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SWA: Ares takes the territories[T-Verse Platinum]

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Ares' behaviour is very interesting. From the story posts we know that he's supposed to be a face, but the way he handled his two opponents in the opener was pretty heel-ish. I'm excited to see how you're gonna develop his character.


The show was enjoyable, good to see that King Edward got some time to outline his gimmick a bit and I already like Clancy Nadeau, probably because I love cruiserweights and you booked him pretty strong. The grenade angle was a bit too much though, Varsity Club probably wouldn't have survived a real explosion. Maybe you meant something like a fake grenade, but then you didn't make that clear.


Liked the rest, though. The main event rating is very underwhelming but for a dynasty reader, it's more important how you picture the match anyway. Looking forward to your second show. :)


Last but not least, there's a closed color tag right at the beginning of your show that doesn't belong there.

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Ares' behaviour is very interesting. From the story posts we know that he's supposed to be a face, but the way he handled his two opponents in the opener was pretty heel-ish. I'm excited to see how you're gonna develop his character.


The show was enjoyable, good to see that King Edward got some time to outline his gimmick a bit and I already like Clancy Nadeau, probably because I love cruiserweights and you booked him pretty strong. The grenade angle was a bit too much though, Varsity Club probably wouldn't have survived a real explosion. Maybe you meant something like a fake grenade, but then you didn't make that clear.


Liked the rest, though. The main event rating is very underwhelming but for a dynasty reader, it's more important how you picture the match anyway. Looking forward to your second show. :)


Last but not least, there's a closed color tag right at the beginning of your show that doesn't belong there.



Thanks Xendarii. Ares segment was intentionally kept that way. Ares has played a heel all his career and so even though he wants to play a fan favorite, his past emotions do get in the way. And ya, of course i meant fake grenade, sorry for that (Wouldn't want my champ getting blown up).:D


Up next the AWC round up.

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BCW held Thunder Kiss 65 in front of a sold out Northern Lights Club in Great Lakes.(300)



1. Doomsday Generation defeated Mr. Rich and Spirit Wolf to retain the BCW Southern Tag Titles - 36

2. Bruce Poole, Triple D & Tanner Ellis defeated Mr Football,Stephen Irons and Colton Halloway - 42

3. Donnie Poole defeated JD Hogg - 26

4. State Troopers defeated Will Mac Leod and Lesley Glovers - 40

5. Terrance Ward defeated Virgil Hogg Jr to retain BCW Southern Heavyweight Championship - 51







CCW held Battle for Respect 1 in front of 284 people at Calgary Dungeon.




1. Porkchop Biscuit Jr. defeated Devon Kennedy - 38

2. ALPHA defeated DaSilva Brothers to retain CCW Canadian Tag Titles - 38

3. Pacific Williams defeated Carter Williams - 23

4. Travis Dirkman defeated Tony Pearce - 49

5. Kyndell Wilson defeated Coleman Lewis - 37

6. Rich Phoenix defeated Chris Raymond - 56

7. Adam Massey defeated Josh Trendsetter to retain CCW Canadian Openweight Title - 65







HCG held Standing Room Only 1 in front of sold out Kelley Auditorium(1000)




1. Famous C, Riley Johansen & Herculez defeated Robbie Martel, Brian King & Lance Idol - 49

2. All Night Mike and Robin Money defeated Joey Devastation and Holden Money - 38

3. Korben and Red Rock defeated Furlong Brothers - 46

4. Big Bubba defeated Caleb Adonis to retain HCG Hollywood title - 57

5. Johnny Axe and Simon Walker defeated Cole Walker and Maxim Kozlov - 39





AWC SHOW OF THE MONTH - CCW Battle for Respect 1(59)

AWC MATCH OF THE MONTH - Adam Massey defeated Josh Trendsetter to retain CCW Canadian Openweight Title(65)

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After crowning our contender last month, its time to move on to the business end of the year. With 2 shows remaining in this year, lets see what we have to offer in November:


1. Handicap Match: Ares vs. Clancey Nadeau/Cyber


After debuting his Wrestling Clinic last month, once again he has chosen two wrestlers and what's more Cyber is again there to be agonized.



2. Eric Matthews vs. Mark King


After permanently putting Bobby in the shelf last month, this time the submission artist take on Eric Matthews. Can he make it 2 times in a row??



3. Johnny Cross vs. Dusty Rockford


After coming out of the losing end in the #1 contender match, Johnny Cross hopes to build his path again and this time you have the maneful Rockford.



