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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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Yeah. The idea is that they all smoke weed and such. Is dirty doctor specifically steroids? I thought it was just "I'll make sure you test clean when you're dirty". I'm guessing I misunderstood?


Because you are in charge of testing, it doesn't really matter as you can just tell the world whatever you want.


The risk of hiring the dirty doc is that if this becomes public knowledge, your company will suffer under the scandal.

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Does my developmental company need road agents? NXT has some great ones so I'm wondering if it's safe to call them up or if NXT will suffer greatly from it.


Just like any company they will need road agents for their shows, but normally they will hire some themselves if you call them up. If the quality difference is significant the match ratings could drop somewhat.

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Just like any company they will need road agents for their shows, but normally they will hire some themselves if you call them up. If the quality difference is significant the match ratings could drop somewhat.


If you own the developmental company they will not hire anyone themselves.

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If you own the developmental company they will not hire anyone themselves.


Is there a way to set up a child company do that they will hire workers, refs, or whatever on their own? I thought that was a feature in 2016. There was 2 options for child companies, one where you make all the decisions and one where the cpu does it on its own. Is that not in 2020?

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Is there a way to set up a child company do that they will hire workers, refs, or whatever on their own? I thought that was a feature in 2016. There was 2 options for child companies, one where you make all the decisions and one where the cpu does it on its own. Is that not in 2020?


They will hire their own people, if they don't accept people on Developmental contracts. You can edit that in Company Relationship

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Is there a way to set up a child company do that they will hire workers, refs, or whatever on their own? I thought that was a feature in 2016. There was 2 options for child companies, one where you make all the decisions and one where the cpu does it on its own. Is that not in 2020?


They will hire their own people, if they don't accept people on Developmental contracts. You can edit that in Company Relationship


They will not hire anyone if you own them. If they have the box ticked saying they'll accept developmental workers only and not the owner ship box, then they'll hire people they need.


If you own them, you can send as many people as you want to developmental. It doesn't "fill up", but if you don't own them they'll start rejecting people when they feel they have too many people on developmental deals.

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They will not hire anyone if you own them. If they have the box ticked saying they'll accept developmental workers only and not the owner ship box, then they'll hire people they need.


If you own them, you can send as many people as you want to developmental. It doesn't "fill up", but if you don't own them they'll start rejecting people when they feel they have too many people on developmental deals.


I just tested this and Vinsmoker is right. If you own the company but end your development agreement with them they will hire their own workers.

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I just tested this and Vinsmoker is right. If you own the company but end your development agreement with them they will hire their own workers.


And what purpose would that serve or what real world situation would that even remotely resemble?


The question was how to have a CHILD COMPANY hire their own workers too and you cannot own the child company if you want them to hire workers along side your developmental workers.

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And what purpose would that serve or what real world situation would that even remotely resemble?

The question was how to have a CHILD COMPANY hire their own workers too and you cannot own the child company if you want them to hire workers along side your developmental workers.


IRL the example would be NJPW America.

And the function would be excursions. It's something I do in my saves. Have a child company in various regions and then send workers there for 1 or 2 Year excursions there.


You might not be able to send developmental workers there, but you can still call up the workers that you want to have on your 'main roster'.

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how do we turn off all the random graduates again? I went into the mod and training facilities, set graduates to none.. however I see a lot of random workers too. regeneration is off


I think if you go into free pictures, you need to make sure there are no free pictures that have "Use Once: No", Some mods have genericized silhouettes that can/will be reused indefinitely, which means that genned wrestlers show up and get these silhouettes assigned to them.


You could also change their parameters so they get only assigned to referees/commentators/etc. to ensure that the game can always generate some of those if it sees a need for them.


If there are no available free pictures to use, iirc the game shouldn't generate any new workers.


Edit: Secondly, I can advise you to re-enable regeneration, though. Whilst it might look hokey to have Old McFart as a 21yo rookie, it does keep the database flowing longer with retired wrestlers getting regenerated.

