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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jazz49ers" data-cite="Jazz49ers" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And now 1991 is done and over with. Wasn't my best year ever but I'm still the only International company and I'm still number one in the world, despite WCW beating me in the last few National Battles.<p> </p><p> For the awards, Hulk Hogan won Wrestler of the Year for the second year in a row, third time overall. Tag Team of the Year was a bit of t surprise, as Sting and Warrior took home the award. Young Wrestler of the Year went to Eddie Guerrero. Despite only being a midcarder for WCW, him and his brother Hector pulled out two 99 rated matches and one 97 rated match this year. Terry Funk won the Veteran Wrestler of the Year for the second year in a row, third time overall. Female Wrestler of the Year went to Condor Saito. WWF won Company of the Year for the sixth time, the first in four years. Most Improved Company went to WCCW. Match of the Year took place at Survivor Series, when the team of Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Ric Flair beat Kerry Von Erich, Randy Savage, and Rick Martel. For the third year in a row, my Wrestlemania event won Card of the Year.</p><p> </p><p> Over on the Power 500, Hulk Hogan took the first spot for the second year running. Tito Santana, Sting, Road Warrior Animal, and Ricky Steamboat rounded out the top 5. I managed to get three wrestlers in the top 20. Savage at 11, Bret Hart at 12, and Ric Flair at 18. Goal next year is to get somebody into the top 10.</p><p> </p><p> Shane Douglas had to retire due to injury, shame a good young career got cut off so short. Rocky Johnson was the only big name to pass away. I got my first event up to Historic importance. Saturday Night's Main Event reached it after its 14th show. No other major news happened this year.</p><p> </p><p> Overall, I'm working on building up some young wrestlers and trying to boost my midcard. A bunch of WCW wrestlers contracts came up at once. I tried really hard to sign both Vader and Lex Luger but both rejected me and signed with WCW. The also managed to get Jacques Rougeau to reject me and sign with them. Sting, Cactus Jack, and Diamond Dallas Page all were up but I didn't try for any of them. I did manage to sign Ron Simmons, Wayne Bloom, and Mike Enos away from WCW. Big hit for them, huh?</p><p> </p><p> Oh, I did sign some guy named Steve Austin away from WCW. I don't know if he'll turn into anything good, but at least him and Brian Pillman seem to have some tag chemistry between them.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Six months into 1992 and thing are looking up, a little bit. Didn't run too many fun storylines in 1991, just stuff to get me through the year, but I've been doing some fun ones in 1992.</p><p> </p><p> The year started off with two major storylines at the Royal Rumble. After turning heel and winning a buried alive match against The Undertaker, Bret Hart would start teaming more often with his brother, Owen. But, the first week of January, after winning a tag match against Kerry Von Erich and Randy Savage, the lights would go out, and a gong would hit. The next few weeks would see Hart calling out Undertaker, supernatural things happening, costing Bret and Owen matches, and Undertaker promising the end of the Harts.</p><p> </p><p> At the Royal Rumble, Undertaker would finally make his returning, beating the ever loving crap out of Bret Hart. Not wanting to see the Deadman double teamed, Kerry Von Erich would appear at the side of The Undertaker, with those two beating the Harts at the next PPV. Undertaker would challenge Bret to a match at Wrestlemania VIII. It would be the second year in a row these two would square off at Wrestlemania, with Undertaker coming out on top again.</p><p> </p><p> Since then, Undertaker has moved on to a feud with Ted DiBiase and his Million Dollar Corporation, consisting of Stan Hansen, Earthquake, and their newest member, Jerry Sags. Bret and Owen have continued to tag together, getting ready to challenge the tag team champions, Haku and Nikita Koloff.</p><p> </p><p> Randy Savage would win the 1992 Royal Rumble. With Ric Flair as the WWF Heavyweight champion, it was pretty easy to just copy their real life feud from that year, with Flair saying he slept with and had pictures to prove it, with Miss Elizabeth. Savage would win the match at Wrestlemania, winning the WWF Heavyweight belt for the third time. However, I did throw one twist into it...The Four Horsemen! Flair would team up with Arn Anderson and The Fabulous Ones, Stan Lane and Steve Keirn. After Wrestlemania, Savage would recruit Dusty Rhodes, Manny Fernandez, and Big Boss Man to his side, resulting in a War Games match at the next PPV, with Savage's team coming out on top.</p><p> </p><p> Flair would get his rematch for the belt the next month. However, with Arn Anderson no longer in the company and The Fabulous Ones back on their own, would come up short again. He's still trying to get another shot at Savage, but Shawn Michaels has also started to challenge for the belt!</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of Michaels, he dominated the IC title scene in 1991 and the first part of 1992. He won the belt in February 1991, lost it for a month to Arn Anderson before regaining it, and holding it until the Royal Rumble, losing it to Mr. Perfect. Perfect and Michaels would put on the match of the night at Wrestlemania VIII, with Perfect retaining the title in a ladder match. He's defended the title since then against Scott Steiner, Rick Rude, and Rick Martel, but faces his biggest test yet this month, when all four will square off.</p><p> </p><p> The Women's title scene has gotten a lot better. Manami Toyota won the belt from Jaguar Yokota at Wrestlemania VIII. The Women's roster is slowly getting more over with the fans and the matches are started to get rated in the 60s, which I'm quite happy with.</p><p> </p><p> On the other hand, the Tag Team title scene is still crap. I tried pushing the Nasty Boys, but I can't get Brian Knobbs off pain killers. He's currently in rehab for the second time. If this doesn't work he's gone. Which sucks, because both him and Sags have turned into good workers behind the mentoring of Randy Savage and Ted DiBiase. Dusty Rhodes and Manny Fernandez held the belts for the first month of 1992, before dropping them to Money, INC (DiBiase and Rick Rude). I found out that Haku and Nikita Koloff had great chemistry, so they currently hold the titles.</p><p> </p><p> When I first started the game, I discovered that Andre the Giant and Cactus Jack had good chemistry together. I knew that before Andre retired, I had to take advantage of this. So, I released Jack for a few years, let him make his way in the world for a few years, and just resigned him this year. I put Andre in the Hall of Fame last year, kept him off TV until a month ago, and then brought him back as a special ambassador for the WWF. After making an announcement about the WWF returning to Japan, Cactus Jack would make his WWF debut/return, attacking the Giant. Andre would tell him that he was retired, but Jack didn't care, continuing his attacks. Dusty Rhodes would step up to fight for Andre, but would lose to Cactus. Cactus continues to challenge the Giant, and they'll eventually face off soon.</p><p> </p><p> I think I've done two stupid things this year, however. First off, I held a Ladies of WWF special on MTV. It bombed horribly. Probably wouldn't have been so bad if I made sure the main event hadn't been done three times before. Yeah, I could have changed it, but had a plan for it, and didn't want to. Second stupid thing, I accidentally held a show in Puerto Rico. Language barrier drastically caused a ratings drop.</p><p> </p><p> After signing away Steve Austin, I would end up sending him to rehab for a few months, to take care of a pain killer problem. Since returning, he's been a model worker. Him and Pillman, still managed by Alexandra York, have just started teaming as the Hollywood Blonds. I just need a face team for them to go against.</p>
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<p>I've had Alina America on my roster for almost two years now. She started as Lust in the Sinners Stable after Gluttony Injured himself and was going to be out for a year. After the amnesiac rebooot she became the second Minion in the rebooted Harbingers with her tag partner in the Sinners (Greed) as the new Zealot. Roles held by Seth Whitehead (Zealot) and Marcel LeFleur (Minion) who were also in the Sinners stable as Pride and Envy respectively. After Madam revealed she hadn't actually forgotten anything and stated a new group, Alina (as Minion) joined and became Torment the Horsemen of Famine.</p><p> </p><p>

