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MoSC: Below the Kilt - (C-Verse 97)

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OOC: In recent years, I've tried to create diaries based around replacements/successors to the greatest wrestling promotion of all time, Men of Steel Combat. I spent ages dreaming up puns for promotion names and creating characters but it never quite worked. I quickly lost interest. I missed the Combat Zone. I missed the greatest of all time (in wrestlecrap terms, anyway)... The Highland Warrior. In the last few week's I've discovered Derek B's C-Verse '97 data and, finally, I have a new opportunity to return MoSC to glory. Thanks, Derek, for the data and, as for everyone else, prepare to be a party to:



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The director speaks straight to camera.



Nevermore: It's January 1997 and, in the USA, the "East Coast War" is captivating wrestling fans. As a fan of hardcore wrestling, you may expect me to wax lyrical about the groundbreaking booking of Phil Vibert in DaVE or the risque counter-culture of the XFW. But no. As a British fan of hardcore wrestling, I am proud to say that this great nation plays host to the first and, in this film maker's opinion, the greatest hardcore promotion there is... perhaps, the greatest wrestling promotion there is, Men of Steel Combat. Over the course of this home video series, it is my honour to show you the workings of this promotion both in the ring and behind the scenes as we go... Below the Kilt.



The camera cuts to a reception area



Overdubbed Narration: This was Emma Evans, nicknamed "Double E with the Double D's", for reasons that should be clear. She was a backstage interviewer on-screen and, seemingly a receptionist off-screen.


Evans: Name please?


Nevermore: They call me Neverrmore.


Narration: It was hard to concentrate. It seemed the twins were staring me in the face.


Evans: Err... Hi, my face is up here.


Narration: I realised from her tone that it was, in fact, me who was guilty of staring.


Nevermore: Oh, sorry... I just noticed your lovely necklace.


Evans: I'm not wearing one, arse hole.


Narration: It was worth a shot.


Evans: Look, just take a seat over there and warrior will be with you shortly.


Nevermore: Sorry, where?


Evans: Over there... on the chair, perhaps.


Narration: The jagged metal frame looked about as inviting as a chat-up line from "Pug Ugly" Mike Peterson.


Nevermore: I think I'm fine standing.


Evans: Whatever... can I get you a coffee or anything?


Nevermore: Yeah, ta.


Evans: How do you take it?


Nevermore: Rack... I MEAN BLACK!


The camera cuts to a menacing, suited man sitting behind a desk.



Nevermore: Your name is?


Warrior: The Highland Warrior.


Nevermore: ...and your real name?


Warrior: I just gave it to ye laddy.


Narration: The Warrior was famous for his respect for kayfabe.


Nevermore: And you are the owner and head booker of Men of Steel Combat?


Warrior: Aye. And who in the wee hell be ye?


Nevermore: I'm the documentary maker. You asked for me to record your new change in direction... hence the camera.


Warrior: Oh aye. Sorry, laddy... a few too many chairs to the crannie.


There is a brief silence.


Warrior: Scotch?


Nevermore: It's 9am.


Warrior: Aye. Sorry it's a bit late. Ah canae 'ave got the whiskey cabbie open for aboot an hour.


Nevemore: Well, thank you, but I'm fine.


Warrior mutters under his breath.


Warrior: Wee pansy.


Nevermore: Can you tell us about that new change in direction for the company?


Warrior: Aye.


Nevermore: So...


Another pause.


Nevermore: Will you?


Warrior: Aye.


Another pause.


Nevermore: Like, now.


Warrior: Aab'dy's awfy interested in this wee "East Coast War". But we want to turn ye attention back onna British wrestling.


Nevermore: And how do you propose to do that?


Warrior: By becoming the best darn-eh promotion in all'a the world.


Nevermore: But British wrestling is famous for being, well... crap.


Warrior: Aye.


Nevermore: How do you plan to rectify that?


Warrior: Rectify? That English for cleaning yer jacksie?


Nevermore: Oh, dear god.... No. "Rectify". It has nothing to do with rectums.


Warrior: Shame.


Nevermore: Moving on... Do you plan to have less fat men using cheese graters?


Warrior: Ach, no... Far more fatties with gratties!


Nevermore: Okay... do you plan to showcase more in the way of technical wrestling?


Warrior looked bemused.


Warrior: Are ye queer or summat?


Nevermore: No... why?


Warrior: Gimme a fatty laddy with barbed wire over ye technical flippity-floppity bollocks any day a' week.


Nevermore: So, what's going to change?


