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Jack Bruce: The Giant of RAW!

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You're the reason I'm pushing Maurice Jackson (and to a lesser extent) Luke Steele as an up-and-coming tag team in my personal game. Not to mention I want Alexander Banks (Standish also to a lesser extent haha). Maybe Frogue also.


They've got Gladiator, JT Ace, and Tye the Innovator with me on Excursions as well. :cool: They're working developmental for now, but I'm gonna use Tye and his new relationship in my save, with Coco Malloy, until his excursion his through. Just got ready to recall them both.


Brodie Lachlan w/ Matty Wills & Rose Wills [vs] RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


??? [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor [vs] 'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne


The 3AM Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)


Falls Count Anywhere!

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft

Tough pick.

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Brodie Lachlan w/ Matty Wills & Rose Wills [vs] RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone

'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


??? [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor [vs] 'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne


The 3AM Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)


Falls Count Anywhere!

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft

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Brodie Lachlan w/ Matty Wills & Rose Wills [vs] RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone


Tombstone is just a destructive monster. I love to see it, poor Brodie.


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


The streak will continue.


??? [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


A new tag team surprise potentially. A strong win in the lead up to the tournament. #SurpriseOpponents being single guys makes it difficult for me to pick them. Maybe something like Lynx and Stantz


'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor [vs] 'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne


Even though I wish it were Taylor winning the match. Kian should get a win being established in a tag team and brothers at ringside.


The 3AM Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)


Falls Count Anywhere!

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft


If the pay off to all of this was McKenzie laying down and the secret being kept and then they move on. Id be pissed.

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Brodie Lachlan w/ Matty Wills & Rose Wills [vs] RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


??? [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor [vs] 'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne


The 3AM Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)


Falls Count Anywhere!

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft

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<p>Brodie Lachlan w/ Matty Wills & Rose Wills [vs] <strong>RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins </strong>[vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen</p><p>


???</strong> [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor</strong> [vs] 'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The 3AM Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) </strong>[vs] RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)</p><p> </p><p>

Falls Count Anywhere!</p><p>

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs]<strong> 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft</strong></p>

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Brodie Lachlan w/ Matty Wills & Rose Wills [vs] RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


??? [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor [vs] 'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne

The 3AM Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)


Falls Count Anywhere!

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft

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Brodie Lachlan w/ Matty Wills & Rose Wills [vs] RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


??? [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor [vs] 'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne

The 3AM Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)


Falls Count Anywhere!

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft

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APRIL 2020, WEEK 4…


On Commentary:




Doug Vallence and Rebecca Richey



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Opening Segment – In The Ring


We kicked off the show with the music of Swoop McCarthy, and 'The Alpha Male' arrived on the stage with his RAW TV Championship...




Swoop hobbled to the ring on crutches... The crowd cheered him loudly... and they cheered loudly again, when Jack Bruce's music hit...




RAW's new Authority Figure was tentative, but he stepped through the ropes... In the ring on RAW Attitude! for the first ever time...


Swoop McCarthy:
“Yo... Before you speak Mr. Bruce... Respectfully... I have something to say... When I heard you were coming in... I dreamt of this exact moment... The first time Jack Bruce got into the ring on RAW Television... With ME stood opposite him... But never in all my wildest dreams and nightmares... Did I expect me to be on crutches... and you to be in a suit... This... might be... The hardest thing I've ever had to do... Right when RAW was at it's hottest... and an International Mega Star had just debuted as the 'Authority Figure' on-screen... But two weeks ago... I got hurt... and...”


The crowd applauded Swoop, as he struggled to fight back the tears...


Swoop McCarthy:
“and... now... I have to go away for a while... I've missed two weeks... The doctors think another 6-8 should do it... But this knee is not good... Depending on how the next 6 weeks go, I may need surgery... My fifth reign as RAW TV Champion... Again... I dreamt of it... but now it's ending before it even got started... In just the worst way I could have imagined...”


Swoop took his Championship Belt off his shoulder, and began to hand it to Bruce... but then Frogue Element's music hit...!!




Frogue stayed on the stage... He knew better than to come to the ring... The Title Belt was in Jack Bruce's hands now...


Frogue Element:
“As the man who did that to you... Made ya leave RAW for a couple a months... Made ya cry... I gotta say... I'm delighted... See, I know what happens now... Will Beaumont chooses who gets a TV Title shot... Against ME... The rightful TV Champion... The little punk kid'll choose himself... Because why wouldn't you...? And then Blake Belushi and Luke Steele'll kill him... Leaving me to score the easy win, and become a TWO-TIME!!”


Jack Bruce:
“Oh you got it ALL figured out huh...?! Well FROOOOOOOGUE!!”


Jack's booming voice sounded like a guitar riff... The crowd loved it!!


