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TCW Discussion Thread

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  • 1 month later...
I've got an interesting challenge in my game now. Runaway Train was the owner who hired me as booker but he has left the business three months later leaving his daughter Lisa Bowen in charge. Lisa has set me the goal of hitting Large within two years but also not to hire anyone that works for a medium sized company or higher. Since i'm in 2025 everyone with Wrestleworld is at least medium leaving me with a total of ten promotion to scout talent from...


It's taken me seven months to finish 2026 but I have now and we are finally competing with SWF and USPW. We won show of the year for Psycho Circus 2026 and company of the year too which was great. The main event players are Roderick Remus, Marc Speed, Americana Jr and Chris Flynn all of who are over 90 overness now. As for the TCW legends:


Tommy Cornell - USPW since Oct 2021, one time world champion

Wolf Hawkins - Died after falling into a shark tank :(

Aaron Andrews - SWF since Jan 2024, no titles!

Greg Gauge - USPW, one time world champion


Maybe i'll be able to get some of them back at some point (not Wolf).

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Decided to start another TCW game and I have an idea to make it interesting, writing it down here so I have to force myself to talk about how it goes.


In game, the story will be that BriCo decided to cut ties with the promotion quickly after buying it, leading to it being bought by a group of investors led by Phil Vibert, who will start a massive youth movement in the company.


I'd end up starting a B-Show based around bringing in young talent from all over the world on short, handshake deals, ending with a tournament in November fought on the show. The finals of said tournament would be on the King of Kings show with the winner getting a full contract with the company (Will Beaumont for the first year most likely, maybe Juan Mendoza from UEW or Yuta Isono if I feel like Beaumont's destiny rolls are bad).


It'd basically just be a way to test out wrestlers, seeing how they develop, stuff like that, but I think having an in-game story behind it makes it better.

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Decided to start another TCW game and I have an idea to make it interesting, writing it down here so I have to force myself to talk about how it goes.


In game, the story will be that BriCo decided to cut ties with the promotion quickly after buying it, leading to it being bought by a group of investors led by Phil Vibert, who will start a massive youth movement in the company.


I'd end up starting a B-Show based around bringing in young talent from all over the world on short, handshake deals, ending with a tournament in November fought on the show. The finals of said tournament would be on the King of Kings show with the winner getting a full contract with the company (Will Beaumont for the first year most likely, maybe Juan Mendoza from UEW or Yuta Isono if I feel like Beaumont's destiny rolls are bad).


It'd basically just be a way to test out wrestlers, seeing how they develop, stuff like that, but I think having an in-game story behind it makes it better.


This was a disaster and after 1 year of it I stopped. Finals where Haranobu Kobayashi vs Aldous Blackfriar, signed both of them.


But, the save still seems to be playing out interestingly. Jay Chord is the current world champion and will probably hold it until the newly signed KC Glenn has enough popularity to take it from him. The good news about this is the fact I was able to convince both of them to gain weight and muscle, so I now have two different guys with 100 star quality, with one being the greatest heel in the game and the other able to switch between heel and face.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need to change the way I play the game. After 18 months, off the 36 Characters with 80 Plus Popularity in the US I have 19. The company is 95 popularity, has its own network that rakes in money. It makes it slightly easy. Aaron, Wolf, Scythe are 100 pop (Scythe has held the inter title for nearly a ear). Sammy was until he insulted a kid on the internet. Mighty and Titan are tag champs with 90 plus pop. Ed Stone and Julius Moor are the former champs, again over 90.


I think I will restart. I always got for a youth movement, and will do it again. But will tone down the booking for popularity. Stop trying to create as many stars. And I think I'll have to not create any own Networks. They seem to mess up any financial challenge.

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<p>It does seem like the game is super easy now that Adam relaxed the pop cap. Before there were a few tops stars to fight over but now all the big companies have four or five guys at 90+ pop.</p><p> </p><p>

I have been booking my game around the Syndicate. Roderick Remus and Marc Speed are my top heels and I had Roger Cage and Bruce the Giant join them to form the newest version of the group. I recently added Aaron Knight too. </p><p> </p><p>

Things are about to kick up a notch though because I risked my job to sign the one...the only...Tommy Cornell Jr.! Cage is currently talking Cornell up in interviews to get him towards the 45 pop needed to become recognisable and start to build momentum. </p><p> </p><p>

Once Cornell is over and experienced enough it is a very simple story to tell; TC Jr. wants to be his own man and not be shackled down by The Syndicate. He leaves the group and is attacked by his old team mates and slowly beats them all until he defeats Remus at Total Mayhem for the World Title and control of The Syndicate. He fills the group with the friends he made on his journey up and we have a babyface Syndicate...until another young talent comes along and Cornell feels threatened enough to turn the Syndicate back to the dark side to keep himself on top.</p>

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  • 2 months later...
How do people book Jay Chord & Greg Gauge? They feel very much the same. Obviously could work in a legacy style team, but after that I'm not sure.


