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The Yet To Debut Community CVerse Mod!

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<p>Worker Pic:CVFP_AsianFemale_015.jgp</p><p>

Worker Name:KONGOU</p><p>

Worker Size:Middleweight</p><p>

Birth Month/Year:12/2003</p><p>

Debut Month/Year:12/2025</p><p>

Nationality: Asian Japanese</p><p>

Available Areas:Japan</p><p>

Worker Style:Brawler</p><p>

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Power and Paint/Monster</p><p>

Worker Bio:KONGOU(Chigusa Kisaragi)is a surprising presence in a Japanese scene, Inspired by the American wrestler, Gorgon, her size dwarfing most competitors she would potentially go up against. Known for her "Cannon Fire" Spinning Backfist finisher, she's already accidentally knocked someone out with it during training.</p><p>

Alter-Ego's: Chigusa Kisaragi</p><p>

Dojo Graduate:No</p><p>

Worker Personality/Attributes: Plays Dominant Well, Stalwart, Prudish, Fat Genes </p><p> </p><p>

Skills Template: </p><p> </p><p>

In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)</p><p>






Flashiness:12</p><p> </p><p>

Mental Skills (No skill above 55)</p><p>


Experience (automatically 0):</p><p>

Respect (automatically 0):</p><p>

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70):</p><p> </p><p>

Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)</p><p>




Safety:10</p><p> </p><p>

Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)</p><p>




Star Quality:25</p><p>

Sex Appeal:10</p><p>

Menace:65</p><p> </p><p>

Physical Abilities</p><p>





Resilience:60</p><p> </p><p>

Other Skills:</p><p>




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<p>Worker Picture: CVFP_MaskedMale_079</p><p> </p><p>

Worker Name: Crash Test</p><p>

Worker Size: Lightweight</p><p>

Birth Month/Year: July 2000</p><p>

Debut Month/Year: June 2020</p><p>

Nationality: Hispanic American</p><p>

Available Areas: USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan</p><p>

Worker Style: High Flyer</p><p>

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Face-Underdog </p><p>

Worker Bio: With the ability to make a broomstick look like a star, Crash test will probably never be one in his own right, but companies are never short on needing someone on the roster who can make anyone look like a million bucks.</p><p>

Alter-Ego's?: none</p><p>

Dojo Graduate?: no</p><p>

Worker Personality/Attributes: Relaxed, 100% Babyface, Plays weasely/underdog well, stuntman, giving performer</p><p> </p><p>

Skills Template:</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)</span> </p><p>






Flashiness:65</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Mental Skills (No skill above 55)</span></p><p>


Experience (automatically 0):0</p><p>

Respect (automatically 0):0</p><p>

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70):50</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)</span></p><p>




Safety:70</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)</span></p><p>




Star Quality:9</p><p>

Sex Appeal: 0</p><p>

Menace:0</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Physical Abilities</span></p><p>





Resilience:88</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Other Skills:</span></p><p>



Refereeing:0</p><p><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_04/CVFP_MaskedMale_079.jpg.602e7a8d6f94dafd8cdcb50f1939c245.jpg" data-fileid="3586" data-fileext="jpg" rel=""><img data-fileid="3586" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="CVFP_MaskedMale_079.jpg.602e7a8d6f94dafd8cdcb50f1939c245.jpg" data-src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_04/CVFP_MaskedMale_079.jpg.602e7a8d6f94dafd8cdcb50f1939c245.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a></p>


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Worker Name: Wentz Chrysler(White male 290)

Worker Size: Middleweight

Birth Month/Year: August 2004

Debut Month/Year: July 2022

Nationality: Canadian

Available Areas: USA, Canada

Worker Style: Technician

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): City Slicker/Rich Snob

Worker Bio: Wentz Chrysler is a good young prospect from Canada. Growing up he was a big Rich Money fan, hence the gimmick. A fairly good grappler in the ring and shows some good charisma and mic skills as well. Assuming things don't blow up badly against him he will likely find himself working in a major company at some point in his career.

Alter-Ego's?: No

Dojo Graduate?: Dragon Academy

Worker Personality/Attributes: Better as heel, Amazing heel, Tag Team Specialist, Giving Performer, Driven


Skills Template:


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 25


Hardcore: 12

Technical: 48


Flashiness: 50


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 38

Experience (automatically 0):

Respect (automatically 0):

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70):


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 46

Selling: 41

Consistency: 64

Safety: 44


Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 81

Microphone: 64

Acting: 53

Star Quality: 56

Sex Appeal: 81

Menace: 13


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 63


Power: 10

Toughness: 63



Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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This is a second character for myself, and ideally would like him to be a tag team partner of already created Jaxon Duke. I have not messed with the editor as of yet, so I'm not sure if you can create yet to debut tag teams with a name in place. If so, they would be a team and go by The Brodels.



