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NJPW: Kings Of Strong Style II

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Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. U-T (2)



Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Eita (6)



Block B

El Desperado (2) vs. Bobby Fish (4)

Comments: Boned Fish.


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (2) vs. Jay Lethal (4)

Comments: Coming on strong at the end, maybe?


Block B

Rocky Romero (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (4) vs. Kyle O'Reilly (4)



Block B

KUSHIDA (6) vs. Sho Tanaka (0)



Block A

Katsuhiko Nakajima (4) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. Mascara Dorada (4)

Comments: Undefeated Liger stays undefeated.


Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Ricochet (6)

Comments: You've done so well, keep it up for Ricochet!

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May 31st, 2015 - BOSJ Day Five




Best Of The Super Juniors Day Five

May 31st, 2015


Live Event

Airing on NJPW WORLD!

Sunday, Week 4, May 2015!

Held at the Hiroshima Gymnasium in front of 7,010 fans!

Show Rating: B+





Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. U-T (2)


With just two years of wrestling under his belt, nobody really expected U-T to stand tall in this tournament. He'd suffered three defeats in a row and spent the majority of this match on the defensive too. Taguchi kept it simple but underestimated the resolve of the young lion as he came back with a series of high-impact moves. He had Taguchi reeling after a Headscissors, but the 'Funky Weapon' gave him a Hip Attack and attempted the Dodon - only for U-T to counter with a victory roll! Although Taguchi kicked out, U-T rebounded off the ropes at a scintillating pace and slammed Taguchi into the canvas with a Front Flip Piledriver for a huge upset victory!


Match Time: 9:36

Rating: C-





Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Eita (6)


Nobody really expected Komatsu to do anything special during this tournament but it's evident that he's vastly learning in the presence of greatness. Eita is no exception to the rule, he was a step ahead for the most part and once again put his opponent's right arm in some considerable pain. That said, the young lion kept coming back and found a surge of adrenaline from the crowd's support as he drilled Eita into the canvas with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. The young lion even managed to lock in his signature Half Crab (New Japan Dojo Special!), but his arm was in too much pain to maintain the grip. This proved to be Komatsu's downfall as Eita slapped on an arm ringer and then hit the Hidalgo (Vertebreaker) to put Komatsu to bed.


Match Time: 8:55

Rating: C-





Block B

El Desperado (2) vs. Bobby Fish (4)


As the bell rings for this one, it becomes immediately apparent that Desperado has no interest in wrestling. He was disqualified on Friday, a very rare event in NJPW and it seems he's given up on the idea that actually wrestling will get him anywhere near the final. He stalls for most of the match and just bends the rules as far as they'll bend before he's disqualified again. At the midway point, Taichi makes his presence known at ringside even though Desperado is in control. Fish never gets any momentum going as Desperado continues to cut him off with something under-handed - a poke to the eye, a tangle with the referee or just by taking another break on the outside. Eventually, Taichi decides to get involved as he jumps on the apron and distracts the referee. Behind his back, Desperado drives a brutal kick in between Bobby Fish's legs and slams him down with the Guitarra de Angel to pick up the victory and all but end Fish's chances of reaching the final.


Match Time: 10:13

Rating: C





Block A

Tiger Mask IV (2) vs. Jay Lethal (4)


After his defeat to TAKA Michinoku on Friday, the legendary Tiger Mask IV was in no mood for Lethal's crap tonight. He was cheated out of victory and he lets the ROH Television Champion know that he's in a fight tonight. The grumpy veteran is downright nasty, he grounds Lethal and just digs in with knees and vicious stomps before locking on some traditional wrestling holds to stretch the youngster (by Tiger Mask's terms, he is 14 years older). Lethal does manage to string some offence together, but Tiger Mask IV brilliantly counters a Lethal Injection attempt with a Millenium Suplex (Crossface Chickenwing Suplex) and picks up a somewhat surprising victory here.


Match Time: 9:41

Rating: B-





Block B

Rocky Romero (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)


With two very important points to compete for, it's no coincidence that this was one of the best matches of the entire tournament so far. There was a perfect clash of styles at work here as both men's strike game was about even and thus, Sabre Jr. had to keep to submission wrestling and Romero had to utilize his cat-like athleticism to deliver high-risk moves. The Englishman nearly had it won when he brilliantly countered a Foreign Devil (Flying Double Knee Drop) into a Cross Armbreaker but Romero stuck a leg out and got a lucky rope break. Sabre Jr. let his guard down, he argued with the referee and was clearly very frustrated. Romero punished him with a Running Knee strike before climbing to the top to deliver a Foreign Devil and take home the points.


