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Haven't caught all the way up yet but I just want to chime in and say this:


Dan Lambert; It was a stupid storyline when Impact/GFW did it and it's just as dumb in AEW. Other than this I'm loving everything the company has done so far ( only halfway through January and trying to avoid as many spoilers as possible )

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Draft Kings becoming a sponsor is annoying as hell. Gambling on pro wrestling is so stupid and hearing them plug it constantly is beyond cringey.


On Elevation Anthony Ogogo did a cool finish where he did his pop up knockout punch and had the guy knocked out and couldn't meet the ten count.


I thought that would be a neat gimmick for him, but no he went back to the body shot finish on Dark. Ugh. Pick a finish and stick with it. Either the pop up punch or the Tower of London.


Dynamite was a lot of fun. The triple threat with Swerve, Starks, and Jungle Boy was super super good.


I was really excited for Cobb and Great O'khan, but O'khan botched twice. Such a shame.

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- Spears vs Wardlow cage match was good. Finally got the cuff break spot. MJF's referee outfit lol. What do the security guys keep in their fanny packs?

- Backstage crew being obliterated on this show :o

- Hangman/Punk mic battle was great. I like Jade & Anna but it's too sudden and random to be PPV-worthy.

- Mox & Kingston vs Private Party was solid. Brawl!

- Roppingi Vice vs FTR © was great. Nice to see Caprice Coleman on commentary. United Empire!

- Good promo from the Hardys.

- Ricky vs Swerve vs Jungle Boy was my MOTN. Swerve's biggest win so far.

- Rosa, Velvet & Ruby all getting promo time.

- DMD vs Storm was solid. I would have preferred Toni win but the feud will continue after Britt puts over Stat or Ruby.

- Kyle vs Joe was great.

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Leyla tore her ACL :(


Yeah, I was there live in Boston. It was literally the first match of the night, being taped for Elevation. Maybe a minute in, she landed awkwardly on a moonsault and went down. The match was stopped, and she was helped to the back. I was hopeful she'd be back soon but definitely feared the worst, as it really didn't look good.


It's too bad, I'm a big fan of hers, and hope she comes back better than ever next year.

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Agreed about Jade versus Anna. AEW had 3 months to build up somebody to be a credible challenger, and instead they're running back Anna Jay with little build and little reason to believe that Jade won't retain.


yea it just seems like you need to pull the trigger on Jade facing someone up the roster a bit. I get slow builds and bringing her along but everytime now they are like "AND SHE'S 30-0!!1" I'm just like "can she wrestle anyone above the lower mid card?"

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Yeah, I was there live in Boston. It was literally the first match of the night, being taped for Elevation. Maybe a minute in, she landed awkwardly on a moonsault and went down. The match was stopped, and she was helped to the back. I was hopeful she'd be back soon but definitely feared the worst, as it really didn't look good.


It's too bad, I'm a big fan of hers, and hope she comes back better than ever next year.


It's scary being in attendance when an injury happens. I've seen a few injuries happen in person over the years and it never gets easier to see. Hell, I thought my brother had his ribs broken when someone did a 450 to him at a festival in Marion, Ohio and I lost my mind waiting for the EMTs to show up and check him out. Luckily, his ribs were only bruised and not broken, but seeing the look of pain on someone's face and you realize they're not selling is just heartbreaking and terrifying.

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yea it just seems like you need to pull the trigger on Jade facing someone up the roster a bit. I get slow builds and bringing her along but everytime now they are like "AND SHE'S 30-0!!1" I'm just like "can she wrestle anyone above the lower mid card?"

They don't really have anybody she can wrestle though...


She's already beat Ruby Soho. Mercedes Martinez is hardly pushed at all having lost three of her four TV singles matches. Tay Conti doesn't wrestle now. Toni Storm has just undergone the standard come into AEW just to lose to Britt Baker treatment that never seems to work out for anybody and will probably now be a regular fixture on Dark. Statlander aside, who have they built to be a credible contender?


Perhaps Riho or Yuka? If they're sticking around of course.


Jade's problem is that AEW yet again has a babyface on their hands who they are desperately trying to push as a heel. I've no qualms with The Baddies as a thing, it looks like a good move for Red Velvet and Kiera Hogan, but Jade was so good it was only a matter of time until they were gonna cheer her. Now she's leading a heel group. Huh?


They did the exact same thing with Britt Baker. They kept her with Rebel and Jamie Hayter and had her winning matches with nonsense finishes when the fans wanted to cheer her. And now, here we are, with a roster that desperately needs babyfaces and has none worth a damn.


The women's division is just made up on the spot every single week, there's no long-term booking or long-term planning. They have a face champ who isn't going to fight Britt Baker any time soon, but they're keeping Britt Baker strong, even though she probably isn't going to fight the heel midcard champ. So what's the point? Either put the TBS title on Britt Baker or use her to elevate others into title contention. And start pushing some other ladies for gods sake. Jamie is right there, the best damn women's wrestler in the entire company, and she's going out in the first round of your tournament? Makes little sense to me, I must admit.

