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Tag Teams / Stables / Naming Thread Suggestions

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13 hours ago, falling_star said:

So, I'm working on an original mod right now, and looking for a stable name for a Japanese fed called Pro Wrestling DREAM. The main 'heel' stable of the fed is called The Royal Guard, and to rival them I wanted to name the face stable something along the lines of The Peoples' Army... but all the translations I can find are specifically communist (which is JINMIN-GUN). So, I'm looking for another name... I don't want to name it after the lead wrestler in the stable, though, which would be NISHIMURA-GUN.


So... ideas?

What do you think about "Hanran-gun" which roughly translates to "rebel/insurrection army"?

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Any ideas for a duo of Andrew Harper and Lug Phelan? I'm essentially giving them the Sheamus/Cesaro or Sheamus/McIntyre team up where they have several matches beating each other up and then find that they just love fighting together so decide to team up. Both very much have characters of being wild chaotic brawlers. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling if that helps the vibe. 


I've toyed the with the idea of just giving them a name similar to the Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks - you know more of a sentence describing them rather than any fancy name - but wondered if you guys had anything snappier 

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8 hours ago, Inky The Squid Boy said:

Any ideas for a duo of Andrew Harper and Lug Phelan? I'm essentially giving them the Sheamus/Cesaro or Sheamus/McIntyre team up where they have several matches beating each other up and then find that they just love fighting together so decide to team up. Both very much have characters of being wild chaotic brawlers. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling if that helps the vibe. 


I've toyed the with the idea of just giving them a name similar to the Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks - you know more of a sentence describing them rather than any fancy name - but wondered if you guys had anything snappier 

What do you think abou "The Burgh's Brawling Brothers"?

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8 hours ago, Inky The Squid Boy said:

Any ideas for a duo of Andrew Harper and Lug Phelan? I'm essentially giving them the Sheamus/Cesaro or Sheamus/McIntyre team up where they have several matches beating each other up and then find that they just love fighting together so decide to team up. Both very much have characters of being wild chaotic brawlers. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling if that helps the vibe. 


I've toyed the with the idea of just giving them a name similar to the Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks - you know more of a sentence describing them rather than any fancy name - but wondered if you guys had anything snappier 

Warforged springs to mind? Their team is FORGED through their WARS together, also FORGE and Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.

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Does anyone have any name for the Kacy Catanzaro-Kayden Carter team that isn't "Team Ninja" ? I've come up with a few ideas myself, but most sound a bit too much like other teams I already have: Light of the Party, The KCs, 2KC4U, The Killer Cats, The Killer Cuties, ...

Ideally, I'd want something neutral enough that it can be re-used if I change their gimmicks, but really, I'm open to any suggestions.

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4 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

Does anyone have any name for the Kacy Catanzaro-Kayden Carter team that isn't "Team Ninja" ? I've come up with a few ideas myself, but most sound a bit too much like other teams I already have: Light of the Party, The KCs, 2KC4U, The Killer Cats, The Killer Cuties, ...

Ideally, I'd want something neutral enough that it can be re-used if I change their gimmicks, but really, I'm open to any suggestions.


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15 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

Does anyone have any name for the Kacy Catanzaro-Kayden Carter team that isn't "Team Ninja" ? I've come up with a few ideas myself, but most sound a bit too much like other teams I already have: Light of the Party, The KCs, 2KC4U, The Killer Cats, The Killer Cuties, ...

Ideally, I'd want something neutral enough that it can be re-used if I change their gimmicks, but really, I'm open to any suggestions.


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14 hours ago, Captain Kayfabe said:


I've thought about this one already, but in French, it would read as "Cassez-tout", so "Break it all". Now, you might think it's not a problem, since breaking stuff is more or less expected in wrestling, but my stupid brain has been looping a song because of that. So yeah, I like the idea, but I'll keep my mental health in check and choose not to use KC2 (and 2KC, who has the same result but with a different song).

11 hours ago, Derek B said:

Surely those two would be The Sunshine Band 😛


... I mean, as stupid as it sounds, I kinda like the idea honestly. They would never turn heel that way, but I kinda want a pairing with Naomi in a Disco stable now. Dammit.

2 hours ago, Mokoa said:


Is there a secret meaning behind the letters, or is it just a pun, either on Jericho or "Why two KC ?" ?

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I am having a six man ladder match akin to Money in the Bank and it's held at WCW Mayhem. I can't figure out what to call the match though. I thought about calling it Total Mayhem, but not a fan. The winner will likely call themself Mr Mayhem, but calling the match that sounds silly. 