Worker Name: Haistings Rage


Worker Pic:CVFP_AsianFemale_015.jgp

Worker Name:KONGOU


Worker Picture: CVFP_MaskedMale_079


Worker Name: Crash Test


Worker Name: Wentz Chrysler(White male 290)

Worker Size: Middleweight


All have been added! Thanks for this, guys!

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<p><img alt="qU6Bi9G.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/qU6Bi9G.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;">Worker Name: Robert McKish</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Worker Size: Toned Middleweight</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Birth Month/Year: July 1996</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Debut Month/Year: April 2020</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Nationality: American</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Available Areas: USA, Canada</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Worker Style: Brawler</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Old School Face, Old School Heel</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Worker Bio: Robert McKish is a late bloomer to the wrestling world getting into training after graduating from college. A natural talker McKish was the highlight of his collegiate wrestling team. McKish was on his way to winning his semifinal match in the national championship tournament when he tore out his knee. McKish continued, and one the match on points, but was unable to be cleared for the finals which he was forced to forfit. After rehabbing his knee McKish went to the Piledriver School Of Wrestling to learn to be a pro wrestler.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Alter-Ego's?: None.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Dojo Graduate?: Yes, Piledriver School Of Wrestling.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Worker Personality/Attributes: High Pain Threshold, Giving Performer, Story Teller, Bad Ass reputation, Troublesome Knee, Easy to do buisness with, Desperado, age is just a number</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Skills:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Brawling: 51</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Puroresu: 15</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Hardcore: 38</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Technical: 62</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Aerial: 5</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Flashiness: 13</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Mental Skills (No skill above 55)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Psychology: 53</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Experience (automatically 0): 0</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Respect (automatically 0): 0</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70): 50</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Basics: 55</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Selling: 70</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Consistency: 60</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Safety: 61</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Charisma: 82</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Microphone: 70</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Acting: 22</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Star Quality: 70</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Sex Appeal: 55</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Menace: 48</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Physical Abilities</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Stamina: 87</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Athleticism: 60</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Power: 45</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Toughness: 75</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Resilience: 94</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Other Skills:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Announcing: 0</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Colour: 0</span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

Refereeing: 0</span></p>

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Pic: WhiteMale74


Worker Name: Jack the Stripper


Worker Size: Middleweight


Birth Month/Year: 2000


Debut Month/Year: 2022


Nationality: British


Available Areas: UK, USA, India


Worker Style: Entertainer


Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Male Stripper


Worker Bio: Jack the Stripper is a comedy based wrestler based in Britain. Jack prides himself on his entrance. It starts with a dark, scary, or menacing bit of music play as the intro as he slowly walks through the curtain. Then it turns into club music and makes his way down to the ring, stripping. It's never hard to tell who has seen him perform before.


Alter-Ego's?: None


Dojo Graduate?: No


Worker Personality/Attributes: Class Clown, Creative, Plays Gimmicky/Cartoonish Well, Plays Comedy Well.


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 9

Puroresu: 24

Hardcore: 45

Technical: 39

Aerial: 12

Flashiness: 65


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 38

Experience (automatically 0):

Respect (automatically 0):

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70):


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 40

Selling: 51

Consistency: 62

Safety: 29


Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 71

Microphone: 47

Acting: 65

Star Quality: 32

Sex Appeal: 53

Menace: 2


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 46

Athleticism: 58

Power: 22

Toughness: 50

Resilience: 50


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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Dan Stone III


Submission Template:


Worker Picture


Render was made by King Bison and was used with his approval for this character.


Worker Name: Dan Stone III

Worker Size: Toned Middleweight

Birth Month/Year: May 2003

Debut Month/Year: July 2022

Nationality: White Canadian

Available Areas: USA, Canada

Worker Style: Technician

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Face: New Breed (Standard) Heel: Canadian Wrestling Royalty (Standard

Worker Bio: Dan Stone III is the second son of legendary wrestler Dan Stone Jr. and the younger brother of David Stone. Trained by his father, Dan Stone III possesses all of the trademark Stone moves, technical prowess, and charisma. If everything works to plan, he could be a major star in the world of professional wrestling. He is also openly gay.

