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ZOOM! Wrestling: The Face of a New Generation (CVerse)

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Thursday, Week 3 of December, 2019


“Your project has raised $92,631.61 with a goal of $5,000. Congratulations!”


I stared dumbstruck at the screen of my computer. About two weeks ago, I had launched an online crowdfunding project for an idea I had. An idea to get myself a little exposure, show off some of the youngest stars of wrestling, and hey, maybe entertain a few people and have a little fun along the way. It had been chugging along at a few hundred dollars a day. When I’d gone to sleep the previous night, it was hovering around the $3000 mark – less than I’d hoped for, but still probably enough for what I wanted. But now…


My mind started racing. A lot of thoughts occurred to me, but one of them above all the others.


“How the hell…?”


I had just started to try to figure out what was going on when my phone started buzzing. I recognized the number immediately – my girlfriend Nicole. When I picked up, I could hear the excitement in her voice.


“Did you see what happened?”


“Yeah, I was just going on to check the progress and the number-”


“No, not that! Well, kind of that, but… No, J-Ro shouted you out on her podcast!”


My eyes widened and my jaw literally dropped.


“What, like… like the J-Ro?”


“Yeah, I know, right? It was only like 30 seconds, but she said she thought it was a great project and maybe people should check it out, and well…. apparently they did.”


After a long pause to collect my thoughts, I finally said, “You’ve gotta come over. We have a lot to talk about.”


Friday, Week 3 of December, 2019

Too Much Online Success?


Rookie wrestler Kieran Andrews may have accidentally bitten off more than he could chew after his online crowdfunding campaign went viral yesterday after being mentioned on Wednesday’s “Behind the Curtain”. Described as “an attempt to bring together the next generation of wrestling stars”, the project was intended to fund one or more events exclusively showcasing wrestlers who were talented and very young. A few hours ago, it crossed the $100,000 mark, over twenty times its initial goal. TEW.com has been able to reach out to Andrews and ask him about his plans.


“It’s hard to say. This is all happening so suddenly. But one thing I can promise is we’re going to give you a lot more than we initially planned. Come January, you’re going to see some big things.”


Andrews went on to say he had already started making a few calls to start getting things set up and he believed he would have more concrete information within a week.



Wednesday, Week 4 of December, 2019

BREAKING: New Year, New Company


The crowdfunding campaign of young wrestler Kieran Andrews closed earlier today with a final funding number of $122,426. TEW.com was contacted with an exclusive new story on this topic, which we are able to break at this time.


Andrews will begin a new wrestling promotion, which he is calling ZOOM! Wrestling. It will begin with an ambitious schedule of a weekly show broadcast online and a monthly major event. The first episode of the show, which he is calling Livewire, will air live the second Friday of January. Andrews has assured his online backers that they’ll still be getting the shows they were promised, and more. In keeping with his original plans, only young workers will be signed. More details as they arrive.


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This is my first attempt at a diary and my first major game in TEW2020. Feedback is greatly appreciated. I won’t actually begin playing the game until the full release, but I’m posting the thread a bit early for hype and feedback.


So, here are the rules I’ve set for myself this game:

1) Wrestlers can only be signed if they have a birthday in or after January 1999 (meaning they can be up to 20 years old at the very start of the database). I was originally planning on doing 2000, but that cuts out too many options.

2) On-screen non-wrestlers can only be signed if they have a birthday in or after January 1994 (meaning they can be up to 25 years old at the very start of the database).

3) Road agents can be any age. With the addition of experience as an important road agent stat, this is necessary to have someone who can do even a passable job as an agent.

4) Until I reach at least Medium size, I can only sign workers based in North America. I can use Talk to Worker to convince Mexican and Canadian workers to become available in the States, though.

5) If anyone fails the ol’ analog drug test (i.e. showing up to work wasted), there’s a three-strike system: Fine, Suspension, Fire. If they actually wrestle a match wasted, that counts as two. I am starting with a few druggies, so this might come up. This will be revised when I’m big enough for drug tests and rehab.

6) No going too crazy with my custom characters. I can push them as much as they deserve, maybe a little further, but no more.


If anyone has ideas for additional rules or challenges (within reason), feel free to post them!


