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SWF: The Evolution of Supreme

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


I think The Awesomeness retain here but it's not the last we see of these guys.


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


Should be pretty straight forward.


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


I just don't see it with HFH yet.


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


These contracts are heel props and I think Rogue is perfect for it.


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Des is too good to be in the NA title scene, and perhaps having just one champion in Undeniable starts to sew some seeds.


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


This should read if Rocky wins he gets the whereabouts of Scythe. Regardless I don't think James is going to be the one to beat him.


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]


Remo retains here, those guys are good but they aren't ready to be champ.


Looking forward to it!

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]


Will make some better comments after the PPV! I’m not fully confident on my pics, but I think it’s time for Undeniable to be wearing gold!

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]


I assume your booking towards Golden vs Remo at the Season Finale so both need keeping strong, keeping Golden and Scythe seperate in a long fued must be tough but blowing it off early is a waste, there matches are hampered by lack of selling but they can smash big ratings out with Scythes menace and Goldens entertainment and overness. I assume this because its how i booked it, eventually Greed was revealed to be the manipulator and controller of Scythe giving him mic skills.

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The Awesomeness© vs. Undeniable

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]

[standard Tag Team Match]


Angry Gilmore vs. Matthew Faith

[standard Singles Match]


The Crippler vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian

[standard Singles Match]


Rogue vs. Z-Dub

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]

[standard Singles Match]


Des Davids© vs. Bret Starr

[sWF North American Championship Match]

[Lumberjack Match]


Brandon James vs. Rocky Golden

["I Quit Match"]

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]


Remo© vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]

[Elimination Match]

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The Awesomeness© vs. <strong>Undeniable</strong></p><p>

[sWF World Tag Team Championship Match]</p><p>

[standard Tag Team Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angry Gilmore</strong> vs. Matthew Faith</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Crippler</strong> vs. High Flyin' Hawaiian</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Rogue vs. <strong>Z-Dub</strong></p><p>

["New Year's Revolution" Contract Match]</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Des Davids© vs. <strong>Bret Starr</strong></p><p>

[sWF North American Championship Match]</p><p>

[Lumberjack Match]</p><p> </p><p>

Brandon James vs. <strong>Rocky Golden</strong></p><p>

["I Quit Match"]</p><p>

[brandon wins = He gets the whereabouts of Scythe]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remo©</strong> vs. ATOMIC vs. Mikey Lau</p><p>

[sWF World Heavyweight Championship Match]</p><p>

[Elimination Match]</p>

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I know this wasn't the greatest night for my predictions but I kind of had my jaw on the floor reading the grade for that world title match. Wow, that was great. Remo, ATOMIC and Lau probably all got high fives and all that for that one. Ha. It really helped create this aura of 'You want this chaos? I'm the constant. I'm the one who is stable' with the champion. Emma is obviously voicing that because that's what she does and she's money with Remo in particular. Those two together just feel like the ultimate pairing. A supreme pairing if you will. Hell, it might even make Remo feel like a truly transcendent star in his own right. Especially since he doesn't have to speak much so when he does...it will mean the world. I'm marking out for that pairing, I just am.


Gillmore flipping heel? Hm. That's interesting. I wonder if the man who calls himself angry will end up eventually declaring that he's no longer that angry person anymore and screw the people for making him that. It's a thought, I'm interested in how you make him come to life. He's probably been a face since 2011(he started heel on 2010 and took the NA title from Brandon James so I assume he turned then) so this probably feels like a big deal from the audience perspective.


What a big win for ZWB though. Damn. He's got something he can truly hang his hat on now and you can make an argument he might be the number 2 face in the company now even with what ATOMIC and Mikey did from a performance standpoint in the main event(and Des waiting in the wings as well)...You got some choices to make who you fully want to commit to in that spot going forward.


As a much smaller note, I love Bruce the Giant drinking with RDJ and the Boys. I just also imagine the beer cans being so small in Bruce's hands almost like with Andre that his entire hand covers it up! Ha!


