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Mods By Fleisch

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Austin Aries is on a PPA deal with NXT. I would change that to a developmental contract.


Actually, there are a number of people with PPAs with NXT that shouldn't. I think Blue Pants is the only one that should be, everybody else should be under a WWE contract. Except Rhyno, because he hasn't had a match in NXT since October. Not sure about EY yet, though.


I'd also say Gargano and Ciampa should be on PPAs.

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Few WWE notes


Dana Brooke and Emma need to be called up don't they?


I'd also set Kane as an Occasional Worker. He still works house shows, but he's rarely on TV.


This one is a bit subjective, but I'd also set Kevin Owens as a Main Eventer.


New Day should be pushed higher than Mid Card imo.


Vaudevillains pop should be higher as they default as Openers, despite playing a fairly big part since their call up.


Nakamura is set as heel in NXT, when he is a face.

The game doesn't let me select where people are on the card. Kevin Owens overness in US is at 70, 75 in Canada, and pretty much 60 everywhere else which I think is about right compared to the rest of the roster. I have spent around 3 hours trying to get people in the right order (or close as) in terms of where they are compared to others on the WWE roster. He has huge momentum in his contract as well so pushing him into the main event shouldn't take the player long. I am willing to up his US overness to the same as his Canadian so he is 75 in the US too. If I move the New Days popularity up someone else will just drop into that midcard slot that are more over than New Day. I agree Vaudevillains should probably get a bit of a boost. It will mean someone else taking their place though but based on their recent exposure on WWE TV, I have boosted them to the mid-card. I've changed Nakamura to face and Kane to semi-active as per your post.


No idea on Dana and Emma. Last show I watched they were in NXT. I'll move them to the main roster though if they are no longer appearing in NXT regularly.


Thank you for the feedback. Don't take my response as an attack, it is merely an explanation as to why I have given people the overness I have and why I'm not willing to change New Day. :)


Some CHIKARA suggestions;


Arctic Rescue Ant should probably be a babyface, as the X-Treme Force haven't really been heels since Missile Assault Ant lost his mask. Change his gimmick from Troublemaker to something more appropriate, maybe just Fun Babyface.


Argus' gimmick should maybe be Young Lion or something to that effect, as he's very much presented as a promising rookie.


Ashley Remington should be a babyface, and sadly there could be an argument for him to be removed as I don't think he's appeared for CHIKARA this year. I'd keep him in for now, though.


Blind Rage should be a heel.


Just a stylistic difference, but I'd rename Chuck Taylor. (Stokely Hathaway) to Chuck Taylor .


Eddie Kingston should be a babyface.


El Hijo Del Ice Cream should be a babyface and gimmick changed accordingly.


Fire Ant's gimmick should be changed - "Fun Babyface" doesn't really fit, as he's a fairly no nonsense high flyer.


Gavin Loudspeaker's gimmick should be Staff Member or something along those lines, not Fun Babyface.


Hermit Crab should be a heel.


Ice Cream Jr. should be a face.


Jaka should be managed by Jakob Hammermeier.


Mike Quackenbush could maybe be set to Semi-Active Wrestler, as he's wrestling this month.


Pinkie Sanchez should be managed by Jakob Hammermeier.


Princess Kimberlee should be a babyface. She's currently set to have no gimmick, I'd suggest either Royalty or Equality Fighter or Fan Favourite.


Rock Lobster should be a heel and gimmick changed accordingly.


Stan Malibu should probably be removed from his contract, he's not an active wrestler, and only appeared at King Of Trios, not on-screen, to market his energy drink.


The Swamp Monster should be a face.



Troll should only be a minor member of Battleborn.

The BDK should be active. Soldier Ant should be removed, and Jaka and Pinkie Sanchez added.

The Batiri should be active.

Soldier Ant should be added to The Colony.

Rename The Wrecking Crew to the Devastation Corporation and remove Oleg The Usurper.


Joey Eastman needs to be added to CHIKARA as Sidney Bakabella. He should be changed from On Hiatus.


Abominous Rex (Bakabella's new client) should be added, but I've not seen the footage yet to suggest stats.


Ultramantis Black should have the physical stats for his legs dropped considerably - he suffered an ACL and MCL tear in one knee that forced his retirement, and an ACL tear in the other knee shortly after. He should be added back to CHIKARA, as he still makes appearances for them.




Any chance that these guys could be added?



Also, could Jimmy Hart be added?