Match Time: 12:03

Rating: B





Tag Team Match

Yuji Nagata & BUSHI vs. YOSHI-HASHI & Jado


Nagata seems rather reluctant to tag with BUSHI, who was returned from Mexico just for tonight. Although the CHAOS duo appear to be going through the motions, they cut off the ring and command the match for the most part. Nagata grills his partner as he finds himself trapped in the clutches of his two opponents, but the 'Anti-Aging Star' makes all the difference off the hot tag. As Nagata single-handedly steers his team to victory, he sets up YOSHI-HASHI for his signature Backdrop. Jado hops on the apron, only for BUSHI to come out of seemingly nowhere as he charged across the ring and speared him through the middle rope as both crashed and burned to the outside! Nagata nods in approval and delivers the Backdrop as the strange bedfellows pick up the win.


But, post-match, Nagata shuns his partner and celebrates on his own. What a grump!


Match Time: 11:37

Rating: B-





Block A

TAKA Michinoku (4) vs. Kyle O'Reilly (4)


O'Reilly struggles just like his tag team partner here as, just like El Desperado, TAKA refuses to actually wrestle. He takes a breather on the outside after just a few minutes of the match, citing a time-out. Taichi comes down and makes his presence known at ringside. As O'Reilly rather dominates the match, Taichi distracts the referee, but O'Reilly blocks the low blow and locks on the Armageddon Cross Armbreaker! Referee Red Shoes Unno is right there, but Taichi props TAKA's foot on the rope! O'Reilly takes issue with the interjection, but turns around right into a thumb to the eye and TAKA rolls him up with an Inside Cradle as Suzuki-gun make it 2-0 over reDRagon.


Match Time: 13:10

Rating: C+





Block B

KUSHIDA (6) vs. Sho Tanaka (0)


If you're counting tour shows, this is the fourth match between these two in 2015. Tanaka fights more impressively here than all of those outings, even locking Kushi in the New Japan Dojo Special But he still has no idea how to counter the Hoverboard Lock (does anybody?) and thus, KUSHIDA puts him away with no real problems here.


Match Time: 10:08

Rating: B-





Block A

Katsuhiko Nakajima (4) vs. Cavernario (4)


With an opportunity to apply some pressure on both Alex Shelley and Ricochet before their match later on, this match was must-win for both of these competitors. Cavernario achieved early success in part to his unpredictability but it would seem that he's been figured out now: avoid the La Cavernaria and he doesn't have a lot else he can work with. Nakajima does just that and cuts the wildman down to size with stiff kicks. These strikes are not something Cavernario will be acclimatized to and thus, after the Death Roll (Spinning Jumping Calf Kick to the back of the head), he's well and truly out for the count.


Match Time: 13:23

Rating: B-





Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. Mascara Dorada (4)


With Liger the only man still undefeated, he started this match carefully and kept to basics. He grounded Dorada after a headlock takeover, but they say offence is best form of defence and that kind of pedigree is something Dorada has in spades. Once he was on his feet, he dazzled the fans as he took out Liger on the outside with a Step-Up Tornillo. This was followed by a Springboard Dropkick and then a Headscissors. Liger caught Dorada on a Springboard Hurricanrana and attempted a Liger Bomb, but Dorada countered with a Sunset Flip roll-up. As Liger kicked out rolling backwards, Dorada quickly hooked his legs around his back and arms and jammed into the canvas with a Yoshi Tonic! Liger probably had no clue what had hit him and kissed his perfect record goodbye.


