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What's Going on in Your Game?

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This game is really great. I'm playing the CornelVerse.

I started as a new company based in the midwest (4YW). Managed to sign some cheap workers who didn't ask for covering their travel cost. Had a core of approximatly 15 wrestlers and my main title picture was almost exclusively between 4 main wrestlers (Kip Keenan, Too hot, Mercurio Sleep and Joffy Laine).

Right from the start I found a cheap Road agent; The Masked Mauler VI. Together with The Masked Mauler VI I created a new and better show every month. Slowly we crawled out of the obscurity and grew to a small company. The Masked Mauler VI and I applauded each other with the succes of 4YW and we we're scouting new wrestlers to come and join us.

But then... an unexpected betrayal... After the taping of our latest tv-show my friend The Masked Mauler VI drops a bombshell... He has started his own company....also based in the midwest.. a direct competitor against 4YW... I couldn't do anything except fire The Masked Mauler VI at the spot. 4YW will go on and declare war on this new company.. I won't share any piece of the pie in the midwest.

I really like how the game creates stories like this. 


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Took a break from my current day WWE save and started a WWF 1996 save. Just finished the Rumble in 97 (Bret won) and building towards Wrestlemania 13 with the following card:

  • Main Event: Shawn Michaels (c) vs Bret Hart - World Heavyweight Title
  • Rey Mysterio vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley (c) (with Regal, Finlay, Edge, Christian) - Intercontinental Title
  • The Hart Foundation (c) (Owen Hart & British Bulldog) vs Hardy Boyz vs Sycho Sid & Marc Mero vs Legion of Doom - World Tag Team Titles
  • Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
  • The Undertaker vs Mankind
  • Rocky Maivia vs Goldust
  • Ahmed Johnson vs Kane
  • Booker T vs Vader

Planning on all titles changing hands, and Stone Cold going over the Hulkster (who I won in an insane bidding war against WCW. He's on double the wages of the next highest paid wrestler for me!). Tag division was really lacking so I brought in Hardyz and Edge/Christian right away, plus I just signed the LoD, who I'm thinking will win the titles at Mania.

Really enjoy playing with a smaller roster. I managed to buy the American Wrestling Federation who I'm now using as a developmental, where I've placed Adam Pearce, Justin Credible, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Chris Harris and James Storm, Dave Batista, Ekmo, Homicide, Shane Helms, Taka Michinoku and Tomohiro Ishii for now, together with their original roster that includes Greg Valentine, Tito Santana, Barry Windham, King Kong Bundy, Honky Tonk Man, Bob Orton Jr... some pretty decent guys to learn from!

The fight with WCW is tough! They are currently ranked #1 in the world, but I'm #1 in the US.

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On 4/21/2024 at 1:11 PM, RatedRKO16 said:

I have a whole year to type out here, so I'm going to try to sum it up as quick as possible and post every month to 2 months so the write ups aren't as big.


Started in 1992. I opened AWA back up with Paul Heyman running the show.

AWA SuperClash (Week 4 Jan 1992)

-Bob Backlund def Paul "Mr Wonderful" Orndorff for the AWA Heavyweight

-Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow def Terry Funk & Cactus Jack Foley for the AWA Tag Titles

-Wendi Richter def The Fabulous Moolah to win the AWA Women's

-Butch Reed def Billy Jack Haynes

-Honky Tonk Man def Kevin Von Erich

-The Prototypes (Paul Roma & Shane Douglas) def Bad News Allen & Ice Train


I started that first show and kind of launched from there with AWA Live! as my only TV show, which is basically just squash matches except for the main event, much like the shows in WWF in 1992.

The idea for the promotion was to be a more edgy version of wrestling, but not ECW edgy. Maybe think more Ruthless Aggression era. Solid wrestling, good brawls, and entertaining characters with distinct gimmicks. 

Core Product - Three Ring Circus

Current Product - Classic Balanced

There are 3 things that are different from my bookings than other promotions in 1992: there are more multi man matches - triple threats, elimination matches, etc. I choose "wild brawl" more often than not. And my womens matches are "eye candy" matches. So, it's edgier than the other mainstream promotions at the time.


After my first show, I quickly realized I was over paying for talent and there was a large turnover. 



Heyman's Horsemen - This was Paul Heyman's select 4 to carry the promotion and they were introduced as heels. Paul Roma led, Shane Douglas as the future star, Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader both as enforcers. 


-Backlash (Feb 1992), Funk & Foley def Vader & Bam Bam for the Tag Championships. Wendi Richter defended successfully against Bull Nakano.

-March Madness (Mar 1992) (King of the Ring style PPV) - Backlund retains AWA Champioship over Orndorff again. Paul Roma def Jimmy Snuka in the finals of the March Madness tournament and earned himself (at the time) a #1 contenders match. This ends my "stacked" roster as I had to release a bunch of guys after this to stay in business. Shane Douglas, my future franchise player, is stolen from me by WCW. :( 

-AWA Live! (show post March Madness) - Heyman announced that Backlund, Orndorff, Snuka, Vader and others had been release from their contracts. He cuts a promo saying how they were in business for only themselves and holding back the real talent of AWA. He awards the AWA championship to none other than Paul Roma, who won the March Madness tournament.

-AWA Legendary! (Apr 1992) - Paul Roma wins the first triple threat match in AWA defeating Bam Bam (who was only in the match to help Roma) and Cactus Jack Foley

-AWA Night of Champions (May 1992) - In a Legendary! rematch, Roma retains again. American Heroes (Patriot & La Parka), who won the vacated tag titles on AWA Live!, retain against The Headshrinkers (Fatu & Samu). Al Snow wins the first Fatal 4 Way match against Scott Norton, Raven & Finlay for the newly created midcard TV Championship. 

-AWA CAGED (May 1992) - Roma def Greg "The Hammer" to retain the AWA Championship. Bam Bam def Cactus Jack Foley in the first AWA cage match. The newly signed tag team of Buddy Landel & Buddy Rose def Patriot & La Parka for the Tag Championships. The New Heyman's Horsemen are formed with Roma, Bam Bam, Buddy Landel & Buddy Rose. 

-AWA Iconic (July 1992) - Roma retains against Bad News Allen who had announced his retirement in 3 months and wanted a shot at the title. I accidentally had Greg The Hammer & The Killer Bee (Brian B Blair) def Heymans Horsemen on AWA Live! and they retain here.

-AWA Victory! (Aug 1992) - Roma retains against Bad News again. 

-AWA Summer Fever (Sept 1992) - Roma retains in Cactus Jack Foley's first championship match. Bam Bam Bigelow is now the TV Champion and Headshrinkers win the Tag Titles.

-AWA In Your House! (Oct 1992) - Nothing really to note of but this is where I start pushing my own talent. I have taken Brad Reignagans (sp?) and packaged him as Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns. Basically a no nonsene Kurt Angle style of wrestler. He defeats Butch Reed who is just hovering around upper midcard. The Killer Bee is also being pushed, with his gimmick being one of a super hero who just gets the crap beat out of him but keeps coming back and usually wins by roll up. Yokozuna has been squashing opponents being built up for the main event. Yoko, Fatu and Samu create the Samoan Swat Team. Harris Brothers, Chris Kanyon and Mike Awesome form a biker gang stable. Jimmy Del Ray debuts going by "Little Brother Jimmy Backlund" essentially getting by as the former AWA Champion Bob Backlund's little brother. I imagine him being what Spike Dudley was to the Dudley Boys, a glorified jobber, but adored by the fans. 

AWA Cyber Saturday (Nov 1992) - All matches are "voted on" by the fans. Loveable Cactus Jack Foley got a rematch against Roma here, but lost. Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns lost a TV Title match against Bam Bam. The Headshrinkers retain the Tag Titles against The Hammer & Killer Bee. Yokozuna def Al Snow, his first major opponent and this starts his first story line.

AWA Soul Survivor (Dec 1992) - This is an original PPV in the sense that it is a gimmick PPV for the #1 contender for January's SuperClash (my WrestleMania). But, instead of the Royal Rumble, we have a 6 man elimination match for the #1 contender, dubbed the "Soul Survivor". Paul Roma successfully defended his title against Brad "The Suplex Machine". Bam Bam Bigelow wins the 6 way Soul Survivor Match against Cactus Jack Foley, Al Snow, Yokozuna, Greg The Hammer and The Killer Bee (so you know who I view as my main guys). 



-The show starts out with a face turn completed by Bam Bam Bigelow. Paul Heyman calls him out to open the show and says he must vacate the TV Title before he gets to face Paul Roma tonight. Bam Bam says on one condition: no member of the Horsemen can interfere. Heyman agrees. Bam Bam ensures victory much to the delight of the fans and is out of Heyman's Horsemen. 

-Brad The Suplex Machine def Kurrgan by DQ (Kurrgan debuted a couple months prior. All his matches have ended in DQ to keep him strong and have his gimmick be one where he is just a destroyer that doesn't care about the rules.)

- Sabu squashes Little Brother Jimmy Backlund (Sabu debuted a couple months ago and has steadily been putting on great matches for his pop. He is playing a role of a modern Iron Sheik)

- Eddie Guerrero def Yokozuna and La Parka in a triple threat match for the vacant TV Title. This match was set up for Yoko to win but Eddie pins La Parka instead. Eddie is a high flying face. La Parka has turned heel and has been feuding with Eddie. 

- The Harris Brothers defeat The Headshrinkers for the Tag Championships. (Samu got stolen from me by SWS, so I had to get the titles off them)

- The Killer Bee def Greg The Hammer

-Bull Nakano def Wendi Richter to finally dethrown the year long rein for the Womens Championship. (Storyline was boring so I didnt share to this point. Nobody could beat Wendi until it got back around to Nakano getting her 2nd shot.)

- Paul Roma def Bam Bam to retain AWA World Heavyweight. To his word, Heyman has no (current) Horsemen interefere. But, with Samu leaving, Yoko and Fatu align with Heyman to help Roma retain. (This whole build up makes me sad, because the OG idea was for Bam Bam to win and have a nice face run with the title. SWS also steals him on a written contract, so I'm forced to have him lose and push Yoko a little earlier than I wanted as my main monster. Also, this gives the heel the win at the biggest event of the year. Roma's reign of terror continues...)


So, now you're caught up. I'll leave with my current roster/story lines for the new season...

-Cactus Jack Foley, Al Snow and Little Brother Jimmy Backlund have created the "Hardcore Legends" faction and are faces. Along with occassionally Eddie Guerrero (who refuses to join), they will be going up against Heyman's Horsemen.

-Heyman's Horsemen now consists of Paul Roma, Buddy Landel, Yokozuna and Fatu and are heels. Yoko and Fatu are a tag team battling with Cactus Jack Foley & Little Brother Jimmy. Buddy Landel is feuding with Eddie Guerrero over the TV Champioship. And Paul Roma will be feuding with Al Snow for the AWA World Heavyweight.

-James Mitchell created "The Underworld" (heel) which consists of Sabu, Phantom (Gangrel) and La Parka. They are being a plug and play faction, really just causing havoc. Sabu and La Parka will be battling over the TV Title with Eddie and Buddy. 

-Don Harris, Ron Harris, Chris Kanyon and Mike Awesome created "The Renegades" - a face biker faction that went no where the last 6 months. So, I had Kanyon and Awesome turn heel and signed Brian Lee. So now, we have the Harris Brothers & Brian Lee (face) vs Awesome/Kanyon/??? (heel) and am going to have a biker gang war storyline. 

-Al Snow has started one of those odd couple on screen relationships with Wendi Richter. The idea here was to build Snow up to face Bam Bam who was in a relationship with Luna Vachon and do some mixed tag matches. I'm going to have to find someone else to plug in here. 

Leaves a bunch of guys left out:

Tag Teams:

2 Cold Scorpio/Tony Norris (f)

Hunter Hearst Helmsley/Prince Lawler (Brian Lawler) (h)

Raven and The Lucky Charm (Finlay) (h)

Harlem Heat (h)

Other singles:

Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns (f)

The Killer Bee (f)

Greg "The Hammer" (h)

Hardcore Holly (f)

Rey Mysterio Jr (f)

Kurrgan (h)

Jakob (Kane) (h)

Ludvig Borga (h)

Michael P.S. Hayes (h), Junkyard Dog (f) and Demolition Ax (f) have been signed to help with roster depth after losing Samu and Bam Bam Bigelow. 

Women's Division:

Wendi Richter (f)

Misty Blue (f)

Ivory (f)

Luna Vachon (h)

Bull Nakano (h)

Reggie Bennett (h)

Leilani Kai (h)

Candi Devine (h)


If you got this far, thanks for reading! Losing Bam Bam Bigelow really messed up my booking plans which I had laid out for the entire year. He was going to successfully defend the title against Roma in a series of matches until Yoko turned on Roma. Heyman was going to have Yoko be his new guy, beat Roma a couple times then dethrown Bam Bam. Plan scrapped.

New plan: DiBiase and Piper are free agents! I figured I could sign them. Planned another year of story lines out. The jist: Piper would debut first to take on Roma. He would lose by intereference of DiBiase. DiBiase is here because he bought into AWA and joins Heyman's Horsemen. He would insert himself into a triple threat  with Roma & Piper and pin Roma and win the title for himself. This would lead to Roma's face turn (as well as Heyman's, possibly). DiBiase would now be champion with Yoko as his body guard. Scribbled in plans, I wanted DiBiase vs Piper at SuperClash III but the title be Cactus Jack finally winning against Yokozuna in an ultimate underdog story. 

Welp, scrap that, too. The moment I tried to sign them both, NJPW gets them. Didn't know about the trigger. So, 3rd times a charm. Don't know what I'm going to do from here but if anyone has any ideas, please let me know!

Thanks again for reading!!

Well, a lot has happened without even booking an event since this.

I moved up to medium in size and have about 3 mil banked and am making around 200k a month. Right after the size increase. WCW announced they were looking to bolster their roster and went after my champion Paul Roma, my #1 contender Al Snow, Horsemen member Buddy Landel and up and coming star La Parka. I said "eh eh, that ain't gonna happen" and signed all of them but Landel to written contracts. I went and signed other top & future stars to written contracts as well - Yoko, Fatu, Sabu, Cactus Jack, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero. A certain top WWF superstar may have been outbid and also joined AWA under a written contract, so look for that debut in the coming months. I also edited Bam Bam's SWS contract to come up in a year so I can bid on him instead of waiting 3 years. Decided my story lines were more important than realism and he will hopefully return to the company a year after Yoko's devastating attacks to him. 


So, this is a real turning point with my company. Sink or swim. I'll probably be bleeding money for a few months, but hopefully we get on a better network and can get more money. Otherwise, this will be the beginning of the end they talk about in the dvd. 🤣 

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On 4/24/2024 at 1:15 PM, Boerenkool said:

This game is really great. I'm playing the CornelVerse.