Company Info




Name: ZOOM! Wrestling

Short Name: ZOOM

Location: Mid West

Product Name: Next Generation Action

Core and Current Product: Fast And Furious

Women’s Wrestling: None

Match Focus: Regular

Angle Focus: Consistent

Heel/Face Divide: Yes, fully enforced

Backstage rules: No drugs, alcohol, or smoking; nobody leaves until final match is over



I plan on getting a women’s division eventually, but not at the beginning. Consistent Angle Focus might end up being a nightmare, but for a low-angle product, I see it as a fun challenge without too much harm. I'm also beginning at Generic music levels, which might get pretty expensive, but obviously you can't play copyrighted music if you're going to stream shows online!

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Blue Dragon

Disposition: Face

Gimmick: Dragonblood (Mysterious/Occult, Great)

Size: Toned Lightweight

Style: Technician Flyer

Primary Finisher: Dragon Driver (Impact)

Personality: Lively

Birthday: March 1999

Debut: July 2019



Bret Kyle

Disposition: Face


Size: Toned Lightweight

Style: High Flyer

Primary Finisher: Shooting Star Press (Impact)

Personality: Relaxed

Birthday: July 1999

Debut: March 2018



Deuce Madeleine

aka Dustin Deuce

Disposition: Heel

Gimmick: Hair Trigger (Offbeat/Unstable, Great)

Size: Toned Lightweight

Style: High Flyer

Primary Finisher: Deuces Are Wild (Impact)

Personality: Needy

Birthday: August 2000

Debut: August 2017



Jack Pryde

aka Prime Time Jack Pryde

Disposition: Heel


Size: Middleweight

Style: Regular

Primary Finisher: Prydefall (Impact)

Personality: Lively

Birthday: February 2000

Debut: October 2019



James Diaz

Disposition: Heel

Gimmick: Monster (Dominant, Great)

Size: Muscular Heavyweight

Style: Impactful

Primary Finisher: Asian Thumb Spike (Impact)

Personality: Relaxed

Birthday: August 2001

Debut: January 2019



Jay Silver

Disposition: Heel


Size: Lightweight

Style: Striker

Primary Finisher: AG Driver (Impact)

Personality: Driven

Birthday: December 2000

Debut: April 2019



Jimmy Marino

aka Machine Gun Marino

Disposition: Heel


Size: Lightweight

Style: Brawler

Primary Finisher: Flying Knee Strike

Personality: Lively

Birthday: July 1999

Debut: July 2017



Kieran Andrews

Disposition: Face

Gimmick: Future Star (Standard, Great)

Size: Skinny Lightweight

Style: Technician Striker

Primary Finisher: K-Strike (Impact), K-Bar (Submission)

Personality: Driven

Birthday: September 1999

Debut: January 2020



Marc Perez

aka Shooting Star Perez

Disposition: Face


Size: Toned Lightweight

Style: Luchador

Primary Finisher: Shooting Star Press (Impact)

Personality: Lively

Birthday: May 1999

Debut: May 2019



Melvin Danzig

Disposition: Heel


Size: Obese Big Heavyweight

Style: Brawler

Primary Finisher: High-Intensity Clothesline (Impact)

Personality: Relaxed

Birthday: May 1999

Debut: April 2019



Reilly Patton

Disposition: Face

Gimmick: The Perpetually Underrated (Weasely/Underdog, Poor)

Size: Lightweight

Style: Technician Flyer

Primary Finisher: Cradle Slam

Personality: Professional

Birthday: April 1999

Debut: April 2017



Spencer Edmund

Disposition: Heel


Size: Toned Lightweight

Style: Regular

Primary Finisher: Elevated Boston Crab (Submission)

Personality: Professional

Birthday: September 1999

Debut: March 2018




aka Astro

Disposition: Face


Size: Ripped Lightweight

Style: High Flyer

Primary Finisher: Tumbleweed Legdrop (Impact)

Personality: Quiet

Birthday: January 2000

Debut: July 2019



Taylor Norton

Disposition: Face


Size: Toned Lightweight

Style: Daredevil

Primary Finisher: Tumbleweed Splash (Impact)

Personality: Wild

Birthday: December 1999

Debut: March 2018



Zel Quinn

Disposition: Face


Size: Toned Small

Style: High Flyer

Primary Finisher: Magic Trick

Personality: Unpredictable

Birthday: April 2000

Debut: April 2018



Zippy Deverell

Disposition: Heel

Gimmick: Zip the Lip (Swagger, Great)