Alter-Ego's?: None

Dojo Graduate?: 2022 graduate of the House of Stone dojo

Worker Personality/Attributes: Loves the Business, Quiet

Move Set: (I didn't see a category here so I added it) Dan Stone Jr


Skills Template (I created in in my database using David Stone's skills and then toned down some of the skills to fit the cap, particularly in the Fundamentals category)


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 51

Puroresu: 22

Hardcore: 12

Technical: 64

Aerial: 30

Flashiness: 48


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 55

Experience (automatically 0):

Respect (automatically 0):

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70):


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 70

Selling: 70

Consistency: 70



Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 70

Microphone: 32

Acting: 38

Star Quality: 70

Sex Appeal: 70

Menace: 36


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 88

Athleticism: 78

Power: 48

Toughness: 64

Resilience: 91


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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<p>John Stone</p><p> </p><p>

Submission Template:</p><p> </p><p>

Worker Picture</p><p>

<img alt="ISn8oac.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ISn8oac.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Render was made by King Bison and was used with his approval for this character.</p><p> </p><p>

Worker Name: John Stone</p><p>

Worker Size: Middleweight</p><p>

Birth Month/Year: March 2004</p><p>

Debut Month/Year: August 2023</p><p>

Nationality: White Canadian</p><p>

Available Areas: USA, Canada</p><p>

Worker Style: Technician</p><p>

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Face: New Breed (Standard) Heel: Canadian Wrestling Royalty (Standard</p><p>

Worker Bio: John Stone is the youngest child and only son of Jeremy Stone. His two sisters are not involved in professional wrestling. He was trained by his uncle Dan at the House of Stone dojo and looks to continue the legacy of his family. The spitting image of his father, early scuttlebutt is that he looks like he could be to be just as good as his dad.</p><p>

Alter-Ego's?: None</p><p>

Dojo Graduate?: 2023 graduate of the House of Stone dojo</p><p>

Worker Personality/Attributes: Anti-Hardcore, Can't play comedy, giving performer, no comedy matches, plays legitimate well, plays realistic well, professional, wrestling in the blood</p><p>

Move Set: Jeremy Stone</p><p> </p><p>

Skills Template </p><p> </p><p>

In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)</p><p>

Brawling: 36</p><p>

Puroresu: 62</p><p>

Hardcore: 16</p><p>

Technical: 65</p><p>

Aerial: 12</p><p>

Flashiness: 19</p><p> </p><p>

Mental Skills (No skill above 55)</p><p>

Psychology: 50</p><p>

Experience (automatically 0):</p><p>

Respect (automatically 0):</p><p>

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70): 50</p><p> </p><p>

Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)</p><p>

Basics: 70</p><p>

Selling: 70</p><p>

Consistency: 70</p><p>

Safety:70</p><p> </p><p>

Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)</p><p>

Charisma: 42</p><p>

Microphone: 42</p><p>

Acting: 42</p><p>

Star Quality: 69</p><p>

Sex Appeal: 56</p><p>

Menace: 60</p><p> </p><p>

Physical Abilities</p><p>

Stamina: 88</p><p>

Athleticism: 78</p><p>

Power: 48</p><p>

Toughness: 64</p><p>

Resilience: 91</p><p> </p><p>

Other Skills:</p><p>

Announcing: 0</p><p>

Colour: 0</p><p>

Refereeing: 0</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lavelleuk" data-cite="lavelleuk" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47707" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>CreeperGav-what do you use to upload pictures? I'm not much of a tech guy I was using photobucket, even paying, but they've upped the price again I believe, what's the best way to go about it?<p> </p><p> Cheers!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Imgur! From experience it seems to be the best place to go.</p>
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PJ Strong


Submission Template:


Worker Picture



Render was made by King Bison and was used with his approval for this character.


