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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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It's a slightly modified version of the AI, so it's almost exactly the same rules.


There is no specific booker involved, and no skills are referenced, as it always goes for the best / most appropriate selection when given a choice (whereas the AI version would use chance based on the skills and settings of the booker).


No, hidden pushes are not taken into account as they aren't active in a non-AI company (as, naturally, the player is making those choices when they book).


Heroics! Thank you!


Is there a way to get the exact number of attributes instead of the scale used? Kind of like Fog of War from the earlier versions.


If you want to see exact numbers instead of a range, uncheck Enable Scouting in Preferences.

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I hope this is not mentioned anywhere in this topic as i searched forum a bit and found nothing.


When I look at the wrestler I can seen the following on the right corner:


Toned Light Heavyweight


7 years of experience

Based in Centro (Mexico)

Ranked #340 in the world

(here should be his personality type, but due to the fact that he is ranked, i cannot see it, hence question below)


Is it a resolution? is it something i can find on any other screens (can i click somewhere and get to see his personality type?).

Not interested in looking up in the editor

Was this already asked and someone knows where?

Thanks :)


Sorted. I was looking at this in one of mods (1995) and some people just did not have any personality.

When worker has no personality, in this place we can see his Power Rank

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What stat manages fatigue in a wrestler? I've just resigned Blackfriar to TCW and everytime he wrestles his fatigue level increases and won't go down for a week+ which isn't the case for other wrestlers other than those on time decline. How do you manage fatigue? I've had him cut promos but even then I've received an e-mail telling me to give him some rest.


Another thing, is there a way to up a developmental company's production values? I've created a new company with enough pop to get on wrestleworld but they do not increase their production values for whatever reason even if I foot the bill. I've looked in the editor and it doesn't seem to be an option there.

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What stat manages fatigue in a wrestler? I've just resigned Blackfriar to TCW and everytime he wrestles his fatigue level increases and won't go down for a week+ which isn't the case for other wrestlers other than those on time decline. How do you manage fatigue? I've had him cut promos but even then I've received an e-mail telling me to give him some rest.


Another thing, is there a way to up a developmental company's production values? I've created a new company with enough pop to get on wrestleworld but they do not increase their production values for whatever reason even if I foot the bill. I've looked in the editor and it doesn't seem to be an option there.


I’ve never had fatigues be an issue. Are you running house shows in addition to your regular shows or is he working for other companies as well as yours?


There is (frustratingly) no way to affect your child company’s production or merchandise growth from your Home Screen. The way around it is to add a new player to the game and select the owner/CEO of your child company then change it from there. Then leave the game as that player. There is a post in the suggestion screen to change this.

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What stat manages fatigue in a wrestler? I've just resigned Blackfriar to TCW and everytime he wrestles his fatigue level increases and won't go down for a week+ which isn't the case for other wrestlers other than those on time decline. How do you manage fatigue? I've had him cut promos but even then I've received an e-mail telling me to give him some rest.


Another thing, is there a way to up a developmental company's production values? I've created a new company with enough pop to get on wrestleworld but they do not increase their production values for whatever reason even if I foot the bill. I've looked in the editor and it doesn't seem to be an option there.


Stamina and toughness govern the issue of your first issue. I understand that the second is something that can be sorted, if you add a second player to that company.

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What stat manages fatigue in a wrestler? I've just resigned Blackfriar to TCW and everytime he wrestles his fatigue level increases and won't go down for a week+ which isn't the case for other wrestlers other than those on time decline. How do you manage fatigue? I've had him cut promos but even then I've received an e-mail telling me to give him some rest.


I believe that a low resilience score is your problem here.

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What's the difference between a "stunt bump" and a "crazy bump" in a practical sense?


Like would a stunt bump be assumed to have crashpads or something?


Exactly, Stunt Bumps are set up to look more dangerous than they actually are, falling onto a crashpad disguised as a table, where-as crazy bumps are riskier, such as falling through six tables to cement disguised as concrete.


How do you book an angle for a tag team promo, where one person does most of the talking and the other chimes in? Would it be Interviewer rated on Microphone, Tag1 on Entertainment, and the the "muscle" (Tag2) as entertainment but with limited involvement?


I would historically have done that angle as Mic (Interviewer), Ent (Tag1) and Pop (Tag2) on the grounds that they weren't really contributing to the segment outside of their presence sort of sets an importance level. The Rock's upcoming tag match with his partner, Mosh, should be viewed as less a big deal than a standard Rock promo.


But you could set the Tag2 to just make a cameo in the road agent notes. I wouldn't though, as they would get less popularity gains (as I understand it), and there's a long history of tag teams getting over together while one member does the talking.

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How do you book an angle for a tag team promo, where one person does most of the talking and the other chimes in? Would it be Interviewer rated on Microphone, Tag1 on Entertainment, and the the "muscle" (Tag2) as entertainment but with limited involvement?


It depends on what the 2nd tag partner is doing and what you're hyping. If you're hyping a tag match, I'd rate him on overness since you're hyping a match he'll be on. If he doesn't speak or very little you could also rate him on acting (imagine he's only on the background reacting to his partners promo) or entertainment if you want it to be a back and forth between both partners even though he doesn't speak much. The other alternative would be menace if you're hyping the tag partner being a monster or a beast.

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