Jack Bruce:
“To be the Champ... You gotta beat the Champ... and YOU AIN'T BEAT NOBODY!! So here is what is ACTUALLY gonna happen... I'M going to decide what happens... not you!! I'm taking the decision away from Will Beaumont... Because, I actually agree with you Frogue... He's in an impossible situation... So I'm giving the Quest Title shot to Matty Wills... I have a good feeling about him... As for the TV Title shot... I'm giving it to Will Beaumont... AND Luke Steele... AND Blake Belushi... and yes Frogue... You're in the match too... At Night One of the Tag Team Tournament (May Week 3), Beaumont vs Steele vs Belushi vs Element... For the vacant RAW TV Title... and SWOOP... When you come back... You're getting the first shot, brother!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


Brodie Lachlan w/ Matty Wills & Rose Wills [vs] RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone


Brodie put up a heck of a fight here. At times, he was very much in the match, and looked like he could even go on to win it. However, a distraction from his own partner Matty Wills at the end would cost him. Wills looked like he was going to throw the towel in for Brodie, just like Brodie had done for him in the past, but he said “No!”. They argued, and Tombstone locked in his 'Rear Naked Choke' to end it!



RAW Quest Champion: Tombstone

'Rear Naked Choke'





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

In Catering


A lot of guys were sat in catering next... Blake Belushi and Lynx, who don't get along... Lynx was begrudgingly listening to Belushi moan...




Blake Belushi:
“So, last week I beat both Loxley Robbins and Luke Steele... The week before, I win that six-way match... I mean, you know... You were there for that one... I get why Frogue (Element), and even Luke (Steele), are getting into the TV Title Four-Way... But Will Beaumont...?! He's won nothing!! He LOST his six-way match... Lost it... and he gets the same reward as me...?! Figure that one out...”


Lynx rolled his eyes, but then smiled, because someone was about to save him from hearing Blake moan and whinge some more...




Belushi's former tag team partner Rick Stantz rocked up, and addressed Blake... But he wanted nothing to do with the recently returned Stantz... He got up and walked off... Lynx then saw Autumn Gleason walk in, and went over to her...




“Autumn... Hey... So umm... Listen... I know you don't believe me about Maurice (Jackson) locking me in the trunk of my car... but it's true... You HAVE to give me one more chance... Tonight... Let me take you out... I promise, I won't let you down...”


Autumn Gleason:
“Thing is Lynx... I
believe you... Do I give you another shot...?! Well... You're definitely cute... So yeah... Why not... But I have to go see Heath and Horton... Text me the plans, and I'll be there... Seeya!!”






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Locker Room


Nicky Gilbert and Echo shared a moment of tension in the locker room, but it didn't last because the Masterminds burst in and shoved microphones in their faces!!




Quiz Master:
“SILENCE!! For I have a question... Nicky Gilbert... Echo... Neither of you could get the job done against Tombstone... He is a dominant Quest Champion... But now we know Matty Wills is next in line... Leapfrogging you both... How does that make you feel...?!”


Quizzical Mark Question:
“FOR THE RECORD!! We think Wills is far more deserving of a shot than you are...”


Nicky Gilbert:
“Well... Nobody actually cares what you two idiots... I'm sorry... I didn't mean that... I meant THREE idiots, think... Echo and I could get the job done against Tombstone on any given night... Tombstone could beat us, and has, on any given night... That's wrestling guys... And... on tonight's given night... We're going to get the job done... against you two!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


After the disappointing loss Loxley suffered last week, he was keen to score a quick win here. 'The Real Beaut' did just that with his 'Butterfly Powerbomb Pin' finisher, ending Frankie's fight in under 7 minutes.



'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins

'Butterfly Powerbomb Pin'





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">



Cole Taylor was taping up his fist ahead of his scheduled match a little later on, when Isaac Taylor walked up...




Isaac Taylor:
“G'Day Taylor... You given my offer any thought...? Wanna form 'The Taylors' with me...?!”


Cole Taylor:
“Isaac... Look... Have you got rocks in your head? I know the kangaroo's loose in the top paddock mate, but I've told you before... The answer is no!! I wanna do things on my own right now... Look, I appreciate what you did for me at the Golden Egg Hunt, but we are not partners... and we will never BE partners... We'll just be friends okay...? Look... I have to go... I have a match to get ready for... See ya around”


Isaac Taylor stood there with hope in his eyes as Cole walked away... But Cole made it pretty clear...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


Echo & Nicky Gilbert [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


The hapless duo of Quiz Master and Quizzical Mark Question started well here, isolating the slightly smaller Gilbert. But as soon as Echo came in off the hot tag, the momentum swung significantly. In the end, Spin Doctor tried to hit Gilbert with the Question Mark Cane, but he ducked, and Doctor hit Quiz Master instead! This allowed Echo to rise up behind his opponent, hit the 'Sound Blaster', and lock in his Sleeper submission which made Quiz Master go night night.



