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What are their Respect and Experience stats like? Road Agenting isn't all psychology. I think those are the other two important ones.


Looks like the two road agents in question have solid Psych and Respect. However both have 0 Experience in this data. Not sure if that is a data issue but I will look for some additional experienced road agents to help out.


Thanks for the advice!

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If his AEW deal has an iron clad clause in it too he will continue to work there until his written deal with them is up. The exclusive part of your WWE deal with him means he won't be able to sign any other deals now, but the original AEW deal allowed him to work elsewhere and he's basically using WWE as "elsewhere". :)


It's a tricky combination of clauses in contracts and one of the few that doesn't work well together in the game. But it's nice to OC slacking off everywhere.

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If his AEW deal has an iron clad clause in it too he will continue to work there until his written deal with them is up. The exclusive part of your WWE deal with him means he won't be able to sign any other deals now, but the original AEW deal allowed him to work elsewhere and he's basically using WWE as "elsewhere". :)


It's a tricky combination of clauses in contracts and one of the few that doesn't work well together in the game. But it's nice to OC slacking off everywhere.


Yeah I figured it fit his character lol seeing as he just showed up on Smackdown that took place in the South East when Apollo made an open challenge for the Intercontinental title and he won it :cool:

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Not that I'm aware of. So far as I know, the only measure on the loan is the number of dates.




I see, but I seem to be able to loan a worker for a year through the game editor and yet I can't seem to do so from the in-game editor, anyway thank you for the answer!

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Signed a worker to contract (written) to never involve in ring work. Later had a discussion for 'another run'. yet unable to book him into a match or negotiate the original deal until he has less than a month to go.


I'm able to set him as wrestler now on the info screen. still no go.


Am I stuck with this? is this working correctly?

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Signed a worker to contract (written) to never involve in ring work. Later had a discussion for 'another run'. yet unable to book him into a match or negotiate the original deal until he has less than a month to go.


I'm able to set him as wrestler now on the info screen. still no go.


Am I stuck with this? is this working correctly?


It is working as intended. Per the contract you can't make him work in the ring. The only work around is to use the editor to shorten his contract and renegotiate.

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Signed a worker to contract (written) to never involve in ring work. Later had a discussion for 'another run'. yet unable to book him into a match or negotiate the original deal until he has less than a month to go.


I'm able to set him as wrestler now on the info screen. still no go.


Am I stuck with this? is this working correctly?


It is, yes. An informal talk does not overwrite a contract's terms. Although I'm sure you weren't intentionally doing it, what you've described above is effectively an attempt to 'cheat' - you've offered them a term that allows you to sign them for less, then tried to get them to drop that term so that you end up with the negative removed but still the lower price. Having to renegotiate means that if you want the negative removed then you'd have to pay a fair price.


Note that when you talk him out of retirement his response text explicitly says that you would need to renegotiate his contract accordingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everybody. Most likely this question has already been answered, but after examining the pages, I will ask right away. What do the "Economy" and "Industry" indicators depend on? I was the second game year there is a falling of these indicators.
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Hi everybody. Most likely this question has already been answered, but after examining the pages, I will ask right away. What do the "Economy" and "Industry" indicators depend on? I was the second game year there is a falling of these indicators.

There is a setting in either Options and User Preferences where you can toggle them to either be random, or strict. Strict means they always go down and then up and down again in a cyclical fashion, and non-strict means they're random.

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There is a setting in either Options and User Preferences where you can toggle them to either be random, or strict. Strict means they always go down and then up and down again in a cyclical fashion, and non-strict means they're random.



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Two super quick questions, just to make sure I'm not missing infos by a lack of experience or anything:


1) Can my User Character create new relationships ? I'm not saying that I would want it to happen all the time, but I'm sure as hell going to be that kind of booker who pushes their partner and friends with a rocket strapped on the back :D


2) Is there anyway to book the kind of mysterious angles that are supposed to hype people for an as-of-yet unknown debuting/returning worker ? You know, like the Countdown to the Millenium for Jericho's WWE debut, or the Johnny Cash vignettes that preceded the Taker's return where everybody and their grandmothers wondered if it might be Sting ? I know I can just imagine it and do a 2 minutes vignette with someone rated on something, but maybe I'm simply not seeing it in the options and am missing the possibility to hype people for a new worker.

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Two super quick questions, just to make sure I'm not missing infos by a lack of experience or anything:


1) Can my User Character create new relationships ? I'm not saying that I would want it to happen all the time, but I'm sure as hell going to be that kind of booker who pushes their partner and friends with a rocket strapped on the back :D


2) Is there anyway to book the kind of mysterious angles that are supposed to hype people for an as-of-yet unknown debuting/returning worker ? You know, like the Countdown to the Millenium for Jericho's WWE debut, or the Johnny Cash vignettes that preceded the Taker's return where everybody and their grandmothers wondered if it might be Sting ? I know I can just imagine it and do a 2 minutes vignette with someone rated on something, but maybe I'm simply not seeing it in the options and am missing the possibility to hype people for a new worker.


