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1 minute ago, Kamchatka said:

In other AEW news.

I have had the pleasure of first hand experiencing my sister and her husband both get into wrestling (AEW) over the last two and a bit months while staying with them and its been a very wonderful experience.

Their favourites are:

  1. Eddie Kingston
  2. Tazz and Excalibur
  3. William Regal
  4. Nyla Rose
  5. Orange Cassidy (last night they came to ME to tell me about did i know about Fire Ant and The Colony)
  6. The Acclaimed & The Ass Boys
  7. Daddy Magic & Cool Hand Ang
  8. Jungle Boy and his Dinosaur
  9. Danhausen
  10. Willow Nightingale (quickly climbing the charts)

They also tend to have the most fun and maintained attention from watching Dark / Elevation.

If I just started watching wrestling, I think I'd agree with this from top to bottom lol

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3 minutes ago, Dalton said:

If I just started watching wrestling, I think I'd agree with this from top to bottom lol

They also really like and respond well to The Wingmen (my own personal #1 favs) but they also tend to forget who they are until i remind them like i had to for Wingmen Wednesday.

I maintain that Dark and Elevation are really good onboarding for people new to wrestling. It's free, easy to access, short and sometimes silly, and has plenty of goofing around from commentary.

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16 minutes ago, Dalton said:

So that makes Darby a jobber? What makes someone a midcarder or upper midcarder? Who is a midcarder or upper midcarder?

I think this is a very strange hill to want and die on. Arguing that beating Marc Quen and Brandon Cutler keeps you from being a jobber, or that win trading with tag-teams is somehow upper-midcard activity. 

But this whole thread has become very hostile towards me for very little reason I can see. So why not.

Edited by Makhai
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Just now, Makhai said:

I think this is a very strange hill to want and die on. Arguing that beating Marc Quen and Brandon Cutler keeps you from being a jobber, or that win trading with tag-teams is somehow upper-midcard activity. 

Buddy I've posted like 15 different points, Darby not being a jobber is far from the only hill I'm standing on, it's just the only one you're replying to. I'm assuming you just don't have a talking point for the others.

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Here's the hill i want to die on:

Tony Khan should absolutely buy the rights to the Baywatch theme song for The Wingmen and have them do promos from various beaches as they work out, show off their abs to all who are interested, get ready to hit the clubs, touch tips, and generally be best himbo buds.

I have been waiting since Hot Boy Summer 2021 for a Wingmen push. Wingmen Wednesdays is NOW.

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45 minutes ago, Dalton said:

In your mind, is there no level between main eventing shows and being a jobber? How is Ruby Soho a jobber? By your OWN LOGIC, a jobber loses more than they win. Ruby is 11-4 in singles, and made the final of the Owen Hart Cup just a few months ago. Jobber?

Malakai Black's quote: “Till about 3 months ago I was dealing with a back injury I was convinced was going to force me into retirement. But after a literal year of treatment that went from working to complete failure on several occasions we all of a sudden hit the correct vertebrae during a dry needling session and everything released. From there we were able to rehab and strengthen.” Are you saying he lied?

Darby being Sting's bag holder makes zero sense. Darby Allin exists outside of Sting, Sting does not exist outside of Darby Allin. Sting doesn't do anything unless it's related to Darby, Darby does things not related to Sting. This is just a weird claim to make.

I could go through and dismantle the rest as well but it's probably a waste of time.

1. The only opinion I gave was BPJ being a bad wrestler. The rest were objective facts. Odd for you to claim someone else doesn't know what "fact" means.

2. Kam answered above. That's a jobber? Again, are you trying to say there is no such thing as a midcard? It's main eventer or jobber? Who in AEW is a midcarder by your logic?

3. First off, you said two years ago with Jungle Boy, which was a loss to the Young Bucks in a tag team match that was only there to launch the Bucks into a title feud with FTR. Last year he was on THE PRE SHOW OF ALL OUT. Like, what are you even saying lol. A feud with a main eventer is levels above those matches dawg.