Torment got three shots at my UCs title on his second run but didn't manage to take any of them. But in the interveneing years she's become a decent brawler technician and aerialist. With all in the 50s except Chain and Flashiness in the 60s. All of her perfmornace skills are well into the 70s with basics at 84 and psych at 78, And with her 90 Star Qaulity and 94 Sex Appeal shes gotten up to 86 in the Tri-State area. Amazing work I have done with her.</p><p> </p><p>

But now USPW has come a calling anf signd her to a written deal. Which I find odd as Moonlight (Catalina Vasques), Starlight (Sandra Shine), and Electric Dreamer all have better skills then here and overness in the 90s in the Tri-State. But what's a booker to do, I need a new horsemen of Famine.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Apupunchau@optonline" data-cite="Apupunchau@optonline" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've had Alina America on my roster for almost two years now. She started as Lust in the Sinners Stable after Gluttony Injured himself and was going to be out for a year. After the amnesiac rebooot she became the second Minion in the rebooted Harbingers with her tag partner in the Sinners (Greed) as the new Zealot. Roles held by Seth Whitehead (Zealot) and Marcel LeFleur (Minion) who were also in the Sinners stable as Pride and Envy respectively. After Madam revealed she hadn't actually forgotten anything and stated a new group, Alina (as Minion) joined and became Torment the Horsemen of Famine.<p> </p><p> Torment got three shots at my UCs title on his second run but didn't manage to take any of them. But in the interveneing years she's become a decent brawler technician and aerialist. With all in the 50s except Chain and Flashiness in the 60s. All of her perfmornace skills are well into the 70s with basics at 84 and psych at 78, And with her 90 Star Qaulity and 94 Sex Appeal shes gotten up to 86 in the Tri-State area. Amazing work I have done with her.</p><p> </p><p> But now USPW has come a calling anf signd her to a written deal. Which I find odd as Moonlight (Catalina Vasques), Starlight (Sandra Shine), and Electric Dreamer all have better skills then here and overness in the 90s in the Tri-State.<strong> But what's a booker to do, I need a new horsemen of Famine.</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Faith McGee my friend....Faith McGee!</p>
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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hulkmania Extreme Edition II, WCW, final days of September 1995.</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

As we head into October, the feud between the Warrior Nation and the Four Horsemen continues, after the latter's victory on the WarGames at Fall Brawl. Warrior and Flair are set to face each other at Halloween Havoc in a 2 of 3 Falls Match. Sting will defend his WCW U.S. Heavyweight title against Curt Hennig. The Great Muta & The Renegade will square off against Arn Anderson & Rick Rude.</p><p> </p><p>

After dealing with Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater, and also winning the WCW World Tag Team titles from the Steiner Brothers, Harlem Heat now faces other incoming challengers in the form of the Midnight Males & The Bluebloods.</p><p> </p><p>

Road Warrior Hawk got his revenge after defeating Kurasawa (who i'm planning to release), but now faces a new threat, Col. Robert Parker's newest client, Mankind, formerly known as Cactus Jack attacks him and performs the Mandible Claw.</p><p> </p><p>

Meng, also managed by Parker, is having a feud with Bryan Clark. Parker issued an open challenge to anyone who dares to face Meng. (Adam Bomb in WWF).</p><p> </p><p>

