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What's Going on in Your Game?

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don't apologise for longboy recaps! That kind of post is one of my favourite things to read in this thread.


You're ruthless though ey, talent trade bombing, mass cuts, and 'if Sam Strong doesn't play ball I'll screwjob him'? You aren't messing around!


Actually didn't have to surprisingly. He ended up accepting a loss to Nemesis, just had to book him strongly and it was good.


Young Stallings is r u t h l e s s


I have effectively turned him into Vince McMahon during puberty.

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<p>I just got my first ever 100 rated match in TEW! It was completely unexpected as it resulted from a filler match in Will Beaumont's now 500+ day reign as world champion. The storyline is that Multimillionario, a recent addition to the roster, rigged the fan vote to determine the next #1 contender for Beaumont's title using his wealth and connections. Multi has enjoyed a rapid rise to the top thanks largely in part to the help of his hired guns, Los Mercenarios (Mercenario l is injured). It wasn't enough to get the job done in this case as Beaumont's allies Daniel Black Francis and Boom-Boom Jamaica were able to help him fight off the masked mercenaries and retain the gold!</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="k2f3sWc.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/k2f3sWc.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Didn't expect a long-term injury to The Bunny to throw me off. I'm doing an AEW save and recreating the results so I can use this week's Dynamite as a jumping off point, and Bunny shattered her knee in a nothing match on Dark. Looking at the roster, we don't have many credible second-level heels in the women's division, other than Penelope Ford.</p><p> </p><p>

Now I'm forced to evaluate my roster and build up new people, which is a welcome challenge, but there's no one inherently ready. (I consider Nyla Rose, Jade Cargill, even Serena Deeb to be at Bunny's level or above it, so they can't directly replace her.)</p>

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Didn't expect a long-term injury to The Bunny to throw me off. I'm doing an AEW save and recreating the results so I can use this week's Dynamite as a jumping off point, and Bunny shattered her knee in a nothing match on Dark. Looking at the roster, we don't have many credible second-level heels in the women's division, other than Penelope Ford.


Now I'm forced to evaluate my roster and build up new people, which is a welcome challenge, but there's no one inherently ready. (I consider Nyla Rose, Jade Cargill, even Serena Deeb to be at Bunny's level or above it, so they can't directly replace her.)


What about Rebel?

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And we're back, only 4 days from the last one. Been booking rather quickly with this save because I know the closer I get to New Years the less I'll be able to do, and I want to leave myself at a good point when I'm able to start playing some more. I've considered starting a dynasty for this, but I know I'm very bad at writing, and I also don't know if it's okay to start a dynasty 2 years into a save. So, if anyone has any dynasty writing tips, I'd gladly take them!



1998 was a lot less chaotic than 1997. For one, a product switch allowed me to get an incredible TV and Event deal, which has pretty much started to push the company past the SWF. Not fully there yet, but would not be surprised if HGC quickly becomes #1 a month or two into '99, which is a shame imo, wanted a bit longer of a catch-up game, but I guess it means I can focus on stories now. Oh, I continued my talent-swap bombing because I wanted to grab myself the rest of the DeColts, so CGC is gone. Lastly, we ended up losing Spanish Superfly, Vengeance, and Chris Morisette to the SWF, and we also lost Nemesis and Larry Vessey due to them taking time off. Larry's contract ran out and we were unable to re-sign him because of this, which makes me think we may have to get into a bidding war with the SWF when he eventually comes back.




The World Title scene has pretty much been all Dread for the past 6 months. The year started with Sam Strong holding the belt, who then dropped it to Nemesis (I didn't have to screwjob him, thankfully. No I'm just waiting for him to retire). After that, Larry Vessey (winner of the King of California) challenged him in May and took the belt, only for Dread to debut, attack him from behind, and take the belt off of him the next month.



The Tag Titles have managed to slide firmly into the "young star that we don't have anything for right now" position. The Vesseys held it at the start of the year, but I had them drop it to BLZ & Vengeance early on so Larry could get his world title run. BLZ then got injured, which led to Raymond Diaz & Lee Wright to win the belts (and the Tag Team Grand Prix), and they only recently dropped it to Ricky Dale & Steve DeColt, who I'm letting have one more reign before Steve turns on him. After that, I'm thinking Jack Bruce & Liberty finally get a reign with the belts. The plan for the Ricky Dale & Steve DeColt breakup is rather simple, Steve gets mad about losing the titles, turns on Ricky. Ricky is worried about his friend, and he gets Steve's dad, George DeColt, and his brothers Alex & Jack to try and help him, only for Steve to brutally beat down all 3 of them over the course of a few months.