Warrior: We're gonna give free scotch out at the shows.


Nevermore: That's it?


Warrior: I know... booking genius.


The camera cuts back to the reception area



Evans: All done?


Nevermore: Semenly.


She frowned.


Nevermore: Err... Seemingly so.


Evans: Well, good luck with the documentary. All the best with it.


Nevermore: Same to you; all the breast.

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The Highland Warrior vs. A Foreigner



Our national hero takes on some foreign git.




The Woodsmen vs. The Hughes Brothers



Billy and Larry Wood debut at the Combat Zone to take on Darius and Tyrone Hughes as we redefine the meaning of brotherly love with blunt force trauma.




Barry Griffin vs. That Japanese One



Firstly, we must apologise for organising an actual wrestling match. We promise it won't become a habit. However, on the plus side, it is a chance to watch a Brit leather a foreign devil. Hurrah!




The Landlord vs. Rolling Johnny Stones



The leader of "The Scourge" and one of the wealthiest men in UK wrestling, The Landlord, plans to settle a rent dispute with the young rocker, Johnny Stones, via the medium of weapons-based brawling. Who needs solicitors when you have steel chairs?



Alabaster Livingstone vs. Dark Angel



The former MoSC UK Champion, Dark Angel, returns to the Combat Zone for Clash of the Tartans 1997! He is set to do battle with a former World of Wrestling Champion in "The Blue Blood" Alabaster Livingstone. Lod knows why a hoighty-toity rich boy like Livinstone wants to step foot in the house of hardcore. But we'll gladly see his block knocked off.


Quick Picks


Highland Warrior v. A Foreigner


The Woodsmen v. The Hughes Brothers


Barry Griffin v. That Japanese One


The Landlord v. Rolling Johnny Stones


Alabaster Livingstone v. Dark Angel

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Highland Warrior v. A Foreigner

I don't see the Head Booker/Owner losing on the first show... plus, he hasn't hit his forties at this point, right?

The Woodsmen v. The Hughes Brothers

Have to think the Brother Hughes are more over, and take the win.

Barry Griffin v. That Japanese One

Thunder is more established and a better wrestler -- could go either way, but the foreign invasion will take one.

The Landlord v. Rolling Johnny Stones

The Landlord has the overness to make the talented Stones pay his rent.

Alabaster Livingstone v. Dark Angel

Honestly, Alabaster looks like a one-off

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Highland Warrior v. A Foreigner


The Woodsmen v. The Hughes Brothers


Barry Griffin v. That Japanese One


The Landlord v. Rolling Johnny Stones


Alabaster Livingstone v. Dark Angel


Nevermore is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Highland Warrior v. A Foreigner

Highland Warrior is the man.


The Woodsmen v. The Hughes Brothers

The Woodsman may not have any popularity in the UK, but the Hughes brothers don't have talent in any part of the known universe.


Barry Griffin v. That Japanese One

After the main event Highland Warrior may be in need of a new foreigner to batter.


The Landlord v. Rolling Johnny Stones

Only a right mug would bet against the Landlord.


Alabaster Livingstone v. Dark Angel

Dark Angel has supernatural speed and agility that allow him to best any non-Scotsman.

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Your ECW diary was one of the diaries that made me want to start a diary of my own and your past MOSC diaries have been great so I am glad to see you back.


Highland Warrior v. A Foreigner


The Woodsmen v. The Hughes Brothers


Barry Griffin v. That Japanese One


The Landlord v. Rolling Johnny Stones


Alabaster Livingstone v. Dark Angel

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Your ECW diary was one of the diaries that made me want to start a diary of my own and your past MOSC diaries have been great so I am glad to see you back.


Wait, you have your own diary BHK??? I might have to check that out ;)


As for you Nevermore, I arrived on the forums when your ECW diary was done, but when it returned I read pretty much the whole thing and I think it's excellent! Looking forward to this, even though I don't know many of the characters yet...


Highland Warrior v. A Foreigner


The Woodsmen v. The Hughes Brothers


Barry Griffin v. That Japanese One


The Landlord v. Rolling Johnny Stones


Alabaster Livingstone v. Dark Angel

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Highland Warrior v. A Foreigner

Nae foreign git is winning in Warrior's hoose!


The Woodsmen v. The Hughes Brothers

Larry Wood. Enough said.


Barry Griffin v. That Japanese One

He might be English but the other guy is Japanese.


The Landlord v. Rolling Johnny Stones

Echoing Tiberious (and Sha Samuels) in saying the only a right mug wouldn't pay The Landlord.