Gauge changed his last name to be different than his father, Sam Keith. Jay Chord did not, so thats one difference to work off of. Since Chord ends up turning over MAW to Sam Keith I imagine in my head that Jay and Greg and MAtthew Keith all grew up knowing each very well and I use that to help me with storyline ideas.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah I'm now officially five years into my TCW game. I'm still playing the first save I've had from the demo. And yes, Chord is incredible and you can definitely argue that he's the best wrestler in the game. He's a guarantee 90 if the matches goes longer than 10 minutes.


Now I'm eight and a half years in. Same game from the demo (so it's been 19 months in real time for me.)


I've become the number one company in the world. I finally passed USPW at the end of 2027. Company has almost one billion dollars (not kidding). Just a lot of putting on good shows, investing in my own broadcaster and slowly growing it, making screwed signings and then occasionally going for big free agents (I admittedly changed Rhodes' preference to flashy once we were making hand over fist in cash). Got my Merchandise to the highest (again it helps to build a lot of stars because you get a big boost in merch).


I would say now I'm on my fifth generation of TCW in mine.


First Gen: Andrews, Wolf


Second Gen: Chord, Gino Montero, Might Mo


Third: Gen: Kirk Jameson, Dreadnought, Flynn


Fourth Gen: James Adams (High Flying Hawaiian), Ranger, Frankie-Boy Fernandez,


Fifth (Current): Jack Jackson, Jaylon Martins, Cooper Christie, Turk, Bryan Jewett with Papa Swoll, Spencer Edmund and David Stone


I still find the game engaging because one of the good problems to have is balancing your roster (I tend to have a big one) and then deciding who you elevate. For example, for the current gen, I've spent the last two years building around Martins, Christie and Jack Jackson. In the game, those three were proteges of Mighty Mo, Wolf & Aaron Andrews respectively. But yet, there's a flaw in all of them.


Cooper has gotten to 81 Psych and can generally have great matches with whoever. He's only just turned 30 years old. But Charisma is at 70 and Mic toggles between 40 and 41. Jackson has 86 Mic and 78 Charisma. But Pysch has capped out at 73 and his highest wrestling skill, Brawling at 66, is capped. Martins has 84 Charisma, 62 Mic, 72 Brawling. But his Pysch is at 79.


So it's been interesting having to make judgement calls and at times scrap my plans and adjust. Like Turk just quietly becoming an elite worker (consistently scores 90 in ring rating regardless of match, 84 Pysch, 77 Charisma) and pushing through all three of said guys.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I played 15 months of a TCW save. I noticed why I struggle to stick with them. The mid-card is set up for you to bring in your own people to get over. The main event scene though is basically set in regards to top 5. Sammy Bach you can roll declining ability but still excellent SQ & Pop, Jay Chord usually is extremely over within 6 months, Wolf & AA are already set. Then for your fifth you have Freddy Huggins, Mighty Mo, Greg Gauge, or Joshua Taylor. Top 5 have 88 Battle Score & I won Area Battle 5/6 months. I wish Area Battle had more penalties.


I think TCW would be interesting if starting out they lost Wolf to 21CW, Sammy Bach is set up for decline automatically, and maybe Mighty Mo & Behemoths to USPW. Greg Gauge & Jay Chord are clones as well, so I wish they could be separated.


The developmental workers arent that interesting too much IMO. Harvey & Seth are only ones that I see turn into anything.

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I don’t understand people who see Jay Chord and Greg Gauge as clones. Sure their stats are similar, and both come from wrestling families, but Chord instantly makes me hate him whereas I respect the Keith boys.


I always see Greg as the Owen Hart to Matt’s Brett Hart (except I’m a massive Matt Keith mark and never really liked Brett). Both kids are hard working, love the business, grew up around it, debuted at 16 and worked their way up. They’re marks for the business.


Whereas Jay Chord’s sneer strikes me as spoiled and entitled - he’s a wrestler because he’s naturally talented and it was easy for him to break into the business. He’s here because happy collecting the check, and he’ll put on whatever match you want and it’ll be a great match, but it’s a job. As long as it doesn’t affect his pay, he doesn’t care about his push or the belt or any of that.

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I don’t understand people who see Jay Chord and Greg Gauge as clones. Sure their stats are similar, and both come from wrestling families, but Chord instantly makes me hate him whereas I respect the Keith boys.


