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This is a case where ethically, I would stand by Kevin Owens. Don't see anything wrong with screwing prostitutes. If the world shuns me and guys start leaving then screw them, sticking with Kevin Owens or whoever it is through thick and thin. Unless its a guy I genuinely hate, then it's a perfect excuse, otherwise, prostitutes isn't a good enough reason for a scandal.


The problem, of course, is that prostitution is often coerced by third parties onto the provider, and thus, by purchasing her services, you are helping to propagate her continued entrapment and abuse. But if you can sleep well at night knowing that, well...


Staying on topic: wow, this was some killer booking by an AI USPW.


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Introducing....Nicky Campeón!!!!




this happened in my game too. SOTBPW signed up him and Rich Money. I am thinking this was because they didn't want to resign with USPW after it fell to cult. I guess Rich only had a two year deal with SOTBPW, because he's back in SWF now.

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Wow, just wow! A nobody manager causing issues between one of my main event attractions and 9 other workers! I'm thinking it might be time to let the pretty lady to go.




Eh.. hope she isn't on a written deal.. Would suck to be stuck with her long term or risk the law suit.

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Eh.. hope she isn't on a written deal.. Would suck to be stuck with her long term or risk the law suit.


MAW at Regional. Just $220/PPA deal. So she wouldn't be much of a loss at all. At this point I have to try and mend all of those relationships. I just tried to fix one between Antonio and Brother Grimm (backfired, they strongly dislike each other as opposed to tension now). Maybe I'd be better off leaving the tension (it isn't affecting my backstage due to so many other positives) until they wear off on their own.

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MAW at Regional. Just $220/PPA deal. So she wouldn't be much of a loss at all. At this point I have to try and mend all of those relationships. I just tried to fix one between Antonio and Brother Grimm (backfired, they strongly dislike each other as opposed to tension now). Maybe I'd be better off leaving the tension (it isn't affecting my backstage due to so many other positives) until they wear off on their own.


I fired Marina. I was able to cancel out Antonio's simmering tension (no relationship now) with referee Eugene Williams by doing a positive meddling interaction. On to the next one!

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5 years into my local to global game, and USPW (now international) turned Champagne Lover into a god damn wrestling god. http://puu.sh/oMUU4/93d8d40756.jpg


I would post my initial audible reaction to when I first saw that but Jaysin would hunt me down for language. :p

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5 years into my local to global game, and USPW (now international) turned Champagne Lover into a god damn wrestling god. http://puu.sh/oMUU4/93d8d40756.jpg


Has anyone ever had this naturally occur in game before? I have never seen this prior.

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