Match Time: 12:34

Rating: B-





Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Ricochet (6)


Another potential Match Of The Tournament here. With the chance to go joint top of the group alongside Eita, both Shelley and Ricochet pulled out the stops. This was a high-octane, fast-paced back and forth encounter right from the get-go as Ricochet quickly took Shelley to the outside and took him out with a Corkscrew Moonsault Plancha. Shelley fought back into the match with a Superkick and then planted Ricochet with a Springboard Tornado DDT for the first near fall. The 'Future Of Flight' instantly responded, ducking an Enzuigiri as Shelley landed stomach first on the canvas and was promptly flattened by a Standing Shooting Star Press. But Shelley blocked the Benadryller and took Ricochet up for an Air Raid Crash. He connected and thought he had the match won, but Ricochet kicked out just before the three! The 'Time Splitter' then signaled for the Shiranui but Ricochet was wise to it, put the brakes on and delivered an Inverted Suplex. Shelley was on wobbly legs as he tried to stand, and Ricochet drove him into the canvas with a Diving Double Knee Drop for another near fall. But when the 630 Splash connected after a Pele Kick, the 'Future Of Flight' took home two vital points.


Match Time: 12:33

Rating: B





Six Man Tag Team Match

Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Manabu Nakanishi & Watanabe vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)


Considering how these two teams match up on paper, it was always going to take a miracle for the New Japan army to pull off an upset here. Yano is slightly susceptible, but when held up by Ishii and Nakamura, he just becomes a gigantic pain in the arse. The live crowd certainly buy into the upset narrative though and they react very loudly for every near fall. They bring this match to another level during the finishing sequence, but it's CHAOS that are clearly a pace ahead. They wipe out Tenzan and Nakanishi, leaving Watanabe to fight alone. As he attempts his Sit-Out Gourdbuster on Ishii, the move he pinned Gedo with, Ishii reverses it and slams him into the canvas with his signature Brainbuster. Nakamura slides in and puts the cherry on the top of the sundae, delivering a BOMA YE!!!~ for the pinfall victory.


Post-match, Nakamura took a microphone and accosted the Hiroshima Gymnasium for supporting 'two old men and Masa Saito's bastard child'. He asked the crowd if they would support him next time around, the response was a resounding cheer. He said he was looking ahead to Dominion but couldn't see any potential challengers for him. At this point, Nakamura puts his hands over his eyes as if he was wearing goggles and looked around the arena. "There's no contenders here" he said, laughing under his breath. Either way, he was looking forward to fighting the best New Japan had to offer, laughing under his breath again as he asked the crowd if he would be IWGP Intercontinental Champion next time he was in Hiroshima. Once again, the response was a resounding cheer. To close off, Nakamura asked the fans if they would join him in a yeaoh. He even said please and told them not to let him down. Can they do that for him?




Match Time: 15:12

Rating: B+ (match), A (promo)



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BOSJ Day Five Prediction Results


Coincidentally, the two Blocks are like for like after five days...

OOC: Genuinely a coincidence. I didn't plan it this way, promise!






Prediction Results


Beejus: 7

The_CoC: 6

Trev3454: 6 (welcome!)

Infernalmiko: 6

Lo-Drew: 6

Kijar: 5

Crackerjack: 4

thecoolestjedi12: 4

Uncrewed: 4

Wolfman84: 3


A surprisingly unpredictable show. Last but certainly not least, Beejus tops the table this time around.


Wolfman did a Yohei Komatsu and found himself bottom. :p Meanwhile, Uncrewed continues to pay dearly for backing Sho Tanaka and probably wishes he had gone with KUSHIDA now...

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Very intriguing show! I love the way you present the standings as well. Some intriguing symmetry near the bottom…the Young Lions @ 0, reDRagon @ 4. I'm surprised you have O'Reilly that low, but you honestly have a lot more talent (Ricochet, Nakajima, Lethal, Suzuki-gun) than the real NJPW Super Jr., which was pretty thin this year.


I will make sure to do predictions for the next show, but I'm thinking you have an "outsider" like Ricochet vs. Liger or KUSHIDA (some NJPW homegrown) in the finals. I'm not sure how you exactly you are booking them, but it seems like you aren't giving a guy like Eita the "Ibushi Treatment" where he will never win the big one just because he isn't a NJPW pure bred.


Few more questions - I will go through and check, but what was your best match rating? Have you pulled an A* yet? Also, do you use the Storylines feature in your game?

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Very intriguing show! I love the way you present the standings as well. Some intriguing symmetry near the bottom…the Young Lions @ 0, reDRagon @ 4. I'm surprised you have O'Reilly that low, but you honestly have a lot more talent (Ricochet, Nakajima, Lethal, Suzuki-gun) than the real NJPW Super Jr., which was pretty thin this year.


