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WWE 2015: The Road Through WrestleMania And Beyond

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Hideo Itami vs. Xavier Woods

Comments: Itami is on a way bigger roll than Xavier Creed is.


The Celtic Demons vs. Los Matadores

Comments: I laugh at thee.


The Beautiful Women (Ashley Lane and Talia Madison) vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: Beautiful Women... I see what you did there :p


Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger

Comments: Seth needs to get SOME traction back under him.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dean Ambrose defends vs. The Miz

Comments: Not quite awesome enough TO BEAT A LUNATIC


WWE United States Title Match

Open Challenge

John Cena defends vs. ???

Comments: Cena won't be losing one of these anytime soon.


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan defends vs. Randy Orton

Comments: NO! NO! NO!


Fun Fan Signs:

Hideo Empire!


Comments On Last Show: Rusev vs. Goldberg is really heating up, that one is a dream feud come true, no doubt!

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Hideo Itami vs. Xavier Woods



The Celtic Demons vs. Los Matadores



The Beautiful Women (Ashley Lane and Talia Madison) vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dean Ambrose defends vs. The Miz



WWE United States Title Match

Open Challenge

John Cena defends vs. ???



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan defends vs. Randy Orton

Comments: double dq due to interference



Fun Fan Signs: This is Orton Country!

We hate Cena in St. Louis!

Dean Ambrose=next Mick Foley



Comments On Last Show: Great show dude!

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Just a note to say that my next show will be posted tomorrow. This is a big Monday Night Raw as Randy Orton secures a WWE World title shot against Daniel Bryan in his hometown. Plus the John Cena U.S. Open Challenge, the WWE Intercontinental title is defended and more. Make sure you tune in and get those predictions in! Speaking of predictions, a few comments...


The Beautiful Women (Ashley Lane and Talia Madison) vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: Altering the world.... one unattractive person at a time


The Beautiful Women (Ashley Lane and Talia Madison) vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: Good to see someone TNA knockouts in WWE at least in a dynasty, don't understand why they never brought Lane in, oh well.


Ashley and Talia are two pretty good female wrestlers who I was glad to find and bring in to the company. And, yeah, I am kind of ripping off their TNA gimmicks but I hope that doesn't turn anyone off too much.


Comments On Last Show: Rusev vs. Goldberg is really heating up, that one is a dream feud come true, no doubt!


Glad to see that another of my feuds is really catching on. It is definitely a dream feud as both men had unbeaten streaks(Rusev still has it in my diary. He has never been pinned or forced to submit). The question is what will happen between these two at Extreme Rules?


Comments On Last Show: Great show dude!


Glad that you enjoyed the last show. I hope this next show is just as good. I am really enjoying my take on the WWE. I am glad that other people are as well.

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Prediction Listing


Hideo Itami vs. Xavier Woods



The Celtic Demons vs. Los Matadores



The Beautiful Women (Ashley Lane and Talia Madison) vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dean Ambrose defends vs. The Miz



WWE United States Title Match

Open Challenge

John Cena defends vs. ???



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan defends vs. Randy Orton


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Hideo Itami vs. Xavier Woods



The Celtic Demons vs. Los Matadores



The Beautiful Women (Ashley Lane and Talia Madison) vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger



WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dean Ambrose defends vs. The Miz



WWE United States Title Match

Open Challenge

John Cena defends vs. ???



WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan defends vs. Randy Orton


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Monday Week 2 April 2015

Location: MO Chaifetz Arena (Mid West)

Attendance: 10,600

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 5.65




[WWE Monday Night Raw is coming to you live from Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis Missouri! Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone and we kick things off with 'Voices' playing in the background. The arrival of Randy Orton has the fans on their feet with cheers. The fans are going crazy for their hometown boy, The Apex Predator. Orton high fives the fans down to the ring and he steps inside with a microphone in hand. A split-screen shows Smackdown from this past Thursday where Orton teamed with Daniel Bryan to defeat Seth Rollins and Chris Jericho. But, after the match, Orton drops Bryan with a RKO. Back in the ring, Orton paces around for a moment and then he says that it feels great to be back home in St. Louis. He says that tonight is the night that he reclaims the gold and becomes a 13 time WWE World Heavyweight champion! Orton says that he has defeated some of the greatest in the WWE Universe, including Triple H, John Cena, Sheamus and, yes, even Daniel Bryan. He says that at SummerSlam 2013, he pinned Daniel Bryan cashing in Money In The Bank. Tonight is not exactly the same as what happened then but the outcome is going to be the same. He says that he is going to walk out of WWE Monday Night Raw tonight as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, securing his place as the Apex Predator of the WWE. He says that Daniel Bryan felt what he can do last week on Smackdown. He is going to get more of the same later on tonight. Tonight, Daniel Bryan is not going to need to know about a lot. All he needs to know is three simple letters. Those letters are R K O. Orton paces again before he gets interrupted in the ring.]




[This interruption comes in the form of 'King Of Kings' beginning to play and out come four members of The Authority. Those members are WWE COO Triple H, Chris Jericho, Seth Rollins and the Director Of Operations Big Show. Triple H says that he remembers that SummerSlam. He says that he is the one that gave the WWE World title to Randy Orton on that night. If not for him, then he would not have beaten Daniel Bryan. But the two of them do have something in common. Neither of them have lived up to their potential. Neither of them are worthy of being members of The Authority like Seth Rollins or Chris Jericho or, of course, The Director Of Operations Big Show. Triple H says that he is going to give Randy Orton about three seconds to get out of his ring and leave without being left on a stretcher. Orton looks toward the four men and stands his ground, telling them to come right in the ring and get them some. Triple H leads The Authority down to the ring, surrounding the ring with each member on a side. They climb up on the apron together and Orton goes right after Chris Jericho first, knocking him off the apron with a punch! He delivers punches to all four men, trying his best to fight them off but there is a numbers game here and the four men manage to knock Orton back into a corner. Big Show prepares to use the Knockout Punch but more music plays!]




['Flight Of The Valkyries' brings Sting and Daniel Bryan out to the ring! They slide in and go after The Authority! A huge brawl breaks out between these seven wrestlers. Sting has a bit of an equalizer with his baseball bat. He strikes Big Show in the knees and then Triple H ducks out of the ring before Sting can hit him with the bat. Sting swings the bat for Seth Rollins but Rollins ducks and turns -- RKO from Randy Orton! The RKO sends Rollins rolling out of the ring. Chris Jericho gets caught with a running single leg high knee by Daniel Bryan! Jericho quickly rolls out of the ring, leaving Randy Orton, Sting and Daniel Bryan in the ring together. They go back to back to back. Then Orton and Bryan spin around and face each other. Sting stands in the middle, trying to keep them from beating on each other. Orton makes a 'belt' motion at his waist toward Daniel Bryan. Bryan just offers a smile. All three men take steps backward and climb up on separate turnbuckles. Orton and Sting pose, while Daniel Bryan starts the 'YES' chant. Orton drops down first and walks over to Sting. He yanks Sting off the turnbuckles -- RKO to Sting! Orton drops The Vigilante! Bryan is still leading the YES chants, oblivious to what has happened in the ring. Orton drops to his stomach, pounding the mat with his fists as he stares upward toward Daniel Bryan. Bryan drops down and turns -- RKO to Daniel Bryan! 'Voices' begins to play as Randy Orton stands tall in the ring. Will he do so later on tonight? If he does, he will become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion!]