4. King Edward vs. Frightening


After Edward pinned P.L.A.Y.A last month, Crazy S.O.B's are an angry lot and Frightening has stepped up to teach a lesson to Edward.



5. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court vs. Varsity Club.


An explosive main event to cap off the show. The Court has been given the responsibility to soften the champ but the champ will only fight if the Court put their titles on line. So, the match has been signed, sealed and delivered. What will the result be??








1. Handicap Match: Ares vs. Clancey Nadeau/Cyber

2. Eric Matthews vs. Mark King

3. Johnny Cross vs. Dusty Rockford

4. King Edward vs. Frightening

5. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court vs. Varsity Club







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1. Handicap Match: Ares vs. Clancey Nadeau/Cyber

2. Eric Matthews vs. Mark King

3. Johnny Cross vs. Dusty Rockford

4. King Edward vs. Frightening

5. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court vs. Varsity Club


(Obsolete closing quote tag at the end of your preview)

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1. Handicap Match: Ares vs. Clancey Nadeau/Cyber

2. Eric Matthews vs. Mark King

3. Johnny Cross vs. Dusty Rockford

4. King Edward vs. Frightening

5. SWA Tag Team Championship: The Court vs. Varsity Club


My name is foolinc and I approve this message.

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Live from Club Peril, Idaho, North West (197)



Announce Team


Gerry Lofton - Barry Baugh



Barry: Welcome to SWA. Another month of ring breaking action. And what a main event we have tonight. The Court defends their tag titles against Varsity Club in a 2 out of 3 falls match. This one will be explosive.


Gerry: And don’t count out King Edward. He may make his presence felt in this match.


Barry: Yes, right but we open up the proceedings again with our resident wrestling expert, Ares.





Once again we see Ares making his way towards the ring.






Ares: Hello ladies and gentlemen, your wrestling genius welcomes you to this wonderful night.


As usual, boos and yays in equal proportion is heard throughout the arena.



Ares: See, I imparted some real training in this ring last month to two hungry young men. And I would like to keep up this good work so I once again call out any two persons who want to be enlightened by the Professor of Wrestling..


Grade: 54







Handicap Match: Ares v/s. Clancey Nadeau/Cyber


- It seemed that Cyber had not learned his lesson or he is hoping to really learn wrestling from Ares as he once again came down this time with Nadeau as his partner.

- Nadeau once again executed his breathtaking sequence of kicks and ranas to Ares which brought the house down.

- But Ares had countered many such offenses before and he is known for his resilience. Once he got his wind back, he started his suplex chain and after every suplex he would yell “Did you learn the technique??” “Learn it quick young guy” and typically an Ares-plex to each of the two participants finished the match.

- But once again he surprised everyone by raising the hands of his competitors and urging the crowd to give them a round of applause.

- Cyber was happy to oblige but Nadeau yanked away his hand and left the ring


Winner: Ares

Grade: 43






Barry:Another clinical performance by Ares. He is definitely the resident wrestling expert.


Gerry: Oh right. If all the brutes became wrestling experts, this wrestling profession will cease to exist.


Barry: That’s over the top Gerry. Calm down.







Mark King v/s. Eric Matthews




- Mark King showed again why he is considered the submission king in the indies. While rendering Matthews offense to a complete zero, Mark systematically dismantled him with his various submission holds.

- Once again Mark locked in his STF which drove Eric to the brink of unconsciousness, moreover Mark blocked Eric from tapping, thus passing him out which was broken up by our security guards who rushed down to the arena.



Winner: Mark King

Grade: 22



Gerry: Oh my god!! The submission king strikes again. Last month, it was Bobby whose career is in jeopardy and tonight it is Eric Matthews. This man is a soulless psychopath. He is cutting our roster short. Soon, we may not have anybody to be his opponent.


Barry: For once, I am with you Gerry. This man is looking dangerous and we may not be left with a roster down the line.


Just like last month, paramedics helped Eric out of the ring and carried him in a stretcher while Mark looked at that and smirked having done his job.






Gerry: Up next, the leader of J C Cubed, takes on “Mr. Beautiful Hair” Dusty Rockford. It rem……..


Barry: Hold on!! We are getting some disturbing news from the backstage. The fight may not happen at all. Let’s go down there.


In the parking lot, we see a lot of commotion with all SWA officials gathered around a car. As the camera zooms in, we find a bloodied Johnny Cross lying lifelessly on the front seat. His protégés, Chung and Cuevas are also present tending to him. He is shifted to an ambulance and it speeds out of the lot in hope of reaching the nearby hospital as fast as possible.


