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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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Are there any pros/cons to running a weekly event over a weekly TV show? Specifically I've gotten a deal with WrestleWorld (internet subscription service), and I'm trying to work out if I should just change the couple of monthly shows I've been running to one weekly or go for a TV show. I know long running TV shows can gain prestige, and weekly/monthly shows can't gain importance. But other than that, I'm a smaller company with no prospect of getting a better broadcasting deal any time soon. So yeah, just trying to get my head around the mechanics of it.

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On 8/19/2024 at 12:51 AM, RingGeneral said:

Hi there, I'm hoping some experienced TEW2020 players can assist me in mapping out my show schedule here - any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated before I plan on launching a lengthy Local To Global Series. 

I plan on running weekly shows on a Saturday, with the weekly shows called "LIVE". At some stage late in the year, I plan on running some Special events "aka PPV quality shows" which would fall on a Saturday too. So am I best to set up my schedule as "Weekly" and for sake of ease, number them like "001". But that then causes issues to do my "PPV quality" show on the same day? And won't my week v. schedule be quickly out of order etc? 

The other thought process is that I set up the weekly shows as "Annual", which allow me the freedom of naming them "LIVE 001", "LIVE 002" etc, add the supershow(s) as required, and then returning to the "LIVE" schedule. But then as the game progresses to year 2, won't the schedule want to label the shows as "LIVE 001 1", and then "LIVE 002 1", as it's recognizing the event as a recurring event?

Would ultimately like to navigate a way that I can have my weekly shows as "LIVE 001, 002", then add the supershow as required, and then return to "LIVE 003, LIVE 004" - supershow - and then "LIVE 005, LIVE 006"..... 

Hope that make sense, appreciate any assistance! :)

I'd just set up your LIVE shows as weekly using the auto-numbering feature, and then just make them dormant the weeks you hold your super cards, then after said super card reactivate and the numbering convention will carry on as normal. Its a little more work on your end to activate/deactivate but would achieve the desired effect, if I'm understanding you correctly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So my figurehead Sting was out injured for 13 months.... and the day he returned he disappeared from the creative tab altogether and now the game is acting like he isn't a wrestler. The figurehead screen says every major star is above him... no one is more popular.


Is my game screwed up now? I'm almost 6 years in and that's gonna irk me off.

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