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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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21 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Shibata coming out made me tear up a little from excitement. 

Every single time I hear his music I tear up. Without fail.

Dynamite was divisive as heck and I understand those who didn't like it. Matches were weak for an average Dynamite (but still levels above any other weekly wrestling show, mind you), the Nyla angle was plain weird, and the ending was a retread of an angle we saw five days ago. 

When Jeff Jarrett first appeared I thought "no," but by the time the segment was over I was fully onboard. I'm happy something is happening that we have little idea where it goes because it was so out of left field. More importantly, Jarrett is now a Director of Business Development with focus on live events, which is the best field for him as WWE saw growth in their infamous money pit house shows when he was the SVP of Live Events.

Edited by Dalton
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- Darby vs Lethal was good. The backdrop landing was dangerous. Fake Sting! TK couldn't find someone more interesting than Karter? Jeff Jarrett lol.

- These Elite teases are fun.

- Mox vs Moriarty was good. Egon taking out the Champ!

- Saraya more comfortable in backstage talking segments.

- The foam scissor fingers will sell quickly. Certificate of Adoption lol.

- Jericho (c) vs Colt was solid. More proof that Punk's already done with AEW. Brawl!

- Luchasaurus vs Fenix vs Cassidy (c) was very good. Nice Jungle Boy cameo. Fenix isn't a bastard like PAC. SHIBATA!

- Rick Ross is one of the few celebrities I actually recognize. He did well.

- Shafir vs Jade (c) was OK. Nyla live commentary lol.

- Loved the House of Black and Storm/Hayter hype videos.

- Cage vs Joe (c) was my MOTN. Hobbs should be next TNT Champion.

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If I get started, I'll wind up writing a short book about how trash I am finding AEW at the moment. Creatively bankrupt, they just keep running the same deals over and over again. GDS diaries have more creativity than this and that's not a backhanded compliment, nobody writes a dynasty as a full-time job but people are actually paid to come up with these storylines you see on the telly. Zero credibility to half the wrestlers having 10 minute back and forth matches with the "stars". Randomly pushing wrestlers like Ethan Page that were jobbers just months ago. Useless matches that achieve nothing. Bad or shoot boring wrestlers being given TV time. 

I did think the All-Atlantic title three-way was good when Luchasaurus was out the way. Rick Ross was cool. I liked the TV package for Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter. I'm clutching at straws aren't I? At the moment, I watch it because my fam watches it but I'm starting to think it's peaked commercially, it's peaked critically and now we're witnessing the long drawn out malaise and gradual decline. 

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17 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

You mean like when Jinder Mahal became WWE Champion?

AEW chose to market itself as having a sports-style wrestling product. They said wins and losses would matter. They had a ranking system that was supposed to be taken seriously. They put up their wrestler's win and loss records during their entrances. I'm simply treating their wrestlers as I'm supposed to. When a dude's last match on the show was in June and he lost to Orange Cassidy from a body slam, why am I supposed to believe he can lay out the World Champion with a single boot to the chops? 😂 

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I am not even a fan (read the results on occasion but don't have cable and won't pay more than I already do to watch a single event) but I think gradual decline might be overstating it. Tony should listen to the people around him (much like Hangman). If he doesn't, then you might not be too far off.

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43 minutes ago, Mootinie said:

AEW chose to market itself as having a sports-style wrestling product. They said wins and losses would matter. They had a ranking system that was supposed to be taken seriously. They put up their wrestler's win and loss records during their entrances. I'm simply treating their wrestlers as I'm supposed to. When a dude's last match on the show was in June and he lost to Orange Cassidy from a body slam, why am I supposed to believe he can lay out the World Champion with a single boot to the chops? 😂 


Page's 2022 record is 10-4, with an overall of 32-10. And the only wins that matter in this current storyline are the ones in the tournament.

And besides, if he wins, his most likely opponent will be MJF, who really throws a huge wrench into the "wins and losses matter" angle.

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19 hours ago, The Swanton825 said:

It seems like the simplest solution to this win/loss record problem is to just stop keeping track of the records and admit that it doesn't work with the way American wrestling is booked.

