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Jack Bruce: The Giant of RAW!

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Splitting the roster up is strange without 'pushes', but I'll frame it from a popularity point of view, splitting each section into 10...



Main Event:




Swoop McCarthy | Loxley Robbins | Maurice Jackson | Luke Steele | Kerry Wayne | Frogue Element |
RAW TV Champion:
Blake Belushi | Captain Wrestling II | Nathan McKenzie | Rahmel Goode



Upper Card:




RAW Tag Team Champions:
Echo and Nicky Gilbert | Rick Stantz | Montgomery Croft | Cole Taylor | Alexander Banks | Manhunter | Lynx |
RAW Quest Champion:
Tombstone | Will Beaumont



Mid Card:




Heath Murdock | Horton Ravenwoood | Quiz Master | Quizzical Mark Question | Rod Sullivan | Isaac Taylor | Jase 'The Ace' Taylor | Kal Wayne | Kian Wayne | Louie Louis



Lower Card:




Brodie Lachlan | Matty Wills | Artemis Eyre-Rochester | Thurston Darcy III | Joe Zucco | Matt Stoppard | Marcus Kerr







Frankie LiberTeen | CJ LiberTeen | George LiberTeen | Tye LiberTeen



Tag Teams and Stables:


God's Gift – Alexander Banks & Spiffy Stan Standish (Standish currently injured)

The Masterminds – Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question

Party Central – Heath Murdock & Horton Ravenwood

New Generation – Matty Wills & Brodie Lachlan

The 3AM Boys – Matt Stoppard & Marcus Kerr

The Brat Pack – Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III

LiberTeen - Frankie LiberTeen, CJ LiberTeen, George LiberTeen & Tye LiberTeen

The Wayne Brothers – Kerry, Kal & Kian Wayne





Autumn Gleeson – Manages Heath and Horton

Rose Wills – Manages New Generation – Sister of Matty Wills – Girlfriend of Brodie Lachlan

Brittini Burke – Manages Manhunter and Skyscraper?

Ceri Dordevic – Manages Louie Louis

Raymond Royce – Manages LiberTeen

Mac Guffin – Manages Nobody

Spin Doctor – Manages The Masterminds



Other Staff:


Will Tuddenham – Referee

Tony Thorpe – Referee

Captain Wrestling – Road Agent

Jack Bruce – Road Agent

Original Lone Rider – Road Agent

Doug Vallence – Announcer

Rebecca Richey – Colour Commentator



Injured or Off TV:



Spiffy Stan Standish

Swoop McCarthy

Mac Guffin




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< < < < QUICK PICKS for RAW ATTITUDE, JUNE 2020, WEEK 1 (EPISODE #537) > > > >



Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele




Don't forget the #hashtags below... Or you can make your own inventive ones:


It's a new month in RAW. June Week Four will mark the Mid-Season Finale, but we're a few weeks away from that. Swoop McCarthy is back next week, but RAW TV Champion Blake Belushi is here tonight, and he'll speak to Marvin McKenzie (no relation) #LookingOverHisShoulder


Two weeks ago, we found out that Nathan McKenzie and Rahmel Goode are half-brothers. They'll be teaming up tonight to take on two members of LiberTeen. But Montgomery Croft has vowed to 'expand' his operations in order to deal with the pair of big men, and this week we'll hear all about it. #BoardroomExpansion


Frogue Element appeared to have completely lost the plot last week when discussing Blake Belushi's RAW TV Title win, and Swoop McCarthy's imminent return to RAW. Has he gone crazy? #OffTheDeepEnd


Echo and Nicky Gilbert are the new RAW Tag Team Champions. An unlikely pairing of fan favourites who both had their eyes fixed firmly on the RAW Quest Title. How will they perform as Champions? And who will step up to face them first? #EchoGilbert


The list of people that have beef with Maurice Jackson continues to grow. Lynx, Autumn Gleason and now Loxley Robbins all have a problem with 'The King', and none of them have an issue with making their feelings public knowledge. #MakingEnemies



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Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele

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Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele

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Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele

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Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele




Don't forget the #hashtags below... Or you can make your own inventive ones:


It's a new month in RAW. June Week Four will mark the Mid-Season Finale, but we're a few weeks away from that. Swoop McCarthy is back next week, but RAW TV Champion Blake Belushi is here tonight, and he'll speak to Marvin McKenzie (no relation) #LookingOverHisShoulder