I started as a new company based in the midwest (4YW). Managed to sign some cheap workers who didn't ask for covering their travel cost. Had a core of approximatly 15 wrestlers and my main title picture was almost exclusively between 4 main wrestlers (Kip Keenan, Too hot, Mercurio Sleep and Joffy Laine).

Right from the start I found a cheap Road agent; The Masked Mauler VI. Together with The Masked Mauler VI I created a new and better show every month. Slowly we crawled out of the obscurity and grew to a small company. The Masked Mauler VI and I applauded each other with the succes of 4YW and we we're scouting new wrestlers to come and join us.

But then... an unexpected betrayal... After the taping of our latest tv-show my friend The Masked Mauler VI drops a bombshell... He has started his own company....also based in the midwest.. a direct competitor against 4YW... I couldn't do anything except fire The Masked Mauler VI at the spot. 4YW will go on and declare war on this new company.. I won't share any piece of the pie in the midwest.

I really like how the game creates stories like this. 


Wow, so cool! Did you signed Rayne Man also? He should be a free agent in Mid West

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On 4/21/2024 at 1:11 PM, RatedRKO16 said:

I have a whole year to type out here, so I'm going to try to sum it up as quick as possible and post every month to 2 months so the write ups aren't as big.


Started in 1992. I opened AWA back up with Paul Heyman running the show.

AWA SuperClash (Week 4 Jan 1992)

-Bob Backlund def Paul "Mr Wonderful" Orndorff for the AWA Heavyweight

-Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow def Terry Funk & Cactus Jack Foley for the AWA Tag Titles

-Wendi Richter def The Fabulous Moolah to win the AWA Women's

-Butch Reed def Billy Jack Haynes

-Honky Tonk Man def Kevin Von Erich

-The Prototypes (Paul Roma & Shane Douglas) def Bad News Allen & Ice Train


I started that first show and kind of launched from there with AWA Live! as my only TV show, which is basically just squash matches except for the main event, much like the shows in WWF in 1992.

The idea for the promotion was to be a more edgy version of wrestling, but not ECW edgy. Maybe think more Ruthless Aggression era. Solid wrestling, good brawls, and entertaining characters with distinct gimmicks. 

Core Product - Three Ring Circus

Current Product - Classic Balanced

There are 3 things that are different from my bookings than other promotions in 1992: there are more multi man matches - triple threats, elimination matches, etc. I choose "wild brawl" more often than not. And my womens matches are "eye candy" matches. So, it's edgier than the other mainstream promotions at the time.


After my first show, I quickly realized I was over paying for talent and there was a large turnover. 



Heyman's Horsemen - This was Paul Heyman's select 4 to carry the promotion and they were introduced as heels. Paul Roma led, Shane Douglas as the future star, Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader both as enforcers. 


-Backlash (Feb 1992), Funk & Foley def Vader & Bam Bam for the Tag Championships. Wendi Richter defended successfully against Bull Nakano.

-March Madness (Mar 1992) (King of the Ring style PPV) - Backlund retains AWA Champioship over Orndorff again. Paul Roma def Jimmy Snuka in the finals of the March Madness tournament and earned himself (at the time) a #1 contenders match. This ends my "stacked" roster as I had to release a bunch of guys after this to stay in business. Shane Douglas, my future franchise player, is stolen from me by WCW. :( 

-AWA Live! (show post March Madness) - Heyman announced that Backlund, Orndorff, Snuka, Vader and others had been release from their contracts. He cuts a promo saying how they were in business for only themselves and holding back the real talent of AWA. He awards the AWA championship to none other than Paul Roma, who won the March Madness tournament.

-AWA Legendary! (Apr 1992) - Paul Roma wins the first triple threat match in AWA defeating Bam Bam (who was only in the match to help Roma) and Cactus Jack Foley

-AWA Night of Champions (May 1992) - In a Legendary! rematch, Roma retains again. American Heroes (Patriot & La Parka), who won the vacated tag titles on AWA Live!, retain against The Headshrinkers (Fatu & Samu). Al Snow wins the first Fatal 4 Way match against Scott Norton, Raven & Finlay for the newly created midcard TV Championship. 

-AWA CAGED (May 1992) - Roma def Greg "The Hammer" to retain the AWA Championship. Bam Bam def Cactus Jack Foley in the first AWA cage match. The newly signed tag team of Buddy Landel & Buddy Rose def Patriot & La Parka for the Tag Championships. The New Heyman's Horsemen are formed with Roma, Bam Bam, Buddy Landel & Buddy Rose. 

-AWA Iconic (July 1992) - Roma retains against Bad News Allen who had announced his retirement in 3 months and wanted a shot at the title. I accidentally had Greg The Hammer & The Killer Bee (Brian B Blair) def Heymans Horsemen on AWA Live! and they retain here.

-AWA Victory! (Aug 1992) - Roma retains against Bad News again. 

-AWA Summer Fever (Sept 1992) - Roma retains in Cactus Jack Foley's first championship match. Bam Bam Bigelow is now the TV Champion and Headshrinkers win the Tag Titles.

-AWA In Your House! (Oct 1992) - Nothing really to note of but this is where I start pushing my own talent. I have taken Brad Reignagans (sp?) and packaged him as Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns. Basically a no nonsene Kurt Angle style of wrestler. He defeats Butch Reed who is just hovering around upper midcard. The Killer Bee is also being pushed, with his gimmick being one of a super hero who just gets the crap beat out of him but keeps coming back and usually wins by roll up. Yokozuna has been squashing opponents being built up for the main event. Yoko, Fatu and Samu create the Samoan Swat Team. Harris Brothers, Chris Kanyon and Mike Awesome form a biker gang stable. Jimmy Del Ray debuts going by "Little Brother Jimmy Backlund" essentially getting by as the former AWA Champion Bob Backlund's little brother. I imagine him being what Spike Dudley was to the Dudley Boys, a glorified jobber, but adored by the fans. 

AWA Cyber Saturday (Nov 1992) - All matches are "voted on" by the fans. Loveable Cactus Jack Foley got a rematch against Roma here, but lost. Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns lost a TV Title match against Bam Bam. The Headshrinkers retain the Tag Titles against The Hammer & Killer Bee. Yokozuna def Al Snow, his first major opponent and this starts his first story line.

AWA Soul Survivor (Dec 1992) - This is an original PPV in the sense that it is a gimmick PPV for the #1 contender for January's SuperClash (my WrestleMania). But, instead of the Royal Rumble, we have a 6 man elimination match for the #1 contender, dubbed the "Soul Survivor". Paul Roma successfully defended his title against Brad "The Suplex Machine". Bam Bam Bigelow wins the 6 way Soul Survivor Match against Cactus Jack Foley, Al Snow, Yokozuna, Greg The Hammer and The Killer Bee (so you know who I view as my main guys). 



-The show starts out with a face turn completed by Bam Bam Bigelow. Paul Heyman calls him out to open the show and says he must vacate the TV Title before he gets to face Paul Roma tonight. Bam Bam says on one condition: no member of the Horsemen can interfere. Heyman agrees. Bam Bam ensures victory much to the delight of the fans and is out of Heyman's Horsemen. 

-Brad The Suplex Machine def Kurrgan by DQ (Kurrgan debuted a couple months prior. All his matches have ended in DQ to keep him strong and have his gimmick be one where he is just a destroyer that doesn't care about the rules.)

- Sabu squashes Little Brother Jimmy Backlund (Sabu debuted a couple months ago and has steadily been putting on great matches for his pop. He is playing a role of a modern Iron Sheik)

- Eddie Guerrero def Yokozuna and La Parka in a triple threat match for the vacant TV Title. This match was set up for Yoko to win but Eddie pins La Parka instead. Eddie is a high flying face. La Parka has turned heel and has been feuding with Eddie. 

- The Harris Brothers defeat The Headshrinkers for the Tag Championships. (Samu got stolen from me by SWS, so I had to get the titles off them)

- The Killer Bee def Greg The Hammer

-Bull Nakano def Wendi Richter to finally dethrown the year long rein for the Womens Championship. (Storyline was boring so I didnt share to this point. Nobody could beat Wendi until it got back around to Nakano getting her 2nd shot.)

- Paul Roma def Bam Bam to retain AWA World Heavyweight. To his word, Heyman has no (current) Horsemen interefere. But, with Samu leaving, Yoko and Fatu align with Heyman to help Roma retain. (This whole build up makes me sad, because the OG idea was for Bam Bam to win and have a nice face run with the title. SWS also steals him on a written contract, so I'm forced to have him lose and push Yoko a little earlier than I wanted as my main monster. Also, this gives the heel the win at the biggest event of the year. Roma's reign of terror continues...)


So, now you're caught up. I'll leave with my current roster/story lines for the new season...

-Cactus Jack Foley, Al Snow and Little Brother Jimmy Backlund have created the "Hardcore Legends" faction and are faces. Along with occassionally Eddie Guerrero (who refuses to join), they will be going up against Heyman's Horsemen.

-Heyman's Horsemen now consists of Paul Roma, Buddy Landel, Yokozuna and Fatu and are heels. Yoko and Fatu are a tag team battling with Cactus Jack Foley & Little Brother Jimmy. Buddy Landel is feuding with Eddie Guerrero over the TV Champioship. And Paul Roma will be feuding with Al Snow for the AWA World Heavyweight.

-James Mitchell created "The Underworld" (heel) which consists of Sabu, Phantom (Gangrel) and La Parka. They are being a plug and play faction, really just causing havoc. Sabu and La Parka will be battling over the TV Title with Eddie and Buddy. 

-Don Harris, Ron Harris, Chris Kanyon and Mike Awesome created "The Renegades" - a face biker faction that went no where the last 6 months. So, I had Kanyon and Awesome turn heel and signed Brian Lee. So now, we have the Harris Brothers & Brian Lee (face) vs Awesome/Kanyon/??? (heel) and am going to have a biker gang war storyline. 

-Al Snow has started one of those odd couple on screen relationships with Wendi Richter. The idea here was to build Snow up to face Bam Bam who was in a relationship with Luna Vachon and do some mixed tag matches. I'm going to have to find someone else to plug in here. 

Leaves a bunch of guys left out:

Tag Teams:

2 Cold Scorpio/Tony Norris (f)

Hunter Hearst Helmsley/Prince Lawler (Brian Lawler) (h)

Raven and The Lucky Charm (Finlay) (h)

Harlem Heat (h)

Other singles:

Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns (f)

The Killer Bee (f)

Greg "The Hammer" (h)

Hardcore Holly (f)

Rey Mysterio Jr (f)

Kurrgan (h)

Jakob (Kane) (h)

Ludvig Borga (h)

Michael P.S. Hayes (h), Junkyard Dog (f) and Demolition Ax (f) have been signed to help with roster depth after losing Samu and Bam Bam Bigelow. 

Women's Division:

Wendi Richter (f)

Misty Blue (f)

Ivory (f)

Luna Vachon (h)

Bull Nakano (h)

Reggie Bennett (h)

Leilani Kai (h)

Candi Devine (h)


If you got this far, thanks for reading! Losing Bam Bam Bigelow really messed up my booking plans which I had laid out for the entire year. He was going to successfully defend the title against Roma in a series of matches until Yoko turned on Roma. Heyman was going to have Yoko be his new guy, beat Roma a couple times then dethrown Bam Bam. Plan scrapped.

New plan: DiBiase and Piper are free agents! I figured I could sign them. Planned another year of story lines out. The jist: Piper would debut first to take on Roma. He would lose by intereference of DiBiase. DiBiase is here because he bought into AWA and joins Heyman's Horsemen. He would insert himself into a triple threat  with Roma & Piper and pin Roma and win the title for himself. This would lead to Roma's face turn (as well as Heyman's, possibly). DiBiase would now be champion with Yoko as his body guard. Scribbled in plans, I wanted DiBiase vs Piper at SuperClash III but the title be Cactus Jack finally winning against Yokozuna in an ultimate underdog story. 

Welp, scrap that, too. The moment I tried to sign them both, NJPW gets them. Didn't know about the trigger. So, 3rd times a charm. Don't know what I'm going to do from here but if anyone has any ideas, please let me know!

Thanks again for reading!!

AWA Backlash (Feb 1993)

AWA Heavyweight - Paul Roma (c) def Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns

TV - Eddie Guerrero (c) def Greg "The Hammer" (Yoko post match attack on Eddie)

Underworld (Sabu & Phantom) def Hardcore Legends (Cactus Jack & Little Brother Jimmy)

Womens Heavyweight - Bull Nakano (c) def Wendi Richter

Al Snow def La Parka

Tag Heavyweight - New Samoan Swat (Yoko & Fatu) (c) def Harris Brothers (Ron & Don Harris) and Bruise Brothers (Mike Awesome & Chris Kanyon)

AWA March Madness (Mar 1993)

AWA Heavyewight - Paul Roma (c) def Cactus Jack Foley (Yoko & Fatu interfere)

March Madness Opening Round:

Al Snow def Phantom

Sabu def Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns (Kurrgan interfered)

Eddie Guerrero def Yokozuna by DQ

La Parka def The Killer Bee (Greg "The Hammer" interfered)

March Madness Semi Finals
Al Snow def Sabu

La Parka def Eddie Guerrero

March Madness Final

Al Snow def La Parka and earns a title shot at Legendary (Apr PPV)

AWA Legendary (Apr 1993)

AWA Heavyweight - Al Snow def Paul Roma (c) by DQ (no title change)

Last Man Standing - The Killer Bee def Greg "The Hammer" (post match, Sabu destroys The Killer Bee)

Cactus Jack Foley def Fatu

TV Heavyweight - Yokozuna def Eddie Guerrero (c) (Yoko continues the attack after the match with 3 drops from the top rope, kayfabe injuring Eddie)

Kurrgan & Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns go to a time limit draw

Raven & The Bruise Brothers (Awesome/Kanyon) def Ax & The Harris Bros (Don & Ron Harris)

Womens Heavyweight - Ivory def Bull Nakano (c) (during the match, Richter trips Nakano allowing Ivory the rollup victory)

Los Dioses De Lucha Libre (Tito Santana & Rey Mysterio Jr) def Royal Ones (Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Prince Lawler)


Tito Santana is a new signing. He is here to replace Dave Finlay who was signed elsewhere. Finlay was a road agent and Tito also fills this void. There are 3 more guys ready to show up within the next month that should make these upcoming shows a little more interesting. 

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I have reached 1987 in my CV77 game and just completed my tenth anniversary show which garnered a full 100 rating with no add-ons used! This is the most proud of have been of any TEW save and I hope you enjoy my write up of the show.

LWF Anniversary X (100) in front of 102,000 fans in the Great Lakes (11.57 TV Rating)

(Pre-Show) Alice Fitz won a 20 Woman Battle Royal (65)
(Pre-Show) Motoichi Arakida won a 25 Man Battle Royal (77)

Both battle royals are only here so that nobody complains about being left off the show, and the numbers are made up with members of the development roster (including Arakida).

