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SWF: Supreme Wrestling Federation

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Eric Eisen, as commissioner, causes Golden to lose. Setting up a weird Austin/McMahon style storyline. I don't like this as much because Rocky doesn't seem like the anti-hero type, but maybe Eric sees Golden as his brother/father's choice as the face of the company and he wants to insert someone else (Crippler? Remo? Davids? Spade?) and builds a stable to keep Golden down until he wins it back at Supreme Challenge.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Start by having Eisen help Rocky succeed. Rulings, stipulations etc. Makes it look like Eric has turned over a new leaf and is going to be "by the book". Over time the "fairness" becomes "help" and the help becomes less subtle. Eventually its obvious Eric is trying to keep Rocky on top. Its revealed that Eric wants to make sure the SWF's cash cow continues to print money for the company. Rocky refuses the help which leads Eric to groom another "figurehead". I'd go with Davids (looks the part and is fairly young). </p><p> </p><p> I'm tired of the corrupt GM trying to screw the faces because she or he doesn't like them. That's not how a real GM would act. Its cartoony, maybe he can laugh maniacally and twirl his mustache while he's at it. His motivation would be to make the most money and accumulate the most power possible. Rocky would be the obvious choice. When Rocky rebuffs him the pride gets hurt and he sees the need to install someone loyal to him. </p><p> </p><p> It would have to be done carefully so the fans don't see this as an in story uber push and react like fans do when they sense someone being pushed down their throat. But it can be done and Rocky can look human and noble through this. Though it work better as a way to turn him heel (he accepts the "anointed hero" role and the help) but that's not going to happen.</p><p> </p><p> And even after Rocky says he doesn't want help Eisen apologizes (new at this, worried, want to succeed) then begins slowly building Davids up. Eventually Eisen stabs Rocky in the back (but still denies it) and gets his corporate icon on top.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rufas2000" data-cite="rufas2000" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm tired of the corrupt GM trying to screw the faces because she or he doesn't like them. That's not how a real GM would act. Its cartoony, maybe he can laugh maniacally and twirl his mustache while he's at it. His motivation would be to make the most money and accumulate the most power possible. Rocky would be the obvious choice. When Rocky rebuffs him the pride gets hurt and he sees the need to install someone loyal to him. <p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am also not a huge fan of the corrupt official, or a heel authority figure in general at this point. Although I do think a Dario Cueto in Lucha Underground esque villain works really well. An authority figure who just wants violence for the sake of violence, and because he knows that what the bloodthirsty fans really want. Sorta like a Dana White turned up afew notches. I could totally see Eric in this role.</p>
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<p>How do people generally start new storylines when others end? Start fresh or "preserve" the heat from the ending storylines? </p><p> </p><p>

Example scenario with starting SWF storylines: Lets say Rocky vs Scythe is at 75 heat and Remo vs Rogue vs Valiant is at 85 (after a month or two). Remo is going to be in a World Title feud with Rocky and the rest are all going their separate ways. Would you end both storylines and make a new Rocky vs Remo, or would you add Rocky to the 85 heat storyline and remove Rogue and Valiant?</p><p> </p><p>