Two weeks ago, we found out that Nathan McKenzie and Rahmel Goode are half-brothers. They'll be teaming up tonight to take on two members of LiberTeen. But Montgomery Croft has vowed to 'expand' his operations in order to deal with the pair of big men, and this week we'll hear all about it. #BoardroomExpansion


Frogue Element appeared to have completely lost the plot last week when discussing Blake Belushi's RAW TV Title win, and Swoop McCarthy's imminent return to RAW. Has he gone crazy? #OffTheDeepEnd


Echo and Nicky Gilbert are the new RAW Tag Team Champions. An unlikely pairing of fan favourites who both had their eyes fixed firmly on the RAW Quest Title. How will they perform as Champions? And who will step up to face them first? #EchoGilbert


The list of people that have beef with Maurice Jackson continues to grow. Lynx, Autumn Gleason and now Loxley Robbins all have a problem with 'The King', and none of them have an issue with making their feelings public knowledge. #MakingEnemies

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Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele

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Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


This is one of two things. Either Maurice is going to be strong enough to win the match over Stants and Robbins or Louie Louis is the weak link. But did you know Ceri finished 3rd in the Great Australian Bake Challenge? Yeah, you didn't and that is why Louie Louis will win the match.


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


If only these two faced the RAW giants. They would be a destructive match.


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


In my mind Jase should be spelt with a "c", but anyway Jace The ACE Taylor is about to kill some boddddyyy


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


You mentioned the ages of the Masterminds and you are right the boys are quite young. I guess they just don't seem to have the future in my head compared to guys around them, but that list doesn't include the 3am boys who lose here to keep The Masterminds relevant.


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


Lynx is just being more relevant. The Z-Man can keep picking up that healthy paycheck.


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


Wrestling winning should put him in a prime spot to challenge for the title.

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Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic

I can't help it. I hate Loxley and I love Mau-Ja!


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


We need more The Historian in this. He was so good as a cop and as the host of the Easter Egg Hunt. He should totally be on the main roster already.

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JUNE 2020, WEEK 1…


On Commentary:




Doug Vallence and Rebecca Richey



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Opening Segment – In The Ring


After a wild two weeks of two Tag Team Tournament Shows, we were back to our regular scheduled programming... Three weeks away from the Mid-Season Finale, and more rivalries are developing weekly... One such new rivalry began two weeks ago, when Maurice Jackson shoved Loxley Robbins over a stool on the set of 'An Audience With The King'... To kick us off tonight, Loxley called Jackson out...




Loxley Robbins:
“Jackson... You've got FIVE SECONDS... to apologise to me... If you don't... I'll rip that stupid shirt off your back... and stick it where the sun doesn't shine...!!”


Jackson was seething, but the confrontation was interrupted by the arrival of Louie Louis and his manager Ceri Dordevic...




Ceri Dordevic:
“Helloooo... It's ME... Ceri... and my client, Louie... I'll save ya the spiel, you already know we're the most A-List pairing in RAW history... People have been talking smack about us, for not showing up for the last couple of weeks, for having no match... Well... We're here now... and we know, that Louie Louis has a better Butterfly Powerbomb, than Loxley Robbins!! We
address the smack talker Rick Stantz, but he's so irrelevant... people probably don't know who he is... So... Tonight Loxley... Louie and you... 1 on 1... Butterfly Powerbomb Match!!”


Rick Stantz's music hit, and the veteran former 4-time Tag Team Champion headed to the ring... As he walked down the ramp, he responded to Ceri...


Rick Stantz:
“Irrelevant...? Huh... Well... I was pretty relevant my first night back this year, when I BEAT 'The Legend In His Own Lunchbox'... Louie Louis!! And I'm gonna be pretty relevant when me and Loxley beat Louis and Jackson... In a tag team match... RIGHT NOW!!”




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Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis


The Butterfly Powerbomb was a big talking point throughout this opener. Both Loxley and Louie wanted to hit it on the other, to prove who had the better Finisher. Jackson was his usual self, goading his opponents and bending the rules. In the end, a low blow by Jackson to Loxley allowed Louie Louis to hit his finisher on Loxley, and score perhaps the biggest win of his career!



Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic

'Butterfly Powerbomb'



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Post-Match In The Ring


As the ring cleared, Maurice Jackson grabbed a microphone, because he had a lot on his mind...




Maurice Jackson:
“Last week... I beat Lynx FAIR... and SQUARE... So... I WANT AUTUMN GLEASON!! I CAN'T be denied!! I WON'T be denied... and Jack Bruce has to do something about this!!”






