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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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doesnt gimmick boosts include star quality as well?


Yes, I think the last couple of posts have got this wrong. Both Hart and Jacobs would have had decent SQ (Hart more than Jacobs). Neither original gimmicks did then any favours, and may have penalised SQ.


Kane's Big Red Machine gimmick probably boosted SQ. I think this is shown by whenever he changed gimmicks he became less memorable (yes, yes, his time tagging with Bryan is an exception).


What TEW can't do is replicate being able to switch back Kane to "The Big Red Machine" gimmick, knowing it will work. Which I'm fine with as would by highly exploitable in game.

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To confirm what eayragt said, the other posts are incorrect. Gimmicks can boost star quality. The other triggers are changes to body type, steroid use, random incidents, and workers doing it on their own. There's few ways for the player to actively trigger it because, other than those associated with steroid use, there wouldn't be any drawbacks and so everybody would do it all the time.
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How does one absorb a child company in TEW 2020? I can choose to close them down, take workers one by one and takes titles one by one, but I was wondering if there was a way to absorb them altogether including titles and events, etc.
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I was wondering if I could create a worker that would graduate from a PC or dojo in the database editor in the main menu, import them into an active game, and have them be a part of a graduating class?


No. They will still debut, but they won't be apart of that class if they're imported into an active game.

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All of my matches seem to be renamed as "X beats Y" in the recap of the show, even if I had named it to say X beats Y after interference from Z.


Is this correct? I find the latter way makes it easier to keep track of storylines as just the winner sometimes isn't enough to show the full story

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I understand that at Tiny size there are no penalties for not pre-booking. Are there benefits to doing it anyway other than being in the habit of doing it when you rise to the point that you would be penalized?


And another question, is there a way other than using the editor to give a character a mask (not on their picture I understand that would need someone to make a re-render. I mean one than can be used as part of a lucha de apustas). Since a wrestler starting to wear a mask for reasons ranging from "They're vain and they say another wrestler damaged their face." to "That's totally not the same guy as this other wrestler who just lost a loser leaves town match." I would think there would be a way to do it within the game without resorting to the editor but I can't find it.


Never mind on the mask, I just found it. Kind of hidden away, I had to click where it identifies them as a wrestler.

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I thought popularity caps would go over and then go back down to the cap. Is that not the case anymore?


There's one worker in my company that has been stuck at 66 (sometimes 65) for, no joke, two years.


Edit: Just tested by having him beat the top guy in the company (85 pop) and advancing to the next month, and he's not capped (at now 71 pop). So bizarre he's been the same popularity for so long.

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I recently had an angle where I had two wrestlers beat down a third in the ring (post match attack 2 on one from the default database) penalized for "nothing interesting happening". I understand that's usually the result of an angle being rated only on inactive attributes like charisma or star power but this rates two out of the three on fighting.


Can that be caused by the victim not being over enough or the attackers not having high enough fighting?

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How many minutes lasted? If the two attackers were not over enough and the angle was too long you get penalized. Usually, however, the note is more specific and says that the worker shouldn't be used in a fighting angle that long.
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How many minutes lasted? If the two attackers were not over enough and the angle was too long you get penalized. Usually, however, the note is more specific and says that the worker shouldn't be used in a fighting angle that long.


The standard length of the angle I think. 5 minutes.

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The standard length of the angle I think. 5 minutes.

4 is best in this case. I believe you getting the note because the victim was rated on overness, i usually rate them on selling and i can run the angle for 5 or 6 minutes if the ones doing the fighting are over enough (Stars or Major Stars) Otherwise, i run them for 4 or even 3 minutes if i am using unimportant workers.

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I understand that at Tiny size there are no penalties for not pre-booking. Are there benefits to doing it anyway other than being in the habit of doing it when you rise to the point that you would be penalized?

Yes, you can get a boost to your attendance if you pre-book a particularly strong card. It will tell you on the pre-booking screen.


The standard length of the angle I think. 5 minutes.

You might have avoided the penalty with four minutes or less. Check the "angles" section in the handbook for how long angles can run for depeding on the categories they are rated on.

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Some products penalize angles based "primarily" on sex appeal. What makes that the primary basis of the angle?


I ranked one person on their mic skills and one on their sex appeal and got dinged. There are a few conclusions I can come to and I'm not sure which is accurate.


  1. 50 percent of the talent basing their performance on sex appeal is too much. I needed more people with their performance rated on other factors.
  2. No one in an angle is allowed to be ranked on sex appeal. If they are the angle gets dinged.
  3. Her sex appeal was higher than his mic skill so it was primarily based on sex appeal.
  4. She was more popular in the region than he is so the angle was primarily based on the skill she was being rated on, which is sex appeal.
  5. He's a non-wrestler and she's a wrestler and so her skill is considered the primary skill the angle is ranked on.