Match #1


Hideo Itami vs. Xavier Woods


[Our opening match this evening features one of the members of The Empire taking on one of the members of The New Day. Paul Heyman stands at ringside, giving last minute instructions to Itami before the match starts. The match definitely has some solid in-ring action, leaning more heavily in the favor of Itami. Itami shows his skills in the ring when he brings Woods down with a Tornado DDT onto the ring ropes! A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'Hideo Empire!' Itami catches Woods with a succession of kicks and then a bridging Tiger suplex turns into a two count. Woods has a few brief flashes of momentum throughout the contest, including hitting Itami with a headscissors takedown. But Itami quickly turns things around and listens to the advice of Paul Heyman to finish things. He lifts Woods on his shoulders -- Go 2 Sleep! Itami makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Hideo Itami (Via Pinfall @ 5:33)

Match Rating: D+





[With Hideo Itami picking up the victory over Xavier Woods, members of both The Empire and The New Day run to the ring and climb inside. A brawl begins between two of the factions here in the WWE. A lot of punches and kicks are thrown in the ring. Itami sends some green mist into the eyes of Big E and then knocks him down with a roundhouse kick. Roman Reigns takes out Kofi Kingston with a Spear! Kevin Owens sends Xavier Woods to the ropes -- Pop-Up Power Bomb! Paul Heyman directs Owens and Itami outside the ring. They reach beneath the ring and pull out a table, sliding it inside the ring. We've seen this happen before. The table is set up and Heyman directs them to lift up Big E. Itami and Owens show some strength by lifting Big E up on their shoulders. They place him on the shoulders of Roman Reigns -- Triple Power Bomb sending Big E through the table! Big E lands hard on the mat, crashing through that table. The Empire stands strong on this evening. The three men joining fists in the center of the ring with Paul Heyman smiling and watching from the side. The Empire has shown that they are a dominant force here in the WWE. Can anyone stop them?]




[We are taken to the backstage area where we find Sheamus and Finn Balor in an argument. Sheamus is telling Balor that he needs to focus on their tag team, not singles matches. Balor says that he had a shot at the United States title and he was going to take it, even though he lost. Sheamus says that they have a tag team match tonight so they need to bring out the demon in him. He begins slapping Balor in the face again and again. The Celtic Warrior yells for the demon but Balor is trying to fight it. He shakes his head before Sheamus grabs him by the throat and shoves him up against a wall. Balor seems to still be refusing to bring out the beast but he is getting choked out by Sheamus. Finally, when it seems like Balor might be losing consciousness, there comes a look in his eyes. He grabs the wrist of Sheamus, shoving Sheamus backward. The Celtic Warrior smiles and says that's better. Balor just releases a dark laughter as the two men walk along the hallway toward the ring. Their match is next.]


Match #2


The Celtic Demons vs. Los Matadores


[Our next contest in the ring is tag team action as The Celtic Demons take on Los Matadores. The speed of Los Matadores is evident in the early going, keeping Sheamus and Finn Balor off-balance. Los Matadores score a near fall on Balor in the early going following the Corrida, which is a catapult into a forearm smash followed by a slingshot splash. Balor manages to tag in Sheamus and the big brawler takes control over both members of Los Matadores. He tosses Diego out of the ring and onto the apron. Sheamus gives Diego the Beats of the Bodhrán. Sheamus points to a sign, reading: 'The Matadores will be Killed!' Then he drags Diego back in the ring and shoves him into the corner, letting him tag in Fernando. Fernando comes in and is taken down with a clothesline by Sheamus. Sheamus yanks up Fernando -- White Noise! He backs up into his corner and Balor tags himself in, heading to the top turnbuckle -- Brogue Kick from Sheamus to Fernando! Balor leaps off the top turnbuckle -- Coup de Grâce! Balor makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Celtic Demons (Via Pinfall @ 6:12)

Match Rating: C+




[From the ring, we move to the office of The Authority. Triple H is standing there, greeting someone off-camera. The camera draws back to show that this person is none other than Sting! Sting has the baseball bat in his right hand and almost seems to be looking through Triple H. Hunter says that he's going to get right to business. He says that he didn't bring Sting to his office for a sneak attack. In fact, it's the contrary. He says that since Sting doesn't have a match tonight, he doesn't have any specific reason to be in the building, right? Triple H smiles and makes a motion. Security enters the office and Triple H tells Sting that he can have the night off tonight. As a matter of fact, he insists. Security grabs Sting by both sides and Sting just shakes his head before he is escorted out of the office by the security members. Triple H makes a phone call, saying that Sting is done for tonight. As Hunter is talking, we move back to the ring.]


Match #3


The Beautiful Women (Ashley Lane and Talia Madison) vs. Paige and AJ Lee


[Our Divas contest tonight begins with tag team action as the newly christened The Beautiful Women take on Paige and AJ Lee. The match is better than some of the men's matches as it goes back and forth both in the ring and outside the ring. Lane scores a near fall when she catches AJ Lee with the running big boot. But somehow Lee kicks out of the pinfall attempt. Lane heads to the top turnbuckle and then leaps with a flying cross body but Lee drops down, avoiding the cross body. She crawls over to her corner and tags in Paige as Lane tags in Madison. Paige and Madison exchange punches and chops in the middle of the ring. The Diva's champion catches Madison with a fisherwoman's suplex for a two count. Lane comes in the ring, breaking up the pinfall. Paige catches her with a forearm shot and in comes AJ Lee. All four women battle back and forth in the ring until Paige catches Madison with the Paige Turner! Paige makes the cover: One, Two, Three! A big win for the Diva's champion!]


Winners: Paige and AJ Lee (Via Pinfall @ 10:19)

Match Rating: C-





[We are taken to a moment from earlier tonight. We know that by the words on the graphic saying earlier tonight. Bad News Barrett is shown arriving at the arena in a black truck. He steps out of the truck and begins walking toward the building when he gets attacked from a blind side by the WWE Intercontinental champion Dean Ambrose! The Lunatic Fringe throws some punches and then grabs Barrett, tossing him on the hood of his truck! Ambrose climbs up on the hood and hooks Barrett for Dirty Deeds but Barrett blocks the move. Barrett frees himself and catches Ambrose with a headbutt and then shoves Ambrose off his truck. Barrett looks at Ambrose and then leaps with a cross body, taking Ambrose down on the hard pavement! Barrett looks down at the IC champion for a moment and then begins staggering toward the building. Ambrose had warned Barrett but it looks like Barrett is the one surviving this encounter.]




[back inside the arena, we are treated to the WWE World Tag Team champions The Brass Ring Club along with their manager Natalya. They walk down to the ring and step inside. Cesaro has a microphone and says that they have proven time and time again that they are the best tag team ever in the WWE. They beat three other teams at WrestleMania to keep the belts. Cesaro says that there are no other tag teams for them to beat. Cesaro says that they have worked hard as a tag team and now they have reached out and grabbed the brass ring. They are the only worthy team in the WWE to have ever grabbed the true brass ring. He says that they are better than Demolition, better than the Road Warriors, better than the Steiner Brothers, better than The Filthy Animals. Tyson Kidd is given the microphone and he says that he agrees with what Cesaro said. He might have continued but they get interrupted.]




[The interruption comes in the form of Sin Cara and Kalisto, The Lucha Dragons! The Lucha Dragons did defeat The Brass Ring Club in non title tag team action before WrestleMania. They begin the lucha chants before running toward the ring and sliding inside. A fight begins between the two teams but the speed of The Lucha Dragons gives them some control. Tyson Kidd is taken down with a missile dropkick by Sin Cara. Kalisto drives kicks to the ribs of Cesaro. Then he catches Cesaro with the Salida del Sol and The Brass Ring Club quickly exit the ring. Could this be your World Tag Team titles match at Extreme Rules? It definitely could be! The Lucha Dragons get the lucha chant going with the crowd here in St. Louis! A staredown between the two teams ends the segment as we move to the backstage area.]




[From the ring, we move backstage where we follow over the shoulder of Goldberg. He is moving down a hallway and he turns, entering a locker room and coming face-to-face with Ryback. The two men stare each other down before Ryback cracks a smile. The Big Guy says that he is glad that Goldberg is here in the WWE so that he can put an end to the Goldberg chants that got loud when he first started here. Goldberg says he has a better idea. He says that he admires what Ryback has done here in the WWE and that he is not one to over-exaggerate things. He says that if the two of them join forces they could be unstoppable here in the WWE. Goldberg offers a right hand to Ryback, looking him right in the eyes. After a moment of thought, The Big Guy takes the handshake and says that he will watch Goldberg's back if Goldberg watches his back. They are agreed and they both step into the locker room, closing the door.]