It may not matter at all, since it seems a segment or two can cause big gains and losses in the storyline heat anyway. I'm not sure if the more segments a storyline has causes a more stable heat score, even if the workers are changed up. Just seeing other people's strategy on this.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Grfcboy95" data-cite="Grfcboy95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You have to find a way for Golden to come out looking strong and having a reason to feud with someone else rather than going straight back to the World Title, assuming you don't want to hotshot it straight back to him. There's any number of heels on the roster but depends on how you want to do it. Atom Smasher always seems to have a reason to me, Golden is THE hero of SWF, Smasher is a hero gone rogue so to speak. I've talked about it before but always seems like a ready made character to target the big good guys. You could also do someone like Remo, although you'd want to save that for a big PPV most likely. Or you can do a brash young guy like Starr, Spade, Davids etc who thinks Golden will finally give them the attention and respect they deserve. Hope this helps and didn't go too ramblely.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was thinking of having the Pain Alliance attack Golden the night of Hell Freezes Over previous to the match or during Goldens entrance AND having Scythe interfere or distract Golden as well. Then Golden gets his rematch but cant get the title back due to continued Pain Alliance and Scythe interference and then he gets another shot because he agrees that if he doesnt beat Crippler in a cage match he doesnt get any more shots at Cripplers Title.</p><p> </p><p> I originally wanted to have Eric behind everything as a way to seize power from Jerry or assert his control over SWF but it doesnt quite seem like the right course of action for Eric to get the upper hand or complete control of SWF.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheOtherJamesCameron" data-cite="TheOtherJamesCameron" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A couple ideas:<p> </p><p> 1. The feud with Scythe continues, and Scythe interferes or distracts to cost Golden the belt. Setting up a Casket Match or something of the like in the future.</p><p> </p><p> 2. Eric Eisen, as commissioner, causes Golden to lose. Setting up a weird Austin/McMahon style storyline. I don't like this as much because Rocky doesn't seem like the anti-hero type, but maybe Eric sees Golden as his brother/father's choice as the face of the company and he wants to insert someone else (Crippler? Remo? Davids? Spade?) and builds a stable to keep Golden down until he wins it back at Supreme Challenge.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> 1. I feel Scythe fits very easily considering his recent loss to Golden in January, so I think Scythe will distract, interefere or cause some shenanigans in the PPV match between Crippler/Golden.</p><p> </p><p> 2. I'm definitely wanting to have Eric and Jerry in a power struggle. Eric seems like a character that will always want more and would believe hes a better choice for leading SWF and Emma Chase would definitely be fanning any ambitious flames of Eric to the ultimate degree. It just doesnt click though that Eric would go against Golden for me. So I'm thinking Scythe is involved and also the Pain Alliance attack Golden and later on it would be because they were paid to attack him or they were just trying to get into the spotlight with a feud with Golden.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rufas2000" data-cite="rufas2000" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Start by having Eisen help Rocky succeed. Rulings, stipulations etc. Makes it look like Eric has turned over a new leaf and is going to be "by the book". Over time the "fairness" becomes "help" and the help becomes less subtle. Eventually its obvious Eric is trying to keep Rocky on top. Its revealed that Eric wants to make sure the SWF's cash cow continues to print money for the company. Rocky refuses the help which leads Eric to groom another "figurehead". I'd go with Davids (looks the part and is fairly young). <p> </p><p> I'm tired of the corrupt GM trying to screw the faces because she or he doesn't like them. That's not how a real GM would act. Its cartoony, maybe he can laugh maniacally and twirl his mustache while he's at it. His motivation would be to make the most money and accumulate the most power possible. Rocky would be the obvious choice. When Rocky rebuffs him the pride gets hurt and he sees the need to install someone loyal to him. </p><p> </p><p> It would have to be done carefully so the fans don't see this as an in story uber push and react like fans do when they sense someone being pushed down their throat. But it can be done and Rocky can look human and noble through this. Though it work better as a way to turn him heel (he accepts the "anointed hero" role and the help) but that's not going to happen.</p><p> </p><p> And even after Rocky says he doesn't want help Eisen apologizes (new at this, worried, want to succeed) then begins slowly building Davids up. Eventually Eisen stabs Rocky in the back (but still denies it) and gets his corporate icon on top.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like this idea a ton. What do you think of Eric choosing Rogue as his "corporate champ"? Rogue and Eisen's characters seem to mesh together well for me, two scheming heels. Or Eric's first choice is Rogue, but when Rogue falters Eric turns to Remo?</p>
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I was thinking of having the Pain Alliance attack Golden the night of Hell Freezes Over previous to the match or during Goldens entrance AND having Scythe interfere or distract Golden as well. Then Golden gets his rematch but cant get the title back due to continued Pain Alliance and Scythe interference and then he gets another shot because he agrees that if he doesnt beat Crippler in a cage match he doesnt get any more shots at Cripplers Title.


I originally wanted to have Eric behind everything as a way to seize power from Jerry or assert his control over SWF but it doesnt quite seem like the right course of action for Eric to get the upper hand or complete control of SWF.


Pain Alliance is an interesting choice. Personally I'd use Golden to rub shoulders with young guys who are the future of the company. Scythe is a good option of course, there is in built history. I think you said Feb PPV was when Crippler beats Golden? Here's how id map out my next few Golden matches, assuming Pain Alliance and Scythe are involved.


