


It’s a bizarre finish though, as Sting and Booker T are facing off in the ring with Flair on the outside. Flair slides a steel chair into the ring just as Booker T whips Sting into the corner. As Flair enters the ring, he walks flush into a Bookend from the champion, but Booker T turns around straight into a Scorpion Death Drop from Sting!! But somehow in the process of hitting Booker with the Scorpion Death Drop, Sting knocks himself out on the steel chair laying in the middle of the ring.


With all three of the competitors knocked out, referee Nick Patrick begins the slow ten-count, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…”


As he gets to the 8-count, Booker T grabs the ropes and slowly levers himself to his feet, although groggily. The referee finishes the 10-count, and Booker T retains his title, albeit in the most bizarre of fashions!!


Winner by double knockout: Booker T. Booker T makes defence number 4 of his WCW World Heavyweight title.



As Booker T celebrates with his title in the ring, both Ric Flair and Sting come around. Their reactions are polar opposites, as Flair exits the arena carrying on like a spoilt child, while Sting just shakes his head in disbelief and offers his hand to Booker. Booker shakes it, and they both celebrate, before Sting also departs ringside.



Booker T climbs up onto the turnbuckle to show off his World Heavyweight title, when the nWo music hits…





Flanked by the new WCW Tag Team Champions with their belts draped proudly over their shoulders, Hulk Hogan comes strutting out to ringside like only Hulk Hogan can. They go to enter the ring, but Hogan gestures for his boys to stay back and climbs into the ring on his own. He then stands facing Booker T in the centre of the ring, mouthing obscenities, and we go off the air with that parting shot… Hogan and Booker T standing eye-to-eye, Hogan mouthing off, with Booker T holding the World Heavyweight Championship belt aloft.


Their upcoming World Heavyweight Championship match should be one for the ages!!



Final Show Rating: 91

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