I know a user character can develop negative relationships from how they deal with backstage incidents, I'm sure positive relationships can be formed as well.


The game can't simulate those videos in the sense that the character is in the angle, but not debuting. The best you could do is have the worker put as a cameo, but that might debut them (I'm not 100% on that) and won't help their popularity or momentum. The alternative is to put someone skilled on the microphone in an angle, and then headcanon that a hype video like Countdown to Millenium played.


The best way to think about it is that the hardcore fans knew who it was for, but the majority of the casual audience is just getting hyped about a video that could be about anyone. Also like people, including the dirt sheets, thinking the Higher Power could have been Callis or Daniels, but it was McMahon.

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Ok, thanks. I thought about changing the AI logic of the Rumble event to "Main Event is a Battle Royal", but I guess that would just be a random Battle Royal without any implications?


Yes. If the Royal Rumble is set to be awarded in a battle royal, and it's set to be awarded as a tournament title at the Royal Rumble event each year, it will book a battle royal with the Royal Rumble awarded as a price. If you then set the Royal Rumble event to have a battle royal as the main event, it will have two battle royals. One will award the Royal Rumble title, and the other will be a second battle royal in the main event.



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Any tips on booking CMLL? It's hard to wrap my head around the fact they have quite a few titles, but any event I seem to look up is mostly just 6 man lucha libre rules tags.


Well that's pretty much CMLL... titles don't really matter that much (tournaments are a lil bit mor important sometimes like Gran Prix or leyenda de Plata/Azul) and most weekly events are mostly 2/3 falls trios matches... maybe throw in a "lightning match" which is a 1 on 1 with a time limit and one fall or a lucha tag match... build your feuds there and build up for a "lucha de apuestas" at Aniversario, Homenaje a dos leyendas, or even at Sin Piedad or Infierno en el ring.


Really CMLL booking has been kinda messy in the last years and not a fun example to book... if you want to have more variety check out some mid 2000's shows where they had some backstage segments and some other stuff (and better booking) for inspiration.


And also remember: If you don't know who to book in your big lucha de apuestas... you can always shave El Negro Casas :D (inside joke as he always seems to lose big matches)

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That makes sense. I should have figured that was the case. One more question. What's going to be the best way to actually pull a cibernetico match? Or what would be the best match to replace it?


Well that's pretty much CMLL... titles don't really matter that much (tournaments are a lil bit mor important sometimes like Gran Prix or leyenda de Plata/Azul) and most weekly events are mostly 2/3 falls trios matches... maybe throw in a "lightning match" which is a 1 on 1 with a time limit and one fall or a lucha tag match... build your feuds there and build up for a "lucha de apuestas" at Aniversario, Homenaje a dos leyendas, or even at Sin Piedad or Infierno en el ring.


Really CMLL booking has been kinda messy in the last years and not a fun example to book... if you want to have more variety check out some mid 2000's shows where they had some backstage segments and some other stuff (and better booking) for inspiration.


And also remember: If you don't know who to book in your big lucha de apuestas... you can always shave El Negro Casas :D (inside joke as he always seems to lose big matches)

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I know a user character can develop negative relationships from how they deal with backstage incidents, I'm sure positive relationships can be formed as well.


The game can't simulate those videos in the sense that the character is in the angle, but not debuting. The best you could do is have the worker put as a cameo, but that might debut them (I'm not 100% on that) and won't help their popularity or momentum. The alternative is to put someone skilled on the microphone in an angle, and then headcanon that a hype video like Countdown to Millenium played.


The best way to think about it is that the hardcore fans knew who it was for, but the majority of the casual audience is just getting hyped about a video that could be about anyone. Also like people, including the dirt sheets, thinking the Higher Power could have been Callis or Daniels, but it was McMahon.


Hmm, so what you're saying is that I could definitely be hated by someone in game, but that there is also a chance I could become friend or even start dating one of my workers ? Nepotism, here I come :D


For the videos, I know I can always roleplay them (if only by having a segment where two announcers are using their mic skills to talk about it, or even two workers backstage seen as watching the video and wondering who it could be) but I was hoping there would be a way to "hype" a storyline without having to rate the worker on something. Typically, the kind of thing I'd do if I was playing WWE and found a guy with great skills and a perfect gimmick but no pop: people would get hyped by this misterious dude, and when it turns out to be someone they don't know, they wouldn't care because they were hyped by the angles. Oh well, I guess I'll have to post that in the suggestions.

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