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SWA: Ares takes the territories[T-Verse Platinum]

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Live from Club Peril, Idaho, North West (300)



Announce Team


Gerry Lofton - Barry Baugh



Barry: Welcome to year 2015 and a new beginning for SWA. There are some big announcements to be made tonight. We don’t know what are they but…


Gerry: Oh shut up Barry, we all know Ares is gonna once again earn footage for himself via his crap filled speeches.


Barry: You never know Gerry, there might be some big changes……






Just on that cue, Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin plays signaling the entry of Ares.






Ares: A very very warm welcome to a new beginning in 2015. I am Ares, your resident professor of wrestling, of course you all know that (smirks).


But tonight, I have not come here to conduct my wrestling clinic, I have come here for much bigger reason.


The crowd acts surprised not knowing how to react.


Ares: You see, since I came to SWA, the popularity and the level has been increased. So, with that in mind, SWA directors saw it fit to invest in me for a hell of a long time. So, here I am standing in front of you as the Chief Visionary, a person who will give a vision to the company, who will grow the company to an all new height.


So, with that in mind, let me talk about the first landmark change. SWA right from this moment, will be divided into seasons, that’s why tonight’s Showdown is termed 1.1, which means 1st show of 1st season. Each season will run from January to December and each match in the season will carry points and at the end of each season, the person carrying the least points or in other terms, the lowest grade member of the roster is kicked out as this place is not for losers.


The crowd gasps big time as this announcement is completely out of blue.

And, since we already have stables engaged in turf wars, so we will add that element to the fight for survival. So, here’s my 2nd rule of the season, whichever stable or individual gets to 10 points, he or they have the authority to choose between going for titles, challenging another gang for A Gang Mayhem match or challenging any other wrestler to a loser leaves town.


Barry: Holy shit!! Ares is just throwing curveballs after curveballs tonight. Ares as Chief Visionary, SWA divided into seasons, contract termination clauses…..wow, that’s too much to take for a single night.


Gerry: This is sabotage!! Ares has just brought down our beloved company. Were SWA directors on drugs??


Ares: And now for a very important decision for tonight. Our champ Titan has faced all comers and defeated all of them. But he has not faced one person and no that is not me as I am beyond fighting title matches as I have a company to run.


That person is his stable mate, Marcus Franklin so tonight it will be between Marcus and Titan.


Grade: 54


Barry: I am speechless. Clash of the Varsity Club. That will be one hell of a main event.


Gerry: I still cant believe what happened. Our company is going downhill.






As Ares was trying to leave the ring, in came a trio of wrestlers.




Clancey: Ares!! Wow!! That is some deep sh*t you spewed. Congratulations on your new position but you must not forget one thing.


You see, we three people standing here have a lot in common. We have all been humiliated by you. We have been down and out for long and that is only because of monsters like you and Mark King that we have become a joke of the industry.


You think we are good enough only to make you look good?? We are good enough only to give people like you and Mark a win in their column??

Well, if you think like this, then you are the stupidest person I have seen in my entire career.


For once, the crowd gives huge pops for Nadeau for taking on Ares.


Clancey: We are Down and Out and we will make sure we leave everybody the same and tonight we challenge you and Mark to a handicap match right now, if only you are man enough to accept.


Cyber: That’s cool bro. Down and Out coming for you.


Grade: 28


Gerry: Yes, I salute Down and Out for standing upto that jerk. I hope they bring Ares and Mark down to earth.




Handicap Match: Down & Out V/s. Ares/Mark King



- Ares and Mark King was having problems tagging together and it showed in their performance. While Mark tried to lock in his STF at every moment without even softening up his opponents, Ares looked disinterested in the fight and refused to tag in.

- Nadeau on the other hand had a statement to make especially after his comments and he took the attack to the opposition flattening them with top rope dropkicks, springboard ranas and suicide dive on Mark King.

- The suicide dive knocked out King after which Nadeau and Matthews went to work on Mark King , this left Cyber exposed to Ares in the ring and he was no match for him.

- An Ares-plex on Cyber ended the match



Winner: Ares/Mark King (Ares via Ares-plex on Cyber)

Grade: 40





Barry: What an opening to the night!!