The Mid-Card Scene has effectively belonged to Saint "The Pope of Professional Wrestling" Pablo for the entire year. Starting '98 off as the Cruiserweight Champion, he eventually turned Face, renouncing the Satanic ways of BLZ Bubb & the rest of Black Mass, and sought to claim the Hardcore title from Vengeance, which he did. This face turn included vignettes of Pablo going to Mass, discussing his fate with a priest (who was just J.K Stallings in a Pope outfit). From there, he defeated Chris Morisette for the International Belt, and going into '99 he has all 3 titles. During the year, I managed to convince Rip Chord to put him over, which was the catalyst for Rip's face turn as well. The plan from here is probably my favourite I've had in this save so-far, he challenges Dread on the first episode of Hollyweird TV of the year, and Dread forces him to give up all 3 belts for the title shot. After that, the feud is Dark Angel in a "please get 100s everytime you wrestle" series. Booking Pablo has absolutely been the bright spot of this save, as a non-comedic wrestling priest gimmick is just so out there, and if there's anyone who's gonna end up being it's main character, it's the Saint, so I guess we can call this the Pabloverse.



And here's the major faction for the year, and hopefully it lasts longer than Black Mass did. Infamous is effectively just a group of good heels put together with Dread, the obvious leader of the faction and effectively this saves Lesnar, with Vibert as his Heyman, and Raymond Diaz, the probable heir to the faction and future world champion. I've managed to turn Raymond and Lee into Stars in a year, and they'll probably own the tag scene until Lee ends up retiring, or declining so far that it's impossible to keep him there. Black Hat & Enforcer are a team I put together because they both had good popularity, being midcard SWF rejects, and they both have great technical ability. They probably won't ever hold the tag belts, but they'll certainly put on great matches when losing to babyface tag team of the month.



The future plans are interesting. To make up for the loss of 3 pretty big stars to the SWF, I was able to steal Tommy Cornell from them very close to the end of the year, which may shake up future plans for the World Title scene, since Pablo vs Tommy may be too good to pass up. Sean McFly is my hopeful signing for '99. If I get him, it'd set back every title plan I have by at least 6 months, but I don't necessarily care because I've never been able to use a prime Sean McFly during a save. To finish this off, I'm considering starting an alliance between a few promotions I've worked with that haven't involved talent-swap bombing. OLLIE, NOTBPW, and PGHW all have friendly relations and talent trading agreements with HGC, and I think opening up free talent trading between the 4 would make tournaments like the King of California and the Tag Team Grand Prix a lot more interesting, and Mushashibo vs Stone Jr vs Rodriguez vs Cornell sounds like it'd be really good.

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So, this is a story about how me forgetting how to play the game lead to a very fun piece of booking.


I forgot that to keep titles from changing hands, you have to use the Cheap Win note. Twice. Due to this, I accidentally let Brandon James win the SWF Northern American title in a 4 way match between Des Davids, Mikey Lau, Brandon James and Lenny Brown. Then, Fame & Money won the tag match over Hawaiian Crush in what was supposed to be a DQ due to interference, but led to them getting the belt


And that is what hatched my idea: Hollywood Brett Starr, rules lawyer. At the show after Hawaiian Crush won, Brett came down to the ring with Eric Eisen, who noted that the match should have been a DQ and gave the tag belts back to Fame & Money.


Cue SWF Awesome Impact:


Hawaiian Crush finally win clean in an "Aloha Match" (a cage match where the winner must get their opponent to say "Aloha"), finally getting the belts legit. Hawaiian, who had wanted a piece a Brett Starr had been told by him that Starr would refuse his challenge until he could win at least one belt. This now leaves him an opportunity to challenge.


ZWB, who won the North American belt off Brandon James, beat Lenny Brown and Sammy Smoke, before being jumped by Randy Unleashed and Huey Cannonball. ZWB was saved by Ranger, who is slowly forming an alliance of people to fight back against Unleashed Awesomeness.


Angry Gilmore lost to Trent Shaffer (who I'm playing as) before jumping him and beating him down to turn heel. Gilmore swore he wouldn't accept someone from USPW coming back to SWF and the clean loss appears to have broken him. He and Brandon James are both on time decline, so they're going to give a bit of a rub to Lau and Hernandez before dropping midcard.


And finally, in the main event Rocky Golden and Valiant beat Remo & Rogue in a tag-team match after Valiant saved Golden from being ambushed by the duo. However, what the 2 didn't see, as the show closed, was Hollywood Brett Starr paying off Remo and Rogue.


Sure enough, next Supreme TV, Brett and Eric Eisen come down to the ring, where Eisen says that - due to Golden's having gone more than a month without defending the title - he is vacating the belt and that Golden is not allowed to be in contention for at least 1 full month.


