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NOTBPW - A Game of Stones... (and DeColts)

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In response to your answers above, the roster development and character growth has been awesome. I applaud your ability to bring in guys like Andrews, Montero, and Ali and move them virtually seamlessly into the roster and then organically grow them towards the desired role. Montero especially has been on a slow burn, but I think that just changed dramatically with the tournament win (although he gets his tail kicked in by Gargantuan first).


'The Hill-billy Heartthrob' Solomon Gold [vs] 'Dr. Love' Owen Love

The new heel doctor gets a win over the brooding Gold. I expect Gold to slip off into Griffin territory pretty quickly.


Sonny Wildside & Donte Dunn [vs] Jonathan Faust & POISON

Interesting pairing between POISON and Faust. I think that would be an interesting pair moving forward, but this is a one off. Is this the first of a Wildside/POISON feud?


'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer [vs] 'The Notorious' Sayeed Ali

I'm partial to Ali, but I don't think he is on Shaffer's level, even if Shaffer has been floundering around a little bit. I would bet we see a CTC involvement towards the end...


Primed For Progress (Cameron Vessey & Christian Price) [vs] Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)

Big match here in the middle of the card, so car crash time! Stone and Westy make an appearance here as the Animals breakup makes this a messy ending.


NOTBPW All Action Title Match:

'Country Strong' KC Glenn © [vs] Erik Strong 'Though'

I dislike Strong, which means you are doing a great job with him post-split from Dunn. I didn't think Glenn was going to hit the "top" this quickly, but I don't think Strong will get the belt on a rebound.


'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez

Ricky going over Jack was almost as huge an upset for me as Montero winning the whole thing. That said, I think Hernandez ranks above Ricky in the pecking order, and he needs to regain some momentum after losing the triple threat.

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'The Hill-billy Heartthrob' Solomon Gold [vs] 'Dr. Love' Owen Love

Sonny Wildside & Donte Dunn [vs] Jonathan Faust & POISON


'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer [vs] 'The Notorious' Sayeed Ali


Primed For Progress (Cameron Vessey & Christian Price) [vs] Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)


NOTBPW All Action Title Match:

'Country Strong' KC Glenn © [vs] Erik Strong 'Though'

'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez

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'The Hill-billy Heartthrob' Solomon Gold [vs] 'Dr. Love' Owen Love


Sonny Wildside & Donte Dunn [vs] Jonathan Faust & POISON


'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer [vs] 'The Notorious' Sayeed Ali


Primed For Progress (Cameron Vessey & Christian Price) [vs] Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)


NOTBPW All Action Title Match:

'Country Strong' KC Glenn © [vs] Erik Strong 'Though'


'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez

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< < QUICK PICKS for NOTBPW: Championship Wrestling, APRIL 2018, WEEK 1… > >


'The Hill-billy Heartthrob' Solomon Gold [vs] 'Dr. Love' Owen Love

As much as I want to go with Gold, I figure right now there's more room for Owen Love and the Natural to become a key tag team in the title picture and the young man can eat the pin.


Sonny Wildside & Donte Dunn [vs] Jonathan Faust & POISON

I severely dislike Poison -- not in this diary specifically, just in general in the game.


'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer [vs] 'The Notorious' Sayeed Ali

Since this doesn't say it is for the title, I assume Shaffer picks up the win and earns a title shot.


Primed For Progress (Cameron Vessey & Christian Price) [vs] Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)


NOTBPW All Action Title Match:

'Country Strong' KC Glenn © [vs] Erik Strong 'Though'


'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez

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< < QUICK PICKS for NOTBPW: Championship Wrestling, APRIL 2018, WEEK 1… > >


'The Hill-billy Heartthrob' Solomon Gold [vs] 'Dr. Love' Owen Love


Sonny Wildside & Donte Dunn [vs] Jonathan Faust & POISON


'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer [vs] 'The Notorious' Sayeed Ali


Primed For Progress (Cameron Vessey & Christian Price) [vs] Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)

NOTBPW All Action Title Match:

'Country Strong' KC Glenn © [vs] Erik Strong 'Though'


'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez

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'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez-James Hernandez seems like the perfect guy to be the Iron Man in a rumble match

So you're picking Hernandez to go from Entrant Number One, all the way to Number 30...?! Or at least be the longest man in the match... I think you'll be surprised but pleased by the guy I've chosen to be the Iron Man!! (Almost) Everything has a reason...


Sonny Wildside & Donte Dunn [vs] Jonathan Faust & POISON

POISON's coming off a loss to Dark Angel, and he's one of the hottest heels you have. Dunn's story has been about getting that big, meaningful win and Wildside has been cooled off considerably.

POISON was so hot at this point wasn't he... I've mentioned it before, but I feel like his feud with Steve DeColt was excellent until Steve beat him... The recovery of Steve was a little rushed so that he could get to the DeColt WrestleFestival to fight Alex DeColt… Initially the plan was to do Steve/POISON at the Festival, and then Steve/Alex at Mid Summer Madness (our Wrestlemania). But I changed things up, and left myself only four or five weeks to tell a twelve week story. I liken the 'Steve DeColt is ill' story to the king in Lord of the Rings... King Théoden? Something like that.


How in the world do Tim Westybrook and Trent Shaffer continue to push as main eventers? Shame on them for refusing to give up their spots lol

I honestly can't explain it... For Trent, when he first came in, he won 34 matches and lost just 12 in 2016. This included a run as NOTBPW Canadian Champion while I was fleshing out the DeColts versus the Stones feud. The year was basically spent building to a four on four super fight. Since then, Trent's won just 16 matches in a year and a half!! Westybrook can almost mirror Shaffer in that respect. 2016, 31 wins, 17 losses, including a Television Title reign and a tag team title reign... He was also Canadian Champion as the year began!! Since then, Westybrook has won 18 matches in 18 months!! The arrival and rise of Gargantuan, James Hernandez and Aaron Andrews probably contributed to them slipping down the card I'd say... But their popularity is almost impossible to dent!! As much as I've tried!!


