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Thunderverse Discussion Thread

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I like the idea of PWI becoming a sort of inverse WWE. They are the biggest thing in wrestling, but have the wrestling world sick of amazing matches and starved of charismatic bodybuilders in a 20 minute angles.


Would be nice to see the usual underdog workrate promotions vs entertainment juggernaut pattern reversed. As long as it doesn't bring back NOTBPW flashbacks for CVerse players.

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These are mostly ideas I've come up with for saves, some that I've mentioned in these threads.


- I want to see an American company, maybe CWT, go full-blown NWA Powerrr and commit to old-school studio wrestling for a nostalgia-loving Internet audience.


- Ditto to the suggestion for Skym to be doing something big somewhere and to the Lucha Underground idea.


- Having a company, probably AWF (like WWE... everywhere) or UPJ (like NJPW America), doing shows in other game areas would be cool. I like the idea of there being a clear-cut No. 1 in the world that you can either run or try to topple. But I get the reasons against that, too.


- WRESTLERAGE is open and doing a BJPW-style split between deathmatch and teeth-rattling strong style. Or someone has convinced BOSS Nagata to do that in LETHAL.


- I feel like DRAGON will have gotten raided too much, but I'm interested in seeing where they go.


- And, while it's played out to just copy some from the real world... if AWF is back on its feet and PWI has taken a hit, having an emerging third, AEW-ish promotion would be a lot of fun. Something wrestler-owned and operated that is more performance-based but doesn't take itself nearly as seriously as PWI. (This is where I pitch my idea of Alejandro Iglesias, Sean Girven, Nathan Jordan and a few friends to be named later becoming The Elite of UPJ.)

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<p>As per usual, The Women's Scene is one of the biggest positives of TVerse for me, and I'm hoping to see more love shown to it. A stronger Canadian Women's scene, as was previously mentioned, a small but growing Australin women's scene (Which certainly does have some talent, but a small women's promotion somewhere in Oceana would be awesome), and we need Pro Wrestling STARDOM! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Really curious to see how the AWW/AMAZON war has played out, Hoping you guys don't do a CVerse and kill one of them off. I loved having two strong women's promotion going at it. Be curious to see who's been pouched. I'm assuming my Chelsea Lane is with AWF by now...but hoping not, cause I loved booking her as the centerpiece of AWW. </p><p> </p><p>

Forgive me if this in incorrect, been a bit since i played it (I'd rather play a database made for TEW20 than convert a 16 Database) but If I recall PWI had a women's championship render, but no active division. Curious to see if that's changed. </p><p> </p><p>

Hoping PEWWA is still running strong and in 20 I can recreate one of my favorite games from 16. Ran AWW and had Jolene LaFontaine and the Girard Sisters come in as a foreign stable. They became my top Heel Stable and LaFontaine a 2x AWW Champion and the Girard Sisters 4x AWW Tag Champs. I had an over 2 year run with them at or near the top of roster. That's even with switching to a weekly schedule after a year or so, so i got a ton of mileage out of that trio.</p><p> </p><p>

Wouldn't mind a U.K. women's promotion either...I know, it's probably unlikely that each area will get one, but this would make some sense. Jess Hart retires (or switches to part time) and heada back to England to develop the next generation of Women's wrestlers. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

So yeah...I've seriously already given this some real thought, even before you asked. lol. I Love the Thunderverse. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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I might go back to EMOJI in a few days but this seemed appropriate given the events of the last 24 hours (It will be included in the full mod too so it's not just an avatar exclusive :))


Oh man, a Hana tribute on the Tverse would be awesome. <3 Thanks so much.


For what I would like to see...


Shane Allman ruined. That's it, lol no ok but I would like to see PWI struggling and, as some other have suggested, maybe an AEW type of promotion (with the wrestling nirvana product) trying to capitalize.


I always move GWS to a more "edgy" product to represent their "rebel" side so maybe finally see them with an identity (maybe having found a wrestler like David Starr who is great and has this political views that prevent him from finding work anywhere else so he thrives with the Rosario brothers).


In Mexico I'd like to see CLLM bringing the fight to IMPERIO (with Acuatico's return and a new promising youngster quickly rising up the card) and, in general, maybe more exóticos and mini wrestlers (maybe even set up a more lucha burlesque promotion set up in Cancún or something)


Oh and Terry Thunder setting hi promotion, we need more Thunder in the Thunderverse :D

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Here's a few I've thought of off the top of my head.


UPJ and either DIASPORA/HONOUR make up a bit and end the war. Maybe it even turns into a working agreement of sorts! With the expanded talent trades and such, putting on supershows like the ones that happen IRL would be awesome. Plus, having Katsuhiko Ishii or Nobuhisa Yasutake in an Ozeki Summit would be awesome. Or a DIASPORA Four or Kuzuryu in the Junior Mountain Cup!


New company relationships can be used extensively with puro companies. UPJ and GBWF excursion agreement anyone?? DRAGON/DIASPORA seems obvious as well.