Gerry: Things are definitely getting tenser as next is the clash that has been in the making for quite some time now. Johnny Cross faces his attacker PLAYA.




Johnny Cross V/s. PLAYA


- Cross was a man possessed and he irish whipped PLAYA to all the four corners.

- PLAYA tried to dodge his way out but Cross would have none of it and he continued to pummel PLAYA with punches to the count of 10.

- Scaremare tried to sneak in to attack with a knuckleduster but Cross was ready for it and he side stepped him and then hit his CS2 (Cross Side Slam)

- Soon he went after PLAYA but he had already left the ring thus, giving Cross a count-out victory which made the crowd absolutely livid.


Winner: Johnny Cross (via count-out)

Grade: 26







King Edward V/s. Waylon Siren


- As soon as the last match ended Waylon was in the ring hoping to start his hate filled sermons against the heels of SWA once again but he did not get any chance this time as PLAYA who had escaped the beating of Cross entered the ring and hit Waylon with the same knuckleduster that Scaremare had tried to use in the previous match.

- Well, it effectively sealed the match as Edward came, smirked, and just kept punching Siren like a punching bag before hitting his Windsor Palace (Pedigree) to secure the win.


Winner: King Edward

Grade: 25






Barry: After that strange double header where we didn’t see a single clean win, we head next to out semi-main, the Tag title ladder match.


Gerry: That 2 bit gangsta PLAYA stink up the proceedings once again. When the hell will he get out of here?? I hope he becomes the 1st termination of the new SWA.





SWA Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Court V/s. Dreamscape



- Brady and Shawn had put their best game on tonight executing tandem moves after tandem moves like hangman suplex followed by a springboard legdrop.

- As Brady tried to climb up, he was dragged down and DDT'ed on another ladder by Scaremare.

- An attempt at Having Nightmares was countered by Impact and he put away Frightening with a vicious clothesline.

- Scaremare used a small ladder as a weapon and caught the face of both Taylor and Impact and in the process even his own partner.

- As Scaremare got down to tend Frightening, Impact recovered and kicked both of them out of the ring on to another ladder lying in ground.

- The belt was retrieved by Impact and they retained the title.


Winner: The Court (Impact via item retrieval) (makes defense #4 of SWA Tag Championship)

Grade: 45






Gerry: And now for the match that nobody believed could ever occur, Varsity Club clashes.


Barry: Two of the best friends for their entire life forced to fight each other tonight.






SWA Championship: Titan Lynn V/s. Marcus Franklin



- The competitors started with a customary hug followed by hand shake which earned cheers from the crowd.

- A series of holds and counter holds followed which again earned cheers. The first significant moment was delivered by Titan who delivered a clothesline to Marcus which sent him outside the ring.

- A brainbuster by Marcus earned a close 2.5 count and Titan delivered his own triple rolling german suplex which also earned a near fall.

- Looking to end things quickly, Titan kicked him in the guts and delivered his Clash of the Titan but Marcus kicked out miraculously.

- Marcus locked in his ankle lock and Titan after staying in a full 6 minutes, had to tap.


Winner: Marcus Franklin (Wins SWA Championship)

Grade: 39








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Sorry every body for posting the show late. Finally the first show of 2015 has been posted. And for those of you who have gone through the show,here is the points calculation table:


1. Every opponent is worth 1 point - So for a tag team match, the total points to be won is 2 and since there are two people who win a tag match, the person who pins in more than 1 person match gets a half point extra. Ex: For a 3 vs. 2, handicap match, if the 2 person wins, they get 3 points but if 3 person wins, they get 2 points and the person who gets the pin get a half point extra


2. Each stipulation and a title match carry 1 point extra - So, if it is a Tag Championship Ladder Match, total points to be won are 4 (2-Tag Match+ 1-Ladder +1-Tag Championship)


3. Ares will not be included because he is an authority figure....biatches...:mad::mad:.


4. And of course, the total points of each stable will be calculated after adding the points of each member.



So, with that in point, here is the points table after January:





And here is the table for Stable Wars:




Shawn Impact gets half a point extra due to belt retrieval in their championship ladder match

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BCW held Rip it Out 1 from a sold out Northern Lights Club in Illinois (300)