Echo & Nicky Gilbert

'Sound Blaster' (Ear Clap Sleeper)



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Post-Match Celebration - In-Ring


After the match it was clear that Echo and Nicky Gilbert had a mutual respect for one another. However... They didn't trust each other!!




The two fan favourites exited the ring, but neither man took their eyes off the other...






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The Bogan Bus


In the parking lot, the returning Brat Pack had arrived at the arena... Ready to return to in-ring action... but they stumbled across LiberTeen's Bogan Bus...




Artemis Eyre-Rochester:
“Well I'll be stuffed!! Our first night back on RAW... We're ready to get back in that ring... But first... Wouldn't it be hilarious to take a leak up against LiberTeen's Bogan Bus, TD3...?!”


Thurston Darcy III:
“You wanna WHAT...?! Piss up against the Bogan Bus...?! Oh my goodness... Let's do it...”


Before the Brat Pack could do what they wanted to do, the four members of LiberTeen returned to their bus with food and drinks...




Frankie LiberTeen:
“You were gonna do WHAT?? Take a leak up against the Bogan Bus?! Ahh we oughta beat the tomorrow out o' ya! In fact... That is EXACTLY what were gonna do... Get 'em boys!!”


Frankie, Tye, CJ and George unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks on The Brat Pack, taking them down, and leaving them in a heap next to their bus... Not the return to RAW Rochester and Darcy would have wanted tonight...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


'Tailor Made' Cole Taylor [vs] 'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne


Cole Taylor always puts in a solid in-ring performance, but wins are something he's struggled to come by. Here tonight, he might as well have been in a 3 on 1 handicap match. The other two Waynes were like a pack of dingos at ringside, constantly snapping at Cole's heels. For the finish, with Kerry on the apron, he poked Cole in the eye behind the referee's back, leading to the roll up from Kian!!



'Sun Kissed' Kian Wayne w/ Kal & Kerry Wayne

'Finger Nail Of Doom'



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Post-Match In-Ring


Kal and Kerry Wayne joined Kian Wayne in the ring, and Kerry shouted at Cole Taylor... He could be heard ranting and raving about his 'Finger Nail Of Doom', which he keeps slightly longer... as Cole rubbed his eye... But the crowd erupted when Isaac Taylor's music hit!!




Isaac ran to the ring, and the Wayne Brothers scattered... Coming to the aid of the man he is desperate to form a tag team with...


Isaac Taylor:
“Taylor, Taylor, Taylor... (Isaac shook his head)... You and I could have been something... I gave you one final chance tonight, but ya turned me down, and ya came out here on your own... and ya get beat by three guys... THREE... You may have turned me down... We could have been 'The Taylors'... and I'm not mad... in fact... I already had someone lined up to be my new partner... You may know him under a slightly different name... But ladies and gentlemen... Please welcome my COUSIN... Jase 'The Ace' Taylor!!”




Jase 'The Ace' Taylor, who you may know as JT Ace, stomped to the ring to a mixed reaction... Mostly boos... He got into the ring, and picked Cole up by his afro... He looked at Isaac for approval, and his cousin nodded... Hoisting Cole up, Jase dropped him with the 'Ace Of Spades' Powerbomb (Last Ride)... Cole was splatted on the mat, and Isaac raised his cousin's hand... Jase is a big, big man at 6'10, 365lbs, especially next to Isaac, who is just 5'10, and 210lbs...






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Locker Room


We cut to the locker room now, where we saw Maurice Jackson rummaging through a few bags... Then he found what he was looking for...




Jackson pulled out a mobile phone... looked at the screensaver to confirm it was the phone he wanted... and then dropped it on the floor... He looked around, and then stomped on it multiple times... making sure it was smashed... He picked it back up, and slid it back into the bag... Then as he left the room, he walked past his love rival Lynx... winking at the 'Pretty Boy' as he passed, which angered him...




Lynx got to his bag, and routed around in there for a little while... Eventually slowly pulling out his destroyed phone in disbelief...!! Two things went through his mind as he held the battered device... 1). He wasn't going to be able to send the details of their date to Autumn (Gleason) now, so she'll think he stood her up again... 2). It's a bit convenient that Maurice Jackson, who has tried to come between him and Autumn in the past, would be walking out of the locker room like that... Shock turned to anger, as the laser-focused Lynx stormed back through the door he entered in from...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


The 3AM Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)


This match was supposed to be The 3AM Boys versus The Bat Pack, but since Darcy and Rochester got beaten down by LiberTeen earlier, God's Gift showed their metal by agreeing to step in at the last minute. With little prep time, the RAW Tag Team Champions were still able to pick up a decisive win when Standish hit Stoppard with a 'Brainbuster'.



RAW Tag Team Champions: God's Gift (Banks & Standish)






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The Sydney Opera House


At his place of birth, Louie Louis and his manager Ceri Dordevic... Louis looked emotional as he soaked the building in...