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Thanks for all the answers to my previous questions :)


I'm trying to learn how to identify good in-ring workers. I'm currently looking at:


Good fundamentals: Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety

Good Psychology

And at least 1 good stat in brawling, puroresu, hardcore, technical, aerial or flashiness depending on their wrestling style


Is this a good way of going about or am I missing something? Am I missing something by looking at all of those things, is one of the above mention not useful?


EDIT: And a follow-up question: I understand everyone is different and it depends on how much you wrestle, attributes and such but is there a limit to how much a wrestler can develop? For example, I have a 25-year old female with 42 basics which is too low for me, I guess it's unreasonable to think that she'll get that up to lets say the 60-70 range within a reasonable time to be a good worker before time takes it's toll?

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Okay, new problem in my 0/0/0 game. One of my created newbie workers designed for the upstart promotion, worth 10/show by the game's own logic, demanded a pay raise to over $900 after one appearance wherein popularity went up to 3. I can only keep playing by giving myself a million bucks as the owner also gives himself a goofy raise, but it feels like cheating.


I'm starting to think the 0/0/0/0 game really isn't possible. Avoiding bankruptcy just isn't feasible with workers wanting $1000 per show when making no money. I know that is realistic since one can't open a wrestling promotion with no money, but I figured it'd still be possible if only barely.

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Okay, new problem in my 0/0/0 game. One of my created newbie workers designed for the upstart promotion, worth 10/show by the game's own logic, demanded a pay raise to over $900 after one appearance wherein popularity went up to 3. I can only keep playing by giving myself a million bucks as the owner also gives himself a goofy raise, but it feels like cheating.


I'm starting to think the 0/0/0/0 game really isn't possible. Avoiding bankruptcy just isn't feasible with workers wanting $1000 per show when making no money. I know that is realistic since one can't open a wrestling promotion with no money, but I figured it'd still be possible if only barely.


Are you using a mod or is this the Cverse cos this sounds absolutely wild, I've never seen anything like this

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A follow-up question: I understand everyone is different and it depends on how much you wrestle, attributes and such but is there a limit to how much a wrestler can develop? For example, I have a 25-year old female with 42 basics which is too low for me, I guess it's unreasonable to think that she'll get that up to lets say the 60-70 range within a reasonable time to be a good worker before time takes it's toll?


Depending on the company you run, it might simply not be advantageous to use a 25 year old with 42 basics even if she has the potential to attain (much) more.


Remember that the fastest way to improve is wrestling matches, especially against wrestlers with higher skills than them (increased further by traits and the better wrestler's experience level), if you're a small time company that can only run a single card a month, don't expect anybody on your card to make huge strides unless they're working at least 4 dates a month through other companies.


Even then it's a case of hoping they have the talent to improve, and reach 65 basics in any decent time... A +23 improvement might take quite a few years if they have limited opportunities.


Shouldn't stop you from signing them, mind, it's always good to have young talent on hand. But it can be more advantageous for a small timer to simply take the best that's available at any given time, and use talent at the level they're at.


At least until you hit the level where you start getting TV deals and you get the financials in place to contract a kid and get them working house shows and as many shows in a month.


I speak from personal experience because i'm like a magpie whenever I see an interesting looking youngster with potential in spades, and I end up signing every single one of them for my small company... Then realize that their true value long-term is purely midcard/jobbers because they don't have the skills to push ratings. But hey, at least they're cheap as dirt and that helps manage costs vs. the handful of aces you got putting on main events.


Thanks for all the answers to my previous questions :)


I'm trying to learn how to identify good in-ring workers. I'm currently looking at:


Good fundamentals: Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety

Good Psychology

And at least 1 good stat in brawling, puroresu, hardcore, technical, aerial or flashiness depending on their wrestling style


Is this a good way of going about or am I missing something? Am I missing something by looking at all of those things, is one of the above mention not useful?


You got the right idea, if you're going largely workrate product...


Star Quality: Over 66+ Adds a small buff to match ratings.

Psychology: Higher is better

Experience: Higher is better (high experience negates other in ring penalties like exhaustion)

Basics: 40+ is good enough, according to the in-game manual there's no difference above 40.

Selling: 40+ for no penalties, 75+ for bonuses.

Consistency: Higher means less chance of bad nights.

Safety: Higher is better, less botches.