In response to your answers above, the roster development and character growth has been awesome. I applaud your ability to bring in guys like Andrews, Montero, and Ali and move them virtually seamlessly into the roster and then organically grow them towards the desired role. Montero especially has been on a slow burn, but I think that just changed dramatically with the tournament win (although he gets his tail kicked in by Gargantuan first).

Thanks man, I really appreciate this. I just write and have fun and see what happens. I've never considered myself a big character developer, like Eisenverse or others. I tend to use the characters as I see them already. However, in this diary I've definitely tried to flesh out Families, and rivalries based around Brothers/Fathers and Sons. I always cared more about wrestlers who had Brothers as I have one of my own. The Harts... The Hardy Boyz… Edge and Christian (I was young okay!)… Bubba and D-Von (something didn't add up here, but I could never work out what)… When they fought on the same team, it was brilliant. you could tell they cared about their partners' health. When they fought AGAINST each other, it was even better!! I need to be careful not to sign every major brother tandem in the cverse. Resisting the urge to bring the Keiths in, and obviously I've let Stone Brothers, and Luis Montero Jr. leave recently. But the DeColts, the DaLays, the Vesseys, they're all in there!! And I think it really helps.


As for Gino's rise... He's had a very slow build towards the upper mid card. He's been through a lot, and the tournament win is huge for him. But I agree... The feud/match with Gargantuan might be one or two steps too far for the 'Magnificent' Mexican!! The feud AFTER Gino will be huge for Gargantuan though...


'The Hill-billy Heartthrob' Solomon Gold [vs] 'Dr. Love' Owen Love

As much as I want to go with Gold, I figure right now there's more room for Owen Love and the Natural to become a key tag team in the title picture and the young man can eat the pin.

Yeah this is a huge opportunity for the CanAm Blondes. They're now arguably the top heel tag team we have. I loved writing for them in my NOTBPW vs CGC diary. Their feud with The Specialists, and then the matches with Edd Stone and Ricky DeColt and Aaron Andrews and Sean Deeley, were great fun. I'd say Love and Natural were two of the stars of the entire diary.


As my tag team division continues to rebuild from the double injury in the triple threat last year, there are open spots to be the 'top four teams'... I like having three or four TOP teams to work with... It was World's Most Wanted, Primed For Progress and the CanAm Blondes... But with WMW gone, one or two teams could step up soon...

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APRIL 2018, WEEK 1…


Show Rating: (83)


Announce Team:




Peter Michaels, Tom Townsend and Adrian Garcia





We opened the first show of April 2018 up with the man with all the power in NOTBPW: 'The Outsider' Steve DeColt strolling out to the ring... A big smile crept across his face, and he found it hard to hide it... On Day Two of the DeColt WrestleFestival, Steve beat his brother Alex DeColt in a match nine years in the making... and now Alex is gone... and Steve is in charge of NOTBPW!! Steve grabbed a microphone, and told the fans that this has been his dream for a long time... To run a wrestling company!! The right way!! However, since recovering from the illness caused by POISON, the 44 year old feels better than ever...!!



Steve DeColt:
“I'm too young for a desk job... I'm not ready to hang up my boots yet... I think... I've got one more run as NOTBPW Canadian Champion left in me!! So next week... Two things will happen... First... I will introduce the man that will take the reigns of the company... AND secondly... I will fight Gargantuan 1 on 1!! If I win... If I become the first man to stop Gargantuan in over two years... Then I'll be added to the Gino Montero versus Gargantuan match at Super Slam, for the NOTBPW Canadian Title!!”





To the shock of the entire NOTBPW audience, and Steve DeColt in particular, 'The Ace' Aaron Andrews headed out to the ring... At the DeColt WrestleFestival, Ace was BACK in NOTBPW... On Day One, he defeated Aldous Blackfriar in the First Round of the Two Day Tournament... on Day Two, he lost to the eventual winner of the Tournament in the Semi Finals: Gino Montero!! All this after four months on the shelf following two heavy defeats to Gargantuan for the NOTBPW Canadian Title!! Andrews grabbed a microphone as well, and he had a lot to get off his chest...



Aaron Andrews:
“What a surprise... A DeColt gives himself a chance to earn a NOTBPW Canadian Title Match...!! We just got rid of one tyrannical DeColt, and now we have another... And speaking of Stupid... Canadian... Families... You have a line to the Stones right Steve...?! Well I need you to tell them something... I need you to tell the Stones, that I will be SUING them!!!”



Aaron Andrews said that he's suing the Stone Family for loss of earnings, due to being put into an un-survivable position and match with Gargantuan back in December 2017... It was a 'No Count Outs' Match, and Andrews signed a waver before the match... But he said that Jeremey Stone and Dan Stone Jr. knew exactly what they were doing when they signed off on the match... He's suing for an 'Unsafe Working Environment', and told Steve DeColt to pass the message on... 'The Ace' also said he will watch Steve DeColt versus Gargantuan closely next week... And he'll be watching his 'good buddy' Gino Montero at Super Slam... Because HE is winning the Super Slam Battle Royale!! And HE is going to Mid Summer Madness!!






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'The Hillbilly Heartthrob'
Solomon Gold
[vs] 'Dr. Love'
Owen Love
w/ The Natural


Solomon Gold has gone on record to say that Owen Love and The Natural are welcome to each other, and that he's done with them. But it didn't stop him from fighting Love 1 on 1 here tonight. Gold did well at times, but he was dominated by the veteran Canadian Blonde. Love had Gold in the corner after six minutes, and stomped a mud-hole in him. The referee admonished Love, and counted to five. Love didn't stop, so the referee had no choice but to call for the bell and disqualify him.




'The Hill-Billy Heartthrob' Solomon Gold











Backstage, Samoan Beast Akima Brave and Masked Mexican star El Fuego bumped into each other... The announce team confirmed that both men are IN the Super Slam Battle Royale... where the winner will go to Mid Summer Madness to challenge for the NOTBPW Canadian Title!! Brave made a speech to Fuego, about how they have a lot in common... They're both in their mid-thirties... They're both from outside of Canada... and they're both extremely talented in the ring... According to Brave, the two men should work together in the Battle Royale... Dominate it, and then one of them could win it... But Fuego shrugged his shoulders... He didn't understand a word Brave had said!!