Besides the error on Jungle Boy, which really doesn't matter, you know what was meant, everything is a boring semantically argument that doesn't even touch the main points. 

I will also say, Dark doesn't actually exist. I am a firm Dark denier. And that should be remembered moving forward. Aliens, Chem trails, AEW Dark. These things are fake government creations to soil the minds of our youth. 

Edited by Makhai
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6 minutes ago, Makhai said:


Besides the error on Jungle Boy, which really doesn't matter, you know what was meant, everything is a boring semantically argument that doesn't even touch the main points. 

I will also say, Dark doesn't actually exist. I am a firm Dark denier. And that should be remembered moving forward. Aliens, Chem trails, AEW Dark. These things are fake government creations to soil the minds of our youth. 

Now this we can agree on!

Edited by Dalton
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1 hour ago, Dawn said:

Can we all just be friends? I'm not the biggest AEW guy in the world, but I'd be remiss not to know how ass backwards it'd be if I came out here when everyone is having a good time about their latest show and I tried to bog down their mood with criticism. Something something stop having fun meme. Sure, you're entitled to your opinion no matter how positive or negative, but there is definitely a thing called reading the room. On the other hand, going at the negative dude's throat will only make you seem wrong alongside him, and it does also make it seem like AEW is a sacred cow when it comes to criticism which is half of the problem for the people on the outside looking in. And yes, I know you guys said otherwise numerous times, but the appropriate course of action would have been to just ignore him in my estimation. Seriously, I come in here looking to discuss and read up on the latest events with good folks (more the latter when it comes to this specific thread since I don't really possess enough knowledge of AEW to give good overall feedback without feeling like an idiot), not to bear witness to this name calling, Cornette wife fucking back and forth that will help no one and will undoubtedly end with one or more people being disciplined for it. 

While I don't much care for the idea that circlejerks should be allowed to exist for the fun of it. We can all agree nobody should be insinuating that anyone wants to have sex with Jim Cornette's wife of their own volition. 

I think that violates at least 2 statutes of the Geneva convention. And I would like at least a 2 paragraph written apology. 

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1 hour ago, Makhai said:

Don't play the victim, and stop lying, dude. 

How am I 'playing victim' and what exactly am I lying about? You are completely unbelievable. You know what? Answer, or don't cause I'm not too concerned with what an internet troll thinks of me. It's easy to spout off behind a screen.

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12 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

How am I 'playing victim' and what exactly am I lying about? You are completely unbelievable. You know what? Answer, or don't cause I'm not too concerned with what an internet troll thinks of me. It's easy to spout off behind a screen.

You are trolling yourself, and it's pretty embarrassing, honestly.

So far, I've made one slightly less defensible post than I intended, where I expressed my opinions on AEW's direction, which I still stand behind, even if I now understand SOME of the language might have been A LITTLE more hyperbolic than I intended. Which may have caused some a bit more emotional damage than I anticipated.

Now I have you threatening to fist fight me, after or before I screw Jim Cornette's wife? I don't even know anymore.

Point is, I think you gotta let this go cowboy. 

Edited by Makhai
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1 hour ago, Kamchatka said:

Here's the hill i want to die on:

Tony Khan should absolutely buy the rights to the Baywatch theme song for The Wingmen...

Funny you should mention that. The song has been stuck in my head for the last month. I bought the Remastered DVD set on Prime Days on Amazon and I have been binging that and MacGyver since then. 2 of my favorite shows growing up. 🎵"Some people stand in the darkness. Afraid to step into the light..."🎵

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3 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

Funny you should mention that. The song has been stuck in my head for the last month. I bought the Remastered DVD set on Prime Days on Amazon and I have been binging that and MacGyver since then. 2 of my favorite shows growing up. 🎵"Some people stand in the darkness. Afraid to step into the light..."🎵

Its absolutely a banger, and dying to be used as an entrance theme that gets people singing along and pumped while also conveying cheese and himbo vibes

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27 minutes ago, Makhai said:

You are trolling yourself, and it's pretty embarrassing, honestly.