Worker Name: PJ Strong

Worker Size: Muscular Heavyweight

Birth Month/Year: July 1992

Debut Month/Year: June 2020

Nationality: White American

Available Areas: USA, Canada, Japan

Worker Style: Entertainer

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Face: All American Guy (Realistic) Heel: Second Coming (Swagger)

Worker Bio: PJ Strong is the younger child of legendary wrestler Sam Strong. While his older sister Alicia has become one of the best known female wrestlers in history, her younger brother (who many expected would set the wrestling world on fire) went a different route. At 6'5", 300 pounds, the younger Strong was a standout collegiate football player for Florida State. A defensive tackle, he was a highly touted prospect his first three years in school until a knee injury cost him the fourth year -- he came back for a fifth year and did well enough to get drafted to the pros, but after a few years of never quite making it off the practice squad, he decided to follow in the family footsteps and become a pro wrestler. Trained privately by Rip Chord in Texas (as a favor to his father), PJ could be a big deal or he could be a flash in the pan. Time will tell.

Alter-Ego's?: None

Dojo Graduate?: No

Worker Personality/Attributes: A Marketing Dream | Amazing Babyface | Bodybuilder | Class Clown | Horndog | Not a Natural | Outside Interests | Selfish Performer | Squash Master | Stud Athlete | Troublesome Knee


Move set: Sam Strong


Skills Template


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 30

Puroresu: 65

Hardcore: 20

Technical: 10

Aerial: 0

Flashiness: 18


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 45

Experience (automatically 0):

Respect (automatically 0):

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70): 50


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 50

Selling: 70

Consistency: 50



Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 85

Microphone: 55

Acting: 55

Star Quality: 70

Sex Appeal: 80

Menace: 40


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 40

Athleticism: 55

Power: 80

Toughness: 75

Resilience: 60


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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Worker Picture (Choose one from the CVerse Free Pictures! First come, first serve!):



Worker Name: Dennis Driver

Worker Size: Toned Small

Birth Month/Year: February 1997

Debut Month/Year: February 2021

Nationality: American

Available Areas: USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe

Worker Style: High flyer

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Face: Belarusian Hero (Gimmicky) / Heel: Disgruntled AHL Reject (Realistic)

Worker Bio: Dennis Driver was a real life hockey prospect from Connecticut who was drafted by the New Jersey Devils, but wasn't quite good enough to make the NHL. Although he was flashy and skillful, he lacked size, physicality and work ethic. After a year as the top scorer for a truly awful team in Belarus, he decided to trade in his skates for boots, signing up at a New Jersey wrestling school owned by a friend of a friend from college hockey. He has some promise as a high flyer if he sticks with it.

Alter-Ego's?: ---

Dojo Graduate?: ---

Worker Personality/Attributes: Amazing heel, plays realistic well, plays swagger well, comedy match worker, plays gimmicky well, daredevil, canny operator, unpredictable, very creative, highly strung, drinker, stud athlete, skinny genes, active social media user, outside interests


Skills Template:


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 43

Puroresu: 15

Hardcore: 39

Technical: 38

Aerial: 56

Flashiness: 65


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 47

Experience (automatically 0): 0

Respect (automatically 0): 0

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70): 55


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 59

Selling: 66

Consistency: 39

Safety: 58


Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 74

Microphone: 63

Acting: 56

Star Quality: 58

Sex Appeal: 61

Menace: 23


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 77

Athleticism: 88

Power: 37

Toughness: 42

Resilience: 80


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 30

Refereeing: 0


Are you going to give anyone starting popularity? The second generation guys should obviously have some, and I think you can give Dennis like 15s or 20s in Tri-State and Eastern Europe

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Xander DeColt


Submission Template:


Worker Picture



Render was made by King Bison and was used with his approval for this character.


Worker Name: Xander DeColt

Worker Size: Muscular Middleweight

Birth Month/Year: October 2000

Debut Month/Year: February 2021

Nationality: White Canadian

Available Areas: USA, Canada

Worker Style: Regular

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Face: Upstart (Swagger) Heel: DeColt Supremacy (Swagger)

Worker Xander DeColt is the oldest son of Steve DeColt (from a prior relationship than his marriage to Sarah). He is a little bill smaller than his Dad -- he's about 255 pounds but solid muscle. He possesses the trademark DeColt good looks and charisma and has a style in the ring very similar to his dad. The sky is the limit for him.

