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Adam, could we get a confirm and cancel/reset for Brands when creating them in the Database of the Fed we're working on? Please? I'm really annoyed trying to get it to work, when it holds onto my previous brands no matter what or just duplicates the last one I made.
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Graphically this feels like an Excel spreadsheet that's been made into a game - it feels very "default", from the fonts to the boxes.


Whether that can be changed with skins, I don't know, but the larger issue is that it feels very busy and poorly laid out, which is a UI issue rather than graphical. I appreciate that there are more features packed in, but even with things that are the same as '16, it's night and day in regards to how user friendly they are. Firstly, from '16:




It's simple but it's fine. The boxes have some colour to them, the font is uniform throughout and everything is sectioned clearly and appropriately. Compare it to the same options in '20:




Default fonts, default boxes, no organisation, different font sizes and very hard to read and organise in your own mind as you're scanning through it.


Another example, the size section. All the info is the same, but look at the difference in how user friendly it is:




In '16 your eyes are instantly drawn to the large numbers and the big, bold colours. You can see every figure for every region on one screen and the quick and minor information, how to get to the next level, is displayed briefly at the top. Now compare this to '20:




The info you want to see is in a tiny font, you have to scroll through each area as opposed to everything being displayed on one page, the minor game information on how to get to the next level takes up a 3rd of the screen and it's also the section with the most colour, which draws your eye towards it.


Excuse the long post, but I didn't want to say "I don't like the UI" without giving reasons as to why.

This is the most accurate description of what I dislike about the UI at this early stage JG.


I'm sure I'll get used to it but at first glance it genuinely does feel like excel and I spend all day looking at that for work so sigh...


First time I've not instantly loved a TEW game but still gonna give it the old college try.


Really didn't like the look of WMMA5 though so maybe should have expected not to like the look of this.


I do miss pushes I must admit but I possibly put that down to just being used to them.

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The UI seems a bit overloaded in the screen that comes once you create a company as owner.


As a long term player I like haveing everything at hand like that, but I think it would look frightening to new players for sure.


The changes to the match booking are much appreciated already, I also like the new UI in the character bios and the information shown there great work.


For me personally the best new option is the ability to properly change the product focus to make shows rated differently (the old split was just not my thing I think a product should be nice as a whole).


I like the preset products in theory too, however it highly annoys me that I cant tweak them to create my own crazy fantasy style of a show seemingly? Unless I overlooked the option so far still a lot of options to try obviously just a first thought.

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I concur. I much preferred the letter grades has it gave me more of a concise understanding too. Atleast having the option woulda been nice.


I'm also a letter grade guy, hopefully this is something that can be addressed (or is and we have not noticed the option yet).


I hope Adam does not feel piled on by all these comments btw, he's kept me entertained for over a decade now and I have had similar problems with every UI update and always come around to love them eventually, being Autistic I find change difficult so I accept most of this is on me, I respect all the work he's put in and I appreciate him more than he knows.

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I think what would look better, in my non expert opinion, would be having the information screens laid out the same way as the booking screen as far as the style goes.




This is easier to read for me. The dark border for each row is more in the background, and the white border surrounds all the main stuff.


Sorry I put Jungle Lord in the pre show, it was the auto booker.

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I got out of work early on release day. **** yea.


I hate being initially negative on things. So I'll start off saying that I'm loving the new menus and how much more details you get on one screen. The changes to the world are awesome so far as well.


The one thing that is bugging me right now is the search options. In the main character search, you can't use the arrow keys to look. And instead of typing a letter and it going to those character, you have to search and it only shows those characters. That is not the hugest deals. Just something to get used to. However, character don't show up in the character search screen. I thought some characters had just been removed. There were a list of specific characters that I wanted to see what they've been up to. And I couldn't find them at all. Looking at the search options, it seemed that they should be there as the default settings show that everyone should show up like in all the other games. On the default page, there is a search option (the magnifying class that appeared in 2016). When you use that they show up. I'm not sure what the reason for this is. If I want to look up a retired wrestler, someone who's left the business, someone who died, etc, they should show up in the main worker screen. Maybe others like this and I'm in the minority. Or maybe there is an option that I'm just not seeing in the main worker screen.

