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Here's a weird request that I doubt anyone will take up, BUT if any of you are just letting your TEW sit there at night, would anyone mind running a long term sim on the CVerse?


I want to see how many wrestlers end up with 90+ pop nationally, how many wrestlers that are in the top 500 in year one are still there in year ten, and a bunch of other stuff like that. I already know some stuff (like, 4% of companies tend to die a year, and other nerdy stuff) but I could always use more data!


I'd run it myself, but I'm long term simming my mod and you can't install TEW on two different machines :/


No biggie if no one wants to do that, but I figured I'd ask!

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I have a weird question - how does TEW 2020 handle having a Title with both an Owned by company and an Alliance? Will that work at all, or will one override the other?


Mostly asking while looking a the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title in the late 80s/early 90s where it was technically an NWA title for the alliance, but was almost exclusively defended and showcased on WCW. Setting it as a WCW title doesn't quite feel right because it was still the NWA title and they lost it when they cut ties, but it kind of was effectively WCW-exclusive.

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Accurate Mods?




I wanted to ask, What would be the most accurate mod out there?


A mod can be at any time frame.

By accurate, something that can simulate the world in the long term, like realistically makes the better workers develop into the better ones, and takes into consideration the Flaws of the stars in terms of skills and Attributes, Teams, Relationship Ect'


so let's say, Okada develops into a star, Or the Bucks don't have incredible Psychology compared to others like Daniels & Kazarian. (just an example)



I know this is a very big ask, But looking for an opinion,as there are no facts in this.

I want to start my 2020, after the years on 2016, and i want to know what mos should I start doing personal tweaks.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="abalogan" data-cite="abalogan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47537" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hi,<p> </p><p> I wanted to ask, What would be the most accurate mod out there?</p><p> </p><p> A mod can be at any time frame. </p><p> By accurate, something that can simulate the world in the long term, like realistically makes the better workers develop into the better ones, and takes into consideration the Flaws of the stars in terms of skills and Attributes, Teams, Relationship Ect'</p><p> </p><p> so let's say, Okada develops into a star, Or the Bucks don't have incredible Psychology compared to others like Daniels & Kazarian. (just an example)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I know this is a very big ask, But looking for an opinion,as there are no facts in this.</p><p> I want to start my 2020, after the years on 2016, and i want to know what mos should I start doing personal tweaks.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There are quite a few but one of my personal favorites is BigPapa's The YES Mod. Starts in 2013.</p>
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There are quite a few but one of my personal favorites is BigPapa's The YES Mod. Starts in 2013.


Thank you, I will try it, Never heard of it, As I only ever used Tewdb, and it's not there, this one looks really good.


any other sites/forums I should look into?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I really want to create a CV mod set just a couple of years in the future, somewhere between 2023-2025. I am really stuck for how would be best to go about this though. Does anyone have any good tips, or is there a decent modding guide anywhere I could start? Thanks.
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I really want to create a CV mod set just a couple of years in the future, somewhere between 2023-2025. I am really stuck for how would be best to go about this though. Does anyone have any good tips, or is there a decent modding guide anywhere I could start? Thanks.


I already did this in TEW16, which I converted, going to 2018, and I'm about to work on getting that data to 2022




You can check that out and see if that helps, I will say though it is a LOT of work. As much as you think it would be, times that by 4 or 5 lol

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I already did this in TEW16, which I converted, going to 2018, and I'm about to work on getting that data to 2022




You can check that out and see if that helps, I will say though it is a LOT of work. As much as you think it would be, times that by 4 or 5 lol


Thank you, I've had a quick skim through but plan on giving it a more comprehensive read later. From a technical standpoint where did you start? Did you work month by month or year by year until the end date, or just all in one go? And what about worker stats? Thanks for all your help BTW!

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Thank you, I've had a quick skim through but plan on giving it a more comprehensive read later. From a technical standpoint where did you start? Did you work month by month or year by year until the end date, or just all in one go? And what about worker stats? Thanks for all your help BTW!