Size: Toned Lightweight

Style: Entertainer

Primary Finisher: Spinning Bulldog (Impact)

Personality: Party Animal

Birthday: August 2000

Debut: August 2019





Erik Andersen (Announcer)

Disposition: Face


Size: Small

Personality: Mercenary

Birthday: December 1996

Debut: October 2019



Jenny Morgan (Referee)

Disposition: N/A

Gimmick: None

Size: Small

Personality: Mercenary

Birthday: December 1996

Debut: October 2019



Marina Del Ray (Manager, Personality)

Disposition: Face

Gimmick: Bubbly Babyface (Standard, Awful)

Size: Skinny Very Small

Personality: Professional

Birthday: January 1999

Debut: January 2018



Nicole Sharp (Color Commentator, Manager)

Disposition: Face


Size: Toned Small

Personality: Lively

Birthday: January 2000

Debut: January 2020



Rick Sanders (Road Agent)

Disposition: N/A

Gimmick: None

Size: Middleweight

Personality: Stalwart

Birthday: April 1969

Debut: April 1987


A few of these require a bit more detail. Erik Andersen, Jenny Morgan, Kieran Andrews, Nicole Sharp, Melvin Danzig are all custom workers. Andersen, Morgan, and Sharp were basically just added to serve in their roles since there aren't many young people to fill those roles, with Sharp also serving a narrative purpose. Melvin Danzig is based on a generated worker that someone got on a TEW Discord server I'm on, and the name was hilarious, so it stuck with me. Andrews is the user character.

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I updated the roster post with more details and corrected a few glaring errors (mainly I forgot to actually include what month the dates from the first post were in).


Just so I might actually get a few predictions, I'm going to post the first show's tentative match schedule. Like I said before, I haven't actually started playing this game, so the card is subject to change, but it's my current plan.


ZOOM Livewire, Week 2 of January, 2020


Kieran Andrews vs Zippy Deverell (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


James Diaz vs Reilly Patton (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Blue Dragon vs Deuce Madeleine (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


As you can see, I'm starting things off with a tournament for the whole roster (that's why I picked 16 as the size) to determine our first champion. There'll be three matches a week for four weeks, then in our first big show (week 1 of February), we'll have the semifinals and finals. I'm also then going to hold an 8-man tournament with the first-round losers to pick a TV Champion (or maybe Internet Champion, haven't decided).


EDIT: This forum doesn't have strikethrough, so if you happen upon this in the future, the last match was initially Blue Dragon vs Sugarskull.

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<p>Kieran Andrews vs <strong>Zippy Deverell (</strong>ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>James Diaz</strong> vs Reilly Patton (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Blue Dragon</strong> vs Sugarskull (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I'd go Internet title over TV, partly because of the whole young thing you're going for but also because in game it's pretty easy now to get your own Internet broadcaster so it seems way more likely you'll actually be on the internet anytime soon rather than TV.</p>

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<p>ZOOM Livewire, Week 2 of January, 2020</p><p> </p><p>

Kieran Andrews vs <strong>Zippy Deverell</strong> (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>James Diaz</strong> vs Reilly Patton (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p>

Blue Dragon vs <strong>Sugarskull </strong>(ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p>

<em>I don't think he'll win but I can't go against somebody with that name.</em></p>

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<p>Kieran Andrews vs <strong>Zippy Deverell</strong> (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>James Diaz</strong> vs Reilly Patton (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Blue Dragon</strong> vs Sugarskull (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)</p>

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I plan to eventually have some kind of prediction contest. Haven't decided exactly what. But on that topic, a bonus prediction:


Who will be the final winner of the ZOOM Title Tournament?


This will be open until the first show is posted. Once the first round is done and the participants in the second tournament are finalized, I'll post another bonus prediction for that one.


Just for simplicity, here's the full roster list:


Blue Dragon

Bret Kyle

Deuce Madeleine

Jack Pryde

James Diaz

Jay Silver

Kieran Andrews

Marc Perez

Melvin Danzig

Reilly Patton

Spencer Edmund



Taylor Norton

Zel Quinn

Zippy Deverell

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<p>Change of plans: When I initially tested to see if Calavera could be convinced to become available in America, I forgot to actually use an Insignificant sized company. Even with Silver Tongue 10, he can't be convinced to work in a different area by a company that small. So I've replaced him on the roster with Machine Gun Marino. As a result, I've had to reshuffle the tournament. Two of the matches on the first show are the same, but the last match has been replaced with:</p><p> </p><p>

Blue Dragon vs Deuce Madeleine</p><p> </p><p>

I'm also going to try to post another in-universe post later today.</p>

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It was tomorrow rather than today, but here I am. The next few days until the game drops, I'm going to be posting in-universe worker profiles for my roster.