Other feuds are:</p><p> </p><p>

El Hijo del Santo vs. Sabu (WCW Cruiserweight Championship)</p><p> </p><p>

Brian Pillman vs. Eddie Guerrero. (Started out because Guerrero perceived in Pillman a lack of sportmanship, after attacking Jushin Thunder Liger).</p><p> </p><p>

Vader vs. Lex Luger (Started out after Vader tried to cheat against the Warrior for the WCW World Heavyweight title).</p><p> </p><p>

Terry Funk vs. DDP (DDP wanted to prove his manhood against a good opponent, and what a better individual than Funk to find out).</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="K-Nection" data-cite="K-Nection" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Faith McGee my friend....Faith McGee!</div></blockquote> She's currenty on the roster in one of my jobber tag teams and she;s no where near as talented as even her tag partner Maria Guest, no where near.<p> </p><p> Foxxy LaRue is a good worker whose been on the roster for a few year. Her tag team with Fro Sure - Funk FOrce - has seen her develope quite well. They were even Tag champions. When Fro left for SWF I didn't have much for her but I didn't want to drop her down the card, she's sitting about upper midcarder now. She's currently allying with Demelza Wade against Fuyuko Higa and Shiori Jippensha as Team 5SSW who see these American Wrestlers as weak and unfocused. But I only had Wade, Higa, and Jippensha on a 6 month loop to put Foxxy against some of the best women in the world to train.</p><p> </p><p> The girls finish out their contracts in four months in April so will be part of the Impossible Possibilities Tag Tournament. But that leaves me two months to the season finale. I may be able to slot Foxxy in to the Famine Slot then she does have 98 in Heel performance. She may never get main event over but she is on the NBT list although her overness cap is "a lot of success" which I think is in the high 70s and her ring stats will end up being "really fine" which is third down from the top in possibilities under Exceptional and Fantastic.</p><p> </p><p> For the record Faith is only Dark Horse which is means her overness cap is definitely below Foxxy's although she'll be about as talented in the rin.</p>
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<p>It's March of 2002 and Booker T just decided to sit out the rest of his contract over jobbing to Rob Van Dam(with interference and a tainted win) on an episode of Monday Nitro. I went ahead and released him from his contract, because what else could I do?</p><p> </p><p>

This could be a big problem. He was my #2 draw, behind Goldberg. Anyone know how long it'll take before he'd be willing to come back?</p>

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<p>The game I'm running has been the longest I've ever ran. Just hit the 2 year mark. I started as WWE in January of 2016. Here's a recap of the major storylines that took effect in 2016. I'll dedicate a separate post to 2017.</p><p> </p><p>

The rise of <strong>Dean Ambrose</strong> was a focal point of early 2016. He lost a triple threat match at the Royal Rumble against Roman Reigns & Triple H (Triple H won), only to bounce back and win the rumble itself. Reigns had a rematch against Triple H at Fastlane where he failed to secure the title, so the Wrestlemania 32 main event was set: Dean Ambrose vs. Triple H. Ambrose successfully defeated Triple H and ascended to the top of WWE at Wrestlemania 32.</p><p> </p><p>

Another major event at the start of the year was <strong>Kurt Angle's</strong> return to in-ring action. Angle was a heel and immediately established himself in the title hunt, but Dolph Ziggler put himself in the way of the returning legend. Ziggler couldn't hold off Angle, though, and Angle secured the victory at the Royal Rumble. Angle unsuccessfully fought for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Elimination Chamber (I ran a Fastlane and an Elimination Chamber) but Triple H retained against Angle, Reigns, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, & Finn Balor. The Ziggler/Angle feud would continue through Wrestlemania with Angle picking up the victory in an ultimate submission match. </p><p> </p><p>

Wrestlemania 32 itself was a pretty great event overall. It got a B rating. I had a lot of fun feuds. One was <strong>John Cena</strong> successfully challenging <strong>Chris Jericho</strong> for the Intercontinental Championship (chasing the only title to elude him for his career.) Another was <strong>Undertaker</strong> defeating <strong>Kevin Owens</strong> after a vicious match that tied <strong>Ziggler/Angle</strong> for match of the night. And in what was a really surprisingly good match, <strong>Brock Lesnar</strong> defeated <strong>The Rock </strong>in the co-headlining match. Overall, it was a really solid Wrestlemania that gave me a lot of options moving forward.</p><p> </p><p>

The night after Wrestlemania, I had the <strong>American Wolves</strong> debut on Raw. I combed these guys to be the next great team. </p><p> </p><p>

Extreme Rules was the first post-WM PPV I had, and I really wanted to start laying out the backbone of my roster. In keeping true with WWE, guys like Undertaker, Lesnar, & Rock don't typically work these lesser PPV's, so I was limited in their appearances. <strong>AJ Styles</strong> returned from injury and I had him immediately capture the US Championship. <strong>Big E </strong>turned on <strong>Kingston & Woods</strong>, turning heel in the process. <strong>Sting</strong> returned to in-ring action but came up short against<strong> Randy Orton</strong>. I had <strong>Chris Jericho</strong> form a stable with<strong> Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards</strong>, dubbed "The Wolves Of Jericho" that would become my favorite stabled that I booked. And the new #1 contender<strong> Kurt Angle</strong> fell to <strong>Dean Ambrose</strong> in the main event. This Extreme Rules was possibly one of the most important PPV's in 2016 because I laid down my booking to give myself options, but I had specific paths I wanted guys to follow.</p><p> </p><p>

