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TEW2020 Attribute Suggestion Thread

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17 hours ago, Spoons said:

Half The Brain That You Do - This worker is adept at turning a bad promo into accidental comedic gold. If a promo score of theirs is too low, there's a chance it will get a much higher rating because the fans found it so amusing.

(For things like Steiner Math and the titular Sid promo.)

It still tickles me that we actually got an attribute named "That Doesn't Work For Me, Brother." 😄 So we need to meme "Half The Brain That You Do" into existence!

Softball Player: There is a chance that this worker will randomly take a hiatus for one to three months. When this happens, a news story will generate talking about what the worker will be doing in the time off. Since it is sudden, there is no incoming warning.

Robotic Speech: When scripted in an angle, the worker will be penalized and the score of the angle will be lowered to simulate how this worker does not sound natural at all talking in their promo as it sounds obvious that they are trying to remember the words they are saying. It is recommended that this worker not be scripted in angles.

Scripted Mess: This worker is better off not being scripted as they are not good at remembering the lines for scripted promos. There is a chance that the worker and angle will be heavily penalized, but it is not definite as there is an outside chance they can remember their lines.

Comfortable In Their Skin: No matter what their sex appeal is, this worker may pose for magazines and possibly get a popularity boost.

Change The Music Back: This worker just got a new theme song, and the fans don't like it one bit because the previous theme song was so iconic. The worker will take a penalty to every segment and match they are in for a period of time. There is also a chance that their momentum may go down one to two levels, and there is an outside chance that their popularity may go down. While this is a temporary attribute that will eventually go away on its own, you have a chance to make it go away immediately and thus get rid of the penalties if the worker is given a new gimmick and it gets a rating of Very Good or higher. However, if the new gimmick is rated Adequate or below, then you are stuck with the penalty. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between one and six months.]

Edited by Mattywood
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Sickly: This worker has a particularly hard time achieving and maintaining any other Body Type than "Skinny" and "Average".

Even Steven: This worker believes any match should allow all participants to showcase all their best moves and look good regardless of the outcome. They will lose morale if booked to lose a match that doesn't have the "Open Match" Road Agent Note even if their opponent is way higher on the food chain and could logically be set to just squash them.

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You Like What I Tell You To Like - This worker would script their fans if they could. When AI controlled and running a company, this worker will always have a figurehead if possible. They will never change the company's figurehead except when absolutely necessary (such as if the original one retires or leaves the company). When AI controlled and booking a company, their title reigns will be skewed heavily in favour of their figurehead (or if there is no figurehead, people they have a positive relationship with), giving them much longer and more dominant reigns than everyone else, regardless of fan reaction or where they are on the card.

Gimmickfluid - This worker can change gimmicks much more frequently than others without incurring a penalty.

Keep On Turning - This worker can change alignments much more frequently than others without incurring a penalty.

Funk Retirement - This worker is currently on one of their many "retirements". They will be unable to wrestle, will be unbookable in matches and angles, and will not complain if left off shows. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between three months and five years.]

Never Liked The Mask Anyway - This worker will always agree to lose their mask, if asked, and will occasionally volunteer to if they think the match or angle would benefit from it.

Not For Me - This worker hates their current gimmick. They get a penalty to every segment they're in, and will always hold back on matches. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts until the worker changes gimmicks.]

Liquid Courage - This worker gets a bonus to match performance when under the influence of drugs or alcohol, however when doing so they are also more likely to forget spots if asked to work a scripted match.

Internet Wrestling Personality - This worker is known in the online wrestling circle. They're more likely to be involved in social media incidents, both positive and negative, and slowly gain popularity even when not working shows. 

Internet Wrestling Celebrity - This worker is famous in the online wrestling circle. They're much more likely to be involved in social media incidents, both positive and negative, and will gain popularity even when not working shows.

Gaijin - This worker is well-known for working in countries other than their own. They will gain popularity faster when working in a foreign country.

Home Grown - This worker is not used to working in countries other than their own. They will gain popularity slower when working in a foreign country.

Poor Sport - When working with an opponent they have a negative relationship with, or when working a match while angry, this worker will try to injure their opponent, massively increasing the match's injury risk.