So far, I've made one slightly less defensible post than I intended, where I expressed my opinions on AEW's direction, which I still stand behind, even if I now understand SOME of the language might have been A LITTLE more hyperbolic than I intended. Which may have caused some a bit more emotional damage than I anticipated.

Now I have you threatening to fist fight me, after or before I screw Jim Cornette's wife? I don't even know anymore.

Point is, I think you gotta let this go cowboy. 

I never once threatened to fight you or mentioned anything about Jim Cornette's wife? And I'm not trolling, I'm only defending my side to your comments that keep this thing going to shine more attention on yourself 'cowboy'. And with this, I'm letting go. You are number 🖕

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1 minute ago, Kamchatka said:

Its absolutely a banger, and dying to be used as an entrance theme that gets people singing along and pumped while also conveying cheese and himbo vibes

Or even just have a Mitch and/or Summer look alike come out with that for his theme those trademark red shorts/one-piece and wrestle with that gimmick. Hell, I had good luck giving NJPW's Shibata a Predator gimmick in my TEW save. So movie/tv knockoff gimmicks would go over well, I think.


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6 minutes ago, djskeemask said:

Or even just have a Mitch and/or Summer look alike come out with that for his theme those trademark red shorts/one-piece and wrestle with that gimmick. Hell, I had good luck giving NJPW's Shibata a Predator gimmick in my TEW save. So movie/tv knockoff gimmicks would go over well, I think.


Ah now heres the kicker, they all wear the red shorts and jackets, and they argue about which one of them is the Hoff which they all assume is themselves.

No one has yet done the "slow-mo" chikara gimmick in AEW and i think this is the way to do it while it still being grounded in reality. They're doing 'a bit' and also being sexy for all their fans.

Edited by Kamchatka
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2 hours ago, Makhai said:

Since you all caught me in a particular state of boredom. Let me tackle this part of this absolutely mind-numbing post. 


1) No, everything Dalton posted was his opinion. You just agreed with it. You very clearly have no idea what a fact is. So for god sakes stop using that word. Everybody stop using that word. You horrify me on a daily basis.

2) Darby Allin is a jobber. Because he loses most of his matches. That's what jobbers do my dude. You can look at the record he has in major matches. It's right there on Cagematch. If you wrestle people and you lose, you're a jobber. That's how words work. 

3) Around this time last year, Jungle Boy was wrestling for the World Title against Omega. So again, Not my opinion. That is a fact. But see 1). He is in the mid-card in a feud that has been all over the place, that is designed to elevate him. There is no universe this is the case. Even the alternate one BrokenCycle thinks I'm working you from. 

Everything else, except the tone, and the general attempt to run me off, is your opinion. And you are entitled to it. 

I wasn't attempting to "run you off", was genuinely asking you why you were watching if you didn't seem to enjoy what you were watching and you explained that - you can't expect everyone to know you intentionally hate watch wrestling. If this is how you choose to watch and enjoy wrestling, you are welcome to!

However, don't pull the "back in my day, we said things how they were and no one got upset" card. You are allowed to talk about wrestling and express your opinions however you want! So can everyone else who is responding to you! If you say something inflammatory and get inflammatory responses in return, they aren't "dissolving into tears".

I am sorry that there were comments that got personal beyond just talking about wrestling, that is uncalled for and no one deserves to be talked to that way. It's very clear that you and I both view wrestling through a very different lens, so I won't engage this further.


Related to Dark/Elevation, I'm glad someone else watches. Elevation is definitely skippable, but I find Dark with Taz/Excalibur to be a ton of fun. Even if the matches are primarily squash matches, it genuinely just feels like an episode of a podcast with Taz and Excalibur that has some wrestling in the background. Occasionally there are some gems on Dark and Elevation, especially with the women's division (the only AEW programming where they get more than 1-2 matches a show!) and with some of the fun lower card guys like The Factory.