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They don't really have anybody she can wrestle though...


She's already beat Ruby Soho. Mercedes Martinez is hardly pushed at all having lost three of her four TV singles matches. Tay Conti doesn't wrestle now. Toni Storm has just undergone the standard come into AEW just to lose to Britt Baker treatment that never seems to work out for anybody and will probably now be a regular fixture on Dark. Statlander aside, who have they built to be a credible contender?


Perhaps Riho or Yuka? If they're sticking around of course.


Jade's problem is that AEW yet again has a babyface on their hands who they are desperately trying to push as a heel. I've no qualms with The Baddies as a thing, it looks like a good move for Red Velvet and Kiera Hogan, but Jade was so good it was only a matter of time until they were gonna cheer her. Now she's leading a heel group. Huh?


They did the exact same thing with Britt Baker. They kept her with Rebel and Jamie Hayter and had her winning matches with nonsense finishes when the fans wanted to cheer her. And now, here we are, with a roster that desperately needs babyfaces and has none worth a damn.


The women's division is just made up on the spot every single week, there's no long-term booking or long-term planning. They have a face champ who isn't going to fight Britt Baker any time soon, but they're keeping Britt Baker strong, even though she probably isn't going to fight the heel midcard champ. So what's the point? Either put the TBS title on Britt Baker or use her to elevate others into title contention. And start pushing some other ladies for gods sake. Jamie is right there, the best damn women's wrestler in the entire company, and she's going out in the first round of your tournament? Makes little sense to me, I must admit.


And now they made Statlander lose to Soho. I'm glad the crowd boo'd.


Statlander got repackaged and split from Best Friends (for the best, in my opinion) just to lose to Soho and now we have Baker vs Soho again but now for the Owen. Storm vs Statlander would be WAAAY better. I guess I have a bathroom break set for Sunday now.

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And now they made Statlander lose to Soho. I'm glad the crowd boo'd.


Statlander got repackaged and split from Best Friends (for the best, in my opinion) just to lose to Soho and now we have Baker vs Soho again but now for the Owen. Storm vs Statlander would be WAAAY better. I guess I have a bathroom break set for Sunday now.


You'd think that whoever won the Owen would be in line for one of the two titles, and Statlander against Cargill makes far more sense than either Baker or Soho vs. Rosa or Deeb.

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- Sydal vs Danielson was great. Regal's octopus joke lol.

- Hardy Bucks vs Cruz & Rust was fun. Gangrel!

- TK adding Darby vs Kyle in case the NBA Finals go late. Should have saved that for Dymamite and put Cargill vs Jay on the Buy-In.

- Dante vs Caster was solid. Bowens is great hype man.

- New TNT belt suits Sky. Enjoyed the ATT break-in. This needs to be the blow-off match so everyone can move on.

- Statlander vs Ruby was MOTN. Strong pre- and post-match promos. Better psychology than most women's matches. I bet either Kenny or Dustin helped.

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Statlander's current character and more serious in ring style is such an improvement over the alien gimmick. I loved the alien gimmick, but it only had so much staying power.


Her and Ruby had a hell of a match too. I'm a bigger fan of Ruby, so I'm glad she won, but it was a shock.


Hopefully Ruby wins the Owen. I love Britt too, but Britt is already a made star in AEW and Ruby needs a big win to cement herself as a star.


Sydal vs Bryan was dope as hell too.


Also, Regal calling Excalibur "man in the mask" is low key one of my favorite things. It makes me chuckle every time.

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What do you guys think about the situation with MJF? Is it a work or legit?


Leaning towards shoot but with MJF who knows. For better or worse everyone is talking about him. It's possible TK doesn't give in to MJF's demands and he shows up to do the job for Wardlow then TK releases him from his contract.


Could be fun if it were a work. Imagine Wardlow wins via count-out then spends most of the PPV hunting MJF down in Las Vegas... or MJF is in the arena in a disguise to ambush Wardlow.

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What do you guys think about the situation with MJF? Is it a work or legit?


None of these news help Wardlow, right? The purpose of the storyline was to elevate him, so getting all the spotlight on MJF before the match (if this is a 'work') is strange. This situation steals all the attention from the rest of the card too... but who knows. :p

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What do you guys think about the situation with MJF? Is it a work or legit?


I doubt its a work. MJF is trying to force his way to WWE, the Ariel Helwani interview clearly pissed off Tony and I would be very surprised if we see him wrestle any time soon in AEW. He's got 18mos left on his contract, and I fully expect them to just freeze him out now that his Wardlow program is resolved.


Too many good workers on Dark to waste time building a guy who doesn't want to be there anymore.

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Gotta be honest, Double or Nothing was a difficult watch. Long, boring, way too many TV matches. Not enough happening. If it wasn't for Wardlow-MJF, and Punk-Page this would have been a flop.


Getting worried that this is going to be the norm going forward. Too many guys in the company, and too many of the TK favorites are shit. Jade, The Hardy's, The Giant guy, Sammy, etc. I think the peak of this company is past us now and we're all watching the slow transition to this becoming 2012 TNA.

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