1. Colton Halloway defeated Bruce Poole - 40

2. The State Troopers defeated Mr. Football & Stephen Irons – 34

3. Donnie Poole defeated Mr. Rich – 28

4. Mr. Price defeated Spirit Wolf – 23

5. Virgil Hogg Jr defeated Dangerous Daniel Douglas – 45

6. Lesley Colvers defeated J D Hogg – 32

7. Tanner Ellis against Will MacLeod ended in a no contest – 53

8. Terrance Ward defeated Handsome Terry Hayes to retain BCW Southern Heavyweight title – 47








CCW held It’s Over from Calgary Dungeon (286)




1. Porkchop Biscuit Jr. defeated Devon Kennedy – 38

2. Pacific Lion defeated Carter Williams – 21

3. ALPHA defeated Da Silva Brothers to retain CCW Canadian Tag Team Titles – 37

4. Tony Pearce defeated Coleman Lewis – 40

5. Travis Diekman defeated Kyndell Wilson – 52

6. Rich Phoenix defeated Josh Trendsetter – 60

7. Adam Massey defeated Chris Raymond to retain CCW Openweight Title – 62








HCG held Wrestlepocalypse 2015 from sold out Kelley Auditorium (1000)




1. Johnny Axe defeated Joey Devastation – 35

2. Holden Money defeated Brian King – 27

3. Riley Johannsen defeated Robin Money – 35

4. Lance Idol defeated Famous C – 33

5. Furlong Brothers defeated World’s Most Wanted (Robbie Martel/Red Rock) – 36

6. Herculez, Korben & Maxim Kozlov defeated Simon Walker, Caleb Adonis and All Might Mike – 54

7. Big Bubba defeated Cole Walker to retain HCG Hollywood title – 58







AWC MATCH OF THE MONTH - Adam Massey defeated Chris Raymond to retain CCW Openweight Title(62)

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Prediction Contest II results after 1 show


MJStark - 4/5

Kitarzu - 3/5

Xendarii - 2/5


The name Down & Out has been given by MJ as part of 1st prediction contest win.


Congrats MJ. Do let us know your comments on the initial thoughts about the stable that made their debut in this show.


The next show preview will be up shortly and yet another new stable will make their debut.

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Down & Out





Members(From L to R):Eric Matthews/Clancey Nadeau/Cyber

Credentials: None



The new stable that made their debut last month, they came together after getting repeatedly insulted and defeated and humiliated by Ares and Mark King.


Unable to digest this feeling of being down and out 24 hours any more, they have taken the name in literal sense. Failing to win their 1st challenge to Ares, they will be looking to re-tribute themselves in the eyes of public.


Want to catch see them going after the meanest stars??



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So I'm pretty bad at keeping up with diaries, but I've caught up again and I've got to say, I like the direction you are making with Marcus Franklin. Dude's a beast! :D





Down & Out





Members(From L to R):Eric Matthews/Clancey Nadeau/Cyber

Credentials: None



The new stable that made their debut last month, they came together after getting repeatedly insulted and defeated and humiliated by Ares and Mark King.


Unable to digest this feeling of being down and out 24 hours any more, they have taken the name in literal sense. Failing to win their 1st challenge to Ares, they will be looking to re-tribute themselves in the eyes of public.


Want to catch see them going after the meanest stars??



Welcome to



There a three man band!!!!

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A new stable debuts this month and they are not some street mongrels but established group of wrestlers who have conquered other territories and have now come to Seattle to ply their trade. Lets have the rundown:



1. Titan Lynn v/s Waylon Siren


After losing the title last month to his best friend, Titan looks to get back his winning momentum but he has vowed that he will not be asking for a rematch but will earn one.



2. Mark King/Dusty Rockford v/s Clancey Nadeau/Eric Matthews


Clancey Nadeau is leading the revival of Down & Out-ers and even though they lost last month but this month, they are out for revenge. Mark King better beware.....



3. Seattle Gang Mayhem Match: J C Cubed v/s Crazy S.O.B's


The 1st ever Seattle Gang Mayhem match that Ares was talking about. Two groups of 3 locked inside a bamboo cell with tables galore. Eliminations occur through table break or throwing your opponent through the bamboo cell outside. When one team is eliminated completely, the match ends and who better than these two gangs who are locked in a gruesome war to initialize this historic match up in SWA....



4. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court v/s ??


The Court gets a surprise when for the first time in their SWA, they get surprise debutants as challengers. Who will they be and will The Court still be walking out as tag champs at the end of the night??



5. SWA Championship: Marcus Franklin v/s ??


Last month, Marcus got the benefit of being the surprise but this month, he will be at the receiving end as our final debutant challenges for the main title. Will Marcus reign come to a screeching halt or will he continue as champ??







1. Titan Lynn v/s Waylon Siren

2. Mark King/Dusty Rockford v/s Clancey Nadeau/Eric Matthews

3. Seattle Gang Mayhem Match: J C Cubed v/s Crazy S.O.B's

4. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court v/s ??

5. SWA Championship: Marcus Franklin v/s ??


Bonus Question: Who is the new group to debut?? (hint: All 3 are best friends and are established wrestlers for another company)






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1. Titan Lynn v/s Waylon Siren

2. Mark King/Dusty Rockford v/s Clancey Nadeau/Eric Matthews

3. Seattle Gang Mayhem Match: J C Cubed v/s Crazy S.O.B's

4. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court v/s ??

5. SWA Championship: Marcus Franklin v/s ??


Bonus Question: Who is the new group to debut?? The Frat Pack!!!

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1. Titan Lynn v/s Waylon Siren

2. Mark King/Dusty Rockford v/s Clancey Nadeau/Eric Matthews

3. Seattle Gang Mayhem Match: J C Cubed v/s Crazy S.O.B's

4. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court v/s ??

5. SWA Championship: Marcus Franklin v/s ??


Bonus Question: Who is the new group to debut?? The Frat Pack

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1. Titan Lynn v/s Waylon Siren


2. Mark King/Dusty Rockford v/s Clancey Nadeau/Eric Matthews


3. Seattle Gang Mayhem Match: J C Cubed v/s Crazy S.O.B's


4. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court v/s ??


5. SWA Championship: Marcus Franklin v/s ??


Bonus Question: Who is the new group to debut?? (hint: All 3 are best friends and are established wrestlers for another company).


The Frat Pack is back! Even it's the SWA debut! :D

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Live from Rees Mansion, Washington, North West (300)



Announce Team


Gerry Lofton - Barry Baugh



Barry: Welcome to SWA. Another month of heart stopping action comes to you tonight but this time we are outside of our home.


Gerry: That’s right Barry, we are coming to you from Rees Mansion in Washington.


Barry: Our flavor of the season “monthly surprise” continues tonight as yet another group of wrestlers make their debut. We don’t know who are they but we do have information that they are the best friends off the ring.


Gerry: But we open our night with a great match up. Titan who lost his title last month has vowed to not encash his rematch but earn one as he has respect for his buddy, Franklin.







Titan Lynn V/s Waylon Siren


- Waylon Siren tried stalling Titan while trying to put him on a sleeper hold. Even though this tactic worked for a while, eventually, Titan got the better of him putting him down with a spinebuster.

- A belly to belly suplex followed after which Waylon was completely out of the match.

- Finally the Clash of the Titan ended the uninspiring match.


Winner: Titan Lynn

Grade: 22






Barry: Titan is right back on track but up next……..



And before he could continue, as usual Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin signaled the arrival of Ares.






Ares: Hello Washington, it’s freaking hot in here!!!


The crowd pops hard.


Ares: Last month was just the beginning of the vision we have for SWA and tonight it continues. Our season of debuts continues tonight with another hot triplet coming down in SWA. I am not going to reveal just yet but before I go from here I will definitely drop you this………


La Borinqua, the national anthem of Puerto Rico starts playing and crowd looks puzzled.


Ares: So, you have your hint there and tonight………..



Just at that moment, Kings by Run DMC interrupts Ares and King Edward comes out for a showdown.






Edward: Enough of your visionary crap. Month after month you come here trying to paint a picture of the right direction that you are taking but frankly we have had enough. You change the rules, you sign new wrestlers, you make matches…What the hell you are trying to prove??


Crowd goes ballistic in their boos of Edward but at the same time they are loving this showdown.