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I got out of work early on release day. **** yea.


I hate being initially negative on things. So I'll start off saying that I'm loving the new menus and how much more details you get on one screen. The changes to the world are awesome so far as well.


The one thing that is bugging me right now is the search options. In the main character search, you can't use the arrow keys to look. And instead of typing a letter and it going to those character, you have to search and it only shows those characters. That is not the hugest deals. Just something to get used to. However, character don't show up in the character search screen. I thought some characters had just been removed. There were a list of specific characters that I wanted to see what they've been up to. And I couldn't find them at all. Looking at the search options, it seemed that they should be there as the default settings show that everyone should show up like in all the other games. On the default page, there is a search option (the magnifying class that appeared in 2016). When you use that they show up. I'm not sure what the reason for this is. If I want to look up a retired wrestler, someone who's left the business, someone who died, etc, they should show up in the main worker screen. Maybe others like this and I'm in the minority. Or maybe there is an option that I'm just not seeing in the main worker screen.


Remember, searches are "sticky." Is it possible you have too many search terms on?

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That UI actually gave me a headache for how small the fonts and the boxes are, and how BLINDINGLY white the whole UI is, I hope it's fixed before launch.


So here are the problems I had with the game.


I haven't encountered any errors so far, the UI is the main source of complaints.


To list them:


1- Scroll wheel doesn't work with the new list (I changed them to the old lists) but some lists still have the new model and they don't work.


2- You can't use arrows and letters to navigate the menus and lists which is a stpe down from 2016.


3- The resolution is fixed to 1366*768 which makes the game way too small for a 1080 monitor.


4- Speaking of size, the fonts are too small, the boxes are too small too.


5- The office layout is very confusing also a step down from 2016, hope they get categorized for easier navigation.


6- The title bar is the same color as the background which makes it harder to recognize the active window and which (x) button closes which window.


7- The borders of the boxes are way too thick and way to bright.


8- Backstage incidents is not noticable in the UI, the text for it needs to be RED like in 2016.


Other than that, I haven't encountered an error and the game seems to load and advance faster.


From what it looks like, There are a lot of quality of life stuff that we got used to in 2016 that were removed for no reason, and the more major concerns of everyone is the UI, which I hope will be fixed by release or for future updates.


And for the love of god, why for 20 years this game STILL doesn't have resizable windows, it's been the number 1 thing people complained about for YEARS.

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I'm also a letter grade guy, hopefully this is something that can be addressed (or is and we have not noticed the option yet).


I hope Adam does not feel piled on by all these comments btw, he's kept me entertained for over a decade now and I have had similar problems with every UI update and always come around to love them eventually, being Autistic I find change difficult so I accept most of this is on me, I respect all the work he's put in and I appreciate him more than he knows.


I always used grades but I love the numbers now. I really got used to them.

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Remember, searches are "sticky." Is it possible you have too many search terms on?


That must have been it. Not sure what I did wrong exactly, but I originally tried to look up Crippler Ray Kingman and Champagne Lover to read their bios and they didn't show up in the worker screen and now they are showing up so it must have been a user error on my part someone. I can admit when I'm wrong :)

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3- The resolution is fixed to 1366*768 which makes the game way too small for a 1080 monitor.


4- Speaking of size, the fonts are too small, the boxes are too small too.



I'm using a 1080 monitor, and I seriously can't see the complaints about stuff being too small.

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I have problem in converted mod with people who was loaned in 2016 TEW and it writes that worker have exclusive and non exclusive contract how to fix it ?
Found soliution Change the written deal to be non-exclusive. Still written, just non-exclusive

Should fix them all

Though make sure the iron clad clause is also on for each of them too.


Thanks to DerekB!

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That must have been it. Not sure what I did wrong exactly, but I originally tried to look up Crippler Ray Kingman and Champagne Lover to read their bios and they didn't show up in the worker screen and now they are showing up so it must have been a user error on my part someone. I can admit when I'm wrong :)


I don't think that was you, I think when you first go into workers it only lists active ones, then when go into search it changes to active and inactive workers, I had the same issue lol

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