I will make sure to do predictions for the next show, but I'm thinking you have an "outsider" like Ricochet vs. Liger or KUSHIDA (some NJPW homegrown) in the finals. I'm not sure how you exactly you are booking them, but it seems like you aren't giving a guy like Eita the "Ibushi Treatment" where he will never win the big one just because he isn't a NJPW pure bred.

I'm not a huge fan of the imported talent but my Junior ranks are just so thin right now. My hope is that by next year, I'll only be drafting in two or three and not the seven or eight I've bought in for this one. Obviously I can't comment on the overall direction I'm going in but I will do once the tournament has concluded.


Few more questions - I will go through and check, but what was your best match rating? Have you pulled an A* yet?


I haven't not yet, but I have three joint best matches that all pulled me a 95. Nakamura vs. Makabe from Wrestling Dontaku, Okada vs. Kojima from The New Beginning In Nagoya & the main event six man tag here that took place on the Dontaku tour. Sadly, Josh Barnett bought every Wrestle Kingdom 9 match down with his low Charisma and those two main events scored in the middle 80's.


Also, do you use the Storylines feature in your game?

Yeah, my product necessitates that I have to. I'm running one that's slightly more sports entertainment than my previous NJPW diary where I didn't run storylines at all and turned Momentum Effects off.

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I'm not a huge fan of the imported talent but my Junior ranks are just so thin right now. My hope is that by next year, I'll only be drafting in two or three and not the seven or eight I've bought in for this one.


Which is interesting, since being a junior has probably never meant less in New Japan than now. It used to be the great worker high spotty part of the card that made for a great change of pace from the more macho strong style and lariat puroresu heavies. But in 2015 the concept of the juniors almost feels obsolete, especially since both Devitt and Ibushi have remained juniors but have been elevated to main event level.

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Which is interesting, since being a junior has probably never meant less in New Japan than now. It used to be the great worker high spotty part of the card that made for a great change of pace from the more macho strong style and lariat puroresu heavies. But in 2015 the concept of the juniors almost feels obsolete, especially since both Devitt and Ibushi have remained juniors but have been elevated to main event level.


True dat.


Granted, I support abandoning the weight-classes and going for an IWGP-NEVER divide two/three years into an New Japan game, but I'm biased. :p


A unification of the tag and single titles would theoretically work in the junior's favor tag-wise, while the singles would be in the heavyweights.


Then you'd have:

  • IWGP World Championship
  • IWGP Intercontinental Championship
  • IWGP Unified Tag Team Championships
  • NEVER Openweight Championship
  • NEVER Tag Team Championships


And could add in either a fourth singles title for IWGP or NEVER as you please.

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BOSJ Day Six Preview






Best Of The Super Juniors Day Six

June 1st, 2015


Hiroshi Tanahashi's war with Suzuki-gun continues as he assembles a dream team to do battle with Suzuki, Benjamin and the Killer Elite Squad in our final match of the evening.


With just one third of the tournament remaining, a series of pivotal matches will establish the front runners. Ricochet, KUSHIDA, Eita and Liger all have opportunities to finish the day top of their blocks. Elsewhere: Nakajima, Taguchi, Shelley, Romero, Dorada and Bobby Fish all fight to keep themselves in contention.


BOSJ Day Six Predictions


Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)



Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)



Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)



Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)




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Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)

Comments: Goodnight.


Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)

Comments: See above.


Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)



Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)



Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)


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Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)

Comments: Fish is the Wish


Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)

Comments: TAKA!!!


Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)

Comments: Tough here, but not too big on U-T, yet


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)

Comments: Tiger Mask will go over them all


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)

Comments: I'm sorry Desperado


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)

Comments: Tough one here, so I'll go based on favoritism


Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)

Comments: Hmmmmmm.....


Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)

Comments: Wildcard


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)

Comments: Give me points Kushida


Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)

Comments: give me points Ricochet

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Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)



Block B

U-T vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)



Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)



Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)


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Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)

Comments: I wish that Fish would lose to ULTIMATE YOUNG LION, SHO TANAKA!


Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)



Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)



Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)



Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)


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Not really strong on puro knowledge, but will give this a go!


BOSJ Day Six Predictions


Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)



Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)



Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)



Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)


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Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)

Comments: Two Fish.


Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)

Comments: TAKA continues to be the awesome rudo.


Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)

Comments: UT gets the W.


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)

Comments: Tiger Mask puts his rocky start behind him as Cav puts his winning start behind him.


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)

Comments: That was cheap last show, Moot, Liger was undefeated!


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)

Comments: Gaijin on Gaijin violence!


Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)

Comments: That win last week was big, so keep his momentum flowing.


Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)

Comments: Gut call.


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)

Comments: I could easily see Kush in the final.


Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)

Comments: KUSHIDA vs Ricochet in the final!!!

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BOSJ Day Six Predictions


Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)



Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)



Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)



Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)


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BOSJ Day Six Predictions


Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)

Comments: I want to pick one Young Lion to go over here…and I was going to pick Komatsu but I think Tanaka could. I'd like to see a Young Lions vs. reDRagon match at some point!


Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)

Comments: Like I said, I think one YL is going over here…but Fish is definitely more likely to lose than TAKA.


Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)

Comments: I think Sabre needs a win to move out of the middle of the pack…could work well for the long run.


Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)

Comments: Cool match up. Did you see the tag match they had this year (pretty sure it was during the BOSJ, might have been Fantastica Mania) where Cavernario was petrified of Tiger Mask? He was acting like he couldn't understand TMIV wasn't a real tiger. It was hilarious.


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)

Comments Liger is picking up points at a pretty quick pace…I'd like to see him lose in the finals in a "passing of the torch" type moment.


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)

Comments: This would put O'Reilly even with Fish, which makes sense to me.


Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)

Comments: I like Dorada but Romero is so underrated…would be cool to see him go on a little run here and threaten one of the front runners.


Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)

Comments: I see Shelley winning, just to diminish Eita's odds of making the finals.


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)

Comments: KUSHIDA's gotta make the finals! I want KUSHIDA vs. Liger


Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)

Comments: Could leave us with some competitive matches in the final few days. I love the idea of Nakajima in NJPW too.


Overall, how is it booking these round robins? I saw you mention at some point that it was kind of tedious. Are you using a web-based program or something? Just tracking the wins/losses to make sure you get the final you want seems difficult enough. Any insight would be appreciated!

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June 1st, 2015 - BOSJ Day Six




Best Of The Super Juniors Day Six

June 1st, 2015


Live Event

Airing on NJPW WORLD!

Monday, Week 1, June 2015!

Held at the Takamatsu Gymnasium in front of 5,000 fans!

Show Rating: B+





Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (4)


We open the show with the two competitors propping up the rest of their block. Despite not winning a match yet (as one would expect), Tanaka must feel like a victory is just around the corner. But not tonight, Fish is hungry to get back on track and puts in a professional performance before putting Tanaka away with a Brainbuster.


Match Time: 8:45

Rating: C





Block A

TAKA Michinoku (6) vs. Yohei Komatsu (0)


With a win here, TAKA will move to the top of the block. He could be there for all of an hour and a half! - but the point still stands. Komatsu is determined not to let that happen and just like Sho Tanaka, he must feel like he deserves something for all of the fight he continues to show. The young lion actually pushes TAKA pretty close here, enough so that a certain somebody feels to need to interject...




Taichi distracts referee Marty Asami as TAKA pulls a foreign object from his trunks! He nails Komatsu with it and covers him to join Eita and Ricochet at the top of the block!


Match Time: 8:09

Rating: C-





Block B

U-T (4) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (4)


These two outsiders have had relatively topsy turvy tournaments and it's fair to say that both are probably out of contention to reach the final now. That said, there's still plenty up for grabs and it's Sabre Jr. that reaches the hardest. He produces a rather clinical technical masterclass tonight, reducing U-T to brief hope spots before bringing him back to the canvas to continue the hyper extension of the Millenial's right arm. Despite showing courage throughout, U-T finds Sabre Jr.'s Cross Armbreaker to just be one hurdle too many.


Match Time: 8:49

Rating: C-





Block A

Tiger Mask IV (4) vs. Cavernario (4)


After winning his first two matches, Cavernario has taken a complete nose dive and has now lost three on the trot. He's not without confidence though and starts this contest as he means to go on. However, Tiger Mask IV slowly manifests into the grumpy bastard that pinned Jay Lethal yesterday and it's not long before he's standing toe-to-toe with the Rudo. Cavernario looks to slow him down with a Suicide Dive, but Tiger Mask IV dodges it and Cavernario crashes hard into the guardrail. From here, the veteran pulls his opponent back into the ring and hits a Pumphandle Tiger Suplex to prolong Cavernario's misery.