March PPV- Golden Vs Pain Alliance handicap match. Finally wins and gets them somewhat off his case. Hasn't forgotten about Scythe, challenges him to a casket match.


April PPV- Golden vs Scythe. Could go a few ways here, I'd personally have Golden win but if you are willing to leave Golden off TV for a while, Scythe can milk this win for all its worth. It also gets you closer to SC40 if he's off TV.


May PPV- Golden Vs Crippler in Steel cage. Stip being that if Golden loses, he can't challenge Crippler for the title again. This is assuming Golden beats Scythe.


Do you want Golden to win the title back sooner or later? Whats your SC40 main event plan? Your dream match? I like drawing my stories out so I'd honestly find a way to not put Golden in the title match until Supreme Challenge.

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Pain Alliance is an interesting choice. Personally I'd use Golden to rub shoulders with young guys who are the future of the company. Scythe is a good option of course, there is in built history. I think you said Feb PPV was when Crippler beats Golden? Here's how id map out my next few Golden matches, assuming Pain Alliance and Scythe are involved.


March PPV- Golden Vs Pain Alliance handicap match. Finally wins and gets them somewhat off his case. Hasn't forgotten about Scythe, challenges him to a casket match.


April PPV- Golden vs Scythe. Could go a few ways here, I'd personally have Golden win but if you are willing to leave Golden off TV for a while, Scythe can milk this win for all its worth. It also gets you closer to SC40 if he's off TV.


May PPV- Golden Vs Crippler in Steel cage. Stip being that if Golden loses, he can't challenge Crippler for the title again. This is assuming Golden beats Scythe.


Do you want Golden to win the title back sooner or later? Whats your SC40 main event plan? Your dream match? I like drawing my stories out so I'd honestly find a way to not put Golden in the title match until Supreme Challenge.


I'm still in the planning stage for it all. I feel like Golden would push for a rematch ASAP so I might go with Golden/Crippler again at March PPV and Golden wins but by DQ from Scythe/Pain Alliance interference so Crippler keeps the strap. Which leads to the steel cage match for the 3rd match. I haven't decided when that happens though. I was thinking a handicap match or Valiant and Golden vs Pain Alliance.

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I like this idea a ton. What do you think of Eric choosing Rogue as his "corporate champ"? Rogue and Eisen's characters seem to mesh together well for me, two scheming heels. Or Eric's first choice is Rogue, but when Rogue falters Eric turns to Remo?


I like both of those. Davids is younger than Remo and looks the part more than Rogue so that's why I chose him but any of them would work.


Also Davids needs a push to super stardom. Remo is already there.


I do like Rogue and Eisen together as you say, more as co conspirators with Davids or another young stud being the focal point.

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Nuclear Growth Hormone


I like both of those. Davids is younger than Remo and looks the part more than Rogue so that's why I chose him but any of them would work.


Also Davids needs a push to super stardom. Remo is already there.


I do like Rogue and Eisen together as you say, more as co conspirators with Davids or another young stud being the focal point.


Davids doesn't do much for me, but I'll definitely consider him, Atom Smasher has the Midas Touch right now so I could exploit that and say that Eric Eisen has access to a "nuclear" growth hormone and he's supplying it to Atom Smasher in return for Smasher doing his dirty work.

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Davids doesn't do much for me, but I'll definitely consider him, Atom Smasher has the Midas Touch right now so I could exploit that and say that Eric Eisen has access to a "nuclear" growth hormone and he's supplying it to Atom Smasher in return for Smasher doing his dirty work.


To me Remo would be the next choice. As far as Atom Smasher I like the idea. I'd go with making him more human. Would any GM want his company headlined by a mutant? Edit: You could do both. He's taking the "nuclear growth hormone" while presenting himself as the next level of hero. The blackmail segments would be delicious (and reminiscent of the addiction A-Train of The Boys had to the super speed serum).


If you are just wanting a ticked off Eisen to make Rocky's life miserable then a team of Rogue for the brains and Smasher for the brawn is perfect. Also whoever helps Rocky will get a rub from it. And be a marked man.


Either way I'd have Smasher and Rogue bond separate from Eisen. You could later have them split from Eisen or one betraying the other (maybe the one is spying for Eisen). Planting seeds is important. If you don't use one it still benefits you by making your stories less predictable.


