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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, October 2008[/I] Held at Wisconsin Gardens in the Great Lakes Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) A graphic hyped the fact that tonight, we'd (hopefully) see Archangel take on the team of Eric Eisen and Cliff Wilson. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That is, we'll see that if Eric can find his tag partner," [/COLOR]Duane observed. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Rich Money, Rick Law, and Bruce the Giant were backstage, once again discussing how to take down Delirious Dan. Bruce and Rich seemed very content on having this discussion. Rick finally exploded and said that he was tired of all the talk, talk, talk, that he was out and he was going to do his own thing. He then left the room. Bruce started to go after him, but Rich told him to stay where he was, that Rick would come to his senses eventually. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c) vs. BJ SHEARER [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Much to my surprise, it was BJ who was off his game tonight. Dan quickly put him away with the Delirium Driver. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan [/B]in 7:13 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) BJ was joined backstage after his loss by Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado. The three of them were disgusted by the fact that BJ lost and moaned and groaned about how none of them had really had any screen time lately. Jack seemed particularly upset by this, pointing out that they were AFKAP, the Artists Formerly Known As Painful, that they should be ruling the SWF, just as they did "out west". He says they'll have to do something about this. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) A video played, reminding folks about why one of tonight's matches was going to be Sam Keith and Steve Frehley wrestling Tim Westybrook and Marc DuBois. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK & MARC DuBOIS vs. SAM KEITH & STEVE FREHLEY[/B] Duane Fry made a big deal as the workers made their entrance about the amount of gold and potential gold there was in the ring: Tim Westybrook, current Warmaster and former SWF World Heavyweight Champ; Marc DuBois, who has a guaranteed title shot sometime in the next year; Sam Keith, who has a title shot against Wanda Fish at November Nightmare and is a former World Heavyweight Champ himself; Steve Frehley, former SWF World Heavyweight Champ and current North American Champ. Duane commented with pedigrees like that, these four should deliver a memorable match. They delivered in spades. You could see the tension between Marc and Tim; they were wary about turning their backs on each other and, at one time, when Marc blind-tagged his way in without Tim asking for it, Tim looked ready to rip Marc limb from limb. Peter commented that they would have to stow their personal problems for the good of the match. It turned out they were able to do that. At one point, Tim caught Sam Keith and tried to hold him so Marc could do an Avalanche. Sam slipped out of the way while Marc was on his way and Marc wound up knocking Tim off the corner. The announcers debated about whether or not Marc could have stopped, but it didn't really matter. Marc was distracted by the accident and didn't see Sam coming. Sam nailed him with a Neutron Plex and then got him to tap with the Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith & Steve Frehley [/B]in 13:24 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 7) Tim and Marc confronted each other backstage after the match. They blamed each other for the loss. Tim said that if Marc hadn't nailed him, he might have helped. Marc said it wouldn't have happened if Tim had held on to Sam a little tighter. Wanda tried to interject herself into the argument to stop it, but Tim finally stormed off in a rage. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 8) A video played, hyping the on-going feud between the Bumfholes and Masters of Fortune. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Eric Eisen was pacing backstage, looking pretty nervous. That's when Cliff Wilson walked up behind him, startling him. Eric demanded to know where Cliff has been. He said he'd been trying him everywhere he could think of. Cliff said he just needed to prepare himself for the match tonight properly. He said he was ready to go if Eric was. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Some unfamiliar entrance music started and, much to the announcer's surprise, Sarah Eisen came out to the entrance. She smiled at the crowd and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Guess who's back!"[/COLOR] She said that she wasn't coming back as the general manager of Warzone or anything like that. She said Richard was too hands on to trust the running of the shows to anyone but himself. She went on to say that she tried to resume her place on the SWF Board of Directors, but the other members held a vote of no confidence and had her removed. So she said she was at a loss as to what to do with herself ... until she realized that there were people in the SWF who needed her advice and skills as someone who knows the company inside and out. That's right, she's going to be a manager from here on out! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) Sexual Aggression found Richard Eisen backstage and demanded that they be given a title shot against the Outcasts again. Richard pointed out that Joe and Angry had been beaten by the Samoans recently, so he said he'd think about it. Joe and Angry did not look happy. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]WOLF HAWKINS vs. RICK LAW[/B] Rick seemed bound and determined to prove that he could hang with Wolf, but the challenge proved to be too much for him. Wolf beat him swiftly and handily, putting him away with a Full Moon Rising. WINNER: [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]in 7:43 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) Wolf then got a mic and said that he's sick and tired of seeing Sam Keith skulk around the backstage. He said that he was calling the veteran out for a match at the next [I]Invasion![/I] Sam came out and delivered a mini-lecture about how a true professional wrestler works. Sam said it wasn't about strength or speed or agility sometimes; sometimes it was about strategy. He said that Wolf obviously didn't understand that, but he would be willing to take him to school about it. The match is on! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) Wanda Fish tracked Tim down backstage and demanded to know what was wrong with him. Tim grew increasingly frustrated and asked if Wanda was blind. He said that he loved her and had for a year now, even when she was tied up in that Karma business. He said that Marc didn't know how to appreciate her but he did. He tried to kiss her, but Wanda pulled away, saying that she had feelings for Tim at one time, but not anymore. Her heart belongs to Marc now. Tim looked furious and stormed away once again. Ana commented that might prove to be trouble for Wanda. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 15) Eric Eisen and Cliff Wilson came out to the ring together and called out Archangel. Archangel made his way to the ring. He mocked Eric for being so gung-ho and ready to brawl. He said that he should have listened to what Sam Keith said earlier about strategy. Archangel reminded Eric that the best way to defeat your enemy ... is to make him your friend. "Isn't that right, Cliff?" Archangel asked. "Or should I say, Dark Angel?" Eric turned around just in time to get kicked across the jaw by Cliff. Archangel shoved the ref, ordering him to ring the bell. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 16) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. ARCHANGEL & CLIFF "DARK ANGEL" WILSON[/B] Eric tried to mount a defense, but Archangel and Dark Angel mowed him over. In the end, Archangel dropped him to the mat with a Fall From Grace, but instead of pinning him, dragged him over to their corner and tagged in Dark Angel. D.A. climbed to the top turnbuckle and, as Archangel held Eric down, delivered a devastating Falling Angel Moonsault. WINNERS: [B]Archangel & Dark Angel [/B]in 13:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 17) Archangel got a mic afterwards and boldly announced, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dark Angel, our Famine in Apocalypse. Stay tuned. More will soon join our cause."[/COLOR] Archangel and Dark Angel then ended the show by celebrating. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not too bad. We should have an eventful Pay-Per-View, the way things are going. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan (c) defeated BJ Shearer to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith & Steve Frehley defeated Tim Westybrook & Marc DuBois[/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Wolf Hawkins defeated Rick Law[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Archangel & Dark Angel defeated Eric Eisen [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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Yay for Dan beating that no talent hack BJ Shearer. RVP has charisma. But BJ and Randall have nothing. BJ is just three hundred pounds of nothing. I would like nothing more than for BJ to job to the new high flying star with D Psychology and get dropped over to the place where no talent stars like Vin Tanner are main eventers called TCW.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, November 2008[/I] Held at the Connecticut Symphony Hall in the New England Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Farrah Hesketh, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another episode of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) The show started with a replay of the events from last week, namely Cliff Wilson's betrayal of Eric Eisen and then the subsequent beating Eric took at the hands of Archangel and now "Dark Angel" Cliff Wilson. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) The announcers then went on to explain that one of the matches we'd see tonight was Christian Faith taking on Liberty. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) Sam Keith was backstage. He pulled aside Remo and Skull DeBones. He said he wanted to talk to them for a moment. Skull asked if Sam shouldn't be getting ready for his match against Wolf Hawkins later. Sam said he had plenty of time. Instead, he wanted to talk to them about Wanda Fish. He reminded them how Wanda was the head of Karma, the group that spit on both of them and threw them out. He said that now Wanda had the title when she didn't deserve it. He said that the only reason she did was because she clawed her way to the top on the backs of Remo and Skull. He said she should pay for that. Skull didn't buy it. He said that while Karma did chew them up and spit them out, Wanda had since changed. Remo, on the other hand, seemed very interested and told Sam to keep talking. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 4) [B]LIBERTY vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH[/B] Christian came out to the ring in his fatigues and saluted the crowd. They booed him extra hard. Liberty then came out and mocked Christian, tossing off sloppy salutes that basically enraged Christian. Sadly, Christian wasn't able to harnass that anger. Instead, he wound up getting tossed around the ring before Liberty put him away with a Liberation Slam. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith [/B]in 11:48 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Christian was storming through the backstage area after his loss when he's intercepted by "Tommy Cornell". Tommy says that Christian has fallen on a bit of hard times and basically tries to convince Christian that the way to the top was to help him out. Christian had no time for that. Tommy followed Christian into his locker room, still spouting off on this or that. Christian did not look happy about it all. That quickly changed. In the middle of Tommy's spiel, the lights died. Then Archangel's voice cut in. He mocked Christian, saying that he was no Army of One. But he still had potential. When the lights came on again, Tommy found himself all alone. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Bugger me!"[/COLOR] was all he could muster. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Sarah Eisen was in the ring. She once again spoke of her genius at knowing the SWF inside and out and said that very soon, a lucky individual would have that knowledge at their beck-and-call. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 7) A video played, hyping the rivalry between Tim Westybrook and Marc DuBois. It focused on last week's tag loss and Tim's revelation of his feelings for Wanda. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Tim Westybrook came out to the ring with a very determined look on his face. He got in the ring and addressed Wanda. He said that he had been doing a lot of thinking this past week, especially about his feelings for her. He said that he now realizes that she used him a year ago. He doesn't think she ever cared for him, even though he cared deeply for her. He said that she ripped out his heart last week, and so now he's going to return the favor. He went on to point out how proud Wanda was of being the first woman to ever hold the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Well, now he was going to break her heart by taking it away. He wants a title shot, and he wants it tonight! Wanda came out, a distraught look painted across her face. She said whether Tim believed it or not, she did care for him and still did. She tried to back down, but Tim came out of the ring and demanded that she take it. He said that if she didn't, he would hound her every step. She finally sighed and agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the response 9) [B]THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B] There was murder in all four wrestlers' eyes. They barely waited for the bell to get started before Zimmy and Chance tore into each other, exchanging heavy blows. The match went from there, both teams relying on quick offense and brutal moves before finally, things got out of control. The ref tried to reign in the chaos, but eventually had to call for the bell when none of the competitors would listen to him. WINNERS: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 10:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Missy and Chance got out of the ring to escape the Bumfholes. Randy and Zimmy then got a pair of mics. They said that the two teams had been going round and round in circles for a while now and there really was only one way to settle this: they challenged Masters of Fortune to a steel cage match at "November Nightmare"! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Richard Eisen was sitting in his office, watching the monitor and smiling at the thought of that match. The door opened and Akima Brave and Kid Toma entered the office. They greeted Richard and requested that they be given the title shot against the Outcasts at "November Nightmare". Richard said the idea was tempting, but he wanted to think about it some more. The Samoans thanked him and left. Richard settled into his couch again, only to be interrupted as Jack Bruce, Troy Tornado, and BJ Shearer came in. They said that they had been thinking about it, and they felt that Richard had been underutilizing them. They requested that he do something about that. Richard thanked them for their thoughts and said he'd see what he could do. AFKAP didn't look too pleased by the dismissal but they left. Richard once again settled in but was interrupted again, this time by Eric Eisen. Eric asked if Richard had given Christian Faith the rest of the night off after his match. Richard said he hadn't and asked why. Eric said that he's looked all over the arena and can't find a trace of him. He said "Tommy Cornell" said he saw something, but Eric blew that off and said he couldn't understand a word that guy said. Richard thought it over and said that it was nothing to worry about, but it was clear from the expression on Eric's face that he wasn't sure. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the first request; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the second; [COLOR="blue"]B [/COLOR]for Eric's concern 12) Remo appeared on screen and re-introduced himself as half of the Outcasts, the SWF Tag Team Champions. But he also reminded the audience that he used to be Remo, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. He then challenged Wanda to a match when she wasn't so busy. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) [B]WOLF HAWKINS vs. SAM KEITH[/B] Wolf was on fire and really surprised Sam with his opening offensive salvo. It was enough that Farrah predicted that youthful vigor might overcome Sam's veteran stance. But that proved to be too optimistic. Sam showed every trick a cagey veteran had: lots of distraction, using the ropes for leverage when putting on holds, and finishing the match with a Proton Lock with the ropes for added oomph, causing Wolf to tap out. WINNER: [B] Sam Keith [/B]in 9:52 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) Wanda Fish is getting ready for her match when she turned around and saw Marc DuBois watching her. Marc pleaded with her to forget about this match, saying that he didn't like this at all. Wanda insisted she had to. She said she was the SWF World Heavyweight Champ and that meant she had to face all comers. Marc disagreed, pointing out the many champs in the past that hid behind the rules and didn't fight. He said that Sam Keith even did that during one of his title reigns. He said nobody would think any less of Wanda if she called the whole thing off. Wanda said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That's just it, Marc. They will think less of me. They'll think I'm scared. They'll think I did it because I'm 'just a woman.' Suddenly they'll all be whispering for me to just be arm candy for you or someone else. I'm not about to do that. The only way I can prove I deserve this title is if I prove it every chance I get."[/COLOR] She then kissed him on the cheek and asked him to wait for her until after her match. Marc watched her go with a dark look in his eyes. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) [B]WANDA FISH (c) vs. TIM WESTYBROOK [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] As Wanda and Tim made their way to the ring, a small argument broke out at the announce table. Farrah opined that this must be breaking Wanda's heart before the match even started. Emma countered by saying that if Wanda really wanted to be the World Heavyweight Champ, breaking her own heart was the least of her worries and that she really brought it on herself. When they tried to drag Jerry into the argument, he refused, saying he'd rather watch what promised to be a phenomenal match. It didn't disappoint. Wanda tried to beg off in the early going a little, asking Tim to back down. Emma crowed about that until Farrah pointed out that Wanda was actually asking Tim to back down for his own sake, not hers. Tim didn't, so Wanda stepped it up a notch, leaving the announcers in the dust. Tim seemed astounded that he couldn't put Wanda down. His frustration finally grew so much that he rolled out of the ring, retrieved his Warmaster belt, and used it to knock Wanda senseless. The minute he did, the ref called for the bell. WINNER: [B]Wanda Fish [/B]by DQ in 11:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 16) Tim stood over Wanda's fallen form for a few moments, breathing heavily. He then blinked a few times and a horrified look crossed his face. He dropped to Wanda's side, cradling her head. When the ref tried to intervene, he shoved the ref away. He called her name, a hint of panic in his voice. Then Marc DuBois hit the ring and attacked Tim. The two of them brawled through the ring as the show went off the air. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Richard Eisen was used too much on this show. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Liberty defeated Christian Faith [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]The Fabulous Bumfholes drew with Masters of Fortune [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Wolf Hawkins [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Wanda Fish (c) defeated Tim Westybrook by DQ and so retained [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 1, November 2008[/I] Held at Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State Territory 8,983 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) A video package replayed, reminding folks of how [I]Invasion![/I] ended with Tim Westybrook clobbering Wanda Fish to end their match and how Marc DuBois attacked Tim afterwards. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Tim was storming through the backstage area when he was intercepted by Marc DuBois. The two of them got into a huge argument over Tim's recent behavior. Things almost came to blows, so Marc stopped Tim and suggested that they finish things out in the ring. Marc said it wouldn't be a title defense, so Tim could rest easy there. Tim countered by suggesting that if they're going to forget about the Warmaster Title, why not forget about submission holds, count outs, or the rules. He challenged Marc to a street fight. Marc didn't hesitate and immediately agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c) vs. EDDIE PEAK [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Even though Dan was really off his game, Eddie was able to carry him to a pretty good conclusion. Dan finished off Eddie with the Delirium Driver. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan [/B]in 5:41 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Dan celebrated his win, only to be interrupted by Rich Money's entrance music. Rich came out to the ring entrance, flanked by Bruce the Giant and Rick Law. Rich said that Dan got lucky last month. Now he wanted another shot at the title. Dan didn't hesitate and agreed immediately. The announcers wondered aloud what would happen when Dan and Rich faced off against each other at "November Nightmare." RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Remo appeared on screen. He announced that Richard Eisen had greenlighted his match against Wanda for the next [I]Invasion![/I] He said it would be great to be both one half of the tag champs and the SWF World Heavyweight Champion once again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Missy Masterson was in the ring. She got a mic and started trash talking the Bumfholes, especially Zimmy. Duane commented that it was interesting that she was being so bold, especially since only Zimmy had been able to make it to the arena tonight. Missy got very personal, implying that she and Zimmy had been intimate when the two of them were in Karma together. She mocked his "short comings", so to speak. Zimmy charged the ring, looking ready for a fight. He never made it. Instead, Chance Fortune blindsided him and nearly knocked him out of his boots with a crowbar. Missy joined her boyfriend as the two of them stomped on Zimmy repeatedly, working over his arm before finally taking him back into the ring and threading the injured appendage through a steel chair. Then, much to the horror of the announcers, Missy delivered an Identity Crisis right to the steel chair. Zimmy screamed in agony, drawing his arm in close. Chance then retrieved Missy's fallen mic and leaned in close to Zimmy. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I don't know if you can hear me over your own girly screams, Zim, but let your brother know that we accept your challenge to the match at 'November Nightmare'. It should be great fun!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the ambush and the acceptance 7) [B]AFKAP vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Apparently Mr. Eisen decided to give AFKAP a match,"[/COLOR] Ana Garcia observed. And it didn't turn out to be too bad. Jack and Troy were obviously hungry for this match. They simply overwhelmed Flex and Pex with a flurry of offense that sent them reeling. Troy finally finished things by putting Pex with a Star Maker. WINNERS: [B]AFKAP[/B] in 9:49 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Missy and Chance tumbled through the backstage, once again making out regardless of the number of witnesses. They got into their darkened locker room and you could hear them fumbling around before Chance finally found the light switch. The lights came on.... ... to reveal Sam Keith waiting for them. Chance almost attacked him, but Sam told him to relax. Sam went on to say how impressed he had been with the way Chance and Missy handled Zimmy. He said that while Missy was a formidable opponent, Chance was clearly a young shark, an up-and-comer who deserved a shot at the big time. He said that he should prove it by challenging Wanda Fish to a match for his title, saying that if he could beat her, he would prove his worth. Chance said he would think about it. Sam congratulated them again and then left, telling them to carry on. Missy tried to pick up where they left off, but you could tell that Chance's thoughts were clearly elsewhere. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Much to everyone's surprise, Christian Faith was shown walking backstage, an intensity in his eyes that the announcers said they hadn't seen before. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Chance Fortune found a camera backstage and breathlessly challenged Wanda to a match. Missy's arms them snaked around his neck and pulled him off camera. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Christian Faith was in the ring by this time. He didn't wear his usual fatigues. Instead, he wore simple black trunks, the word "WAR" emblazoned across them. He said that he had seen the light and, as the newest member of Apocalypse, promised that the SWF would soon come to a fiery end. To prove it, he threw open the floor to any and all comers. BJ Shearer came out to the ring and, in his stumbling, naive way, accepted the challenge. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the response 12) [B]BJ SHEARER vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH[/B] Christian simply destroyed BJ. BJ managed to get in a few blows, but not enough to really matter. Peter commented that in all his years announcing for the SWF, he had never seen Christian with this kind of intensity and drive. Christian finally put BJ away with a Leap of Faith. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith [/B]in 6:28 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Christian shook off the ref's hand and continued his assault on BJ. Soon he was joined by Archangel and Dark Angel, who joined his attack, beating BJ until the poor man was out cold. The camera cut backstage to reveal that Eric Eisen and Liberty were watching. Eric glanced at Liberty and asked, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Well?" [/COLOR]Liberty replied, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I'm in."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the attack and the watching 14) Wolf Hawkins was walking backstage when he ran into Steve Frehley. Steve mocked Wolf for losing to Sam on [I]Invasion![/I] Wolf retorted that Steve had no reason to laugh. He pointed out that Steve hadn't been able to beat Wanda, that Sam did most of the heavy lifting when he and Steve wrestled Marc and Tim, and then Wolf pointed out that Steve hadn't made a title defense since "Let the Games Begin." He said that at least he was putting himself on the line. Before things could get too out of hand, Richard Eisen happened by. He said that normally, he would egg this sort of thing on, but he was on his way to the ring with a big announcement, and so instead, he would book them in a match for "November Nightmare". It would be Wolf Hawkins vs. Steve Frehley for the SWF North American Championship. When it looked like they were going to attack each other anyway, Richard added that until then, they couldn't lay a hand on each other. Richard then came out to the ring and talked about what a mess the tag team division was right now. He wasn't talking about the Bumfholes and Masters of Fortune, although that was a mess too. No, he was speaking of the tag title picture. He said that the Outcasts were worthy champs. He also said that both Sexual Aggression and the Samoan Wild Boyz were worthy challengers and both made good arguments for why they should get the title shot at "November Nightmare". Richard said it was a hard choice to make and his solution was ... to not make it. Instead, he was hereby booking the Outcasts vs. Sexual Aggression vs. the Samoan Wild Boyz with the tag titles in the balance. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the first match announcement; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the second 15) [B]MARC DuBOIS vs. TIM WESTYBROOK [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a Street Fight[/COLOR] These two brutalized each other. Many weapons were brought into the ring. Both men wound up busted open. No one could claim a clear victory. But then Tim pulled ahead, kicking out of two pin attempts and fighting back with an intensity that left Marc staggered. Finally, he managed to drop Marc with an Unstoppable Force. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook [/B]in 15:56 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 16) But the fight wasn't over. Marc was a little wobbly getting to his feet, but he jumped Tim the first chance he got. The two of them continued to brawl through the ring and around it. Finally Wanda Fish ran out to the ring just as Marc got a chair. She tried to interject herself between the men and stop the fight, but wound up taking a chair shot to the head. Marc stared at her in horror as the show ended. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Hmmmm. The final rating is a bit of a puzzle to me, but oh well. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan (c) defeated Eddie Peak to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]AFKAP defeated Flex & Pex [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Christian Faith defeated BJ Shearer[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook defeated Marc DuBois in [COLOR="Purple"]a street fight[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, November 2008[/I] Held at the Minnesota Colisseum in the Mid West Territory 9,579 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Farrah Hesketh, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) Sam Keith found Remo backstage, incensed. He demanded to know why Remo canceled his match against Wanda Fish. Remo reminded Sam that Wanda took a chair shot to the skull last week at the end of [I]Warzone[/I] and has been going strong for a while now. Remo said that he felt she needed some time off. Sam blew a gasket, yelling and screaming about how Remo had to go back to Richard Eisen and get the match back on the card. Remo then accused Sam of trying to get everyone to do his dirty work for him. He said that it was interesting that Sam kept sneaking around backstage, getting other people to challenge Wanda before his big rematch with her at "November Nightmare". Sam's response: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Well, duh!"[/COLOR] Remo said he changed his mind. He would wrestle tonight. Only he'd wrestle Sam Keith instead. Sam did not look happy about that. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Steve Frehley was in the ring. He said that he would gladly defend his title against Wolf Hawkins this Saturday. But, he said, due to the restriction that Richard Eisen placed on him, he wouldn't be able to fight Wolf before that. But he still called Wolf out anyway. He said that he arranged a warm-up match for him, saying that he would be able to get limber for the match. He said that it should seem really familiar, a family reunion of sorts. That's because Steve had booked Wolf in a match with his former mentor ... Tommy Cornell! Once again, as "Tommy" came out to the ring, Emma and Jerry got into a debate about whether or not it was really the real Tommy Cornell. Once Tommy got in the ring, Wolf went after him. Much to Jerry's anger, Steve "accidentally" tripped Wolf, causing him to stumble into a blow from Tommy. Jerry said it was a violation of the terms set by Richard Eisen. Emma insisted that it was just an accident. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) [B]WOLF HAWKINS vs. "TOMMY CORNELL"[/B] Wolf seemed particularly disgusted by the obvious parody of his mentor, but he set that aside as he basically took "Tommy" to school. The crowd was solidly behind Wolf the whole way and it looked like Wolf had the whole thing wrapped up. But then Steve Frehley hopped up on the apron and distracted the ref. Tommy used it to his advantage by low-blowing Steve and quickly rolling him up for a pin. WINNER: [B] "Tommy Cornell"[/B] in 11:41 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 4) Eric Eisen was pacing backstage when he was approached by Ricky Dale Johnson and Darryl Devine, who asked why Eric wanted to talk to them. Eric pointed out how Archangel and his buddies were out of control. He said that this was worse than Karma, that they had to stop Apocalypse now. He asked if they would back him up in the ring. Darryl and RDJ readily agreed, saying that they were with him the whole way. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) Wanda Fish appeared on screen. She had a large bandage taped to her forehead and looked like she hadn't slept a wink since we last saw her. She thanked Remo for withdrawing his challenge but then said it wasn't necessary. She said it would have been an honor to face him in the ring for the title and that she hoped she'd be able to do so soon. She then addressed Chance Fortune. She said Chance probably saw this as his chance to steal something from her. She said nothing could be farther from the truth. She then went on to deliver an impassioned speech about how much the title means to her that gave me chills just to listen to it. One of the best promos I've seen Wanda ever cut. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 6) Chance Fortune and Missy appeared on screen. Chance mocked Wanda's words a bit, but then turned his attention to Randy Bumfhole. He and Missy taunted Randy and asked him what he was going to do come "November Nightmare". After all, his partner was out of commission and wouldn't be back anytime soon. They spent the last minutes of the promo fake weeping for poor Zimmy, then laughed uproariously. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Sarah Eisen once again came out and said that she had exciting news: she had just signed a talented young wrestlers, an almost virtual unknown to the SWF fans, but that she was going to take him to the top of the industry. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 8) [B]KID TOMA vs. MISSY MASTERSON[/B] Just filler, really, and it clunked a bit due to a lack of psychology. The crowd was able to lift the match with their raw enthusiasm and the announcers took the time to hype how both competitors were in important tag matches this Saturday. Kid picked up the win with a Long Range Headbutt. WINNER: [B]Kid Toma [/B]in 4:53 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Troy Tornado approached Richard Eisen backstage. He thanked him for the recent work that AFKAP has been given and asked if he could impose on him for another favor. He said that he wanted desperately to have a match at "November Nightmare". He said it had been a while since he had been in a Pay-Per-View. Richard seemed a bit hesitant, but when Troy promised he'd wrestle anyone, Richard brightened. He said his wife was hounding him to find an opponent for her new hire. He asked Troy if he'd be willing to wrestle whoever Sarah Eisen had hired. Troy asked who it was, and Richard said he didn't have any earthly idea. Troy hesitated, but only for a moment, and told Richard he had a deal. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Eric Eisen came out to the ring, followed by Darryl Devine, Ricky Dale Johnson, and Liberty. Eric laid down a challenge to Archangel and his cronies. He said that he had found three other men willing to stand against him. He challenged Apocalypse to a match at "November Nightmare." Archangel appeared on the big screen and taunted Eric and his friends. He acted very scared but then burst out laughing. He said that Eric didn't know what he was dealing with, but at "November Nightmare", he would learn why Apocalypse was no laughing matter. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the response 11) Wanda was getting ready for her match when there was a tentative knock on her door. She called for whoever it was to enter. In came a very sheepish looking Marc DuBois. He apologized profusely for hitting her with the chair last week and said that he didn't want to hurt her anymore. He said that he would respect whatever choice she made. Wanda groaned in frustration and grabbed him by the shirt. She told him that she had already chosen him and that he had to get that through his thick skull. She kissed him passionately and then said that they had to go talk to Tim to put an end to all this nonsense. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]REMO vs. SAM KEITH[/B] Remo looked on fire out there, but Sam seemed relatively unconcerned. We soon found out why. As much as Remo fought, he simply couldn't put Sam Keith away. Sam was simply too cagey for Remo's powerful attacks. Sam finally managed to trip up Remo as the latter went for the Destroyer and somehow turned it into a Proton Lock. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 9:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Archangel was in a dark room somewhere in the arena with Christian Faith and Dark Angel. They watched him pace for a while before Dark Angel spoke up. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"We need one more for the match, Archangel," [/COLOR]he said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Who should we get?"[/COLOR] Archangel pointed out that they had three of the four riders of the Apocalypse: War, Famine, and Death. They just needed the Conqueror to make their quartet complete. Archangel told them not to worry. They would think of something. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) Marc and Wanda found Tim backstage. He didn't look happy to see them, but Wanda blocked his path so he couldn't escape. She then bluntly told him that he had to stop this foolishness once and for all. Her heart belonged to Marc DuBois and that was that. She said she hoped they could be friends. Tim laughed at that thought. Instead, he said that they had brought this on themselves. He challenged them to a handicap match for [I]Warzone[/I]. He said that he would make them regret what they've done to him. He then wished Wanda luck. He said she'd better hope Chance didn't take her out, because she'd need all of her skill when she and her boyfriend faced The Iron Man later this week. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the confrontation and the challenge 15) [B]WANDA FISH (c) vs. CHANCE FORTUNE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] What a match. What a freakin' awesome match. These two pulled out all the stops, so much so that the announcers were left choking on their dust. They actually wound up debating what was going through Wanda's mind right now with a handicap match later this week plus a title rematch against Sam Keith on Saturday plus all these other challenges she's had to face. Finally, they just lapsed into silence as Jerry Eisen tried to keep up calling a play-by-play. Chance put up a great fight and even managed to nail a Stroke of Luck, but he couldn't keep Wanda down. She finally fought back and sent Chance reeling. He tried to hit another Stroke of Luck, but Wanda ducked it and nailed him instead with the Dish of the Day. WINNER: [B]Wanda Fish [/B]in 14:39 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Our Tommy overstayed his welcome, apparently. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]"Tommy Cornell" defeated Wolf Hawkins [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Kid Toma defeated Missy Masterson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Remo[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Wanda Fish (c) defeated Chance Fortune to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;162208]13) Archangel was in a dark room somewhere in the arena with Christian Faith and Dark Angel. They watched him pace for a while before Dark Angel spoke up. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"We need one more for the match, Archangel," [/COLOR]he said. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Who should we get?"[/COLOR] Archangel pointed out that they had three of the four riders of the Apocalypse: War, Famine, and Death. They just needed the Conqueror to make their quartet complete. Archangel told them not to worry. They would think of something.[/QUOTE] This storyline is very good. :) I'm trying to guess who the false prophet's going to turn out to be but can't think of anyone besides Eddie Peak or Tim Westybrook. Seems like the existing three have all experienced loss (Double A of the title, Christian's losing streak, Cliff.....well, stature it seems) and Eddie just lost to Delirious Dan and Tim "lost" Wanda so it kinda fits. Would also seem like a great opportunity to bring a certain "Krippler" back. Put up the PPV already! I wanna see who Sarah Eisen signed! :p I'm inclined to think it's someone like American Elemental or Champagne Lover or Acid but that's just me marking. :)
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Seems to me like [b]w[/b]hoever the new guy is th[b]a[/b]t Sarah Eisen is going to ma[b]n[/b]age, he'll be goo[b]d[/b] and he'll be computer gener[b]a[/b]ted. As for the 4th member of Not The 4 Horsemen, have my predictions but I would hate to be right and to ruin it. It would be just my luck that I'd ruin a major plot point by actually being right for a change! :) I am, of course, loving every moment of this. Sign Big smack Scott, rename him to BS Scott and job him to anyone who isn't scared to get a little hurt. :p Derek B