Louie Louis:
“Ahhh... I'm HOME!!”


Ceri Dordevic:
“It's me... It's me... It's Ceri... Joined by my MAN, Louie... The biggest A-List Celebrities RAW has EVER seen... Louie here, was born HERE... in the Sydney Opera House... While I, placed 3rd... in the 2015 Great Australian Bake Challenge!! We are a GREAT team... and therefore... Louie Louis will NOT be entering the Tag Team Tournament... Because NOBODY is good enough for Louie... Except for me...”






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The Gym


Being put through his paces by Captain Wrestling II... We saw the youngster Will Beaumont... The two fan favourites took a breather...




Captain Wrestling II:
“The real work starts now kid... If you want it to be the Age of Beaumont... you gotta put your reps in... At the Tag Tournament, you've got what you wanted... a shot at the now vacant, RAW TV Title...”


Will Beaumont:
“If I can win that Fatal Four Way, I'll be the youngest RAW TV Champion in history... But I gotta admit... I'm nervous about fighting Luke Steele 1 on 1 next week... I know I p****d him off by putting him with Matty Wills and sending him to the Opera House at the Egg Hunt Show...”


Captain Wrestling II:
“I dunno what he's got to be angry about... He WON!! And now he has a Title Shot... And it's because of you,and your leadership... You can handle Steele... You'll have to... Because in the Fatal Four Way, you and Steele are both in... Along with Frogue Element and Blake Belushi... As for me next week... I'll be calling out (Kerry) Wayne...!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Falls Count Anywhere!



'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft


McKenzie has been on a roll in 2020. He's undefeated, and unchallenged in a handful of good wins. However, a dark cloud has been hanging over him, and that is the 'secret' that Croft has been holding over him all year. Croft has said that he'll keep McKenzie's secret, as long as 'Big Mac' pays him a significant sum of money. The other options are, he comes to work for Croft or he lays down tonight in this match. It was clear from the opening bell that those last two options would never happen. Whenever 'Big Mac' got his hands on 'The Richest Man In RAW', he battered him like he was a punch bag! Croft has promised to reveal McKenzie's secret tonight, if McKenzie beats him. However, he might have a broken jaw by the end of the match!


Falls Count Anywhere could have meant this match took place at Croft's office building. Spilling into his famous boardroom, and all throughout the offices. But this one began in the arena, a couple of hundred miles away from Croft's 'safe place'. It soon spilled out into the crowd. Both men taking advantage of the Falls Count Anywhere rules. Croft got some semblance of control here, keeping McKenzie down on the ground using a variety of weapons and strikes. Chairs, television equipment, even a dustbin were all cracked off of McKenzie's skull and mid-section. 'Big Mac' was in trouble, until he grabbed Croft by the back of his head, and threw him down a flight of concrete stairs!!


Croft fell down at least 10 steps, bouncing off most of them, and landing hard on some black bin bags with who knows what inside them. McKenzie looked shocked, but also a little pleased by his actions. He walked down the stairs too, and started stamping on Croft's battered and beaten body. It looked like Croft was done, but he managed to create a little separation with an eye rake. However, McKenzie was hot on his tail. The two big men arrived at a metal gate, blocking the road out to the parking lot, and McKenzie closed the gap between them ultra quickly. Hitting a 'Spear' through, and then onto, the gate!! McKenzie fell into the cover, and the referee counted Croft's shoulders down for three!



'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie




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Parking Lot




Anyone who thought Croft would be able to talk after the brutality in this match was wrong... He promised to reveal McKenzie's big 'secret', but he was done for the night... Outmuscled and just beaten up by 'Big Mac'... However... While McKenzie stood over the fallen 'Richest Man In RAW', he was blind-sided from out of nowhere by a man who is even bigger than his own 6'7, 320lb frame...




People have been concerned that Croft has gotten his 'claws' into Manhunter, and it looked like those people were proven right here... Manhunter not only barrelled into McKenzie and beat him down, he also checked on Croft... Who instructed the monster to take some of his aggression out on 'Big Mac'... To end the show, Manhunter hoisted McKenzie up with a spine-buster ONTO the bonnet of a car!! Setting the alarm off, and cracking the wind-shield with the back of McKenzie's head!! Sheer brutality from the former RAW Giant!!


We were still no closer to finding out what Croft knows about McKenzie...!!














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I did not expect Isaac Taylor to be the heel in this turn. God. That was such a little storyline but so enjoyable. Big fan of JT Ace so nice to see him getting his chance now. I am hopeful that Will wins the title. It doesnt make sense but got it would be nice, like I am voting for him purely because I want to see him ascend.


I hate Ceri and Louie Louis which is perfect.


The Brat Pack being beaten down by LiberTEEN is a little disappointing but should mean they wont take the titles of Gods Gift.


What the hell does Croft know!?



Oh and poor Matty.. next week will hurt.