Match #4


Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger


[Our next match features two men who could definitely use a win tonight as The All-American American Jack Swagger takes on The Architect Seth Rollins. Swagger takes control in the early going against Rollins. He shows off his ability by throwing Rollins around the ring with several suplexes, including three straight German Suplexes. Swagger catches Rollins with a side belly to belly suplex and then stands over him. He places his hand over his heart and calls out 'We The People!' He goes for the Swagger Bomb but Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins quickly goes into control, pulling up Swagger and catching him with the Buckle Bomb into a superkick. He makes the cover but only gets a two count. The crowd tries to rally behind Swagger and he does get another brief burst of momentum but Rollins avoids the Patriot Lock, sending Swagger into the turnbuckle with the reverse STO. Rollins has control and he keeps it by catching Swagger with a DDT and then setting up -- Curb Stomp! Rollins makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Seth Rollins (Via Pinfall @ 11:45)

Match Rating: B





[We are taken to the backstage area once again. This time, we see Goldust, a man we haven't seen much of since WrestleMania. Goldust does not look very happy and the happiness is not about to get there as Heath Slater walks on to the scene. Slater taunts Goldust, asking him if he's even gotten into contact with his brother after sending him away from his livelihood for a month. Goldust doesn't respond so Slater continues, saying that he would never do such a thing to his own brother. If it happened, though, he would make sure that his brother had enough money to make it through that month. But then again Goldust has never been the best brother around, right? That comment has Goldust really looking at Slater for the first time before decking him with a punch! Slater is taken down with that single punch before Goldust turns and walks off. The camera zooms in on Slater, who has a smile on his face, rubbing his jaw.]




[We are taken to a hype video, hyping the main roster debut of Tyler Breeze. The video begins by showing a runway with a bunch of models walking back and forth, showing off the latest fashions. One of those models is focused on in particular and that turns out to be Tyler Breeze. Breeze turns to look at the camera and he says that it's about time that Prince Pretty will make his debut on the main roster and be the best looking man in the WWE. Breeze sits down on the runway and pulls out his cell phone, taking a selfie and saying that this selfie is the way he looks before he comes on the WWE main roster. But the next selfie he is going to take will be him on the main roster and he will be the future of the WWE, the future World Heavyweight champion. Breeze flashes another selfie and then a graphic comes up, letting us know that Tyler Breeze is coming soon to Monday Night Raw and Smackdown!]


Match #5


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Dean Ambrose defends vs. The Miz


[Our next match features the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose taking on The Miz. The fans in St. Louis are obviously behind Ambrose and he starts things in control, knocking The Miz outside the ring and catching him with a dive through the ropes! Ambrose stands up and poses in front of a sign reading: 'R.I.P. Moneymaker 2014-2015!' Ambrose laughs and grabs the sign and then grabs The Miz, hitting The Miz against the sign and then to the barricade. He hands the sign back to the fan and brings the action back inside the ring. The Lunatic Fringe sends The Miz into the turnbuckle. He goes for a splash in the corner but The Miz moves out of the way! Ambrose hits the corner hard and The Miz whips him across to the opposite side. The Miz follows him in and hits the Awesome Clothesline, sitting on the middle rope, jawing with the fans. The Miz quickly sets Ambrose up for the Skull Crushing Finale but Ambrose fights out. The Miz shoves Ambrose away and Ambrose bounces off the ropes, catching The Miz with a clothesline! Ambrose points toward a sign in the audience, reading: 'Dean Ambrose=next Mick Foley!' He lifts up The Miz and kicks him in the gut -- Dirty Deeds! Ambrose makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dean Ambrose (Via Pinfall @ 9:33)

Match Rating: B-





[We are, again, taken backstage to the locker room of The Authority. This time the camera shows the Director Of Operations Big Show standing by and then greeting someone walking into the locker room. Those two people are Lana and Rusev. Lana shakes hands with Show and says that they have always had a good relationship with The Authority. After all, they were put on the Survivor Series team last year. But now she and Rusev have a request to make of The Authority, specifically of the Director Of Operations. She says that at Extreme Rules they have made the match between Rusev and Goldberg but there has not been a stipulation added to that match. She says that she has the stipulation she would like to have added to that match. She says that at Extreme Rules she wants her man Rusev to defeat Goldberg in a Flag match. The only way to win is to climb a pole and retrieve your own flag. But whoever wins that match will have their flag hanging in the rafters for the entire show. Show seems to be thinking about this for a moment and then he nods, telling Lana that she has her match. Rusev shakes hands with Big Show. Lana and Rusev walk out with Show muttering under his breath about hoping that Goldberg wins the match.]





['Live In Fear' begins to play in the arena and the crowd boos as Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas walk out toward the ring. The two brothers enter the ring and hug it out before Wyatt takes a microphone and says that he will admit that he lost the match at WrestleMania. It is not an easy thing to admit but he believes he lost the battle to win the war. He says that nobody has done to The Undertaker and Kane what his family has done. He sacrificed his body to take the soul of The Undertaker. He calls out Luke Harper and Erick Rowan to the ring. The sound of Gregorian chanting begins to play as Wyatt laughs in the ring. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan carry the bodies of The Undertaker and Kane slowly and reverently to the ring, sliding the unmoving bodies inside. Wyatt looks down at the two bodies and he says that these are mere outer shells. These bodies do not represent the souls of The Undertaker and Kane. He says that the souls of The Undertaker and Kane have been reaped. They have been taken straight to hell. Now it is time for their bodies to join them. Wyatt bends over and raises his pants leg, pulling what appears to be a large hunting knife out of a boot sheathe. Wyatt runs his tongue along the knife before looking down at The Undertaker and Kane in silence. Bo Dallas grabs the microphone and tsks, saying if only they had Bo-Lieved. Wyatt raises the knife up high but a GONG sounds in the background. This makes Wyatt hesitate. The Undertaker sits up, staring at Bray Wyatt! Another GONG sounds and Kane sits up! They stare at The Wyatt Family for a long moment. All four members of The Wyatt Family move in on The Undertaker and Kane but the lights go out for about sixty seconds. When they return, Undertaker and Kane are gone! The Wyatt Family is left confused standing in the ring. It looks like The Undertaker and Kane were not reaped after all.]





[From the ring, we are taken to the interview area where Renee Young is standing by with The Dudley Boys. Young reminds everyone of what happened last Thursday night on Smackdown when The Dudley Boys stood with The Rock against The Empire. She asks them what made them join forces with The Rock on that night? Bubba Ray speaks first, saying that he has a lot of respect for The Rock and what he has done for this business. He says that he has seen The Rock at his best and at his worst and at the end of the day he is an honorable man to stand with and fight with. He says that this new group called The Empire have no respect. They don't respect the wrestlers that have come before them. They don't respect a team that is one of the most decorated tag teams in the history of professional wrestling. D-Von grabs the microphone and tells him to TESTIFY! He says that he always wanted to take down an Empire. Since Luke Skywalker already took the other one down then this is The Empire they have left. But he does wonder which one of them is Darth Vader. But that doesn't matter because at Extreme Rules, they are going to show why they should have some respect. Maybe they can do it in a tables match. Both Dudleys smile at that and Young sends us back to ringside.]




[At ringside, 'My Time Is Now' begins to play and the crowd rises in a mix of cheers and boos as the WWE United States Champion John Cena walks out from the back. He gives a salute and then rushes down to the ring, sliding in underneath the bottom rope. He listens to the dueling 'Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks' chant. Cena has a microphone and says that this is Monday Night Raw in St Louis! He says that this is the place to be and that he is the champion to beat. He says that just like last week and every week he will be coming out here to issue an open challenge for the United States title. He says that last week he was taken nearly to the limit by Finn Balor. But that didn't make him change his mind about the open challenge. He says that you can love him or you can hate him like this guy. He points toward a sign, reading: 'We hate Cena in St. Louis!' But one thing that you have to respect is that the champ is here! Cena says that this is a title of excellence and opportunity. So the John Cena US Open Challenge is ready for business. If you want some, come get some. Cena takes off his shirt and waits to see who his opponent is going to be tonight.]