The next PPV was Judgment Day. Not a terribly eventful PPV, save for me forming the faction of <strong>The Usos, Rikishi, & Roman Reigns</strong> to fight the <strong>Wyatts</strong>, and the main event of <strong>Dean Ambrose</strong> defending the WWE title against <strong>Cesaro </strong>and <strong>Kurt Angle</strong>. I was cautious about pushing Cesaro because the main event was crowded, so I had Ambrose retain. I also booked <strong>Jericho</strong> to pick up his IC title back from <strong>John Cena</strong>, further cementing his legacy and to give some legitimacy to the "Wolves Of Jericho". </p><p> </p><p>

Payback came at the end of May. The American Wolves were booked strongly with a victory over the Usos, but I had Jericho drop the IC title to Reigns just a month after winning in both to plant some seeds and also get the focus back on Richards/Edwards. Randy Orton captured the US title from Sami Zayn. Cesaro and Angle had an absolute clinic in wrestling where Angle just edged out Cesaro, and Ambrose defeated Sheamus in the main event. </p><p> </p><p>

Money In The Bank was my next big PPV. I tried to book it on the scale of the Big Four.<strong> Big E</strong> defeated both<strong> Kingston & Woods </strong>to get his singles career off to a bang. <strong>Samoa Joe</strong> defeated a returning <strong>Goldberg</strong>. <strong>Cesaro</strong> went the distance and defeated <strong>Kurt Angle</strong> in an iron man match, scoring just as high as their last bout. I booked<strong> Orton</strong> to retain the US Championship against <strong>Cena </strong>and <strong>The Miz</strong> to bring some legitimacy to the title. <strong>The American Wolves</strong> assaulted the WWE Tag Team Champions (<strong>The Dudleyz</strong>). <strong>Luke Harper </strong>won the MITB briefcase. <strong>Ziggler</strong> turned heel earlier in the month, joining the Authority, and unsuccessfully challenged <strong>Ambrose</strong> for the WWE title. Post-match, <strong>Undertaker</strong> returned and took Ambrose out, making his own challenge for the title apparent.</p><p> </p><p>

And this is going a lot longer than I expected, so I'll make another post covering the back-half of 2016. There's some pretty surprising twists and turns! Thanks if you read this!</p>

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<p>I'm playing the Clash of Titans 94 mod as WCW and doing pretty well. I just ran my first Starrcade and got a 91 score which made me pretty happy. It would've been higher, but my semi-main(Austin-Pillman Ladder Match) got hit with the "fourth match-up" penalty. </p><p> </p><p>

I also fired Paul Roma in front of everybody and enjoyed doing it. It gave the entire locker room a morale boost, too. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hulkmania Extreme Edition II, WCW, 1st Week, November 1995.</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The feud between the Warrior Nation & The Four Horsemen has came to an end, but now the Warrior and his allies must face a new enemy: Steve Austin. Austin returned to WCW and is very disgruntled at the company and it's figurehead, going to call Warrior a muscle-bounded jerk who does nothing but rant and snort like a filthy pig.</p><p> </p><p>

After Ric Flair failed to re-capture the WCW World Heavyweight Title and Rude's lost in a tag team match between Rude & Anderson against The Renegade & The Great Muta, Anderson and Hennig, who won the U.S. Heavyweight Title from Sting, start to feel that Flair & Rude are nothing but dead weight. Tensions start as Flair and Rude say that they are still at their prime. To make things worse, Bryan Clarke, who camo off fresh after defeating Meng in a No DQ match, taunts the Horsemen. Can Flair & Rude convince Henning and Double A that they're still a force to be reckoned with? </p><p> </p><p>

El Hijo del Santo has finally won the WCW World Cruiserweight Title (which was rendered vacant after Sabu got injured in a match in another company) after defeating Dean Malenko.</p><p> </p><p>

The landscape of WCW is about to change with the return the Bunkhouse Stampede, but this time, it's a revamped version of the Stampede we came to known, a battle royal where wrestlers are eliminated only pinfall or submission and weapons are allowed. The winner of the match will square off against the Warrior at Starcade 1995.</p>

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<p>I haven't actually played TEW in about 4 months due to laptop issues, personal stuff etc. </p><p>

But for the first time in forever, when I felt the urge to come back I was compelled to play with the C-Verse which almost never happens for me.</p><p> </p><p>

So I've taken Steve DeColt as UC from NOTBPW and placed him as Head Booker for CGC. See if we can turn around the fortunes and prove Canada has talent and potential after all.</p><p> </p><p>

Main storyline going forward is continuing on from the Jack DeColt & Gargantuan base storyline in the game. First TV show of the year, Jack & Gargantuan main event when a masked and cloaked figure appears through the crowd and beats the tar out of Jack. Young Ricky sprints to the rescue before he's cut off by Gargantuan.</p><p>

The figure uncloaks and unmasks to reveal Steve DeColt. He cuts a scathing promo on brother Alex and how stagnant and dull the promotion has become and that he's back and there's hell to pay.</p><p>

Essentially it'll be Jack & Ricky vs Steve & Gargantuan going forward with Prometheus acting as extra menace and muscle for Steve DeColt. Eventual plan is to bring Alex out of retirement for a showdown with Steve months down the line.</p><p> </p><p>

Other main storyline is Joey Poison playing predator and chasing Hailey Hunter's affections much to the chagrin of Donte Dunn.</p><p>

Excited for the C-Verse. Just hope I stick with it.</p>

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<p>Been playing a 4C game for quite a while now, currently the 5th most influential company in the game and got the Most Improved Award at the end of last year. I've got a pretty healthy main event and midcard, and probably the best women's division in the game, with Alicia Strong, Brooke Tyler, Melody, Amber Allen, Jamie Quine, etc., as well as Lacee Lachance, a randomly generated worker who I snatched from NOTBPW. She's got insane technical skills for a rookie and is the future of the division for sure. Reached Cult status right as NOTBPW goes under, able to snap up David Stone, Davis Wayne Newton, Amber Allen and a bunch of other choice workers. David Stone is already main event level but since he's only a one year veteran I've been keeping him in the midcard and giving him a run with my Canadian Championship before I move him up to the main event. </p><p> </p><p>