For anyone interested in predictions, I've decided on the prediction contest reward. Whoever has the most correct predictions each month (ending at the event) gets to choose a rivalry or storyline that will last at least until the next event. If you haven't done it yet, remember you can predict the winner of the tournament as a bonus point, and there's an updated match no one has predicted yet.


Now, onto the profiles! I'm starting with the six workers who will be on the first show.




Blue Dragon


The mysterious luchador known only as Blue Dragon is an enigma. He rarely speaks and claims to literally possess the blood of a dragon – Surely that can’t be true? – but in the ring, he’s a skilled and tenacious fighter. He’s sure to leave an impact on ZOOM.




Deuce Madeleine


Geoff “Deuce” Madeleine is a high flyer from Florida with a lot of experience for ZOOM. He’s known to have a hair-trigger temper, which might get him in trouble. Still, if he can keep his wits about him, he could definitely succeed in the world of wrestling.




James Diaz


Son of “The Monster” Raymond Diaz, James Diaz may be the youngest member of ZOOM’s roster, but don’t let that fool you. He may be pound-for-pound the strongest man in the company – and when you have that many pounds over most of them, that’s saying something! The question may not be if Diaz can succeed, but if there’s anyone in the company able to stop him.




Kieran Andrews


Even by the standards of ZOOM, Kieran Andrews is a raw rookie, only having wrestled a handful of matches in front of a crowd. His skills are limited, but his potential is not. He seems to get better every match. The skills he does have are primarily based in technical wrestling, with a bit of striking mixed in.




Reilly Patton


“The Perpetually Underrated” Reilly Patton is a skilled technician-flyer from Canada. He doesn’t look like much but looks can be deceiving. If he can hit the ground running, Patton might go far in ZOOM.




Zippy Deverell


“Zip the Lip” is a fast-talking brawler from Kentucky. He’s very confident… maybe cocky would be the better word, but can he fight as well as he can talk? If he can even come close, he’ll have a very bright future in this company.

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Another set of bios. These ones don't have any special connection, they're just the ones I have done.




Bret Kyle


Bret Kyle is a great high-flyer with amazing stamina and flashiness. In FCW, he’s worked as part of the tag team Young & Wasted with fellow ZOOM wrestler Taylor Norton, but they won’t be teaming up here anytime soon. Can Kyle go the distance alone in this new company?




Jack Pryde


“Prime Time” Jack Pryde may only have been wrestling for a few months, but he’s already shown a great amount of potential. He’s definitely good – if maybe not as good as he thinks he is – but is that going to be enough to succeed in ZOOM?




Melvin Danzig


In terms of pure size, no one else on ZOOM’s roster can match up to Danzig, and only a handful can even come close. Unfortunately for him, most of that size difference is in fat, not muscle. However, he’s sworn “In a year, you won’t even recognize me,” and in the meantime, he’s still a decent brawler, and his size does have some advantages.




Spencer Edmund


“Staggering” Spencer Edmund isn’t the most experienced member of ZOOM’s roster in terms of time, but he’s the only one to have won a championship in another company – ACPW’s tag team belts. Does this mean he’s the favorite for ZOOM’s upcoming tournament? He certainly seems to think so, but there’s 15 other men standing in his way.




Zel Quinn


Nicknamed “The Magic Monkey”, Zel Quinn has been entertaining Coastal Zone crowds with his flashy high-flying moves for almost two years. You’d think a company with a name like ZOOM would be perfect for the almost hyperactively quick Quinn, but only time will tell.

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I'll post the last batch of profiles tomorrow (technically later today), but in the meantime, here's another in-universe article.


Sunday, Week 1 of January, 2020

ZOOM Officially Launch New Websites


Nascent wrestling promotion ZOOM! Wrestling has launched three websites. Their official site, zoomwrestling.com, is fairly bare-bones at this stage, but it contains a schedule and profiles for their starting roster, among other things. The other two websites are broadcasters, with zoom.tv being an ad-free platform for their planned Livewire weekly show and zoom.ppv being a pay-per-view platform for their monthly events. Reportedly, they considered several other options, including a subscription service and a single stream with ads, but it was ultimately decided that this would be the preferred setup. When we reached out to him, owner Kieran Andrews acknowledged he was taking a risk, both in broadcasting a weekly show for free and for using a PPV setup for monthly shows. However, he remains confident that the company will be able to turn out content good enough to succeed financially.


