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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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What’s the difference between a regen and a non-regen?


A regen is the regeneration of an existing worker after they have a change in status. They retire/leave the business/die. They use that workers picture (and in 2020, have a chance of being related to them).


A non-regen is just a random generated worker using the free pictures in the game.

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A regen is the regeneration of an existing worker after they have a change in status. They retire/leave the business/die. They use that workers picture (and in 2020, have a chance of being related to them).


A non-regen is just a random generated worker using the free pictures in the game.


Thanks. Was wondering about this. Think I’ve got it turned off but may turn it back on again.

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If you weren't wanting to run a show every month, does anyone know at what point you start losing popularity?


Is it possible to run a show every 3 or 4 months without losing popularity?


To clarify/expand on this question, if my promotion is running house shows, but going long periods between televised events, at what point will I start losing popularity? Am I able to maintain it indefinitely because of the house shows, or am I only able to go a few months between televised events without dropping?


If no one knows, I'll test it when I have time.

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<p>Hey all,</p><p> </p><p>

I'm doing a pretty long save right now, and I'm starting to burn out on booking every single weekly show. I wanted to use the autobooker like I did in '16, but I've encountered two problems:</p><p> </p><p>

1) The autobooker ignores storylines, and</p><p>

2) The autobooker keeps booking title matches</p><p> </p><p>

I know in 2016 you could set it specifically to not book title matches, so I was wondering if I was missing a setting for either of these two issues?</p>

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Company Sizes based on population


I have been looking at this for a while. Is there any way to know the worker caps are on Companies to not look amateurish. I am trying to do a developmental and I want as few workers as possible without getting penalized. Ive searched but can't find it. Thanks

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Can anyone expound on the Product's effects in-game besides what's in the manual?


Like, I'm good on the descriptions themselves and what they mean as far as game effect. But I'm more than a little fuzzy on why you can pick two types of products for one company and what it means if you choose two differing types (instead of identical, which seems to be the default when creating a company). The manual doesn't go into much detail as far as what effects you need to be aware of when choosing two different Product names.


Thank you.

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Can anyone expound on the Product's effects in-game besides what's in the manual?


Like, I'm good on the descriptions themselves and what they mean as far as game effect. But I'm more than a little fuzzy on why you can pick two types of products for one company and what it means if you choose two differing types (instead of identical, which seems to be the default when creating a company). The manual doesn't go into much detail as far as what effects you need to be aware of when choosing two different Product names.


Thank you.


Okay, so what it means is you have a base product (Sports Entertainment) but your company can choose to run another type of product (Southern Rasslin). So it is just telling you how far you are from that base. So if you decide to change it is then the amount of time before your audience accepts that change will be dependent on your base product.


I might be wrong but I don't think it will have any other affect. For instance, i dont think that there will be a continuous penalty after the change is made. Not sure but I have changed product and besides the initial period it takes to change, that affects pop, there is no other penalties.

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<p>I keep getting a message saying </p><p> </p><p>

"We would have gained more popularity in 4 British Regions but growth was restricted due to the limited number of viewers there"</p><p> </p><p>

Is this raw viewing numbers? (eg, 50k people viewed the show) Meaning we would simply need a bigger broadcaster/better time slot?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DasRhodes" data-cite="DasRhodes" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I keep getting a message saying <p> </p><p> "We would have gained more popularity in 4 British Regions but growth was restricted due to the limited number of viewers there"</p><p> </p><p> Is this raw viewing numbers? (eg, 50k people viewed the show) Meaning we would simply need a bigger broadcaster/better time slot?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, it is the number of eyeballs on the show - live attendance plus people watching the broadcast.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Adam Ryland" data-cite="Adam Ryland" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yes, it is the number of eyeballs on the show - live attendance plus people watching the broadcast.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for that, makes sense.</p><p> </p><p> Is there a way of gauging what the crossover for viewers to pop is? </p><p> </p><p> Say I have a 60 pop in one region, is there a way to see how many viewers are needed to bump that? Or is it just trial and error?</p>
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Was going thru but I a rush as life is catching up and don't have anymore time to go thru the thread but could anyone tell me the difference/example of the title setups .. like i know