Stamina: If you're work-rate, you want this to be as high as possible. Better stamina doesn't just allow for longer matches, but wrestlers to also go 'all out' longer.

Athleticism: Affects worker performance

Overness: Regardless of product, overness always has an effect on a match rating. A popular draw will always make for hotter matches even if they're worse than an unknown.


Honestly, there's a huge overlap between perf and pop. It's just that the more perf you go the less overness matters, and the more pop you go the less skills matter. But in the end, both products require the same skills in the end to calculate matches and scores, just to different degrees.

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100% a mod issue.


I've played small companies extensively in 2020 and have yet to even have anyone ask for pay rises even after going up to 30 odd pop in my region (and are still on 20-40 per show)


Either the workers have high pop in other areas, or the workers themselves have gamebreaker stats so they're valuing themselves higher

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Okay, new problem in my 0/0/0 game. One of my created newbie workers designed for the upstart promotion, worth 10/show by the game's own logic, demanded a pay raise to over $900 after one appearance wherein popularity went up to 3. I can only keep playing by giving myself a million bucks as the owner also gives himself a goofy raise, but it feels like cheating.


I'm starting to think the 0/0/0/0 game really isn't possible. Avoiding bankruptcy just isn't feasible with workers wanting $1000 per show when making no money. I know that is realistic since one can't open a wrestling promotion with no money, but I figured it'd still be possible if only barely.


What language does your computer use? Specifically, does the language seting you have show the number 1000 as 1,000 OR 1.000, because that used to be an issue in older TEWs where the game would look at 1.000 as being $1, which would obviously cause workers to think they are being underpaid. It would obviously be an issue in every mod though.... but could be the cause here. :) If so, head to the tech support forum because I no longer remember how to fix that short of changing your system language to English (if it isn't already). :)

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Okay, new problem in my 0/0/0 game. One of my created newbie workers designed for the upstart promotion, worth 10/show by the game's own logic, demanded a pay raise to over $900 after one appearance wherein popularity went up to 3. I can only keep playing by giving myself a million bucks as the owner also gives himself a goofy raise, but it feels like cheating.


I'm starting to think the 0/0/0/0 game really isn't possible. Avoiding bankruptcy just isn't feasible with workers wanting $1000 per show when making no money. I know that is realistic since one can't open a wrestling promotion with no money, but I figured it'd still be possible if only barely.


Is the worker available for roles other than wrestler/manager/personality? I've seen cases where a wrestler wants $30 or so, then you ask them to become available as a road agent (or color commentator or something) and they agree, but now they want a lot more money.

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What language does your computer use? Specifically, does the language seting you have show the number 1000 as 1,000 OR 1.000, because that used to be an issue in older TEWs where the game would look at 1.000 as being $1, which would obviously cause workers to think they are being underpaid. It would obviously be an issue in every mod though.... but could be the cause here. :) If so, head to the tech support forum because I no longer remember how to fix that short of changing your system language to English (if it isn't already). :)


Regular American English, it shows as 1000, no decimel or comma.


Is the worker available for roles other than wrestler/manager/personality? I've seen cases where a wrestler wants $30 or so, then you ask them to become available as a road agent (or color commentator or something) and they agree, but now they want a lot more money.


Nope. All that happened is that, despite them having almost zero popularity and being worth 10 by game terms, two other companies just chucked 900 at them for seemingly no reason. I checked every which way. Another company should have been able to hire for 10-20 as well. All small promotions, all handshakes, but for some reason they instant offer 900. The worker doesn't leave me, just immediately asks for a massive raise. This on top of the owner giving himself a massive raise.


Is this a bug? It seems odd that another really small promotion would overpay a worker by a hundred times for no reason at all (no war, no competition even, we don't run shows the same nights, there was no reason to jack up the pay). Do companies jack up worker pay on purpose just to get them to demand unjust raises elsewhere to kill competition? That doesn't sound quite right, though.


P.S. If I try playing as one of the other companies that paid the worker 900 per appearance, the actual cost of the worker is 60 per appearance if trying to hire. Yeah, I can't figure out what's wrong. Does the AI artificially jack up contract amounts to screw the player or other companies?

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