My goal is to keep the belt off Golden for at least 6 months, and I'm actually hoping to have High Flying Hawaiian eventually be the one to take the belt off him. Hawaiian basically seems like a Rock equivalent, so it makes a lot of sense. Though part of me also wants to let Golden get the belt back and then have Starr make his own title belt ala The Million Dollar Belt.

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The follow up to 1999, 2000, and 2001.




2002 was a quiet year for company changes. CGC Title Bout Wrestling became a 90 minute show, for the same reasons that everyone wants more TV time. The roster ballooned accordingly. We expanded our TV into Ontario, which was nice, I guess. The ultimate goal is national TV in 2005, and with Q-TV only offering slots to companies based in Quebec, it looks like I'll have to skip that one and head directly into NOTBPW's home turf, The Maritimes. Those poor Stones have really struggled in this save, essentially a regional indy stuck in teeny tiny Nova Scotia.




Womaniser Robbie Gordon did it. He really did it. Like so many others before him, he challenged the DeColts at WrestleFestival, but his New Player's Club actually came out on top! As a result, he regained the Manager's Cup, tore up George DeColt's manager's license, and officially split up the DeColt boys. Revenge was his. Nothing could ruin this moment...


... except for his assistant, Adrian Garcia, revealing that he had put his own name, and not Gordon's, on all of the group's legal documents, and so the New Player's Club, the Manager's Cup, and the sweet sweet victory, all legally belonged to Adrian Garcia. In one swift move, Garcia betrayed his mentor, and reformed the group in his image. He kept the jewels (DaLay & Maverick) discarded the weak links (Damian Carvill, Black Sheep) added some new blood (Eddie Chandler) and The Elite were born. The official, classic, canon, main event heel stable of CGC are here.




In my version of the group, Adrian Garcia is a slimy sports agent, eager to sell his clients as hand-shaking, baby-kissing, make-a-wish-granting, wholesome Canadian athletes worthy of respect and (most importantly) sponsorship opportunities. DaLay, Maverick and Chandler are, of course, absolute scumbags, but that doesn't stop Garcia from promoting them as heroes. By studying under Robbie Gordon, he learned how to navigate and manipulate the wrestling world, but he's less interested in power and women than he is in cold, hard cash. He holds press conferences. Organises photo ops. He spins his client's rampant cheating and questionable extra-curricular activities into acts of charity and heroism. Their tracksuits are already filling up with corporate logos.


It was definitely time. Dan DaLay wasn't ready in 2000, but is now more experienced, ripped to shreds, and had CGC's MOTY (an 82!) against Steve in March. Previously a pure comedy character, Eddie Chandler toughened up in a feud with Rocky Psycho that transformed him from cowardly joke, to Machiavellian schemer, to someone able to survive a brutal Hardcore match at WrestleFestival. John Maverick is actually the best promo of the bunch, thanks to private tutoring from his (off-screen) mentor George DeColt and me intentionally booking him 'wrong' all of these years. Forcing him to talk as a joke has created a non-canon, non-Silent Threat.


These guys are ready.The challenge is going to be keeping them fresh and interesting for the next 3+ years. Most of my top heel groups ended in 2. How will I keep them going without the DeColts beating them into powder? Can I manage a static main event scene? For now, at least, the DeColts are separated, having gone their seperate ways since the loss at WrestleFestival, allowing The Elite to be a dangerous (and profitable) threat.


A Shot At Canon

How Did I Do?


  • With George DeColt no longer able to guide his sons' careers and settle their squabbles, the floodgates were opened to some classic sibling rivalry. Following canon, Alex DeColt dropped the CGC World Title to his brother Jack in May. Jack wanted to prove himself more than just the 'baby brother', while Alex sought to be the first man to counter Jack's knockout punch. The build was good. The match was a disaster. Alex injured his back early on (the first of two back injuries he suffered this year) and I don't think anyone really wanted to see these brothers fight. Jack ended 2002 still as champion, thanks to his new mentor, Rocky Psycho, who has evolved from general lunatic to a hard-fightin' hard-drinkin' 'cool Uncle' teaching Jack how to be a bad ass renegade who plays by his own rules. All seems in good fun so far.
  • Dan DaLay & John Maverick were supposed to drop the CGC Tag Team Titles to Steve & Jack in April, but with the DeColts split up I teamed Steve up with 128Mb RAM instead. Two kid-friendly powerhouses, it was a much lighter direction for Steve after the whole 'vampire' nonsense (Steve put a stake through Archangel's heart to end that story in January). It certainly makes RAM the most decorated CGC star in this save to not appear in the canon record books, with two Tag Title reigns and victories in the Last Man Standing Rumble (1999) and Ultimate Showdown Series (2001). Tag canon was restored when the Soldiers of Fortune took the belts in August. And Steve's new friend? Well, the cybertronic implants in his mask have been going haywire recently, leading him to attack Steve with a giant candy cane on Christmas day! I smell a hacker.
  • John Maverick dominated as CGC Canadian Cagefighting Champion until a shock upset loss to Lobster Man in July. Lobby in turn lost to Ryan Powell in December (Powell's first ever TV win) and immediately handed in his notice, upset at the lack of pay rise and constantly being used to put over lesser talent. His leaving is also canon. Nailed it.
  • Everest and Jumbo Jackson were supposed to come in as a tag team for a six-month run, but Everest is already locked into a deal with SWF. I put Jumbo on my house show loop, and teamed him up with Lobby on pre-shows a couple of times (thus inspiring the future Underwater Union).
  • Also, as an unexpected bonus, Robbie Gordon put in his notice and left of his own accord in October. Saving me the trouble of finding him a new role or, worse, turning him babyface. He has been a delightful addition to my CGC head-canon.
  • Potentially breaking canon into a million pieces, Emma Chase has formed her own talent agency to compete with The Elite. Grouping together her fiance Alex with Bobby Thomas, Nate Johnson (The Specialists had a meteoric rise as a babyface duo this year) and Mick Muscles, here comes the Chase Agency.