Elsewhere in the back, Katie Cameron was interviewing 'The Assassin' Ernest Youngman... Cameron asked Youngman about Sayeed Ali, the NOTBPW Television Champion, who Youngman has been in a heated rivalry with for some time now... Youngman said that Ali is making a lot of enemies right now... First, he glassed and injured Youngman's friend Wade Orson... And then, on Day One of the DeColt WrestleFestival, he and his Coast To Coast Connection cronies attacked Steve DeColt at the request of the now former NOTBPW General Manager: Alex DeColt... Luckily for Steve, his brother Ricky DeColt, and Trent Shaffer were on hand to make the save... However, on Day Two, The CTC attacked Trent for his part in costing them a 'pay day'!!



Ernest Youngman:
“See the Coast To Coast Connection are here in NOTBPW for one thing... Money...!! Tonight, Sayeed Ali takes on Trent Shaffer... and I'll be in Shaffer's corner to make sure Lenny Brown and Ross Henry don't get involved...!!”






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Sonny Wildside & Donte Dunn
Jonathan Faust & POISON
w/ Prometheus


Sonny Wildside and Donte Dunn were totally outdone by the experience of Jonathan Faust and POISON in this match. The two veterans used every under-handed tactic in the book to get under Wildside and Dunn's skin! They distracted the referee, used double-team moves, and frankly cheated, and their actions frustrated the fans and their favourite wrestlers. With Wildside down following a double super-plex, the legal man Donte Dunn took care of POISON. However, Dunn took his eye off of Faust, and as he turned to face his British opponent, he walked onto 'The Rod', and was pinned!




Jonathan Faust & POISON w/ Prometheus

'The Rod' (Running Knee)










Backstage, two veterans of the Canadian Wrestling Scene in Dan DaLay and Jack DeColt found themselves in the same room at the same time... Jack told DaLay that he shouldn't be here... He should be taking some time off to heal up from his arm injury; DaLay's arm is still in a cast... DaLay said that he will carry on fighting... He'll fight until the end... Even if it kills him... He WILL be a World Champion again... He also stated that at Super Slam, he'd be entering the Super Slam Rumble!! Jack seemed to respect DaLay's resolve, but Jack's Nephew Logan DeColt arrived on the scene, and shoved the veteran DaLay backwards into some lockers!!





Luckily for Logan DeColt, Dan DaLay's son Robin DaLay burst into action from the doorway, and held Dan back... Otherwise the big, burly, veteran would have clobbered Logan into a pulp!! That is, if Jack DeColt had allowed it... DaLays and DeColts separated, before it was revealed that ALL FOUR of them would be in the Super Slam Rumble!! The Over The Top Rope Match will feature 30 men, and with Dan and Robin DaLay, and Jack and Logan DeColt already confirmed for the match, it looks set to be star-studded... Also confirmed for the match so far, are El Fuego, Akima Brave, and 'The Ace' Aaron Andrews!! Ricky DeColt and James Hernandez are also both in... The two will compete for the Number 30 spot in tonight's Main Event!!








In a pre-taped video, 'Angry' Tom Gilmore sat on a small barrel in a dimly lit garage... His hips were level with his knees, and his elbows were leaning on top of his thighs... His head was facing down as the video began, but he slowly looked up... Having defeated Bryan Vessey in a career versus career match at the DeColt WrestleFestival... Edd Stone was the Special Guest Referee, and Edd got involved in a way that nobody saw coming... He caused Gilmore to win, and therefore his fellow 'Animal' Bryan Vessey to lose his job... and Gilmore had a lot to say about the way the match ended...



Tom Gilmore:
“I'm not 'Angry'... I'm just disappointed... Which in this case, is a LOT worse... I... I didn't want it to go down this way... I wanted to beat Bryan Vessey, sure, and I wanted to end his career... I wanted to make that legendary competitor tap out... with my 'Anger Management' Arm Bar... But I didn't want to have a guy like Edd Stone decide Vessey's fate... See although it might not have seemed like it... I had respect for Vessey... Still do... And I just don't know what's next for me...”






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'Cut Throat'
Trent Shaffer
w/ Ernest Youngman [vs] 'The Notorious'
Sayeed Ali
w/ Lenny Brown & Ross Henry


Another fast-paced contest, this one involving five men in total! It resembled more of a 3 n 2 handicap match at times, rather than the advertised non-title singles match it was supposed to be. Trent Shaffer will have been delighted to have Ernest Youngman backing him up here tonight. Without him, this could have been one-sided in favour of Sayeed Ali and his Coast To Coast Connection! Youngman taking care of Lenny Brown and Ross Henry on the outside of the ring allowed Shaffer to take control of the match. For the finish, Ali attempted a lariat, but Shaffer took an arm, and swept Ali's legs out from under him! Keeping hold of both arms now, Shaffer stomped on Ali's chest, and fell into the cover to score the win over the NOTBPW Television Champion!




'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer w/ Ernest Youngman

'Heart Burn' (Chest Stomp)










We took a look at a video package next, showing the events of the Triple Threat Tag Team Ladder Match that took place on Day One of the DeColt WrestleFestival... Jacob Jett and Thrill Seeker (World's Most Wanted) won the match, beating out their fierce rivals: Primed For Progress (Cameron Vessey and Christian Price) and The CanAm Blondes (The Natural and Owen Love)... However... Once the match was won, with Jett and Seeker sat atop ladders, Seeker hit Jett with a microphone!! He then hit his former tag team partner with the briefcase that contained the contract they had won... Jett bled badly after the attack, and isn't here tonight... Neither is Seeker, who is apparently in hiding following his betrayal... Will they both be back next week? There's no way of knowing for now...








Up next, the tag team of Cameron Vessey and Christian Price (Primed For Progress) made their presence known... Stomping to the ring with sour looks on their faces... Not only did they lose their aforementioned match with World's Most Wanted and the CanAm Blondes on Day One of the DeColt WrestleFestival, they also had to watch Cameron's Uncle Bryan Vessey lose his job on Day Two, thanks to the actions of their once great 'leader', the Special Guest Referee for the match: Edd Stone... Cameron took hold of a microphone, and said it was time for Edd to answer for what he did... and pay the price...