[The crowd in St. Louis gets on their feet as we see the WWE return of Rey Mysterio! The masked luchador stands at the top of the ramp for a moment, absorbing in the cheers from these fans here in attendance. Mysterio walks down toward the ring, high fiving the fans in the front row. He walks around ringside, high fiving the fans before he steps inside the ring and comes face-to-face with John Cena. Cena smiles and offers his hand to Mysterio. The two men shake hands and Mysterio backs into a corner as the referee raises the WWE United States title belt. JBL says that he bets John Cena never expected this tonight! A former WWE Champion stepping up in the John Cena U.S. Open Challenge! This should be a great one!]


Match #6


WWE United States Title Match

Open Challenge

John Cena defends vs. Rey Mysterio


[What a turn of events this is as Rey Mysterio makes his return to a WWE ring to take on John Cena for the United States title. This is a match that could be the main event anywhere in the country. The opening few minutes of the match go back and forth between these two men with neither man sustaining much momentum on their side. Then Mysterio catches Cena with a hurricanrana and scores a two count. Cena slides out of the ring to break the momentum but Mysterio leaps to the top turnbuckle, turns and catches Cena with an Asai Moonsault outside the ring. Mysterio plays to the crowd before pulling Cena to his feet and sending him back in the ring. Mysterio goes for a springboard dive but Cena catches him and brings him over with a fallaway slam for a two count. The match is completely open for the first ten minutes of the contest with neither man able to pin the other. Around the ten minute mark, Mysterio catches Cena with a tilt-a-whirl slam and then heads to the top turnbuckle. He leaps and catches Cena with a frog splash: One, Two, Kickout! Mysterio angrily slaps the mat, wondering what it's going to take to finish off John Cena. Mysterio heads back to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Cena to get up. Cena staggers to his feet and turns -- diving cross body by Mysterio! Mysterio pops back up and catches Cena with a front dropkick, sending Cena over the middle rope. A sign shows in the background, reading: 'We are the place to be, next week's RAW site is also the place to be!' Mysterio bounces off the ropes and goes for the 619 but Cena ducks and catches Mysterio. He lifts Mysterio up on his shoulders -- Attitude Adjustment! Cena makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: John Cena (Via Pinfall @ 14:26)

Match Rating: C+





[John Cena picks up a big victory against the return of Rey Mysterio. Mysterio exits the ring on the losing end as Cena raises the United States title belt up high in the air. The celebration is interrupted by the presence of The Show-Off Dolph Ziggler! Ziggler says that he has been having a little bit of a let-down here lately. He didn't win at WrestleMania. But he says that he has something that can get him right back on track here in the WWE. Ziggler walks down to the ring and steps inside, looking across at John Cena. Ziggler says that Cena has been holding these open challenges for the United States title. Well, as far as he knows, no one has challenged him to put that title on the line at Extreme Rules. So Ziggler is issuing that challenge. John Cena versus Dolph Ziggler for the United States title at Extreme Rules. Cena seems to be thinking for a second and then he says that if you want some, come get some. He accepts the challenge. He shakes hands with Dolph Ziggler and we have another match set up for Extreme Rules. What a contest that should be, right?]








[Brie Bella is shown in the backstage area standing by with her husband, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. She reaches out and rubs his neck for a moment. They touch foreheads and she tells him to be safe out there tonight. She says that his neck has not quite been the same since the injury last year. One more RKO and he might be laid out somewhere in their home, rather than wrestling tonight. Bryan says that he knows the risks but he is a fighting champion. The two of them exchange a kiss and then he reminds her that his match is next. She says that she will be watching in the back here. He thanks her and then turns and begins walking off, seemingly to get ready for that match. Brie looks very worried as she watches him walk away. Then she turns and mutters to herself that she better go and make that call. What call is that? We don't find out as we head to the ring for our main event!]


Match #7


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan defends vs. Randy Orton


[it is main event time right here from St. Louis! We have our third title match of the evening as Daniel Bryan defends the WWE World Heavyweight title against The Apex Predator Randy Orton. The crowd in St. Louis appears to be split between both competitors as the bell sounds. A sign is raised up high in the background: 'This is Orton Country!' The two men lock up and Orton backs Bryan into a corner. The referee asks for a clean break and gets one in this first minute of the contest. The next few minutes are spent with Daniel Bryan gaining control, bringing Orton to the mat and working several submission moves on The Viper, including a surfboard that serves to wear Orton down. Orton exits the ring to break the momentum of Bryan. But Bryan rushes with a suicide dive that Orton dodges. Bryan crashes hard into the barricade and Orton grabs him, running him right into the ring post shoulder-first. The Viper brings the action back inside the ring and begins focusing his attack on the right shoulder of Daniel Bryan. He gives stomps and armbars, stretching out that arm and shoulder. But Daniel Bryan has never been one to give up. Orton finally releases an armbar and sets up Bryan -- swinging neckbreaker! Orton poses over Bryan and then makes a cover: One, Two, Kickout!]


[Randy Orton is in firm control of this contest, keeping Daniel Bryan down on the mat. Orton moves in and attacks and then backs off so that Bryan cannot turn things around on him. Orton pulls up Bryan and sends him back into a corner. He lifts Bryan up on the top turnbuckle and then climbs up, hooking him into a Superplex position. He lifts Bryan and drops him with a Superplex on that right shoulder! Bryan cries out in pain, grabbing his shoulder, shaking on the mat. The fans do work on getting behind Daniel Bryan, who gets a short burst of momentum. That momentum is quickly halted with a boot to the shoulder by Randy Orton. Orton sends Daniel Bryan to the corner and follows in with a corner clothes -- NO! Bryan gets his feet up, knocking into Randy Orton's face. Bryan give Orton another boot to the face and then a front dropkick that knocks Orton back into a corner. Bryan rushes across and catches Orton with a corner clothesline with his left arm. Bryan catches Orton with a discus elbow and then he begins firing off kicks! The kicks bring Orton down to his knees and then Bryan catches him with a swift kick to the head! Bryan heads to the top turnbuckle -- Diving Headbutt! A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'What do you call a Viper with half a Body? I don't know either.' Bryan makes the cover, hooking the leg:]














[Randy Orton manages to kick out somehow! The crowd cheers and begins a 'This Is Awesome' chant! Daniel Bryan goes for the YES Lock. He tries to get it locked in but is having some difficulty getting it completely locked in due to the focus of Orton on his shoulder. Orton pulls himself upward and drops Bryan backward with a belly-to-back suplex. Both men lie on the mat, seemingly exhausted from the fight. The referee begins the ten count on both men, being very liberal with the count. Both men slowly begin to rise to their feet. They meet in the center of the ring and Orton throws a punch -- Bryan with a kick! It goes back and forth between kicks and punches. Bryan has the speed factor with those kicks. He rushes in with a clothesline but Orton ducks. Bryan bounces off the ropes -- Scoop Powerslam by Orton! Orton stands up and he looks like he's going to that place where he hears voices in his head! Orton grabs Bryan -- inverted headlock backbreaker! The crowd begins a dueling 'Daniel Bryan/RKO' chant. Orton moves Bryan to the ropes and swings him around -- Rope Hung DDT! Orton stands to his feet and then turns, dropping on his stomach and beginning to pound the mat. We could be seeing a new WWE World Heavyweight champion tonight! Daniel Bryan slowly lifts his way to his feet. He staggers around toward Orton -- RK -- NO! Bryan slips free and shoves Orton away. Bryan backs up and goes for the Running Single Leg High Knee but Orton dodges -- RKO! Orton plants Daniel Bryan to the mat with the RKO! Randy Orton makes the cover:]














Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 17:56)

Match Rating: B





[The crowd boos as Triple H has led The Authority members Chris Jericho, Seth Rollins and Big Show down to the ring. They interrupt the count and attack both Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan! Big Show hits Orton with a Knockout Punch, knocking him down to the mat. Seth Rollins lifts Daniel Bryan and sends him in a corner with the Buckle Bomb! Bryan staggers right into a Knockout Punch! Chris Jericho uses the ropes as a springboard and hits a Lionsault on both Bryan and Orton. Triple H grabs the WWE World Heavyweight title belt and puts it in the face of both Bryan and Orton, saying that neither of them deserve to wear this belt. He says that this belt belongs to The Authority and should be around the waist of Seth Rollins. He hands the belt to Rollins, who raises the title up high to loud boos from the crowd. As The Authority celebrate leaving both Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan down, the celebration is interrupted by some familiar music.]




