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The Official ThunderVerse Discussion Thread

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Long time, no AWF game status update.


It's April 2015. Garrett South is on a tear, having cashed in his Golden Opportunity in January to win the World Championship from Timothy Hawk. We just wrapped up this year's Battle for Los Angeles, where it was champion versus champion, Garrett South versus United States Champion Nick Hart in a title-for-title match. The story there is that Hart defeated South in his debut match, a fact that was a sore point for South. At a future meeting, South reclaimed his win, leaving the two 1-1. Both men went on to become champion, but each just *knew* he was better than the other. I'm planning on having South as Unified World Champion for a while, defending both belts. It'll be good experience for him, and our product is low-impact enough that he should be able to handle it. My WrestleFest main event is tentatively South defending his title against Hawk and Drake Richards.


Speaking of the Battle, this year's winner was Silva Dolla, who turned face in the process. I've spent the better part of a year on a redemption arc for Dolla. His first feud as a face will be with Johnny Hollywood, who just re-signed to a wrestler contract. Hollywood will have Dolla on The Hollywood Show, and an antagonistic interview will lead to Hollywood attacking Dolla, ala Piper's Pit.


Towerblock and Power Giant are the tag team champ, teaming as Towers of Power. It's a good role for Towerblock, at least for now. I plan on giving him next year's Battle, though. Assuming he doesn't show up on my Terminal Decline radar.


Immortal Warrior is the television champ, but not for long. Chad Zuma, Bryan Mitchell and Lenny Rhodes have been a force to be reckoned with as a faction called Legion (my Shield analogue). Rhodes is going to beat Warrior for the belt, while I plan on Zuma and Mitchell winning the tag team titles at WrestleFest.


Cross and Seven Brandt have been teaming as Cult of Personality, and they're every bit as good as I'd hoped. The tag team division's really coming alive again. We also have Cloud James and Sean Riley as America's Most Wanted and Theo Barkley and Joe Havanna as Adrienne's Aces. Plus, #Trending is still actively tagging. Planning on splitting up the New California Blondes and Buff 'n' Tuff, though. Bryce and Buff will get pushed as singles stars, Chris and Marcus are short-timers.


The Starlets Division has been improving. Jamilia Rose debuted (as Rose) and won the belt in fairly short order, and the women are pulling match and angle ratings in the mid-50s and low-60s now. Substantially better than when I first started.


This is now the longest-running Thunderverse game I've had, and I'm still having fun, so yay!

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I really like the idea of a MITB analogue and I'll also be using the Golden Opportunity though I've set it as a Wrestlefest thing and I may be changing the name to something like "Million Dollar Ticket" or "Golden Ticket," not sure yet, but I've given it to Garrett South as well as my reasoning for his title involvement.


How popular have you managed to Hawk after a near year long hold of the World Championship? Did you deactivate drugs investigation to avoid South paying the price? The first time around I played the game, I wasn't a fan of Nick Hart, just came across as bland, but I intend on actually making use of him this time around.


Making me consider a Towerblock/Mountain Albert team.


Not a huge fan of Immortal Warrior solely because of his dumb "don't script me" nonsense. Zuma/Mitchell/Rhodes is an absolutely awesome Shield analogue, I love Rhodes and really want to bring him in but I don't know how you manage to fit all these new guys in, the show is already too short for me to handle all the guys currently on the roster so I've only made a single signing myself.


Huge Seven Brandt fan too, him and Lenny Rhodes are in my early list of guys I'll bring in when I want to start bringing people in. I will pass on Cloud James since he reminds me of James Storm and I don't like James Storm. My first time around he came in just to freshen up my upper mid card and give Cross the boost he needed to become a fully fledged main eventer.


I know Barkley and Havanna are supposed to be future title contenders but they just don't appeal to me render wise or backstory wise so they end up in a MVP/Carlito-ish situation where maybe I'll be cool with them holding midcard titles or tag titles but never will I ever have them anywhere near the world title.


Really want to legitimize the Starlets Division but it'll be a really slow process seeing as I don't want to sign anyone till I have an extra show, a longer show, or contracts start expiring.

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I really like the idea of a MITB analogue and I'll also be using the Golden Opportunity though I've set it as a Wrestlefest thing and I may be changing the name to something like "Million Dollar Ticket" or "Golden Ticket," not sure yet, but I've given it to Garrett South as well as my reasoning for his title involvement.


How popular have you managed to Hawk after a near year long hold of the World Championship? Did you deactivate drugs investigation to avoid South paying the price? The first time around I played the game, I wasn't a fan of Nick Hart, just came across as bland, but I intend on actually making use of him this time around.


Making me consider a Towerblock/Mountain Albert team.