2003 is going to be something of a reset, as George DeColt has already announced an upcoming change the CGC product. That, plus a mass exodus of stale midcard talent, and a certain debut coming in May, makes it an exciting year to get stuck into.

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Because I can't commit to just one thing at a time I've started a new game that I might turn into a diary. I'm playing as Eric Eisen with the set up being that Eric has had a huge falling out with Jerry, quit as head booker of SWF and sold his stock to start a rival promotion.


Using the editor I set Eric and Jerry as having a family feud and I also brought Eric out of retirement as I feel we may need to lean on his star power somewhat. I also immediately declared war on the SWF as soon as I founded the promotion. I simmed through to mid February at which point I was able to start signing workers and negotiate with those workers whose contracts had come up in the big three. I set up the company on the "easy" option because I wanted to have a decent platform to try and take on my hated brother. Bagged Rick Law as a major steal by offering him creative control to beat off EILL, USPW, SWF & TCW. I also made some aggressive raids against the indies - I feel like it's Eisen way after all - so I essentially just cherry picked the most over guy from each named company in the US.


About to run my first show, holding a battle royal for the title as the main event and I'm gonna have Eric interfere to screw Ernest Youngman and put the belt on Law. Gonna form a heel mega stable at the top of the company (Planet Eisen) with Eric, Rick Law, Dusty Ducont and hopefully Killer Shark whose contract is coming up.


I stole Remmington Remus from RIPW as a final middle finger to Jerry and he's my play by play man with Peter Valentine and Phil Vibert joining him in the booth. I've got Skull DeBones hanging around as a random on-screen presence because again I want to use his pop to prop up angles for guys like Ernest - I'm gonna have Skull involved in Ernest's feud with Planet Eisen as the avenging angel against the corrupt Eisen.


The hope is to really build up my "homegrown" talents in the first year (Ash Campbell, Ernest Youngman, Joffy Laine and Kip Keenan would be my four pillars to steal TK's parlance) because outside of Law it's a roster which is filled with creaky older guys and young talent who are unknown on the national stage. The likes of the McWades and Eddie Chandler are gonna be fed to those guys and the likes of Wild Red Stallion in pretty short order (I want to build Stallion up as being our answer to Nicky Champion because I like the idea of Eric being such an egomaniac that he thinks he can just create his own Nicky Champion).

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Started playing as Black Canvas Grappling, my first time really putting effort into a Japanese company not 5SSW (Shout out to my girls :cool:) and it's been very quick & fun. I've always been intrigued by Puroresu IRL but never took the dive until I started watching "Walking The Kings Road" by Joseph Montecillo. I did make a few changes to events since I'm using logos by southside_hitmen, as well as adding Stables to be created, although for now only 1 has been made, and its only 3 Gaijins & their foreign shenanigans. Also I don't know if tag team names that aren't just the person's names are allowed but If I had to look at just names in the tag team screen I'd go crazy. Anywhere, I'm Three Months in so here's what we got.


Heritage 2020: (76) (4,284)

-In the Main Event, Funakoshi retain the BCG World Title against Bunrakuken Torii in MOTN, really happy with my main event scene as well as the fact it hasn't gotten stolen out from under me. Funakoshi has become my favorite as he clearly is the ACE for now and the near future. (79)

-Semi Main saw Furusawa take on & beat SUKI, who I had a little touring show story of trying to burst into the title picture, only to for now be bested by the simply better Furusawa, who really has become another one of my favorites as well. This was a technical masterclass and really taught me how to properly book it since I made the crowd hot, else this easily could have stolen the show.(70)


-In their heavily hyped debut match, The Good Ole Boys(Big Brusier Findlay, Animal Harker, & Giant Brody) beat the veteran team of Sofu Ozawa, Ippitsusai (who decided to leave the company, so guess who took the pin lol) & Okimasa. This pairing & Subsequent win not only helped Brody & Harker, but Finlay went from slightly Well Known, to certified STAR, their American Stan Hansen Southern Whisky Drinking type of feel is also fun to book.(62)


-Razan Okamato tried to hold a press conference calling out the world title scene, when he was attacked by The Good Ole Boys. "Nothing Personal Boy, but I Got Bigger Fish To Fry..." - Findlay.