Match Time: 10:29

Rating: C





Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (8) vs. El Desperado (4)


Even with defeat to Mascara Dorada yesterday, Liger is still in a strong position to reach the final. He spends most of this match on the receiving end though, his body must be giving out on him after wrestling five matches in seven days. But, with the fans supporting him raucously, he manages to find a second wind and re-seize the initiative. Right on time...




It's bloody Taichi again... He's holding a plastic storage container and him and Despy seem to have something in mind as Liger is bought to the ropes... but Jushin is wise to the plan and moves out the way as Taichi accidentally bonks his own partner on the head! Liger promptly takes his opponent down with a Lou Thesz Press and pins his shoulders as Desperado isn't able to shake the cobwebs enough to kick out!


Match Time: 11:52

Rating: C





Block A or B

Manabu Nakanishi, Watanabe & Captain New Japan vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Karl Anderson & Tama Tonga)


Although the 'Biz Cliz' have experienced mixed fortunes as of late, they still have no real problems in matches like these. They cut off the ring and isolate the only real threat, Watanabe, in their corner. Although the youngster manages to break free and tag in Nakanishi, the Bullet Club gradually work away at him with Fale downing him after a massive Spear. From here, they just keep Nakanishi and Watanabe out the match entirely as Fale easily puts Captain New Japan away with a Bad Luck Fall.


Match Time: 13:24

Rating: B





Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (4) vs. Jay Lethal (4)


This match probably has more connotations for Ring of Honor than Block A at this stage. The sold-out crowd inside the Takamatsu Gymnasium react accordingly and take a breather from being overly vocal. The match is back and forth and neither man really gains much of an advantage until Lethal hits the Lethal Combination. He climbs up top and goes for the Hail To The King, but O'Reilly outs the way and counters it into the Armageddon Cross Armbreaker! But Lethal manages to escape and regains pole position in this fight with an Enzuigiri. He attempts the Lethal Injection, but O'Reilly ducks. Lethal manages to over-rotate and land on his feet, but O'Reilly quickly snaps on a second Armageddon Cross Armbreaker! The ROH Television Champion has no choice but to submit and Jay Lethal will surely have to defend his title against him when the two return stateside.


Match Time: 9:30

Rating: C





Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Mascara Dorada (6)


Just like TAKA Michinoku moved joint top of his block earlier tonight, the winner of this match will join Liger and KUSHIDA at the top of theirs. With both men feeling they have to win this one, they pull out all the stops. Romero is vicious from the outset and drags Dorada into the crowd as they fight through the bleachers. Referee Red Shoes Unno refuses to count either man out until one of them has returned to the ring; that being Romero. Dorada has to claw his way back to his feet, hop over the guardrail and move his whole body in the ring... but he just beats the twenty count. The fans always eat that spot up.


Despite Romero being in control, Dorada knocks him to the outside with a running dropkick and then takes him out with the most graceful of Tope Con Hilo's. As Romero claws his way back on the apron, Dorada throws caution to the wind by running and hopping over the top rope to Hurricanrana his opponent back to the floor below! Both competitors are laid out for a period of time but Dorada returns to his feet first. Romero climbs back to his feet again, but gets all of three seconds respite before Dorada delivers a Step-Up Somersault Tornillo to take him out again!


The luchador drags his opponent back into the ring and makes the cover but that exhibition wasn't enough to put Romero away. In fact, the former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion makes a comeback with a Running Knee strike so vicious that Dorada does a full 180 and lands on his stomach. A short time after, Romero scales to the top and looks for the Foreign Devil but Dorada has the presence of mind to roll out the way! Romero stands, only to find himself bamboozled as Dorada executes a Springboard Sunset Flip and holds his opponent's shoulders down just long enough to pick up the three.