['I Walk Alone' brings out Batista from the back. Triple H has a wide smile on his lips as Batista comes out to exploding pyro. The man known as The Animal was last seen walking out on Triple H and Evolution last year. Batista walks down to the ring and climbs the stairs, stepping inside where he is met by Triple H. Triple H gives him a hug and then motions for him to join them in their celebration. Batista shakes hands with every member of The Authority before motioning to them to raise their arms up high. Then Batista turns and kicks Chris Jericho in the gut! He tosses Jericho over the top rope to the floor! The other members of The Authority look shocked! Seth Rollins charges Batista and Batista lowers his head, sending Rollins up and over the top rope with a back body drop. Triple H motions to Big Show and Show comes over, exchanging blows with The Animal. Batista starts to get the advantage, sending Show over the top rope with a clothesline! Batista and Triple H go face-to-face for a moment. But Triple H quickly escapes the ring. Cheers are made for the save by Batista. The Animal places the WWE World Heavyweight title belt over the body of Daniel Bryan. 'I Walk Alone' begins to play again and Batista stands tall in the ring as the credits begin to roll. We'll see you Thursday night for Smackdown!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of August(SummerSlam) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of August is declared the winner.


On our next Monday Night Raw, we had many predictors that scored 6/7! Congratulations to Kijar, crackerjack, Smasher1311, Warhawk8492, Nobby_McDonald and daulten6!


Thank you to everyone who predicted!


1. daulten6=2 Wins

Kijar=2 Wins

Nobby_McDonald=2 Wins

Warhawk8492=2 Wins

crackerjack=2 Wins

6. The_CoC=1 Win

Beejus=1 Win

Smasher1311=1 Win

9. Happy0wns=0 Wins

Uncrewed=0 Wins

Russelrules44=0 Wins

jscotty=0 Wins

thecoolestjedi12=0 Wins

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter




World Wrestling Entertainment

-WWE Thursday Night Smackdown comes to you on the SyFy Channel! We are on the road toward Extreme Rules. Our next stop is the Allen County Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We have a great show coming for you on this Thursday night!


-Our main event was announced this past Monday night on Monday Night Raw. We will see six man tag team action as The Authority members Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho team up together to take on the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting. Bryan and Orton just wrestled to a draw this past Monday night. Will they be able to coexist on this night?


-Two of the top WWE wrestlers will go one on one on this Smackdown as we see the Show-Off Dolph Ziggler take on Bray Wyatt. Ziggler is headed to a United States title match with John Cena at Extreme Rules. On the other side, Bray Wyatt looks like he might be headed to another confrontation with The Undertaker. Which man can gain some momentum as we move forward?


-Last Monday night, Heath Slater had some very choice words for Goldust in the back. Those words resulted in Goldust clocking the One Man Band. These two will meet in singles action tonight. Which man will step away with the victory?


-Plus The Bella Twins face off with Paige and AJ Lee, Gail Kim takes on Naomi and more! Make sure you tune in to Smackdown.


Prediction Listing


Curtis Axel vs. Batista



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Heath Slater vs. Goldust



Gail Kim vs. Naomi



Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting



Fun Fan Signs:


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Curtis Axel vs. Drax the Destroyer

Comments: GotG.


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: Pai-J are unstoppable.


Heath Slater vs. Goldust



Gail Kim vs. Naomi



Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting

Comments: Aside from Six-Man Tag veteran, the Big Slow, this is a fantastic match-up.


Comments On Previous Show: Awesome to see myself get another top score. :p

The show was very well written, love the two big returns.

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Curtis Axel vs. Batista



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Heath Slater vs. Goldust



Gail Kim vs. Naomi



Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting


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Curtis Axel vs. Batista

Comments: This moment is the beginning of the genesis of Batista kicking ass.


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: The Bellas are just like SO yesterday's news. TBW should just come out and put bags on their heads.


Heath Slater vs. Goldust

Comments: Goldust will take the winner's purse from this match and use it to buy Cody a pizza. It would be more than that, but it's not a very big match.


Gail Kim vs. Naomi

Comments: Gail will twist Naomi into Imoan.


Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Only one reason to go on here: Dolph has an upcoming title shot.


Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting

Comments: The two men in the World title match being on the same team should equal an automatic win.




Comments On Previous Show: That stuff with Taker and Kane is only getting weirder.

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Curtis Axel vs. Batista

Comments: Nice to see him back


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: I'll say by DQ however. seems like a good time for a BW run in


Heath Slater vs. Goldust

Comments: More Heath please!


Gail Kim vs. Naomi

Comments: Forgot about Gail honestly

Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Tough one


Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting

Comments The face team is just too over


Comments On Previous Show: Enjoyed seeing Batista, but man, unless he's doing jobs all day, Rey can just go away

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Curtis Axel vs. Batista

Comments: I wanna say Axel so bad


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: I gotta follow my heart


Heath Slater vs. Goldust

Comments: Sure


Gail Kim vs. Naomi

Comments: Love Gail


Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: love Wyatt


Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting

Comments: Will Sting lose?


Fun Fan Signs: What do you call the Big Show with a Afro? The BigFro!


Comments On Previous Show:

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The following predictions have been inspired by Kiljar.


Axelmania vs. Drax the Destroyer

Comments: Axelmania gets squashed tonight.


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: Four hall of fame divas......Faces win.


Heath "Punching Bag" Slater vs. Goldust

Comments: Heath is a #jobber4life


Gail Kim vs. Naomi



Waylon Mercy vs. John Morrison

Comments: Lives are gonna be on Bray Wyatt's hands.


Sell-Out Seth, Pig Slow and Fozzy vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Crow



Fun Fan Signs: One Man Jobbing Band!

We're Gonna Bryan!

He's got the whole world in his stomach!


Comments On Previous Show:

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Curtis Axel vs. Batista



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Heath Slater vs. Goldust



Gail Kim vs. Naomi



Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting



Fun Fan Signs: JeriShow Reunion FTW!


Bring back Stevie Richards!


Comments On Previous Show:Great booking on the show!

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Curtis Axel vs. Batista



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Heath Slater vs. Goldust



Gail Kim vs. Naomi



Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting


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Curtis Axel vs. Batista



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Heath Slater vs. Goldust



Gail Kim vs. Naomi



Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting


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Curtis Axel vs. Batista

Comments: Want to see Hollywood heel Batista so much


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Heath Slater vs. Goldust

Comments: Squash Time!


Gail Kim vs. Naomi

Comments: GK needs to be kept as strong as possiblebin order to build her up for a future title reign


Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting

Comments: Keeps both D-Bry and Sting strong for their title match

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Curtis Axel vs. Batista

Comments: Good lord.


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: They actually have a story and are the best duo out of the two.


Heath Slater vs. Goldust

Comments: Slater has more upside than Goldie. Yes, I am predicting Slater winning.


Gail Kim vs. Naomi

Comments: I don't know if you're keen on pushing Naomi and/or turning her heel or whatever, but Gail wins this one.


Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Should be one hell of a match, and the result won't matter, it will be great either way.


Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting

Comments: The fans go home happy.



How do you Sting a small package?


Comments On Previous Show:

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Curtis Axel vs. Batista



The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee



Heath Slater vs. Goldust



Gail Kim vs. Naomi



Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler



Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting


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ANGLE: Skit involving Bobby Roode, Austin Aries and Jeff Hardy...C+

The Revolution defeated Knux and Robbie E...D+

Bobby Lashley defeated Rockstar Spud...D+

Angelina Love defeated ODB...D-

ANGLE: Backstage segment with Roddy Piper, MVP and Kurt Angle...C

Jeff Hardy defeated Kurt Angle...B-

Magnus defeated Mr. Anderson...C-



ANGLE: Skit involving Jessie McKay and Dana Brooke...D

Bull Dempsey, Baron Corbin and Zack Ryder defeated Braun Stowman, Angelo Dawkins and Jason Jordan...E

The Certified G's defeated Blake & Murphy...E-

Adam Cole defeated Simon Gotch...E+



BJ Whitmer defeated Brutal Bob...E+

Christopher Daniels went to a time limit draw with Michael Elgin...C

Jay Briscoe defeated Frankie Kazarian to retain the ROH World Heavyweight title...C-

#TNA – #NXT – #ROH


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Comments On Previous Show: Awesome to see myself get another top score. :p

The show was very well written, love the two big returns.