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 2, November 2008[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]"November Nightmare"[/COLOR]) Held at the Louisiana Auditorium in the South East Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) The show started with Tim Westybrook standing backstage. He looked furious, pacing back and forth before finally looking up at the camera. He informed Marc and Wanda that he had been holding back on them before. Now, though, they were going to face his full fury. He apologized to Sam Keith, saying that after he's done with Wanda, there won't be that much left. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c) vs. REMMY SKYE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] It was about an average match from these two. Nothing too special but it got the crowd kind of warmed up. Dan quickly took Remmy down with the Delirium Driver. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan [/B]in 3:53 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) Rich Money delivered a somewhat bland promo, promising Dan that he was going to lose his title at "November Nightmare". RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) Ricky Dale Johnson was walking backstage with Jennifer Heat when suddenly, RDJ was attacked by Dark Angel and Christian Faith. They beat him bloody using a variety of weapons while Jennifer simply looked on and screamed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Marc DuBois and Wanda Fish now addressed Tim Westybrook. They said that they didn't really want to fight him, but that he had left them no choice. Marc said that Tim's hubris would be his downfall, saying that while Tim is impressive and a worthy competitor, he was no match for them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) [B]AFKAP vs. MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B] Missy and Chance looked pretty confident going out to the ring. Peter Michaels bitterly commented on how they had taken out Zimmy Bumfhole last week and how it was still questionable about whether or not Zimmy would even be able to wrestle in the cage match. He wondered what would happen if Randy's partner wasn't there. The match itself was really good. The crowd really got into it as Troy and Jack showed some of their old charisma in the ring. But that quickly got shut down as Missy put Troy away with an Identity Crisis. WINNERS: [B]Masters of Fortune [/B]in 10:18 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) As Missy and Chance celebrated in the ring (by making out, naturally), there was a disturbance in the crowd. Suddenly Randy Bumfhole vaulted the railing with a baseball bat in his hand. He rolled under the ring and went after them. They fled quickly and then laughed at him as they backed up the ramp. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Richard Eisen was on the phone with someone and he looked pretty upset. He promised that he would tell him (whatever that meant), and then hung up. Before he could leave, though, he found himself face to face with Sarah Eisen. Husband and wife stared at each other for a few moments and the crowd ate it up. Finally Sarah broke the silence by asking if Richard had gotten her messages. Richard said he had. Sarah hyped her mystery client, saying that the SWF wouldn't be the same once he got done with it. She then speculated that Richard hadn't found an opponent for him yet. Richard laughed at her and informed her that he was still one step ahead of her. He said that Troy Tornado had already agreed to face whoever it was. Sarah seemed genuinely surprised, but she said that would be fine. Richard then excused himself, saying that he had to break some bad news to Tim Westybrook. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 9) Wolf Hawkins was in the ring and he called out Steve Frehley. He laughed off the fact that Steve cost him his match earlier this week and complimented his opponent on his clever tactics. Wolf went on to say that he was a little more blunt about it. He too had chosen someone for Steve to wrestle tonight. He pointed to the ring entrance and out came Skull DeBones! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) [B]SKULL DeBONES vs. STEVE FREHLEY[/B] It was a really good match. Steve had his hands full with Skull the entire time and you could see the genuine panic in his eyes as he slowly realized that Skull wasn't going to go down easily. Then Angry Gilmore hit the ring. Steve saw him coming and quickly distracted the ref. Angry hit the ring and took Skull down with an Anger Management and then quickly got out of the ring again. Steve dove past the ref and made the pin ... only to have Skull kick out. The battle continued until Skull finally dropped Steve with a Skull Krusher. WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones [/B]in 11:57 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Before Skull even had a chance to get off of Steve, Angry was in the ring again. He attacked Skull and the two wound up brawling. Joe Sexy charged in as well and they continued a two-on-one assault on Skull. Then Kid Toma and Akima Brave charged the ring. Surprisingly, they came to the rescue of Skull, but when Remo ran out, the would-be rescuers were attacked as well. The three tag teams continued to brawl as officials flooded the ring to try and pry them apart. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) After Marc and Wanda made their entrance for the main event, Tim Westybrook came out. He paused at the entrance and got a mic. He said that he got some bad news: apparently the Board of Directors were worried about the fairness of his match against Wanda and Marc and so they refused to let him proceed in a handicap match. They apparently changed the terms so it would be a tag match. Tim told Wanda and Marc not to worry. He found a tag partner easily. He stepped aside to reveal who it was.... Archangel came out. He laughed at the horrified looks on Marc and Wanda's faces and then took the mic from Tim. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Come, Conqueror. Let's show them what the fourth member of Apocalypse is capable of."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) [B]WANDA FISH & MARC DuBOIS vs. ARCHANGEL & TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] I nearly died laughing at the road agent notes afterwards. Chief Two Eagles didn't think that Marc and Wanda had good chemistry together as a tag team. I figure, with results like this, chemistry is maybe a bit overrated. Archangel and Tim kickstarted the match, both of them charging into the ring and attacking Marc and Wanda. The ref had to struggle to get things under control, but then Marc and Archangel faced off. The match resulting match kept the fans on the edge of their seats as both teams struggled to finish off the other one. Both sides scored near falls. Marc took the brunt of Tim and Archangel's offense, even though Wanda was straining to get into the ring. Marc finally had to tag her in and she was able to clear house for a while, but then she came face to face with Archangel. She tried hitting him with everything she had, only to have him laugh it off. He then went on the offensive and took her down, wrapping her up in the Wing Clip. Marc charged back into the ring, but Tim intercepted him before he could interfere. Tim dropped Marc with a big boot and then an Unstoppable Force. As Wanda screamed in agony in the Wing Clip, Tim dragged Marc over and held up his head in front of Wanda's face, screaming abuse at her and smacking Marc's unconscious head around. Wanda finally passed out and the ref ended the match. WINNERS: [B]Archangel & Tim Westybrook [/B]in 16:22 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 14) Tim and Archangel celebrated their win in the ring. The camera then cut to the backstage area where Sam Keith was watching on a monitor. He smiled wickedly and finally said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Well, happy birthday to me, I guess."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the celebration; [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for Sam watching As the show wound down, the announcers hyped the card for [COLOR="DarkRed"]"November Nightmare"[/COLOR]: [B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c) vs. RICH MONEY for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/B][/COLOR]([COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR]) [B]TROY TORNADO vs. A MYSTERY OPPONENT[/B]([COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B]([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [B]ERIC EISEN, LIBERTY, DARRYL DEVINE, & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. APOCALYPSE (ARCHANGEL, DARK ANGEL, CHRISTIAN FAITH, & TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]THE OUTCASTS (c) vs. THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]WOLF HAWKINS vs. STEVE FREHLEY (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]WANDA FISH vs. SAM KEITH for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Missy Masterson was apparently used too much in the show. Oh well. I think the crowd left excited for the Pay-Per-View. I know I'm looking forward to it. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan (c) defeated Remmy Skye to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/COLOR][/I]([COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR]) [I]Masters of Fortune defeated AFKAP [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Skull DeBones defeated Steve Frehley [/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel & Tim Westybrook defeated Wanda Fish & Marc DuBois [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] As always, predictions ... well, you know how it works. ;)
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[B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c)[/B] vs. RICH MONEY for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (C+) [SIZE="3"][I]Dan's streak continues![/I][/SIZE] TROY TORNADO vs. [B]A MYSTERY OPPONENT[/B](B-) [SIZE="3"][I]Always go with the Mystery Opponent[/I][/SIZE] THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. [B]MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B](B) ERIC EISEN, LIBERTY, DARRYL DEVINE, & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs.[B] APOCALYPSE (ARCHANGEL, DARK ANGEL, CHRISTIAN FAITH, & TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] (B+) [SIZE="3"][I]Apocalypse has too much momentum to lose to Eric and his crew.[/I][/SIZE] [B]THE OUTCASTS (c)[/B] vs. THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION for the SWF Tag Team Championship (B+) [SIZE="3"][I]I like the Skull/Remo combo and can't see them dropping the belts in a three way match[/I][/SIZE] [B]WOLF HAWKINS[/B] vs. STEVE FREHLEY (c) for the SWF North American Championship (B+) [SIZE="3"][I]There's no way Wolf drops the belt already, is there?...........heh, apparantly I'm ahead of myself; either way, I say wolf runs with the North American Championship[/I][/SIZE] [B]WANDA FISH[/B] vs. SAM KEITH for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A)