I started with the big companies first, USPW, SWF and TCW were the first three, a lot I improvised as I went through each worker, tried to think what each worker would have done, on 2016 you could base decisions on thier personality too as they were less one-dimensional


So for example less chance of moving on more loyal workers, less issues with better behaved etc


I wanted huge changes for thst mod as there wasn't much roster changes for about 3 or 4 versions, think SWF alone as like 20 guys whod been there over 10 years


For my 2022 mod I'll have things more planned out for thr direction I want to take things, but for my first one I just looked closer at every workers bio,personality, companies etc and went from there. Its why it was a lot of work, you could do it in an easier way, just decide x and y would have become popular, some company may have crashed snd burned etc. But I felt it was much more rewarding have a real detailed look at every worker




The other thing to consider is how many new workers you'll need to create. If you move it 5 years 21CW alone i think would be 25 new workers to fill their dojo graduates, if you create new companies you need guys to fill those gaps too.


Think my mod has close to 1000 extra workers now, as I added more companies to give more options, and filled out places like UK and Europe , as well as the womens scene.


The games set up to work a certain way, sadly you can't just add a few random companies and expect it to all run smoothly

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I started with the big companies first, USPW, SWF and TCW were the first three, a lot I improvised as I went through each worker, tried to think what each worker would have done, on 2016 you could base decisions on thier personality too as they were less one-dimensional


So for example less chance of moving on more loyal workers, less issues with better behaved etc


I wanted huge changes for thst mod as there wasn't much roster changes for about 3 or 4 versions, think SWF alone as like 20 guys whod been there over 10 years


For my 2022 mod I'll have things more planned out for thr direction I want to take things, but for my first one I just looked closer at every workers bio,personality, companies etc and went from there. Its why it was a lot of work, you could do it in an easier way, just decide x and y would have become popular, some company may have crashed snd burned etc. But I felt it was much more rewarding have a real detailed look at every worker




The other thing to consider is how many new workers you'll need to create. If you move it 5 years 21CW alone i think would be 25 new workers to fill their dojo graduates, if you create new companies you need guys to fill those gaps too.


Think my mod has close to 1000 extra workers now, as I added more companies to give more options, and filled out places like UK and Europe , as well as the womens scene.


The games set up to work a certain way, sadly you can't just add a few random companies and expect it to all run smoothly


Yeah it's interesting you say that about about the companies, I've started with the big ones too. I've set up an 8 player game with the top 8 companies and I'm looking through each of their rosters, products, etc and starting to get ideas on what I'd want to make happen. Initially my plan was to look at it from companies perspectives, then move on to each worker as I move to actual edit mode, seeing what them as people would be like, and if (and how) that would influence happenings.


The appeal for me is to add to the existing canon/lore, and shape the rosters of the companies.


Completely agree regarding the creation of workers, that's going to be a huge task, but character and world creation is something I really enjoy - its just not having the rendering skill that puts me off! I actually originally wanted to createmy own verse but I just would not be able to render characters or make graphics at all haha!


Thanks for all your advice

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So, my April 2004 mod is really starting to take shape - but I did want some opinions/insight. A good road agent is determined by Experience, psychology and respect in TEW 2020.

In the C-Verse road agents seem to all be retired wrestlers (which makes sense as the experience stat is tied to in ring experience).


In the real world however, guys without much actual in ring experience have performed the task. Vince McMahon, Paul Heyman, Tim White, etc. How is everyone handling this? Are you just giving arbitrary experience and psychology to these examples?