Cameron Vessey:
“See we all know my Uncle Bryan Vessey would have been a better leader for The Animals... He would have taught us things, and taken us places... We never needed any help from Edd Stone... Even when we beat his Brothers Dan and Jeremy (Stone), we didn't need his help then, and we sure as s*** don't need it now... But what we do need, is to teach HIM a lesson... So Edd... get out here NOW... and bring that big, lumbering, idiot, Tim Westybrook with you...”





They didn't have to wait long... 'The Animal' Edd Stone and 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook headed onto the stage, but they stopped short of walking towards the ring... Edd said that he's disappointed with his two 'best students'... If there's one thing Cameron Vessey and Christian Price
have learnt, it's that Edd Stone is very intelligent... Way too intelligent to walk to the ring and get into a fist fight with Primed For Progress... He said that instead of Primed For Progress versus Iron and Stone, Vessey and Price would be getting a non-Title match, against the NOTBPW Tag Team Champions: Mayhem!!



Edd Stone:
“Even though you don't want to be my students any more... I still look out for you... This is a real opportunity for you kids... Beat Mayhem right now... and you could be the next team in line for a NOTBPW Tag Team Title shot!!”



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Primed For Progress
(Cameron Vessey & Christian Price) [vs]
(Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)


Edd Stone talks a lot. He talks a lot of rubbish at times too, but tonight he made some good points. One of which, was that this match represented a huge opportunity for Primed For Progress, and it was one that hadn't gone unnoticed by Cameron Vessey and Christian Price. The two young, now fan favourites, wrestled like a well-oiled machine, and made it really hard for Aldous Blackfriar to have his way with them. However, the ever-menacing Mutant was the difference late on. He's big, strong, and hard to move around, and Vessey and Price found it hard going. It didn't stop Price hitting his 'Stud Stopper' Stunner though, but before he could make the pin, Edd Stone and Tim Westybrook showed up at ringside! The distraction saw Blackfriar tag in, and lock Price in his 'Batwing' finisher.




Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)

'Batwing' (Crossface Chickenwing)










Edd Stone and Tim Westybrook couldn't contain their delight at costing Primed For Progress the win in their match... But we cut backstage with no further incidents, to where Timothy Weightman was holding a microphone to James Hernandez's mouth... Weightman wanted to get the scoop on the relationship between 'Mainstream' Hernandez, and newcomer 'The Supreme' Spencer Spade... But Hernandez played it down... He said he and Spade
friends, from when they both worked in SWF... But their friendship these days is more 'business' related... rather than genuine friends...



James Hernandez:
“But I respect the kid... and I'm looking forward to seeing him debut here... But tonight... I will fight Ricky DeColt... and I will BEAT him... to become the Number 30 in the Super Slam Rumble!! That'll be all Weightman!!”






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'Country Strong'
KC Glenn
© [vs]
Erik Strong


KC Glenn and Erik Strong 'Though' are no strangers to one another, and they continued their long standing feud here with their first ever singles match as opponents. Erik Strong 'Though' was in no mood to mess around. He wanted his NOTBPW All Action Title back, having lost it at the DeColt WrestleFestival in a Fatal Four Way Match. Strong wasn't the man pinned on that night, but he was tonight. He fought well, but he let the crowd get on top of him too much. At the 10 minute mark, he responded to another round of boos and heckling, and walked onto the 'Tune Up The Sunshine Band' and was flattened and then pinned!




and STILL NOTBPW All Action Champion: 'Country Strong' KC Glenn

'Tune Up The Sunshine Band' (Brogue Kick)










We took a look at 'Magnificent' Gino Montero next... The Mexican superstar won the Two Day Tournament, hosted by the DeColt WrestleFestival, beating Logan DeColt in Round One... Aaron Andrews in the Semi Finals... and then on the same day as beating 'The Ace', he bested 'Mainstream' James Hernandez AND 'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt in the Triple Threat Match Final!! For his hard work over the Festival, Gino will be rewarded with a NOTBPW Canadian Title Match, against a currently unknown opponent... We do know NOTBPW Canadian Champion Gargantuan will be in the match, but if 'The Outsider' Steve DeColt beats 'The Monster' next week, he'll be added too, to make it another Triple Threat Match!!








Up next, we saw another video hyping the impending arrival of Faith to NOTBPW... Faith is a manager from Quebec, who has been in the wrestling business for 10 years... She's known for getting exactly what she wants, and adding whichever clients she wants to her brand: Faith Enterprises... All we know so far, is that she'll be 'coming soon', but there'll be plenty of singles stars and tag teams on the roster hoping that she gives them her seal of approval...






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'The Young Gun'
Ricky DeColt
[vs] 'Mainstream'
James Hernandez


The two losing Finalists in the DeColt WrestleFestival Two Day Tournament had a huge opportunity next. Having won two matches to get to the Finals, they were both just one more win away from earning the Number 30 spot in this year's Super Slam Rumble. However, lose the match, and they would be entering at Number 1. On paper, this match was a mouthwatering prospect. Just a few weeks ago, they fought 1 on 1, and it was a compelling match, but something didn't quite click here tonight. It wasn't a bad match, it just wasn't to the level of recent Main Events. Including two of the last four, which have scored 90+ and involved BOTH of these men. For the finish to this one, Ricky went for his 'DeColt .45' Super Kick, but Hernandez ducked it, clipping DeColt's standing leg, and causing Ricky's knee to buckle awkwardly. Hernandez wasn't going to wait for the referee to check on his opponent. He snatched the opportunity with both hands, and a bear hug around Ricky's waist, hitting his 'Apparition #14' Spear to win the match, and earn the Number 30 spot in the Super Slam Rumble!!




'Mainstream' James Hernandez

'Apparition #14' Spear





So 'Mainstream' James Hernandez is entering at Number 30 in the Super Slam Rumble for the second year in a row!! Last year's winner, 'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt, who came in at Number 29 one year ago, will have to do it the hard way if he wants to win two in a row... He is going to start the match, as entrant Number One!! We added some names to the field of 30 tonight... Joining Ricky and Hernandez, will be the likes of: Logan DeColt, Akima Brave, Robin DaLay, Dan DaLay, El Fuego, 'The Ace' Aaron Andrews, who made his debut in NOTBPW 12 months ago, as entrant 20... and... 'Wild Man' Jack DeColt, who, along with his brother Ricky, 'Mainstream' Hernandez, and 'The Ace' has to be considered one of the favourites!! Next week, we know we're getting Steve DeColt versus 'The Monster' Gargantuan... and... The Ring Generals will aim to have another tag team classic with The Mavericks!! We confirmed as the show went off the air, that all four men from those two teams will also be in the Super Slam Rumble!!






