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NJPW: Kings Of Strong Style II

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Wrestling Dontaku 2015 Prediction Results


Why would you let El Desperado take the pin? He's the thoroughbred between the Suzuki Junior trio!


Of all the things to comment on... you choose that. :rolleyes::p


Shibata wins, oh yeah, oh yeah!


I sometimes get the impression you read this just for Shibata. ;)


You really do capture the spirit of NJPW so well.




I'm flattered man, thank you very much.


Prediction Results


Due to Kenny Omega's unfortunate injury, his match was cancelled. You can read about it here. That means 9 points were up for grabs and...


Beejus: 9

The Final Countdown: 9

Crackerjack: 8

Kijar: 7

Hashasheen: 7

Packerman120: 7

Wolfman84: 6

Uncrewed: 6

thecoolestjedi12: 6


For the first time in this diary, two people scored 100% on a show. You both join Uncrewed in the 100% Clubhouse, he got every prediction correct for the New Beginning In Nagoya.


Nobody scored under 66% on this show so congratulations to all.

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Best Of The Super Juniors Announcement #1




The Best Of The Super Juniors XXII!


The 22nd Best Of Super Juniors tournament commences on the 25th of May from the Sapporo Ice Arena.


This round-robin tournament features some of the finest Junior Heavyweights (wrestlers of 225lbs or under) on the globe - some hailing from the United States, Mexico and the United Kingdom as well as representatives from other puroresu promotions.


With twenty of the finest lightweight talents in the world divided into two blocks, the Best Of The Super Juniors seeks to establish the finest #1 Contender for the injured Kenny Omega's IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship. With a guaranteed contract already signed for Dominion, the Best 'Super Junior' will look to dethrone the reigning Champion and cement their position at the top of the ladder.


The following ten competitors complete the first block, Block A...




Representing New Japan Pro-Wrestling...




One half of the Time Splitters, Alex Shelley!




Representing Ring of Honor Wrestling...




One half of reDRagon, Kyle O'Reilly!




Representing New Japan Pro-Wrestling...




The legendary veteran, Tiger Mask IV!




Representing Pro Wrestling NOAH...




The 3-time GHC Junior Heavyweight Champion, Katsuhiko Nakajima!




Representing New Japan Pro-Wrestling...




The Young Lion, Yohei Komatsu!




Representing Suzuki-gun...




The dastardly, TAKA Michinoku!




Representing Dragon Gate Pro-Wrestling...




The Millenial, Eita!




Representing Ring of Honor Wrestling...




The reigning ROH World Television Champion, Jay Lethal!




Representing Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre...




El Bárbaro, Cavernario!




Representing American Independents and Dragon Gate Pro-Wrestling...




Last year's BOSJ Champion, the 'Future Of Flight', Ricochet!





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One more thing to note:


Say what you will about Takaaki Watanabe's given name... but it's damn sure better than EVIL.


Extra thing to note that wasn't mentioned prior.


Bring back NEVER at some point. Maybe as a brand, maybe as a replacement to the weight divisions, maybe as a replacement to the NWA titles, but something.


It's too cool a brand not to use.


As regarding your previous comment on the Openweight Championship (IWGP International Openweight), I must point out there was once a IWGP U-30 (Under 30s) Openweight championship. If the classification is going to change (personally I'd keep it, and add a NEVER Openweight Tag Team to boot!), then you can use that to bring Tanahashi in briefly to boost that title since he was the last champion.

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Thank you for the comments guys, I'm glad you're all getting very excited. :p


This block A could have some good/great matches. How long is Eita and Jay Lethal around for?

I'm not entirely sure yet. My Junior division is in desperate need of new blood though, so there's every chance I could sign three or four based on their performances in this tournament.


Your field is already stronger and more diverse than this year's was in real life...and you've only revealed one block.

I'm not sure why they don't bring in more international talent to be honest. But that was my hope, to try and make it as exciting for you guys to read and it is for me to write. Thanks for your kind words as always.


Say what you will about Takaaki Watanabe's given name... but it's damn sure better than EVIL.

No comment. ;)


With regards NEVER: having it a secondary brand is impossible. As a touring promotion, my TV is highlights and I can't get a B show. I'd have to run NEVER as NJPW shows and if they don't get at least a B, my popularity takes a hit. I could bring it in as a developmental promotion or something like I did on my last diary though.


With regards IWGP International Openweight: I never liked the concept behind the U-30 title, even though it lended itself very well to Tanahashi and the likes. But I'm not sure where I stand on those plans overall just yet, we'll see.

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Best Of The Super Juniors Announcement #2




The Best Of The Super Juniors XXII!


It was in 1988 that New Japan Pro-Wrestling held the first iteration of this tournament, then named the Top Of The Super Juniors. The first ever IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Shiro Koshinaka defeated Hiroshi Hase in the final but the tournament wouldn't be held again until three years later. Jushin Thunder Liger relinquished the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship so that a new champion could be decided in the 1991 Top Of The Super Juniors. Liger would go on to defeat Negro Casas in the semi-final before losing to Nario Honaga in the final.