-Other noteworthy things elsewhere on the card, Miura & Yoshizawa retained the Tag Titles in a good Match against Yokokawa & Sen, really enjoying the little tag scene I got, and it's continued growth.(60) Naozane retained the Challenger Series title, I really am struggling with Goto, he just can't work too long, already I'm debating taking the title off him. (50) Team Taku beat the American Cobras. (58) & Rokuemon Matsushita gets a win, I'm not sure what to do with him rn, if he is ever to crack the main event as his description suggests, he'll need to improve, but we're still just a drop in the water so he's got time on his side.


TagMania 7: (78) (4,705)

-In November, I have the new BCG World Tag League as a tournament, so TagMania lost what I assume many people give it, and instead has the main event being a tag match between the biggest stars in BCG, usually (but not always, its not really a gimmick match) having the winners fighting 1v1 for the #1 Contenders Match at the following Legacy show.

This year, Furusawa & Razan defeated Blask Ikoma & Torii. The two then shake hands, ready to go out and decide who will get that title shot at the prestigious Maeda Grand Prix. Suprisingly, this was just edged out by one point by the semi main.(81)

-Stealing the show in the biggest of ways, Big Brusier Findlay goes it solo to nearly capture the BCG World Title, but Funakoshi is the better man, retaining in MOTN. In my head cannon, I told Findlay to go out and show me what he's made of, and he did just that, completely tearing the house down, good things in those good ole boys future's, that is for certain.(82)


-Naozane Goto had a stinky match against Ginji Kisaka, future world title contender Goto is not. Obviously not the best of opponents, but the guy just isn't ready & in my opinion based on the titles description, isn't really worthy of the title, at least for right now.(35)


-Triple K (Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Kiyotaka) try but fail to take Miura & Inejiro's World Tag Titles. These two teams are probably going to be the backbone of a truley midcard tag title scene. liking what I'm getting from them, combined with the American Cobras, & Team Taku, & a new gaijin one, I'm expecting good results.(58)


-Only real notes about rest of card was Matushita picking up another win. SUKI Had a good match, & the opening had the debuts of Sutoraiku (Goro Hatamoto & Yutaka Ogata), as well as Australia's Greatest Exports (MONDAY Next & Lance Lott)unfortunatly, Lott would shatter his knees by being a mark, and as such Next needed a replacement, which I quickly found.


Legacy 2020: (78) (5,219)


Side Note: This did 3 points better then PGHW's Night of Pride, not important but as Borat says, Great Sucsess.


-Funakoshi once again repels the challenge of Bunrakuken Torii to retain his BCG World Title. Having not been pinned last month at TagMania 7, Torii made one last challenge to the champ, who accepted and managed to repel his advances once again. Awesome match, but ironically, for the second month in a row, the main event was overshadowed, just barley, by the semi.(81)


-Both stealing the show & punching a ticket to Maeda Grand Prix's title match, Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Razan Okamoto. Banger of a match, Razan will take a small break from the title picture, he'll definetly be in the grand prix whenever I figure out how I'll book it. (81)


-Living up to the Legacy name, Miura & Yoshizawa retained the BCG Tag Titles against Team Taku. Despite being in his fifties, elder Taku is a beast and helps give some legitimacies to the division, he even took the bump to end the match, damn. (63)


-In a press conference, the man himself Yoshifusa Made announced the first official entrant to the Maeda Grand Prix. FORMER BHOTWG Tag Team Specialist YASUNOBU MASUNO. BHOTWG didn't renew his contract, & PHGW didn't seem interested. He might not be the perfect representative of BCG's product, & he's pretty expensive, but an opportunity must be seized. Plus at 37 he's not too old, and if he really does flop, he'll just be cut and put someone over on the way out.(73)


-Sharaku Okimasa beat Naozane Goto to win the BCG Challenger Series. Okimasa had been spinning since his tag partner left, so I figured I'd give him a shot at carrying the title. Goto isn't going to be left to die, infact incase I made it too subtle, I do have a plan for him to hopefully will take him and his new partner to the top.(47)


-OWM (Oceania's Most Wanted, AKA MASSACRE & MONDAY Next) made the surprise win over Triple K, setting up OWM's title shot at The Grand Prix. Tanyu Toshusai & Yoshisada Matsuzawa teamed for the first time. & The Good Ole Boys won a six man tag to get momentum up for the Grand Prix.