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[B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c)[/B] vs. RICH MONEY for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (C+) Dan for President or at least for a new title soon TROY TORNADO vs. A [B]MYSTERY OPPONENT[/B](B-) I invoke the Mystery Opponent clause THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. [B]MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B](B) Not time for the ggod guys to have the last laugh yet ERIC EISEN, LIBERTY, DARRYL DEVINE, & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. [B]APOCALYPSE (ARCHANGEL, DARK ANGEL, CHRISTIAN FAITH, & TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] (B+) The 4 Hor..... emm Apocolypse for the win THE OUTCASTS (c) vs. [B]THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ[/B] vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION for the SWF Tag Team Championship (B+) I really dig the Samoans [B]WOLF HAWKINS[/B] vs. STEVE FREHLEY (c) for the SWF North American Championship (B+) Hawkins gets his firts title fueds with "Tommy Cornell" for a bit and then Dan loses the 10 minute title and goes after Hawkins [B]WANDA FISH[/B] vs. SAM KEITH for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) Not her time to lose yet
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[B]DELIRIOUS DAN [/B](c) vs. RICH MONEY for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (C+) - keep that Heidenreich challenge going TROY TORNADO vs. [B]A MYSTERY OPPONENT[/B](B-) - much as I like Troy, you haven't pushed him recently so it has to be his opponent THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. [B]MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B](B) - I want the Bumfholes to win, but I think that MofF will win. ERIC EISEN, LIBERTY, DARRYL DEVINE, & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. [B]APOCALYPSE (ARCHANGEL, DARK ANGEL, CHRISTIAN FAITH, & TIM WESTYBROOK [/B](B+) - no contest I'm afraid [B]THE OUTCASTS [/B](c) vs. THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION for the SWF Tag Team Championship (B+) - I like all of them, but Remo rocks [B]WOLF HAWKINS[/B] vs. STEVE FREHLEY (c) for the SWF North American Championship (B+) - like Apu said, Wolf wins and goes on to feud with "Tommy" WANDA FISH vs. [B]SAM KEITH[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) - gonna go against the crowd here. I just think that you've got a plan for Sam, with all the little segments where he is trying to persuade other people to see things his way
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[B]DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] (c) vs. RICH MONEY for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (C+) - since otherwise, I can't see anything else for him to get into onscreen TROY TORNADO vs. [B]A MYSTERY OPPONENT[/B](B-) - I think there are plans for the mystery worker since s/he is paired with Sarah Eisen and debuting with a loss would put a damper on that, I'd think THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. [B]MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B](B) - because Zimmy has a gimp limb and Missy rocks! ERIC EISEN, LIBERTY, DARRYL DEVINE, & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. [B]APOCALYPSE[/B] (ARCHANGEL, DARK ANGEL, CHRISTIAN FAITH, & TIM WESTYBROOK (B+) - I will never vote for a team with Eric Eisen on it :) THE OUTCASTS (c) vs. [B]THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ[/B] vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION for the SWF Tag Team Championship (B+) - *shrug* 33% odds [B]WOLF HAWKINS[/B] vs. STEVE FREHLEY (c) for the SWF North American Championship (B+) - because I like Wolf and don't like Steve [B]WANDA FISH[/B] vs. SAM KEITH for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) - duh, is my bias not obvious? :p
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[B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c)[/B] vs. RICH MONEY for the SWF 10-Minute Championship Dan's on a roll, and I don't see it ending just yet... TROY TORNADO vs. [B]A MYSTERY OPPONENT[/B] Troy's a glorified jobber, and the mystery opponent is nearly always a lock. THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. [B]MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B] It's not over yet, but I think the Masters take this round. ERIC EISEN, LIBERTY, DARRYL DEVINE, & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. [B]APOCALYPSE [/B](ARCHANGEL, DARK ANGEL, CHRISTIAN FAITH, & TIM WESTYBROOK The initial match for Apocalypse, they have to take it. I'm wondering about the choice of Conqueror though...typically, the four are Pestilence, Famine, War, and Death...though I can't see Tim being Pestilence. THE OUTCASTS (c) vs. [B]THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ[/B] vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION for the SWF Tag Team Championship Only because I think Remo's due for a re-push and this frees him up for that. The Wild Boyz are a random pick between the two. [B]WOLF HAWKINS[/B] vs. STEVE FREHLEY (c) for the SWF North American Championship I just really don't like Steve, and I do like Wolf. [B]WANDA FISH (c)[/B] vs. SAM KEITH for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship Sam's a good wrestler, but his fued isn't the one that takes the belt off Wanda, I don't think.
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[B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c) vs. RICH MONEY for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/B][/COLOR]([COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR]) Winner: Dan! Dan cannot lose as a face. [B]TROY TORNADO vs. A MYSTERY OPPONENT[/B]([COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR]) Winner: I hope the mystery opponent is the new high flier girl and that she wins because Troy Tornado is just not that great. He's pretty good in the ring with pretty good entertainment and performance skills but he's just not that awesome in any one area. [B]THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B]([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) Winner: Bumfholes! The Masters of Fortune suck compared to them hopfully it's a loser leaves town match because Chance and Fate are just not that great. [B]ERIC EISEN, LIBERTY, DARRYL DEVINE, & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. APOCALYPSE (ARCHANGEL, DARK ANGEL, CHRISTIAN FAITH, & TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] ([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) Winner: Hard to say. Darryl Devine is the only one I really like because the rest are just too old or without talent(Eric Eisen) so I'm going with Daryl's team. [B]THE OUTCASTS (c) vs. THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR]) Winner: The Outcasts retain after Samoan Machine runs in on THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ!!!!! [B]WOLF HAWKINS vs. STEVE FREHLEY (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) Winner: Don't care like them both equally. [B]WANDA FISH vs. SAM KEITH for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR]) Winner: Wanda Fish!!!! Sam Keith is old and it's awesome seeing a woman as WHC!
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From SWF.com... [QUOTE][CENTER]Be sure to order [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]"November Nightmare"[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] this Saturday, exclusively on Pay-Per-View![/CENTER] Featuring the following matches: [B][I]Delirious Dan defends his [COLOR="Red"]SWF 10-Minute Championship [/COLOR]against Rich Money - [/I][/B]Once again, Rich Money is trying to climb back up the ladder of the SWF and he sees Delirious Dan as the first rung. Will Rich begin his ascent to the top of the card? Or will Delirious Dan continue to frustrate his asperations? [B][I]Troy Tornado faces a mystery opponent -[/I][/B] Sarah Eisen is back and she claims she has the future of the SWF in her employ. Troy Tornado is set to face this mysterious client. Who has Sarah Eisen brought into the company? Can whoever it is stand against Troy? [B][I]The Fabulous Bumfholes and Masters of Fortune face off in [COLOR="Purple"]a steel cage[/COLOR] -[/I][/B] The Bumfholes and the Masters of Fortune have had a bitter rivalry as of late. Things have culminated in this steel cage match, but Zimmy Bumfhole was taken out last week by Missy and Chance. What will Randy Bumfhole do? Can he still win without a partner? [B][I]Eric Eisen, Darryl Devine, Liberty, and Ricky Dale Johnson attempt to stop Apocalypse -[/I][/B] Archangel has assembled three others to join him in his crusade to bring down the SWF. Eric Eisen has recruited help to stop them. But Apocalypse has already attacked Ricky Dale Johnson, and at the time of this posting, its unknown what his condition is. Can Eric stop Apocalypse before they gain too much momentum? Or can anything stop the Conqueror, War, Famine, and Death? [B][I]The Outcasts defend their [COLOR="Red"]SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR]against both Sexual Aggression and the Samoan Wild Boyz at the same time[/I][/B] - The Outcasts are easily the most dominant tag team the SWF has seen in recent years. They have destroyed and crushed all comers. But now two hungry teams are nipping at their heels. Can Skull DeBones and Remo hold off Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore [I]and[/I] Kid Toma and Akima Brave? Or will this prove to be too much for the champs to handle? [B][I]Steve Frehley defends [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR]against Wolf Hawkins - [/I][/B]Wolf has proven himself to be a viable competitor since his debut in the SWF. But does he have what it takes to take down Steve Frehley? Likewise, Steve has proven himself to be a cagey champ, but can he stop Wolf in spite of how hungry the newcomer is for championship gold? [B][I]Wanda Fish and Sam Keith fight for [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR]- [/I][/B]Few thought that Wanda Fish could be the World Heavyweight Champion and yet each week, she has risen to the challenge in spite of the distractions around her. And yet she still has to face Sam Keith who has been behind many of those distractions. Has Sam's plan to wear down the champ worked? Or will Wanda rise above it all and retain her title belt? [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Order [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]"November Nightmare"[/B][/COLOR] to find out![/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=steev42;162422]I'm wondering about the choice of Conqueror though...typically, the four are Pestilence, Famine, War, and Death...though I can't see Tim being Pestilence.[/QUOTE] Not to put too fine a point on it but Scapino's depiction is actually the correct one. 'Pestilence' is usually used in place of the Conqueror in popular depictions because the Conqueror is, literally, the Antichrist (Conqueror, False Prophet, etc). Pestilence is more palatable for a mainstream audience (which is why, for example, Marvel Comics used it) than the Antichrist.