Okay back to something more major...I was hoping for more gold for my boy Mainstream but I can't be mad at that opening match for all of them. There's more money with those four bringing aerial warfare to the tag division. Spencer, Mainstream, and The Awesomeness just seem like they're made to wrestle one another. Not the biggest story in the world but it's just fun to let those four be themselves and just wrestle.


Also High Flying Hawaiian...good job kid. You just got the biggest win as a solo act. Maybe you can use this momentum to see what you got against Starr? Not saying that will happen but it's certainly on the table now.

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For those who may have missed it,

"The World is Watching" is now up & ready to read!


I LOVE what you've done with Jack Bruce and his return. I thought at first things were going really well without him, but you've made me a believer in his return. Whether he ever gets back into the ring doesn't matter. His mere presence, like John Cena for WWE, makes things feel bigger. I'm interested to see his first interactions with the man I'm going to talk about next.


I agree with the John Cena comparison as it pertains to 'everything feeling bigger.' Jack Bruce, in the Cornellverse, is one of THE most decorated wrestlers in history. This has brought on a lot of love; however, some disdain as well (as some fans will always revolt against someone who's on top).


His involvement allows to create a new culture going into "The World is Watching." From there, we'll find out how he engages with the "Land of Supreme" and those within it.


Rocky Golden and his story and evolution have been golden here. I really buy into that action movie hero persona you've created for him. At the beginning of this diary (and in my opinion, still to this point) he is the biggest star. Despite this, he's been in a side story for most of the project and has been brilliant in that role. I'm ready to see his story with Scythe concluded (for now). I feel like Golden vs Scythe is a story that's could be told off and on for years.


Scythe and Rocky Golden is a long-term storyline in my mind. They may ebb-and-flow over the years, warring with others in the process, but they'll forever be connected after what's happened thus far.


That said, things are about to get even crazier... ;)



he Supremacists are an interesting group. I'm not that big of a fan of authority groups, but this one is working well. The group's alliances don't seem to be very strong. There's tension among the group. There are different agendas from the people in the group. It feels like at any moment, if the wrong things happen, the group can and will splinter. That gives this group an interesting element because readers want to see when and how this group finally implodes. Will it be Remo being fed up and saying screw the group? Will it be Eisen's head getting to big and starting to make mistakes? Will it be Emma Chase pulling an awesome coup? Or will it be some outside force such as Rocky Golden pounding the group into submission?


The Supremacists, as you have noticed, is more about loose allies who want to benefit (in some way or another) by being associated with the SEO (Eric Eisen). As you'll come to see over time, such a loose connection can create a lot of problems going forward...


Brett Starr and Spencer Spade have been maybe my two favorite characters here. I don't know which one I want to succeed more. Starr gives me major Seth Rollins vibes. I could see him being the one the Supremacists prop up if Remo ever decides to leave the group. I feel like Spade could be the next face of the company. I see him splitting from Starr and Undeniable down the line, and the two of them becoming rivals for life.


Long term, I have plans for these two. That said, right now, their Undeniable connection is intact. As you'll see, starting at the PPV, that aligning with Bret Starr is going to start getting a lot more challenging than before...


ATOMIC needs more! You've made this meathead an actual character we can rally around. His introduction as the first number one contender was done very effectively. I hope he gets a one on one opportunity with Remo down the line.


Yay! I'm glad to hear it!


I've always loved ATOMIC. This version of the "Radioactive Wrecking Machine" will have a little more depth than the previous version I used to book (which was full-on, comical meathead of sorts).


As you may have seen on the PPV, he has an axe to grind right now...


I know this wasn't the greatest night for my predictions but I kind of had my jaw on the floor reading the grade for that world title match. Wow, that was great. Remo, ATOMIC and Lau probably all got high fives and all that for that one. Ha. It really helped create this aura of 'You want this chaos? I'm the constant. I'm the one who is stable' with the champion. Emma is obviously voicing that because that's what she does and she's money with Remo in particular. Those two together just feel like the ultimate pairing. A supreme pairing if you will. Hell, it might even make Remo feel like a truly transcendent star in his own right. Especially since he doesn't have to speak much so when he does...it will mean the world. I'm marking out for that pairing, I just am.