Gonna plan out the Grand Prix, but so far this game really has struck a core for me, will try to post an update after 3-4 months into the save to see if we're still going strong.

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Almost at Wrestle Kingdom 1999.


Nothing really major to report, except Hiroshi Hase, at age 37 is now in decline. I'm so sad. I wanted him to finally win the big one in 2000, in a thank you moment as he'd be about 39-40. Again, nothing major to report, things change... I'm just sad. :(


To add on to this. I've lost Shiro Koshinaka, Bobby Eaton, Tatsumi Fujinami to time decline this year as well. I'm now seeing the reality that NJPW faced (of course not counting the awful management by Inoki), Kojima and Tenzan, as great as they are in real life, aren't actually over enough to replace guys like Fujinami and even Hiroshi Hase. Hell, Nakanishi and Nagata can't even get to 80 pop. TenKoji seem capped at 82 popularity. Even my regens, can't get over 82. Jun Akiyama just hit 85 popularity and seems stuck. A huge far cry from Tenryu, Fujinami, and even Choshu who all were at 90+ at one point. Chono, Mutoh, and Hashimoto all hit over 90+ popularity as well, with Hashimoto teasing 100 at times. Sasaki seems mostly stuck at 88. But I think I've seen him hit 91 before, so that's okay. It's just funny to see how doomed my main event scene will be in about 5 years if I don't do anything to fix it.

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15 months into a game playing as RPW on the 1997 mod, and I've finally broken 0.01 for TV ratings - my TV show jumped from about 4k viewers to 7.5k off the back of a good monthly event.


I've barely played TEW in over a year, and only a handful of shows on 2020 at all, so I'm almost having to learn to play from scratch, especially as RPW's product is so different to what I'm used to running. But I'm having a lot of fun booking an hour of TV a week and just concentrating on gradually improving my small indy roster - that just happens to include Tom Gilmore, Rich Money, Brent Hill, Chris Morrisette and Steve Flash, among other CV stalwarts.

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15 months into a game playing as RPW on the 1997 mod, and I've finally broken 0.01 for TV ratings - my TV show jumped from about 4k viewers to 7.5k off the back of a good monthly event.


I've barely played TEW in over a year, and only a handful of shows on 2020 at all, so I'm almost having to learn to play from scratch, especially as RPW's product is so different to what I'm used to running. But I'm having a lot of fun booking an hour of TV a week and just concentrating on gradually improving my small indy roster - that just happens to include Tom Gilmore, Rich Money, Brent Hill, Chris Morrisette and Steve Flash, among other CV stalwarts.


You should find the worst wrestler in the database and put him in the roster with those guys to see how well he improves.

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Anyone ever feel "historical guilt" when booking?


I have a game that was started in 1995 as WCW. I've stolen Bret Hart, Owen and The Undertaker from WWF. I already had Austin on my roster. WM12 main event they just did was Buddy Landel vs Diesel for the WWF title. (vomit) Though I think Hive would approve :)

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I am in July 2022 in my custom company in a Cornellverse save. I am Medium Sized and based in Ontario Canada. I have a Developmental company based in BC and my own Network.


My roster is pretty decent I believe. Right now my developmental is basically full of people generated over the last 2 years by my Performance Center and then a handful of 100 experience vets.


Major Stars

Bear Bekowski

CJ Allen (User Character)


David Stone

Davis Wayne Newton

James Diaz

John Greed

Jungle Lord

Lee Rivera

Sayeed Ali

Tommy Cornell

Yuta Isono



Brandon James

Edd Stone

Kid Fantastic

Prime Time Jack Pryde

Rick Law

Skip Beau


Well Known

Ernest Youngman

Greg Pendergarst (Bodybuilder from Performance Center, had decent Pop out the gate.)

Thimbleby Langton

Troy Tornado

Viktor Beskov



Bobby Thomas


Dale Osman (Original Sinner under his real name)

Flying Jimmy Foxx

Jay Silver

Jules Roy (Performance Center Graduate)

Kalder Tagg

Lawrence Luger (Performance Center Graduate)


Reilly Patton

Stan Manna

Wolfie Tagg

Wooton Fitzpaine

Yuri Illiakov

Zippy Deverell



Canadian Crusher

Christopher Ball

Clyde Washington (Performance Center Graduate)


Jacob Mir (Headlock Wrestling School Graduate)


Paris Florian (Dragon Academy Graduate)

Rockin' Ryan Turner (Has been out over a year with a major concussion, hasn't had the chance to grow with the company)




You may wonder how I managed to snag Tommy Cornell, well he jumped ship to USPW and then proceeded to get caught with prostitutes, so I managed to hire him immediately after his toxicity ran out.