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"November Nightmare" this Saturday, exclusively on Pay-Per-View! Featuring the following matches: Delirious Dan defends his SWF 10-Minute Championship against [B]Rich Money[/B] - Once again, Rich Money is trying to climb back up the ladder of the SWF and he sees Delirious Dan as the first rung. Will Rich begin his ascent to the top of the card? Or will Delirious Dan continue to frustrate his asperations? Troy Tornado faces a [B]mystery opponent [/B]- Sarah Eisen is back and she claims she has the future of the SWF in her employ. Troy Tornado is set to face this mysterious client. Who has Sarah Eisen brought into the company? Can whoever it is stand against Troy? The Fabulous Bumfholes and [B]Masters of Fortune [/B]face off in a steel cage - The Bumfholes and the Masters of Fortune have had a bitter rivalry as of late. Things have culminated in this steel cage match, but Zimmy Bumfhole was taken out last week by Missy and Chance. What will Randy Bumfhole do? Can he still win without a partner? Eric Eisen, Darryl Devine, Liberty, and Ricky Dale Johnson attempt to stop [B]Apocalypse[/B] - Archangel has assembled three others to join him in his crusade to bring down the SWF. Eric Eisen has recruited help to stop them. But Apocalypse has already attacked Ricky Dale Johnson, and at the time of this posting, its unknown what his condition is. Can Eric stop Apocalypse before they gain too much momentum? Or can anything stop the Conqueror, War, Famine, and Death? [B]The Outcasts[/B] defend their SWF Tag Team Championship against both Sexual Aggression and the Samoan Wild Boyz at the same time - The Outcasts are easily the most dominant tag team the SWF has seen in recent years. They have destroyed and crushed all comers. But now two hungry teams are nipping at their heels. Can Skull DeBones and Remo hold off Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore and Kid Toma and Akima Brave? Or will this prove to be too much for the champs to handle? [B]Steve Frehley[/B] defends the SWF North American Championship against Wolf Hawkins - Wolf has proven himself to be a viable competitor since his debut in the SWF. But does he have what it takes to take down Steve Frehley? Likewise, Steve has proven himself to be a cagey champ, but can he stop Wolf in spite of how hungry the newcomer is for championship gold? Wanda Fish and [B]Sam Keith [/B]fight for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship - Few thought that Wanda Fish could be the World Heavyweight Champion and yet each week, she has risen to the challenge in spite of the distractions around her. And yet she still has to face Sam Keith who has been behind many of those distractions. Has Sam's plan to wear down the champ worked? Or will Wanda rise above it all and retain her title belt? Order "November Nightmare" to find out!
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[QUOTE=Remianen;162467]Not to put too fine a point on it but Scapino's depiction is actually the correct one. 'Pestilence' is usually used in place of the Conqueror in popular depictions because the Conqueror is, literally, the Antichrist (Conqueror, False Prophet, etc). Pestilence is more palatable for a mainstream audience (which is why, for example, Marvel Comics used it) than the Antichrist.[/QUOTE] That actually depends on your theological background. According to mine (Lutheran), the way I described things is correct (Conqueror, War, Famine, and Death), but in our way of reading the text, Conqueror =/= Antichrist. Just FYI.
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[QUOTE=Scapino1974;162551]That actually depends on your theological background. According to mine (Lutheran), the way I described things is correct (Conqueror, War, Famine, and Death), but in our way of reading the text, Conqueror =/= Antichrist. Just FYI.[/QUOTE] Learn something new every day. Cool.
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[CENTER]SWF presents... [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][B]"November Nightmare"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I]Saturday of Week 2, November 2008[/I] Held at the Nevada State Armoury in the South West Territory 22,912 in attendance; Buy-Rate of 422,707[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Peter Michaels, and Emma Chase welcomed us to "November Nightmare". 1) Things started with a video, hyping the main event between Wanda Fish and Sam Keith. It started with Wanda's victory over Sam last month at "Let the Games Begin" and chronicled some of the backroom deals Sam made to have others fight Wanda. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) But the announcers said there was plenty of time before we got to that match. The camera cut backstage to show Delirious Dan walking to the ring with his 10-Minute Championship belt. Before he could make it, though, Bruce the Giant and Rick Law came out of nowhere and attacked him, beating him down to the ground. They then dragged him out to the ring and dumped him in, where Rich Money was waiting. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN (c) vs. RICH MONEY[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Rich was pretty overconfident since Dan was beat up so badly. He kicked Dan around a little and helped Dan to his feet. Dan took a swing at Rich, but it didn't connect. Rich then shoved Dan over and made the cover. 1 ... 2 ... kick out. He tried again with the same results. Rich knocked Dan around a little more and tried to get the pin, only to have Dan kick out even faster. Rich cast a worried look at the big countdown clock on the big screen. He tried to beat Dan up some more, but the successive two pin attempts ended with Dan's shoulder popping off the mat. Rich finally managed to hit the Bank Roll and got Dan pinned, only to have the time limit expire before the ref could even count to one. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw) [/B]in 10:00 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) The camera cut backstage to reveal a car pulling up to the arena. Much to the surprise of the announcers, both Bumfholes got out. Randy seemed particularly concerned about Zimmy. He pointed out the doctor said he shouldn't wrestle just yet. Zimmy said that he couldn't leave his brother high and dry. He said even if it kills him, he's getting in that ring tonight. Randy was overcome with emotion and hugged his brother, which elicited a scream of agony from Zimmy. Zimmy glared at him and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Yeah, let's not do that again, okay?"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Troy Tornado waited in the ring for his opponent. He took the time to inform the audience that he was going to prove why he was the SWF's most underutilized wrestler tonight by beating whoever Sarah Eisen dug up. Sarah came out to the ring entrance and told Troy that he may think that now, but as her new client was going to prove, Troy's confidence was misplaced. She said that her new client isn't some nobody who slummed around the indies for a while before catching a lucky break. No, she said, her new client is a wrestling god in Japan, revered for his skill and feared for his finisher, a devastating variation of a Full Nelson. She stepped aside to reveal her client ... Yoshimi Mushashibo! Yoshimi charged toward the ring. The crowd didn't quite know how to react, but Sarah really sold Yoshimi's credentials. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the promo; [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] for the reveal 6) [B]TROY TORNADO vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] Troy looked Yoshimi over and clearly wasn't impressed. He took a lazy swipe at him, and Yoshimi responded by batting Troy's hand away and kicking him hard in the gut. Troy staggered backwards and Yoshimi followed him in, tossing him hard into the turnbuckles of one corner and repeatedly kicking him in the chest. Yoshimi then backed away and delivered a running drop-kick to Troy, who crawled out of the ring. Yoshimi went for the pin, but Troy had the presence of mind to get his foot on the bottom rope. Yoshimi dragged Troy up to his feet and Troy fought back, this time pouring all he had into his offense. Yoshimi was staggered so Troy dashed to the corner and up to the top turnbuckle for the Star Maker. As he leapt, though, Yoshimi sidestepped and snared his arm, getting Troy into a Full Nelson. He then kicked Troy's legs out from under him and drove him face first into the mat, sitting squarely on his back and pulling back on his head. Troy quickly tapped as Yoshimi screamed something in Japanese. Yoshimi broke the hold and the stood over Troy's fallen form, glaring at the crowd. They simply stared back in stunned silence. WINNER: [B] Yoshimi Mushashibo [/B]in 7:20 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] (I love great chemistry!) 7) Yoshimi apparently decided he wasn't done. He started kicking Troy while he was down. Jack Bruce and BJ Shearer charged to the rescue. It took two of them to finally get Yoshimi out of the ring. Yoshimi stomped to the back, still spouting something in Japanese. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] (Apparently it would have helped if the crowd knew what Yoshimi was screaming at them) 8) Sam Keith appeared on screen and said that the games were over. He admitted to playing politics to weaken Wanda. He said the fact that she accepted every challenge to her title showed how undeserving she was to have it. He said that a smart champ picks his battles wisely and Wanda doesn't seem to know that. He said that maybe it's a lesson she'll learn someday, but not today. No, today's lesson is this: don't mess with Sam Keith. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) The members of Apocalypse appeared on screen. Archangel re-introduced them, starting with Tim Westybrook, the Conqueror, an appropriate title since he holds the Warmaster Title. Next came Christian Faith, their version of War, no longer a laughing-stock but a serious threat. Dark Angel is Famine, for that's what he's experienced at the hands of Richard Eisen. And finally, there's Archangel himself, Death incarnate. Archangel mocked the people they were going to face tonight, saying that they couldn't stop Apocalypse. No one can. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) [B]THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. MASTERS OF FORTUNE[/B] in [COLOR="Purple"]a steel cage match[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen (who seemed a little shook from the previous segment) explained that this was a modern cage match, which meant that it could be won by pinfall, submission, or escape. It was a really good match. Everyone except Missy got busted open at one point or another (I mean, really, do you expect someone who looks as good as Missy to blade herself?). There were a couple of near escapes by Chance and Missy, but the Bumfholes managed to keep them in the cage. Finally, Missy started up the side of the cage while Chance fought it out with Randy. Randy saw her attempt and quickly dispatched Chance with a Bumfhole Buster. He then tagged Zimmy and went after Missy. The two slugged it out toward the top of the cage, but Randy won the struggle and brought her back down to the mat with a very scary powerbomb. He got out of the way just in time for Zimmy to hit the Bumfhole in One. WINNERS: [B]The Fabulous Bumfholes [/B]in 13:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Eric Eisen was standing backstage with Liberty and Darryl Devine. He asked if either of them had seen Ricky Dale Johnson lately. At that point, Jennifer Heat approached Eric and in her broken English, explained that RDJ was too injured to wrestle tonight. Eric moaned this turn of luck and wondered aloud what they were going to do. He turned around and found himself face to face with Marc DuBois. Marc said he heard what happened and wanted to help. He said he owed "the Conqueror" for everything he's done to Wanda. Besides, Marc said with a wry smile, it would feel good to be on the same team with the person who could potentially be a future brother-in-law. Eric seemed surprised at this idea, but he smiled and shook hands with Marc, welcoming him to the team. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) A video played, hitting the high points of the rise of Apocalypse, weaving in the conflict between Marc and Tim for Wanda's heart. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) [B]ERIC EISEN, MARC DuBOIS, LIBERTY, & DARRYL DEVINE vs. APOCALYPSE[/B] They teased the crowd a little at the beginning of the match. Liberty started for his team so Tim Westybrook entered for Apocalypse. Marc then begged Liberty to tag him in, so Liberty did. Tim laughed at Marc, shook a finger at him, and instead tagged in Christian Faith. Things got started for real at that point. Sadly, Eric's team lost a lot of ground in the early going. It seemed like for every step forward they took, they took two or three back. Dark Angel took a little bit of a beating at one point and had to bring in Tim. Tim then destroyed Liberty and Darryl Devine. Christian Faith got in on the action, but Darryl managed to tag in Marc, who knocked Christian out of contention with a Marc of Excellence. Archangel had to step into the ring to kick Marc off of Christian so Christian could make the tag and get out of the ring. That left Archangel and Tim on one side and Eric and Marc on the other. Tim and Marc met in the ring and knocked each other around with devastating moves that nearly took them both out. In the process, the ref got knocked out. Marc managed to get Tim down and into the Model Solution. Tim tapped pretty quickly, but the ref wasn't up to see it. Archangel then dove into the ring with Tim's Warmaster belt and used it to brain Marc, knocking him out cold. Eric charged into the ring on fire. Archangel tossed the Warmaster belt out of the ring and traded blows with Eric. Eric tried to nail the Silver Spoon Shock, only to have Archangel power out of it and drop him to the mat, tying him up with the Wing Clip. Tim rolled over to the ref and woke him up just as Eric started to tap. WINNERS: [B]Apocalypse[/B] in 22:31 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) The Outcasts came out to the ring and confidently predicted that they were in no danger of losing their belts. They urged the other two teams to come out and lose quickly so they could all just go home. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) [B]THE OUTCASTS (c) vs. THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Peter Michaels explained that this was an elimination style match. If someone got pinned, he and his partner were out of contention and had to leave the ring. All three teams put on an impressive display in the early going, tagging each other in and out when appropriate and using that little grace period in between to double-team when possible. Then, in a surprising burst of offense, the Samoans managed to knock Joe Sexy around and actually took down Skull. Akima hit the Suicie Headbutt and made the pin, only to have Joe Sexy come back to life and nail a One Night Stand, pinning Akima with his feet on the ropes. The Samoans were eliminated and were not happy about it. Joe tried to pin Skull, only to have Remo come in to break it. The match continued with these two teams. Much to everyone's surprise, Angry Gilmore was finally able to break Remo's Destroyer attempt and nailed the Anger Management for the pin and the win. WINNER: [B]Sexual Aggression [/B]in 13:33 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 16) [B]WOLF HAWKINS vs. STEVE FREHLEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] The excitement continued with the next match. Wolf and Steve put on a great show. Jerry Eisen at one point commented that you could tell that Wolf had been trained by Tommy Cornell. Emma said that from what she saw, Tommy couldn't train a puppy. That elicited a sharp comment from Jerry that that really wasn't Tommy Cornell. Steve managed to finally drop Wolf with a Frehley's Comet and made the pin, only to have Wolf kick out again. Steve tried to get the pin but Wolf tossed him away. Wolf leapt to his feet and started fighting again, knocking Steve for a loop and finally nailing a Full Moon Rising for the pin and the win. WINNER: [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]in 18:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 17) Wanda Fish came out to the ring with a mic. She said that she was humbled to be standing before everyone for this match. She said that when she won the title from Archangel, she heard the people whispering in the back, how she couldn't hack it, how no woman should ever hold the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. She said that those whispered words crawled into her mind and wracked her with doubt. She looked into the camera with intensity flaring in her eyes. She said that's why she kept taking all those challenges. She said she wasn't stupid; she TiVOs [I]Invasion![/I] and [I]Warzone[/I] and knew what Sam Keith was up to. But she took those matches to not only prove that she was worthy of being the SWF World Heavyweight Champion to those who doubted her ability, but she also took them to prove it to herself. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"And now, Sam, come down to the ring so I can finally prove it to you as well."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 18) [B]WANDA FISH (c) vs. SAM KEITH [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] A perfect cap to a great show. Wanda and Sam tore up the ring out there. Lots of impressive spots, lots of big moves, all of which kept the audience on their feet for most of the match. Sometimes Wanda would manage to get Sam down; other times, Sam would knock Wanda to the mat and try for the pin. No matter what, though, they both managed to kick out, usually before the ref even got to two. In the end, Sam tried to set Wanda up for the Neutron Plex. Wanda managed to slip out of that hold and sent Sam rebounding from the ropes. She raced past him, throwing herself into the opposite ropes as he hit the other side. Then they met in midring, Wanda leaping from her rebound to nail the Dish of the Day so hard that Sam snapped around once before collapsing to the ring, out cold. WINNER: [B]Wanda Fish [/B]in 28:10 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 19) Wanda's celebration was short lived. Tim Westybrook came charging out of the crowd and dove under the bottom ring. Wanda quickly retreated, trying to go up the entrance ramp, only to find her path cut off by Dark Angel. She turned to go over a security railing only to find Christian Faith waiting for her. She tried the other side of the audience, only to come face to face with Archangel. Apocalypse herded her back into the ring and then pounced, beating her down to the mat. They then took turns hitting her with their finishers. Dark Angel went first with a Falling Angel Moonsault. They stood her up in the corner for Christian's Leap of Faith. Tim Westybrook drove her into the mat with an Unstoppable Force. And Archangel finished it all off by tying her up in the Wing Clip. It didn't really matter at that point. Wanda was out cold. The show ended with the camera zoomed in on her face and Apocalypse's mocking laughter in the background. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Criminy. The audience didn't want to see that much of Yoshimi and they thought we're lacking hot storylines right now. Morons. Speaking of Yoshimi, though, after the show I asked him, through an interpreter, what he was screaming at the crowd. Apparently it was something to the effect that he was very happy to be honored with an SWF contract and he hoped his Japanese fans would continue to watch him on an American show. I pointed out that we still didn't have a contract with a Japanese Pay-Per-View carrier. Even I could understand Yoshimi's response: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Oh."[/COLOR] FINAL RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]"November Nightmare"[/COLOR][/U] [I]Delirious Dan (c) drew with Rich Money and so retained [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Troy Tornado [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]The Fabulous Bumfholes defeated Masters of Fortune in [COLOR="Purple"]a cage match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Apocalypse defeated Eric Eisen, Marc DuBois, Darryl Devine, and Liberty [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Sexual Aggression defeated the Outcasts (c) and the Samoan Wild Boyz to capture [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Wolf Hawkins defeated Steve Frehley (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship [/I][/COLOR]- [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Wanda Fish (c) defeated Sam Keith to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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Yay that the signing is Yoshimi! Too bad he's old and a one dimensional fighter. Put him against someone larger than him and he'll lose. But still he's a step torwards a more talented roster. He just doesn't have as much potential for growth as an Emerald Angel, Kozue Kawashima, or Sensational Dragon. Dan needs a manager or tag team partner to watch his back if he keeps getting assaulted otherwise his face winning streak will go Kaput!
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