Here's a rough outline of my next PPV, Demolition Derby.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>4C Championship</strong></p><p>

Fatal Four Way Ladder Match</p><p>

Johnny Bloodstone ©VS Christian Price VS Chris Flynn VS Thrill Seeker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>4C Women's Championship</strong></p><p>

Last Woman Standing Match</p><p>

Melody ©VS Brooke Tyler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>4C Canadian Championship</strong></p><p>

David Stone ©VS White Angel </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>4C Tag Team Championship</strong></p><p>

Two Out of Three Falls Match</p><p>

The Canadian Blondes (Flash Savage & Ozzie Golden)©VS The Nest of Vipers (Mimic & Dagger)</p><p> </p><p>

Davis Wayne Newton VS The Crippler</p><p> </p><p>

Six Man Eliminatiion Tag Match</p><p>

Hugh Ancrie & Damage Inc. (Devyn Renaud & Kamikaze)VS The Inner City Express (Sayeed Ali, Malik Cash & Jay Becker)</p><p> </p><p>

Benson Saros (My Player Character) VS Diablo Duvak</p><p> </p><p>

Fatal Four Way Women's No. 1 Contender Elimination Match </p><p>

Alicia Strong VS Amber Allen VS Jamie Quine VS Sally Anne Christianson</p><p> </p><p>

Marcel LeFleur VS Justin Sensitive</p>

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Every single member of my full time roster made it into the top 500 in 2019 the highest on the list was Sandra Shine at 112. But even guys who's only work for the year was jobbing for me for 5 months made the list. A regen of Buddy Garner named Vincent Barnes came into the game world in July of 2019 he was hired in August of 2019 and between August and December he's managed to make to 462 on the list. He hasn't won a single match in five months of working for me - he didn't work at all the first month of his career -and he's still on the top 500 list. The only person who didn't make the list was Faith McGhee but she only worked for me two moths,the tail end of her f6 month contract with me being just January and now December replacing Christopher Ball who went off to train for an MMA Fight.
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I am playing a Montreal Aftermath game where I am WWF and I am coming up on the year 2000. I have two brands currently, but I am debating opening a third brand when I launch my Network in January. Any advice or ideas? I like the idea of having one World Champion who travels between the brands, but I also think having 3 World Titles would make booking and creating stars easier. Thoughts?
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I am playing a Montreal Aftermath game where I am WWF and I am coming up on the year 2000. I have two brands currently, but I am debating opening a third brand when I launch my Network in January. Any advice or ideas? I like the idea of having one World Champion who travels between the brands, but I also think having 3 World Titles would make booking and creating stars easier. Thoughts?


In Kayfabe terms, I would argue that one world champion travelling over all 3 brands would make for a more exciting product.

1 world champion for each brand I think would be overkill. 2 World Champs in a company I was fine with, like IRL WWE, but 3 would sour it for me.

Treat it like the territory days when the 1 champion faces all comers from all 3 brands and tours like that.

Have the occasional surprise title switch when fans least expect it to keep it fresh.