Grade: 26



Gerry: This is disgusting. Who could have done this?? Has our beloved company been reduced to a cesspool?? We are forced to spend our time without any safety??


Barry: I am with you Gerry, this is very very unfortunate and I have just received news that Cuevas will be taking the place of Cross in our next match.


Gerry: What will be going through the mind of this young man after seeing his mentor being beaten and bloodied like that.




Dusty Rockford v/s. Johnny Cuevas



- Cuevas was running through a rollercoaster of emotions when he took the ring but the sympathy he got from the crowd was enough to get him started.

- Feeding off the chants from crowd, he kept on striking and chopping Rockford and each of his strike felt harsher and bigger than the previous one.

- Rockford really had no answer to Cuevas and he was trying to just survive.

- The match was going one way only before perhaps, in his emotion fuelled rage Cuevas tried to go for a top rope double foot stomp but Rockford stuck out his feet at the last moment knocking Cuevas down.

- He followed up with a Long Beach Maverick (Back Breaker) and pinned him using feet on ropes for leverage


Winner: Dusty Rockford

Grade: 24


Gerry: Rockford steals a win. Cuevas emotional journey tonight comes to a bitter end.


Barry: Yes the smart chap waited for the last moment and stole the pin.






Backstage, King Edward walks towards the ring when suddenly, a crackling sound startles him. He looks around but finds nothing. As he resumes his walking, a ton of cartons fall on his path scaring the sh*t out of him. When he look towards the fallen carton, he finds a small chit. Upon opening, he finds the words, “ Got scared!! This is nothing compared to what you will face in the ring!! Courtesy Frightening!!”


Grade: 27




King Edward v/s. Frightening


- Edward tries to keep up with the antics of Frightening but he fails miserably.

- Frightening warms up the crowd with his crazy offense like a top rope crossbody on outside, a discus punch followed by a running bulldog and the mother of all, a springboard DDT on a table.

- Edward had seen enough of this and another attempt at a flying elbow was squatted with a punch straight to the knockers.

- He was picked up and driven through the turnbuckles continuously before being finished off with a Windsor Castle(Pedigree).


Winner: King Edward

Grade: 29






King Edward: You see, this rodent who call himself Frightening tried to scare off me and tried to use underhanded tactics to win the match but you know, i am above all these, I am King of this arena and whatever you do, you just cannot beat me. And similarly, my two faithful companions will defend their titles next against the two idiots who call themselves Varsity Club and then next month, i become the champ.


Grade: 29









SWA Tag Team Championship 2/3 Falls: The Court v/s. Varsity Club



- The first fall happened very early when Titan and Marcus started fast tagging each other and confusing the champs before a stereo legdrop on both the opponents took their wind out. Titan dished out his Clash of the Titan(Delayed T-Bone Suplex) on Taylor to take the fall.

- After that the champs came back, working like a poetry on Marcus and not allowing him any kind of leverage to lock in his submission.

- Titan's attempt to enter was foiled when he was knocked off the perch via a clothesline to outside. The King's Order(Snapshot) on Marcus brought the match level.

- As soon as the match was about to start with referee looking to get the proceedings again, Edward sneaked in and punched Franklin with what looked to be some sort of weapon. He didn't stop there and outside he punched Titan with the same thing which busted him.

- The pinfall was academic after that and Court retained their title.


Winner: The Court (2 falls to 1)( makes defense #3 of SWA Tag Team Championship)

Grade: 42




Gerry: They once again cheat to retain their title. How long are we gonna have to digest these group??


Barry: As long as SWA exists, they will be there and i don't think they will ever change.








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BCW held One More Round from a sold out Northern Lights Club in Illinois (300)




1. Stephen Irons defeated Bruce Poole - 28

2. Mr. Price defeated Mr. Rich – 26

3. Doomsday Generation defeated State Troopers to retain the BCW Southern Tag Titles– 39

4. Donnie Poole defeated JD Hogg – 27

5. Lesley Glovers defeated Dangerous Daniel Douglas – 37

6. Will MacLeod defeated Spirit Wolf – 35

7. Tanner Ellis defeated Virgil Hogg Jr. – 56

8. Terrance Ward defeated Adam Massey to retain BCW Southern Heavyweight title – 70







CCW held Rivals Collide from Calgary Dungeon (287)