Edward: This is my court. It has always been like that and it will always be like that. When you are in the den, don’t ignore the lion and tonight you are going to learn a lesson if you are man enough to take a beating.



Ares Promo: 57/ Edward promo: 41






Barry: I can’t believe for the second month in a row, Ares gets interrupted and challenged to a match. Nobody has respect for the Chief Visionary.


Gerry: Well, what do you expect one would do?? Lay on the feet of this brute just because he has some power. I am actually loving our SWA wrestlers now that they are standing upto this meathead baldie.





Mark King/Dusty Rockford V/s Down & Out (Clancey Nadeau/Eric Matthews)



- Clancey Nadeau was desperate to eke out that win for his stable and he targeted Rockford grabbing his long hair to get the leverage and slam him on all the four turnbuckles. A tag to Matthews continued further beating of Rockford and he was completely isolated from his corner.

- Nadeau asked for the tag but Matthews started showing off to the crowd not paying attention to his partner and Rockford caught a breather quickly running to tag in King.

- King cleaned house on Matthews sending him crashing to the ring with a pendulum backbreaker and kept on the pressure with a full nelson backbreaker.

- Clancey tried to break this domination but he was dragged out by Rockford and punched right in the face with the ring bell.

- The STF by Mark King ended the match in the favor of heels.


Winner: Mark King/Dusty Rockford (Mark King via STF on Matthews)

Grade: 32






Gerry: Big big mistake by Matthews. The match was surely for their taking when he got carried away and the match slipped out of their hand.


Barry: He is surely going to get an earful from their leader Nadeau tonight.


Gerry: You don’t give free meals to Mark King. He will eat you alive. But up next, the match that was made earlier tonight, King Edward takes on Ares.




Ares v/s King Edward



- Edward tried his usual riling up the opponent and capitalizing on their mistake tactic and it worked for some time but Ares was a wrestling expert and he would not be bothered by such tactics.

- A cheap eye gouge by Edward backed up Ares when he tried to attempt his Windsor Castle but Ares reversed it with a backbody drop and then ten punched him.

- Finally he hit two Ares-plex in a row but as he was about to pin, in came the cavalry in form of Court and they clotheslined him from behind before hitting their King’s Orders earning a disqualification in process.


Winner: Ares (via disqualification)

Grade: 26





Barry: Another brutal attack by The Court, this time on our Chief Visionary. It will have repercussions for sure.



We see Johnny Cross walking down the lane in the backstage when Dreamscape swooped in from the rafters and started shooting rubber darts at Cross. J C Squared soon came in to save their leader from this humiliation and insult.


Grade: 27






Seattle Gang Mayhem: J C Cubed V/s Crazy S.O.B’s



- The insult delivered by Dreamscape added fuel to the rage and Chung and Cuevas started the match hitting Dreamscape sharply with whatever object they could find in their hand.

- Frightening tried to reverse the offense by throwing Chung onto the bamboo wall but he himself soon got eliminated when Cross throwed him through the bamboo wall outside with a fireman’s carry slam. (1st Elimination: Frightening)

- PLAYA got involved with the match pretty soon and he started using his sharp boots to knock down opponents. A knee strike to Chung and subsequently a GANGSTA (Scissors Kick) through a table eliminated James Chung. (2nd Elimination: James Chung)

- Soon afterwards Cuevas and Cross tried to double team PLAYA and throw him through the bamboo wall but PLAYA ducked the attempt and on the rebound clotheslined them both. With the help of Scaremare, they throwed Cuevas through a weak bamboo cell eliminating him. (3rd Elimination: Johnny Cuevas)

- With only Cross left, it was advantage Crazy SOB’s as they double teamed him to bring further injuries like battering of Cross repeatedly on turnbuckles and on a bamboo cell.

- With almost nothing left to compete, Cross was almost out of the game but as Scaremare and PLAYA was playing to the crowd smirking and taunting Cross, the encouragement of crowd gave Cross a second wind and he suddenly got up and kicked PLAYA on the back before delivering a CS2 (Cross Side Slam) on Scaremare to eliminate him. (4th Elimination: Scaremare)

- With the rivals face to face, Cross went to berserker mode hitting PLAYA repeatedly with a broken bamboo rod drawing blood. With almost zero energy left, Cross delivered another CS2 to PLAYA on a table for the win. (Final Elimination: PLAYA)


Winner: J C Cubed (Johnny Cross the lone survivor)

Grade: 40






Barry: the 1st Seattle Gang Mayhem has been completed and what a battle. Cross was the underdog having lost both his partners but he showed resilience and finally emerged winner.