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Announce Team On Screen


We heard from Doug Vallence and Rebecca Richey next... Rebecca was in a fantastic mood...




Doug Vallence:
“You're chirpy tonight Becca... I umm... Take it you had a good date last week...!?”


Rebecca Richey:
“Ohhh Dougie... It was GREAT... I've dated wrestlers in the past... like Loxley Robbins for example... but this felt different...”


Doug Vallence:
“Hmm... So it was a wrestler then...?”


Rebecca Richey:
“It was... and he works for RAW... But for now, we're keeping things a little secretive... Not that there's any reason to, it's just early days, and we could do without the speculation from the media...”


Doug Vallence:
“Well... I umm... Wish you guys all the best...”


Rebecca Richey:
“Thank you Dougie... You're a great friend...!!”






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Matty and Rose Wills' House


Brother and Sister duo Matty and Rose Wills live together, in a cute little house their parents helped them pay for... But the cuteness was easy to miss, because they were in a heated argument with Matty's best friend and Rose's boyfriend Brodie Lachlan...




Matty Wills:
“You're gonna have to help me understand Brodie... I know I had enough in me to beat Tombstone last week... and you threw the towel in!! Who knows when I'll get another chance like that!!”


Brodie Lachlan:
“Had enough in you?! Rose, are you hearing this...?! Your head was PURPLE mate... You've got rocks in your head... See... I know you won't get another chance like that any time soon... The only reason you even GOT a shot for the Quest Title, was because Luke Steele accidentally found a stupid Golden Egg before anyone else did... It was LUCK that you were in the match... and LUCKILY for you, I saved your arse!!”


Wills was furious, and he told Brodie to get the hell out of his house, which he did... Rose began to follow her boyfriend, and Matty was unsurprised that she would take his side... Rose said she was sorry, but that she had to go... Wills almost cried...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Goode and McKenzie are half-brothers on a mission. Brought together by Montgomery Croft's meddling, they look like a dominant unit, set to take RAW by storm. A straightforward win here in their first outing as a team. McKenzie almost cut CJ LiberTeen in half with his 'Spear' finisher!



The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie)






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In The Ring


We came back live to the arena, and found the NEW RAW Tag Team Champions: Echo and Nicky Gilbert!!




Echo and Gilbert looked delighted to be Champions... But still don't exactly look cohesive and on the same page... Two men that ARE on the same page came out though: Kal and Kian Wayne, followed by their brother Kerry!!




Kerry Wayne:
“Careful Boys... The Fingernail of Doom is not the only weapon we have... If we need to... The Waynes will do some whoopin'...!! Kal and Kian here were supposed to be in the Semi Finals, against those idiots The Brat Pack... Artemis and Thurston are so annoying, Spiffy Stan Standish broke his own back just so he could leave as soon as they came back!! Once Kal and Kian had beaten those morons... They would have had you guys - if you'd gotten past God's Gift, which I doubt – in the Finals... Instead, we got this, last minute, hodgepodge, hotshot, Triple Threat Match, and you two got LUCKY!!”


Kerry was interrupted by the music of The Brat Pack, and they headed out to the ring to join in the fun...




Thurston Darcy III:
“YES!! For it is I... Thurston Darcy... THE THIRD!! Joined as ever, by my PIC... Artemis Eyre-Rochester... All I just heard, was shoulda... woulda... coulda... from a guy we thought, was one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of RAW... I suppose a few months of being a total d*****d undoes 10 seasons of being a hero... In reality... Echo and Nicky here took advantage of the situation... and they PINNED Kal Wayne... So... As the team not pinned... WE are next in line!!”


“Ohhh PUT A SOCK IN IT will ya!! I'm going to end this here... You Wayne boys want the first shot at these...?? (holds up Championship Belts)... and you Brat Packers want to be first...?? I see an easy solution myself... Yous'll have ta fight next week... in what 'should have been' the Finals of the Tag Tournament... Winners get us!!”






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Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


Jase made light work of this local talent, battering him into the mat, and throwing him around, before mercifully ending it on 4 minutes.



Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor

'Ace Of Spades' (Last Ride)





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Interview Area


Marvin McKenzie (no relation) was standing by with 'The Perth Playboy' Alexander Banks... who has had the worst 10 days of his career... His tag team partner and best friend Spiffy Stan Standish was taken down injured, and will be out for almost 18 months... Where does the former Tag Team Champion go from here...?




Alexander Banks:
“Marv... My career... is NOT OVER!! I need to rebuild... I need to find, yu know... Something... Carve a niche for myself... Sure, I'll miss Stan... But it's about ME now...”




