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Possibly converting TEW 2013 to TEW 2020

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So I keep mauling over converting TEW 13 up to TEW 20. My question for the more experienced modders is do you think it is worth bringing '13 up to par for '16 first, or waiting until '20 comes out? I know there are some things like broadcasters that definitely need looked at, as well as certain stats and owners stuff (I found a helpful forum post that gives me a bunch of good info). But I don't know if it is worth putting a ton of time into converting now or not?


Any help or insight would be appreciated.

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From experience, there's a limit to how many times you can port data forward and frankly, I'm always a bit hesitant to port it forward to more than one game.


Data rot is real. Since 2020 feels like it might be the standard we all play for a while, you might be better off just redo-ing your mod native in 2020. You'll be able to balance everything for it from the get-go instead of chasing empty data fields and stuff that is no longer balanced to work with the way the game works now.

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I don't know if my initial post made it clear or not, but my plan is to convert CVerse '13 data. I miss playing CVerse 13.


This is entirely doable. But it would take some work. Your best bet would probably be to convert it to 2016 and spend some time updating it before doing a 2020 conversion. That will ensure its a fully functioning 2016 mod before the second conversion, which makes it more likely that the second conversion works better.


The upside to converting the Cverse is that you could look at the 2016 version of the Cverse to see what somethings "should" be, like broadcasters. That makes life easier. Or you could even delete all the broadcasters on the 2013 conversion and import them from 2016, then just add back in the broadcaster deals.


Something to bear in mind is that scaling has changed a bit. I actually quite enjoy the 2013/2014 era Cverse and had tried to convert it to TEW 2016 myself at one point. And it was just a reminder of how much some things have been adjusted. Realize this might be part of the motivation / interest in it, but with certain companies, great ratings are REALLY easy and constant.

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I’m definitely going to convert the first Mod I play in TEW2020 (probably either WCW Lives or Art of War) myself so I can get cracking on the game. After that I’ll play until the better mod makers release proper versions of my favourite mods before deciding on my first long term save.
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  • 3 weeks later...

IF it were me, I would straight up do what Historian suggested, and import whatever people aren't in it from the original 2020 database, include the "names" area's, the workers, new promotions, etc. anything that's not in the original 2013 data I would import.


Then have a look around and see what you need to worry about. It was a good jump from 2013 to 2016, which I think is why everyone is like "NO REDO!". For someone that has no problem generating mods, this might sound ideal, but for most the idea of doing a whole mod from scratch sounds very overwhelming, and also for most it's very hard to stay focused enough to finish.


Doing a conversion allows those that have these troubles to be able to do the necessary fixes as they play, starting up a new game to see how whatever they do effects the database until they get it to where they like it.


I've made plenty of databases for myself, but to make one that is "release" worthy is another story. There is a reason why Modders in this community (especially those that mod TEW and WMMA) are so highly respected. Tons of players "try" to make these mods and when they learn how much goes into it, they know it's tons of "real" work... Not just fun stuff. Lots of testing (fun), lots of homework/research (tough). Lots of just trying to understand how each stat, each piece of the puzzle works in conjunction with the other (hard, but sometimes fun).


As far as converting an actual game save, if you really want to I would use the new data, change the game to the year you're in, and open up your 2013 game and look at everything that matters and change it in the new database. I will say I've tried, and for me it was very frustrating, sometimes because it was something obvious I missed...but it felt very tedious to get it all the promotions right.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is entirely doable. But it would take some work. Your best bet would probably be to convert it to 2016 and spend some time updating it before doing a 2020 conversion. That will ensure its a fully functioning 2016 mod before the second conversion, which makes it more likely that the second conversion works better.


The upside to converting the Cverse is that you could look at the 2016 version of the Cverse to see what somethings "should" be, like broadcasters. That makes life easier. Or you could even delete all the broadcasters on the 2013 conversion and import them from 2016, then just add back in the broadcaster deals.


Something to bear in mind is that scaling has changed a bit. I actually quite enjoy the 2013/2014 era Cverse and had tried to convert it to TEW 2016 myself at one point. And it was just a reminder of how much some things have been adjusted. Realize this might be part of the motivation / interest in it, but with certain companies, great ratings are REALLY easy and constant.


This is what I did but I didn't really notice any problems with it.

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Something to bear in mind is that scaling has changed a bit. I actually quite enjoy the 2013/2014 era Cverse and had tried to convert it to TEW 2016 myself at one point. And it was just a reminder of how much some things have been adjusted. Realize this might be part of the motivation / interest in it, but with certain companies, great ratings are REALLY easy and constant.


There is a C-Verse 2014 for 2016 mod by the way. I have played a few games on it.

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So I keep mauling over converting TEW 13 up to TEW 20. My question for the more experienced modders is do you think it is worth bringing '13 up to par for '16 first, or waiting until '20 comes out? I know there are some things like broadcasters that definitely need looked at, as well as certain stats and owners stuff (I found a helpful forum post that gives me a bunch of good info). But I don't know if it is worth putting a ton of time into converting now or not?


Any help or insight would be appreciated.


One thing to consider is 2020 has the tool to scale a database back or forward, including their skills. So it might be easier too do that with the new data and rework everything else (popularity, contracts, etc) from there.

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