Punch Puller - This worker is extra careful. Their match ratings are decreased in favour of making their opponent feel safe.

Stiff As Nails - This worker works stiff. Their match ratings are increased at the cost of increasing their opponent's injury risk.

(Alternatively, I've thought of "Work Stiff" as a match note! Increases the match performance rating of everyone in the match, but also increases everyone's injury risk. Maybe also calculates using Puro instead of brawling.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Also A Fan - This worker knows what the fans want, because they want it too. They automatically become a booker, and will slowly gain booking skill even when not booking, and will gain it much faster when they ARE booking. (This attribute does not affect the worker's booking reputation.)

Bad With Money - This worker probably should've retired a long time ago, but they need the money. They'll never leave the business. When they retire from in-ring competition, they'll automatically become an Occasional Wrestler. Also, they're treated as if they have the "Money Motivated" and "Can't Stay Away" attributes.

Barefoot Wrestling - This worker foregoes boots when working a match. When they get an in-ring injury, it's more likely to be one that damages the legs.

Benjamin Button Syndrome - Like a fine wine, this worker actually gets better with age. They will never experience time decline, and will hold off on retirement for an additional 10-20 years, unless forced to via injury.

Better As Figurehead - This worker is naturally suited to being the figurehead of a company. They get a boost to all matches and a slight boost to all non-match segments when working as one. 

Can't Do Tag Teams - This worker just isn't suited for tag team wrestling. They get a penalty to their match performance every time they're in a tag team match.

Nepotist - When working as a booker, this worker will give preferential treatment to those they have a positive relationship with. When hiring, they'll also be a lot more likely to reach out to people they have a positive relationship with.

Stable Specialist - This worker is really good at working in a group of 3 or more, and will get a bonus in matches where they're on a large team.

Twitch Streamer - This worker uses Twitch. They gain popularity even when not working shows.

Veteran - This worker has been in the business a long time. Their respect rises a lot faster than usual. They want to make a good impression on the younger talent, meaning they automatically have a positive backstage influence, regardless of their personality (this doesn't cancel out the special negative properties of personality types like Troublemaker or Agitator). [This attribute is automatically permanent and is given to a worker after 20 years.]

What? - This worker has recently made a new chant that's caught on. Their segment ratings are increased, and their non-match segments lengths are slightly extended because the crowd won't stop chanting it. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between six months and three years.]

Edited by Spoons
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On 3/23/2024 at 9:29 PM, Spoons said:

Funk Retirement - This worker is currently on one of their many "retirements". They will be unable to wrestle, will be unbookable in matches and angles, and will not complain if left off shows. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between three months and five years.]

I like this one. I would maybe add the current effects of the 'Desperado' attribute to it so that the wrestler doesn't retire for real until they are very old as well. That would reflect the kind of schedule a lot of older (55+) wrestlers end up working who can't just bite the bullet and retire.

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  • 1 month later...

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: This worker has recently been involved in a real life event that made them seen in a very positive light. As such, if booked properly, they'll receive a popularity boost. This attribute may last from 3 months to 2 years.

Basically, this attribute is there to simulate workers who saved someone from drowning, stopped a dangerous criminal, or did something spectacularly brave to save a life. Not sure about the name, though, but I had no better idea.

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11 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: This worker has recently been involved in a real life event that made them seen in a very positive light. As such, if booked properly, they'll receive a popularity boost. This attribute may last from 3 months to 2 years.

Basically, this attribute is there to simulate workers who saved someone from drowning, stopped a dangerous criminal, or did something spectacularly brave to save a life. Not sure about the name, though, but I had no better idea.

Could call it Moppy as a tribute to Perry Saturn who was shot saving a woman. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/12/2024 at 5:05 AM, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: This worker has recently been involved in a real life event that made them seen in a very positive light. As such, if booked properly, they'll receive a popularity boost. This attribute may last from 3 months to 2 years.

Basically, this attribute is there to simulate workers who saved someone from drowning, stopped a dangerous criminal, or did something spectacularly brave to save a life. Not sure about the name, though, but I had no better idea.

