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Public Beta Reaction Thread

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- Game has so much attention to detail. I loved the detail on each area at the beginning of starting a new game, each region and each character.

- The ability to talk to each member of the roster is a welcomed addition especially to check on putting guys over and changing gimmicks.

- Attributes truly make each character feel different, which I think will be a game-changer in RW mods later on.

- Tournament and more detailed match types are an awesome addition plus the expansion of tag teams, stables and women's wrestling.



- The interface. It's hard on the eyes and just too busy at times. Someone posted above that the grid is the reason and I agree. Eliminating many of the unnecessary lines and grids will help a bunch.

- This is a personal preference, but I miss pushes. I don't have an issue with the perceptions, but I feel you could have had both perceptions and kept pushes from a "booker" stand point. Game just feels harder to book, but that's just after two quick months with USPW.

- It feels like work finding the grades for each match. I feel it should much larger as isn't it the main part of booking the matches and angles?

- Scrolling and using keys is inconsistent. I feel I'm clicking much more in this game than the last.


Like every TEW and WMMA game, I'm sure so many things will be improved following less than two months, so I have no doubt that eventually, this will be head and shoulders above the previous games.

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I really tried to give this a shot, but the UI is really amateurish and sub par for this series. Not being able to mouse scroll is a ridiculous oversight. The search field is just a black background with white font, which is really hard to focus on. The whole thing actually gives me a headache after ten minutes. I really hope this gets figured out, because it is not worth the money as it stands now.
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Something that I've noticed is that you can't start the database with loaned contracts anymore, thus you can't have (for example) Kenny Omega being exclusive with AEW and on loan at AAA, it's either exclusive and no AAA, or non-exclusive. It's really bugging me. is there anything I can do about this?


Open the written contracts of the workers that are also on loan and set Exclusive to No.

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As I continue to play around with the game I don't actually mind the UI. It is vastly different from '16 but it doesn't really bother me that much, after some time playing with it. My only complaint is that I can't see the worker's profile when I am booking an angle. It seems I have to go to the roster screen and then view the worker.
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is it impossible to sort the predone angles by what the workers are rated on now? o be honest that was maybe my most used button in 2016, easily costs the time the great new match booking screen wins.


No you can't. But you'll probably find that you end up using Freestyle Angles instead as they are even quicker (and a lot quicker than having to use a different section like in TEW2016).

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Admittedly I havent been able to look at the actual game yet but in following this thread and seeing the screenshots rearranging the buttons as you lay out is a huge improvement.

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Initial impressions:

*I really liked the editor once I figured it out. The database I converted specifically was January 2001 by Genadi, and it only came up with 8 critical errors. That being said, I went in and fixed those quickly.


*I like that you can search for both contracts and workers. It makes life a lot easier. Mass editing those is also quicker than in 2016, so that's useful.


*The UI, I can see where it's overwhelming people. Being someone who stares constantly at colored computer screens and massive amounts of data, it's fine on my eyes, but I can see where people think it's just a massive spreadsheet. Personally, I love the amount of data.


*I never realized how much I missed being able to type to filter, or how much I would miss scrolling though. It's not a game-ender for me, as I definitely, definitely appreciate what I've seen thus far, but I think if scrolling were able to occur while in screens, people would probably be really happy. (Or arrow keys)


*Also, minor thing, if green were set as hot/warm momentum and basically higher stats, I'd like it a lot more as well since on American stoplights, green means go, red means stop, yellow means slow down. So I associate yellow with slow down, but Kurt Angle is hot, I need to push him! You know what I mean?


*I do like the buttons being at the bottom. It's definitely something I'll need to get used to but it should be quicker to work through once I put 10 hours or so into the game.


Overall, I'm more than happy to give this game a solid 8.5/10 as my first impression. I get where people are having issues, especially with the color thing. That said, I'm really looking forward to digging deeper tonight during work.

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Anyone else having the problem where they cant book a show if the database is a TEW2016 Database converted?


Like I can book a cornellverse show, but not a WWE 2005 show.


How do you mean not book a show? What's the issue? Is the game crashing/producing error messages when you switch to the PM section of the day, or during the booking process, or something else entirely?


I've been playing around on a converted TEW 2016 database, and have booked one show and auto-booked another so far.

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My only complaint is that I can't see the worker's profile when I am booking an angle. It seems I have to go to the roster screen and then view the worker.

Yes, I agree with this. It would be great if you could View Profile on the Angle screen, especially when using Freestyle Angle.

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I can't get my picture pack to work.


What format do your worker pics need to be named in order to automatically show up in game?


"John Smith.jpg", no?


Where are you expecting the images to appear?


Are they assigned to workers? Are you trying to manually assign them to workers in the game or in the editor? The naming convention doesn't matter outside of the file type. There is a (ridiculously high) maximum limit on picture folders but you'd have had that problem in TEW2016 as well as it's a Windows issue I believe.

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