That would be my vote

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sco xY2Jx" data-cite="Sco xY2Jx" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In Kayfabe terms, I would argue that one world champion travelling over all 3 brands would make for a more exciting product.<p> 1 world champion for each brand I think would be overkill. 2 World Champs in a company I was fine with, like IRL WWE, but 3 would sour it for me.</p><p> Treat it like the territory days when the 1 champion faces all comers from all 3 brands and tours like that.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree. Just like RL WWE, there aren't enough credible challengers to support more than one World title and make it mean something. With three World titles, you wind up with at least one person who is not World title quality, holding a belt because the talent's so thin. In traditional terms, the world champion is supposed to be literally the best wrestler in the company (if not the world). If you have two or three "best" then you don't have any.</p><p> <strong>=================================================</strong></p><p> So I'm running QAW and in May of 2017, I have several storylines running and driving business nicely. The goal of our last big show (Code of Honor) was to end all of the preset storylines and move on to new ones and I think we did that pretty well.</p><p> </p><p> I just ended the default storyline "The Showdown" with Danielle Sweetheart finally beating Jillian Jarvis in a steel cage to win the QAW World title. This, after she finally qualified for figurehead status. After the match, she was attacked by the other members of Ronin 3 (Juana Huracan and Toni Parissi) until the Lilly & Rose debuted to make the save. My goal for this save is to use the "a rising tide raises all boats" approach to elevating women's wrestling. So I'm using a lot of talent from AAA and 5SSW to help improve their shows and help them grow faster. Lilly & Rose are going to be Danielle's new sidekicks. She'll need them since her next challenger for the world title is none other than Cherry Bomb (whose Bomb Squad is starting to look formidable with the addition of Terror Squad (Geena the Warrior Princess & Charity Sweet)).</p><p> </p><p> Prior to that match, Crackdown lost the QAW Twinstar titles to the Suicide Dolls (April Appleseed & Alina America) in a four team ladder match (also featuring the A-List and the Anti-Establishment) which concluded another default storyline (Rebels with a Cause). Now, the Dolls and the A-List will feud over the Twinstar belts and the Crackdown will feud with Lilly & Rose, in support of Jillian Jarvis gaining a title shot. The Anti-Establishment will feud with The Uprising (Talia Quinzel & Selina Svelte) over the alliance tag titles.</p><p> </p><p> Raquel Alvarado wanted one last shot at Foxxy LaRue (and the alliance Openweight title), to prove she has what it takes to be a headliner. GM Faith told her she'd have to trade in the QAW Shockwave title for it and she agreed. She lost (decisively) so she'll be off TV (vacation) while other stories develop. She'll return as a member of the latin stable currently being formed. </p><p> </p><p> The Canadiennes (Canadian Angel & Quebecoise) came into their match with the Beauty Pair (Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder) as United States tag champs. But GM Faith told them they'd have to vacate the US tag belts in exchange for a shot at the World tag belts (which Ava & Lily hold). So they did and with help from manager Joy DeWitt, they won the world tag titles and will now move on to feuding with Tex-Mex as well as staving off the challenge of Beauty Pair and soon, The ANTI (DEVIL Karube and Megumi Nakajima). The plan is, given the in-ring talent of DEVIL, Megumi, Canadian Angel and Quebecoise, that will help to develop Teresa, Beth (formerly Houston), Ava, and Lily in that regard.</p><p> </p><p> Six Way ladder match for the QAW Shockwave title went off a lot better than expected. Featuring Steffi Chee, Randy Orton...err, wait, I mean Golden Delicious, Emma May, Kuniko Matsura, Eve Runcord, and Rei Chikanatsu, it was won by Kuniko Matsura. That should bring about some really nice matchup choices. Chee-GD, Matsura-Runcord, and May-Rei are the first pairings.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Preshow matches surprised the heck out of me.</p><p> Karen Bilous d. Mystery Pink - 74</p><p> Congo Viper d. Team SUB, Seek & Destroy, and Mitsu Ariwa & Estrella Blanca for the US Tag titles - 65</p><p> Eve Grunge d. Poison Ivy (US title) - 58</p><p> </p><p> When you're at Cult and the bottom of your card (Bilous - lower midcarder, Mystery Pink - Enhancement talent) can produce 74 without any chemistry notes, that bodes well for the future.</p><p> </p><p> This save is weird for me since, for once, I'm not actively trying to put anyone out of business. I just wish I could offer TV deals to the companies in my alliance (not just my dev promotion). That would help AAA immensely.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kito333" data-cite="kito333" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am playing a Montreal Aftermath game where I am WWF and I am coming up on the year 2000. I have two brands currently, but I am debating opening a third brand when I launch my Network in January. Any advice or ideas? I like the idea of having one World Champion who travels between the brands, but I also think having 3 World Titles would make booking and creating stars easier. Thoughts?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm planning to do a roster split further down the line on my USPW save.my current plan is to have only one World Champion but for each brand to have some kind of exclusive Main Event title.</p>
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<p>I'm finally starting to move away from the Bullet Club era with the first member already losing his title when AJ Styles lost the WWE Championship to Kevin Owens in an Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series. He now holds both of the main titles and despite Edge trying to make him do it, refuses to actually combine them into one (so he can eventually lose one of them to a MITB cash in and still stay a champion because it's only for one title).</p><p> </p><p>

The next one to lose their title will be Kenny Omega when Dolph Ziggler beats him for the Intercontinental title only to switch brands so SmackDown will also have a midcard title.</p><p> </p><p>

The original plan was to have Summer Rae to be the first to lose her title at SummerSlam (because irony) to Bayley but Bayley got hooked on pain killers so that plan was moved to whenever she's clean again.</p>

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<p>Chipping away for popularity in Kanto and Chubu, struggling to put a dent in either despite consistantly running high rated shows. I'll probably give the product a little play with over time to see if I can land a broadcasting deal. We recently came to a working agreement with TCW so hopefully their talent will help out a bit.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i68.tinypic.com/rwni4m.png</span></p><p> </p><p>

Greg Gauge picked up the BCG World Championship from Art Reed after winning the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix with a spectacular A rated final with Funakoshi. Funakoshi is coming off a reign of his own but is kayfabe struggling with the high level talent flooding into Black Canvas Grappling and believes he is letting the company down. Priming him for a big rematch with Gauge later in the year. Quite happy with how the rest of the talent is doing, BCG will always be a personal favourite promotion of mine.</p>

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<p>When last we left the intrepid heroes and villains of AWE they were heading into one of their four big shows of the year. Hell O’ Ween. which looked like this.</p><p> </p><p>

Double Trouble vs Devil Machine</p><p>

Teamazing vs Dangerous by Design</p><p>

American Pie vs Borne to Riot</p><p>

Simon Waves and Rapid Attack vs The Next Big Things</p><p>

The Stretchers vs Hell's Rebels vs The Fighting Irish</p><p>

Funk Force vs Rising Sons</p><p>

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Melvin Otto</p><p>

Heroes Unlimited vs Apocoalypse Riders</p><p>

Lobo Solitario vs Torment </p><p> </p><p>

The Harbingers (Melvin Otto and his minions Big Dog and Swipe) were having a hard time stepping back into the field of players for the AWE Inspired title. Otto managed to get himself a match with the champion’s (my UC) occasional tag partner Logan Wolfsbaine. Sadly he could not come out on top.</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile Otto’s minion Hell’s Rebels (Big Dog and Swipe) managed to get themselves in a three way tag match to work toward a title shot. Also in the match were the Fighting Irish and The Stretchers, two former jobber teams who were kept on after the big July show and were at each other’s throats to prove they deserved to be there. The two teams would be their own downfall not concentrating enough on the veteran team in AWE and Hell’s Rebels took the win.</p><p> </p><p>