GBWF has a awesome set of talent there that will be in their prime come 2020. Darren Williams, Danny McManus, Thomas Beaumount, others. Graham Mackenzie should still be active as well, best technician in the world. I'd love to see GBWF have a high Medium company size. I don't think they start with a tv deal in 2016 which imo is a travesty. They have the talent for it.


This is more general but with the new scheduling system in 2020, the puro companies should have some more tournaments added. UPJ has two, and almost every poster here adds "The United Cup" as well, so my vote is to just make it canon :p DIASPORA and HONOUR have zero tournaments in the database I believe. Tag leagues would be freakin awesome.


Does Junichi Matsuo take LETHAL to the next level, or does he leave? LETHAL should DEFINITELY use a Junior/Deathmatch product as well!


Does Fergus Storm become a junior ace? Or will he flounder in the midcard? In Sonoda still kicking around at 50 something?


What happens to Seven Brandt? He is a superstar in the making and can be a star in the USA or Japan. Obviously I'd prefer Japan but I can see him making it in either PWI or AWF as well. OR, he becomes the figurehead that HGC needs to become a serious #3!


I'd be shocked if James Gilmour remained with HONOUR and didn't go back to America to join either PWI or AWF to be with his family members.


Two of my favorite guys in the game are Sean Girven and Nathan Jordan. I never signed Alejandro Lopez to round out the trio, but he can be included in this as well. The three of them seem to want to stick together, and all three are uber talented and can be main eventers in a rather quick time, so I am very curious as to where they go. I'm thinking Japan. Do they stick together and form a small faction? TLLK mentioned them becoming the T-Verse The Elite somewhere.


Magnus Stonebreaker will have debuted already (hopefully with a couple alt renders :p). He is the T-Verse's Kurt Angle IMO and is another that can end up anywhere. He should be working main events for SOMEONE come 2020. For other young guys, Mattias Taylor? Gao Xi? EMOJI?????


A few others mentioned Thunder Championship Wrestling, but personally I feel like Golden Age Wrestling already filled that role and ultimately failed. Unless there's a twist to it somehow. If the company DOES come into existence, my bet is Seven Brandt is the figurehead!


Dragon Prince's talents would be wasted in Shikoku Pro. He needs to leave and go somewhere that can use him. Maybe this is the UPJ stan in me talking, but Prince could be the one to reinvigorate the UPJ junior division. They still haven't quite recovered since the DIASPORA exodus.


I also vote for Skym opening a cinematic company somewhere!


As TLLK mentioned, with the new block tapings, the NWA Powerrr void now needs to be filled! CWT seems like the obvious choice, or someone in the AWC. Speaking of AWC, will they still be around? The alliance seemed to be in a weak spot to start.


Adelwolf's GWS idea is awesome. That's all. I love me some David Starr.


As Matt_Black mentioned, more title renders would be great if possible. Obviously that's a lot of work though. Some of the yet to open companies don't have renders, or even title belts in the data at all. I manually go through and change the names and renders when new companies open in my six-year save.


I'm sure I'll have plenty more to post about soon :D

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<p>Iglesias/Jordan/Girven found All Elite Wrestling!</p><p> </p><p>

I kinda like the pitch Dalton had for HONOUR/DIASPORA and honestly Im going to steal an aspect of it for some game down the line. I love the thought that theres three puro companies: a junior-centric one, a heavyweight centric one, a joshi centric one and they're all three sister companies. They sometimes cohost big events together. Juniors who want to get big would naturally head of the heavyweight centric one. The purpose of divying up the company would be just to avoid spotlighting one division over the other. Could even have stables that extend from one promotion to another and that sort of stuff. </p><p> </p><p>

Idk if its possible but since the game wont let you have other companies on your network, maybe a Reverie style company (just not as insanely huge) can own all three companies and give them shows on their network. </p><p> </p><p>

Anyways, I'll be happy with anything that happens tbh.</p>

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I want to see the puro companies having more varied schedules. An Ozeki Summit tour pre-built with 18ish dates, for example. Maybe some down time during the year for certain companies. Just something other than 6 tour dates, event, 6 tour dates, event, etc. for everyone.
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Interesting ideas so far! Some match our own thoughts, some definitely do not and some are certainly getting the creative cogs whirring! Keep them coming :D


I'd love to see a bit of a tag team revival in the US. We lost some great teams over the last couple of versions (Van Holts, British Hart Family, EOTM, Paros, Dead or Alive, Enemies of the State off the top of my head). Maybe it's just me but not many of the new additions really connected in the same way. I'd love for tag team wrestling to become a bit more important to one of the top US promotions, maybe even the creation of an all tag/6 man/8 man development territory to create a pipeline for one of them.

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I'd love to see a bit of a tag team revival in the US. We lost some great teams over the last couple of versions (Van Holts, British Hart Family, EOTM, Paros, Dead or Alive, Enemies of the State off the top of my head). Maybe it's just me but not many of the new additions really connected in the same way. I'd love for tag team wrestling to become a bit more important to one of the top US promotions, maybe even the creation of an all tag/6 man/8 man development territory to create a pipeline for one of them.


