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Cornellverse Alt Thread 2016

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I know there's already a re-render here, and anything is better than that same old chicken-neck I've been looking at since 2010, but... I do have something in mind...


Worker: Alicia Strong


Request: A look similar to this. If clothing has to be visible in the image, I'd like for it to look like shoulder straps of a white one-piece swimsuit/leotard with gold trim.




Please and thank you!

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Looking for a new version of Jim Force!! Without question Force is the greatest worker of ALL TIME but his picture is just very bland and doesn't capture his true intensity!!


Check THIS thread. Jtlant rerendered his own rerender to amazing results. If you scroll down from his original post he's included a number of alts as well.


EDIT: For clarification the link I've provided above is to the specific page in the 2013 rerender thread that the Force renders are posted on. It might be worth it to sit down and go through the whole thing at some point. There are a wealth of renders there. Even if you don't like a particular render for a specific character, you can always use it to spruce up someone else! As an example, I'm using Ewanites latest Des Davids rerender for Art Reed.

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Check THIS thread. Jtlant rerendered his own rerender to amazing results. If you scroll down from his original post he's included a number of alts as well.


EDIT: For clarification the link I've provided above is to the specific page in the 2013 rerender thread that the Force renders are posted on. It might be worth it to sit down and go through the whole thing at some point. There are a wealth of renders there. Even if you don't like a particular render for a specific character, you can always use it to spruce up someone else! As an example, I'm using Ewanites latest Des Davids rerender for Art Reed.


Exactly what I was looking for, thank you!! Also has anyone every done a conversion of real life workers into C-Verse style pics??

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Worker: Prometheus

Request: Face Paint, something like The Soldiers of Fortunes paint style.


Worker: Annihilus

Request: (As above but not exactly the same) Face Paint, something like The Soldiers of Fortunes paint style.



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As I progress in my Australia game, here are four retired wrestlers whose regens I gave a younger alt (while keeping in the spirit of the original)!



Septimus Stubbs regen


New Zealand Pit Bull regen


Max Langstrom regen


Drifting Dom Drago regen

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Yes! Can't believe I forgot that team name.:p I'm only familiar with them through playing the Real World Chronicles, but I remember going out of my way to cut pictures of them in those outfits, because they're some of the coolest I've ever seen.

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Yes! Can't believe I forgot that team name.:p I'm only familiar with them through playing the Real World Chronicles, but I remember going out of my way to cut pictures of them in those outfits, because they're some of the coolest I've ever seen.


It was playing a RW mod for 2005 and running into them and Kana as Triple Tails that got me interested in Joshi. It's kinda sad that Mio didn't do much and retired already but Io has really revived her career after the drug smuggling issues. Plus Io looks hotter than ever.

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^ Ended up not wanting to use either of those, so I'm just going to rip off this Shirai look. (source image)


Fuyuko Higa:



It's funny what a picture can do, I had Fuyuko sitting in my developmental as I couldn't think of what to do with her/wasn't motivated to bring someone negative into my peaceful locker room. But I saw that second alt and just had to bring her up, she's totally going to be champ by the end of the year (currently in August).

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Not to step on anyone's toes but I took a shot at Jingo's request as I have both these guys in Dev and was thinking of teaming them up.




Man those are also awesome... Now i have a tough choice of which one's to use...

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Haley Buck alts are great!!!


I concur! These are great! Might replace Willow as one of my top heel managers as a result!


^ Ended up not wanting to use either of those, so I'm just going to rip off this Shirai look. (source image)


Fuyuko Higa:



Heh, this is funny. I usually portray Birds of Prey exactly like Io & Mio. These are great. :)


It's funny what a picture can do, I had Fuyuko sitting in my developmental as I couldn't think of what to do with her/wasn't motivated to bring someone negative into my peaceful locker room. But I saw that second alt and just had to bring her up, she's totally going to be champ by the end of the year (currently in August).


If your locker room is strong, she has zero effect on it. Most of the better women's workers are also locker room leaders so filling your roster with 'em doesn't negatively affect performance. At worst, she gets brought before Wrestler's Court a lot. If you really want to neutralize her negativity, give her a 10k bonus as soon as you call her up.


I have a pair of requests if anyone's open to 'em.


Ariel Breaks and Lily Snyder. Especially Ariel as I have big plans for her (feud with her mentor) but can't pull the trigger because of her render.

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Not to step on anyone's toes but I took a shot at Jingo's request as I have both these guys in Dev and was thinking of teaming them up.




I'm so hiring these guys now!


Worker: Squeeky McClean

Alt Request: Could someone turn him into the Siniester Minister from ECW for me? Red or purple suit, goatee, cane etc? please?





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Worker: Alicia Strong


Request: A look similar to this. If clothing has to be visible in the image, I'd like for it to look like shoulder straps of a white one-piece swimsuit/leotard with gold trim.




I have a pair of requests if anyone's open to 'em.


Ariel Breaks and Lily Snyder. Especially Ariel as I have big plans for her (feud with her mentor) but can't pull the trigger because of her render.





Maybe these will work? Let me know if you have any specific ideas for them. For what it's worth, I use this Blackman (IIRC) render for Lily Snyder. Haven't signed Ariel before, or I'd probably do the same for her.


It's funny what a picture can do, I had Fuyuko sitting in my developmental as I couldn't think of what to do with her/wasn't motivated to bring someone negative into my peaceful locker room. But I saw that second alt and just had to bring her up, she's totally going to be champ by the end of the year (currently in August).


If your locker room is strong, she has zero effect on it. Most of the better women's workers are also locker room leaders so filling your roster with 'em doesn't negatively affect performance. At worst, she gets brought before Wrestler's Court a lot. If you really want to neutralize her negativity, give her a 10k bonus as soon as you call her up.


I'm rocketing her up the ladder myself (standard procedure, right?), and personally I'm looking forward to watching her wreak havoc on my locker room. :D I don't even tend to look at personalities before signing workers, and I still ended up with only one negative influence (Toni Parissi) before signing Fuyuko, so I doubt it will even make much of a difference outside of isolated incidents that pop up.


Anyway, I want to build her into a truly legendary heel, and I like that it will just be a reflection of what's happening backstage as she grows more influential. I brought her over from Japan (the only person I've signed who wasn't working in the States, actually) to be a ratings machine, and if that means a few lesser workers get caught in the gears, so be it. :p

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If your locker room is strong, she has zero effect on it. Most of the better women's workers are also locker room leaders so filling your roster with 'em doesn't negatively affect performance. At worst, she gets brought before Wrestler's Court a lot. If you really want to neutralize her negativity, give her a 10k bonus as soon as you call her up.


I didn't want to ramble on too much I was going to add that it was just my obsessiveness over harmony that was the problem and there was nothing to worry about as she hasn't been a problem for the couple of months she's been on the main roster so far. Heck Ricky DeColt, who is a neutral influence backstage, has been brought before wrestler's court twice in the time that Fuyuko has been on the main roster (I just find that amusing).

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