I was gonna say "So Shines a Good Deed..." to reference Willy Wonka, my favourite movie, but then I realized, it should be something to do with Shad, since he died saving his son, right? It'd be a nice tribute. Maybe "Gaspardian", a mixture of Gaspard, Shad's last name, and guardian? Don't love that name, but it's the first thing I thought of.

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5 hours ago, Spoons said:

I was gonna say "So Shines a Good Deed..." to reference Willy Wonka, my favourite movie, but then I realized, it should be something to do with Shad, since he died saving his son, right? It'd be a nice tribute. Maybe "Gaspardian", a mixture of Gaspard, Shad's last name, and guardian? Don't love that name, but it's the first thing I thought of.

Shad Gaspard was definitely one of the inspirations for this attributes, yes, along with a French wrestler who saved a young woman from an agression a few years ago. But obviously references to Shad would make it more fitting internationally !

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Posted (edited)

Stuck In The Past - While AI controlled and set to book a company, this worker will book in the "old school" style of whatever region they're in (meaning they'll only book singles & tag team matches with occasional multi-person matches for special attractions), regardless of what the company's AI Booking Style is set to.

On A Tight Leash - This worker, while acting as a booker/owner with an inexperienced owner/booker, or while acting as owner AND booker, will completely abuse their power, making wild and erratic hiring decisions and booking choices, basically throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. However, when working with an experienced owner/booker, they behave as normal.

Natural-Born Shiner - This worker has the natural talent to make ANYONE look better in the ring. All of their opponents get a boost to their in-ring match ratings when in 1-on-1 or 2-on-2 matches against them.

Blacklisted - This worker has, one way or another, destroyed their own reputation. AI companies will have a much lower chance of hiring them, and their overall contract value will go way down. Crowds will be put off by seeing them. They cannot form any new positive relationships, and while working as a Road Agent, workers will be a lot less likely to listen to them. When working as an owner or booker, the company's attendance figures will take a massive penalty. [This trait is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 1 and 20 years.]

You Think You Know Me - This worker has an iconic theme song that they take with them everywhere. Their contract value will be higher because of the licensing costs of the song, but in exchange, they get a slight boost to every segment rating because of the song.

Camera Shy - Generally to be used on workers in their rookie year. This worker, when working on a broadcasted event, will naturally hold back, as they're not comfortable being on camera. [This trait is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 3 months and 2 years.]

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It's Chelsea: When rated on Microphone, Acting or Entertainment in an angle that is less than six minutes, this worker has a chance to make gains in their skills & popularity despite being in a short angle as they are known as a worker that maximizes their minutes.

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Posted (edited)

GOD ALMIGHTY! - This worker recently made an iconic call on commentary that they can fall back on. Every show will have at least 1 segment that they're announcing for get a massive boost due to it, with the main event prioritized. The effectiveness of the boost is diminished slightly every time it's used, until eventually fans grow sick of it, at which point it gives a slight penalty, that grows each subsequent time it's used. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 3 months and 2 years.]

Elaborate Entrance - This worker's entrance takes quite a lot of prep work, and/or lasts longer than most. Their segment ratings are improved slightly due to the cool entrance, but every match segment of theirs, and angle during which they're on-screen, has a longer default time because of it.

Working Another Job - This worker has a second job that isn't listed here already. One to three days (decided randomly at the start of the game) will be taken up by this other job, and they will not be able to show up for shows on those days. This trait does not apply if they're making a certain amount of money.

Comedian - This worker is exceptionally good at comedy, standing out amongst a sea of gimmicky wrestlers. They're treated as if they have the "notable comedy match performer" trait, they can successfully play comedy characters even in promotions that would normally be penalized for that, and they add little comedic moments to all of their matches, which boosts the rating, except against wrestlers with the "keeps kayfabe" or "extremely old-school" trait, in which case it lowers the rating, as their opponent doesn't play along.

I Win LOL - This worker wins so much that the fans are sick of it. They get a penalty to the rating of every match they win, but a massive boost to any they lose. If this worker is a champion, the effects of this trait are boosted proportionately to the prestige of the title.

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