Solomon Gold [def.] Owen Love by DQ

Jonathan Faust & POISON [def.] Sonny Wildside & Donte Dunn

Trent Shaffer [def.] Sayeed Ali

Mayhem [def.] Primed For Progress

KC Glenn [def.] Erik Strong 'Though'

to RETAIN the NOTBPW All Action Title

James Hernandez [def.] Ricky DeColt

to earn the Number 30 spot in the Super Slam Rumble... Ricky DeColt will be Number 1!









Tommy Cornell versus Sean McFly went to a No Contest on USPW Television this week... and their efforts pulled a 100 rating in a new contender for Match of the Year!! Meanwhile on NOTBPW TV, Ricky DeColt versus James Hernandez scored a poor 76, which had fans turning off in their droves!!


NOTBPW have announced another change to their pay-per-view schedule... New event: Anarchy has been cancelled, taking us back down to 13 events per year... One of which being the two day DeColt WrestleFestival... The cancellation of Anarchy has moved two events a little bit so the gap isn't too large... The new schedule is detailed below:






In more NOTBPW news, Mark 'The Anvil' Griffin has been sent back down to developmental to continue his training... The 27 year old won the National Title and the Tag Team Titles while in his first stint in developmental... He'll now be touching base with trainers: R.K Hayes, Carl Batch and Travis Century again after almost two years on the main roster... In his time up with NOTBPW, he won 4 matches and lost 50!! Whereas in developmental, he had 8 wins and just 1 loss...!!


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< < QUICK PICKS for NOTBPW: Championship Wrestling, APRIL 2018, WEEK 2… > >


'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan



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The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

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Woooooooooo! I blew my picks last week lol. Is the Ace turning? He seemed pretty heelish during that opening promo.


'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust

Thrill Seeker makes an appearance and costs his former buddy the match.


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King

No idea what the story is here but I just can't see a team with King in it winning.


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt

Jack goes wild to clean up Logan's mess.


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook

The big build for Magnifico starts now. Poor Edd. I really like him too.


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)

Man this sounds boring.


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

I kinda want to go for DeColt winning by DQ or Count out or something but... Long live Gargantuan. May he forever reign.

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'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

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The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook

The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

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The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

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'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

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'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

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'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust

Unless it is by DQ (really? Gold beats Love?!?), Jett isn't beating Faust. I suspect we get a Seeker appearance...


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King

The CanAm Blondes are hot right now, but Dunn and Wildside have been stuck in a losing rut. Need them to bounce back before the Rumble.


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt

DeColts get the win as the DaLays continue to be an afterthought in NOTBPW.


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook

I might have leaned Stone before, but Montero gets the title shot next.

Maybe P4P get some revenge here.


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)

Going underdogs here because a) my picks have been bad in the contest and need to try something new and b) I think the Mavericks (and particularly Watson) have a solid future here. They always struggle, but with an entrance in the Rumble likely in their future, this is a good boost over a team that can handle the loss.


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

First, Gargantuan isn't getting pinned. He gets the 'loss' here by some outside involvement, be it Alex or POISON sticking his nose into it.

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< < QUICK PICKS for NOTBPW: Championship Wrestling, APRIL 2018, WEEK 2… > >


'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

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'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

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'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust

Jett is going to be the babyface underdog in his feud with Thrill Seeker, but their program is still a cut higher on the card than the All Action one. Jett gets the win, and probably gets jumped afterwards.


KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [vs] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King

The Blondes are hampered by having James King, who likely ends up the fall guy - the winning team is 3 guys who are going to be a big part of your DeColtless future.


Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay [vs] Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt

I'm going with my heart here... the DeColts can lose as many matches as you throw at him and they are still DeColts. Dan and Robin have been getting their butts whooped for what feels like YEARS now... I just want to see Dan get the win. Crazy how Dan is normally this reviled bully heel, but his whole tenure in your dynasty he's been in that weird Yoshi-Hashi/(NXT)Sami Zayn underdog babyface. So props for that.


'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook

I really want to see Stone assert himself at the top of the card, being the last Stone wrestling and all. Gino's great and he's coming off a hot win but he has plenty of time.


The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Mavericks (Julian Watson & John Maverick)

Another homer-over-logic pick, lets go Mavericks! Lets get them involved in some storylines! Maverick doesn't have a ton of time and Watson has plenty of potential. He's put on a few great singles matches (given his position on the card) and could slot in with your All Action guys at the very least if he struck it solo. I think they are just as viable an option as the Blondes to be that mean heel team you can use.


'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Monster' Gargantuan

I don't see this match ending cleanly, but I can't see Steve ever getting that win on TV.

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APRIL 2018, WEEK 2…


Show Rating: 86


Announce Team:




Peter Michaels, Tom Townsend and Adrian Garcia





'The Outsider' Steve DeColt headed to the ring to kick off this edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling... The man currently in charge of NOTBPW has a huge Main Event singles match later tonight, against 'The Monster' Gargantuan... If Steve beats Gargantuan, he'll not only end his 26 month unbeaten streak, but he'll also be added to Gargantuan's upcoming NOTBPW Canadian Title defence against Gino Montero at Super Slam!! Steve DeColt has a lot on his plate as an in-ring competitor, and therefore will be handing over the reigns of the day-to-day running of the company, to a currently unknown person... And Steve's first job tonight, was to introduce that person...



That person, was the former three time Canadian Champion...