Life on the top is great, huh? LOL. Am glad that you enjoyed the two returns. More will be coming on the Batista return in particular on Smackdown.


Comments On Previous Show: That stuff with Taker and Kane is only getting weirder.


Yeah, it is definitely getting weirder and more out there. But I hope that that is a good thing. That it helps keep everyone interested in the storyline.


Comments On Previous Show: Enjoyed seeing Batista, but man, unless he's doing jobs all day, Rey can just go away


I know that right now Rey is a bit of a polarizing figure with how he left the WWE and all. Hopefully, I can get an interesting storyline going with him, though.


Comments On Previous Show:Great booking on the show!


Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed my booking on Monday Night Raw. Raw is still, to me, more of the top A show. Though both Raw and Smackdown are A shows.


jeez seth rollins is getting buried the **** out


Rollins has dealt with a few losses. Though he picked up the win against Jack Swagger on Monday Night Raw. He was part of the beat-down on Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan, holding the World title. But afterward he got thrown out of the ring by Batista. I just hope I can hold on to some of his overness and keep people watching him in particular.

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Nice to see you're doing a present WWE diary Angel (makes me want to continue with my own WWE game). And yes I am back (for now). A few comments though, not sure how I like Goldberg, (never was a big fan +His WWE run back in 03-04 was awful). But otherwise I like the product, nice to see you use Sting more than RL WWE does. But Batista? Boo. :D



Curtis Axel vs. Batista

Comments: No brainer squash.


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee

Comments: The Bella's seem to be fading out slowly but surely. Paige and AJ instead are on fire.


Heath Slater vs. Goldust

Comments: Don't push Slater, please.


Gail Kim vs. Naomi

Comments: I like Naomi, but a Gail push makes more sense imo.


Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler

Comments: Wyatt is in a big feud with the BOD, Ziggler seems to be a jobber to have the "Nothing for you" curse after Wrestlemania.


Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting

Comments: The Champion and the challenger on the same team, no way they'll lose. Right?


Fun Fan Signs: The man they call "WWE Champion" STING


Comments On Previous Show: Like I said, not a huge fan of Batista returning, but we'll see where you go from here. Not a fan of Goldberg, but the Rusev feud seems somewhat interesting, no idea where you can go with Goldberg after it though. Anyways, already put in my 9.99 for the Network.

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Thursday Week 2 April 2015

Location: IN Allen County Memorial Coliseum (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 12,808

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 3.31




[WWE Thursday Night Smackdown is coming to you from Fort Wayne, Indiana and the Allen County Memorial Coliseum! The crowd rises to their feet as 'I Walk Alone' begins the show with the arrival of the man who made his big return last Monday night Batista! Cheers escape the crowd as Batista walks his way down to the ring and steps inside. As Batista comes down to the ring, we are shown his return on Raw where he took out The Authority and stood tall at the end of the show. We are brought back to the ring where Batista has a microphone. He says that he is so glad to be back in a WWE ring once again. Then he says that people may wonder just why he came back to the WWE. After all, he has a career as an actor in Hollywood. But he is back for one reason and one reason only. That reason is to make Triple H's life a living hell. He said that when he returned to the WWE before, Triple H got in his ear and made his life a living hell here in the WWE. He said that he is sorry for turning on the fans and he won't make that mistake again. Instead, he is dedicating himself to the dismantling of The Authority, specifically Triple H. So when Brie Bella called him and asked him to watch Daniel Bryan's back this past Monday, he was happy to come out and make the save. Batista might have continued but he is interrupted.]




[This interruption comes in the form of Director Of Operations Big Show. Show comes out and tells Batista to hold on a minute. When he talks about dismantling The Authority, he is talking about dismantling the Director Of Operations. That Director Of Operations is a seven foot, fire breathing giant. A sign shows up in the background, reading: 'What do you call the Big Show with a Afro? The BigFro!' Batista says he's not afraid of the Big Show. In fact, he walks over to the ropes and holds them open, offering to let Big Show come into the ring with him. Big Show declines the opportunity. However, since Batista is here in the building and in the ring, he might as well have a match tonight. Batista says he's ready to face anyone that Big Show can put in the ring. Big Show says that Batista's opponent tonight will be the man who puts the mania in the WWE. He calls out the power of #AxelMania to come to the ring against Batista!]


Match #1


Curtis Axel vs. Batista


[Curtis Axel taunts Batista when he enters the ring, ripping off his t-shirt and telling Batista that he cannot stop #AXELMANIA! Axel turns and yells at the crowd and then turns back around into a clothesline from Batista. The Animal is dominant in this match against Axel, absolutely destroying him both inside and outside the ring. Batista whips Axel into the barricade outside the ring and then poses beside a sign, reading: 'DRAXELMANIA IS RUNNING WILD!' Batista grabs Axel and tosses him inside the ring. He sends Axel to the ropes -- Spinebuster! That lays Axel out inside the ring. One fan unhappy with that, holds up a sign that reads: '#Bootista!' Batista calls for the finish and looks out toward Big Show as he hits Axel with the Batista Bomb. A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'BAH GAWD KING, CURTIS IS DEAD!' Batista makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Batista (Via Pinfall @ 5:33)

Match Rating: C-






[Big Show enters the ring as soon as the bell sounds. He goes right after Batista, throwing forearm shots to the man that was just in a match. He knocks Batista back into a corner and slaps his chest hard. Batista staggers forward, covering up in pain. Big Show grabs Batista by the hair and gives him a headbutt before tossing him out of the ring. Show joins Batista out of the ring and the two battle up the aisle with Batista getting some shots in as well. Big Show throws Batista up against the wall with Batista bouncing off the concrete wall. Show raises his right hand, prepared to hit Batista with the Knockout Punch -- RKO! Randy Orton comes from out of nowhere to strike Big Show with the RKO! The crowd goes wild in the background. Orton stands over Show with his usual pose. 'Voices' begins in the background as we move to another area backstage.]




[Sting and Daniel Bryan are shown inside a locker room area talking about their match tonight with The Authority. They talk about the fact that The Authority is trying to destroy them both before their upcoming match at Extreme Rules. But they cannot let The Authority win. They cannot let Triple H tear them apart from doing what needs to be done. This brings up their tag team partner for the six man tag match later on tonight. Both of them ask if they can trust Randy Orton. It was only a few short days ago that Orton laid both of them out with the RKO. Sting says that if Orton turns on them tonight that they need to band together. Bryan agrees but then gives a look at Sting. Following Sting's eyes, he is looking right at the WWE World title belt that is around the waist of Daniel Bryan. Bryan says he'll see Sting in the ring tonight. Sting agrees and shakes hands with Bryan before Bryan walks off. Sting takes in a deep breath and we move back to the ring.]


Match #2


The Bella Twins vs. Paige and AJ Lee


[The first of two Divas matches tonight is a tag team match featuring The Bella Twins taking on Paige and AJ Lee. The WWE Diva's Champion Paige gets caught in The Bella Twins' corner early on in the contest. Both Bellas use quick tags and taunts of AJ Lee to keep the fresh Diva in the ring. Nikki catches Paige with the Alabama Slam and scores a two count when the pinfall is broken up by AJ Lee. Nikki goes for the springboard roundhouse kick but Paige ducks and Nikki lands on her feet. Paige yanks Nikki down by the hair and both women move toward their corners. Paige tags out to AJ Lee and Nikki meets her in the center of the ring. AJ catches Nikki with a clothesline and then knocks Brie off the apron. AJ picks up Nikki and drops her with a Tornado DDT. She makes a cover and gets a two count. Paige comes back in the ring and throws a couple of hard forearm smashes to Nikki Bella. She knocks Nikki backward into AJ Lee, who drops her with a swinging neckbreaker. Paige yells that this is her house! She catches Brie Bella outside the ring with a suicide dive. Inside the ring, AJ locks Nikki in the Black Widow. Within moments, the former Divas champion has to tap out.]