Alabaster Livingstone v. Dark Angel

Dark Angel wins via kicking the pompous git in the face repeatedly.

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Real interested how you portray "wee lad" Jeffery McPeterson, the street-fighting tween son of The Highland Warrior


He's not yet active. I'm as yet undecided on whether to make him a character before his game debut. Almost seems wrong not to.


Also, for avoidance of any doubt, the only edit I've made to the gameworld is making Highland Warrior a user character who I am now controlling as owner of MoSC. Cheap tactic? Maybe... but the idea of being Warrior was a little too awesome to refuse.


Quote The Raven


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Saturday, Week 1, January, 1997





Bernie: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Combat Zone for Clash of the Tartans! We are here in Middlesborough Hall, Northern England for what promises to be a great night of bar fights. I'm Bernie Evans and alongside me is my significant other...

Joan: Significant other?! I'm your wife, you hak.

Bernie: Well, as they say... behind every great man is an even greater woman.

Joan: Irrelevant here, wouldn't you say?

Bernie: What?

Joan: Great men. I'm yet to see one tonight.

Bernie: Oh, you're so funny, my dear.

Joan: I wish I could return the compliment but alas... In fact, scratch that, I wouldn't want to even if it was accurate.


The bickering is interrupted by the familiar sound of bagpipes

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6bso5Vi6SYk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The crowd goes crazy as The Highland Warrior bursts through the curtain.

He thrusts his claymore sword in the air as his man boobs sway majesticaly on his run... well, waddle... to the ring.


Bernie: It's the one and only pride of Scotland... The Highland Warrior.

Joan: What do you care? You're Welsh.

Bernie: I care because he is the greatest wrestler in the world.

Joan: He's not even the greatest wrestler in the ring.

Bernine: There's no one else in the ring.

Joan: Exactly... most of the locker room could have a better match with a turnbuckle.

Bernie: Regardless, here comes The Asian!

Joan: My god... the booking team really outdid themselves with that name didn't they?



Warrior dominates the early going. The Asian barely sees any offence.

However, in the the third minute, the foreigner lands a lowblow.


Bernie: Oh no!

Joan: I'd be careful punching him there! We don't know where he's been.


The Asian now seizes the advantage, dominating for a short while.

That is until he goes to land a right hand.

Warrior no-sells.


Warrior no-sells.

The Asian looks shocked.


Warrior no-sells and sticks up his index finger.

He shakes his finger at The Asian.


Bernie: Oh, here we go...

Joan: Oh, god...


Warrior points at his adversary.


He starts flexing his biceps and shaking.


Bernine: And the Highland breasts are in full swing. He's scotching up.


Warrior gestures to the crowd and, seemingly, hundreds of whishkey bottles are thrown into the ring.

He catches two and proceeds to down the entire contents.

He then smashes the empty bottes over The Asian's head.

Some shards of glass fly towards referee, Scotty Gregory, who, starting to bleed slides out of the ring.


Bernie: And the ref is gone for now.


The Asian staggers backwards.

Warrior lands a right.

And another.

And another.

He locks in the front waistlock.



Joan: Do you have a stutter?


Warrior covers The Asian and makes his own 3 count.

Match Rating: D


However, before Warrior can celebrate he is blasted from behind by a steel chair.



Bernie: It's the UK Champion; the "Hammer of the Scots"; The Steamroller.

Joan: Finally some sanity around here.


Steamroller: You moronic "smart marks" can cheer this talentless fatty all you want but, face facts... it's me who is the greatest wrestler and this belt over my shoulder proves it!




Steamroller: And it's only because I'm the best... because this sespit of a wrestling scene needs me so badly, that I continue to degrade myself by coming North. You can't even get a decent beer up here. I'll grant you, Middlesborough is better than Scotland but barely. I hear they're adding finger painting to the school curriculum up here to prepare the kids for finger printing in later life.


Joan Evans laughs. Her husband doesn't.

The crowd jeer and throw things at the ring.


A tartan shirt clad heavyweight appears at the entrance way.



Bernie: It's "The Pride of Scotland" Angus McCloud!

Joan: I thought you said there was only one pride of Scotland...

Bernie: Okay, so I spoke too soon.

Joan: That's not the only thing you do too soon.

Bernie: Oh for crying out loud, Joan

Joan: No... I don't think I've ever done that. Not with you anyway.


McCloud: Aa'bdy ay I be fookin' sick o' yer smoothmootherin'. I'll scud yer wan oan the shuch!