Can anyone tell me which it is? I couldn't find the information in the guide.


Edit: Also in canon who owns all the rights to DAVE's stuff? Their old matches, their logo, their title belts, etc. Is that specifically mentioned anywhere? I would assume Phil Vibert or Mitch Naess but I might be missing some mention of rights being bought up by a third party as they closed or sometime after. Like how last I knew WWE owned the rights to ECW's stuff.

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Some products penalize angles based "primarily" on sex appeal. What makes that the primary basis of the angle?


I ranked one person on their mic skills and one on their sex appeal and got dinged. There are a few conclusions I can come to and I'm not sure which is accurate.


  1. 50 percent of the talent basing their performance on sex appeal is too much. I needed more people with their performance rated on other factors.
  2. No one in an angle is allowed to be ranked on sex appeal. If they are the angle gets dinged.
  3. Her sex appeal was higher than his mic skill so it was primarily based on sex appeal.
  4. She was more popular in the region than he is so the angle was primarily based on the skill she was being rated on, which is sex appeal.
  5. He's a non-wrestler and she's a wrestler and so her skill is considered the primary skill the angle is ranked on.


Can anyone tell me which it is? I couldn't find the information in the guide.


Edit: Also in canon who owns all the rights to DAVE's stuff? Their old matches, their logo, their title belts, etc. Is that specifically mentioned anywhere? I would assume Phil Vibert or Mitch Naess but I might be missing some mention of rights being bought up by a third party as they closed or sometime after. Like how last I knew WWE owned the rights to ECW's stuff.


Have a look at the Section "Angles" in The Player's Handbook.

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Have a look at the Section "Angles" in The Player's Handbook.


I did. I didn't see that information. There was information on how an angle rated on sex appeal gets it's score but no information on how it's determined an angle is "primarily" rated on sex appeal when one worker is rated on sex appeal and one or more other workers is not. And I was dinged specifically for the angle being primarily rated on sex appeal.


The closest I can find is a section on angle participants which again tells me how the rating of the angle is reached, but not on how it would be determined that one or the other of the skills the angle is being rated on is the "primary skill".

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I did. I didn't see that information. There was information on how an angle rated on sex appeal gets it's score but no information on how it's determined an angle is "primarily" rated on sex appeal when one worker is rated on sex appeal and one or more other workers is not. And I was dinged specifically for the angle being primarily rated on sex appeal.


The closest I can find is a section on angle participants which again tells me how the rating of the angle is reached, but not on how it would be determined that one or the other of the skills the angle is being rated on is the "primary skill".


For what is says, any angle over 4 minutes based in Sex Appeal will get penalised. So it doesn't matter if many other participants are rated in other things, as long as there is a person based in Sex Appeal and the angle is over 4 minutes, that person will get penalised.


Don't know about the other participants, they might not get penalised in the angle.

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For what is says, any angle over 4 minutes based in Sex Appeal will get penalised. So it doesn't matter if many other participants are rated in other things, as long as there is a person based in Sex Appeal and the angle is over 4 minutes, that person will get penalised.


Don't know about the other participants, they might not get penalised in the angle.


That's an overall penalty that applies everywhere from what I read. I'm talking about a different specific penalty due to my product.

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If a match like a Ladder match is too highly rated as an injury risk for WWE, will it always get a penalty? And can it still be worth doing it?


I've just done a MITB 8 man match and it rated terribly (56 overal)


You can just create a duplicate version of the match (item retrieval, include ladders etc) and tone the content/injury risk down. Think of it as WWE limiting the crazy spots they can take and whatnot

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You can just create a duplicate version of the match (item retrieval, include ladders etc) and tone the content/injury risk down. Think of it as WWE limiting the crazy spots they can take and whatnot



Great thanks!


And what about the overal rating, is it always low in multi men matches? To get near an 80 would I need all competitors to be near that level? I had a couple of 60ish in trying to grow in pop, would they bring it down?

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Is having success with a 0/0/0/0 company still possible?


Not sure if updates have made this more difficult but I started a 0/0/0/0 company and despite really working with the bare bones, I just don't don't think I'm going to start making money and then make up the debt before my 1st year (and then 3 months or whatever it is) is over.


Any advice? Anyone achieved this recently? I know it could be done when the game first came out, but it seems it's A LOT harder to gain pop at insignificant now.

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