I always see Greg as the Owen Hart to Matt’s Brett Hart (except I’m a massive Matt Keith mark and never really liked Brett). Both kids are hard working, love the business, grew up around it, debuted at 16 and worked their way up. They’re marks for the business.


Whereas Jay Chord’s sneer strikes me as spoiled and entitled - he’s a wrestler because he’s naturally talented and it was easy for him to break into the business. He’s here because happy collecting the check, and he’ll put on whatever match you want and it’ll be a great match, but it’s a job. As long as it doesn’t affect his pay, he doesn’t care about his push or the belt or any of that.


The only difference is Greg used his last name and not the Keith name. But that’s negated in bio saying he likes alliteration. They have same age, stats, amazing heels, and backgrounds. I use custom pics for Greg and Jay and forgot what originals look like mostly.

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You could say the same about literally any company in the database. TCW aren't special in that respect. SWF & EILL are the only examples where you could become number one and dominate without many changes.


Age is a big issue for TCW, your TD rolls in particular. Fortunately, the size allows you some wiggle room.

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The company is due for a reset. Just gotta pull the trigger. I think TCW is set up for the user to create their own vision. You can take roster in many ways.


A reset doesn't mean you take away their main event stars. TCW in a position where they lost their biggest star, Rocky Golden to SWF already. RDJ retired. Bryan Vessey retired. They're left with two active wrestlers who have been World Champ --- Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach is the aging number two babyface and Jay Chord is the guy ready to go into the main event.


After that, the roster IS up to you. That's where the rebuild is. They've changed their product to Classic Southern 'Rasslin. You have some young talent like Greg Gauge, Roderick Remus, T-Bone, and Might Mo that you could build around.


You can bring in guys from the indy scene to bolster and change the roster.


They're set up, from the start, for you to make additions to the roster without needing to take away from their main event scene. If they lost Wolf and the Behethoms and Sammy was in decline, right from the start their not going to be able to stay as medium.


Greg and Jay aren't clones, they're just both second-generation heels. You can present them in a myriad of ways.


I've always had a soft spot for Greg (owing to a game in 07/08 where I had him and Matt and Matt left me but Greg stayed and became my biggest singles star), but I push him as a heel Bret Hart, essentially. He's the right size for it, he uses the Muta Lock (Proton Lock), can talk without being incredible on the mic, has good star quality but isn't likely to be the biggest star in the business.


Jay Chord on the other-hand, is a mega star in the making. He's got a 92 in star quality (his mic skills are similar to Greg's though). I've always pushed him how I would imagine pushing a young Ric flair. Jay can be a mega star. He can wrestle anyone. He could (and should) be the foundational piece of your roster and supplant Wolf as the top heel in TCW.

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A reset doesn't mean you take away their main event stars. TCW in a position where they lost their biggest star, Rocky Golden to SWF already. RDJ retired. Bryan Vessey retired. They're left with two active wrestlers who have been World Champ --- Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins, Sammy Bach is the aging number two babyface and Jay Chord is the guy ready to go into the main event.


Losing stars is what initiates the reset though. In realistic terms the rest of those names should be written in pencil, because USPW and SWF should/would 100% be poaching Sammy Bach, Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord, Mighty Mo, and Wolf Hawkins (to make my save more difficult I made it so USPW and SWF owners are loose with money and Kyle Rhodes is tight with it).


With Rocky leaving not sure how you don't follow it up by raiding the rest of the roster mid-90s ECW style.


So really you're booking long term for Greg Gauge, Roddy Remus, Josh Taylor, and whoever you bring in that catches fire.


I like to look at the MAW roster as it seems like that's been a pipeline for them historically. Not even like the sure things. More the likes of Deuce Deadline, Josh Jacobs, Copperhead, Demarcus & Gray, Sid & Cam Jones.

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I absolutely love TCW, it is always my go to promotion, but I am having al ittle trouble. I just cannot push Joshua Taylor. I don't know what is up but I just cant get a feel for the type of wrestler he is. I know Adam doesn't really base his guys on real world, but if you had to say what kind of wrestler Josh is what would you think?


Trevor L.

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I absolutely love TCW, it is always my go to promotion, but I am having al ittle trouble. I just cannot push Joshua Taylor. I don't know what is up but I just cant get a feel for the type of wrestler he is. I know Adam doesn't really base his guys on real world, but if you had to say what kind of wrestler Josh is what would you think?


Trevor L.


Taylor is based as someone else's second. I always have him associated with Jay Chord.


He's a good wrestler who can beat lowcard guys and be someone the babyface beats before the upcoming Chord vs. babyface match.

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