BTW: I'm not a big fan of Davids either. Just doesn't do it for me as a main eventer. But with my original idea he was the best choice. I had a 2016 game where he was really getting over so I went with it.

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I don't really like Remo as the choice because, while they were both heels for the duration, they were competing for the World title over a similar period and likely locked horns at times. I also feel like Eric would begrudge Remo being more successful than him. I get people don't like Davids but imo he makes the most sense, otherwise you're probably looking at an outsider (I signed Jay Chord and intend on utilising him in a similar role). Rogue could pull it off too but at 43 I think it would be good as a wiley veteran move where he'll do whatever it takes to be champion again. Basically it should be Rogue manipulating the situation for his benefit rather than Eric choosing him as a corporate champion.


Has anyone talked Eric out of retirement? I liked his in-ring character and he isn't in decline in my game so I'd love to have the option of using him for big occasions like HHH or Shane McMahon.

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<p>Decided to give SWF a try. I switched over to Ruthless Aggression through the editor. Dont usually do it but SWF has lacked interest for me because I dont like the boring product. It was this or AE & I dont want to do Sex Appeal so I went with RA. I also took off alignments because I like mixing everyone AEW style. I just keep it in mind mentally and see it as a spectrum. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="4981d05549f6f5c114bd4dbf6410cd46.png" data-src="https://i.gyazo.com/4981d05549f6f5c114bd4dbf6410cd46.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

This was my first Supreme show to illustrate what Im going for. Insanely angle heavy with barely any wrestling lol. My two top matches got dinged for bad chemistry notes but it didnt matter in the end because of the ratio.</p><p> </p><p>

I tried to get as many people as possible into the show but couldnt with how big the roster is. Obviously going to have start up Uprising sooner than later.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm not really restricting myself too much with this game. So we're going to be doing a lot of gimmick & cinematic matches. </p><p> </p><p>

My goal is to get Hellion, Son of Vengeance & Scythe to headline a Supreme Challenge main event & deliver a great match. I also intend on adding Aldous Blackfriar to this three man match to make it a four way match. </p><p> </p><p>

I imagine I shouldnt struggle too much with this game & itll be a fun one to dip into now & then.</p>

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I've asked elsewhere to no avail but will check in to see how you guys are all faring in getting over low/zero-pop wrestlers? They seem to hit the 20s then stall completely for me even if they're being featured with stars. I've used Deever Arnold regularly since February; in June he had 26 pop, in November he only has 31. In that time he has had 20 matches on TV or PPV and is 7:13. He would be higher but the wins don't seem to help him so I'm reluctant to have him go over much despite being Red Hot somehow. Brett Biggins is his tag partner, is Ice Cold, dropped to Unimportant and his pop hasn't changed at all since March which is also when the Dynamite Duo were formed.


Matthew Keith debuted in June, is 9:12 and regularly featured in angles with Recognisables & Well Knowns. A lot of his wins are tag wins involving much more popular people on both sides but in November is only on 24 pop.


I can get people in the 40s & 50s over no problem but having huge difficulty in getting unknowns to that point and it's making me hesitant to sign indies & call up from development. It seems the "being on TV" pop boost cuts out pretty early imo and I'm struggling to get past it.

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Goofing around a bit with a new SWF save. I'm listening to "The Lapsed Fan's" fantastic WWF 1997 retrospective for like the 5th time (seriously, it's like 100 hours of podcast but it's great) and trying to book SWF a little differently. I do like the idea of changing the product to Ruthless Aggression, because I do feel like the product needs some edge to beat USPW and to get my creative juices flowing. Nicky Champion's contract is coming up 3 months in and him vs Golden for the top spot is a multi-year multi-layered storyline I can see working for me. Spade and Starr are also guys I enjoy booking, and I can see Des Davids as Farooq in The Nation with guys like Lenny Brown, Makutsi, and Primus Allen around him. Though in modern parlance that might be a babyface group. Trying to stay away from heel authority figures in general. Might make someone into a figurehead authority, just not sure who


In RIPW I have made a few new tag teams. Dreadnaught and SoVen (As PsychoBully) are running Biker gimmicks as "Sons Of Destruction", Whole Lotta Marvin is now Big Papa Marvin, teamins with Big Papa Swoll as..."The Big Papas". Not proud of that one. And Zap Powerson is teaming with Will Beaumont in a team designed to be split once they reach the big time, though I don't have a name for them. Does anyone know if RIPW will sign with WresleWorld?