There have been some great teams split over the years, you are right, and who can forget Casey Skym's brief abolition of the tag titles! Two of the newest teams that I've really taken to are ALPHA and The Gibson Brothers. The latter are just a good old fashioned brute tandem (kind of like the Dawsons but with slightly more class if anyone has been watching NWA Powerrr). The former...I am not sure why I like them really, but I just think they work really well as a duo. Don't worry though, the indy scene in particular will see something of a tag resurgence before we're done!

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So I heard there's an Italy-based company in the Thunderverse, what are they like? Since they're basically in my backyard, I might give 'em a try. :D


Relatively old-school in style, with a battle between two families making up the main storyline in the company. I've found them to be one of my favourite male European promotions; they are less gimmicky than SCW or N-EW and more interesting than the soulless UWT. Plus you've got two different gameplay experiences ready for you based on whether you choose to side with the Calicchios or the Battaglias! :D

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There have been some great teams split over the years, you are right, and who can forget Casey Skym's brief abolition of the tag titles! Two of the newest teams that I've really taken to are ALPHA and The Gibson Brothers. The latter are just a good old fashioned brute tandem (kind of like the Dawsons but with slightly more class if anyone has been watching NWA Powerrr). The former...I am not sure why I like them really, but I just think they work really well as a duo. Don't worry though, the indy scene in particular will see something of a tag resurgence before we're done!


Awesome to hear :)


I do love the Gibson Brothers as well, and very thankful that *touch wood* Poisonous Apathy have so far avoided that fate.


Relatively old-school in style, with a battle between two families making up the main storyline in the company. I've found them to be one of my favourite male European promotions; they are less gimmicky than SCW or N-EW and more interesting than the soulless UWT. Plus you've got two different gameplay experiences ready for you based on whether you choose to side with the Calicchios or the Battaglias! :D


They've got some insane talent as well, I've never delved too deep with the IWF because I don't feel like I know enough about Italy, but I imagine they can be quite easily turned into a high grades machine if that's your thing.

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So I heard there's an Italy-based company in the Thunderverse, what are they like? Since they're basically in my backyard, I might give 'em a try. :D


Not by the game now so speaking from memory, but basically they're awesome. The top of the card is very talented. I have the most experience playing with Leonzio Battaglia and Nicolo Calichio and they are great workers from two rival families.

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This may not be doable, but I figured I'd float the idea. With the new Stable set up and being able to have Stable specific backgrounds in your promotion, a Thunderverse GIF package would be pretty awesome to have. If possible, of course.


Maybe would be doable (not a render guy so jhd might be the best port of call) but with the bordering on the pics and such, could be a hassle. One to ponder over.

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Maybe would be doable (not a render guy so jhd might be the best port of call) but with the bordering on the pics and such, could be a hassle. One to ponder over.


I imagine it would work with or without the border? Might look better if there is a way to delete the background layer from previous renders without removing the borders.

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Relatively old-school in style, with a battle between two families making up the main storyline in the company. I've found them to be one of my favourite male European promotions; they are less gimmicky than SCW or N-EW and more interesting than the soulless UWT. Plus you've got two different gameplay experiences ready for you based on whether you choose to side with the Calicchios or the Battaglias! :D


Awesome to hear :)


I do love the Gibson Brothers as well, and very thankful that *touch wood* Poisonous Apathy have so far avoided that fate.




They've got some insane talent as well, I've never delved too deep with the IWF because I don't feel like I know enough about Italy, but I imagine they can be quite easily turned into a high grades machine if that's your thing.


Not by the game now so speaking from memory, but basically they're awesome. The top of the card is very talented. I have the most experience playing with Leonzio Battaglia and Nicolo Calichio and they are great workers from two rival families.


Somehow, the fact that a promotion based in Italy is all about a family feud does not surprise me in the least. :D By the way, if the author(s) of the mod need some help with the language or with drafting believable backgrounds for the rookies, I can help. :p

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Somehow, the fact that a promotion based in Italy is all about a family feud does not surprise me in the least. :D By the way, if the author(s) of the mod need some help with the language or with drafting believable backgrounds for the rookies, I can help. :p


The only wish I have for the IWF is that there is some consistency in the spelling of Battaglia/Battalgia :p I assume it's the former but it's literally 50/50 in the names and bios lol

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The only wish I have for the IWF is that there is some consistency in the spelling of Battaglia/Battalgia :p I assume it's the former but it's literally 50/50 in the names and bios lol


Maybe it'll be revealed it was two Batt... families all along. They can have an NWO Wolfpac thing going on.

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I'd love to see a bit of a tag team revival in the US. We lost some great teams over the last couple of versions (Van Holts, British Hart Family, EOTM, Paros, Dead or Alive, Enemies of the State off the top of my head). Maybe it's just me but not many of the new additions really connected in the same way. I'd love for tag team wrestling to become a bit more important to one of the top US promotions, maybe even the creation of an all tag/6 man/8 man development territory to create a pipeline for one of them.


Adding to this, I'm curious what happens to The Staffordshire Saints. Splitting time between GBWF and GWS now, could sign for good somewhere else.

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