1. Porkchop Biscuit Jr. defeated Travis Diekman – 50

2. Coleman Lewis defeated Hunter Wolfe – 31

3. Kyndell Wilson defeated Pacific Lion – 31

4. Carter Williams defeated Devon Kennedy – 22

5. Marco DaSilva defeated DeSean Royal – 35

6. Jason DaSilva defeated Tony Pearce – 37

7. Rich Phoenix defeated Josh Trendsetter – 59

8. Adam Massey defeated Chris Raymond to defeat CCW Openweight Title – 61







HCG held Xtravaganza 1 from sold out Kelley Auditorium (1000)


1. Riley Johanssen defeated Red Rock – 34

2. Lance Idol defeated Joey Devastation – 28

3. All Night Mike, Famous C and Robin Money defeated Robbie Martel, Brian King and Holden Money – 40

4. Herculez, Korben and Cole Walker defeated Big Bubba, Hollywood Al and Hollywood Harris – 55

5. Caleb Adonis and Maxim Kozlov defeated Johnny Axe and Simone Walker – 41





AWC SHOW OF THE MONTH - BCW One More Round(63)

AWC MATCH OF THE MONTH - Terrance Ward defeated Adam Massey to retain BCW Southern Heavyweight title(70)

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Ok, now that the second show is completed, you must have been irritated seeing the change in match from Johnny Cross vs. Dusty Rockford to Johnny Cuevas vs. Dusty Rockford.


Well, the fact is actually i realized at the day of booking that Johnny Cross is unavailable for booking as he is wrestling for Wrestle-X.


So, i took some creative liberty to change the match. Hope you don't mind and it has actually given me some good storyline ideas as well.


The points will not be deducted for that.


Also, for those wondering what happened to Bobby, i failed to re-sign him in time and he left us so i also used creative liberty there to bring momentum to Mark King.


That being said here are the prediction results:


Xendarii - 5/5

MJStark - 4/5

jhd1 - 4/5

CadeSydal - 4/5

foolinc - 4/5


Prediction Results after 2 shows:


jhd1 - 8/10

MJStark - 9/10

Kitarzu - 5/5

foolinc - 8/10

Xendarii - 9/10

Midnightnick - 3/5

CadeSydal - 4/5



So, one more show left to predict before the winner is announced who will get a special prize.

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Our last show of 2014. And we have a great line-up to end the year on a high.


1. Ares v/s James Chung


Ares has been imparting training or so he says for the last couple of months ever since he has come to SWA. Dominating performances in handicap matches have brought the spotlight to this man but Chung has challenged him to a singles match. What will be the result??



2. Mark King v/s Johnny Cuevas


The submission king is on a mean streak. Having ended the career of Bobby and gravely injuring Eric Matthews, this time his sights is set on one half of J C Squared, Johnny Cuevas. Will the mean streak continue??



3. P.L.A.Y.A v/s Waylon Siren


Waylon Siren has returned to SWA after taking a break for a couple of months and he has told everyone at SWA that he has some breaking news to be unveiled.



4. Marcus Franklin v/s Shawn Impact


The tainted loss last month has heated up the war between the Court & Varsity Club and Marcus Franklin has challenged Impact to face him in the ring without any support. Can the tag champ continue his winning streak or will Franklin derail the momentum of Court.



5. SWA Championship: Titan Lynn v/s King Edward


Titan has so far defended his title against both Cross and PLAYA, leaders of J C Cubed and Crazy S.O.B's but on this night he faces the most devious contender of them all, King Edward. With The Court and Varsity Club locked in a fierce gang war, much more rides on this match than championship gold. Who will come out on top in this night and what will the repercussions be??






1. Ares vs. James Chung

2. Johnny Cuevas vs. Mark King

3. PLAYA vs. Waylon Siren

4. Marcus Franklin vs. Shawn Impact

5. SWA Championship: Titan Lynn vs. King Edward






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Live from Club Peril, Idaho, North West (300)



Announce Team


Gerry Lofton - Barry Baugh



Barry: Welcome to the last show of the year. Our penchant to deliver action packed card continues tonight.


Gerry: That’s right and what a main event we have. Titan defending his title against the only person he has not fought against, the devious King Edward.


Barry: Yes, and what about the fallout match from last month, Marcus Franklin takes on Shawn Impact.


Gerry: Still angry about the manner in which they lost the tag titles, Marcus has vowed to take revenge tonight.






Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven blares through the speakers signaling the entry of Ares.