The Steamroller looks bemused.


Steamroller: Does anyone here speak homeless?


McCloud: Lemme speak plain for yer than, sassy. I'm challenging you for that strappy, laddy!


Steamroller: Sorry, was that "speak plain" or "speak camp"? Angus McCloud... bringing a whole new meaning to "tossing the caber".


McCloud: Ach... come lither ye be laughing on other side-a ya face, man.


Steamroller: Okay... well, ignoring the anatomical impracticality of that... challenge accepted. I'll gladly whip you back over Hadrian's Wall.



The debtuting Woodsmen flat-out dominate,

The Hughes Brothers are flung from pillar to post... and the fans love it. Despite bing faces, they receive nothing but derision.

In the eighth minute, Darius suffers a Running Big Foot from Larry for the 3 count.

Match Rating: E-


Bernie: A very impressive debut for the Woodsmen, Billy and Larry.

Joan: Bloody Canadians!

Bernie: What's the problem with Candians?

Joan: Well, for one, leaving the Empire.

Bernie: I don't quite know how to respon...

Joan: Not to mention, they sell milk in bags, Bernie. IN BAGS.

Bernie: I don't see how that's relevant...

Joan: You don't catch us selling cereal in bottles do you? No... because that would be bloody ridiculous!

Bernie: Anything else?

Joan: Yeah, half of them are French.

Bernie: I don't think the Woodsmen are French.

Joan: Well, they're ugly and smelly.

Bernie: Oh, dear god. I'm so sorry, ladies and gentleman.

Joan: It's true; he really is a very sorry man.



The crowd get solidly behind Griffin for this one.

He and That Japanese one put on a stellar match, particularly considering their limited popularity.

Griffin wins with a Powerbomb Deathlock in the ninth minute.

Match Rating: D-


The Scourge - The Landord, his lawyer, Randy Garcia and his bodyguards, Thug and Bruiser - make their way to the ring.



Bernie: The Landlord is set to do battle with "Rolling" Johnny Stones.

Joan: Seriously, that kid needs a better ring name.



Johnny Stones puts up a valiant fight against his larger opponent.

However, there is constant distraction from Randy Garcia.

The result is put beyond doubt when Bruiser slides in and delivers the Dominator to Stones.

Landlord capitalises for the win.

Match Rating: E-

* - Johnny Stones and The Landlord have poor chemistry as opponents.


After the match, Bruiser and Thug lay the boots into Stones.


Until a figure emerges from the crowd with a steel chair.



Bernie: It's Jay Heartbreak!

Joan: You mispronounced "Gay".


Heartbreak slides in and takes out Bruiser and Thug.

The Landlord and Garcia escape before they meet the same fate.

Heartbreak helps Johnny Stones up.


Bernie: Why is Heartbreak helping Stones?

Joan: Kidney!

Bernie: Excuse me.

Joan: Kidney Stones! Now, that's a gimmick that would match the kids' entertainment skills.



Two former British wrestling champions combine for a very respectable bout.

It's an even contest with plenty of back-and-forth.

Dark Angel gets the win following a Descent Into Hell in the seventh minute.

Match Rating: D


The Highland Warrior is backstage for an interview with Emma Evans.



Evans: I'm Emma Evans. You may rememer me from such backstage segments as the night we booked the wrong venue and The Steamroller decked the Duke of Gloucester. I'm here alongside the Highland Warrior.


Warrior stands silently, swaying drunkenly.


Evans: Warrior...


Warrior: Aye.


Evans: A great victory against the Asian tonight but a dastardly attack from the Steamroller...


Warrior: Aye.


Evans: Your thoughts?


Warrior: My thoughts?


Evans: Aye... I mean, yes.


Warrior: Are those Double Ds?


Evans: They are, hence the nickname.


Warrior: Mine are only Cs.


Evans: Terrific. Anyway...


Warrior: How d'ya git that much bounce?


Evans: Yoga.


Warrior: I tried yoga once.


Evans: Really. What happened?


Warrior: When the instructor said we were aye doin' half cobras next week, I thought he meant Indian beer. I was guffing like a steamie.


Evans: Well, delighftul as your stories are... Oh, god.


Evans holds her nose.


Evans: Have you been drinking Cobra tonight?


Warrior: Aye.


Evans: Back to you, Bernie.


Warrior continues to sway as the camera cuts back to ringside.




It's brawl from start to finsih between Big Angus and The Steamroller.