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Was a great last show, I like the dynamic of Team Beaumont, can really see his decision going a few different ways.

Thanks man. Due to unforseen circumstances (of which I have another couple coming up soon), the decision was taken out of Beaumont's hands. But the idea was certainly to make it an impossible decision. I think in the end I would have let Will give himself the TV Title shot. Blake and Steele would be P****D at that!!


You're the reason I'm pushing Maurice Jackson (and to a lesser extent) Luke Steele as an up-and-coming tag team in my personal game. Not to mention I want Alexander Banks (Standish also to a lesser extent haha). Maybe Frogue also.


They've got Gladiator, JT Ace, and Tye the Innovator with me on Excursions as well. :cool: They're working developmental for now, but I'm gonna use Tye and his new relationship in my save, with Coco Malloy, until his excursion his through. Just got ready to recall them both.

Nice! Who are you playing as? JT Ace is an exceptional talent. It was only a matter of time to when I would bring him back.


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] Frankie LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


The streak will continue.

I think you might be a little mixed up between Loxley Robbins and Blake Belushi. Doesn't help that one is a 'Real Beaut' and one is 'Beautiful' :D They have similar gimmicks despite one being a 100% babyface and the other being a heel.


Falls Count Anywhere!

'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie [vs] 'The Richest Man In RAW' Montgomery Croft


If the pay off to all of this was McKenzie laying down and the secret being kept and then they move on. Id be pissed.

Hahaha!! That's not it. But imagine if it was :D I think you'll like where it's going. It's certainly been Good fun to write!


I did not expect Isaac Taylor to be the heel in this turn. God. That was such a little storyline but so enjoyable. Big fan of JT Ace so nice to see him getting his chance now. I am hopeful that Will wins the title. It doesnt make sense but got it would be nice, like I am voting for him purely because I want to see him ascend.


I hate Ceri and Louie Louis which is perfect.


The Brat Pack being beaten down by LiberTEEN is a little disappointing but should mean they wont take the titles of Gods Gift.


What the hell does Croft know!?



Oh and poor Matty.. next week will hurt.

I'll answer each of these 1 at a time.


I like short, sharp, storylines occasionally. (mixed with ridiculously long ones like Big Mac and Croft!) Isaac and Cole have been having 'weird' interactions for 5-6 weeks or so. But I wanted to bring JT Ace in in a meaningful way. I also love having families as part of storylines. I have The Wayne Brothers, The Wills Family/Brodie, and now the Taylor Cousins. It means more when they fight alongside each other and are in peril. It also means more when they fight against each other I think. Jase 'The Ace' Taylor is going to be a big player here!


Beaumont would be an interesting pick as Champion. He'd be the youngest EVER RAW TV Champ. The youngest previously was Luke Steele at 23, so Beaumont at 21 would be a lot younger. And I'd say impossible to beat :D


Glad you hate Ceri and Louie. I hope their segments continue to annoy you! I went back and read some of DAVEFAN95's Ceri stuff, and it's GREAT. So I stole bits. They just don't DO anything. They just talk nonsense :D If I was watching this show, I'd want to see them get beaten up!


Brat Pack are a very good team. I wanted to delay their debut a little, and I had planned a big push for them. Things happen in the coming weeks. You'll see. And it changes everything to do with the Tag Division!!


Croft knows a LOT... You'll see. I think you'll like it... Just quickly. I made some logos for Croft's new Stable (coming soon ish)…




I really like it... My only issue is what it looks like with someone's face over it:




I've asked a couple of people privately, and they say it's fine! If anything, it might make him more heelish?? Thoughts??


Wills/Brodie/Rose is an interesting dynamic. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on how this one develops too!


I've now half written the June Week 4 Mid Season Finale show!! So I'm writing waaaay ahead of what I've posted! You may therefore see a little increased pace of posting here. I want to make sure I don't have too many shows in the bank. Currently I have 7 and a half fully written and formatted.

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I enjoyed both the Manhunter and JT reveals. Like you say it's always nice to have some family dynamics. In some promotions having people in kayfabe being related when they aren't would seem a bit wrong, especially if it was done a lot. But with RAW it just seems natural that a good amount of people are related. It's nice to have that freedom.


It feels bad that Maurice is probably too high up the card for Lynx to beat him, so I'm worried where it can end for him. He could always still get the girl and win there, but lose any 1v1 match between them, although I suppose now it sounds like he's standing her up again that's probably unlikely!

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I enjoyed both the Manhunter and JT reveals. Like you say it's always nice to have some family dynamics. In some promotions having people in kayfabe being related when they aren't would seem a bit wrong, especially if it was done a lot. But with RAW it just seems natural that a good amount of people are related. It's nice to have that freedom.


It feels bad that Maurice is probably too high up the card for Lynx to beat him, so I'm worried where it can end for him. He could always still get the girl and win there, but lose any 1v1 match between them, although I suppose now it sounds like he's standing her up again that's probably unlikely!