I have retooled my entire mod so that every worker is balanced in terms of their in ring experience by using cagematch and wrestling data to scale the numbers (total number of confirmed matches up to April 2004 multiplied by .2). Obviously that makes these exceptions to the rules (Vince, Heyman) have very low experience, and will not allow them to be effective agents.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="dammitdave" data-cite="dammitdave" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47537" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have a weird question - how does TEW 2020 handle having a Title with both an Owned by company and an Alliance? Will that work at all, or will one override the other?<p> </p><p> Mostly asking while looking a the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title in the late 80s/early 90s where it was technically an NWA title for the alliance, but was almost exclusively defended and showcased on WCW. Setting it as a WCW title doesn't quite feel right because it was still the NWA title and they lost it when they cut ties, but it kind of was effectively WCW-exclusive.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sadly, this isn't able to be replicated</p>
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So, my April 2004 mod is really starting to take shape - but I did want some opinions/insight. A good road agent is determined by Experience, psychology and respect in TEW 2020.

In the C-Verse road agents seem to all be retired wrestlers (which makes sense as the experience stat is tied to in ring experience).


In the real world however, guys without much actual in ring experience have performed the task. Vince McMahon, Paul Heyman, Tim White, etc. How is everyone handling this? Are you just giving arbitrary experience and psychology to these examples?


My personal philosophy as I build my mod is that Vince McMahon just isn't a road agent. He's a booker, and an owner, but my understanding is that he doesn't actually sit down with people and work out their matches. The few times a year he might get hands on with road agenting (wrestlemania main events etc) he tends to be bad at it, imo, so the handicap of having less ring experience is warranted. Also, his occasional forays into match plotting would be most accurately represented in game by someone clicking Road Agent: By Role and changing it to All so that they can select a guest producer. In the end its mostly cosmetic with him, because the AI will likely use someone better, and a human player will either be in Vince's spot, or Vince will be their boss, so either way he won't spend much time in the role.


As for Heyman and White, there should be a penalty on their Road Agenting for never actually spending much time working. Heyman compensates for his lack of experience by being a booking genius*, but serves more in the booking and on screen capacity anyway. And Tim White was a producer as a sort of make-good when his refereeing career ended due to injury, not because he was particularly good at it. That he would be a weak road agent under those circumstances is understandable.


*At least that's what he told me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else had the problem with Legacy regens in their mod not taking the worker's name and only using the picture?


They are set to Yes As A Legacy, the Legacy names are entered, the number is selected, options are set to regenerations enabled... and they do regenerate, just not with the name + jr or III.


Its so weird.

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Alliance question... So blatantly stealing from a few other mods that had it sent up this, The Yes Mod has the Mexican Commission as an alliance. The Mexican National titles are set up as alliance titles. All Mexico-based companies are part of the alliance. This is the most accurate way to simulate the Mexican National belts, which are promoted by specific companies (rarely and poorly) but not on a permanent basis. The issue I'm having is that setting up as a loan alliance has workers borrowed back and forth between CMLL and AAA. What's the "least impactful" alliance option that doesn't really do anything for the companies beyond allow them to share titles?
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Hey gang. I'm searching high and low here and I'm not finding any EMLL graphics or logos. On the lookout for anything available, particularly if it fits the dark lucha grindhouse style and particularly event logos. Some renders of the rings would be cool. Just wondered if anyone had taken a crack at it and I'd missed it
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dalton" data-cite="Dalton" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47537" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546214" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546214</a></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you very much!</p>
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Am I missing something, or has the reason for being in development been removed from the editor? Before you could have guys set to be in development to either being developing skills, working down there, training other etc. Can you not do that now? Does everyone have to be developing skills, even 40+ vets who are there to help, or guys who are there to fill numbers?


Or am I going crazy?

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Is there a way to set the AI's ticket pricing?


For example, I could make the WWF or WCW charge premium priced tickets for their events. This, in theory, would minimise the attendances for PPVs more - right? It feels way too much when both companies are always doing at least 50k-seated (if not more) venues for all of their PPV events.


If there isn't an option to do this, then I will make the suggestion on the other part of the forum, but maybe I'm missing something and you can already do it...?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nekochan" data-cite="Nekochan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47537" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hi<p> Is it possible to use your savegame as a mod?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> On the settings screen, there should be a button that says "Convert to database" or something similar</p>
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