Xenos Papadopoulos defeated Wild Man Sullivan (82)

This is just a classic declining physical ability de-push, Sullivan can no longer go in the ring so I put a development worker over him, and after the show he was released as he is not up to snuff to be a road agent sadly.

Red Army (Reona Deguchi, Sachiko Morita and Yuzuka Oyama) defeated Ann Baker, Kalehiwa and Ninja Asuka (Spirit of Vengeance) (81)

Sadako Red's Red Army has expanded in the past few years and looks set to be a major part of the LWF women's division for many years to come. Here they are going over the newest members of the roster that are going to be pushed in the coming months (they have all just improved to a good enough level at our performance centre). 

Meriam Hatem defeated Debbie Walsh, Genevieve Acklin, Lin Seo Kim and Zhi-Gong Ling (81)

These five women were feuding over the past year as they are all the sole representatives of their nationalities within LWF at the moment. Hatem was pushing at Well Known when this started while the other four were all Unimportant. They have now all been raised out of the bottom of the card and shall be parts of more interesting feuds going forward.

Panther Tanimoto defeated Tasuku Nandaba (86)

Another time decline de-push here, although it is slightly tied into the storyline involving all the other Japanese male wrestlers in the company having a free-for-all after the stables of Cool Japan, Strong Japan and Cruel Japan all fell apart last year. Nandaba will be staying with LWF as a Road Agent once his perception is down to Recognisable.

The Flying Angels defeated Red Devil Machines, Black Magic II (Candace Williams and Sheila Longstar) and Red Army V (Sadako Red and Ripper Takano) to retain the LWF Women's Tag Team titles (92)

Team Angel (The Flying Angels, Inoue Chiaki and Kumiko Hasegawa) and Red Army have been feuding on and off for many years. Now they are both looking for new recruits, with the teams of Black Magic II and the Red Devil Machines both being primary candidates. This match was The Flying Angels fifteenth(!) defence of their titles, and ended the storyline with both Magic and the Machines being left as their own groups separate from the two factions.

China (Lady) Kitozaki defeated Melissa Monroe and Sakurako Kagawa (93)

Intended to be a feud to catapult Kitozaki up the card quickly before her advancing age caught up with her this sadly fell by the wayside as her pop cap is too small to even reach Star in LWF. But these three women will be solid members of the midcard for now and can consistently have good matches.

Bishima & Shinigami (Gnasher Udo) defeated Kenji Fukamura and Mitsuo Kato to retain the LWF Men's Tag Team titles (91)

Bishima and Shinigami have become the tag team representatives of Nero's Disciples (also including Professor Nero and Mephisto) and recently regained the titles for a third time. They defend here against a loose Japanese pairing as many of our best tag teams have recently been split up or had members released. 

Kazuo Mitsushi defeated Dead Silence (82)

The final time decline de-push as Dead Silence has finally reached that age, unfortunate too as he had a good tag team going with El Payaso (named Slapstick)

Jennifer Patrick defeated Anne Stardust and Samira (The) White (95)

This was intended to be the crowning of Stardust as the new number one contender for the Women's World title but unfortunately her pop cap is only 83 for the moment. Thus I just let these women have great matches for the preceding year.

Limb Snappers (Fred Jenkins, Lester McGuire and Mikel de Sota) defeated Don Hunt, Matthew McAllister and Mike Barstow for the LWF Men's Trios titles (100)

A very weird one here as I have absolutely NO idea why this reached 100. All six of these men are members of the Limb-Snappers stable (also involving two other men we shall reach later) but McAllister has just hit time decline so I had to get the title off him and remove him from the group. Ideally the champions should be Hunt, McGuire and Barstow so I shall do some finagling to get that right depending on who the stable's next feud is.

Ryusei Kanai defeated Oyori Kawajiri, Kyoshiro Kanashi, Yodo Nakane, Yoshinaka Toshusai and Yasunari Koga (99)

The six premier Japanese male wrestlers in LWF all going at it in a winner-take-all battle (I now realise this would have been the perfect match to crown an inaugural LWF Men's Intercontinental champion oops). Kanai has always been the best of this bunch but his pop cap keeps him at Star perception when I feel he should be a Major Star (I think because of his lacklustre primary skills outside of his excellent puroresu).

Kumiko Hasegawa defeated Inoue Chiaki to retain the LWF Women's World title (95)

A friendly competition here between two stable mates. Hasegawa is one of only two Major Star women in LWF who seem set to trade the Women's World title back and forth for a long time (or until I can find another woman with a pop cap high enough to take it off them!)

Yumi Yoshikuni defeated Heidi Brooks and Ashley Amazon (99)

The other Major Star is of course Yumi Yoshikuni, who is undoubtedly the final boss of the LWF women's division. She will probably regain the title from Hasegawa in the coming months. Brooks and Amazon are loosely aligned as the Badass Blondes but require a third member (probably Barbie once she increases her skills enough at our performance centre) before I want to make them a major part of programming.

Carlos Arroyo and Dusty Streets defeated Vertigo II (Red Falcon and El Huracán (Huracán Sandoval)) (100)

Another 100 I was surprised by as Arroyo's match ratings are extremely lacklustre (only 84 in this match compared to 96 for Streets). This is part of an extremely even feud that was ongoing between the Bad Boy Crew (Arroyo, Streets, Robbie Gordon and Richie Pangrazzio Jr, managed by Rip Chord) and Outer Space (Falcon, Huracán, Elemental and Quasar, managed by Extraordinario). 

Angus McCloud defeated El Payaso (99)
Chief Two Eagles defeated Mephisto (99)

A couple of throwaway matches to get these men on the card. I'm considering turning Payaso heel and joining him up with Nero's Disciples and a tag match here would have been a great tease but unfortunately McCloud and the Chief have negative chem when tagging. 

Elemental and Quasar defeated Richie Pangrazzio Jr and Robbie Gordon (99)

The finale of the feud between Bad Boy Crew and Outer Space. I bought out BHOTWG in April 1982 and have been rinsing Elemental ever since despite his low psych cap (only 75). Unfortunately in this match it was discovered that Quasar, one of our most reliable stars, has finally hit time decline, so the reins of Outer Space will be handed over to Elemental now.

Luis Montero defeated Jean-Pierre Baptiste and Ray Kingman (100)

At the start of the year Luis Montero was set upon by the Limb Snappers (Kingman and Baptiste are the two further members of the group I mentioned earlier) after winning the Men's World title. A series of fantastic matches ensued, including 100 rated matches between Montero and Jenkins, Montero and Kingman AND Montero and Baptiste. This finale was set up to be a fantastic match and it did NOT disappoint. Montero will be in and around the title scene in the coming months.

George DeColt defeated Professor Nero (99)

George DeColt was the latest victim of Nero's Disciples, but here he has truly overcome them once and for all. DeColt will also be moving into the World title picture as both he AND Montero have 100 pop across the US. 

Sam Strong defeated Micky Starr for the LWF Men's World title (100)

Micky Starr turned on Sam Strong at LWF Anniversary IX, being jealous of Strong's rapid rise to the top of LWF. Originally Strong was a part of Starr's Team Lionheart but now they are sworn enemies. This is Strong's first major world title in ANY promotion and it seems as though it certainly won't be the first. I am so so glad this got a 100 rating as this makes me feel that I'm being true to canon in some way by having these two have a potential match of the year.


The only five wrestlers I have yet to get hold of that I wish I could have on my roster are Dan Stone, Pat Deacon, Preston Holt, Sadaharu Jimbo and Yoshifusa Maeda but all of these are either tied up with ownership/booking duties or loyalties in other companies. I am still holding out hope for more of the women's roster being able to reach Major Star status but I think this won't happen with any of our current main roster workers.

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On 4/26/2024 at 9:37 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

Wow, so cool! Did you signed Rayne Man also? He should be a free agent in Mid West

No, haven't signed him. In my game he works from a different region.. Focused mainly on Mid West wrestlers and those who didn't ask for their travel expenses being covered.

Made a splash investment with bringing in the free agent One Man Army as a heel. He's on a pretty expensive handshake deal, but he puts in great matches so I use him solely in my Monthy event and not on my small one-hour a week tv-show (taped on 2 seperate occassions).

Been really pleased with the progress of my company. Been putting out solid shows between the 50 and 60 ratings while working with mostly cheap talent. I slowly trying to develop some talent. James Diaz is developing in a nice heel wrestler. Despite his young age (20) already held the belt for a very short time. He's been putting in 50+ match ratings on a constant basis. Another nice prospect is Dreadnought. Also a very young and promising heel wrestler. Will attempt to push him in a joined storyline as a partner to One Man Army. To set this up I hired Dreadnoughts father Dread as a manager to assist.

I really like how the gameworld progresses and how other companies try to pry away my personnel. Had a great female color announcer in Sarah Taylor who got hired from underneath me to a bigger company. That's a great aspect. Will start to look into signing some of my talent to exclusive contracts in the near future.

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On 4/21/2024 at 12:49 PM, thisisobc said:

NJPW 1992-1995

Wrestlekingdom III


New Japan Rambo- Won by Kensuke Sasaki 


If they weren’t on the rest of the card, they were put in here. Sasaki was the biggest name, so the Rambo starts off with a bang, Terry Gordy, Hiroshi Hase & SWS World Champion Gary Albright were the final 4 

Sasaki will get a Championship shot at the Anniversary Show 



The Titans (Kokina Maximus & Nelson Knight) def. Full Force (Dan Kroffat & Billy Black) 


Upset at seemingly missing out on a Wrestlekingdom payday (As the Rambo hadn’t been announced yet) The Titans issues an open challenge on the final TV of 1994. Which was answered by former SWS Tag Team champions Dan Kroffat and Billy Black making their NJPW debut. But the rookies didn’t have enough to put the massive men down... plus they’re currently negotiating with both us and AJPW and I don’t know which way they’re gonna go yet but I already had them planned to answer this spot 


Main Show 


Dan Severn def. Vader 

A farewell match for Vader whose WCW contract has now become exclusive, and as he has loyalty there was no chance for us. So, I put him up against the man who has been a thorn in his side throughout the entire save, eliminating him from 2 consecutive New Japan cups plus beating him in a G1. But as he is leaving the three time IWGP Heavyweight champion says farewell to the company that served him well. I hope to get him back at some point but I don’t think it will happen 


The Headhunters def. The Takano Brothers 

The Takano Brothers are also leaving as part of my rebuilding of the Tag Team division, they were kicked out of Shinryaku-Gun by Tenryu who was then userped by Koji Kitao, and part of the rebuild for the faction were the Headhunters, which led to this match as the Takano’s face who technically are their factional replacement. The Hunters pick up the win as the Takano’s are leaving there is a higher ceiling for The Headhunters 


Team NJPW (Riki Choshu, Shinya Hashimoto & Tatsumi Fujinami) vs Team AJPW (Stan Hansen, Mitsuhara Misawa & Kenta Kobashi)  

Is there an Irony that two of the All-Japan team are exclusive with NJPW, yes but this felt like the perfect culmination of the Stan Hansen excursion story we’ve had since the G1. We didn’t have anything for Misawa and Kobashi which I do think was probably a mistake, but the main event scene is very crowded now. Makes me think it might be time to bring in the Intercontinental Championship soon. The NJPW team picked up the win because eventually the host need to beat the invasion force. This match also showed how much Choshu has fallen due to time decline. Everyone in this match got in the 90s for ratings.... Choshu got a 55. I might retire him at the Anniversary Show 


Koji Kitao def. Genichiro Tenryu 

The former leader of Shinryaku-Gun versus the new leader, Kitao felt the faction had moved away from what made them such a formidable force in the first place. So, Kitao took out the aging Tenryu and bought in The Headhunters, David Finlay and Galaxy (Damian 666) another wave of invading forces from SWS. Kitao beats Tenryu here as an attempt to try and legitimize him as a main event talent, Tenryu however still isn’t declining and is putting on some of the best ratings in the entire company, so he is staying in the main event despite this loss 


Loser Goes On Excursion- Glenn Jacobs def. Steve Williams 

The Miracle Violence Connection faction has been decimated by WCW. Steve Williams has also been signed by the American Company so I may have retconned what Jacobs’ speech was at the end of the tag league. The 3-time IWGP Tag Team Champion is leaving, and I don’t think we will ever get him back. So, Jacobs and Gordy are now all that is left of MVC. So much for building that tag division. 


Jushin Thunder Liger and Dean Malenko go to a 30 Minute Draw 

Two of the best juniors that aren’t in the title match, was billed as a number one contender's match but with a draw that will lead to complications. Malenko in an odd twist was seconded by Chris Benoit rather than his brother which was seemingly a forced decision by Dan Severn in an attempt to get the two of them to work together. This Malenko and Benoit storyline has been my biggest slow build story of the entire save. 


IWGP Tag Team Championship- The Holy Demon Army def. Death Riders (TenKoji) (C) 

Taue and Kawada are the tag team champions, the overall arch of Kawada coming in and taking over the Demon’s Triad and founding the Army is starting to reach its second chapter, as the Army is now completely assimilated into the NJPW roster. Despite Death Riders being Heel against Mutoh in the main event they are still face in this feud as The Army believe that they along with Seiki-Gun represent everything wrong with Puro, Strong Style. King’s Road picks up the victory here and Kawada becomes a 2-time tag team champion. 


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship- El Samurai def. Shoichi Hattori (C) 

The rookie reign of Hattori is over, and El Samurai has finally won the IWGP Junior Championship and stepped out of the massive shadow cast by his tag team partner Jushin Thunder Liger, until after the match Liger comes out to challenge Samurai for his title despite not winning the contenders match earlier. Reluctuntly Samurai accepts, and it is official for the Anniversary Show. 


IWGP U-30 Openweight Championship- Steven Regal (C) def. Minoru Suzuki 

Regal makes the eleventh defense of the Openweight Championship beating Minoru Suzuki who picked up a pinfall victory against the British Wizard at the Tag League finals. Regal has made the TV show his own with frequent defenses against all comers from 19yr old Rey Misterio Jr from CMLL to main event stars like Shinya Hashimoto. Regal still has 3 years in the U-30 division and the NJPW management need to consider, who could possibly beat Regal 


IWGP Heavyweight Championship- Masahiro Chono def. Keiji Mutoh (C) 

365 days after winning the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and a 7 defenses later Keiji Mutoh has lost the title in the same building he won it in, and Masahiro Chono is the second of the three musketeers to hold the main title. Chono has consistently been my most over talent and was supposed to win this title back at Dontaku, but an injury postponed that and lead to Chono’s 3rd G1 Climax victory after his big heel turn, showing the bad ass Chono from the 90s that we all know and love to hate. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

TCW Where Angels Fear To Tread 2022

April 2022 - Attendance: 78,000 - Show Rating: 100!