A familiar face we haven't seen for a while walked up... Mac 'Daddy' Guffin!! Carrying his signature cane, the slick talker had an idea for Banks...


Mac Guffin:
“Banks my boy... Come with me... I'm BACK, and I'm building something... You can be part of it...”


Banks looked a little unsure, but he followed Guffin as Mac 'Daddy' walked away...






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Croft's Boardroom


Montgomery Croft and Manhunter were in Croft's Office Building... Still licking their wounds after Rahmel Goode and Nathan McKenzie's attack last week...




Montgomery Croft:
“We need more Manhunter... I brought you in... and you're a BIG, badass!! But I fear that the two of us is not enough to deal with Rahmel Goode and Nathan McKenzie... I hadn't factored in the fact that they might actually get along and form a unit!! Sure... The Wayne Brothers can help... I can pay them... But they have their own stuff goin' on... They couldn't help us last week... We need... MORE... So that is why... I am going to open my doors, and interview for a couple of positions we have available... I want a veteran... Someone who knows the business well... and I also want a younger guy... A protege... Someone I can groom to take over the company one day...”


“Brittini is with us...”


Manhunter motioned over to the corner of the room, where his manager Brittini Burke was sat... She didn't look happy to be there... Croft said that applicants should just give him a call or come and see him in his office building...


Montgomery Croft:
“Million Dollar Monty will see you now...!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


The 3am Boys (Kerr & Stoppard) [vs] The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor


A great, open, back and forth match here. The 3am Boys are 10 years the junior of the Masterminds, and they were quicker, and took more risks. In the end, Kerr flew off the top rope but Quizzical Mark Question shoved Stoppard into his path. Kerr took Stoppard and Quiz Master down with a cross boddy, and Mark Question then hit his 'Question Mark' on Kerr.



The Masterminds (Quiz Master & Quizzical Mark Question) w/ Spin Doctor

'Question Mark' (Rock Bottom)





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Jack Bruce's Office


Rick Stantz knocked on the door to Jack Bruce's office, and Jack invited him in...




Jack Bruce:
“Rick, hey man, come on in... Heard your interview last week... Loved it... Thought you came across brilliantly...!!”


Rick Stantz:
“Ahh thanks mate... You probably heard the bit about me wanting to challenge for the Quest Title...?”


Jack Bruce:
“I did yeah... and that's why I asked you here... Listen, I have an issue with just giving you the Title shot... I think there's a couple of guys who could be deserving... but the one I want you to face next week is the man who got a big win against you and Loxley tonight... Louie Louis... Win that match, and you can have Tombstone... But... If Louie wins, he gets the Title shot...”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


'Pretty Boy' Lynx [vs] Joe 'The Z-Man' Zucco


Lynx and Zucco had another very solid match here. Zucco's been in good form of late, but he's struggled to get wins. He got to the point where he went for his 'Winterlude' (release German suplex), but Lynx landed on his feet! He then locked 'The Z-Man' in the 'Inverted Sleeper' and made Zucco tap out!



'Pretty Boy' Lynx

'Inverted Sleeper'



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In Ring – Post-Match Assault


The match was over, and Lynx had his hand raised... but Frogue Element's music hit, and the crazy former RAW TV Champion got into the ring...




Frogue Element:
“Listen, Lynx... I don't have any beef with you okay...?? I'm just...”


Frogue made it seem like he wasn't here to fight Lynx, but then bopped him on the head with his microphone!! The mic made a loud thud/pop sound in the arena, and Lynx fell to the floor... Frogue continued to beat him down, before kicking him out under the ropes, and grabbing the microphone again... It didn't work... He'd damaged it on Lynx's head, so he grabbed another one!! He was going nuts at this point... Pacing back and forth in the ring... Completely lost it!!


Frogue Element:
“Don't look at me like that Lynx... He's coming back, and I'm not ready!! I need to be ready... My plan... My plan is... I need... He's coming back, and I'm not ready...!!”






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Ringside Seat




'Beautiful' Blake Belushi, the RAW TV Champion, headed to the ring, and took a seat alongside the announce team... He was very charming, but told Rebecca and Doug that he was simply there to scout for potential future challengers...




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II [vs] 'Unbreakable' Luke Steele


Two of RAW's most decorated Champions, and the backbone of the Australian company did battle in our Main Event here. Steele was in control for much of it, slowing the pace down to a methodical, and painful level. Captain Wrestling II was in trouble, but he rallied the fans behind him, and was able to speed things up in his comeback. The crowd noise rose for him, louder and louder, and he fed off their energy, eventually winning it with the 'Australian Slam'!