Not a huge fan of Immortal Warrior solely because of his dumb "don't script me" nonsense. Zuma/Mitchell/Rhodes is an absolutely awesome Shield analogue, I love Rhodes and really want to bring him in but I don't know how you manage to fit all these new guys in, the show is already too short for me to handle all the guys currently on the roster so I've only made a single signing myself.


Huge Seven Brandt fan too, him and Lenny Rhodes are in my early list of guys I'll bring in when I want to start bringing people in. I will pass on Cloud James since he reminds me of James Storm and I don't like James Storm. My first time around he came in just to freshen up my upper mid card and give Cross the boost he needed to become a fully fledged main eventer.


I know Barkley and Havanna are supposed to be future title contenders but they just don't appeal to me render wise or backstory wise so they end up in a MVP/Carlito-ish situation where maybe I'll be cool with them holding midcard titles or tag titles but never will I ever have them anywhere near the world title.


Really want to legitimize the Starlets Division but it'll be a really slow process seeing as I don't want to sign anyone till I have an extra show, a longer show, or contracts start expiring.


Hawk is sitting comfortably in the high-80s. He took a dip from the 90s after dropping the belt but he's still without a doubt our top star.


I totally had to deactivate drug testing. Too many of my top stars use something, and while I can take or leave Cool Chris, Silva Dolla and Garrett South are key players in my future plans.


I'm amazed at how well South is doing. I was nervous about giving him the belt, but he's had a string of quality matches, even with merely good opponents. I ran a Ric Flair-style retirement angle for Chaperone where he had to retire after his next loss, which eventually led to him challenging South in a title vs career match. Despite Chap being on terminal decline, they scored an 88 match rating.


Nick Hart's fun, if only because I'm a huge Bret Hart mark. With a lot of my main eventers basically being cycled out for old age, he's pretty much a lock for my main event.


I can't stand Immortal Warrior. For the same reason you mentioned, plus I dislike his gimmick. His purpose in life now is to transfer that overness to Legion so that they can move into the upper midcard.


Brandt and Cross are terrific together. They don't really have much going on right now, so I plan on just having them be instigators in other feuds, and cutting creepy promos backstage about wanting to purify the roster. Eventually, they'll move into the title hunt.


Barkley and Havanna were two guys I had little use for, so I threw them into a tag team to at least flesh out that division. They've been serviceable, but I don't see either making it to the main event.


I've managed to keep my roster signings smaller than I typically do, and I run mostly short angles and matches on TV to allow as many people on TV as possible, though I always try to run a solid main event. Looking forward to making National and getting a full two hours of TV though.

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AWF is by far my most favorite federation playing TEW. I think it is because you can go in so many different directions and you have so many different options with the roster in place of the beginning of the game.


A few obervations (and questions from my side):


1. In previous games I never knew what to do with Mountain Albert. In my most recent game I made him champion and form an allegiance with Prophecy. He is doing very well and as champion constantly has matches and angles in the high 80's.


2. In all the games I have started Drake Richards always is on decline, which means that after a few main event matches he is always passing on the torch to upper midcarders.


3. My most favorite wrestler is Giroux, yet I always struggle a little bit with him as I feel at his age and stage of his career his role should also be to pass on the torch..


4. Two wrestlers I always really struggle with is VIP and Immortal Warrior. Any ideas?

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2. In all the games I have started Drake Richards always is on decline, which means that after a few main event matches he is always passing on the torch to upper midcarders.


3. My most favorite wrestler is Giroux, yet I always struggle a little bit with him as I feel at his age and stage of his career his role should also be to pass on the torch..



Richards is getting older, so is Immortal Warrior, they're both usually on decline. As you say, the key is to use them right before they decide to retire.


But at 36 Giroux (unless you get really unlucky on the destiny roll) should be good for a few years yet, I see him more as a future top-liner as Hawk's usual foil and the natural successor of Richards' top-spot. After all, Hawk is only a year younger ;)



4. Two wrestlers I always really struggle with is VIP and Immortal Warrior. Any ideas?


I always give VIP the Man of a Mission gimmick as a face and have heels 'get in his way', screwed over on TV, usually gets the big win on PPV, occasionally teams with other faces to help them in feuds, seems to slowly push him up towards the main event, which is where someone with his mic skills should be in AWF.


Immortal Warrior, I tend to use him as a heel and change his gimmick to bitter veteran asap. Angry that he's being passed over on title shots for younger guys, he snaps a little and goes out to prove himself... which basically equates to him training guys in matches on the lower card and occasionally taking a loss to upper-midcarders who are getting a push.



Hope that helps ;)

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Yeah, I have. 2 time AWF World Champion, 2 time United States Champ, 3 time Television Champ and one time co-holder of the World Tag title.


I might have undersold him in my post; I adore Garrett South.







That's pretty impressive and exactly what I was hoping to see.




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Finally made it through my first full year of booking, wrapping up WrestleFest 2015 last night.