DARK ANGEL!! The veteran stomped to the ring to his entrance music, as the crowd gave him a huge ovation... He is now the man in charge of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, and has been given the role of 'Match Maker'... He'll make the tough decisions, and ultimately book the matches in the shows... NOTBPW is still run by the Stone Family... But the role Steve DeColt earned by defeating his brother Alex at the DeColt WrestleFestival is now in the hands of Dark Angel... It's rare you see him without face paint, but Angel said he wanted to make an immediate impact... By making a blockbuster six man tag team match... A family-feud based tag team contest... and Gino Montero's first singles match since winning the Two Day DeColt WrestleFestival Tournament!!



Dark Angel:
“We're gonna see... KC Glenn, Donte Dunn and Sonny Wildside, take on The CanAm Blondes and Lord James King!! Furthermore... Dan DaLay will team up with his SON Robin DaLay, and they'll be fighting Jack DeColt, and his Nephew Logan (DeColt)... And then let's come on to Gino Montero... A man who showed HEART... The will to win... The LOVE for this business, to overcome a gruelling two day tournament... All the qualities that his opponent tonight, does NOT have... Edd Stone!!”








Passing Steve DeColt and Dark Angel on the ramp was the returning Jacob Jett!! 'The Amazing' Jett took last week off, after a brutal post-match assault from his now former tag team partner Thrill Seeker at the DeColt WrestleFestival... Jett and Seeker, formerly known as World's Most Wanted, won a Triple Threat Ladder Match to earn a NOTBPW Tag Team Title shot... But with Seeker's post match actions, that Title shot is up in the air... Jett didn't care about that though... He just wanted to fight Thrill Seeker, right now!! But Seeker didn't show up... Rumours have been circulating that he's not even in the building tonight... Just like last week, he's in hiding... However, someone did show up, and he was all too keen to accept the fight...



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'The Amazing'
Jacob Jett
[vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling'
Jonathan Faust


A short match here to kick off the in-ring action. Jacob Jett was more fired up than he's ever been, and took all of his aggression out on Jonathan Faust. The British veteran fought back into it after an early flurry from Jett, but his comeback didn't last long. Jett put him down with a series of kicks, and then took his time on the top rope before hitting his 'Emergency Landing' finisher!




'The Amazing' Jacob Jett

'Emergency Landing' (450 Splash)










Dark Angel was backstage next, settling into his new office as 'Match Maker' of NOTBPW... When there was a knock at the door... He beckoned in Cameron Vessey and Christian Price (Primed For Progress), who complemented Angel on his new surroundings... He commented that he wasn't sure the new role would suit him... as he still feels like he has enough in the tank to be an in-ring performer... But for now, he's happy setting matches up for others... He asked what Vessey and Price wanted, and their request was a simple one... A tag team match, with Tim Westybrook and Edd Stone (Iron and Stone) at Super Slam!!



Dark Angel:
“It shall be yours... You have the opportunity to avenge your Uncle Bryan Vessey, Cameron... And you'll both have the opportunity to end Edd Stone for what he did... And for what he did, he will ultimately, pay the price!!”






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Donte Dunn, KC Glenn & Sonny Wildside
Owen Love, The Natural & Lord James King


All six of the men in this match were confirmed as entrants into the 2018 Super Slam Rumble this week, and they all wanted to impress in a stacked six-man tag team match. KC Glenn has been NOTBPW All Action Champion for a little over two weeks now. He's only been a member of the NOTBPW for a month. But the 'Country Strong' fan favourite carries the Championship well. Sonny Wildside has a bone to pick with the CanAm Blondes for their actions towards his friend Solomon Gold. But of the fan favourites, Donte Dunn stole the show. He handled Owen Love and The Natural brilliantly, and ended up securing the win for his team, by hitting Lord James King with his 'Sunny Daze' finisher! There was a noticeable tension between Glenn and Dunn throughout the match, but they stood side by side as the referee raised their hands in victory.




KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside

'Sunny Daze' (Spinning Back Fist)










After attempting to get the scoop from 'Mainstream' James Hernandez last week on his relationship with Spencer Spade, Timothy Weightman decided to go straight to the source tonight, and confront Spade personally... Spencer didn't know what to make of Weightman's line of questioning, and told the interviewer that he and James Hernandez were in fact 'not friends'... He said they are acquaintances from their time in SWF, but that's all... 'The Supreme Star' then said that next week, he'll debut in a NOTBPW ring... and begin creating his legacy...








Next we learned that due to his win over NOTBPW Television Champion: Sayeed Ali here last week in a non-title match, 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer has earned himself a shot at the Championship at Super Slam... Trent Shaffer and Sayeed Ali will go 1 on 1 again in less than two weeks... This time for the Gold!! Shaffer has had Ernest Youngman watching his back in recent weeks, and next week will be no different... Sayeed Ali's 'Coast To Coast Connection' tag team of Ross Henry and Lenny Brown will be taking on Shaffer and Youngman in tag team action... Just three nights before Shaffer versus Ali at Super Slam!!






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Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay
Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt


Two proud Canadian Wrestling Houses did battle in this tag team match, with The DaLays versus The DeColts stepping up in intensity last week when Logan DeColt shoved Dan DaLay into some lockers. Dan has one hand in a cast thanks to Logan's father Alex DeColt, who broke it, and then forced Dan to continue to compete. There's a new man in charge now, but DaLay refuses to take time off or give up. In this match, he had one chance to get his hands on Logan, but he found it hard to detach his emotions, as Logan is the son of his sister Romy (DaLay). After DaLay showed remorse, and therefore a weakness, he was beaten by Jack DeColt's 'End Of Days' finisher.




Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt

'End Of Days'










In his garage, sat on an empty milk crate, 'Angry' Tom Gilmore turned on a single light bulb hanging from the middle of the ceiling... The bulb swung, lighting up his full body only every other second... Gilmore was still down about how Bryan Vessey lost his job... Special Guest Referee Edd Stone (who was chosen by Vessey) ensured that Vessey lost, due to a 'power struggle' between the two of them for the leadership of 'The Animals'... Gilmore wasn't responsible for the way Vessey lost his job, but he DID choose the stipulation of Career versus Career, and so he feels partly responsible... Last week, he said he didn't know what was next for him and his career... This week, he elaborated on that point a little...