Thanks man, I was worried about having M.Hunter and Jase 'The Ace' doing what they did on the same show, as they're both big monster heels, doing almost the same thing as each other. I felt RAW needed a couple of these guys in singles/muscle roles.


In my opinion, family can make things mean more. People forget, but on-screen, The Hardyz weren't the only family in the Triple Threat TLC Matches. Dudleys and E + C were both sets of 'on-screen brothers'. Then you had Cousin Spike, Best friend Rhino, and girlfriend Lita get involved. That dynamic makes me 'care' more. The pay off in a family feud can also be terrible. I've heard Bischoff talk about this a few times.


Lynx/Jackson is a tricky one. As you say, Jacko is so much more over than the 'Pretty Boy'. I had to find something for Jackson to do, and Lynx was available. I think a feud with Jackson elevates Lynx even if he loses it overall. It puts him on Jackson's level, even though his popularity is a lot lower and realistically it'd be too damaging for 'The King' to lose.

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It's time for the Wrestling News, brought to you by Greg Sluchinski of the Pro Wrestling Reporter. It's been a strange week in the world of professional wrestling. We'll kick off with some sad news, as wrestling lost two former stars over the past 7 days. April Appleseed and Crippler Ray Kingman. Really sad to hear of both of their passings, and everyone at the PWR send our deepest sympathies to their friends and families.


SWF have made another new signing to bolster their staff of Road Agents. JD Morgan, the former DAVE star, comes in from PSW. He's signed an exclusive written deal, and will start up with them in a week or so. Speaking of SWF, their developmental company RIPW have signed a deal to show their content on WrestleWorld. RIPW become the third US company to sign up with the internet subscription service, following in the well-trodden path of GSW and CZCW.


Finally for now, speaking of streaming services (God I'm good at segues) RAW in Australia have this week shown their first episode of Attitude! on the new RAW World, which is a subscription service RAW themselves own and have opened. So far, a small following, but in theory that number will grow and grow over time. They'll be looking to expand into other markets and countries over time too. Below are the results of their most recent show, and despite the sad start seeing Swoop McCarthy relinquish his Title, it has received very positive feedback!










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So RAW World makes it's debut, and we put on an excellent first show to get us going... We're gonna miss Swoop McCarthy, that is obvious. But I felt a fair few guys stepped up in a big way. Nathan McKenzie and Montgomery Croft were obviously stand-outs. I thought Frogue Element was excellent too. And I know I have Kerry Wayne, Captain Wrestling II, Loxley Robbins, Maurice Jackson, Blake Belushi, Luke Steele, and a few others. We'll be okay. Loxley actually came to me this week, and offered to put Will Beaumont over, twice, in the next couple of months!! That's a huge offer for the kid. We all know Will is going to be a big star here. Loxley offering to do business with him shows me that he rates Will highly. I will no doubt take him up on this soon. Especially since Will is set for the biggest match of his career in a couple of weeks.


Rick Stantz is back on RAW, and this is good for a number of reasons. I'm going to hotshot the Stantz vs Belushi match and put it on the card this week! But I got word from Quiz Master that Stantz has seen something he likes in Brodie Lachlan. So much so that he's taken Brodie under his wing as his protege. I haven't decided if I'll use this relationship for TV, or if Stantz will just continue helping Brodie out behind the scenes. But either way it's great news for Brodie, Rose and Matty Wills. Stantz is an exceptionally talented and experienced tag team wrestler.


I was also going to give a quick mention to Isaac Taylor and Jase 'The Ace' Taylor. A lot of you guys liked Isaac as a babyface. In fact, a lot of you were clamouring for an Isaac and Cole team of 'Taylors'. I think Isaac's turn and Jase's debut benefited greatly by the fact you guys wanted Isaac and Cole to team up full time! We yanked that rug from under you. What you have instead is a new team. Still Taylors, since Jase is going to play Isaac's cousin, but not the Taylors you wanted! I thought all three of them did really well in telling the story of what was happening. Jase looks like he could be a STAR with his size and skillset. Isaac is so much smaller, so the big man/little man combo should hopefully help them both out!




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Every Month, the Pro Wrestling Reporter will give you guys a little update on some of the companies from around the world. We'll cover USPW, SWF and TCW, considered the top three companies right now. Then we'll also cover 21CW and CWA, who are the next couple of companies of that kind of size and style, who run a very similar schedule. We'll look at how RAW compares from a 'Show Rating' standpoint.



Update for April 2020. A review of TV and PPV Overall Ratings.