In a Lucha Libre Match, El Jaguar defeated Tigre Salvaje Jr. (90)

The team of the Wild Cats imploded after losing the TCW World Tag Team Championship to The Aegis.  After they lost their return match against the New Champs, El Jaguar shocked the world and assaulted his long time partner and best friend.  This quickly became one of the most heated feuds in TCW history.  After betraying Salvaje Jr. and his stable Team Lucha!, El Jaguar would eventually be recruited into the Sinner Society and take on a darker look and evilish tendencies.

After Jaguar and Salvaje Jr. split several matches, Salvaje Jr. challenged Jaguar to face him in the only match that could end the feud between them.  A Lucha Libre Match!  Both would also agree that their stablemates would not get involved.  But after the two competitors split the two first falls, Jaguar would insult the entire lucha legacy by using Salvajer Jr.'s own mask to blind Tigre.  WIth Salvaje Jr. briefly discombobulated, Jaguar would hit the Jaguar Suplex and seal the win, thus ending their near 6 month blood feud.

In a Tables Tag Team Elimination Match, The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated The Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock) to successfully retain the TCW World Tag Team Championship.  (95)

Another longstanding feud comes to a close, one partially built upon Chris Flynn's previous history as a Syndicate member.  After barely coming up short on two occasions from becoming Tag Team Champions, Flynn & Whitlock worked their way up the ladder and secured one more chance against The Syndicate's Youngman & Ferrera.  While the CSF were able to pick up a couple wins over the Tag Champions in 6-Man competition, but the question was whether they could get the W when the championship gold was on the line.

After a couple weeks where both teams would put the other through a table, this final encounter was booked as a Tables Elimination Match.  Alas, like many teams before, the CSF would eventually fall to the shady ways of The Syndicate.  Despite being eliminated from the match, Xavi Ferrera would return to the ring to help his partner Youngman, who had been left alone one-on-one with CSF's Chris Flynn.  Sterling Whitlock would eventually return as well to chase away Ferrera, but the damage was already done.  Youngman would put Flynn through a table with a Superplex, securing the successful title defense for his tag team.  The Aegis remain on top of the mountain as TCW Tag Team Champs, and clearly the best tag team in the world today.  

Scythe defeated Mighty Mo (85)

Eddie Peak willingly gave over the reigns of the Sinner Society to Scythe under one condition.  Scythe would do the one thing Peak could never accomplish.  DESTROY MIGHTY MO!  Ever since then, it's been like deja vu for Mo, reigniting this war with the Sinner Society.  But this was a new Sinner Society, as Scythe had rebuilt the stable with the likes of El Jaguar, Kill Switch, and Ash Campbell under the new alias Dark Nemesis.  But, with allies like Garry The Entertainer & Joffy Laine, Mighty Mo was ready for a war!

After several battles with the Sinner Society, this one-on-one bout was finally set to happen.  And of course, chao would ensue, as everyone involved in this war would make an appearance during this match.  Unfortunately for Mo, he would distract himself, taking his eyes off Scythe to plant Dark Nemesis with his Plunging Spinebuster.  This would allow Scythe to catch Mo off-guard and connect with the Giant Chokeslam for the win.  But clearly, this war between Mighty Mo & Scythe are far from over.

Some might say....it could be heading towards Total Mayhem!

Team Lucha!'s Aztec Prince & Mr. Lucha defeated The Syndicate's Princeton Pryce & Primus Allen (85)

In April's Edition of TCW's Saturday Night Showcase, Mr. Lucha would headline the monthly event by defending the TCW International Championship against his new rival, Primus Allen.  Allen appeared to have Lucha's number, using his barbaric strength to overwhelm the International Champion.  But, when it looked like we were going to have a new champion, Lucha would shock Allen by catching him with a small package, sneaking away with the victory!  

The celebration didn't last long, as The Syndicate would immediately ambush Lucha post-match.  The rest of Team Lucha! would hit the ring for the save, as a stable brawl would ensue.  To the shock of many, a familiar theme song would hit, and out would walked the returning Aztec Prince, back after 5 months of rehabbing his shoulder!  Prior to his injury, Aztec Prince was a member of The Syndicate, a personal enforcer for Wolf Hawkins.  At first, Hawkins was delighted to see Prince, but not for long!  Aztec Prince would turn away from the Syndicate and side with Team Lucha!, and helped his masked brethren send The Syndicate fleeing from ringside. One week later, Aztec Prince would officially become a member of Team Lucha!.  

Thus, this tag team match would be set up after several weeks of altercations.  And, in his first match back from injury, it was quite the showing for Aztec Prince.  Prince would end up winning the match for Team Lucha!, pinning TCW Television Champion Princeton Pryce after his Double Pop-Up Powerbomb.  It is the first pinfall loss Pryce has suffered in close to a year, and the first one since becoming TV Champion! 

The feud between Mr. Lucha & Primus Allen is clearly not over yet.  Meanwhile, it looks like Princeton Pryce has found himself a new challenger for his Television Championship!  

Sammy Bach defeated Rick Law in a Parking Lot Brawl (85)

The war between Sammy Bach & Aaron Andrews continues on after Andrews betrayed his close friend Sammy, costing him his World Title Rematch opportunity all out of an act of pure jealousy.  Since then, Andrews has aligned himself with TCW Executive Eddie Chandler & Rick Law, who claim to represent the Powers That Be behind the scenes in TCW.  As a result of all this, Law has become involved in this feud, including costing Bach some matches.  When Bach challenged Andrews to one more battle, Law stepped in and declared that if Sammy wanted his rubber match...then Sammy would have to go through him!  After a plethora amount of chaos, this match ended up turning into a Parking Lot Brawl, a 1st in TCW!

Law received some help from his Law & Order minions, Big Bruiser Findlay & Marshall Dillion.  Nevertheless, Bach was able to overcome all the odds all on his own.  After both men climbed on top of a scaffold in the arena parking pot, Bach would knock Law from the scaffold, and send Rick crashing on top of the roof of a parked limousine!  Bach would follow up by leaping off the scaffold and splashing on top of the limousine!  1,2,3, Bach gets the big win, and he will get his rubber match with Aaron Andrews...and it will happen at Total Mayhem!

(Before the next match, TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson appeared on stage.  After talking about how the TCW roster has grown in the last couple of years, RDJ notes how TCW has talent of all shapes and sizes.  Therefore, it has been decided that TCW will be debuting a new World Championship Title.  RDJ proceeds to reveal the TCW World Junior Heavyweight Championship!  A title for the lightweights on the TCW roster, RDJ notes that preliminary matches will begin the following week.  Those preliminary matches will lead to a Fatal Four Way Match at TCW Total Mayhem, where the winner will be crowed the first TCW World Junior Heavyweight Champion!)  

In a 6-Man Ticket To Mayhem Ladder Match, KC Glenn defeated Aaron Andrews, Donte Dunn, Fro Sure, Mainstream Hernandez, & Spencer Spade (97, MOTN!)

The Ticket To Mayhem Match has become a tradition in the last couple of years in TCW, taking place at every edition of Where Angels Fear To Tread.  It is a 6-Man Ladder Match, where in which the man who retrieves the contract high above the ring earns the biggest opportunity in professional wrestling.  They earn the right to challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship in the Main Event at Total Mayhem!  

Only the best in TCW even earn a qualifying match, so needless to say only the most deserving have the chance to climb the ladder and retrieve the contract.  After plenty of well of ladder match chaos and well...mayhem, it was the former TCW International Champion KC Glenn who able to overcome all the odds and retrieve the contract before everyone else.  As Glenn stood at the top of the ladder and raised the contract high, we all witnessed the destiny that was pretty clear for a talent like him.  KC Glenn is going to Total Mayhem, and he is going to challenge for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!  

Fuyuko Higa defeated Sara Marie York to Successfully Retain the TCW World Women's Championship (90)

The biggest women's feud in the history of TCW's female division finally comes to end, as Higa & York finally have their rubber match.  This time, though, Higa would have to retain her title without the help of her pal, Miwako Katsukawa.  York had defeated Higa & Katsukawa in tag team action, and as a result Katsukawa was banned from ringside for this title match.

Certainly two of the best female wrestlers in the world, Higa & York delivered another classic to bring this feud to a close.  In the end, York was able to kick out of the first Higa Green Driver, but the 2nd one turned out to be her demise.  Fuyuko Higa continues on in her 2nd reign as TCW Women's Champion, as she eyes Total Mayhem and whomever her next challenger might be.  

Wolf Hawkins defeated Randy Unleashed to Successfully Retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (96)

Hawkins barely survived his title defense against Unleashed at Malice in Wonderland, thanks to interference by The Syndicate's newest member, Primus Allen.  Ever since, Unleashed was determined to earn another opportunity at the World Title.  After defeating Primus Allen at Excessive Force, the rematch was finally set to happen.  During the official contract signing, Unleashed even convinced Hawkins to agree to a one-on-one match, with no other Syndicate members interfering in their rematch.

That turned out not to be true, as Hawkins's manager/personal assistant Venus Angeletti would interfere, but would also get caught red handed and tossed from ringside by the referee!  Finally a one-on-one contest, Unleashed knew this was his opportunity!  Ready to finish off the champion, Unleashed attempted to connect with his patented Running Enziguri.  But Hawkins would manage to dodge the maneuver, and with the referee currently down after a collision, incapacitated Randy with a brutal low blow!    After Unleashed attempted to recover from the cheap shot, Hawkins soared through the air and connected with the Full Moon Rising!  1,2,3, Wolf Hawkins remains TCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Wolf Hawkins celebrated yet another successful title defense in-ring.  As Hawkins climbed down from the ring corner, Wolf turned around and found himself face to face with his next title challenger, KC Glenn!  Saying not a word, Glenn merely stared down the slightly startled champion.   Hawkins began to share from words with Glenn, but KC would only continue to stare down Wolf.  The message was sent, and Hawkins was fully aware that he had quite the challenge waiting for him at Total Mayhem!  


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Posted (edited)

Hello! It has been a little bit, been a bit distracted with other games and projects, plus real life of course. Wrestle Kingdom has officially come and gone. It is now 2013, and 21 years of gameplay have elapsed. I will be just covering Wrestle Kingdom to get back into things.

Special Singles Match: Shinsuke Nakamura def. Brock Lesnar
Lesnar and Nakamura have had an interesting rivalry, in that Nakamura was denied his Wrestle Kingdom 19 (2012) main event win because of Lesnar. He was unable to defeat him, and that made Nakamura's 2nd failed G1 conversion. Outside of that, Nakamura lost to Lesnar in the only G1 that Lesnar even entered, 2010. This was his first singles victory over the Beast and now enters 2014 with probably the most momentum of any wrestler in NJPW without a title, and 2014 could be the start of Nakamura's resurgence.

Special Singles Match: KUSHIDA def. Bryan Danielson
This rivalry is a 3 match series that ends at exactly... 1-1-1. This series was imperative for KUSHIDA, as he struggled massively in showing that killer instinct. Who better than Bryan Danielson to absolutely pummel him until he fought back with the same fiery passion? Indeed the two went to war, and finally KUSHIDA was able to best The American Dragon.

NEVER Openweight: HARASHIMA def. Tomohiro Ishii, and Rhino (c)
HARASHIMA returned as a heavyweight late last year, and many were skeptical. He had a solid Junior Tag run with Tetsuya Naito, but that is definitely not the same thing as winning his first singles title in the span of 4 months of returning. Ishii is likely to be seeking some form of revenge, as this was originally a singles match before Ishii lost to a returning HARASHIMA making it a 3-way dance for the title. Interestingly enough, after WK, Nakamura added HARASHIMA to CHAOS... and Ishii did not like that at all.

Suzuki-Gun's Final Match: Sekigun (Sekimoto, Akiyama, KAGETORA, Yoshi-Tatsu, and Yuko Miyamoto) def. Suzuki-gun (Suzuki, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, MAZADA, Hooligan, Shuji Ishikawa)
The longest running faction ends at 10 years. Suzuki is leaving NJPW and with him, his faction disbands. There isn't really much to say about it, he personally challenged Sekigun, as they were a major thorn at the time of Suzuki-gun's formation, and has had rivalries with former leaders Fujinami, and Hashimoto. Of course, current leader Kensuke Sasaki is busy elsewhere on the card.

IWGP United States: John Cena (c) def. Umaga
Cena is now 3-2 against Umaga, and is 3-0 in the last 3. Umaga has faltered and his one dimensional brawling style is not suited to lead a faction, which is probably why his faction has not really had any impact in NJPW. This will play a larger role in the future, but for now, Umaga has to take his WK loss and move on. I admit, I'm somewhat stumped on what to do with Umaga, he can't get over 85 pop, and the other Samoans (Usos/Roman) aren't ready to be called up. It is a real shame.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag: BxB Hulk & CIMA (c) def. The Young Bucks, and The Hardyz
The Young Bucks actually defeated The Hardyz in the finals of the Jr. Tag League, but BxB Hulk & CIMA were defeated by the Hardyz in the tournament, so this match, with The Young Bucks approval, became a 3-way. The reason? Well, the two gaijin teams have been feuding since they've arrived in NJPW. They can't help it. In total the Bucks are up 2-1. But here? Both teams spent their energy destroying each other while the champs picked them off easily. 

Special Singles Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi def. Kensuke Sasaki
If you don't count Shinsuke Nakamura, or Brock Lesnar... and even if you did, Kensuke Sasaki has a claim for being the biggest opponent for Tanahashi. Why? They're record is now tied at 5-5. Indeed, Kensuke Sasaki, even in his 40s has been able to defeat Hiroshi Tanahashi. This match was a bit more than that though, because after the match, Sasaki revealed he wants Tanahashi to take the mantle of leader of Sekigun, as all of the other aces have done so before. Tanahashi declined politely and explained that Sekigun has a talented up and comer that should be the heir.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight: YAMATO def. Kota Ibushi (c), Jayson Paul, Prince Devitt, Hayabusa, and Katsuhiko Nakajima
This was actually an Elimination match. Firstly, Ibushi was the first one eliminated. Fitting honestly, as this entire match was his idea and his mess. Ibushi has had a bad habit of biting off more than he can chew. He entered the BOSJ and the G1 last year, and his G1 performance was abysmal largely because of burn-out, and constant title defenses. Either way, he felt he "owed" each of these men a match.. well outside of YAMATO who just outright asked him to be in the match. Ibushi isn't stupid... right? Just stubborn and cocky. Either way... Ibushi was pinned by Nakajima. Hayabusa was second to go, pinned by Devitt. Jayson Paul shockingly pinned his faction leader, and tag partner, Prince Devitt. YAMATO would pin Nakajima, and then lastly, he would defeat the finalist Jayson Paul. The snake managed to worm his way into the title after another lengthy hiatus in MMA, and has come out on top. I've been booking YAMATO as like a sleazy worm heel, despite being surrounded by 3 other babyfaces (CIMA, Doi, and BxB Hulk) and I've been enjoying it a bit too much, despite him always abandoning me when I am about to give him the world.