Primary (main event)

Secondary (midcard)

And floating (unless its cange)


But what is that teriarty or however its spilled, I can't find a definition of it in the game descriptions at all


P.s. is there anyway to put a cosmetic like title for a wrestler on them I.e. .... AJ Styles (main event), Curtis axel (midcard)..etc, etc.. as I would like a visual ranking of my rosters... as I can list a future talent as main event even if unrecognizable so I know I'm grooming them to this spot)


Thank you

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Thanks for that, makes sense.


Is there a way of gauging what the crossover for viewers to pop is?


Say I have a 60 pop in one region, is there a way to see how many viewers are needed to bump that? Or is it just trial and error?


It's trial and error as it depends on different factors.

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Hey! So quick mechanics question I'm a bit stumped on.


In my mod I have Ultimo Dragon set to regenerate As A Legacy. But when I sim the db, when he regenerates, he doesn't do so with the Ultimo Dragon name. What am I doing wrong? I tested it in CV and the Legacy name system works fine there.


There is only one copy of that picture in the pics folder, and its definitely not tagged in the Free Pics section of the editor. I've investigated further, and it seems to be happening for all legacy regens. Which implies to me that it's not a setting in the individual worker, but something on a higher level blocking the all regens from adopting the legacy names. :( I mean it could be something I've set wrong on all wrestlers, but I don't know what that would be.








Second, related question, that's a bit hard to sim: Is there any way (possibly using agers) to get regens to use a younger pic of a wrestler?



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Okay, so what it means is you have a base product (Sports Entertainment) but your company can choose to run another type of product (Southern Rasslin). So it is just telling you how far you are from that base. So if you decide to change it is then the amount of time before your audience accepts that change will be dependent on your base product.


I might be wrong but I don't think it will have any other affect. For instance, i dont think that there will be a continuous penalty after the change is made. Not sure but I have changed product and besides the initial period it takes to change, that affects pop, there is no other penalties.


Is there any reason the Core and Current Product be run indefinitely as two different types? (Sort of blending two types into one)


:)Thanks, again.

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In my mod I have Ultimo Dragon set to regenerate As A Legacy. But when I sim the db, when he regenerates, he doesn't do so with the Ultimo Dragon name. What am I doing wrong? I tested it in CV and the Legacy name system works fine there.


That's not how the legacy feature works - see the help file, under Workers > Legacies for a detailed description. (The short version is that the retirement of the original is not the trigger mechanism for a new person to take the mask.)

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So I noticed that part of the patch today was removing a loophole with the excursions. I tried to created a new player to sign one of the workers I have on excursion, and got the usual screen saying the contract offer was too long. Just want to confirm then that the fix should prevent the AI from doing the same thing now?
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That's not how the legacy feature works - see the help file, under Workers > Legacies for a detailed description. (The short version is that the retirement of the original is not the trigger mechanism for a new person to take the mask.)


Thanks so much! I totally get that a worker has a chance to create a legacy once a year, regardless of retirement status, between 30 and 55.


What threw me off was, in the example above, Ultimo Dragon does regenerate, he just doesn't do so as a legacy.


Does that mean his pic is then unavailable and he is ineligible to have a legacy from that point on?


With regards to my other question about about passing on a mask with a younger picture, here's my current work around:


1 Set the default picture to be of the young masked wrestler

2 Set an alter ego to be the old masked wrestler, as All But and obscure promotion (if you choose no restrictions the game ads the default personal at 50%)

3 Set an ager for the age the turn next with the old wrestler's pic


That way the game will use the pic in any companies they are hired in, and within a year use the old pic universally, but the regen will look young.


Does anyone have a simpler work around?

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