Alter-Ego's?: None

Dojo Graduate?: No

Worker Personality/Attributes: Anti-Hardocre | Easily Marketable | Plays Swagger Well | Quiet | Stuntman | Wrestling in the Blood


Move set: Steve Decolt


Skills Template


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 65

Puroresu: 42

Hardcore: 47

Technical: 42

Aerial: 30

Flashiness: 35


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 55

Experience (automatically 0):

Respect (automatically 0):

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70): 60


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 70

Selling: 65

Consistency: 60



Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 80

Microphone: 60

Acting: 60

Star Quality: 70

Sex Appeal: 85

Menace: 55


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 70

Athleticism: 71

Power: 68

Toughness: 71

Resilience: 69


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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Worker Name: Madison Dean (White Female 23)

Worker Size: Small

Birth Month/Year: July 2003

Debut Month/Year: August 2021

Nationality: American

Available Areas: USA and Canada

Worker Style: MMA Crossover

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): MMA Badass/Shoot Fighter

Worker Bio: Madison Dean is the oldest daughter of the MMA legend Matthew Dean. She began training at an early age to compete in GAMMA like her father did but after seeing the condition he left the sport in decided it would be best to switch to pro wrestling. A quick study, trainers have said that she's latched on quick, using her MMA background to good use and has become a very skilled grappler already. Time will tell how she turns out, but it seems like she'll be another successful member of the Dean family.

Alter-Ego's?: No

Dojo Graduate?: Piledriver School of Wrestling

Worker Personality/Attributes: Amazing heel, Plays dominant well, plays swagger well, plays legit well, High pain threshold, Driven, Squash Master, Party Animal, Stud Athlete


Skills Template:


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 42

Puroresu: 10

Hardcore: 4

Technical: 62

Aerial: 10

Flashiness: 35


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 45

Experience (automatically 0):

Respect (automatically 0):

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70):


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 50

Selling: 22

Consistency: 46

Safety: 48


Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 46

Microphone: 40

Acting: 52

Star Quality: 70

Sex Appeal: 80

Menace: 42


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 90

Athleticism: 84

Power: 54

Toughness: 90

Resilience: 90


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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This is a fantastic idea. I was going to do all of this manually, but maybe I can just post all of my ideas in this thread and get even more bang for my buck. I also plan on using some Thunderverse pictures, so hopefully there's no conflicts between those and TEW2020. Here's a character I made a while back for Cverse in 2016 though.



Worker Picture (Choose one from the CVerse Free Pictures! First come, first serve!): CVFP_WhiteFemale017



Worker Name: Savannah McCormick

Worker Size: Toned Small

Birth Month/Year: May 2003

Debut Month/Year: 2021

Nationality: Irish

Available Areas: British Isles

Worker Style: Technician

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): None/Swaggering Irish Rogue


Worker Bio: Savannah McCormick is an Irish wrestler starting out on the UK indie scene. A standout graduate from WWA: UK, McCormick began training when she was only 16 years of age. Despite her young age, McCormick is a true student of the game who has studied and modeled her own style after classic wrestlers and promotions of yesteryear. She's very much a traditionalist who relies on a Catch Wrestling approach, but she can also mix in some scrappy brawling when need be. Despite having such a physical and realistic style for her small stature, McCormick pulls it off by using her quickness to tye her opponents into knots and wear them down with submissions. She is also quite charismatic and has an innate talent for generating heat, debuting a swaggering Irish Rogue character on the indie scene. She wraps everything up with a fantastic finisher, a DDT Choke Sleeper she calls the 'Irish Curse DDT'. Given her love for the business and immense potential, it should be only a matter of time before McCormick gets the attention of a promotion.


Alter-Ego's?: None.

Dojo Graduate?: Yes, WWA: UK.


Worker Personality/Attributes: Better As Heel, Plays Swagger Well, Plays Legitimate Well, Plays Weasily/Underdog Well, Driven, World Traveler, Loves the Business




In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 45

Puroresu: 36

Hardcore: 9

Technical: 59

Aerial: 31

Flashiness: 17


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 55

Experience (automatically 0): 0

Respect (automatically 0): 0

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70): 50


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 58

Selling: 58

Consistency: 60

Safety: 61


Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 50

Microphone: 45

Acting: 48

Star Quality: 70

Sex Appeal: 81

Menace: 20


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 69

Athleticism: 64

Power: 30

Toughness: 75

Resilience: 80


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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Worker Picture (Choose one from the CVerse Free Pictures! First come, first serve!):



Worker Name: Park Myung-seop (short name: Park)

Worker Size: Toned middleweight

Birth Month/Year: February 1993

Debut Month/Year: April 2022

Nationality: South Korean

Available Areas: Japan

Worker Style: MMA Crossover

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Face: MMA Bad Ass (Legitimate) | Heel: Korean Nationalist (Gimmicky)

Worker Bio: Retired Korean kickboxer Park Myung-seop has decided to turn his attention to pro wrestling in Japan, where he should still be something of an attraction. With his upset debut victory against a big-name Japanese kickboxer in 2017, his good looks and his exciting all-energy fighting style, Park was something of a Korean national hero for a few years. Before he took three consecutive losses, he was really on the cusp of something big.