'The Warrior' Captain Wrestling II

'Australian Slam' (Olympic Slam)



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #22519c; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Ringside Interview


RAW TV Champion Blake Belushi stood up from his seat and applauded Captain Wrestling II... as Marvin McKenzie (no relation) walked across with a microphone in his hand... He asked Blake if he, like Frogue Element, is worried about Swoop McCarthy's big return to RAW next week!!




Blake Belushi:
“Listen I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried, yeah... Look mate... Everybody knows Swoop's pedigree here... He's a former five time TV Champion... But the key word there is FORMER... He's not a Champion now... Doesn't matter how many Belts he gets made... He is NOT the Champion of RAW... I am!! I may be a little worried about his return... But what kind of Champion would I be if I didn't think I could beat him!! Because Marv... Trust me... I can beat him!!”


Belushi says he'll be ready to greet Swoop upon his return to RAW next week!!














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You are determined to get that over :D :D :D


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] CJ & George LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


If only these two faced the RAW giants. They would be a destructive match.

I originally planned to build JT Ace and Gladiator towards the match with the RAW Giants. Then when I decided to pair up McKenzie and Goode, I too thought a feud with Skyscraper and Manhunter would be epic! Four massive men just tearing it up! But then I realised that The RAW Giants had run their course really. I had them squash a couple of teams, but I wasn't as excited about them as a team as I was about putting Manhunter into Croft Enterprises (more on that later). A Manhunter/Skyscraper feud isn't far away though, which could be cool.


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


In my mind Jase should be spelt with a "c", but anyway Jace The ACE Taylor is about to kill some boddddyyy

I literally only spell it with an 's' because of Jase Cole who works in Europe but is the first Australian I ever had work for me as a booker on TEW. It's short for Jason right? Maybe I'll change it to Jase 'The Ase' Taylor just to get some more heat with you ;) haha


Loxley Robbins & Rick Stantz [vs] Maurice Jackson & Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic

I can't help it. I hate Loxley and I love Mau-Ja!

Ooooo now I'm intrigued. Why do you hate Loxley? I think he'd make a great heel, but his skillset in the game is that he's 100% babyface sadly... Still, I might do it. I turned Gargantuan babyface in TEW2016, and he had 100 for heel and 0 for babyface... He soon learnt :D


We need more The Historian in this. He was so good as a cop and as the host of the Easter Egg Hunt. He should totally be on the main roster already.

So you're saying you think a guy called The Historian played a cop AND the host of the Easter Egg Hunt?? The same guy?? I think the Kangaroo's loose in the top paddock there mate! Strewth!

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Is you were callhim "The Ase" it would garner far too much heat for me, but I didnt even think of it as a shout out for Jase Cole who is over jn Europe. (He is the reason I started following EWA.)


Yeah I was trying to figure out what the J in JT could stand for, as I knew I wanted him to be Isaac Taylor's Cousin...


I filtered a search for all the male Australian workers, and then searched for the letter J at the top. A few popped up, but when I saw Jase Cole I knew it had to be that. Jase 'The Ace'. It was perfect.


Plus I loved Jed High and his partner (I know it's Christopher Lister but I can't remember his Star Wars name! It'll come to me)

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No news this week. Literally nothing significant happened at all. I'll update you on Sammy Bach quickly. After losing to Hollywood Bret Starr on TV, and then Remo at Times of Trouble, he's now 0 and 7 in SWF. A terrible record for such a big star!


SWF had the best TV show in Week One of June, scoring an 82. The rest of the six companies we report on regularly came in at 78 TCW, 77 USPW, 76 21CW, 73 RAW and 71 CWA. Tight week, as the scores are normally a lot more spread out than that. Below are the results from RAW's latest offering. Swoop McCarthy is back this coming week, so expect an upturn in ratings from RAW. Could push the American companies and 21CW close in the next couple of weeks.










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Alright, we're up and running in June. Decent show for us, but I would have liked a couple of points higher in the Main Event. Swoop is coming back next week, and we're continuing the build towards Swoop versus Belushi for the Title. I have some good plans for that match, and I know with their two creative minds, the action will be excellent.


I'm putting Brodie Lachlan and Matty Wills against each other at the Mid Season Finale. They have terrible in-ring chemistry as partners, despite their friendship, so a mini feud where they stay friends could work. We'll see how things play out for those two.