Match Time: 12:45

Rating: B





Block A

Alex Shelley (6) vs. Eita (8)


Another potential Match Of The Tournament here, it would seem that the matches are getting better and better as the reward for a victory becomes greater. One would have to assume that Shelley is really fighting for his tournament life here but that's easier said than done against somebody that seems to have absolutely no weaknesses. Eita gets the better of him on the mat and then floors Shelley with a running dropkick when the two are back to a vertical base. In an odd turn of events, the more experienced Alex Shelley winds up as the underdog as Eita targets his assault on his opponent's often-injured right shoulder. No stranger to being under the kosh, Shelley absorbs the punishment before buying valuable respite with a Superkick that leads directly into a Sliced Bread #2!!! The impact sent shock-waves through Shelley's right shoulder though, he hesitated to make the cover and Eita was able to kick out at two and a half.


Shortly after, Shelley takes Eita up for the Air Raid Crash but his injured right shoulder gives out and Eita counters it beautifully into a Crucifix Driver. Shelley kicks out but finds himself locked instantly in the Numero Uno! He tries to fight the pain, but the only thing he's fighting is the inevitable and he submits the match.


Match Time: 12:27

Rating: B





Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. KUSHIDA (8)


Much the same as the previous match, Taguchi needs a victory here to stand any chance of reaching the final. And much like their clash last year, Taguchi focuses his assault on Kushi's left ankle and tries to keep him grounded. Not letting himself get too bogged down, KUSHIDA takes every opportunity possible to give Taguchi's left arm a beating. Taguchi was first to go for his submission, the Ankle Lock, but KUSHIDA rotated and kicked him away with his right boot. Taguchi went for the Dodon after hitting Eddie Guerrero's Three Amigos but his left arm gave out as KUSHIDA countered with an Arm Drag that lead into a Fujiwara Armbar. Luckily for him, Taguchi managed to prop a foot on the bottom rope to force a break. KUSHIDA went for a Handspring Back Elbow, just to get caught with the Dodon! Taguchi was sure he had the match won but Kushi got a shoulder up before the three!


Nevermind, Taguchi promptly wrapped on another Ankle Lock but KUSHIDA turned over and reeled Taguchi in towards him as he countered it into a Crossface! But having not done much damage to his adversary's neck, the 'Funky Weapon' had very few problems fighting to the ropes. Both guys got back to a vertical base and start trading blows but Taguchi miscalculated a Running Hip Attack and promptly found himself being taken over as KUSHIDA executed a Headscissors. Everybody knew what was coming next, even Taguchi - but he was powerless to fight it, and the potential broken arm he could have received and thus he joined a growing list of people to submit to the Hoverboard Lock.


Match Time: 13:49

Rating: B





Block A

Ricochet (8) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)


Having watched Eita win, both of these men were under immense pressure to pick up a victory and keep their chances of reaching the final alive. As such, we had another potential Match Of The Tournament on our hands. Nakajima didn't really bother with any kind of smart strategy, he just fought fire with fire and tried to beat the life out of last year's winner and render him unconscious enough to pick up a pinfall. As such, Ricochet was constantly having to cover up from Nakajima's educated feet. However, Nakajima would rue attempting a German Suplex as Ricochet landed on his feet and then ducked a mistimed Lariat to deliver a Spinning Roundhouse Kick.


Although Nakajima continually attempted to seize control, he simply couldn't handle the speed of Ricochet as the spectacular high-flyer continued to gain momentum. The 'Future of Flight' hit a Frankensteiner from the top rope but only found a near fall. He hit a Springboard Shooting Star Press but got the same result. Funnily enough, it was a counter that broke Nakajima's resolve, Ricochet caught the NOAH representative's foot and turned into a kick of his own: the Benadryller! This rendered Nakajima dazed enough so that Ricochet could hit the 630 Senton Splash and pick up the victory.


Match Time: 13:25

Rating: B



Eight Man Tag Team Match

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Yuji Nagata, Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, Shelton X Benjamin, Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)


An all-out war here, referee Red Shoes Unno loses control from the get-go and the action spills to the outside. Suzuki's Army have no real advantages here, besides their willingness to bend rules of course and they use that to full effect as they isolate Goto on their side of the ring. As Goto tags in Shibata (just one of the three fresh partners he has on the apron) the match becomes increasingly back and forth. Both teams exchange tags and start throwing bombs as the numbers gradually whittle down. Eventually, we're left with Hiroshi Tanahashi and Minoru Suzuki.