Also, looking for a mid 90s sounding name for Christopher Daniels under the Suicide mask. 

Edited by Jaysin
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I got a challenge for you guys... 2008, Jayson Paul (JTG) and Prince Devitt have good chemistry as a tag team and both are pretty over. Need a good name, not picky about the theme. Just something that is a bit on the "cooler" side. 


Also, adding on: I need a KENTA / Samoa Joe tag team name. 

Edited by Peria
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6 hours ago, Peria said:

I got a challenge for you guys... 2008, Jayson Paul (JTG) and Prince Devitt have good chemistry as a tag team and both are pretty over. Need a good name, not picky about the theme. Just something that is a bit on the "cooler" side. 


Also, adding on: I need a KENTA / Samoa Joe tag team name. 

The Hitmarker for JTG and Devitt

The Checkpoint, Two Calamities as OneThe Tyrants or The Machines for KENTA and Joe

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was originally planning to push them on their own, but I threw the two together to fill a spot in a tag tournament and they ended up having great chemistry, so here we are: does anyone have a suggestion for the team of Ava Cherry (Solo Darling) and Selena Busch (Sandra Moone) ? Gimmick wise, they're pretty much their indy self, so bubbly fan favorites.

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Hi all. Long time lurker here, finally decided to post because I'm in a bit of a conundrum and I need help 😅

I'm starting a new game playing HGC in C97 and I've decided to create a stable - to really push - that's basically an evil Christian fundamentalist cult led by Pablo Rodriguez, with Soul Taker as a henchman (haven't settled on the other members). I can't for the life of me think of a good name for them, looking for something that sounds religious, ominous and... well... Mexican. Any ideas?

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11 minutes ago, cesspool said:

Hi all. Long time lurker here, finally decided to post because I'm in a bit of a conundrum and I need help 😅

I'm starting a new game playing HGC in C97 and I've decided to create a stable - to really push - that's basically an evil Christian fundamentalist cult led by Pablo Rodriguez, with Soul Taker as a henchman (haven't settled on the other members). I can't for the life of me think of a good name for them, looking for something that sounds religious, ominous and... well... Mexican. Any ideas?

Legion de la Luna/Legion de Luna aka Legion of the Moon/Legion of Moon

Sounds Goth and Hispanic. 

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2 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Legion de la Luna/Legion de Luna aka Legion of the Moon/Legion of Moon

Sounds Goth and Hispanic. 


Every name that I think of comes across a little bit more pagan than Christian, which is the case of Legion de Luna imo. I do love the sound of it though. Maybe I'll just make them a Christian / pagan cult 😅

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55 minutes ago, cesspool said:


Every name that I think of comes across a little bit more pagan than Christian, which is the case of Legion de Luna imo. I do love the sound of it though. Maybe I'll just make them a Christian / pagan cult 😅

I was thinking less Christian and more generic religion, but what about Orden de la Cruz? According to Google Translate it means Order of the Cross

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6 hours ago, Jaysin said:

I was thinking less Christian and more generic religion, but what about Orden de la Cruz? According to Google Translate it means Order of the Cross

"Orden de la Cruz" or maybe "Orden de las Cruces" could work! I'd also thought of "El Credo", but it sounds a little generic to me. 

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I'mma throw some phrases out there, let me know if any of them sound aesthetically like what you're looking for:


Nuestro Señor  -  Our Lord

Cuerpo de Cristo  - Body of Christ

Santa Virgen  - Blessed Virgin

Espiritu Santo  - Holy Spirit

Luz del Mundo  - Light of the World


You could maybe combine them with certain other words, like Ejercito (Army), Orden (Order), Grupo (Group), Hombres (Men), etc. to make a good stable name. 


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13 hours ago, stiffkick80x said:

I'mma throw some phrases out there, let me know if any of them sound aesthetically like what you're looking for:


Nuestro Señor  -  Our Lord

Cuerpo de Cristo  - Body of Christ

Santa Virgen  - Blessed Virgin

Espiritu Santo  - Holy Spirit

Luz del Mundo  - Light of the World


You could maybe combine them with certain other words, like Ejercito (Army), Orden (Order), Grupo (Group), Hombres (Men), etc. to make a good stable name. 


Ooh, I really like these. Thank you! Really feeling “Santa Virgen”, think I’ll end up going with it.

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