IWGP Joshi: Meiko Satomura def. Michiki Omukai
Her second Joshi Cup win and her second WK loss... Michiki Omukai's best chances are likely gone. A sad realization and a massive underdog match with Meiko Satomura just battering her throughout. A fiery comeback was in the process until a spinning back-fist just ended the whole thing, and Satomura put her away.

IWGP Heavyweight Tag: Meiyu Tag def. Rated RKO & The Briscoes (c)
Another feud turned bloody, as Rated RKO betrayed the slowly dying SkirMish faction, more specifically Goto & Shibata. Rated RKO managed to win the Tag League, but were unable to defeat Meiyu Tag, The Briscoes have beef with both teams, simple match formed. Rarely will this happen, and to see it happen a few times in the same night, interesting. Funny how neither the winners of their respective Tag Leagues were unable to win.

IWGP Intercontinental: Tetsuya Naito def. Chris Jericho (c)
An interesting match, as Jericho called Naito one of the biggest letdowns in NJPW history. How do you get sponsored by Hiroshi Tanahashi, and still end up failing every opprotunity given to you? This was said in a press conference back in March of 2012. Naito got some revenge on Naito in a tag team match on the road to Dontaku, where later Osamu failed to defeat Jericho at the PPV. In the G1, Naito defeated Jericho, in the Tag League, Naito defeated Jericho. Enraged, Jericho reminded Naito that he'll never be Heavyweight Champion, he'll never be anything more than a failed Tanahashi clone. Well. Here he is, finally concluding this bitter rivalry. But Jericho's words will still sting, as Naito's first singles title is of course the Intercontinental title.

IWGP Heavyweight: Kazuchika Okada def. Naomichi Marufuji (c)
Marufuji was a bit like SANADA in real life. An experiment that, in my opinion (regarding SANADA) went pretty well. Marufuji unfortunately had to deal with an unknown variable in a debuting Okada trash talking every single person, and just bulldozing his way to his first G1 victory. Marufuji fought well, and looked like he was even going to put Okada away early, but Okada's insane resilience was put on display. Marufuji falls here, and Okada's reign begins.... as HiroshI Tanahashi comes out to congratulate Okada and challenge him at Fighting Spirit Unleashed!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this write-up. 


FSU Title Matches:

IWGP Heavyweight: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada

IWGP Intercontinental: Naruki Doi vs. Tetsuya Naito

IWGP United States: La Sombra vs. John Cena

IWGP Junior Heavyweight: Jayson Paul vs. YAMATO

IWGP Joshi: Cynthia Moreno vs. Meiko Satomura

Never Openweight: Fred Rosser vs. HARASHIMA

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag: Liger & KUSHIDA vs. BxB Hulk & CIMA

IWGP Heavyweight: The Briscoes vs. Meiyu Tag

NEVER Openweight 6-Man: Sekigun (Kensuke Sasaki, Jeff & Matt Hardy) vs. Bullet Club (Paul Wight, Matt & Nick Jackson)



Edited by Peria
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On 4/24/2024 at 4:41 PM, PaperMachete said:

Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

What do you plan on doing after this with Hogan.  I always have trouble booking Hogan in the WWF during the attitude era.  Could use some ideas 

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I started an AEW game with the real world chronicles January 2023 data, currently in July 2025

I have 9 child companies; ROH, Beyond, DEFY, Gatoh Move, OZ Academy, Marvelous, PWA, WOW, and INNOVATE (Which I started to kickstart the wrestling scene in India)

I talked AJ Lee, Cassie Lee/Peyton Royce, and Lacey Von Erich out of retirement




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2 hours ago, Zero said:

What do you plan on doing after this with Hogan.  I always have trouble booking Hogan in the WWF during the attitude era.  Could use some ideas 

Honestly, I have the same issue. I'm thinking a Lesnar/Undertaker special attraction thing, or using him as a mentor for a younger stable. But I feel he's very hard to book.

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On 5/14/2024 at 12:22 PM, PaperMachete said:

Honestly, I have the same issue. I'm thinking a Lesnar/Undertaker special attraction thing, or using him as a mentor for a younger stable. But I feel he's very hard to book.

You could use an old man yelling at the clouds kind of gimmick. Have him come out and talk about how his era was so much better and guys really knew how to work back then brother. He could have a stable of older guys too.

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3 hours ago, neslo024 said:

You could use an old man yelling at the clouds kind of gimmick. Have him come out and talk about how his era was so much better and guys really knew how to work back then brother. He could have a stable of older guys too.

To add to that the stable could be a mix of old stars and young guys that Hogan is grooming "the right way" to be like the stars of yesterday.

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13 hours ago, smmccallum said:

To add to that the stable could be a mix of old stars and young guys that Hogan is grooming "the right way" to be like the stars of yesterday.

This would be solid.  They think they are faces "saving" wrestling.  The only member who sees the truth is Sting.  We know what will happen....

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One of my best performers, Mobstar, got his neck broken. I'm crying 😭

Should I manually add him the "Troublesome Neck" attribute ? Or will it be automatically added ?

Edited by aaron07
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On 4/27/2024 at 8:33 AM, RatedRKO16 said:

AWA Backlash (Feb 1993)

AWA Heavyweight - Paul Roma (c) def Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns

TV - Eddie Guerrero (c) def Greg "The Hammer" (Yoko post match attack on Eddie)

Underworld (Sabu & Phantom) def Hardcore Legends (Cactus Jack & Little Brother Jimmy)

Womens Heavyweight - Bull Nakano (c) def Wendi Richter

Al Snow def La Parka

Tag Heavyweight - New Samoan Swat (Yoko & Fatu) (c) def Harris Brothers (Ron & Don Harris) and Bruise Brothers (Mike Awesome & Chris Kanyon)

AWA March Madness (Mar 1993)

AWA Heavyewight - Paul Roma (c) def Cactus Jack Foley (Yoko & Fatu interfere)

March Madness Opening Round:

Al Snow def Phantom

Sabu def Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns (Kurrgan interfered)

Eddie Guerrero def Yokozuna by DQ

La Parka def The Killer Bee (Greg "The Hammer" interfered)

March Madness Semi Finals
Al Snow def Sabu

La Parka def Eddie Guerrero

March Madness Final

Al Snow def La Parka and earns a title shot at Legendary (Apr PPV)

AWA Legendary (Apr 1993)

AWA Heavyweight - Al Snow def Paul Roma (c) by DQ (no title change)

Last Man Standing - The Killer Bee def Greg "The Hammer" (post match, Sabu destroys The Killer Bee)

Cactus Jack Foley def Fatu

TV Heavyweight - Yokozuna def Eddie Guerrero (c) (Yoko continues the attack after the match with 3 drops from the top rope, kayfabe injuring Eddie)

Kurrgan & Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns go to a time limit draw

Raven & The Bruise Brothers (Awesome/Kanyon) def Ax & The Harris Bros (Don & Ron Harris)

Womens Heavyweight - Ivory def Bull Nakano (c) (during the match, Richter trips Nakano allowing Ivory the rollup victory)

Los Dioses De Lucha Libre (Tito Santana & Rey Mysterio Jr) def Royal Ones (Hunter Hearst Helmsley & Prince Lawler)


Tito Santana is a new signing. He is here to replace Dave Finlay who was signed elsewhere. Finlay was a road agent and Tito also fills this void. There are 3 more guys ready to show up within the next month that should make these upcoming shows a little more interesting. 

AWA Night of Champions (May 1993)

Paul Roma defended the AWA title against Al Snow, but it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies for Heymans Horsemen as we get a camera shot backstage of BIG BUBBA TRAYLOR (dressed just like Big Bossman) holding Paul Heyman by the collar of his jacket while Paul begs for mercy as we go off air!

Ivory retains Womens Heavyweight  (def Wendi & Bull Nakano in a triple threat)

Cactus Jack Foley & Little Brother Jimmy def Yokozuna & Fatu to become the new Tag Heavyweight champions

AWA CAGED (May 1993)

-Paul Roma retains in a cage against Al Snow. The match ends with Roma/Yoko/Fatu all brawling with Cactus Jack/Al Snow/Big Bubba Traylor until.... TERRY FUNK's music hits and the ring clears! Foley's mentor has returned to AWA! 

-Eddie Guerrero wins the TV Title by cage escape against Yokozuna. This is Yokozuna's first loss in AWA (he still hasn't been pinned, though)

AWA Contender (June 1993)

-Yokozuna, Al Snow & Big Bubba Traylor for the AWA Heavyweight #1 Contender ended in a no contest after the ref called for the bell after A LOT of interference. Fatu, Paul Roma, Cactus Jack Foley, Big Bubba Traylor and Terry Funk were all involved. Even a newly signed VIRGIL gets involved by taking out Big Bubba Traylor. (Virgil is introduced as the bodyguard of Heymans Horsemen much like he was as Vincent for NWO)

-I also debuted the Sheep F****rs (Sheepherders/Bushwhackers). This was my most creative vision as it is essentially the Bushwhackers, but instead of being loveable weirdos, they're just jerks. They come to the ring with big wads of tobacco in their mouth, spitting in the face of young fans and come across with racist undertones (hence the name, they're suppose to be sheep loving hillbillies). This was going to pay off with Harlem Heat being the faces that took them down eventually, but these guys can't wrestle over 6 minutes anymore and they are not entertaining at all in angles, so this idea was dropped...even though I'm really proud of my creativity here. 

-Michael Hayes also debuts here, but I find he is on the decline and can't go over 6 minutes anymore either. I'm keeping him on my roster, though as he is a solid road agent.

AWA Victory (July 1993)

My #2 PPV to SuperClash (think of this as my SummerSlam) had Heyman throwing all 3 of the wrestlers from the #1 contender match into a Fatal 4 Way for Paul Roma's AWA Heavyweight Championship. This was my way of getting the title off Paul Roma and into the hands of Yokozuna who is on fire and skips the hot potato of Roma losing to a face only to drop it back to Yoko. Virgil interferes and takes out Big Bubba Traylor, Cactus Jack Foley interferes and takes out Paul Roma which leaves Al Snow to take the bonzai drop from Yoko. 1-2-3, new champion! After the match, Heyman is in the ring celebrating with Yokozuna as Paul Roma jealously looks on from the top of the ramp to end the show.

-Wendi Richter wins back the AWA Womens Heavyweight against Ivory. Just my best 2 female wrestlers stealing the show here. 

-Eddie Guerrero retains the TV Title against Sabu

-The Rock & Roll Express def Cactus Jack & Little Brother Jimmy for the AWA Tag Titles (after the match, Little Brother Jimmy turned on Cactus Jack!!)

-This show also highlighted 2 other new workers - "Stunning" Steve Austin & Nikita "The Nuke" (Nikita Koloff) have arrived in AWA!

AWA Undefeated (Aug 1993)

-Yoko retains against Al Snow (Roma decides not to pursue his title and gives Yoko the spotlight) (Heymans Horsemen start the beatdown of Al Snow and it looks bad until Cactus Jack Foley comes down the ramp and starts waving his arm forward for somebody to hurry up and get out here! Who is it? ITS KAMALA! Yokozuna looks terrified and all of Heymans Horsemen go scrambling.)

-Roma/Fatu/Virgil/James Backlund (formerly Little Brother Jimmy) def Cactus Jack Foley/The Suplex Machine/Terry Funk/Big Bubba Traylor in the first of many 3 on 3/4 on 4 Horsemen vs Hardcore Legends matches

-Steiner Brothers make their debut and win the AWA Tag titles over the R&R Express

-Brian Lee Bruise def Greg "The Hammer" Valentine in a low card story line. Brian Lee is taking on a "legend killer" type of story here where he starts knocking off the older vets on my roster. I started doing this to help get him over w/ Ron & Don as a faction

AWA King of the Mountain (Aug 1993)

-This is my Royal Rumble match for #1 contender. Big Bubba Traylor wins by last eliminating Paul Roma.

-Kamala and Yokozuna go to a no contest for the AWA Heavyweight after typical heavy interference

AWA Iconic (Sept 1993)

-Yokozuna retains here against Big Bubba Traylor after, you guessed it, Virgil ruins Big Bubba's chances. After the match, we have Kamala who gets shot in on Yokozuna's manager Gary Hart.

- Sabu wins the TV title in a cage match vs Eddie Guerrero

AWA No Holds Barred (Oct 1993)

-Yokozuna def Kamala to retain the AWA Heavyweight

-Cactus Jack/Al Snow/Terry Funk def Paul Roma/Fatu/James Backlund

-Big Bubba Traylor def Virgil

AWA Cyber Saturday (Nov 1993)

-Yokozuna vs ??? (fan vote) for AWA Heavyweight. Fans voted for Nikita "The Nuke" who wins via count out. Yokozuna retains.

-Paul Roma vs Big Bubba Traylor (fans vote on match type) - they choose street fight. Paul Roma wins

-Fatu/Backlund vs Snow/Foley (fans vote on match type) - they choose hardcore match (first ever in AWA) - Fatu & Backlund win

AWA Soul Survivor (Dec 1993)

- This PPV involves a 6 man elimination match dubbed the Soul Survivor match. The winner gets a shot at the title at SuperClash III.

-Cactus Jack Foley wins the Soul Survivor Match defeating Eddie Guerrero, Sabu, Paul Roma, Big Bubba Traylor and Al Snow

- Yokozuna retains against Nikita "The Nuke"

- Misty Blue wins the womens championship over Ivory & Wendi in a triple threat match



- FINALLY. What you build an entire year of story lines for is the pay off. Here we have the beloved Cactus Jack Foley taking on the unstoppable Yokozuna in a match with interference after interference. The type of match the heels have won time and time again for the past 2 years. This one has Virgil interfere, Big Bubba becomes the equalizer. Fatu interferes, Al Snow takes him out. A returning Mr Wonderful interferes, Terry Funk takes him out. The ref is distracted. Cactus Jack picks up a chair shot. ONE CHAIR SHOT. Yoko still standing. TWO CHAIR SHOTS. Yoko still barely standing. Foley drops the chair and hooks Yoko in position for the DDT on the chair! Ref turns around and counts to 3. NEW WORLD CHAMPION!! Al Snow, Terry Funk and Wendi Richter celebrate with their friend as the show goes off the air.

-Wendi Richter wins back the womens championship over Misty Blue

-Sabu def Eddie Guerrero in the first ladder match for the TV Title. If you haven't figured it out yet, these two's story is being innovative and putting on an amazing show. Cage matches, last man standing, and now a ladder match. Everything they touch has been gold.



I took a break after this. Booking a year and then planning your next takes a lot of effort and I'm just creatively burned out.

1994 Story line *rumors*

-I hear AWA is interested in turning Al Snow heel, making him believe Head is actually talking to him and turning him schizophrenic. Head will convince him that Cactus Jack Foley is not his friend culminating in a match at SuperClash IV.

-Yokozuna is planning to end his heel run as it has ran its course. AWA is playing with the idea of him throwing away his supposed Japanese heritage and having the American Flag on his tights. Obviously this is not something Paul Heyman will be thrilled about.