Tom Gilmore:
“I won't say I'm 'done' with wrestling... Or make any drastic claims like that... I just... Don't see the point in coming back right now... The truth is, I'm happy here... I'm happy taking some time off... I... feel sad for Bryan Vessey... I respect Bryan Vessey... and I want to honour his career... But right now... I don't know if it's worth coming back...”








Backstage, in a dimly lit and empty room, Aldous Blackfriar sat with his legs crossed in the middle of it... Mutant paced behind him, holding both Tag Team Championship Belts... Aldous spoke about the video package we just saw... About how nobody cares about 'Angry' Tom Gilmore... All people want to see is Mayhem!! So at Super Slam, it makes ZERO sense that Aldous and Mutant aren't defending their NOTBPW Tag Team Titles!! Instead, he and his 'muscle' Mutant will enter the Super Slam Rumble... Just like they did last year, when Mutant picked up SEVEN eliminations from the Number Four spot...!! Aldous came in at Number Nine, so they were in the ring together...



Aldous Blackfriar:
“This year... The rest of that field better hope we're not out there together again... Because if we are, one of US is going to win the whole damn thing!!”






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Gino Montero
[vs] 'The Animal'
Edd Stone
w/ 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook


Gino Montero and Edd Stone showed great chemistry in this match, but it was pretty one-sided for most of it. Edd is a cowardly heel, but when he gets on top of an opponent, he makes life incredibly difficult for them. Especially when his 'Enforcer' Tim Westybrook at ringside gets involved behind the referee's back! Westybrook has a habit of hitting huge right hands right at the perfect time, and tonight was no different. He nearly knocked Gino's head off at one point! However, Gino stuck in the match, and didn't allow Edd to put him away. For the finish, he leapfrogged over a spear attempt, and landed in the perfect position to hit his 'Destiny Explosion' finisher!!




'Magnificent' Gino Montero

'Destiny Explosion' (Canadian Destroyer)







After the match, Cameron Vessey and Christian Price (Primed For Progress) hit the ring... Tim Westybrook grabbed Edd Stone by his arms, and began to pull him out under the bottom rope... But Gino Montero grabbed Edd's left foot, and kept him IN the ring!! Primed For Progress were able to get in and stomp on Edd Stone a few times, before going after Westybrook, who hadn't been able to get away!! Eventually, 'The Enforcer' and 'The Animal' managed to create some space and get out of Vessey and Price's grasp... Edd and Westybrook blamed Gino Montero for getting hit by their rivals... At Super Slam in a little over a week, Iron and Stone will battle Primed For Progress in a tag team match!!











Next up, the announce team addressed the rumours that have been circulating in recent days, that a top NOTBPW star will be starring in a major motion picture!! The character of Thunderstrike is coming to the next Avengers Movie, and a NOTBPW Main Event level talent has landed the role... Could it be Steve DeColt, Jack DeColt, POISON, James Hernandez, Aaron Andrews, or Ricky DeColt...?! It's unlikely to be Gargantuan due to his sheer size... 'Angry' Tom Gilmore and 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer probably wouldn't suit a blonde wig... But the three DeColt Brothers have got to be the front runners... Whoever it is, will need to take a few months off... He won't be allowed to compete in the weeks leading up to filming starting, and will then be off while his parts are filmed... It's a huge opportunity for whoever has the role... More on this story, including dates, and the identity of the man, when we know more...








Up next, we saw yet another video hyping the impending arrival of Faith to NOTBPW... Faith is a manager from Quebec, who has been in the wrestling business for 10 years... She's known for getting exactly what she wants, and adding whichever clients she wants to her brand: Faith Enterprises... She's ruthless, and has a business-like approach... All we know so far, is that she'll be 'coming soon', but there'll be plenty of singles stars and tag teams on the roster hoping that she gives them her seal of approval...






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The Ring Generals
(Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs]
The Mavericks
(John Maverick & Julian Watson)


The second time these two tag teams have fought this year, and both were very good matches. The Ring Generals won their first meeting, but it was the Mavericks who got it done tonight. Marv Statler stole the show, outperforming everyone else, and showing no signs of slowing down. His stamina levels, and performance levels were both excellent, but he fell for John Maverick's veteran distraction tricks, and walked onto the 'Tiger Claw DDT' from Julian Watson, and was pinned!




The Mavericks (John Maverick & Julian Watson)

'Tiger Claw DDT' (Double Arm DDT)










'The Ace' Aaron Andrews was on our screens next, with a scowl on his face... Andrews said that 'this place' (NOTBPW) was unsafe... and he will continue his quest against The Stone Family, explaining that they don't care about the well-being of their wrestlers... Ace claimed to be a voice for the voiceless... and said he'd speak up against any and all wrong-doings... He briefly eluded to his 'No Count Out' match with 'The Monster' Gargantuan, which caused an injury that took Ace out for a few months! But he DID sign a 'waver' for that match... Andrews is back now though, and he's gunning for Dan and Jeremy Stone...



Aaron Andrews:
“At Super Slam... I get an opportunity to be taken a little bit more seriously around here... Because I'm going to WIN the Super Slam Rumble!! And when I do, I'm going to go to Mid Summer Madness... and I'm going to win the NOTBPW Canadian Title!! Next week... Here LIVE... Me and a few others are going to learn our entrance numbers... and it had better be better than 20!! Which is what I drew last year in my debut in this place...!!”






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'The Outsider'
Steve DeColt
[vs] 'The Monster'


Steve DeColt knew that a win here would earn him a NOTBPW Canadian Title shot. He'd be added to the Gino Montero versus Gargantuan match at Super Slam, and he'd also end the 2+ year undefeated streak of 'The Monster'. Easier said than done, but Steve decided to try and score a quick pin fall. For the first five minutes, Steve's pace was incredible. He kept Gargantuan on the back foot and, almost had him beat. But he couldn't quite hit his 'DeColt Stampede' Big Boot, and Gargantuan was able to powerfully kick out of everything else. It was a fairly short match by Main Event standards, but the pace was tremendous. If that frantic pace had continued, Gargantuan wouldn't have been able to stay in it. His stamina levels are low, and his energy was beginning to wane. But he had enough in him to rise Steve DeColt up for the 'Ultimate Backbreaker'!!