Seriously, QT Marshall and The Factory have been putting on some really solid matches on Dark and Elevation the past year. Comoroto especially has been really impressive - his match with Takeshita on Dark or Elevation shortly after DON on one of the Cali circuit shows was great, and the crowd was weirdly hot for him. I'm going to have to go through the last 6+ months of Dark and Elevation I've watched and find some gems for you guys, there is some actual quality wrestling on there if you look past the majority of the enhancement talent squashes.

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1 hour ago, Makhai said:

You are trolling yourself, and it's pretty embarrassing, honestly.

So far, I've made one slightly less defensible post than I intended, where I expressed my opinions on AEW's direction, which I still stand behind, even if I now understand SOME of the language might have been A LITTLE more hyperbolic than I intended. Which may have caused some a bit more emotional damage than I anticipated.

Now I have you threatening to fist fight me, after or before I screw Jim Cornette's wife? I don't even know anymore.

Point is, I think you gotta let this go cowboy. 

Oh my God. Keep posting. Keep posting. Keep posting. I change my mind. This is so freaking good.

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Regarding the running argument from the last three pages, could those involved please make sure to re-read the posting guidelines pinned to the top of the forum to remind themselves of the code of conduct that is expected here; a lot of the posts were out of line and, as ever with these sort of arguments, none of you are 'winning', you're just making yourselves look equally petty.

I'm not going to hand out any warnings, but if the arguments continue, the members involved will simply be blocked from posting in this subforum going forward.

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Time to get this thread back on track. It's almost PPV time!
Countdown to All Out - https://youtu.be/Og3jSUuNrFw
RJ City with Danhausen - https://youtu.be/VwquMvQppE8

RJ City with FTR - https://youtu.be/g03aPjTmv3Y

RJ City with Swerve & Lee- https://youtu.be/o-oFegzvjMo

RJ City with Tay & Sammy - https://youtu.be/Z1w5kTLUnoc


Edited by milamber
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Match card
AEW Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. CM Punk (Punk turns heel)
Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho (Garcia swerve, he was always a spords ennerdainer)
Interim AEW Women's Championship: Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker.
AEW Tag Team Championships: Swerve in my Glory (c) vs. The Acclaimed. 
AEW World Trios Championship: Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks vs. Adam Page and The Dark Order. 
Ladder Match for AEW Championship shot: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rey Fenix vs. Rush vs. Dante Martin vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Penta vs. Wheeler Yuta vs. a mystery entrant.
TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Athena.
Wardlow and FTR vs. Jay Lethal, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley.
Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy.
Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs.
House of Black vs. Darby Allin, Sting and Miro.

Preshow card
AEW All Atlantic Championship: Pac (c) vs. Kip Sabian.
Eddie Kingston vs. Tomohiro Ishii.
FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Angelo Parker. 
Mixed tag team match: Tay Melo and Sammy Guervara vs. Ruby Soho and Ortiz.


For the main event Mox v Punk i care more that its a springboard to something rather than who wins. If Mox wins i hope it propels punk to being a heel who hates Chicago, Ace, and all the fans for pushing him to get back in the fight when he wasnt ready, If Punk wins i hope its because he cheats in the way that Hangman refused to because he couldnt get it done any other way.

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8 hours ago, Adam Ryland said:

Regarding the running argument from the last three pages, could those involved please make sure to re-read the posting guidelines pinned to the top of the forum to remind themselves of the code of conduct that is expected here; a lot of the posts were out of line and, as ever with these sort of arguments, none of you are 'winning', you're just making yourselves look equally petty.

I'm not going to hand out any warnings, but if the arguments continue, the members involved will simply be blocked from posting in this subforum going forward.

It is good to see you maintaining the standards of this fine family forum with fair, even-handed, moderation. Good day to you, sir. 

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