-Austin's hollywood blonde partner Brian Pillman has been signed. Will these 2 be friends or enemies?

- The Godfather is a new character AWA is putting some time and effort into, but instead of being a comedy character, AWA is thinking about taking a more serious route into having the fans believe that he actually is the leader of a mafia. Raven, Mike Awesome and Joey Maggs have been thought of as fitting wrestlers for a possible faction.

- Bam Bam Bigelow has been signed again after SWS went under and his long term contract was lost. However, hes hurt and will be out for 6 more months. Who will he come after? Paul Roma? Yokozuna? Paul Heyman? He has unfinished business with all 3. 

- Dustin Rhodes has been signed. How will he fit into the fold?



Al Snow (f)

Cactus Jack Foley (f)

Eddie Guerrero (f)

Nikita "The Nuke" (f)

Paul Roma (h)

Sabu (h)

Wendi Richter (f)

Yokozuna (h)


Big Bubba Traylor (f)

The Suplex Machine (f)

Bull Nakano (h)

Ivory (f)

Misty Blue (h)

Rick "The Model" Martel (h)

Scott Steiner (f)

Steve Austin (h)

Other Notable Wrestlers:

Brian Pillman, Dustin Rhodes, Madusa, Rick Steiner, Terry Funk, Bam Bam Bigelow, La Parka, Owen Hart, Raven and The Godfather


Thanks for reading!!!

Edited by RatedRKO16
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The roster in my TCW game has become so big in size and depth that I decided to do something rather epic.  For the first time ever, TCW Total Mayhem is a 2 Night Extravaganza!  The biggest show of the year in professional wrestling is now too big for just one night!

TCW Total Mayhem 2022 (Night 1)

May 2002 - Attendance: 99,298 - Show Rating: 98

Keanu Kai (High Flyin Hawaiian) defeated Spencer Spade (97, MOTN)

Like many Spencer Spade rivalries, this all began when Spade opened his mouth and proceeded to insult someone.  In this case, it was Keanu Kai.  Things escalated during a 6 Man Scramble Match, which was booked to decide the #1 Contender for the TCW International Championship for TCW Total Mayhem.  Spade believed he should have won the Scramble Match if it wasn't for Kai, which led to Spencer brutally assaulting Kai after one of Keanu's matches.  After Kai retaliated with a surprise revenge attack, this match was booked for Total Mayhem!

The one thing we know about Spencer Spade is that he will do anything to win.  Among anything, Spade has become quite friendly with using brass knuckles, and has won several big matches thanks to the trusty knucks.  Well, this time, Spade was caught red-headed by Referee Ryan Holland, who ripped the knucks from Spade before he could use them!  After having a shouting match with the referee, a distracted Spade would walk right into Kai's Pacific Crush finisher!  1,2,3!  Keanu Kai picks up the huge win to kickoff Total Mayhem weekend!  

Aztec Prince wins a 20 Man Battle Royal.  As a result, Prince earns a TCW World Television Championship Match on Night 2 of Total Mayhem (82)

Obviously, this is an attempt to get the rest of the TCW roster some exposure on the Total Mayhem card.  Aztec Prince has been on fire since returning from injury and turning his back on The Syndicate and turning babyface to join Team Lucha!.  After eliminating Long Beach Crew's Cali Slick to secure the victory, Prince punched his ticket to Night 2 of Total Mayhem, and will challenge The Syndicate's Princeton Pryce for the TCW World Television Championship!

Jay Chord defeated Randy Unleashed (95)

This one escalated quickly a month prior to Total Mayhem.  Chord has been in a slump for a few months now, to the point that he disappeared briefly from TCW television.  Meanwhile, Randy Unleashed just came up short in a 2nd attempt to take the TCW World Heavyweight Championship from Wolf Hawkins.  Unleashed was being interviewed about the tough loss to Hawkins, when he was brutally sneak attacked by Chord.  Chord would later explain his reasons.  Chord blamed Unleashed for his recent slump, as it was Randy who defeated Jay in the finals of the 2023 King of Kings Tournament back in December.  Chord claims that's where the slump started, and he was determined to "right the wrongs."  Chaos has ensued ever since, including two different times where Unleashed & Chord had to be pulled apart from each other by half the locker room.  It set up the perfect match to be included on the Total Mayhem card.

When Chord appeared to be in trouble, his fellow Kings of Wrestling members, Greg & Matthew Keith, would interfere in the match.  This would lead to the Canadian Animals appearing to even the odds, as they are currently in a lengthy feud with the Keith Brothers.  The damage was done, though.  After one final distraction by Greg Keith, Unleashed would become victim to Chord's Cradle Piledriver.  Chord picks up the big at Total Mayhem, but this feud appears far from over.

In a Tag Team Fatal Four Way Match, Winner's Edge (Chance Fortune & Roderick Remus) defeated The Calgary Strike Force (Chris Flynn & Sterling Whitlock), Long Beach Crew (Ali X & Mobstar), & The Omega Men (Cameron Vessey & Nelson Callum) (89)

In a match to highlight TCW's deep tag team division, a shot at the TCW World Tag Team Championship was on the line for whichever team could come out on top.  Chance Fortune & Roderick Remus both in the past year disbanded from their long term tag teams.  Eventually, Fortune & Remus would realize there was some solid chemistry between them, and thus the tag team Winner's Edge was born.  Fortune & Remus has been successful ever since becoming a team, and they pick up their biggest win yet at Total Mayhem.  We'll just have to see if they can keep on rolling and eventually become TCW Tag Team Champions!

In a Last Man Standing Match, Mr. Lucha defeated Primus Allen to successfully retain the TCW International Championship (93)

In their previous encounter for the International Championship, Lucha barely escaped still champ.  Allen dominated most of the match, but Lucha would just barely catch Primus with a roll up for the 1,2,3.  Unfortunately for Lucha, Allen would win a 6-Man Scramble Match to earn another title opportunity.  Allen would later attack Lucha during a stage interview, causing severe rib injuries.  Allen would mock Lucha as he attempted to stand up and fight back.  It would lead to this match eventually being booked as a Last Man Standing Match.  

Through injured ribs and all, Mr. Lucha refused to quit.  Allen attempted to put Lucha down for good with a Powerbomb off the entrance stage.  But Lucha fight off the attempt, and eventually back toss Allen off the stage and through a set of tables!  As Referee Castillo began to count, Lucha proceeded to throw everything he could find on top of Allen.  Ladders, Chairs, Everything!  Referee Castillo count reaches 10!  Lucha overcomes all the odds, and walks away still the International Champion!  

In a 4 Vs. 4 Total Mayhem Match, Team Mighty Mo (Mighty Mo, Garry The Entertainer, Joffy Laine & Tigre Salvaje Jr.) defeated The Sinner Society (Scythe, Dark Nemesis, El Jaguar, & Killer Shark) (86)

The war between Mighty Mo and Scythe continues, so it's no surprise that this car crash feud creates what would be the annual Total Mayhem Match.  Mighty Mo had his usual allies in Garry The Entertainer & Joffy Laine to join him in battle, but Mo needed one more partner to complete his team.  Mo would find that partner in Team Lucha!'s Tigre Salvaje Jr.  El Jaguar had betrayed his long time partner Salvaje Jr. before turning dark and joining the Sinner Society.  After losing to Jaguar in tainted fashion at the previous PPV, Salvaje Jr. was more than happy to join Team Mo to potentially gain some revenge!

The Total Mayhem Match ends up being exactly like this Mo-Scythe feud has been.  A giant car crash!  Tons of weapons,  some blood, and a whole lot of violence!  In the end, Mighty Mo would lock Dark Nemesis (Ash Campbell) in a Rear Naked Choke.  With no allies there to help him escape, Nemesis would to be forced to tap out, giving the win to Team Mo!  Mighty Mo extracts some major revenge at Total Mayhem, but does this mean the war with Scythe & Sinner Society is finally over?

In the Main Event of Total Mayhem Night 1, Alina America defeated Fuyuko Higa to become the NEW TCW World Women's Champion!  (93)

For the first time ever, the TCW Women's Division headlines a TCW Event!  And if there was ever going to be a women's match to headline a PPV card, it was this one.  Just months prior, Fuyuko Higa just barely escaped her first title defense against America, thanks to interference by ally Miwako Katsukawa and her trademark red mist.  American fought her way back up the ladder, battling rivals like Brooke Tyler & Maribel Mercado.  Finally, after defeating Brooke Tyler one-on-one, America would finally earn her rematch against Higa, and it was booked to happen at the biggest show of the year.

Miwako Katsukawa would interfere once again, but this time would be caught red handed by Referee Domingo Castillo, who would then toss Katsukawa from ringside!  Now truly one-on-one, this was America's best opportunity.  Higa would attempt to once again blind America with her red mist, but Alina was ready this time and dodged the attempt!  America connected with her patented Southern Lights Bomb!  1...2...3!  America did it!  For a year, Alina America climbed the mountain, with only one singles loss to her record.  And now, America sits at the top of the mountain as the NEW TCW World Women's Champion!  

Night 2 of TCW Total Mayhem 2022 Coming Soon! 


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As promised, here is Part 2!

TCW Total Mayhem 2022  (Night 2)

May 2022: Attendance: 91,000 - Show Rating: 100!!!

Aztec Prince defeated Princeton Pryce to become the NEW TCW Television Champion (91)

Prince made his surprise return to TCW over a month prior, during a brawl between Team Lucha! & The Syndicate.  Prince would surprise everyone, as he turned his back on The Syndicate and helped Team Lucha! in the brawl.  Wolf Hawkins and the rest of The Syndicate would paint Prince as a backstabber.  But in reality, Wolf had replaced Prince with Primus Allen as the Enforcer of The Syndicate when Prince was out with a lengthy injury.  After several battles with The Syndicate, including pinning Princeton Pryce in tag team action, Prince would challenge Pryce for the TCW TV Title on the May 2022 Edition of Saturday Night Showcase.  Pryce would deliberately getting DQ'ed during the title match, attacking Prince with a steel chair.  

A Battle Royal was booked for Night 1 of Total Mayhem, the winner to challenge Princeton Pryce for the TV Title on Night 2.  Aztec Prince was one of the first wrestlers who declared for the Battle Royal, and eventually won it in impressive fashion.  Pryce would attempt to get himself DQ'ed again in the rematch, but Referee Darren Smith would have none of it, refusing to allow Princeton to cheat his way out of the title defense.  After all the dirty tactics Pryce could pull, Aztec Prince would hit his patented Triple Powerbomb on Princeton to become the new TCW Television Champion!  Prince brings Princeton Pryce's 10-Month Title Reign to a close after a whopping 41 Successful Title Defenses.

Grimm Enterprise (Davis Wayne Newton & Donte Dunn) defeated Club Booyah (Fro Sure & Robbie Retro) (96)

The rivalry began at Where Angels Fear To Tread in the 6-Man Ticket To Mayhem Match, where the winner would earn a TCW World Title Match at Total Mayhem.  Donte Dunn was inches away from pulling down the title match contract before being shoved off the ladder by Fro Sure.  Dunn blamed Fro Sure for losing his opportunity, and would proceed to brutally beat down Fro Sure days later on Total Wrestling TV.   Fro Sure would return on the May 2022 Edition of Saturday Night Showcase, distracting and costing Dunn his match with KC Glenn (where Glenn had put his World Title shot on the line).  The rivalry has quickly heated up, and eventually involved stablemates for both men.  Donte Dunn would attack Fro Sure during his match with Davis Wayne Newton, and Fro Sure's close friend Robbie Retro would make the save post-match.  Thus, this blockbuster tag team match was made for Total Mayhem!

It would be the founder of Grimm Enterprise, Brother Grimm, who would make the ultimate difference in this thrilling tag team contest.  Grimm would himself involved and take a punch to the mouth, courtesy of Robbie Retro.  But Grimm did his job, distracting Retro enough to allow Dunn to hit Robbie with his Sunny Daze finisher for the win.  Grimm Enterprise comes away with the big win, but this feud between Fro Sure & Donte Dunn has only begun!

Brooke Tyler defeated Sara Marie York (88)

This feud began just days after York lost her rubber match to Fuyuko High over the TCW World Women's Championship.  Brook Tyler would interrupt an interview involving York to mock Sara, calling her old news.  York warned the undefeated Tyler that her arrogance would eventually get her in trouble.  Tyler would laugh off such advice.  A week later at the May 2022 Edition of Saturday Night Showcase, Tyler would lose a #1 Contendership Match to Alina America, in a bout in which she controlled most of the contest.  As York had predicted, Tyler became cocky, and America would catch with Brooke with a rollup for the win!  Days later, it would be York's turn to interrupt a Brooke Tyler interview and take a few jabs, just like Tyler did to her.  Quite bitter over the loss, Tyler would cheap shot York before fleeing the interview stage.  Not long, York vs Tyler was book for Total Mayhem!

It looked like Tyler about to suffer her second loss in TCW, but a Brooke would rake York's eyes when the referee was out of position.  Tyler took full advantage of the situation, putting the blinded York down for the three count with the Brooke Breaker.  York swears revenge as Tyler departs from the arena, while Brooke is all smiles with her arms raised after earning the biggest victory of her career.

In a I Quit Match, Sammy Bach defeated Aaron Andrews (91)

The longest feud currently in TCW, it all began when Andrews turned on his close friend Sammy Bach in a bitter act of jealousy.  Ever since costing Sammy Bach his final opportunity against Wolf Hawkins over the TCW World Heavyweight Championship, Andrews has gone full bad guy.  He has aligned himself with TCW Executive Eddie Chandler and Rick Law, creating a group that would eventually be known as The Supreme.  The authoritative claimed to represent the "Powers That Be" Within TCW, making decisions behind the scenes.   After several wars with Andrews, Sammy Bach would earn one more opportunity to battle Aaron after defeating Rick Law in a Parking Lot Brawl.  Upset with Law losing to Bach, Andrews and the rest of The Supreme would turn on Rick Law, delivering a brutal beatdown.  Wanting to put this feud to a close, Bach and Andrews would agree to a I Quit Match at Total Mayhem.

Bach appeared to be in trouble when the rest of The Supreme got involved in the match.  But, much to the surprise of all, Rick Law would make a surprise return, eliminating the entire Supreme group all on his own!  Law had the opportunity to take out Andrews as well, but instead back down and told Aaron that he was all Sammy's!  The battle would continue one-on-one, and eventually Andrews would find himself locked in the Bach on your Back, with Sammy using a steel pipe to allow more pressure!  With no one there to save him, Andrews had no choice but to say those two words!  I QUIT!  I QUIT!  I QUIT!  The historic feud finally comes to a close, with Sammy Bach extracting sweet sweet revenge on the biggest show of the year.

