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Contracts are BROKEN!


So I just offered Jon Moxley just had 2 years and 11 months left on his Exclusive Written Contract and then NJPW came in and offered him a contract now he only has 28 days left!


How am I not able to negotiate until the last 28 days but others can just take everybody from my roster?


Hoping this will be fixed by Thursday

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SO I've been playing around a bit and on the whole I enjoy the game. One feature I thought I was gonna like the simpler products for promotions I actually rather don't like. I liked being able to tweak my product to be exactly what I like it to be but these general products just aren't enough for me.
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So I just offered Jon Moxley just had 2 years and 11 months left on his Exclusive Written Contract and then NJPW came in and offered him a contract now he only has 28 days left!


How am I not able to negotiate until the last 28 days but others can just take everybody from my roster?


Hoping this will be fixed by Thursday


Post this is in the tech support forum so it's noticed.



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The "Lucky Dip" user talent archetype is an issue for me, since you can run it over and over again without saving in order to start with a perfect executive.


Just use the cheat code “sophie” for perfect skills. It still works in 2020.

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On the roster screen in previous games you could use the arrow keys to go down through talent, it seems you cant do that in 2020?


when i use the arrow keys it scrolls the entire list and i have to click on each wrestler individually.


click in the scrollbar window, and you can use your arrows after that.

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I was just messing around to test something and you can scroll in your roster, other companies, and the workers screen when you are looking for people to hire. These are the most important ones to scroll through in that manner. Where you click on one guy then hit up or down to go to the next.
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Ok, now that I've booked a match from scratch (as in, not using the Auto Booker), I see what everyone is talking about using the arrows to move segments.


It's really bad, needs to be fixed... how did the playtesters not pick up on this sort of stuff??


It was the same in WMMA 5; I guess some people got used to it, or weren't as bothered given there is less booking and reordering in that game.

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So I just offered Jon Moxley just had 2 years and 11 months left on his Exclusive Written Contract and then NJPW came in and offered him a contract now he only has 28 days left!


How am I not able to negotiate until the last 28 days but others can just take everybody from my roster?


Hoping this will be fixed by Thursday


Was his contract Ironclad? If it is exclusive written but not ironclad he can still be signed out from under you. Ironclad means they cannot leave you for the duration of the contract.

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Was his contract Ironclad? If it is exclusive written but not ironclad he can still be signed out from under you. Ironclad means they cannot leave you for the duration of the contract.

Shouldn't you be able to negotiate with them outside of the 28 days if this is the case though?

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Ok, now that I've booked a match from scratch (as in, not using the Auto Booker), I see what everyone is talking about using the arrows to move segments.


It's really bad, needs to be fixed... how did the playtesters not pick up on this sort of stuff??


Like someone else said, it's the same way in WMMA5. Now that I'm used to the arrows, I don't even notice it or think about it. It also helps that I tend to book my way from the top down, so I don't have to do a lot of rearranging any way.


I also like it better than the move up or move down from 2016 -- because the arrow is right next to the segment I want to move. In 16 I had to click the segment and then click move up or move down to reorganize. So these arrows work better for how I play.

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Shouldn't you be able to negotiate with them outside of the 28 days if this is the case though?


I read his post to mean that Moxley had a lot of time left on his deal and NJPW came and signed him away. If he means that NJPW was able to offer a deal and he was not able to offer a counter deal -- that would be an issue yes -- but I read it as "Moxley had two years and 14 days left on his deal, NJPW signed him and now he has 28 days left."

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I read his post to mean that Moxley had a lot of time left on his deal and NJPW came and signed him away. If he means that NJPW was able to offer a deal and he was not able to offer a counter deal -- that would be an issue yes -- but I read it as "Moxley had two years and 14 days left on his deal, NJPW signed him and now he has 28 days left."

I had a similar situation with a written exclusive non-iron-clad contracted worker being offered a deal elsewhere, and got a message when trying to negotiate that I couldn't, as he had more than 28 days left on his deal. Nothing came of it, but I wasn't sure if it was a bug, or just a drawback of that kind of contract.

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I had a similar situation with a written exclusive non-iron-clad contracted worker being offered a deal elsewhere, and got a message when trying to negotiate that I couldn't, as he had more than 28 days left on his deal. Nothing came of it, but I wasn't sure if it was a bug, or just a drawback of that kind of contract.


I'd post that on the technical forum just in case, but it might be the drawback of going non-iron clad.

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For everyone complaining about the lines on the spreadsheet, would muting them to a duller grey like this change their opinion?




Yeah - it's so much less harsh on the eyes that way. Love it.


If you're going that far though, couldn't you just replace the white with black and get rid of the lines altogether too?

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Yeah - it's so much less harsh on the eyes that way. Love it.


If you're going that far though, couldn't you just replace the white with black and get rid of the lines altogether too?


Some screens desperately need the lines for separation. Believe me, I've tried. Especially the ones with a big amount of rows and columns. You get completely lost.

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I've been playing the demo very consistently since it released yesterday. My main take-aways from the demo are:


1) The actual gameplay, booking, etc in this game are superior to 2016. I have a lot of fun watching the AI do things as well as the more realistic scoring of my own shows and financials. I love new things like seeing progression of stats, merchandise sales, ticket prices. All of this new down in the weeds stuff is really great.


2) For a game that wanted to minimize the amount of clicking done, the new menus do the exact opposite. For some reason in the new style menus, you cannot scroll wheel or use the mouse keys, and while you can type to search using the search bar, you used to be able to just click in the box, type a letter, and it would take you straight to where you were looking. Why are the NEW feature lists also DOWNGRADES from previous search methods?


3) Pre-Set Products are great for people who ARE confused by making their own product, but taking out the ability to custom craft a product yourself is a mistake. The new products simply do not fit all styles of play, and many of them are simply too limiting and restrictive. It is hard to find your fun when the game is forcing you only to pick between certain things, when in the PREVIOUS TITLE you could custom craft your product to your own booking style. Pre-set Products is a fine idea, but why take away the customization option of being able to book your own way? I actually hate this. It is the main thing that is preventing me from saying I won't ever go back to TEW 2016. I can book exactly the product I want in TEW 2016, why wouldn't I book there?


i agree with most of this, especially #3. It would be nice to have some customization options added in to products.


I'm already tired of seeing a product that looks like i can jive with, only to find out i'll receive penalties for having matches with a smaller length then 20 minutes or something.


I was excited for the pre-set products, but after looking at what we got I feel disappointed.


So far, most of the issues with the game can be summed up as great ideas with poor execution imo.

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i agree with most of this, especially #3. It would be nice to have some customization options added in to products.


I'm already tired of seeing a product that looks like i can jive with, only to find out i'll receive penalties for having matches with a smaller length then 20 minutes or something.


I was excited for the pre-set products, but after looking at what we got I feel disappointed.


So far, most of the issues with the game can be summed up as great ideas with poor execution imo.


Yeah, having ONLY pre-set products (even with some "more will be added upon request" promise) isn't working for me. If I come up with an idea for a type of product I don't want to have to submit it and then wait until it gets determined worthy to be added and then added and pushed out, before I can play. Especially if I'm just tweaking things a little to respond to how my promotion is evolving due to workers I'm hiring. That just destroys my desire to devote time to the game when there's so many other options for my free time these days.


If it can't be reverted back somehow, or opened up via a modding tool so everyone can create their own products then I really think it's going to be a non-starter for me.


I have to wonder why it's so complicated to make it open to user changing? Are there some crazy interactions that are going on that having it user-changed would mess up??

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