In the fourth minute, The big Scot starts to claim the advantage.

However, The Steamroller steals it back with a kick to the groin.

He wins following a Big Back Body Drop at 6:17.

Match Rating: E+ (Well, that's a bit bollocks!)


After the match, Steamroller lays the boots into Angus.


But the Highland Warrior storms to the ring, C cups a-swaying.



The Steamroller slides out before he can come to harm, to the cheers of the Northern crowd.

Angus stands and goes nose-to-nose with the Warrior.

The two shake hands as the crowd goes wild.


Bernie: It looks like the Steamroller is in big trouble! Two Scottish Titans are now gunning for him.

Joan: As if one wasn't bad enough.


Show Rating: D

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First show above


OOC Announcements


Firstly, some admin


So, welcome to the childish humour-ladened and, otherwise unadulterated, crap that is a Nevermore diary.


Without sounding too grovelly, hopefully... thanks to all those who have made kind comments, Much appreciated. Also, apologies if the first show wasn't as rib-splitting as you might have hoped. This being both a promotion and a mod that people may not know about, I wanted to take some time to introduce the Main Eventers, at the least, to you all... rather than just barreling straight into full-on chaos.


Create a fan


I will be putting together a create-a-fan system as I have for my past C-Verse diaries... where you can create a fan who will appear at the Combat Zone. However, this time around, I thought I'd do it differently. Previously, I've created a separate thread at the diary's outset.

Firstly, this pushes actual diaries down the board (which is not cool).

Secondly, I've daftly suggested people create their fans before even knowing the roster or the show format fully, which probably stifles the full creativity or enjoyment.

Thirdly, everyone has got their fans in at the start. So, I feel under pressure to try and include them all as quickly as possible so as not to leave anyone out... regardless of whether I've come up with a cool idea for them yet.

So, this time around, create your fan in this thread. Please, don't feel under any pressure to do so soon. Jump in whenever you wish. Also, tell me whatever you want about your fan - it doesn't have to be so rigid this time (but obviously, things like their relationship histories are a bit difficult to portray in a show). Nevertheless, here's the old form for some pointers if you want them - the only mandatory category is: "preferred weapon".


Name: (Either yours or the fictional fan you wish to create)

General Appearance: (your striking features; for example - glasses, beard, hairstlye. Individual freckles... I'm not so bothered by :p.)

Nickname: (if you think a nickname applies to you, fill it in here; for instance - think "Hat Guy" from ECW shows)

Favourite Ringside Beverage: (A Pint Glass of London Pride? Canned Heineken? Coke? Remember this is the UK though... there is nothing to stop you drinking Bud Lite but it might raise some eyebrows)

Favourite Ringside Food: (Pizza? Beer? No spit-roast pork or anything overly stupid, mind... unless you can accurately describe how you would bring it to the venue )

Preferred Weapon: (What do you tend to bring to a "Fans Bring Weapons" match? - here the more creative/ridiculous, the better for everyone involved :D)

Favourite Wrestler: (Pick a wrestler from the MoSC roster to follow most avidly - this can be changed/amended later)


Information can also be amended at any point.



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The results are in


Alot of 4/5's. My booking is clearly too predicatble for you lot :p. However, the run-away winner is MHero on 100% (smart arse). So enoy, your new, official Highland Warrior t-shirt. Be warned, any future bearded wrestlers using similar slogans are just rip-offs. Don't be fooled.




Future rewards will vary... may involve merchandise, picking match stipulations or booking approaches. So, as for the rest of you, must try harder :p.


Nevermore assumes no responsibility for bad arithmetic.

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Be warned, any future bearded wrestlers using similar slogans are just rip-offs. Don't be fooled.

I believe him... This happened in '97 so it must have been first...


Can't wait 'til the Warrior turns heel and we get a 'Nay, Nay, Nay' t-shirt!!!

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I believe him... This happened in '97 so it must have been first...


Can't wait 'til the Warrior turns heel and we get a 'Nay, Nay, Nay' t-shirt!!!


Nae chance of that happening, Warrior turning in Scotland would be like England winning a World Cup again! :p

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Name: Michael Benson

General Appearance: How about a render instead :D

Nickname: Michael "The Fencin" Benson

Favourite Ringside Beverage: Mtn Dew

Favourite Ringside Food: Hot Dogs

Preferred Weapon: A picket Fence

Favourite Wrestler: Dark Angel



Mr Benson showing his support for MOSC


sorry Nevermore if you didnt want a render for the fan submission

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