South is still the champ, beating Hawk and Richards in a three-way elimination bout. But Dolla is going to cash in his Golden Opportunity at Uprising, and he'll be my new champ.


In the month leading up to WrestleFest, I retired the United States title. As holder of both that and the World Championship, Garrett South was officially proclaimed AWF's first-ever Unified World Champion and presented a brand new belt to reflect the honor. The new belt continues to carry the lineage of the old World title, though.


Legion (Zuma and Mitchell) won the tag team titles in a bruising four-way TLC match that saw every single participant take a sick bump. Post-match, all four teams (Cult of Personality, America's Most Wanted AKA Dead Or Alive, The Paro Brothers and Legion) were stretchered from the ring.


It was a terrific night for Legion, as Rhodes defeated the biggest challenger yet to his TV title, Nick Hart. He's set to feud with newly single Bryce Christensen next.


My plan is to ramp up Hollywood's push in the coming months, complete with him winning the next Golden Opportunity and successfully cashing it in.


The overhaul of the Starlets is continuing. Mai-Li Easter, Jess Hart, Susie Van Zant and Rose fought in a four-way match, with Hart winning the belt off of Rose after a pretty successful title run.


We're still at Cult. Growth has been really slow, but I'm OK with that. We're losing money every month, but it's less money each time. We've got a stacked roster, with lots of depth, so my hope is that we'll transition smoothly into National when it does come.

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Here's my current roster, for those who are curious:

Aydan Farrell

Bryce Christensen

Buff Norton

Chris Candell


Derrick Rollins

Drake Richards

Ed Brody

Garrett South *WORLD CHAMPION*

Jean-Claude Giroux

Johnny Hollywood

Julian Bishop

Junichi Matsuo



Mario Neri


Mo Fury

Nick Hart


Ranjin Vidur

Shay Kinsella

Silva Dolla

Sylvain Charles

Timothy Hawk



The Tag Team Division

Adrienne's Aces (Theo Barkley and Joe Havanna)

America's Most Wanted (Cloud James and Sean Riley)

Cult of Personality (Cross and Seven Brandt)

Legion (Chad Zuma and Bryan Mitchell) *TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS*

Los Sombreros (Poco Loco and El Mariachi)

Style And Substance (Adam Massey and Kris Phoenix)

The Paro Brothers (Jayson and Ethan Paro)

The Towers of Power (Towerblock and Power Giant)

#Trending (Ricky Fyre and Vincent I. Parker)

Trouble In Paradise (Fargo Korben and Dwayne Kai)



The Starlets Division





Kelly King

Mai-Li Easter



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Decided to have a day off rendering for Vice and actually played the game for a change :eek:


Picked Hell Cat as my user character, but couldn't get behind any of the existing promotions in Platinum once I'd chosen her so started the game and created my own....



Key: Risque

Heavy: Comedy

Medium: Mainstream & Traditional

All women

High T&A

10% danger & intensity

50% angles


Which gives you a product that brings all the boys to the yard, but is surprisingly favorable with sponsors, started at a 'Medium' level (so high Regional). I then went on to pick my roster almost purely based on looks...



(as of Dec 14, Main Event down to Enhancement)

Jess Hart | Jamie Vann | Helen Filino (Hell Cat)| Serenity Barrera


Vicki Rhodes | Angelique | Alexia Dynamite | Candace Horne


Kimberly Knight | Liberty Belle | Brit Riley | Anita Bite (Nancy Marston) | Cassidy Gilmour | Cassia Charisteas


Luzbella (Ana Aguila) | Kellie Swimmer | Sakura Enoki


Mio Enoki | Estrella Purpura





The Enoki Twins

(yes, I know they're actually two of triplets)

Blonde Bombshells

(Cassia Charisteas & Cassidy Gilmour)

Devil's Playthings

(Anita Bite & Luzbella)

Pretty In Sync

(Brit Riley & Kimberly Knight)


Now, the knowledgeable ThunderManiacs amongst you will note that from the second half the midcard down none of these workers have ANY US popularity....




I restricted myself to 6min matches across the board, and only eye-candy based ones period. I also restricted myself to only using sex-appeal based angles. I signed two managers, Shannon Garcia & Sissy, and put Shannon in charge of every face & Sissy in charge of every heel (accept for Alexia Dynamite & Jess Hart respectively due to bad chem).


I signed a TV deal with CRASH:US that started September, late night Fridays - The Late Night Ladies of Wrestling - I imagine in reality it'd be somewhere between GLOW and soft-core porn but the ratings don't lie... I've yet to pull an angle below a 60 grade (even when containing two people with less than 5 pop between them), yet to put on a show that graded less than a 63 and I'm consistently beating The CLUB in Regional Battles :D


Had some fun playing a silly game today :D

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Decided to have a day off rendering for Vice and actually played the game for a change :eek:


Picked Hell Cat as my user character, but couldn't get behind any of the existing promotions in Platinum once I'd chosen her so started the game and created my own....