I am probably going to go on a hiring spree of some more indy talents to add some more variety to my developmental. My guys seem to be gaining experience pretty darn slow. I would also like to bring in some young indy guys right to the main roster so they can work with guys on their way down like Brandon James and Jungle Lord while I have the chance. Most of my Performance Center graduates aren't particularly good.


Right now Tommy Cornell is going to go on a winning streak against younger talent while he works off his ring rust, since he hasn't work in a year after his scandal.

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James Diaz specifically shot up the roster fast than expected because Sayeed Ali wanted to put him over. Speaking of promises, Dangermouth was essentially a jobber that could put on good Entertainment angles. Then Brandon James, Troy Tornado and Lee Rivera promised to put him over, and here we are. Works out fine because I use a No-Style Style, so Popular and/or Good Workers are both good assets due to 30:70 or 70:30 Performance:Popularity ratio, using whatever gives the best rating.


Overall they're coming along nicely. Yuta Isono is a Show Stopper, James Diaz is a Ring General and Prime Time is a Next Big Thing in my Creative screen. Coincidentally the three of them are in a Stable together, managed by Joanne Rodriguez.


I hired Jack Bruce as a personality to act as my General Manager. I randomly tried to talk him into coming out of retirement... and it actually worked.


Tommy Cornell vs Jack Bruce going to happen in my Medium sized Canadian company, LOL

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Well, in my game I basically used the editor to try to make myself AEW, with taking J.K. Stallings billions, making him a Mysterious Owner figure, and sign my favorite people as their contracts come to an end, and others who haven't signed exclusive deals. One of these signings was The Crippler, who I renamed to his real name Chris Morrisette, and tried to use him in the same look as Chris Benoit. I knew he was in decline but he was still a huge name and helped my company get started. I paired him up with Ernest Youngman, while also having him feud with also sign up Rick Law, who I renamed "The Law". During a routine tag match against Ace Youngblood and Roger Monterio, with All Out style going, Crippler suffered a broken neck. No one caused the injury but I'm really torn by this. I wanted to have The Crippler train up The Assassin, to be the heir. Now I'm moving to the next event and I need to figure out who to have face Law now.
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Tommy Cornell just defeated Davis Wayne Newton for my World Championship in a 98 rated 45 minute banger. Next step is a Once In a Lifetime Match between Cornell and Jack Bruce for my World Championship at my Season Finale on the last night of 2022 to lead us into 2023.


Davis Wayne Newton held his own too, Tommy had a personal rating of 95 and Davis had a personal rating of 94.


I'm still shocked I managed to convince Jack Bruce to come out of retirement. But I want to do the match before either of them get injured.

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Quick recap of the year 1999 in my NJPW 1992-1999 game.


January - April: Shinya Hashimoto lost his IWGP Heavyweight title to Stone Cold Steve Austin (imagine if this really happened?) which drastically affected the health of NWO Japan, with Masahiro Chono growing increasingly jealous, especially with his shortcomings as of late. Being unable to recapture his coveted IWGP Heavyweight title and potentially having another legendary year+ long title reign.


May: Best of the Super Juniors IX was a massive success. For the first time ever, a 10 man bracket. Potential stars such as Juventud Guerrera, Kaz Hayashi, MAZADA, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Mephisto, and Sabu all growing increasingly popular in Japan, allowing an excellent overall tournament. Ryushi Kai (regen) a true underdog, managed to defeat Koji Kanemoto for the win. But would be defeated by Jushin Thunder Liger at Dontaku. A man Kai defeated to secure his spot in the finals at BOSJ.


June - Perhaps the real breakout star of the BOSJ tourney wasn't an up and comer. Perhaps it was the man who had a 100* rated match vs Liger in March. Dean Malenko. Malenko using Liger's tendency to always want to please the fans, issuing a rematch to which Liger accepted. Shocking everyone, and finally claiming the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title. Meanwhile, Kobashi vs Stone Cold waged a war. A 60 minute draw. Kobashi, who had been embroiled in a scandal, now in the main event. His massive moment. Who else but a returning Misawa to make his triumphant return on the night Kobashi was so close to becoming immortal.



That's just the main event scenes of the respective titles. I've felt revitalized during this year, with so much great feuds and all of my divisions being healthy for the first time. The current plan is to have Chono win the G1, and dethrone Stone Cold which will split up NWO Japan into two factions. My main event scene, has also felt great. As long as Misawa doesn't leave, and Kobashi doesn't hit up strip clubs as much, we'll be good.



Edit: Malenko just suffered a semi-severed spinal column injury at UWFI show. I'm so disappointed. His career is over.

