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Ellin's Grove: Dragons and Demons [Sign Ups]


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If someone has a game planned, they are welcome to co opt my sign up thread, but if not, I have a game ready. Target number of players is 20, 25 would be great. Definitely a high power game, some roles will seem VERY powerful, but there are those on both sides.


Rules Note: because some roles can resurrect recently dead players, graveyard invites won't be sent until 1 phase has passed, unless there are no resurrections available.


1. Destiny

2. BHK1978

3. Leion

4. Zergon

5. lukess11

6. Eternal Phoenix

7. Tha Black Phenom

8. Emark

9. DeadCeleb

10. bak42

11. hellshock70

12. Imarevenant

13. Eliphas

14. Too Sweet Spartan

15. moon_lit_tears

16. djthefunkchris

17. Rabbitman






1. michgcs

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