USPW – Ranked #1


Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:

Average TV Show Rating for this month:


PPV Rating this month:

Updated Average for PPV Ratings this year:





SWF – Ranked #2


Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:

Average TV Show Rating for this month:


PPV Rating this month:

Updated Average for PPV Ratings this year:





TCW – Ranked #3


Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:

Average TV Show Rating for this month:


PPV Rating this month:

Updated Average for PPV Ratings this year:





21CW – Ranked #4


Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:

Average TV Show Rating for this month:


PPV Rating this month:

Updated Average for PPV Ratings this year:





CWA – Ranked #8


Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:

Average TV Show Rating for this month:


PPV Rating this month:

Updated Average for PPV Ratings this year:





RAW – Ranked #12


Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:

Average TV Show Rating for this month:


TV Special Edition Rating this month:

Updated Average for TV Specials Ratings this year:





RAW had a good April. Keeping up with all the big boys, and overtaking CWA on TV. Their monthly special was their second highest rated show of the year, which also helped pull their average there up too. As for a winner, the spoils were shared out in April, with 21CW putting on the best TV show in weeks 2 and 3, SWF having the best of week 1, and the best average, and TCW putting on the best show of week 4! As for PPV, USPW, TCW and 21CW all pulled 87s for their events, which equalled the best of the year so far! CWA were the only disappointment as they still attempt to find their feet.




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Two winners this month. Satyr24 with the best score for the month, and then DAVEFAN95 killing it at the Easter Show. I'll be sending your prizes by PM in a moment or two.


Thank you very much to everyone who has predicted or read so far. The numbers definitely seem to be dropping. I guess I had a higher readership early on due to the game release etc, but if you think you know someone who might like the diary, send them this way. The prediction prizes are awful, I mean awesome, so that alone should convince people to predict :D

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< < < < QUICK PICKS for RAW ATTITUDE, MAY 2020, WEEK 1 (EPISODE #533) > > > >



Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


'Sensational' Will Beaumont [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor


Rick Stantz [vs] 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi


'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson




Don't forget the #hashtags below... Or you can make your own inventive ones:


Last week, Montgomery Croft lost to Nathan McKenzie, but was too beaten up to reveal Big Mac's secret. Manhunter then arrived and finished off McKenzie anyway. But are Manhunter and Croft in cahoots? #WhatDoesCroftKnow


An impactful appearance on Attitude! from one of the stars of the Golden Egg Hunt Show: JT Ace! Now known as Jase 'The Ace' Taylor, he'll be making his in-ring debut/return this week after attacking Cole Taylor last week. #TheTaylors


Another week without Swoop McCarthy. We now know he has vacated the RAW Television Title, and in two weeks we'll crown a new Champion in his absence. Frogue Element, Blake Belushi, Luke Steele and Will Beaumont will battle it out for the vacant Title. #SwoopIsGone


Tonight, we're going to see Rick Stantz and Blake Belushi of the Melbourne Blondes going 1 on 1. Now that Stantz is back, can he have the same kind of singles success as Blake has had? Will he be the first man to beat Belushi in 2020? #BeautifulBlondes


Captain Wrestling II will challenge Kerry Wayne to a match with a stipulation for the Tag Tournament Show. But what will the stipulation be? #WayneFamilyDrama



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Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


'Sensational' Will Beaumont [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor

Rick Stantz [vs] 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi


'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson

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Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor

The Ace, even if I hate how his first name is spelt.


'Sensational' Will Beaumont [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


Steele getting his hands on Will and beating him up. It is poetic as Will will take his youngest TV Champion title off of him later on. I am not sure if Will is over enough to be winning against these guys yet, but it just has to happen.


Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor


I don't know, I feel like these guys aren't at the Champions level anymore. I guess keeping the faces more relevant as it feels there is enough heels in the roster currently.


Rick Stantz [vs] 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi


Belushi has been rolling and will need a win to keep him up and ready for the Main Event.


'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


Hey it's me it's CER!!!!!!!!@#!!@#@#!@!@ Rod will wish Louie was back at the Opera House.


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson


Maurice can lose here due to a distraction by Lynx. Lynx needs a win.

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Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


'Sensational' Will Beaumont [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor


Rick Stantz [vs] 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi


'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson

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Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


'Sensational' Will Beaumont [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor


Rick Stantz [vs] 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi


'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson

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Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor

IT's THE ACE OF SPADES! THE ACE OF SPADES! Also, Marcus Kerr's changing hair has been a highlight for me... I know I'm weird

'Sensational' Will Beaumont [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele

Build a mountain for Beaumont to overcome, let make him a superface

Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor

Complete preference, though I do like the Masterminds

Rick Stantz [vs] 'Beautiful' Blake Belushi

Belushi is one of your most pushed stars

'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic

Like hey guys, Ceri here and we always win.