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Has anyone launched their own broadcast after starting the game (so, not adding it via an editor)? To create a broadcast that is comparable to what I have now on TV coverage, it would run me around $21 million. I have $42 million currently in the bank; so, theoretically I could take the hit. That said, I'm afraid to do so if it means that I could adversely be effected at all.
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Has anyone launched their own broadcast after starting the game (so, not adding it via an editor)? To create a broadcast that is comparable to what I have now on TV coverage, it would run me around $21 million. I have $42 million currently in the bank; so, theoretically I could take the hit. That said, I'm afraid to do so if it means that I could adversely be effected at all.


While I did use the editor before the game to add a broadcaster, I have upgraded it several times. I make enough money that I have yet to take a negative hit or anything. There are more benefits especially if you only show your PPVs which you should still be able to unless you changed your deals.


The benefits for me was that I got pop in other regions that I couldn't get a PPV deal and my RIPW guys are getting more over now too.


I have been making more than enough money now that I have been able to take a small loss each month on my own Broadcast and do not notice any major dips in my monthly income.

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While I did use the editor before the game to add a broadcaster, I have upgraded it several times. I make enough money that I have yet to take a negative hit or anything. There are more benefits especially if you only show your PPVs which you should still be able to unless you changed your deals.


The benefits for me was that I got pop in other regions that I couldn't get a PPV deal and my RIPW guys are getting more over now too.


I have been making more than enough money now that I have been able to take a small loss each month on my own Broadcast and do not notice any major dips in my monthly income.


I'm really intrigued by the creation (as I want to start to venture out of the U.S.). Taking the initial hit will be pretty crazy. I've signed Remo to a lucrative contract (5 years @ $200,000 a month). When you couple that with Rocky's contract (3 years @ $325,000 a month), I'm afraid that switching over could hurt us financially. Maybe not. I'm not really sure.


I love the idea of being able to create whatever content that I want. If it was limitless, then I'd add 'Lucha Suprema' and 'RIPW' to my network. I'd be fun creatively and would, as you said, start to build them over at a faster rate (making them more usable as a whole).


Leaves me with some more thinking to do...

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Trying to create a big Ministry Of Darkness stable, any suggestions on who else to add (either SWF,RIPW or available to hire)



John Greed

Bear Bekowski



Thinking 1 tag team and 1 jobber and a (HEIR) worker?


Dreadnought, Original Sinner, and SoVen are great potentials

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Trying to create a big Ministry Of Darkness stable, any suggestions on who else to add (either SWF,RIPW or available to hire)



John Greed

Bear Bekowski



Thinking 1 tag team and 1 jobber and a (HEIR) worker?


I put Matt Gauge under a mask as DaVinci Diabolo with the pic "Masked Male 28" as heir of Hijo Del Mephisto. Self-created gimmicks are best. =)

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in canon, is there a SWF event that always has a Money in The Bank type stipulation/match? Royal Rumble? Are they called something else?


I don't think there's anything canon, but I think Welcome to the Jungle is supposed to have a battle royal, and I add a Jungle Rumble title that is basically a mix of the Royal Rumble and the Money in the Bank. A 30-man lottery battle royal, and the winner gets a guaranteed title shot for anytime of their choosing for the next year until next year's Supreme Challenge.

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in canon, is there a SWF event that always has a Money in The Bank type stipulation/match? Royal Rumble? Are they called something else?


I don't think there's anything canon, but I think Welcome to the Jungle is supposed to have a battle royal, and I add a Jungle Rumble title that is basically a mix of the Royal Rumble and the Money in the Bank. A 30-man lottery battle royal, and the winner gets a guaranteed title shot for anytime of their choosing for the next year until next year's Supreme Challenge.


Anyone know if the Welcome to the Jungle battle royale was put back in for updated versions of the game? I do the same with a Jungle Rumble title shot at the next PPV. I also create an Awesome Impact match which is an 8-man TLC MITB match. I like to envision the winner has an Awesome Impact Championship which he holds until he trades it in for his title shot.

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