Thanks for all the CHIKARA info. Do you happen to have stats for those people you want added? I don't know who they are and don't have time to watch them so have no idea what stats to give them. Jimmy Hart is 72 and will be out of the business I should imagine within the first couple of months. I'll add him if I get time at the end.


Timm Wylie at ICW speaks passable French... and that's it. Surely he has a native language.


Please think about how you word things as adding "Surely he has a native language" comes across like you think I'm an idiot who purposely left his main language blank. It is an error where the mouse wheel has slipped and I've not noticed. He is English.

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- NJPW should also be in a touring schedule, but they don't have off months, maybe it would require some changes to the PPV schedule.

I ran NJPW as a touring promotion in TEW 2013. I had February and September off, moving New Beginning to the end of January and skipping the September event. It worked very well to simulate how NJPW actually runs, instead of having weekly events, I booked 2-3 "Road To" events leading up to each PPV, and a full series of shows for the BOSJ, G1 and World Tag League tournaments. Though, with the changes to how TV shows work, I don't know if it would still work out as well.

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Oversight. Although, I'd say he's probably still using. I'll take a look later.


Maybe set it to a high number like 50 or so, then tick reformed? Just throwing an idea out there. :cool:


Don't know if this means anything, but Superstars and Main Event is set to have deals that never expire, yet I'm getting the notification that their deals is in the last month of negotiating...


I think Adam was working on a fix for that in a future patch. Not 100% sure.

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The game doesn't let me select where people are on the card. Kevin Owens overness in US is at 70, 75 in Canada, and pretty much 60 everywhere else which I think is about right compared to the rest of the roster. I have spent around 3 hours trying to get people in the right order (or close as) in terms of where they are compared to others on the WWE roster. He has huge momentum in his contract as well so pushing him into the main event shouldn't take the player long. I am willing to up his US overness to the same as his Canadian so he is 75 in the US too. If I move the New Days popularity up someone else will just drop into that midcard slot that are more over than New Day. I agree Vaudevillains should probably get a bit of a boost. It will mean someone else taking their place though but based on their recent exposure on WWE TV, I have boosted them to the mid-card. I've changed Nakamura to face and Kane to semi-active as per your post.


No idea on Dana and Emma. Last show I watched they were in NXT. I'll move them to the main roster though if they are no longer appearing in NXT regularly.


Thank you for the feedback. Don't take my response as an attack, it is merely an explanation as to why I have given people the overness I have and why I'm not willing to change New Day. :)



Didn't take it as an attack, don't worry :)


Regarding Emma and Dana Brooke

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Does anyone know why I can't book NXT?


I was really looking forward to it, I appreciate this isn't the mod being an issue... but they're one of the best companies in the world in terms of product right now. Was really looking forward to booking them. :(

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Is there any other locations of downloading this, my Internet doesn't seem to allow me to download the current mod from the location its saved.


i seems to be my WiFi provider where the problem is, if there isn't, i'll try and download it somewhere else who doesn't have Vodafone WiFi




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Great mod which seems to replicate the real world well. I'm just gutted I can't get into it because I'm not a fan of the current state of wrestling. I would ended up with a roster of over 40's only lol


I know how you feel :D


I've started a save with WWE, and I'll probably end up signing Kurt Angle back, alongside some other former WWE guys :p

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Does anyone know why I can't book NXT?


I was really looking forward to it, I appreciate this isn't the mod being an issue... but they're one of the best companies in the world in terms of product right now. Was really looking forward to booking them. :(


You can't control a developmental company. Same in the C-verse or any mod. Such a massive shame :(

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I haven't looked too much into it however first two things I noticed right away on the WWE roster are that Enzo's charisma should be higher. I mean, he is clearly considered a "money star" by many in the business solely on his charisma and mic skills. He is sure one of the best talkers in the business. Also, AJ Styles' respect is set to 25. That is extremely low...
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On the subject of reputation, I noticed that there might have been an oversight as I've seen several people in WWE alone (not sure about the rest of the game world) that have less than 100 reputation, yet haven't had any incidents that we know of in quite some time. IIRC, I believe it's 50 for rookies debuting into the game world, and 100 for workers who have not been in any trouble in a long time.
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You'd have to change all of the contracts as well, wouldn't you?



Yes. In the data I converted from 2013 I had to move all contracts, belts, events etc to WWE from NXT. I renamed NXT (child company) to WWE Developmental Center and used it as a dev company so it didn't do its own hiring. I then used the brand split to corral NXT talent on my roster so they could only appear on the NXT show, and sent anyone who wasn't ready for NXT TV down to the developmental center to train.


Of course there's other ways to do it to suit one's vision of controlling your company.

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