It’s not that it can’t work. It’s the way they do it is not good. They basically had guys win a bunch of job matches on farm to pad their records then they appear on dynamite like 15-2 without us actually seeing them.

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14 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

It’s not that it can’t work. It’s the way they do it is not good. They basically had guys win a bunch of job matches on farm to pad their records then they appear on dynamite like 15-2 without us actually seeing them.

They'd also have to pretty much stop running storylines too because the ebb and flow of a normal storyline (I.E. face chases heel) is going to put the average babyface's record at 50% or lower without the jobber farming while the top heels will be hovering around 90%. In TEW terms, they'd have to switch from Wrestling Nerd Nirvana to Royal Puro or Faux MMA in order to make the records mean something AND work with the booking.

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August 31st was the last time they released the rankings. TK seems to have de-emphasized their importance. With the size of the roster, the amount of titles being defended and an increase in injuries it's probably a good idea. Much easier to focus on booking storylines and spontaneous title matches to bump the ratings than do backflips trying to manipulate the rankings to make sense.

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1 hour ago, milamber said:

August 31st was the last time they released the rankings. TK seems to have de-emphasized their importance. With the size of the roster, the amount of titles being defended and an increase in injuries it's probably a good idea. Much easier to focus on booking storylines and spontaneous title matches to bump the ratings than do backflips trying to manipulate the rankings to make sense.

It’s disappointing as the rankings was one of the things I liked with them. One of the few things that was a sports based presentation.

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1 hour ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

AEW needs to focus on AEW more than they need to focus on ROH right now.

Except that there is an ROH ppv in a month that they need to build to where they're likely going to announce the ROH tv deal. Which is why I'm bringing this up now. 

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- Gunns & Swerve in Our Glory vs FTR & Acclaimed was good.

- Enjoyed the MJF and Stoke promos.

- Egon vs Kingston was solid. Big win for Egon.

- Rushbag lol.

- Wardlow fitting in one more defense before losing to Hobbs... or Joe.

- DMD/Saraya segment got me hooked after a shaky start. TK needs to give the women more experience with in-ring promos to improve.

- Trent vs Lethal was solid. JJ is good on the mic but I don't want to see him on TV every week.

- Storytime with Mox. Wayward Sons debuting at Full Gear? Danielson fired up.

- Hayter vs Blue was solid. Fine showing from Skye.

- Solid promos from Cage & Dante. Poor Ricky.

- Sammy vs Danielson (2 Out of 3 Falls) was my MOTN.

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- Jack/Luchasaurus steel cage match should be fun. PAC is still a bastard.

- Cage vs Dante was my MOTN.

- Moriarty is HOOK's biggest test so far.

- Another sick House of Black promo. Julia needs a singles push next year.

- RUSH vs Bandido was solid but the finish could have been better.

- I like Nyla but the women get so little TV time that squashes feel like a waste.

- Didn't expect AR Fox to get on TV. Great news that Darius is back.

- Johnson vs Cassidy (c) was solid. Danhausen's curse finally backfired.

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First time in here, so be easy if this has already been discussed.  I'm also about 20 minutes behind tonight's broadcast.

A prediction:  I think all this Saraya "this is my house" stuff is leading to a DMD face turn that will ultimately culminate when Hayter turns on her and joins forces with Saraya, possibly as soon as Saturday.  DMD begins a sub-feud with Toni, and Toni joins up with Saraya and Hayter.

I'm pretty hyped for Saturday.  This'll be the first pape for me since Revolution.

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39 minutes ago, lawrencelorenz said:

First time in here, so be easy if this has already been discussed.  I'm also about 20 minutes behind tonight's broadcast.

A prediction:  I think all this Saraya "this is my house" stuff is leading to a DMD face turn that will ultimately culminate when Hayter turns on her and joins forces with Saraya, possibly as soon as Saturday.  DMD begins a sub-feud with Toni, and Toni joins up with Saraya and Hayter.

I'm pretty hyped for Saturday.  This'll be the first pape for me since Revolution.

Okay, yep -- doubling down

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