Alter-Ego's?: ---

Dojo Graduate?: ---

Worker Personality/Attributes: a marketing dream, amazing babyface, born fighter, business mindset, fitness fanatic, former pro martial artist, high pain threshold, history of concussions, outside interests, plays gimmicky well, plays legitimate well, plays swagger well, professional, stud athlete


Skills Template:


In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 65

Puroresu: 61

Hardcore: 13

Technical: 55

Aerial: 39

Flashiness: 51


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 43

Experience (automatically 0): 0

Respect (automatically 0): 0

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70): 55


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 42

Selling: 45

Consistency: 51

Safety: 52


Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 78

Microphone: 55

Acting: 69

Star Quality: 70

Sex Appeal: 68

Menace: 51


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 91

Athleticism: 82

Power: 67

Toughness: 93

Resilience: 71


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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<p>Was going to hold off on this because I put in a render request for this character but just in case nobody takes it up I'll just submit the character and will update with the new render if someone grants my request</p><p> </p><p>

Worker Name: Aoife Quinn (If no render comes, white female 26 will be what I use)</p><p>

Worker Size: Toned Small</p><p>

Birth Month/Year: April 2002</p><p>

Debut Month/Year: April 2020</p><p>

Nationality: Irish</p><p>

Available Areas: UK, Europe, Japan, USA</p><p>

Worker Style: Brawler</p><p>

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Huntress/Sadistic Assassin</p><p>

Worker Bio: Aoife Quinn (Pronounced EE-fa) is a budding prospect from Ireland. Her dream as a child was to be the best of the best in the UK womens scene, but with that dream practically dead, Aoife looks to find a new dawn as a world wide star and it appears she could have that ability. While catching on fast with ring work and seemingly with a personality fit for the business, the most interesting part of her is her look. Her huntress gimmick gives her a very interesting appearance with her gear being based on a combo of modern day ancient hunters and her red hair is full of unique braidings. She truly stands out in a good way among her peers, which will give her an upper hand in getting started. If she keeps improving who knows how far she might go.</p><p>

Alter-Ego's?: No</p><p>

Dojo Graduate?: WWA UK</p><p>

Worker Personality/Attributes: Better as face, Amazing Face, Fearless, Driven, Lively, People Person, Easily Marketable, Healing Factor, Fitness Fanatic, World Traveler, Prodigy</p><p> </p><p>

Skills Template:</p><p> </p><p>

In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)</p><p>

Brawling: 52</p><p>

Puroresu: 48</p><p>

Hardcore: 28</p><p>

Technical: 37</p><p>

Aerial: 31</p><p>

Flashiness: 31</p><p> </p><p>

Mental Skills (No skill above 55)</p><p>

Psychology: 46</p><p>

Experience (automatically 0):</p><p>

Respect (automatically 0):</p><p>

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70):</p><p> </p><p>

Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)</p><p>

Basics: 59</p><p>


Consistency: 35</p><p>

Safety: 35</p><p> </p><p>

Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)</p><p>

Charisma: 71</p><p>

Microphone: 50</p><p>

Acting: 53</p><p>

Star Quality: 68</p><p>

Sex Appeal: 82</p><p>

Menace: 4</p><p> </p><p>

Physical Abilities</p><p>

Stamina: 72</p><p>

Athleticism: 77</p><p>

Power: 31</p><p>

Toughness: 61</p><p>

Resilience: 56</p><p> </p><p>

Other Skills:</p><p>

Announcing: 0</p><p>

Colour: 0</p><p>

Refereeing: 0</p>

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<p>Worker Name: Batu Ganbaatar(Asian Man 73. IDK if this a good pick or not for someone from Mongolia so if someone else has a better suggestion I'll listen)</p><p>

Worker Size: Lightweight</p><p>

Birth Month/Year: January 2002</p><p>

Debut Month/Year: September 2020</p><p>

Nationality: Mongolian</p><p>

Available Areas: Japan</p><p>

Worker Style: High Flyer</p><p>

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Foreigner with a Dream/ Obnoxious Foreigner </p><p>