Emma & Remo are perfect for one another. They both benefit from their pairing, as well. Remo, at this point of his career, is open to having more of a 'cushy' lifestyle. Emma can talk for him, taking that off of his shoulders (and as you said... making it a BIGGER deal when he DOES talk), AND gives him a direct connection to Eric (The SEO). Emma, in her own right, doesn't have any authoritative power. Her connection to Eric affords her this and Remo knows that.


Also, Emma gains the 'muscle' behind her peerless intellect. She can't go toe-to-toe with anyone, that's not who she is. So, Remo becomes that extra element for her. In some cases, aligning closely with Remo gives HER a power (Remo & his massive dominance) that Eric doesn't have... (even with being the SEO)...


Gillmore flipping heel? Hm. That's interesting. I wonder if the man who calls himself angry will end up eventually declaring that he's no longer that angry person anymore and screw the people for making him that. It's a thought, I'm interested in how you make him come to life. He's probably been a face since 2011(he started heel on 2010 and took the NA title from Brandon James so I assume he turned then) so this probably feels like a big deal from the audience perspective.


Gilmore has been a babyface for, what feels like, ages. In my mind, he's the IWC's "beloved" wrestler (as he has signified 'real wrestling' among the SE world of the SWF for a long time now). Through that all, he has never truly been perceived as a "star." At this point, what we're about to find out is, that Angry Gilmore is burnt out and frustrated. The storyline you booked there is pretty close to what I had planned; so, I guess we think a lot alike. That said, where this new persona takes him COULD be the talk of this dynasty going forward...


What a big win for ZWB though. Damn. He's got something he can truly hang his hat on now and you can make an argument he might be the number 2 face in the company now even with what ATOMIC and Mikey did from a performance standpoint in the main event(and Des waiting in the wings as well)...You got some choices to make who you fully want to commit to in that spot going forward.


In my mind, ZWB is right up there with the babyfaces. Popularity-wise, he's right inline with the likes of Des Davids & Valiant (both just outside of an 80 for popularity). Take in the fact that he was able to beat Rogue in a pretty dramatic match (adding in the strong promo before hand) and he's ready to truly take off. Does that mean he will win the World Heavyweight Championship? To be 100% honest, I'm not really sure. If the story presents itself, then I would be okay with it. We'll see.


I have an idea for his next feud and it is based solely upon the AMAZING matches that these two could create. If they have even basic chemistry, then we could have some "Match of the Year" possibilities.


Again, I just wish he wasn't 37...


As a much smaller note, I love Bruce the Giant drinking with RDJ and the Boys. I just also imagine the beer cans being so small in Bruce's hands almost like with Andre that his entire hand covers it up! Ha!


It was a fun segment to write!


In the segment, Bruce the Giant is drinking from two beer pitchers at the same time; dwarfing the beer bottles that the others are drinking. ha.


Okay back to something more major...I was hoping for more gold for my boy Mainstream but I can't be mad at that opening match for all of them. There's more money with those four bringing aerial warfare to the tag division. Spencer, Mainstream, and The Awesomeness just seem like they're made to wrestle one another. Not the biggest story in the world but it's just fun to let those four be themselves and just wrestle.




The two teams have had some interactions to build their disdain for one another. That said, this pairing, at least to this point, has mostly been about generating great matches. I feel, as a fan, that's how we would view it... "Man, this is going to be a great match!" From there, you can build a storyline around that.


Also High Flying Hawaiian...good job kid. You just got the biggest win as a solo act. Maybe you can use this momentum to see what you got against Starr? Not saying that will happen but it's certainly on the table now.


Can't say that I'm not trying with HFH. ha. The game REALLY wants me to push this guy (as many big names are willing to put him over). That said, I'm really wary of him (as he hasn't really produced up until now AND his entertainment skills are less than great). A win over Crips gives him something to hang his hat on (the fans will see it this way, too). That said, it's not over someone like Rogue or Undeniable (a step above Crips); so, I can change course if need be.

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Awesome show man. As mentioned above me, was really tough picking this card which I guess shows how well you’re doing at swerving us, keeping all characters in with what seems like a shot... anyone can win any one match which is cool from a readers perspective.