'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson

Guess, I also like Robbins more, though Jackson would get my pick over Frogue



Don't forget the #hashtags below... Or you can make your own inventive ones:


Last week, Montgomery Croft lost to Nathan McKenzie, but was too beaten up to reveal Big Mac's secret. Manhunter then arrived and finished off McKenzie anyway. But are Manhunter and Croft in cahoots? #WhatDoesCroftKnow #CroftIndustries Yes, they are. Croft knows a lot of things, he seems to be one of those rich guys who digs up dirt on everybody. That makes me happy


An impactful appearance on Attitude! from one of the stars of the Golden Egg Hunt Show: JT Ace! Now known as Jase 'The Ace' Taylor, he'll be making his in-ring debut/return this week after attacking Cole Taylor last week. #TheTaylors It's a good day


Another week without Swoop McCarthy. We now know he has vacated the RAW Television Title, and in two weeks we'll crown a new Champion in his absence. Frogue Element, Blake Belushi, Luke Steele and Will Beaumont will battle it out for the vacant Title. #SwoopIsGone #BelushiforChamp Why you say? Why not


Tonight, we're going to see Rick Stantz and Blake Belushi of the Melbourne Blondes going 1 on 1. Now that Stantz is back, can he have the same kind of singles success as Blake has had? Will he be the first man to beat Belushi in 2020? #BeautifulBlondes #Hahano


Captain Wrestling II will challenge Kerry Wayne to a match with a stipulation for the Tag Tournament Show. But what will the stipulation be? #WayneFamilyDrama #TheOutback An Outback match, thank you cinematic matches.

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<p><strong>Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr</strong> [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>'Sensational' Will Beaumont</strong> [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele</p><p> </p><p>

Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] <strong>The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rick Stantz [vs] <strong>'Beautiful' Blake Belushi</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] <strong>Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins</strong> [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson</p>

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<p>Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] <strong>Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>'Sensational' Will Beaumont</strong> [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason</strong> [vs] The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor</p><p> </p><p>

Rick Stantz [vs] <strong>'Beautiful' Blake Belushi</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan [vs] <strong>Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins [vs] <strong>'The King' Maurice Jackson</strong></p>

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<p>Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs] <strong>Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'Sensational' Will Beaumont [vs] <strong>'Unbreakable' Luke Steele</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Party Central (Horton & Heath) w/ Autumn Gleason [vs] <strong>The Masterminds w/ Spin Doctor</strong></p><p><strong>


Rick Stantz [vs] <strong>'Beautiful' Blake Belushi</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>'The Prospect' Rod Sullivan</strong> [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>'The Real Beaut' Loxley Robbins</strong> [vs] 'The King' Maurice Jackson</p>

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Marvin McKenzie is a former Cricket Presenter on Australian TV. He's also a former print journalist, his book 'Sticky Wicket: A History Of The Scandals Of Australian Cricket' was a surprise best seller in 2014. McKenzie is known as being a 'motor-mouthed' colour commentator. Here, the Queensland native will take the time to respond to your 'Hashtags' ahead of RAW Attitude! And for those wondering, no, he's not related to Nathan McKenzie. And yes, I did actually sign him in-game to perform this role! But the hashtags will be answered by me, TheLloyd


#WhatDoesCroftKnow, #CroftIndustries
I like Croft Industries, but it'll be Croft Enterprises when the stable debuts. I've already written their arrival, and first episode of Attitude! since arriving. It's so interesting, because I'm writing July Week One now, and I'm still using the hash tag #WhatDoesCroftKnow, because as you say, he is the kind of rich guy who digs up dirt on people! Croft is an interesting character, because he's going to have a dominant stable, but there are probably five heels more over than he is! I'll probably keep him away from the TV Title for the rest of the season, but come Season 12, he'll be ready.


Matt Stoppard w/ Marcus Kerr [vs]
Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor

The Ace, even if I hate how his first name is spelt.


So interesting you say that. It's short for Jason right? With JT Ace, he's Jamaican (like Isaac), and I figured the T could stand for Taylor and they could be cousins! Then I just needed something for the J to stand for. I searched the Australian workers in the cverse, and came across one of my first ever Tag Champions (with ROF) – Jase Cole! Jase rhymes with Ace. It was the PERFECT fit.


#SwoopIsGone #BelushiforChamp
Just a quick note on Swoop. He's going to be in the odd segment on Attitude! His injury was one he could 'work through' but I have a personal rule that anyone with any kind of injury doesn't wrestle. It was an 8 week injury, so he's got to vacate the Title. But he'll be back. There is a MUCH worse injury coming soon for someone so watch this space.


#BeautifulBlondes #Hahano
be the man to stop Blake! He's certainly got some skill, and he's actually got more sex appeal than his former 'Beautiful' partner. Don't sleep on Stantz!!


#WayneFamilyDrama #TheOutback
Love the idea of an Outback Match – Cinematic Style!! Something I may well do down the line! I've just written my first big Cinematic Match in RAW, in the Mid-Season Finale (June Week 4), and I really enjoyed the concept. It involves The Wayne Brothers, that's all I'll say for now.






Hoping to post the show later today or early tomorrow morning. There's a few regulars still outstanding, so hopefully they'll get their picks in before I do ;)

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