In a Fatal Four Way Match, Mainstream Hernandez defeated Amazing Firefly, Kill Switch, & Magnum Kobe to become the NEW TCW World Cruiserweight Champion  (80)

With the TCW roster continuing to grow, TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson announced the revival of the cruiserweight division, with a brand-new World Cruiserweight Champion to be crowned at Total Mayhem.  Qualifying matches would ensue all the way up to the PPV, revealing quickly who would be the names to carry the lighter weight division. 

Mainstream Hernandez has been in TCW for nearly two years, and has been a mainstay in the main event picture for some time.  In fact, he has come close several times to becoming TCW World Heavyweight Champion.  Well, Hernandez finally has earned championship gold at Total Mayhem when he managed to put Amazing Firefly for the 1,2,3 after an exciting Fatal Four Way Match.  It appears Hernandez has found his niche in the Cruiserweight Division, and is determined to represent it properly as its champion!  

In a Triple Threat Tag Team Match, The Aegis (Ernest Youngman & Xavi Ferrera) defeated The Canadian Animals & The Keith Brothers to RETAIN the TCW World Tag Team Championship (99, Tied for MOTN!)

The feud between the Canadian Animals & The Keith Brothers has been a lengthy one, derived from the stable war between Club Booyah & the Kings of Wrestling.  Despite that stable war being over, this tag team feud has continued with no end in sight.  Both teams recently have had their own shot at The Aegis and the TCW World Tag Team Titles, and both teams have cost each other their opportunities.  Thus, this Triple Threat would eventually be booked for Total Mayhem.

And it would be that heated feud that the Aegis would take advantage of.  When the Animals and Keith Brothers were focused on each other during the match, Youngman & Ferrera would capitalize by putting Freddy Huggins down for the 3 count with their tag team finisher, The Equalizer.  The Aegis keep the World Tag Team Titles in The Syndicate camp, and are still considered the best tag team currently in professional wrestling.  

In the Main Event of Total Mayhem 2022, Wolf Hawkins defeated KC Glenn to RETAIN the TCW World Heavyweight Championship (99, Tied for MOTN!)

Ever since KC Glenn stepped into TCW, he seemed destined to eventually headline Total Mayhem.  Formerly dubbed the Diamond of Grimm Enterprise, Glenn would dominate the roster with a lengthy run as TCW International Champion.  He would never be pinned for the International Title, but rather lose it in a 5 Man Ladder Match.  In fact, in two years of being in TCW, Glenn has only be pinned once (Donte Dunn), and in tainted fashion.  Eventually, after leaving Grimm Enterprise, Glenn's badass way would lead him to becoming one of the biggest babyfaces in the company.  With the support of the fans behind him, KC Glenn would win the 2022 Edition the Ticket to Mayhem Match, which earned him the right to challenge Wolf Hawkins for the TCW World Heavyweight Title at Total Mayhem 2022.

Leading up to the match, KC Glenn was warned by Sammy Bach & Randy Unleashed, both men who have had their lengthy wars with The Syndicate.  If he was going to dethrone Hawkins, he was going to need allies, because Wolf would have his own and not be afraid to use them.  KC Glenn, though, was determined to take this journey on alone.  Glenn was confident that he had all the tools to take Wolf Hawkins and The Syndicate down, all by himself.

Unfortunately, KC Glenn was wrong.  After Referee Ryan Holland took a hard bump during the World Title Match, the rest of The Syndicate would get themselves involved.  At first, it looked like Glenn was really going to do it all by himself.  Glenn cleared the ring of Ernest Youngman.  He cleared the ring of Xavi Ferrera.  He even cleared the ring of Wolf's personal enforcer, Primus Allen.  But, as Glenn attempted to put Hawkins away with his finishing move, KC would get clobbered with a steel chair from behind by Wolf's protege, Princeton Pryce.  Pryce would clobber Glenn with the chair several times before it finally put KC down on the mat.  The damage done, Hawkins would then fly through air and connect with his finisher, the Full Moon Rising.  1,2,3, Wolf Hawkins stands victorious once again at Total Mayhem!

KC Glenn learned a tough lesson at Total Mayhem.  As much as he wanted to do it on his own, he's going to need allies if he's ever going to take down Wolf Hawkins & The Syndicate.  The question is now...will KC Glenn ever get another opportunity to do so?  

Edited by dbritton987
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On 5/25/2024 at 9:45 AM, RatedRKO16 said:

AWA Night of Champions (May 1993)

Paul Roma defended the AWA title against Al Snow, but it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies for Heymans Horsemen as we get a camera shot backstage of BIG BUBBA TRAYLOR (dressed just like Big Bossman) holding Paul Heyman by the collar of his jacket while Paul begs for mercy as we go off air!

Ivory retains Womens Heavyweight  (def Wendi & Bull Nakano in a triple threat)

Cactus Jack Foley & Little Brother Jimmy def Yokozuna & Fatu to become the new Tag Heavyweight champions

AWA CAGED (May 1993)

-Paul Roma retains in a cage against Al Snow. The match ends with Roma/Yoko/Fatu all brawling with Cactus Jack/Al Snow/Big Bubba Traylor until.... TERRY FUNK's music hits and the ring clears! Foley's mentor has returned to AWA! 

-Eddie Guerrero wins the TV Title by cage escape against Yokozuna. This is Yokozuna's first loss in AWA (he still hasn't been pinned, though)

AWA Contender (June 1993)

-Yokozuna, Al Snow & Big Bubba Traylor for the AWA Heavyweight #1 Contender ended in a no contest after the ref called for the bell after A LOT of interference. Fatu, Paul Roma, Cactus Jack Foley, Big Bubba Traylor and Terry Funk were all involved. Even a newly signed VIRGIL gets involved by taking out Big Bubba Traylor. (Virgil is introduced as the bodyguard of Heymans Horsemen much like he was as Vincent for NWO)

-I also debuted the Sheep F****rs (Sheepherders/Bushwhackers). This was my most creative vision as it is essentially the Bushwhackers, but instead of being loveable weirdos, they're just jerks. They come to the ring with big wads of tobacco in their mouth, spitting in the face of young fans and come across with racist undertones (hence the name, they're suppose to be sheep loving hillbillies). This was going to pay off with Harlem Heat being the faces that took them down eventually, but these guys can't wrestle over 6 minutes anymore and they are not entertaining at all in angles, so this idea was dropped...even though I'm really proud of my creativity here. 

-Michael Hayes also debuts here, but I find he is on the decline and can't go over 6 minutes anymore either. I'm keeping him on my roster, though as he is a solid road agent.

AWA Victory (July 1993)

My #2 PPV to SuperClash (think of this as my SummerSlam) had Heyman throwing all 3 of the wrestlers from the #1 contender match into a Fatal 4 Way for Paul Roma's AWA Heavyweight Championship. This was my way of getting the title off Paul Roma and into the hands of Yokozuna who is on fire and skips the hot potato of Roma losing to a face only to drop it back to Yoko. Virgil interferes and takes out Big Bubba Traylor, Cactus Jack Foley interferes and takes out Paul Roma which leaves Al Snow to take the bonzai drop from Yoko. 1-2-3, new champion! After the match, Heyman is in the ring celebrating with Yokozuna as Paul Roma jealously looks on from the top of the ramp to end the show.

-Wendi Richter wins back the AWA Womens Heavyweight against Ivory. Just my best 2 female wrestlers stealing the show here. 

-Eddie Guerrero retains the TV Title against Sabu

-The Rock & Roll Express def Cactus Jack & Little Brother Jimmy for the AWA Tag Titles (after the match, Little Brother Jimmy turned on Cactus Jack!!)

-This show also highlighted 2 other new workers - "Stunning" Steve Austin & Nikita "The Nuke" (Nikita Koloff) have arrived in AWA!

AWA Undefeated (Aug 1993)

-Yoko retains against Al Snow (Roma decides not to pursue his title and gives Yoko the spotlight) (Heymans Horsemen start the beatdown of Al Snow and it looks bad until Cactus Jack Foley comes down the ramp and starts waving his arm forward for somebody to hurry up and get out here! Who is it? ITS KAMALA! Yokozuna looks terrified and all of Heymans Horsemen go scrambling.)

-Roma/Fatu/Virgil/James Backlund (formerly Little Brother Jimmy) def Cactus Jack Foley/The Suplex Machine/Terry Funk/Big Bubba Traylor in the first of many 3 on 3/4 on 4 Horsemen vs Hardcore Legends matches

-Steiner Brothers make their debut and win the AWA Tag titles over the R&R Express

-Brian Lee Bruise def Greg "The Hammer" Valentine in a low card story line. Brian Lee is taking on a "legend killer" type of story here where he starts knocking off the older vets on my roster. I started doing this to help get him over w/ Ron & Don as a faction

AWA King of the Mountain (Aug 1993)

-This is my Royal Rumble match for #1 contender. Big Bubba Traylor wins by last eliminating Paul Roma.

-Kamala and Yokozuna go to a no contest for the AWA Heavyweight after typical heavy interference

AWA Iconic (Sept 1993)

-Yokozuna retains here against Big Bubba Traylor after, you guessed it, Virgil ruins Big Bubba's chances. After the match, we have Kamala who gets shot in on Yokozuna's manager Gary Hart.

- Sabu wins the TV title in a cage match vs Eddie Guerrero

AWA No Holds Barred (Oct 1993)

-Yokozuna def Kamala to retain the AWA Heavyweight

-Cactus Jack/Al Snow/Terry Funk def Paul Roma/Fatu/James Backlund

-Big Bubba Traylor def Virgil

AWA Cyber Saturday (Nov 1993)

-Yokozuna vs ??? (fan vote) for AWA Heavyweight. Fans voted for Nikita "The Nuke" who wins via count out. Yokozuna retains.

-Paul Roma vs Big Bubba Traylor (fans vote on match type) - they choose street fight. Paul Roma wins

-Fatu/Backlund vs Snow/Foley (fans vote on match type) - they choose hardcore match (first ever in AWA) - Fatu & Backlund win

AWA Soul Survivor (Dec 1993)

- This PPV involves a 6 man elimination match dubbed the Soul Survivor match. The winner gets a shot at the title at SuperClash III.

-Cactus Jack Foley wins the Soul Survivor Match defeating Eddie Guerrero, Sabu, Paul Roma, Big Bubba Traylor and Al Snow

- Yokozuna retains against Nikita "The Nuke"

- Misty Blue wins the womens championship over Ivory & Wendi in a triple threat match



- FINALLY. What you build an entire year of story lines for is the pay off. Here we have the beloved Cactus Jack Foley taking on the unstoppable Yokozuna in a match with interference after interference. The type of match the heels have won time and time again for the past 2 years. This one has Virgil interfere, Big Bubba becomes the equalizer. Fatu interferes, Al Snow takes him out. A returning Mr Wonderful interferes, Terry Funk takes him out. The ref is distracted. Cactus Jack picks up a chair shot. ONE CHAIR SHOT. Yoko still standing. TWO CHAIR SHOTS. Yoko still barely standing. Foley drops the chair and hooks Yoko in position for the DDT on the chair! Ref turns around and counts to 3. NEW WORLD CHAMPION!! Al Snow, Terry Funk and Wendi Richter celebrate with their friend as the show goes off the air.

-Wendi Richter wins back the womens championship over Misty Blue

-Sabu def Eddie Guerrero in the first ladder match for the TV Title. If you haven't figured it out yet, these two's story is being innovative and putting on an amazing show. Cage matches, last man standing, and now a ladder match. Everything they touch has been gold.



I took a break after this. Booking a year and then planning your next takes a lot of effort and I'm just creatively burned out.

1994 Story line *rumors*

-I hear AWA is interested in turning Al Snow heel, making him believe Head is actually talking to him and turning him schizophrenic. Head will convince him that Cactus Jack Foley is not his friend culminating in a match at SuperClash IV.

-Yokozuna is planning to end his heel run as it has ran its course. AWA is playing with the idea of him throwing away his supposed Japanese heritage and having the American Flag on his tights. Obviously this is not something Paul Heyman will be thrilled about.

-Austin's hollywood blonde partner Brian Pillman has been signed. Will these 2 be friends or enemies?

- The Godfather is a new character AWA is putting some time and effort into, but instead of being a comedy character, AWA is thinking about taking a more serious route into having the fans believe that he actually is the leader of a mafia. Raven, Mike Awesome and Joey Maggs have been thought of as fitting wrestlers for a possible faction.

- Bam Bam Bigelow has been signed again after SWS went under and his long term contract was lost. However, hes hurt and will be out for 6 more months. Who will he come after? Paul Roma? Yokozuna? Paul Heyman? He has unfinished business with all 3. 

- Dustin Rhodes has been signed. How will he fit into the fold?



Al Snow (f)

Cactus Jack Foley (f)

Eddie Guerrero (f)

Nikita "The Nuke" (f)

Paul Roma (h)

Sabu (h)

Wendi Richter (f)

Yokozuna (h)


Big Bubba Traylor (f)

The Suplex Machine (f)

Bull Nakano (h)

Ivory (f)

Misty Blue (h)

Rick "The Model" Martel (h)

Scott Steiner (f)

Steve Austin (h)

Other Notable Wrestlers:

Brian Pillman, Dustin Rhodes, Madusa, Rick Steiner, Terry Funk, Bam Bam Bigelow, La Parka, Owen Hart, Raven and The Godfather


Thanks for reading!!!

AWA Revenge (Feb 1994) (Show Rating: 77)

-Cactus Jack Foley (F) def Paul Roma (H) after Paul Roma finally used his rematch clause, thus avoiding a heel vs heel match w/ Yokozuna (78)

-Yokozuna (H) decided to take his frustrations out on Big Bubba Traylor (F), who was one of the key interferers at SuperClash III (78)

-Wendi Richter (F) retains the Womens Championship against Misty Blue (H) (74)

-Sabu (H) def Eddie Guerrero (F) to retain the TV Championship (77)

-After this match, The Mobb (H) faction debuts! Led by The Godfather, Raven & Mike Awesome beat down Eddie Guerrero to make a statement. (60)

-This starts my "Al Snow (F) is losing his mind" storyline. We get an angle with him rocking back and forth talking to Head. Terry Funk tries to have a conversation with him but Al Snow just keeps repeating "I must obey" (75)

-Nikita "The Nuke" (F) has an open challenge for the #1 contender for the TV Championship... "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes (F) debuts and wins! (63)

-"Stunning" Steve Austin (H) is beating down Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns backstage when "Flyin" Brian Pillman makes his AWA debut and brawls with Steve Austin! (69)


SHOW NOTES: While this in years past has been essentially a throw away PPV and kind of still was, this year we have 3 new debuting workers including a new faction. A lot of story lines being started and changes will be made to get us to SuperClash IV.