Loved the Gilmore turn and more than happy to see the KO Crew phase away for the time being. I liked the loose alliance but really cool to see Gilmore move away from being face for the time being and I dare say have more anger issues...?!


Atomic and Lau pulled some great ratings, must be pleasing to see them warm to the ME scene like that. Lau still has that step to go (I believe) before his character is developed and seen as a top tier guy. Whereas Atomic seems built already for the scene and with his in-game form being a factor, I can see him being a thorn in the champs/Supremacists side.


The Chaos Championship, I love booking that as a sort of Hardcore 24 title! Unleashed deserves more though!!! I really think at the start of TEW 2020 we are meant to be pushing Randy over ZWB whereas in previous games, Zimmy has always been the “one” out of the two that was going places. I like how you’ve moulded ZWB into this great fun character and a step away from the Main Event, but I’d like to see more of Randy- hoping this title could be a stepping stone for a h character shift.


The Golden/Scythe story continues, I love it! You’ve managed to intertwine stories, keep it fresh and continue to build it. Do we need to see a stop to the feud soon and something even fresher and away from each other? I’m not sure, but I’m all for this ride at the moment!

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Fantastic show man! Loved reading it and I'm sure you had fun booking it! Love Starr with the NA title, love Remo being unstoppable no matter what we as fans try to put in front of him, Chaos title is fun, Awesomeness vs. Undeniable was predictably excellent. Having a blast reading this!
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The updated rankings will be up later today! From there, you can expect to see SWF RISE in a day or so (followed by Lucha Suprema). The two "B" shows are easy to quickly put together (as they are much more condensed in nature). All in all, thank you for supporting this project and continuing to read!


Awesome show man. As mentioned above me, was really tough picking this card which I guess shows how well you’re doing at swerving us, keeping all characters in with what seems like a shot... anyone can win any one match which is cool from a readers perspective.


I never intentionally swerve you guys. That said, I do want to provide an "anything can happen" vibe. In that vein, there may be moments where things go counter to what typically would happen. I feel this creates an open environment for which the reader/viewer can never truly look at the SWF as predictable in nature.


Loved the Gilmore turn and more than happy to see the KO Crew phase away for the time being. I liked the loose alliance but really cool to see Gilmore move away from being face for the time being and I dare say have more anger issues...?!


As you said, the KO Crew was loose in nature. They came together as allies looking to stand up to Undeniable (who had beaten them all down separately over time). That said, it served its purpose for the time being. ATOMIC & Davids still have a connection, that we will see. Gilmore is moving in a different direction altogether.


You're about to see a new version of Angry Gilmore. That said, there are things he simply cannot run away from; down deep within.


Atomic and Lau pulled some great ratings, must be pleasing to see them warm to the ME scene like that. Lau still has that step to go (I believe) before his character is developed and seen as a top tier guy. Whereas Atomic seems built already for the scene and with his in-game form being a factor, I can see him being a thorn in the champs/Supremacists side.


I agree 100%. Mikey was thrust into that position; however, I don't really feel like he's ready whatsoever. I have a character shift for him in mind that COULD get him there. That said, it's going to take some time & the perfect scenario to make it feel legit.


ATOMIC is already there and, as you said, the "in-game amazing form" note is helping to warrant his push. He fits the SWF mold really well and is around an 80 for popularity in the U.S. He can match the power game of a Remo, to an extent, but will struggle with the athleticism of the "One True Alpha."


The Chaos Championship, I love booking that as a sort of Hardcore 24 title! Unleashed deserves more though!!! I really think at the start of TEW 2020 we are meant to be pushing Randy over ZWB whereas in previous games, Zimmy has always been the “one” out of the two that was going places. I like how you’ve moulded ZWB into this great fun character and a step away from the Main Event, but I’d like to see more of Randy- hoping this title could be a stepping stone for a h character shift.


I could see how you would want more for Randy. I do too. That said, it's going to take them being pushed in their own ways in which to make a true "rise to the top." If not, it'll feel like they're cheapened in a way.


Z-Dub has been given the "green light" first. This means that Randy is going to be more of a slow-burn in the time being. The Chaos Championship gives him something to do, a moment in the spotlight, and opportunities to better develop his character going forward.