Gerry: Cross showed true instincts. What a warrior we have in our midst.


Barry: But up next, the debut and we will finally see who has come down to this wrestling heaven.






La Borinqua, the national anthem plays once more as we see three wrestlers draped in Puerto Rican flag coming down the ring.







The wrestlers known as Alex Vidal, Alvaro Buey III and Daniel Azaria, straight from Legacy Wrestling Alliance had emerged in a SWA arena to huge cheers from crowd.



Alvaro: Hi, you must remember us from our Youtube videos where we had been tearing up the house since ages.

Well, we have dominated Puerto Rico for long now but we needed to grow and for that we needed to venture outside of our comfort zone. So, we have come here in the land of beached whales, cheese hogs and fat asses to establish the Icons as the premier force.


With that comment, they managed to turn the crowd against them sooner than a cheetah.


Grade: 37





SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court V/s. The Icons


- Alex Vidal did the heavy lifting for his team, cranking up the speed with lightning fast kicks, cutters, muscle busters and a particularly brutal hangman suplex though it got only two count.

- Impact tried a comeback delivering his own signature standing dropkicks, bodyslams and a rolling cutter to Azaria.

- A Total Impact almost brought the win to The Court but Vidal interrupted at the right moment to break the pinfall.

- After clearing house, the two Puerto Ricans finally worked in tandem and hit their The Future Is Now (Double sitout side slam) to crown the new champions.


Winner: The Icons (wins SWA Tag Team Championship)

Grade: 46








SWA Championship: Marcus Franklin V/s Alvaro Buey III



- Alvaro was at his brutal best handing our punches to the athletically gifted Marcus derailing him for the major part of the match.

- An Irish whip attempt by Marcus into a belly to belly suplex was reversed into a belly to belly suplex of Alvaro’s own before he hit his devastating finisher, The Buey Bomb (Cradle DDT) but the champ kicked out.

- A second rope powerbomb attempt by Alvaro was blocked by Marcus before he hit his own Olympic Slam from the rope.

- Slowly Marcus restored his strength before he locked in his Ankle Lock and Alvaro had to tap.


Winner: Marcus Franklin (makes defense #1 of SWA Championship)

Grade: 54








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The points table after February:





And here is the table for Stable Wars after February:





1. Mark King gets 0.5 points extra for submitting Eric Matthews


2. Johnny Cross gets 2 point extra for being the last survivor in Seattle Gang Mayhem.

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BCW held Hot in the Shade from a sold out Northern Lights Club in Illinois (300)




1. Colton Halloway defeated Mr. Football - 34

2. Doomsday Generation defeated Spirit Wolf/Triple D to retain BCW Southern Tag Titles – 36

3. Mr. Price/Donnie Poole/Stephen Irons defeated Lt. Charger Montoya/JD Hogg/Bruce Poole – 33

4. Sgt. Dodge Lee defeated Mr. Rich – 30

5. Lesley Clovers defeated Tanner Ellis – 44

6. Terrance Ward defeated Will Mac Leod to retain BCW Southern Heavyweight title – 48







CCW held Counterpunch from Calgary Dungeon (286)




1. Marco DaSilva defeated Josh Trendsetter – 35

2. Porkchop Biscuit Jr defeated Carter Williams – 41

3. Kyndell Wilson defeated Devon Kennedy – 32

4. Tony Pearce defeated Jason DaSilva - 40

5. ALPHA defeated Pacific Lion/Coleman Lewis to retain CCW Canadian Tag Team Titles – 36

6. Rich Phoenix defeated Chris Raymond – 56

7. Travis Diekman defeated Adam Massey for CCW Openweight Title – 61







HCG held The Price 2015 from sold out Kelley Auditorium (1000)