Dumfrey Pinn, Damian Dastardly and Chuck Everlasting have all signed and been sent to developmental. I like all three of them, but one will make his debut at the Mid-Season Finale. Not gonna tell you which one yet, and in what role. But it won't be long before the second guy comes up too. The third guy I don't have any plans for this Season, but you never know.




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< < < < QUICK PICKS for RAW ATTITUDE, JUNE 2020, WEEK 2 (EPISODE #538) > > > >




Number One Contenders Match:

The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Non-Title Re-Match

'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


Number One Contenders Match:

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele




Don't forget the #hashtags below... Or you can make your own inventive ones:


After eight weeks out injured, Swoop McCarthy will make his return to RAW tonight. The man who never lost, but had to relinquish the RAW TV Title, is the next in line for a shot at current Champion Blake Belushi. But will Belushi, or even Frogue Element, do anything to try to stop 'The Alpha Male' tonight? #SwoopOnInHere


Jack Bruce is to announce a special match tonight for the Mid-Season Finale. It's set to contain multiple (more than two) competitors, but that's all we know for now. #BookItBruce


Matty Wills is going to face Tombstone tonight in a non-title re-match from their clash at the Tag Team Tournament. On that night, Brodie Lachlan threw in the towel for him. A fact that Wills wasn't happy about! #Re-Match


'The Richest Man in RAW' Montgomery Croft is on the lookout for a protege, and an experienced head, to help him run things in RAW and within his business. Has he already made a selection for either of those opportunities? #MillionDollarMonty


Kerry Wayne's Fingernail Of Doom has become a dangerous weapon for all three of the Wayne Brothers. Will he be a factor tonight for Kal and Kian in their Number One Contenders Match? And what will his impact be at the Mid-Season Finale?! #FingernailOfDoom





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Number One Contenders Match:

The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Non-Title Re-Match

'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


Number One Contenders Match:

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele

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The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Non-Title Re-Match

'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor

Number One Contenders Match:

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele

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Number One Contenders Match:

The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Non-Title Re-Match

'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor

Number One Contenders Match:

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele

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Number One Contenders Match:

The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Non-Title Re-Match

'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


Number One Contenders Match:

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic

Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele

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The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne


Wayne boys are more relevant.


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Imagine thinking LiberTEEN had a chance.


Non-Title Re-Match

'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone


Matty shouldn't win the match, but imagine the upset if he did and the drama between Brodie and him.


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor




Number One Contenders Match:

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


Stantz should win this, but Louie Louis has something in his back pocket. He has Ceri Dordevic who if you didn't know came Third in Australias Bake Challenge!


Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele


It would be nice so see Will get a win here.

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Number One Contenders Match:

The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Non-Title Re-Match

'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor


Number One Contenders Match:

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic

Hate Louis


Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele

GGS in my game.

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<p>Number One Contenders Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III)</strong> [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne</p><p> </p><p>

The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] <strong>Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Re-Match</p><p>

<strong>'Old School' Matty Wills</strong> [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Local Enhancement Talent</strong> [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor</p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contenders Match:</p><p>

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] <strong>Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont</strong> [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele</p>

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Number One Contenders Match:

The Brat Pack (Eyre-Rochester & Darcy III) [vs] The Wayne Brothers (Kal & Kian Wayne) w/ Kerry Wayne


The Goode Brothers (Rahmel Goode & Nathan McKenzie) [vs] Frankie & Tye LiberTeen w/ Raymond Royce & LiberTeen


Non-Title Re-Match

'Old School' Matty Wills [vs] 'The Skull Cracker' Tombstone


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Jase 'The Ace' Taylor w/ Isaac Taylor

Number One Contenders Match:

'Stunning' Rick Stantz [vs] Louie Louis w/ Ceri Dordevic


Captain Wrestling II & Will Beaumont [vs] Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele

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Hey, just caught up. Really love this diary, particularly since it's closer to where I live than most, but it's also really well written.


Anyway, onto predictions


The Wayne Brothers defeat The Brat Pack (Want to see Brat Pack win but honestly doubt it)


The Goode Brothers defeat Frankie & Tye Liberteen (RIP Liberteen duo)


Tombstone defeats Matt Wills


Jase Taylor defeats Some Random


Rick Stantz defeats Louie Louis


Captain Wrestling & Will Beaumont defeat Maurice Jackson & Luke Steele (Tough pick, but I think they could use the win)

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