The Golden/Scythe story continues, I love it! You’ve managed to intertwine stories, keep it fresh and continue to build it. Do we need to see a stop to the feud soon and something even fresher and away from each other? I’m not sure, but I’m all for this ride at the moment!


Rocky and Scythe will be an on-again, off-again feud in my mind. That said, we still have a little more story to tell with this on-again time. The most recent scenario, Scythe seemingly connected with Eric Eisen, is something that will be further explored (or debunked) going forward. More or less, there may be a new wrinkle coming.


Fantastic show man! Loved reading it and I'm sure you had fun booking it! Love Starr with the NA title, love Remo being unstoppable no matter what we as fans try to put in front of him, Chaos title is fun, Awesomeness vs. Undeniable was predictably excellent. Having a blast reading this!


Thank you!


It's awesome to know that you're enjoying the project! It's been A LOT of fun to book and write; so, it gives me energy to see others diving in as well.

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This is our 7th ranking, so far! We've worked our way into a pretty strong top 3 (with a number of people just outside of that).

You need to predict on 75% of the matches in which to be viable for the 'top 3' by the end of all of this (right now that would be 29 matches predicted). I will

work with those who do predict quite a bit but maybe miss the cut off %. You may not be able to have the same reward as others but we can work something out.

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Joshua Taylor vs. Paul Huntingdon

[standard Singles Match]

[Joshua Taylor's SWF Debut]


Randy Unleashed© vs. Chris Caulfield

[Chaos Championship Match]

[Chaos Rules = No Rules]


High Flyin' Hawaiian vs.
"The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel"

[standard Singles Match]


ATOMIC vs. Bret Starr vs. Mikey Lau vs. Rocky Golden

[#1 Contendership Match for the SWF WHC]

[First Pinfall is the Victor]
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<p><strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> vs. Paul Huntingdon</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p>

[Joshua Taylor's SWF Debut]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Unleashed©</strong> vs. Chris Caulfield</p><p>

[Chaos Championship Match]</p><p>

[Chaos Rules = No Rules]</p><p> </p><p>

High Flyin' Hawaiian vs. <strong>"The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel" Rogue</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ATOMIC</strong> vs. Bret Starr vs. Mikey Lau vs. Rocky Golden</p><p>

[#1 Contendership Match for the SWF WHC]</p><p>

[First Pinfall is the Victor]</p>

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<p><strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> vs. Paul Huntingdon</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p>

[Joshua Taylor's SWF Debut]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Unleashed</strong>© vs. Chris Caulfield</p><p>

[Chaos Championship Match]</p><p>

[Chaos Rules = No Rules]</p><p> </p><p>

High Flyin' Hawaiian vs. "The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel" <strong>Rogue</strong></p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ATOMIC</strong> vs. Bret Starr vs. Mikey Lau vs. Rocky Golden</p><p>

[#1 Contendership Match for the SWF WHC]</p><p>

[First Pinfall is the Victor]</p>

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<p><strong>Joshua Taylor </strong>vs. Paul Huntingdon</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p>

[Joshua Taylor's SWF Debut]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Randy Unleashed©</strong> vs. Chris Caulfield</p><p>

[Chaos Championship Match]</p><p>

[Chaos Rules = No Rules]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>High Flyin' Hawaiian</strong> vs. "The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel" Rogue</p><p>

[standard Singles Match]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ATOMIC</strong> vs. Bret Starr vs. Mikey Lau vs. Rocky Golden</p><p>

[#1 Contendership Match for the SWF WHC]</p><p>

[First Pinfall is the Victor]</p>

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Joshua Taylor vs. Paul Huntingdon

[standard Singles Match]

[Joshua Taylor's SWF Debut]


Randy Unleashed© vs. Chris Caulfield

[Chaos Championship Match]

[Chaos Rules = No Rules]


High Flyin' Hawaiian vs. "The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel" Rogue

[standard Singles Match]


ATOMIC vs. Bret Starr vs. Mikey Lau vs. Rocky Golden

[#1 Contendership Match for the SWF WHC]

[First Pinfall is the Victor]

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