'The Monster' Gargantuan

'Ultimate Backbreaker' (Military Press Drop onto Knee)





The show ended as it often does... With Gargantuan hoisting the NOTBPW Canadian Championship above his head, and looking like an unstoppable beast!! 'The Monster' has been on a 26 month rampage, that has shown no sign of slowing down... Most NOTBPW fans would have seen Steve DeColt as the last great hope to stop his reign of terror, with his Canadian Title reign now standing at an impressive 10 months... But now it's on to 'The Magnificent' Gino Montero... Gino won a Two Day Tournament at the DeColt WrestleFestival, and won some impressive matches... He even beat the last remaining Stone Brother: Edd Stone earlier tonight...!! But Gargantuan may prove one mountain too big...






Jacob Jett [def.] Jonathan Faust

KC Glenn, Donte Dunn & Sonny Wildside [def.] The CanAm Blondes & Lord James King

Jack DeColt & Logan DeColt [def.] Dan DaLay & Robin DaLay

Gino Montero [def.] Edd Stone

The Mavericks [def.] The Ring Generals

Gargantuan [def.] Steve DeColt








[bIG news coming out of the States... And it's due to a prediction prize from one of my readers...]


USPW's backstage problems have continued at an alarming rate, with Allen Packer on terrible terms with a number of his stars... Wrestler of the Year 2016 Sammy Bach, who has been with the company just seven months, has had his contract terminated as the result of a falling out over poor booking!! The following wrestlers are also unhappy with Packer, and his head booker Robbie Sanchez... Their remaining contracts have all been halved, and they won't resign due to their relationship with the men in charge:


Running Wolf (Lower Mid Card) [down to 324 days]

Magnum Kobe (Enhancement Talent) [down to 698 days]

Chris Caulfield (Mid Card) [down to 125 days]

Adam Matravers (Mid Card) [down to 560 days]

Remmy Skye (Opener) [down to 277 days]

Charlie Thatcher (Lower Mid Card) [down to just 16 days!!!]


Charlie Thatcher has already announced via his social media that he won't be resigning with the company... The 42 year old big man, along with the insanely talented Sammy Bach (98 star quality) will now be looking for work... Only Remmy Skye appeared at the latest USPW pay-per-view: Freedom Fight 2018... He lost quickly to Enygma!! Running Wolf jobbed to 'Mighty' Cavanagh on the pre-show!! In completely unrelated news, USPW World Champion Remo Richardson has begun a heated rivalry with Women's Division star Killer Kass!! More on these two stories as they develop... Additional problems arose at Freedom Fight, as Mick Muscles and Eddie Peak BOTH suffered injuries that will force them to take time off... For Muscles, it's just a couple of weeks, but Peak will miss around two months!!


[NOTE: I randomly selected a Main Eventer, and it pulled out Bach!! Which is probably the best pick it could have been. I then randomly chose six others, and it came back with a nice mix of talents... None of these men will re-sign when their contracts are up. There are no great losses there, but if all six left now, it'd be an interesting time for USPW... Magnum Kobe still has the best part of two years left on his contract!!]


**Update: Charlie Thatcher has signed with SWF!!



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<p><div style="background-color:#ffffff;color:darkred;border-style:solid;border-width:3px;box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)";"></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong>< < QUICK PICKS for NOTBPW: Championship Wrestling, APRIL 2018, WEEK 3… > ></strong></span></span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">

Steve DeColt & Ricky DeColt [vs] James Hernandez & POISON</span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">

El Fuego [vs] 'The Supreme' Spencer Spade</span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">

Trent Shaffer & Ernest Youngman [vs] The Coast To Coast Connection</span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">

'The Iron Fist' Dan DaLay [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust</span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">

'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook</span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">

'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">

</span></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"><em>Thoughts on the USPW Falling Outs:</em></span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">



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<p>Steve DeColt & Ricky DeColt [vs] <strong>James Hernandez & POISON</strong></p><p> </p><p>

El Fuego [vs] 'The Supreme' <strong>Spencer Spade</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Trent Shaffer & Ernest Youngman [vs] <strong>The Coast To Coast Connection</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'The Iron Fist' Dan DaLay [vs] 'The Saviour of Wrestling' <strong>Jonathan Faust</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'Magnificent' <strong>Gino Montero</strong> [vs] 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook</p><p> </p><p>

'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] 'Wild Man' <strong>Jack DeColt</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Steve DeColt & Ricky DeColt</strong> [vs] James Hernandez & POISON</p><p> </p><p>

El Fuego [vs] <strong>'The Supreme' Spencer Spade</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Trent Shaffer & Ernest Youngman [vs] <strong>The Coast To Coast Connection</strong>-I'm going to be honest. I don't really get the C2C. The leader is good but I feel we've never really learnt much about them since they debuted and especially the tag team duo need to be seen as a threat</p><p> </p><p>

'The Iron Fist' Dan DaLay [vs] <strong>'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>'Magnificent' Gino Montero</strong> [vs] 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook</p><p> </p><p>

'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] <strong>'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p>

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<p>< < QUICK PICKS for NOTBPW: Championship Wrestling, APRIL 2018, WEEK 3… > ></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve DeColt & Ricky DeColt </strong>[vs] James Hernandez & POISON</p><p> </p><p>

El Fuego [vs]<strong> 'The Supreme' Spencer Spade</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Trent Shaffer & Ernest Youngman [vs]<strong> The Coast To Coast Connection</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'The Iron Fist' Dan DaLay [vs] <strong>'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>'Magnificent' Gino Montero</strong> [vs] 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook</p><p> </p><p>

'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs] <strong>'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Thoughts on the USPW Falling Outs: <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p><strong>Steve DeColt & Ricky DeColt </strong>[vs] James Hernandez & POISON</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>El Fuego</strong> [vs] 'The Supreme' Spencer Spade</p><p> </p><p>

Trent Shaffer & Ernest Youngman [vs] <strong>The Coast To Coast Connection</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'The Iron Fist' Dan DaLay [vs] <strong>'The Saviour of Wrestling' Jonathan Faust</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>'Magnificent' Gino Montero</strong> [vs] 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook</p><p> </p><p>

'The Amazing' Jacob Jett [vs]<strong> 'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p>

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