Rick Rockers had his big turn on his partner Simon Waves, where some of his memories returned and he sided with long time partner Seth Whitehead, and Seth’s new associate Ernest Youngman. Rick started using his real name Marcel LeFleur and joined The Next Big Things and their first target was Waves. Waves saw one of the most exciting teams in AWE come to his aid, Rapid Attack. After a few singles and tag matches over the intervening three months Waves and Rapid Attack had a 6 man tag against the Next Big Thing at Hell O’ Ween. And although the trio of tecnios managed to fend off the rudos attack earlier in the show they just couldn’t come out with a win.</p><p> </p><p>

The former tag champs Funk Force (Foxxy LaRue and Fro Sure) were set to face the fast rising rudo team Rising Son (GIDAYU and JOJI) for the number one contender spot for the AWE Dyanmic Duo titles now held by two of the Apocalypse Riders, Acid II (the embodiment of plague) and Reaver (the embodiment of death). I’ll admit originally Funk Force was supposed to win this but Fro Sure got picked up by SWF and plans needed to be changed.</p><p> </p><p>

The AWE Dynamic Duo Champions and a third member of the Apocalypse Riders, Slaughter (the embodiment of war played by Hell’s Bouncer) were out to squash the champions of good Heroes Unlimited (3 time AWE Inspired champion Electric Dreamer and Heaven’s Light reunited Moonlight and Starlight). Sadly the heroes just couldn’t live up to the challenge and the riders one clean almost exclusively on the pure power of Slaughter.</p><p> </p><p>

The Main event Torment (the embodiment of Famine played by Alina America who has played Lust and Minion in AWE as well) get a second shot at Lobo Solitario (my UC) for the AWE inspired title. The villainous Torment tried every dirty trick including interference from Madam Bat the owner of AWE and power behind the Apocalypse Riders. Torment just couldn’t get the job done and Lobo one.</p><p> </p><p>

After the match however Slaughter was set loose and he began to attack the champion. Lobo’s partner Logan ran in for the save as he promised to have Lobo’s back early in the show, but even he could not stand against the onslaught of Slaughter and both Wolves were left lying on the floor by the destroyer.</p><p> </p><p>

The three lower matches Double Trouble vs Devil Machine, Teamazing vs Dangerous by Design, and American Pie vs Borne to Riot were all filler matches with the current jobber teams. In order Double Trouble, Teamazing, and Borne to Riot won.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Old Enemy New Name</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The main story continued to be the rise of the Apocalypse Riders, with Lobo trying to keep his hands on the title, Logan defending both he and his partner with Heroes Unlimited weathering battles on two from both the Riders and the Harbingers. The battle moved toward Bitter wind.</p><p> </p><p>

Torment earned herself a third shot at the AWE inspired title, albeit with a lot of help and Slaughter and Electric Dreamer both racked up two wins to meet up to see who would get a third and be the next to face Lobo. Torment could not win her battle although Slaughter did.</p><p> </p><p>

The Harbingers connived themselves into a match against Logan and Heaven’s Light which they won. But plans needed to be changed a bit because Big Dog pulled something and had a hernia and would be out for near on two months. But Otto couldn’t build himself up for a title shot losing to some of the other main eventers. For the December show Cold Dead hands he would team with Swipe to defeat Heaven’s Light.</p><p> </p><p>

Slaughter was set him his spot for Cold Dead hands to face off against Lobo but Electric Dreamer, Logan Wolfsbaine and Torment all racked up two wins a pieces and faced off in a three way to see who would have the third win and thus a title shot. Dreamer came out on top of this, and Slaughter lost his first match to Lobo but he lost by DQ after flying into a rage.</p><p> </p><p>

Over the course of the next month Slaughter nearly killed Seth Whitehead, Simon Waves, and Melvin Otto (who apparently just can’t catch a break) to gain three wins of his own. Madam Bat says she wil make it a three way for the title but Dreamer says she will face Slaughter her three wins against his, if it means keeping him away from the title. Sadly she could not achieve victory with a second singles loss to Slaughter making the monster the sole contender to the title at the first big show of the year in January Internal Combustion.</p><p> </p><p>

Dreamer was actually put out of action unable to compete at internal combustion but she said she would be in the corner of the other members of Heroes Unlimited as Heaven’s Light takes on Hell’s Rebels in a grudge match. And with the Rebels in a big name match Otto secures himself a bout with Logan Wolfsbaine hoping to knock Lobo’s partner down a notch while securing a win toward a title shot.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Most Dynamic</strong></p><p> </p><p>

With the departure of Fro Sure the Funk Force was out of the running as Foxxy didn’t have a tag partner. So The Stretchers and The Fighting Irish both moved their feud into a run for the titles. The Rising Sons already had their shot lined up for Bitter Wind and the Stretchers and Irish met up for the second time since becoming full time members of the roster. The Irish took the first win between the teams and the Stretchers took the second albeit by DQ putting them next in line for a title shot. The would be facing of against the Horsemen II, seeing as they defeated Rising Sons in a pitch battle at Bitter Wind.</p><p> </p><p>

The Stretchers and Horsemen II rack up some wins before making it to Cold Dead Hands in December but when the two meet Acid II and Reaver turn out to be the better team sending Eri Sato and Laura Flame back to the drawing board. In a cross over with a new story The Rising Sons, The Fighting Irish, Wade & LaRue (Demelza Wade and FOxxy LaRue), and Team 5SSW (Fuyuko Higa and Shiori Jippensha) face in a four team battle for the next number one contender for the title after each winning two matches during the month. Rising Sons would take the win over The Irish as Team 5SSW and Wade & LaRue were too busy battling each other on the outside.</p><p> </p><p>