Ares: Oh here I am again, present before you with all the humbleness in the world that you can expect from a decent guy like me. And of course, who would take out their valuable time to impart knowledge like me. And yet, everyone makes a mockery of me. Well, I have surprise for you all, a news which will change the entire landscape of SWA. For tonight, I will stick to showing Chung what it feels like to challenge the mighty Ares but next month on our 1st show of the new year, I will unveil it.



Grade: 40







Ares v/s. James Chung


- James Chung tried to get the crowd by his side show boating a lot after every punch or kick he hit Ares but this is the professor of wrestling we are talking about, not just any Tom, Dick or Harry.

- Ares soon took Chung to task and completely knocked him down with heavy hitting suplexes and slam.

- A top rope Ares-plex(for added leverage) finished the match off very quickly.



Winner: Ares

Grade: 40






Gerry: A surprise from Ares?? What more he has for us?? He has already disgusted us with his brutishness.Barry:Another clinical performance by Ares. He is definitely the resident wrestling expert.


Barry: You never know, he might be the next boss of yours Gerry so choose your words carefully.






Backstage we see a very tired looking Johnny Cross walking on crutches and trying to hold still while talking to the camera.





Johnny: I don’t know who did this to me last month and I really have no idea as my car was rammed from behind. But I bet my every living breath on this body that I will find out and when I do, that will be the worst nightmare for that person. And before long, J C Cubed will be back in the spotlight.


Grade: 23





Mark King v/s. Johnny Cuevas



- The submission machine keeps his fire on taking Cuevas and leaving him down and out.

- Cuevas does his best to make a match of this contest trying to go for some high risk moves like a flying crossbody or springboard leg drop but this was too little to knock down Mark.

- As usual his deadly STF got him the match.



Winner: Mark King

Grade: 29



Gerry:Another month, another victim of the deadly submission machine Mark King. This man is proving to be quite dangerous. Who will be next??


Barry: You are right Gerry, this is definitely a matter of concern although I like people with mean streaks.


Gerry:Another month, another victim of the deadly submission machine Mark King. This man is proving to be quite dangerous. Who will be next??






Up next walking down the ring, we see our resident cop Waylon Siren waving his hands at the crowd and smiling.





Waylon: Hi everyone. It’s so good to be back at Club Peril. How are you Perilheads??


The crowd pops at this.


Waylon: Now, things have suddenly turned quite serious here. I went for a break for a couple of months and what do I see on my return, a wrestling professor in the house, a mean submission artist making his mark, and a full blooded attack on one of our top wrestlers. So much work for a cop to do here.


But first, I have to take care of this crazy dogsh**t who runs a group of S.O.B’s. Let me teach you about crazy right now. And tonight, i have one more reason to kill this bugger because i have proof that this was the man behind Cross's accident.


Grade: 30




Waylon Siren v/s. P.L.A.Y.A



- Siren looked refreshed having come from a break and it showed in his performance. An Irish whip followed by an atomic drop and then a dropkick resulted in a 2 count.

- He kept down PLAYA with delayed sideslam and one handed bulldog but couldn’t pin him as PLAYA walked out outside.

- As the referee started counting, and PLAYA kept on complaining from outside, Frightening sneaked in from behind and hit his Having Nightmares?(Facebreaker DDT) knocking out Siren.

- Soon, sensing the damage has been done, PLAYA broke the count of referee and picked up Siren to deliver his GANGSTA(Scissors Kick) for the pin.


Winner: P.L.A.Y.A

Grade: 27






Barry: The crazy S.O.B’s pulls one over their opponent again.


Gerry: Yes, frankly their faces make me sick and I don’t know how to avoid looking at these clowns every month.


Gerry: But up next, a war that has turned personal, Marcus is determined to teach a lesson to Shawn Impact.


Barry: This will be a showcase of best technical wrestling we will ever get in this ring.




Shawn Impact v/s. Marcus Franklin



- This two exchanged stiff strikes, holds and counter holds and almost cancelling each other out.

- The real difference was the speed and fluency of Marcus which enabled him to recover quickly from each move of Impact and hit his offense that much faster.

- A triple german suplex followed by an Olympic slam resulted in a near pinfall.

- Shawn Impact tried to hit his Total Impact(pop-up into a sitout powerbomb) but Marcus countered it well cushioning his fall by pulling Impact’s head and delivering DDT.

- Soon, he locked in his Ankle Lock and Impact had nowhere to go but tap.


Winner: Marcus Franklin

Grade: 48






Barry: Marcus comes out on top of a tough contest. This match was a treat to watch. But the war doesn’t end here because up next in our main event, Titan defends his title against King Edward.