Worker Bio: Batu Ganbaatar is a young worker from Mongolia working in Japan. As one of the first of his nationality to ever become a serious pro wrestler, he's looking to inspire others from the country to join the business. Who knows how that will go, but there's worse goals out there for sure. Moving to Japan at a young age he quickly fell in love with pro wrestling after his dad took him to a BHOTWG show. There he saw Sensational Dragon for the first time and ever since it's been his goal to meet and wrestle a match with him on a major event. Unfortunately for him, his application to the Hinote Dojo was rejected, meaning he may have to take the long road to get to that match. Not a very big man, Batu likes to work very fast and use his speed to his advantage. Many promotions would benefit from giving someone like him a shot in their Junior Heavyweight division and seeing how he develops</p><p>

Alter-Ego's?: No</p><p>

Dojo Graduate?: WWA Japan</p><p>

Worker Personality/Attributes: Good face, Daredevil, Professional, Unpredictable, </p><p> </p><p>

Skills Template:</p><p> </p><p>

In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)</p><p>

Brawling: 30</p><p>

Puroresu: 45</p><p>

Hardcore: 2</p><p>

Technical: 19</p><p>

Aerial: 61</p><p>

Flashiness: 60</p><p> </p><p>

Mental Skills (No skill above 55)</p><p>

Psychology: 39</p><p>

Experience (automatically 0):</p><p>

Respect (automatically 0):</p><p>

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70):</p><p> </p><p>

Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)</p><p>

Basics: 49</p><p>

Selling: 60</p><p>

Consistency: 39</p><p>

Safety: 59</p><p> </p><p>

Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)</p><p>

Charisma: 21</p><p>

Microphone: 43</p><p>

Acting: 22</p><p>

Star Quality: 24</p><p>

Sex Appeal: 55</p><p>

Menace: 2</p><p> </p><p>

Physical Abilities</p><p>

Stamina: 66</p><p>

Athleticism: 67</p><p>

Power: 7</p><p>

Toughness: 60</p><p>

Resilience: 58</p><p> </p><p>

Other Skills:</p><p>

Announcing: 0</p><p>

Colour: 0</p><p>

Refereeing: 0</p>

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Sorry, I found a guy that reminded me of a young Lesnar and couldn't help myself.


Worker Picture (Choose one from the CVerse Free Pictures! First come, first serve!): CVFP_WhiteMale_256



Worker Name: Raze

Worker Size: Muscular Heavyweight

Birth Month/Year: 2002

Debut Month/Year: 2023

Nationality: American

Available Areas: USA

Worker Style: Powerhouse

Worker Gimmicks (Face/Heel): Dual-Sport Superstar/Legitimate Athlete


Worker Bio: Raze (real name Bork Lazer) was a standout Football prodigy regarded as a future superstar in the sport. Unfortunately his Football career was cut short after a series of concussions, followed by a steroid scandal that saw him and several of his colleagues name’s tarnished. Bork became a distant memory and a “what if”, until he appeared at the TITAN Factory as a trainee. Dread immediately took to the young prospect’s immense physical gifts and size, teaching him how to utilize the basics to play to his strengths as a Monster. Though he's limited in the ring at this stage, Lazer has the potential to be a future Mega Star if handled right.


Alter-Ego's?: None.

Dojo Graduate?: Yes, TITAN Factory.


Worker Personality/Attributes: Stud Athlete, Amazing Heel, Better As Heel, Plays Dominant Well, Plays Bad Ass Well, Plays Legitimate Well, Selfish Performer, Squash Master, Canny Operator, No Comedy Matches, Mercenary, Money Motivated, Easily Marketable, History of Concussions, Former Steroid User




In-Ring Skills (No skill above 65)

Brawling: 45

Puroresu: 38

Hardcore: 19

Technical: 5

Aerial: 0

Flashiness: 20


Mental Skills (No skill above 55)

Psychology: 35

Experience (automatically 0): 0

Respect (automatically 0): 0

Reputation (automatically 50, cap at 70): 50


Fundamental Skills (No skill above 70)

Basics: 50

Selling: 44

Consistency: 60

Safety: 48


Performance Skills (No skill above 70, except Charisma, Sex Appeal and Menace)

Charisma: 53

Microphone: 30

Acting: 46

Star Quality: 70

Sex Appeal: 79

Menace: 100


Physical Abilities

Stamina: 82

Athleticism: 94

Power: 90

Toughness: 88

Resilience: 91


Other Skills:

Announcing: 0

Colour: 0

Refereeing: 0

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