In 1994, the tournament was renamed to the Best Of The Super Juniors with Jushin Thunder Liger pinning Super Delfin to win his first of only two tournament titles (although he did win TOSJ 1992). Since then, such names as Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit), Black Tiger II (Eddie Guerrero), Tiger Mask IV, Koji Kanemoto, Kota Ibushi and Prince Devitt have taken home the prestigious trophy and the 27 year legacy that proceeds it.


Could one of these following competitors join them? Let's take a look at Block B...




Representing New Japan Pro-Wrestling...




The icon, Jushin Thunder Liger!




Representing Suzuki-gun...




The devious, El Desperado!




Representing Ring of Honor Wrestling...




One half of reDRagon, Bobby Fish!




Representing CHAOS...




The hooligan, Rocky Romero!




Representing New Japan Pro-Wrestling...




The young lion, Sho Tanaka!




Representing Dragon Gate Pro-Wrestling...




The Millenial, U-T!

Special thanks to MHero for the picture.




Representing New Japan Pro-Wrestling...




One half of the Time Splitters, KUSHIDA!




Representing Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre...




The masked sensation, Mascara Dorada!




Representing New Japan Pro-Wrestling...




The 'Funky Weapon', Ryusuke Taguchi!




Representing Pro Wrestling NOAH and the British Independents...




WON's 'Best Technical Wrestler' winner of 2014, Zack Sabre Jr.!





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BOSJ Day One Preview






Best Of The Super Juniors Day One

May 25th, 2015


The first of ten days of tournament action, we're at the Sapporo Ice Arena as these twenty competitors will look to get their tournament off to the perfect start.


Our featured match of the evening comes from Block B as the legendary Jushin Thunder Liger takes on the New Japan mainstay Rocky Romero. Elsewhere; Jay Lethal, Eita, Katsuhiko Nakajima, U-T, Cavernario and Zack Sabre Jr. will all make their New Japan Pro-Wrestling debuts.


Join us for all the action LIVE only on NJPW WORLD!


BOSJ Day One Predictions


Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu



Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T



Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima



Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.



Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet



Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish



Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero




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BOSJ Day One Predictions


Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu

Comments: Yohei's time will come. Maybe a win over Tiger Mask IV. Can't see Cavernario losing his first block match.


Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T

Comments: My boy.


Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima

Comments: I hate Tiger Mask.


Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Comments: Sho's not going to be able to continue, armbar city yo!


Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita

Comments: MY BOY!


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada

Comments: Ass based offence has no place in a serious tournament! :mad:


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet

Comments: Sorry Rick O'Shea, I like Kyle more.


Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish

Comments: KUSHIDA should be the ace of the juniors IRL.


Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero

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BOSJ Day One Predictions


Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu



Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T



Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima



Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.



Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet



Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish



Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero


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Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu



Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T



Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima



Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.



Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet



Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish



Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero


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Too excited!


BOSJ Day One Predictions


Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu



Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T



Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima



Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.



Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet

Comments: Hard ass decision


Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish



Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero


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Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu



Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T



Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima



Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.



Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita



Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada



Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet



Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish



Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal



Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero


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BOSJ Day One Predictions


Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu

Comments: Don't see the young lion winning this.


Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T

Comments: As a huge Dragon Gate fan, awesome to see that you're using U-T(who I think is solid.) However he's one of the low end guys of the (in real life) defuncted Millenials and so I'll take El Despy here.


Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima

Comments: Interesting to see Nakajima in this tourney. Beating TMIV would be a good start.


Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Comments: Gotta go with ZBJr here.


Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita

Comments: While U-T is on the low end of the Millenials, his fellow original Millenial friend Eita is on the forefront. I could this going both ways however I'll go with the slight upset and pick El Numero Uno for the win.


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada

Comments: Taguchi is still a "name" in the junior division.


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet

Comments: I like to think both of these guys are favorites to get to the finals. Will be interesting to see how things pan out but I'll go with the defending BOSJ champ to start off this campaign with a W.


Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish

Comments: Another favorite to win the tourney. KUSHIDA for the win.


Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal

Comments: Would be a good win for Lethal to start off.


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero

Comments: Love both guys but Liger is still Liger.

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BOSJ Day One Predictions


Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu

Comments: The big lion eats the young ones


Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T

Comments: U-T is good but not good enough


Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima

Comments: Never liked IV


Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

Comments: Becuse its Sabre.


Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita

Comments: MHero made me do this.


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada

Comments: Mascara sticks out to me more


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet

Comments: My Pick to win this thing.


Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish

Comments: Timesplitting, Matchwinning.


Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal

Comments: Timesplitting, Matchlosing.


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero

Comments: Do i need a reason, its thunder liger. THUNDER LIGER MAN.

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BOSJ Day One Predictions


Block A

Cavernario vs. Yohei Komatsu


Block B

El Desperado vs. U-T


Block A

Tiger Mask IV vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima


Block B

Sho Tanaka vs. Zack Sabre Jr.


Block A

TAKA Michinoku vs. Eita


Block B

Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Mascara Dorada


Block A

Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ricochet


Block B

KUSHIDA vs. Bobby Fish


Block A

Alex Shelley vs. Jay Lethal


Block B

Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Rocky Romero

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