A video shows the rivalry between King’s Court and Varsity Club, King Edward becoming the #1 contender, The Court defending their tag titles against Varsity Club last month albeit not in a very straight manner and the image of Edward and Titan with the SWA Championship spliced in between ended the video.


Grade: 27





SWA Championship: Titan Lynn v/s. King Edward



- The match failed to live upto the hype and it was soon evident that these two absolutely suck as opponents.

- With no real flow to the match, it was a case of bursts of adrenaline in small portions followed by long drawn out holds and counter holds.

- Edward hit his Windsor Castle(Pedigree) but amazingly, Titan kicked out on two.

- A second attempt at the same was foiled by Titan when he backdropped Edward and then subsequently hit his Clash of the Titan(delayed T-Bone Suplex) to bring an end to this awful match.


Winner: Titan Lynn (makes defense #3 of SWA Championship)

Grade: 23








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Prediction results after 3 shows


jhd1 - 8/10

MJStark - 13/15

Kitarzu - 5/5

foolinc - 8/10

Xendarii - 12/15

Midnightnick - 3/5

CadeSydal - 4/5


So, MJStark wins the first prediction contest.


Congrats MJ. Your prize is you have to give a name to a new stable that i am planning on whose details are in your PM.

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Wrestler of the Year - Sebastian Curtis

Tag Team of the Year - James Gilmour Hart/Scott Hart

Young Wrestler of the Year - RIKU

Veteran Wrestler of the Year - Kenta Sonoda

Female Wrestler of the Year - Chikako Nishimuraya

Indy Wrestler of the Year - No Winner

Company of the Year - PWI (2 times)

Most Improved Company of the Year - No Winner

Match of the Year - Sebastian Curtis defeated Eli Morton at PWI Integrity, Tradition & Honor(99)

Card of the Year - PWI Night of Honor(90)

Manager of the Year - Adrienne (2 times)

Announcer of the Year - Skooter Longhorn

Color Commentator of the Year - Baba Taru Singh

Referee of the Year - Referee Ton Hojo (2 times)




AWC Awards 2014



Wrestler of the Year - Adam Massey

Promotion of the Year - Calgary Championship Wrestling

Card of the Year - BCW One More Round (63)

Match of the Year - Terrance Ward defeated Adam Massey to retain BCW Southern Heavyweight Title (70)

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New Year in SWA starts with a bang. Big changes are announced which will be experienced in the show. But to start with here is one change for you to

salivate about, Showdown changes it's naming pattern and the upcoming show will be christened Showdown 1.1. To know why you have to watch.


1. King Edward v/s Waylon Siren


With the disastrous title match between Edward and Lynn now behind, Edward will be looking to bring some momentum to his position. After a shocking reveal of the attacker by our resident cop, Siren is a target. But that hasn't fazed him before and neither will it faze him now



2. Johnny Cross v/s P.L.A.Y.A


After the reveal by Siren last month of Cross attacker being PLAYA, this has turned personal. We know about the crazy antics of PLAYA and his gang but everybody is shocked because this was not crazy, this was a f**king manhunt. Will Cross be looking to impart the same damage or will PLAYA escape with his bones intact??



3. SWA Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Court v/s Dreamscape


The only thing going in King's Court way is the tag straps. Brady and Shawn have been defending against all comers successfully but this match promises to be insanity redefined. With the element of ladder in play, will it be advantage Dreamscape??



4. SWA Championship: Titan Lynn v/s ??


Titan takes on a mystery opponent after vanquishing all contenders. Who will it be



Plus big announcement from Ares





1. King Edward v/s Waylon Siren

2. Johnny Cross v/s P.L.A.Y.A

3. SWA Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Court v/s Dreamscape

4. SWA Championship: Titan Lynn v/s ??


Bonus Question: Who is the opponent for Titan?? (hint: somebody from the roster)






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1. King Edward v/s Waylon Siren

2. Johnny Cross v/s P.L.A.Y.A

3. SWA Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Court v/s Dreamscape

4. SWA Championship: Titan Lynn v/s ??


Bonus Question: Who is the opponent for Titan?? (hint: somebody from the roster)

Mark King

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1. King Edward v/s Waylon Siren


2. Johnny Cross v/s P.L.A.Y.A


3. SWA Tag Team Championship Ladder Match: The Court v/s Dreamscape


4. SWA Championship: Titan Lynn v/s ??


Bonus Question: Who is the opponent for Titan?? (hint: somebody from the roster) Mark King

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