1. Johnny Axe defeated Fargo Korben – 53

2. Robin Money/Famous C/All Night Mike defeated Riley Johannsen/Brian King/Cole Walker– 46

3. Joey Devastation defeated Holden Money – 26

4. Caleb Adonis defeated Lance Idol – 37

5. Maxim Kozlov defeated Simon Walker – 40

6. Furlong Brothers defeated World’s Most Wanted – 37

7. Big Bubba went to a double countout with Herculez – 67






AWC SHOW OF THE MONTH - CCW Counterpunch(58)

AWC MATCH OF THE MONTH - Big Bubba went to a double countout with Herculez(67)

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The Icons





Members(From L to R): Daniel Azaria/Alex Vidal/Alvaro Buey III

Credentials: Alex Vidal/Daniel Azaria - 3 X LWA Tag Team Championship, Current SWA Seattle Tag Champion , Daniel Azaria - 1 X LWA Puerto Rican Regional Championship



The Puerto Rican icons now part of SWA, these three come straight down from LWA to create mayhem in this gang war. With Daniel Azaria and Alex Vidal an established champion tag team and Alvaro Buey being part of the famous Buey lineage, nobody embodies Puerto Rican flavor better than them.


But from national heroes in LWA, they have straight away become the biggest heels SWA has ever seen all in just a single night.


Like to see them raise the Puerto Rican flag high in SWA??



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Is King Edward such a terrible worker? I mean, it seems he's got the popularity to be in your main event, but his matches always have horrible grades, even with Ares who manages to score way better grades with some lower midcarders.


I am actually short handed in my entire main event scene. Except Ares and Marcus Franklin, none of my upper midcarders/main eventers like King Edward, Johnny Cross and PLAYA are good in the ring even though they are quite popular with the crowd. Even my previous champ, Titan was terrible so that's why i had to switch the title to Marcus and i had to bring in additional wrestlers (The LWA trio). It is getting really frustrating for me to try and build the skills of all these wrestlers.


Though Johnny Cross and PLAYA has improved, King Edward and Titan Lynn seems to get stuck in a rut and even the wrestling professor, Ares can't help them to a better grade.


I have to make do with whatever i have though so that's the way it is.

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A new month and a new venue awaits us as we make our maiden entry into the state of Montana.



1. Triple Threat: Ares v/s King Edward v/s PLAYA


Since becoming the Chief Visionary, Ares had been targeted every month by somebody or the other but this time he has to face double trouble as PLAYA makes his presence felt



2. Clancey Nadeau v/s Dusty Rockford


Since forming a gang, Clancey has failed to win any matches. His gang mates have let him down everytime but this month he is running solo. Can he set an example for his group??



3. Johnny Cross v/s Alvaro Buey III


After coming out of the SGM match last month battered but on top, Johnny Cross has set his sights on establishing himself as a contender. His 1st stop: the challenger last month, Alvaro Buey III



4. The Court v/s Dreamscape


Having lost their titles last month, The Court is in disarray but a golden opportunity lies when they take on the crazy duo, Dreamscape. Who will get the last laugh??



5. SWA Seattle Tag Championship: The Icons v/s Varsity Club


Having won the title last month and even getting to fight for SWA Championship, The Icons are the hip thing right now. But Marcus has got one up on them. Just like last month, they challenged him for the championship, Marcus has challenged them to their tag championship. Can he become a double champion??



6. Mark King v/s Waylon Siren


Mark King has gone 2-0 in 2015 so far on the back of his powerful submission game but he also gets his first singles match against the tough cop, Waylon Siren. Can he make it 3 out of 3??






1. Triple Threat: Ares v/s King Edward v/s PLAYA

2. Clancey Nadeau v/s Dusty Rockford

3. Johnny Cross v/s Alvaro Buey III

4. The Court v/s Dreamscape

5. SWA Seattle Tag Championship: The Icons v/s Varsity Club

6. Mark King v/s Waylon Siren







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1. Triple Threat: Ares v/s King Edward v/s PLAYA


2. Clancey Nadeau v/s Dusty Rockford


3. Johnny Cross v/s Alvaro Buey III


4. The Court v/s Dreamscape


5. SWA Seattle Tag Championship: The Icons v/s Varsity Club


6. Mark King v/s Waylon Siren

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