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I just managed to convince a 50 year old Dan Stone Jr. to come out of retirement in 2023.


Dan Stone Jr. and Jack Bruce both convinced to come out of retirement. I'll let them go as long as they're able.


Edd Stone wasn't too happy I hired him due to their family feud.

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Update from my 1980 game.


Wrestle Mania IX ended with Ric Flair defending the World Title against Randy Savage in the main event. Other members of the Horsemen retained their titles: Hennig retained the IC over Bob Backlund, The Brain Busters retained over LOD but it also saw Shawn Michaels lose his Light Heavyweight to Owen Hart and Sid Vicious dropping the belt back to his arch nemesis The Ultimate Warrior.


As the Horsemen stood in the middle of the ring celebrating their victory "Back in Black" by ACDC blasted through the speakers as "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan made his emergence from the back after previously being gone the whole year (filming a movie) after being assaulted by debuting Horsemen the previous Wrestle Mania.


Hogan was not alone though, his Elite stablemates The Nasty Boys were right beside him along with the returning original leader "Superstar" Billy Graham. The night wasn't over yet though, Bruno Sammartino, Hogan and Graham's long term nemesis appeared beside him and shakes hands with Hogan before pointing down at the ring at the Horsemen.


Post Mania, Bob Backlund has formed his own stable of maniacs known as "DOOM". It consists of Matt Borne, Buzz Sawyer, The Great Muta, Cactus Jack Manson (Mick Foley), and The Black Raven (Scott Levy) who are doing everything to get in the way of The Elite (Hogan, Sammartino, Graham, Nasty Boys) and The Horsemen (Flair, Tully, Arn, Sid, Michaels, Luger, and Arn).


Other stables:

Legion of Doom - Paul Ellering, Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal

Demolition - Crush, Ax, Smash

The Grand Wizard's Army - Koko Ware, The American Dragon I (Dean Malenko), The Pegasus Kid (Chris Benoit) Warrior of Pain Barbarian, and Warrior of Pain Samu

The All Americans - Barry Windham, Mike Rotundo, Rick Rude, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner

The Heenan Family - Bobby Heenan, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, Ted Dibiase, Virgil

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Turns out I am a pretty massive carny as a promoter.


The year is now 2023, and David Stone and Edd Stone have been a Tag Team for my user created company for about a year now, they're also in a stable with Kid Fantastic as "The Party Animals", Edd Stone is like that mid 30s guy who thinks he's cool hanging out with 20 year olds. All is going well, then I had an idea.


You see I had signed Jack Bruce to be my General Manager, but when his contract was running out I had the idea to see if he'd be up for another run and to my surprise he agreed.


So my idea was to see if Dan Stone Jr would do the same. And yes, he agreed. The year is 2023 and he's coming out of retirement for my Medium sized Canadian company after being retired since 2015.


Here is where things get carny. I decided to use Edd Stone and Dan Stone Jr's real-life blood feud relationship as the basis for Dan Stone Jr's in-ring return.


I decided that Dan Stone Jr was sitting at home watching his ungrateful brother team with his son. Enough was enough and he couldn't have Edd corrupting poor David anymore.


This led to a storyline where Dan Stone Jr was coming back for one purpose, to put his younger brother Edd in his place and save David.


David Stone had also won the match of career to become the Number One Contender for the World Championship. So of course his Dad had to come bring family drama around right before he goes against Tommy Freakin' Cornell for the World title.


So we had David Stone and to a lesser extent Kid Fantastic dragged into Stone family drama. Kid Fantastic just noped out of the entire thing and David was stuck between choosing between his fun Uncle and his stick-in-the-mud Dad at the same time as preparing to take on Tommy Cornell.


This led to Dan Stone Jr beating Edd Stone at the PPV and David Stone failing to win the title against Tommy Cornell.


Dan Stone Jr fulfilled his mission, but... having that match... scratched an itch he didn't know he had. So now Dan Stone Jr has another goal in mind.


To see if he still has what it takes to win one more Championship.


Once in a Lifetime Dan Stone Jr. vs Tommy Cornell is the eventual end goal.




Dan Stone Jr also can still go, his match rated 91 and he had a better personal performance than Edd Stone. If his stamina doesn't decline between now and his match with Cornell I can see them going 30+ minutes. I just pray they don't end up with negative chemistry lmao


If you want to know how the heck a medium sized Canadian company signed Tommy Cornell -- well he had a prostitute scandal and was toxic, when the toxicity ended he signed with me cause his popularity took a hit and the other companies were only offering him like 20k a month, he was happy to take my $106k per month. A lot of things have gone perfectly right to get this scenario going.


So there you have it, I have Jack Bruce, Dan Stone Jr and Tommy Cornell tearing it up in my company in 2023.

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