Winners: Paige and AJ Lee (Via Submission @ 6:04)

Match Rating: D+







[The crowd stands on their feet as 'The Truth Reigns' begins to play. Out from the back walks the manager of The Empire Paul Heyman. Heyman is out here alone, walking to the ring and stepping inside with a microphone in his right hand. He lifts the microphone and begins...'Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I am the advocate for the group of men known as The Empire.' Heyman continues by saying that The Empire is not there tonight as they were given the night off by Big Show. However, there are a few things that need to be addressed. The first thing is that Roman Reigns, The Samoan Badass, defeated his cousin The Rock at WrestleMania. Just in case you were too cheap to purchase the WWE Network for only $9.99, Roman Reigns absolutely destroyed The Rock and left him laying on the mat. It was a good victory to show who the better man is. With that win in mind, Roman Reigns would like me to say that he considers himself to be a future WWE World Heavyweight Champion if Daniel Bryan would only accept his challenge for a match for the title. But he says that he is sure that Daniel Bryan doesn't want to step in the ring with him. Who could blame Daniel Bryan? I wouldn't want to step in the ring with any of my clients. Which brings me to Extreme Rules. There will be a six man tag team match featuring my clients, Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens and Hideo Itami. These three men will take on The Dudley Boys and the man who lost to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, The Rock. I understand that there has to be a stipulation put on that match and The Dudleys have offered to make it their match: a tables match. I am sorry to tell The Dudleys that my clients have refused that stipulation. My clients are not stupid. A tables match would give the advantage to Team Dudley. We are not about giving up advantages. Plus I would hate it if my clients ruined your partner's Hollywood career by dismembering him. Heyman pauses and he gets interrupted.]


['If you smell what The Rock is cooking!']




[The crowd here in Indiana are on their feet as The Rock walks out from the back. The Rock steps inside the ring and looks across toward Paul Heyman. The Rock has a big smile on his face and he welcomes Paul Heyman to The Rock's show Smackdown. But since they are on The Rock's show, he needs to kick this off right. That means that Paul Heyman needs to shut his mouth and know his role because FINALLY The Rock has come BACK to Fort Wayne! Now The Rock knows that Paul Heyman is an advocate. He is out here advocating for The Empire. He says that The Empire is not in the building tonight. Well, The Rock is right here on The Rock's show Smackdown. The Rock says that they need a stipulation for Extreme Rules, do they? Well, here's what The Rock says about that. Forget a tables match. The Rock says that The Rock knew you would deny that type of match. Why just add tables to the mix? Why not add ladders? Why not add chairs? The Rock says that we need a six man tag TLC match at Extreme Rules. Heyman speaks up, saying that he will speak with his clients about that. The Rock says that Paul Heyman said he was here to advocate. That he has power over his clients, right? So why not make a decision right here with The Rock tonight? Heyman tells The Rock that it doesn't work that way. He says that he has to confer with his clients before the decision is made. The Rock tells Heyman to shut up because the millions (and millions) of The Rock's fans are chanting The Rock's name. A Rocky chant breaks out among the audience here. So you go and confer with your clients and give us an answer after you do. But let them know that at Extreme Rules, the people are going to put #bootstoasses and you're gonna smell what The Rock is cooking! The music begins again as The Rock turns to exit the ring. Could we see a six man tag TLC match at Extreme Rules?]





Match #3


Heath Slater vs. Goldust


[Our third match was set up this past Monday night on Raw when Heath Slater taunted Goldust and Goldust dropped Slater with a right hand. The contest goes back and forth early on in the contest with both men gaining brief spurts of momentum. Goldust catches a longer momentum streak, dropping Slater across the middle rope and then sliding out of the ring, catching him with an uppercut. Goldust slides back in and strikes Slater with the Bionic Elbow, a tribute to his father, of course. Goldust catches Slater with a sidewalk slam that scores a two count. Goldust points to a sign, reading: 'One Man Jobbing Band!' He sets up Slater for the Final Cut but Slater somehow ends up on his feet. Slater uses the ropes as a springboard, catching Goldust with a springboard clothesline! Slater yells at the crowd, who boo him in return. Slater drops Goldust with the Jumping Neckbreaker, scoring a two count on the enigmatic superstar. Slater picks up Goldust and brings him down with a body slam. He heads to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Goldust to get to his feet -- Missile Dropkick! Slater makes the cover, placing his feet on the ropes: One, Two, Three! Heath Slater just upset Goldust!]


Winner: Heath Slater (Via Pinfall @ 8:03)

Match Rating: D+





[From the ring, we move backstage where Renee Young is standing by with The Apex Predator Randy Orton. Young brings us back to Monday Night Raw where Orton came within one second of possibly winning the WWE World Heavyweight title from Daniel Bryan. That was before The Authority made their presence known. Orton repeats what Renee said about it only being one second away from him winning the WWE World title. He says that is hard for a man of his intelligence to comprehend. He said that he had a match of the year candidate with Daniel Bryan but The Authority had to ruin things. That is why tonight he is looking to get his revenge on every single member of The Authority that cost him the World title. Tonight is just the beginning of that. He said that they call him The Apex Predator because of how intelligent he is. He is at the top of his game. Young asks Orton if his partners can trust him tonight. Orton gives her a long look before he says that you cannot trust anyone in this business. But tonight he is focused on The Authority. Orton walks off and Young sends us back to the ring.]


Match #4


Gail Kim vs. Naomi


[Our second Diva's match features two great Diva's in action. But it doesn't seem like the fans care all that much about the match. They are seemingly using it more like a bathroom break/popcorn match. The fans who remain in their seat are treated to a match with solid in ring action going back and forth. Naomi goes for an early Rear View but she is caught around the waist by Gail Kim and thrown with a German Suplex. Kim moves Naomi to a corner and slips outside the ring. She wraps Naomi in a figure four around the corner for a four count by the referee. Back inside the ring, Kim catches Naomi with a roundhouse kick. This is a set up for the Inverted Stomp Facebreaker. A fan that has remained in the stands, raises a sign reading: 'Bring back Stevie Richards!' Kim makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Gail Kim (Via Pinfall @ 5:40)

Match Rating: D+




[From the ring, we move to a pre-recorded video that shows The Undertaker and Kane standing somewhere with a darkened sky behind them. The Undertaker says that Bray Wyatt thought he could end things on Monday Night Raw. Bray Wyatt thought that he had reaped the soul of The Undertaker and Kane. But you cannot kill that which will not die. You cannot kill the Brothers Of Destruction. But you are human, Bray Wyatt. That means that your soul can and will be reaped by the Grim Reaper of the WWE. The Undertaker promises to make Bray Wyatt pay for what happened at WrestleMania and then in the barn of the Wyatt Family. The Undertaker promises to burn The Wyatt Family to the ground, including their home. The Undertaker says that his brother knows about fire. Kane releases an eerie laughter as he adjusts his gloves for a moment. Kane says that he will burn the Wyatt Family home to cinders. The Undertaker says that at Extreme Rules, Bray Wyatt is going to rest in peace. The Undertaker's eyes roll back in his head and the video fades to black as we head back to the ring.]