March Madness Tournament (March 1994) Show Rating: 78

Must See Angles:

-Rick Martel makes his debut and cuts an in ring promo 

-Wendi Richter comes to Cactus Jack and explains her concerns for her boyfriend Al Snow's behavior 

-Jake the Snake debuts in an angle with Al Snow. He is seen trying to calm Al Snow down who is visibly disturbed, still repeating "I must obey" 

-Brian Pillman (F) saves Nikita from the Austin/Martel beat down

Qualifying round:

-Yokozuna (H) def Terry Funk (F)

-Paul Roma (H) def Al Snow (F) by count out (Snow starts acting strange and talking to himself and gets counted out) 

-Scott Steiner (F) def Fatu (H) 

-Dustin Rhodes (F) & Sabu (H) both get counted out while brawling outside the ring 

-Nikita "The Nuke" (F) def "Stunning" Steve Austin (H) after Rick "The Model" Martel sprays perfume in Nikita's eyes and gets Austin DQ'd

-The Godfather (H) def Eddie Guerrero (F) thru Mobb Interference

 -Big Bubba Traylor (F) def Paul Orndorff (H)

-Rick "The Model" Martel (H) def Rick Steiner (F)


Quarter Finals

-Paul Heyman announces The Godfather will get a bye due to Rhodes & Sabu both being counted out. Will face the winner of Yoko & Big Bubba

-Yokozuna & Big Bubba Traylor go to a no contest after the ref through the match out after Roma & Cactus Jack get involved

-Nikita "The Nuke" def Rick "The Model" Martel by DQ

-Scott Steiner def Paul Roma


Semi Finals

-Heyman cuts a promo saying The Godfather has won the lottery and becomes the first wrestler to get 2 byes in the same tournament

-Nikita "The Nuke" def Scott Steiner 



-All that reading was worth it and here is my angle that would absolutely get crapped on in real life: The Godfather comes down to the ring with Raven & Mike Awesome. He says he has sold his spot and has made it known the only reason he is in AWA is for the money and this man paid him A LOT of money. Larry "The Living Legend" Zybysko has returned to AWA! He shakes The Godfather's hand.

-Larry "The Legend" Zybysko def Nikita "The Nuke" (Mobb interference) and wins the AWA Legends Crown


AWA Legendary (April 1994) Rating: 81

-Show opens up with a contract signing for tonights match between Larry "The Living Legend" Zybysko & Cactus Jack Foley. Paul Heyman has the paperwork all ready and after the signing, Al Snow's music hits! He comes down, still talking to himself the entire way, and attacks Larry Zybysko! The crowd pops! He turns to Cactus Jack and then attacks him, too and runs away.

- Madusa (F) def Wendi Richter (F) to win the Womens Championship

- Ivory (F) congratulates Madusa (F)

- Bruise Brothers cut a promo (Brian Lee, Ron & Don) with their new manager... Amy Lee! (F)

- Eddie Guerrero is interviewed by Mean Gene and cuts a fierce promo telling The Mobb to watch their back

- Big Bubba Traylor (F) def Yokozuna (H) in a Cage match by escape. After the match, Paul Roma, Rick "The Model" and Larry Zybysko (Heyman's Horsemen) beat down Yokozuna and kick him out of the stable! (Yokozuna turns face!)

- Jake the Snake (F) is cutting another promo in which Wendi interupts, once again pleading with The Snake to help Al 

- The Steiner Brothers (F) def Mr Wonderful & The Model (H) to retain the AWA Tag Championships. Mean Mike & Tough Tom (H) of Disorderly Conduct make their debut on the main roster and attack the Steiner Brothers!

- "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes (F) def Sabu (H) for the TV Championship

- "Flyin" Brian Pillman is being interviewed by Mean Gene when "Stunning" Steve Austin attacks and a brawl breaks lose

- Larry "The Living Legend" Zybysko (H) def Cactus Jack Foley (F) to win the AWA Heavyweight Championship!

- Paul Heyman with his 3 Horsemen stand tall to end the show




I forgot to mention I have a development territory! Its been about a year and I have some really good workers down there. Disorderly Conduct & Amy Lee mainly developed from there and made their debuts on the roster. I'm really excited about this whole save again as my roster keeps turning over and the ideas are really popping in my head left and right. I'm excited to keep posting this years storylines because it is some of the best I've come up with. For those following along, any ideas as to where I'm taking this with Al Snow?


Night of Champions is next!... thanks for reading!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/29/2024 at 4:56 PM, RatedRKO16 said:

AWA Revenge (Feb 1994) (Show Rating: 77)

-Cactus Jack Foley (F) def Paul Roma (H) after Paul Roma finally used his rematch clause, thus avoiding a heel vs heel match w/ Yokozuna (78)

-Yokozuna (H) decided to take his frustrations out on Big Bubba Traylor (F), who was one of the key interferers at SuperClash III (78)

-Wendi Richter (F) retains the Womens Championship against Misty Blue (H) (74)

-Sabu (H) def Eddie Guerrero (F) to retain the TV Championship (77)

-After this match, The Mobb (H) faction debuts! Led by The Godfather, Raven & Mike Awesome beat down Eddie Guerrero to make a statement. (60)

-This starts my "Al Snow (F) is losing his mind" storyline. We get an angle with him rocking back and forth talking to Head. Terry Funk tries to have a conversation with him but Al Snow just keeps repeating "I must obey" (75)

-Nikita "The Nuke" (F) has an open challenge for the #1 contender for the TV Championship... "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes (F) debuts and wins! (63)

-"Stunning" Steve Austin (H) is beating down Brad "The Suplex Machine" Reigns backstage when "Flyin" Brian Pillman makes his AWA debut and brawls with Steve Austin! (69)


SHOW NOTES: While this in years past has been essentially a throw away PPV and kind of still was, this year we have 3 new debuting workers including a new faction. A lot of story lines being started and changes will be made to get us to SuperClash IV.


March Madness Tournament (March 1994) Show Rating: 78

Must See Angles:

-Rick Martel makes his debut and cuts an in ring promo 

-Wendi Richter comes to Cactus Jack and explains her concerns for her boyfriend Al Snow's behavior 

-Jake the Snake debuts in an angle with Al Snow. He is seen trying to calm Al Snow down who is visibly disturbed, still repeating "I must obey" 

-Brian Pillman (F) saves Nikita from the Austin/Martel beat down

Qualifying round:

-Yokozuna (H) def Terry Funk (F)

-Paul Roma (H) def Al Snow (F) by count out (Snow starts acting strange and talking to himself and gets counted out) 

-Scott Steiner (F) def Fatu (H) 

-Dustin Rhodes (F) & Sabu (H) both get counted out while brawling outside the ring 

-Nikita "The Nuke" (F) def "Stunning" Steve Austin (H) after Rick "The Model" Martel sprays perfume in Nikita's eyes and gets Austin DQ'd

-The Godfather (H) def Eddie Guerrero (F) thru Mobb Interference

 -Big Bubba Traylor (F) def Paul Orndorff (H)

-Rick "The Model" Martel (H) def Rick Steiner (F)


Quarter Finals

-Paul Heyman announces The Godfather will get a bye due to Rhodes & Sabu both being counted out. Will face the winner of Yoko & Big Bubba

-Yokozuna & Big Bubba Traylor go to a no contest after the ref through the match out after Roma & Cactus Jack get involved

-Nikita "The Nuke" def Rick "The Model" Martel by DQ

-Scott Steiner def Paul Roma


Semi Finals

-Heyman cuts a promo saying The Godfather has won the lottery and becomes the first wrestler to get 2 byes in the same tournament

-Nikita "The Nuke" def Scott Steiner 



-All that reading was worth it and here is my angle that would absolutely get crapped on in real life: The Godfather comes down to the ring with Raven & Mike Awesome. He says he has sold his spot and has made it known the only reason he is in AWA is for the money and this man paid him A LOT of money. Larry "The Living Legend" Zybysko has returned to AWA! He shakes The Godfather's hand.

-Larry "The Legend" Zybysko def Nikita "The Nuke" (Mobb interference) and wins the AWA Legends Crown


AWA Legendary (April 1994) Rating: 81

-Show opens up with a contract signing for tonights match between Larry "The Living Legend" Zybysko & Cactus Jack Foley. Paul Heyman has the paperwork all ready and after the signing, Al Snow's music hits! He comes down, still talking to himself the entire way, and attacks Larry Zybysko! The crowd pops! He turns to Cactus Jack and then attacks him, too and runs away.

- Madusa (F) def Wendi Richter (F) to win the Womens Championship

- Ivory (F) congratulates Madusa (F)

- Bruise Brothers cut a promo (Brian Lee, Ron & Don) with their new manager... Amy Lee! (F)

- Eddie Guerrero is interviewed by Mean Gene and cuts a fierce promo telling The Mobb to watch their back

- Big Bubba Traylor (F) def Yokozuna (H) in a Cage match by escape. After the match, Paul Roma, Rick "The Model" and Larry Zybysko (Heyman's Horsemen) beat down Yokozuna and kick him out of the stable! (Yokozuna turns face!)

- Jake the Snake (F) is cutting another promo in which Wendi interupts, once again pleading with The Snake to help Al 

- The Steiner Brothers (F) def Mr Wonderful & The Model (H) to retain the AWA Tag Championships. Mean Mike & Tough Tom (H) of Disorderly Conduct make their debut on the main roster and attack the Steiner Brothers!

- "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes (F) def Sabu (H) for the TV Championship

- "Flyin" Brian Pillman is being interviewed by Mean Gene when "Stunning" Steve Austin attacks and a brawl breaks lose

- Larry "The Living Legend" Zybysko (H) def Cactus Jack Foley (F) to win the AWA Heavyweight Championship!

- Paul Heyman with his 3 Horsemen stand tall to end the show




I forgot to mention I have a development territory! Its been about a year and I have some really good workers down there. Disorderly Conduct & Amy Lee mainly developed from there and made their debuts on the roster. I'm really excited about this whole save again as my roster keeps turning over and the ideas are really popping in my head left and right. I'm excited to keep posting this years storylines because it is some of the best I've come up with. For those following along, any ideas as to where I'm taking this with Al Snow?


Night of Champions is next!... thanks for reading!


Night of Champions (May 1994)

- Larry "the Living Legend" Zybysko def Cactus Jack Foley for the AWA Championship. Al Snow rushed the ring and caused a big distraction that allowed Zybysko to pin Foley. After the match, Al Snow was about to continue a beat down on Cactus Jack (for some strange reason), but Jake the Snake & Terry Funk rushed the ring and made the save.

- Madusa def Wendi Richter & Ivory for the Womens Championship. After the match, Ivory loses her shit and ground and pounds Madusa until security pulls her off as she kicks and screams.

- X DIVISION IS HERE!!! The newly created title showed a lot of excitement in a ladder match for the said title. Raven defeats Eddie Guerrero, DJ Fatu*, La Parka, 2 Cold Scorpio & Owen Hart to become the innaugural champion.

-Dustin Rhodes def Sabu to retain the TV Championship (afterwords The Underworld attacks Rhodes, Nikita The Nuke makes the save!)

- The show opens with Heyman announcing the newly created X Division & US Titles up for grabs. Says the US Title is up next. Roma grabs the mic and calls himself "Mr USA" and says everyone must refer to him as that. Heyman awards Roma the US Championship. Roma, in all his arrogance, announces an open challenge to start the show. Yokozuna responds coming down to the ring in RW&B attire. By his side is DJ Fatu (I imagine him w/ a mic and/or boombox with windbreakers). He is Yokozuna's mouthpiece and tag team partner. Yokozuna defeats Paul Roma (now Mr. USA) in a squash match! After the match, Zybysko and Martel attack Mr USA. Yokozuna sees whats happening on the Tron as he is walking back and turns around to make the save. Mr USA shakes hands with Yokozuna & DJ Fatu. Just recently these 2 were bitter enemies, but now after both being screwed over by Heyman, they join forces as patriots.


AWA CAGED! (May 1994)

- The Godfather wins the TV Championship in a Cage match against Eddie Guerrero and Dustin Rhodes. Sabu interfered, The Mobb interfered. Nikita The Nuke made the save again. After the match Dustin & Nikita officially join forces as the Super Powers II (a nod back to Dusty Rhodes who was also Nikita's partner)

- Brian Pillman def Steve Austin in a Cage

- Al Snow def Cactus Jack Foley in a story driven match as Jake the Snake as the referee. Jack doesn't want to fight his best friend the entire match but Al Snow has no problem doing so and wins


AWA CONTENDER (JUNE 1994) (#1 contender matches ppv)

-Womens #1 contender - Miss Ivory def Wendi Richter

-USA #1 contender - The Godfather def Mr USA

-AWA #1 contender - Terry Funk def Al Snow w/ Jake the Snake as special guest ref. Cactus Jack interferes and Jake doesn't see it. There is a bunch of commotion after the match and it isnt until Wendi Richter comes down and pulls Al away that it stops. 

- X Division #1 contender - Brian Pillman def Rick Martel & Jeff Jarrett

-AWA Tag #1 Contender - The Super Powers II def The Mobb (Raven & Mike Awesome)



- Miss Ivory def Madusa w/ The Mobb's help to become Womens Champion

- Al Snow def Cactus Jack Foley after Jake the Snake turns on Cactus Jack. Mean Gene tries to get a word with Jake afterwards, but he is ignored

- Larry Zybysko def Terry Funk to retain the AWA Heavyweight

-The Steiner Bros def Super Powers II by DQ after The Underworld faction (Sabu, Phantom, La Parka, Dr Luther) interfere and leave both teams bloodied

- The Godfather def Yokozuna for the US Championship w/ The Mobb's interference to help. 

- Eddie Guerrero def Mike Awesome. After the match, Mike Awesome power bombs Eddie through the announce table

- The Don (Don Callis) debuts as a mouthpiece for The Mobb


- The main event is a brawl used through angles. Cactus Jack is seen hunting Jake, eventually finds them and a brawl breaks out all over the arena. Al Snow jumps Jack and a 2 on 1 happens until Terry Funk finally makes the save.

- The Mobb (Godfather, Raven, Mike Awesome, The Don) def Big Bubba, Eddie Guerrero, Yokozuna & DJ Fatu after Bam Bam Bigelow FINALLY makes his return and attacks Yokozuna!

-Zybysko def Jimmy Snuka to retain the AWA Championship. After the match, Jesse Ventura (my color commentator), picks up a microphone and starts something with Paul Heyman saying what a joke he has turned the AWA championship into. Picking Terry Funk and Jimmy Snuka as contenders when theyre both clearly past their prime

-The Sandman debuts in the X Division match and cracks a bat over Owen Hart's back


I also debuted Tazz. He had an interesting first few matches. In a match against Steve Austin, Austin tore his ACL. It was Tazz's fault. Then I had him in a match against Mr USA, who broke his neck. I don't think this one was his fault, but the locker room seemed to think so.

I was ready to push Reggie Bennett to the moon as my new face of the womens division, then she got hurt for 4 months

Big Bubba Traylor showed up drunk and has been suspended

Doink the Clown & Johnny B. Badd have both been signed and are awaiting their debuts

I created a B Show. I now have 1 A Show and 1 B Show. This roster is getting stacked. Curt Hennig is my next target, his contract comes up in 90 days

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