This left the matches at the big show Internal Combustion set at The Stretchers and The Irish in their third face off. The both racked up two wins so the bout is not only to show which is the better of the two teams but who would go on to face whoever won in the Horsemen I vs Rising Sons match also on the same show.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ladies First</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After losing her partner LaRue announced she was looking for a new challenge. She was attacked by two mysterious Japanese women, but Demelza Wade who had come in on a team for the past years Impossible Possibilities tournament ran out for the save. The two would come out on the next show and claim that American women wrestlers don’t hold a candle to Japanese Joshi wrestlers. This would lead to a match at Bitter Wind, which Wade & LaRue won, mostly because Wade is a main eventer and I had to build up the 5SSW workers who were only midcard.</p><p> </p><p>

Over the course of the following month the feud crossed over with the AWE Dynamic Duo title feud with both teams ending up in the number on contender match. They both lost even though they weren’t pinned and at Internal Combustion the will meet for the second time.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Biggest of Things</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After their win at Hell O’ Ween The Next Big Thing faction continued to harry Simon Waves and now Rapid Attack as well. Still feeling the sting from his partner turning on him Simon Waves challenged Marcel LeFleur to a singles match at Bitter Wind. This left the other two members of Next Big Things, Seth Whitehead and Ernest Youngman to face off against Rapid Attack.</p><p> </p><p>

Rapido showed up high on pain killers to Bitter Wind so I had to send him home luckily Teddy Powell was in attendance. To open the show The Next Big Things said that Rpaido wouldn’t be making it, insinuating they had taken him out, and the Amazing Fire Fly would have to forfeit the match. Teddy Powell stepped out of the crowd and said he’d be Fire Fly’s partner and the two beat Whitehead and Youngman in a great match. Simon Waves also came out on top but this was by DQ when Whitehead interfered in the match.</p><p> </p><p>

Cold Dead Hands saw another three way match between Waves and Rapid Attack and The Next Big Things and this time the tenicos came out on top, infuriating the rudos. On the next show The Next Big Things challenged their foes to a set of singles matches at Internal Combustion with the defacto leaders Whitehead and Waves being one match. The other matches would be LeFleur vs Rapido and Youngman vs Fire Fly with the understanding that whichever group got at least two wins would be the superior group.</p><p> </p><p>

So going into Internal Combustion one of the big four shows the card looks like this</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Amazing Fire Fly vs Ernest Youngman</p><p>

Wade & LaRue vs Team 5SSW – this would net one of the two teams 3 wins and thus a shot at the AWE Dynamic Duos title</p><p>

The Stretchers vs The Fighting Irish – this would net one of the two teams 3 wins and thus a shot at the AWE Dynamic Duos title</p><p>

Rapido vs Marcel LeFleur</p><p>

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Melvin Otto</p><p>

Simon Waves vs Seth Whitehead</p><p>

The Horsemen II © vs Rising Sons for the AWE Dynamic Duos titles</p><p>

Heaven’s Light vs Hell’s Rebels</p><p>

Lobo Solitario © (my UC) vs Slaughter for the AWE Inspired title</p><p> </p><p>

All matches are tecnico first except the title matches which are champ first, and also the tag title match is two rudo teams.</p>

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The next one to lose their title will be Kenny Omega when Dolph Ziggler beats him for the Intercontinental title only to switch brands so SmackDown will also have a midcard title.


I was going to say that no one would believe something that ridiculous. But on second thought, you ARE playing as the WWE.

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<p>In 2021 of an Impact save, and pretty much out of nowhere NJPW have gotten themselves into a mess financially. They released a number of small names a few months ago, but randomly Okada was part of that. Came at a decent time for me, as I was planning on having Adam Cole drop the title at Bound for Glory after a year and a half long reign, but wasn't sure who to drop it to, so thankfully Okada will be that person.</p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, their finances seemed to continue to worsen, and now 2 months before Bound for Glory I have managed to completely take over them. Unfortunately, due to the rise of a few other Japanese promotions and some career ending injuries, there aren't actually that many people on their roster I have any interest in using. Was thinking of doing an invasion of such, but probably just going to end up doing a merge of the two companies at Wrestle Kingdom.</p>

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<p>After finally reaching international level with AWA I decided to finally abandon AWA Championship Wrestling as my A-Show and debuted a new A-Show in it's place. Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to AWA <span style="color:#0000FF;"><em><strong>Thunder!</strong></em></span> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Here is the first ever rating for my newest A-Show:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://gyazo.com/e613f48ec375af3b2a5ba9bf0ceb435f" rel="external nofollow">https://gyazo.com/e613f48ec375af3b2a5ba9bf0ceb435f</a></p><p> </p><p>

Granted, I've gotten much better ratings in the past on my A-Show but glad to see that the debut episode of Thunder got off to a great start!</p>

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<p>AWA- Masters Of Muscles PPV was a success, I've had much better ratings than this on PPV but I'm still happy with this result however. Mainly surprised with the main event of Sting vs. Meng pulling a 94 rating in my own created match type named 'The Tongan Playground' Sting is currently feuding with The Dungeon Of Doom-- But none of that stupid WCW crap, this Dungeon Of Doom consists of: Diesel, The Cremator <strong>(WWE Kane),</strong> Meng and The Giant and two managers which are Paul Heyman and Lou Albano. Sting will probably end up defeating every member of the stable apart from The Giant who recently debuted in the game world and of course is being booked as an unstoppable giant.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Also, Here is the PPV rating: </strong> <a href="https://gyazo.com/4f506c635ec08bd4cda2d0a5e5ad3d1c" rel="external nofollow">https://gyazo.com/4f506c635ec08bd4cda2d0a5e5ad3d1c</a></p>

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