Match #5


Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler


[Our semi main event is a one-on-one contest between Bray Wyatt and Dolph Ziggler. It is a little surprising to see Wyatt come out to the ring by himself. This definitely makes for a more even contest between the two. Ziggler takes control in the early goings of the match, keeping the match at a fast pace as he brings Wyatt down with a picture perfect dropkick. Ziggler sends Wyatt outside the ring and then goes for a suicide dive but the dive is blocked by Wyatt with a European Uppercut! Ziggler falls outside the ring, landing on the mats outside. Wyatt grabs Ziggler and sends him headfirst into the barricade. Wyatt tosses Ziggler back in the ring and joins him inside. Wyatt catches Ziggler with a running senton and makes the cover, scoring a two count. A sign goes up in the crowd, reading: 'He's got the whole world in his stomach!' The match continues with both men getting some brief bursts of momentum, including Ziggler scoring with a superkick to Wyatt. A missed Stinger Splash has Wyatt setting up Ziggler for the Sister Abigail. They are in position when the sound of the gong goes off in the background. The music of The Undertaker begins to play and Wyatt releases Ziggler, looking around. The lights dim as two men shrouded in hoods and black robes begin walking down to the ringside area. They are each holding wreaths, placing the black wreaths at ringside. They have Bray Wyatt's name on the wreaths. The two figures walk away to the back and the lights come up. Ziggler sneaks in behind Wyatt -- Zig Zag! Ziggler makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Dolph Ziggler (Via Pinfall @ 11:31)

Match Rating: B-





[Bray Wyatt loses the match here tonight against Dolph Ziggler. What a big momentum killer for the new Face Of Fear. Wyatt takes a moment to get his bearings before he slides outside the ring and looks at the black wreaths. He picks up one and begins tearing it apart! He kicks the other one down off the stand. He is definitely beginning to look frustrated. The sound of the gong is heard and Wyatt's head pops upward, looking around for The Undertaker or Kane. Instead, a dark laughter is heard and the voice of The Undertaker echoes throughout the arena: 'Rest in peace.' The announcers talk about the chill in the air. The lights flicker for a moment and then turn back on as Wyatt throws the other wreath into the crowd. Some lucky fan gets a souvenir to take home. Wyatt turns and begins to walk back up the aisle.]





Match #6


Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and Sting


[it is time for the main event and what a six man tag team match we have for you this evening. The Authority steps into the ring against the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, The Apex Predator Randy Orton and the Vigilante Sting. The first few minutes of the bout are spent with big momentum swings back and forth between both teams. Randy Orton catches Chris Jericho with the scoop powerslam very early in the match for a two count. Sting makes the tag and catches Jericho with a boot to the ribs before continuing the control on the side of Team Daniel Bryan. Jericho slips free from a bulldog attempt by Sting and Sting becomes the face-in-peril as Jericho tags out to Seth Rollins. Rollins drops Sting with a brainbuster in the center of the ring, scoring a two count before it's broken up by Randy Orton. The Authority keep Sting on their half of the ring, using frequent tags and double teams on Sting, the challenger for the WWE World title at Extreme Rules. Chris Jericho comes in off a tag and The Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-a brings Sting down with a full nelson facebuster and then a Lionsault. Jericho makes the cover:]














[The crowd loudly cheers the kickout by Sting! But Jericho, being a veteran, stays on Sting with stomps to the chest and then an elbow drop. He tags in Big Show and Show moves Sting into a corner, asking for quiet before he slaps the chest of Sting! A fan raises a sign, reading: 'JeriShow Reunion FTW!' Show picks up Sting and body slams him down to the mat. He steps on Sting's chest, walking over Sting, using that big weight of his. He tags in Seth Rollins and Rollins picks up Sting, lifting him up -- Buckle Bomb! Sting staggers from the corner and nearly has his head taken off with a Superkick! Rollins yells at a fan with a sign reading: 'How do you Sting a small package?' Rollins tags in Chris Jericho again and Jericho places Sting on the top turnbuckle in a neutral corner. He climbs up and begins looking for a Superplex but suddenly Sting comes to life! Sting blocks the Superplex attempt and begins throwing punches to the ribs of Jericho! He knocks Jericho off the turnbuckles and then leaps with a diving clothesline, leaving both men down on the mat. The referee begins the ten count as both men lie on the mat. A sign goes up in the air, reading: 'We're Gonna Bryan!' Sting and Chris Jericho crawl to their corners and Jericho tags in Seth Rollins. Sting leaps and tags in Randy Orton!]


[The Viper Randy Orton comes in and brings Seth Rollins down with a clothesline! He strikes Big Show with a forearm shot, knocking him off the apron! He turns back to Rollins and catches him with another clothesline! He ducks a clothesline attempt by Rollins -- Scoop Powerslam! Orton gets the crowd fired up! Chris Jericho re-enters the ring but gets cut off by Sting! Sting sends Jericho into a neutral corner -- Stinger Splash! Sting releases a howl that is echoed back by the fans. Randy Orton yanks Rollins to the ropes, swinging him outside the ring and setting him up -- Rope-Hung DDT! Orton looks like he's going to that place where he hears voices inside his head! Daniel Bryan tags himself in and moves to the empty neutral corner. He exchanges a look with Randy Orton before beginning the YES chants! Bryan waits as Seth Rollins begins getting up. As Rollins staggers on his feet, Bryan charges -- clothesline by Big Show! Big Show stops the knee by Daniel Bryan! Big Show yanks up Bryan by the throat -- Choke Slam! Sting turns back and sees what is going on. He quickly moves and begins throwing punches to Big Show! A sign goes up in the background, reading: 'The man they call "WWE Champion" STING!' Sting and Big Show both go over the top rope to the floor! Seth Rollins pulls up Daniel Bryan and catches him with the reverse STO in the turnbuckle! Chris Jericho yanks Randy Orton to the floor and begins brawling with him. In the ring, Rollins moves Bryan to the center of the ring, bouncing off the ropes -- Curb Stomp! Rollins drops Bryan with the Curb Stomp! Rollins makes the cover, hooking the leg and the trunks:]














Winners: Seth Rollins, Big Show and Chris Jericho (Via Pinfall @ 14:28)

Match Rating: B





[The crowd here in Indiana is stunned! Seth Rollins just pinned the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan! Rollins looks shocked for a moment and then smiles widely. He gets his arm raised but into the ring comes Sting! Rollins sees Sting and quickly escapes the ring. Big Show and Chris Jericho join Rollins as they move back up the ramp. Inside the ring, there is an argument between the team of Daniel Bryan, Sting and Randy Orton. Rollins laughs as he stands at the top of the ramp, looking toward the ring. The Architect has picked up one of the biggest wins of his career, pinning the WWE World Heavyweight Champion! The credits begin to roll at the bottom of the screen. We've run out of time! We'll see you this Monday night for Monday Night Raw as we move toward Extreme Rules!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of August(SummerSlam) in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of August is declared the winner.


On Smackdown, there were some definite surprises. The highest scores were 4/6. Congratulations to Beejus, jscotty, Smasher1311 and Nobby_McDonald!


Thank you to everyone who predicted!


1. Nobby_McDonald=3 Wins

2. daulten6=2 Wins

Kijar=2 Wins

Warhawk8492=2 Wins

crackerjack=2 Wins

Beejus=2 Wins

Smasher1311=2 Wins

8. The_CoC=1 Win

jscotty=1 Win

10. Happy0wns=0 Wins

Uncrewed=0 Wins

Russelrules44=0 Wins

thecoolestjedi12=0 Wins

AMarc9-8=0 Wins

Lexa90=0 Wins


Nice to see you're doing a present WWE diary Angel (makes me want to continue with my own WWE game). And yes I am back (for now). A few comments though, not sure how I like Goldberg, (never was a big fan +His WWE run back in 03-04 was awful). But otherwise I like the product, nice to see you use Sting more than RL WWE does. But Batista? Boo. :D


Comments On Previous Show: Like I said, not a huge fan of Batista returning, but we'll see where you go from here. Not a fan of Goldberg, but the Rusev feud seems somewhat interesting, no idea where you can go with Goldberg after it though. Anyways, already put in my 9.99 for the Network.


Hey Lexa90! It's great to have you back reading and predicting! You were my #1 fan back in the day. :) I knew that both Goldberg and Batista coming back might be polarizing among the fans. However, I have heard that both of them might have some interest in returning if the money is right or the story is right. I admit that Goldberg's WWE run was lackluster to say the least. Which is why he might come back, simply to restore that legacy.


Sting was always one of my favorites so I am definitely glad to use him. But I am glad to see you back, Lexa90.

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