The two exchange forearms until Tanahashi blocks parries a slap and brings Suzuki over with a Dragon Suplex. The Suzuki-gun leader kicks out and climbs back to a vertical base but Tanahashi drops him back to the canvas again, this time with a Sling Blade! The #1 Contender to the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship climbs up top and connects with the High Fly Flow for the victory as Goto, Shibata & Nagata keep guard.


As the New Japan Army celebrate their victory, Tanahashi takes a microphone. He thanks the fans and the rest of the New Japan Army for supporting him and wonders if Tetsuya Naito saw that. He wonders if the Champ even has NJPW WORLD, only 999 yen of course! Tana says the victory felt good and he was glad to win one for the fans but ultimately, it doesn't matter, it will be forgotten in a few week's time. What matters is that he beats Tetsuya Naito at Dominion and he asks for support as he looks to claim back his IWGP World Heavyweight Championship.


Match Time: 15:17

Rating: B+ (match), B+ (promo)



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BOSJ Day Six Prediction Results


I have to apologise for something. I got Bobby Fish's total wrong, he was on 4 points and not 6. I guess it was inevitable that I would make some kind of slip-up eventually.


TAKA was joint top! -- for all of an hour. After Day Six, this is how we stand.

Just three more shows to go until the FINAL!






Prediction Results


thecoolestjedi12: 9

Wolfman84: 9

Beejus: 8

Uncrewed: 7

Dean: 7

Crackerjack: 6

AMarc9-8: 6

Kijar: 5


A fantastic result for some - an average one for others. Wolfman and Jedi made like John Cena with their comebacks!


P.S. Although I am late to this, I wanted to say thank you for the DOTM votes. I love you guys for loving my diary -- if that makes sense. :p

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Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Bobby Fish (6)

Comments: I wish that Fish would lose to ULTIMATE YOUNG LION, SHO TANAKA!

One day, you might just be right. :D

Much like TAKA, I was only in the lead for about an hour :p

I'd be worried if I started finding parallels to TAKA Michinoku of all people...

Comments: Cool match up. Did you see the tag match they had this year (pretty sure it was during the BOSJ, might have been Fantastica Mania) where Cavernario was petrified of Tiger Mask? He was acting like he couldn't understand TMIV wasn't a real tiger. It was hilarious.

I didn't, but I'll check it out if I can find it. (I should really subscribe to NJPW WORLD again...)

Overall, how is it booking these round robins? I saw you mention at some point that it was kind of tedious. Are you using a web-based program or something? Just tracking the wins/losses to make sure you get the final you want seems difficult enough. Any insight would be appreciated!

I basically use a table like the one you find here and decide when certain matches are taking place. For example: I'll find Ricochet and Nakajima and stick the day they're fighting in their two spaces. Eventually, I'll have ninety matches down on paper and then it's just a case of figuring out who wins and who loses. :rolleyes:

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BOSJ Day Seven Preview






Best Of The Super Juniors Day Seven

June 2nd, 2015


Togi Makabe returns to the ring for the first time since losing his war to Shinsuke Nakamura - but "The Rainmaker" looks to drown out that parade.


In Super Junior action, KUSHIDA faces the only competitor in the tournament that may have an answer to the Hoverboard Lock. Equally, Ricochet faces a veteran that will surely look to cut him down to size. Eita will have to deal with classy opposition and Liger will have to deal with youthful exuberance as the pack leaders look to avoid falling at the final hurdle.


BOSJ Day Seven Predictions


Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)



Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)



Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)




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Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)



Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)



Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)


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Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)



Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Eita (10) vs.Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)



Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)


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Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)



Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)

Comments: My Mind is telling me Dorada but my heart is telling me Sho


Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)



Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)


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BOSJ Day Seven


Block A

Yohei Komatsu (0) vs. Alex Shelley (6)



Block B

Sho Tanaka (0) vs. Mascara Dorada (8)



Block A

TAKA Michinoku (8) vs. Cavernario (4)



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi (6) vs. El Desperado (4)



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly (6) vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima (6)



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger (10) vs. U-T (4)



Block A

Eita (10) vs. Jay Lethal (4)



Block B

Rocky Romero (6) vs. Bobby Fish (6)



Block A

Tiger Mask IV (6) vs. Ricochet (10)



Block B

KUSHIDA (10) vs. Zack Sabre Jr. (6)


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