Key: Risque

Heavy: Comedy

Medium: Mainstream & Traditional

All women

High T&A

10% danger & intensity

50% angles


Which gives you a product that brings all the boys to the yard, but is surprisingly favorable with sponsors, started at a 'Medium' level (so high Regional). I then went on to pick my roster almost purely based on looks...



(as of Dec 14, Main Event down to Enhancement)

Jess Hart | Jamie Vann | Helen Filino (Hell Cat)| Serenity Barrera


Vicki Rhodes | Angelique | Alexia Dynamite | Candace Horne


Kimberly Knight | Liberty Belle | Brit Riley | Anita Bite (Nancy Marston) | Cassidy Gilmour | Cassia Charisteas


Luzbella (Ana Aguila) | Kellie Swimmer | Sakura Enoki


Mio Enoki | Estrella Purpura





The Enoki Twins

(yes, I know they're actually two of triplets)

Blonde Bombshells

(Cassia Charisteas & Cassidy Gilmour)

Devil's Playthings

(Anita Bite & Luzbella)

Pretty In Sync

(Brit Riley & Kimberly Knight)


Now, the knowledgeable ThunderManiacs amongst you will note that from the second half the midcard down none of these workers have ANY US popularity....




I restricted myself to 6min matches across the board, and only eye-candy based ones period. I also restricted myself to only using sex-appeal based angles. I signed two managers, Shannon Garcia & Sissy, and put Shannon in charge of every face & Sissy in charge of every heel (accept for Alexia Dynamite & Jess Hart respectively due to bad chem).


I signed a TV deal with CRASH:US that started September, late night Fridays - The Late Night Ladies of Wrestling - I imagine in reality it'd be somewhere between GLOW and soft-core porn but the ratings don't lie... I've yet to pull an angle below a 60 grade (even when containing two people with less than 5 pop between them), yet to put on a show that graded less than a 63 and I'm consistently beating The CLUB in Regional Battles :D


Had some fun playing a silly game today :D


Ooh, fun! Just doing weekly TV or monthly shows, too? Have your women's popularity grown much?

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Ooh, fun! Just doing weekly TV or monthly shows, too? Have your women's popularity grown much?


1hr weekly shows plus a 2hr "Too Hot for TV" event (can't get PPV yet) ;)


The top of the card have only risen a point or two, some of the lower card are up to 10 pop across the US (having started at 0), which is pretty pleasing TBH :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MJStark" data-cite="MJStark" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>1hr weekly shows plus a 2hr "Too Hot for TV" event (can't get PPV yet) <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> The top of the card have only risen a point or two, some of the lower card are up to 10 pop across the US (having started at 0), which is pretty pleasing TBH <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, that's pretty impressive growth. Nice!</p>
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<p>Shamelessly stole your idea, MJStark. Hell Cat and Jess Hart got a 71 in the main event of our first show, and we blew all the competition away in the regional battles. </p><p> </p><p>

I admit to feeling a little guilty using Jess Hart and Jamilia Rose and others like this though. It's like taking a Ferrari to the grocery store. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Hey folks, we need a bit of help with something....


As you've probably gathered the ThunderVerse is always in the process of getting a bit of a brush-up, regardless of what else is going on and a couple of weeks ago jhd1 threw it open to the team to re-render (from scratch) the one, the only, Terry Thunder!


This where you guys come in, jhd1, James0 & TheEnforcer have all had a shot at a from-sctratch re-render, but the team is split on the three options plus the concept of sticking with what we have...


So here are the options:


James0 | TheEnforcer | jhd1 | Current pic - listed as 'recent jhd rerender'



and here is the straw poll: http://strawpoll.me/6115642


Thanks folks!

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Hey folks, we need a bit of help with something....


As you've probably gathered the ThunderVerse is always in the process of getting a bit of a brush-up, regardless of what else is going on and a couple of weeks ago jhd1 threw it open to the team to re-render (from scratch) the one, the only, Terry Thunder!


This where you guys come in, jhd1, James0 & TheEnforcer have all had a shot at a from-sctratch re-render, but the team is split on the three options plus the concept of sticking with what we have...


So here are the options:


James0 | TheEnforcer | jhd1 | Current pic - listed as 'recent jhd rerender'



and here is the straw poll: http://strawpoll.me/6115642


Thanks folks!


Broke the tie but for the record, my second choice would've been the other one that's top.

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Just stumbled on to a new long term storyline. Derrick Rollins is working his way up the card, choosing different workers to go after that that will improve his position. First was Nick Hart. His new focus is Towerblock as the biggest wrestler in the company. At the same time, he is allying himself with Drake Richards until he is in the right position to take the Title.
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