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Here's the last batch of profiles. With the release date delayed, I'm not currently planning on posting anything here tomorrow. I might change my mind, but if you're planning on predicting, make sure to do it, since you might not get another reminder.




Jay Silver


Jay Silver is the second-youngest worker in ZOOM and middle-of-the-road in terms of experience. However, the striker from New Mexico has quite a bit of skill and even more potential. Silver is known to have a mercenary streak, and he calls himself “The Prizefighter”.




Jimmy Marino


“Machine Gun” Jimmy Marino is a brawler from Queens. One of the more experienced members of ZOOM’s roster, he’s been wrestling for about two and a half years and started making his name in NYCW last year. That’s where he got his nickname – for the speed with which he can deliver a series of strikes. Marino claims to have been born to fight, and he’s taking that attitude into ZOOM.




Marc Perez


“Shooting Star” Marc Perez is an American luchador with a background in parkour. His incredible athleticism and agility let him use a fast-paced high-flying style full of versatile aerial attacks. Combined with his utter fearlessness and his refusal to ever hold back, this makes him a formidable competitor.






The mysterious Starman is a masked high-flyer from Mexico. He is a versatile competitor, with a high level of athleticism and one of the best physiques in the company, but also the agility and skill to pull off spectacular aerial moves, including his signature Tumbleweed Legdrop. He can also brawl when he needs to and isn’t totally incompetent in technical wrestling.




Taylor Norton


Taylor Norton is a high-flyer who’s worked most of his young career in Puerto Rico. Teammates and friends with fellow ZOOMer Bret Kyle, he’ll have to make his own way if he wants to succeed. His skillset is very similar to Kyle’s, a little better in some ways, a little work in others. The pair will have to work harder than normal to separate themselves from the pack.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Friday, Week 2 of January, 2020</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Almost a month of working my ass off had finally culminated in this show. This was the night that would determine everything.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49073" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>ZOOM Livewire</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="mpG2mIl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mpG2mIl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="b35zsug.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/b35zsug.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="x6DJa8r.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/x6DJa8r.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Kieran Andrews and Nicole Sharp introduce the show, Zippy Deverell interrupts</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> We started things off with myself and Nicole introducing the first episode of Livewire. Neither one of us are amazing talkers, but the crowd (if you can even call it that) was pretty small and wasn’t too hard on us. If you’re the kind of person who would come to a show this small, you have to be into it. As the promo was starting to wind down, it was interrupted by Zippy Deverell, impatient for his match. He didn’t say anything, but he pulled off the role well.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 20</p><p> Time: 5 min</p><p> Kieran Andrews has debuted his Future Star Gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Great.</p><p> Zippy Deverell has debuted his Zip the Lip Gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Great.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="mpG2mIl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mpG2mIl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="x6DJa8r.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/x6DJa8r.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Kieran Andrews vs Zippy Deverell</strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Then we went into the match. Zippy isn’t as good in the ring as he is out of it, but he’s not bad either. I watched over the footage afterwards and while my lack of experience was pretty clear, I think I did a good job too. We tried to tell a story with this match. Zippy kept talking, trying to play mind games, and I did my best to ignore it and focus on the wrestling. The ending came after I gave Zippy a suplex and he rolled out of the ring. While I was waiting for him in the ring, he got up and went over to the commentary table (if you can call it that) and tried to chat up Nicole. When the ref count hit eight, he rushed back into the ring. I stepped out to check with her, had a quick back-and-forth and returned to the ring, walking right into a Spinning Bulldog from Zippy, ending the match. I know I’m not the best wrestler in this company (yet at least), and I wanted to send a message to the roster that I wouldn’t be using this company as an ego trip.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 19</p><p> Time: 13:06</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="pdWnOsd.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pdWnOsd.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="2NDSpqE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2NDSpqE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Interview with James Diaz</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The next segment was the first of two pre-taped interview segments of the night. We only have one mobile camera, so we had to do it this way. I was able to borrow a projector, so were able to show it to the live audience. This time, James Diaz was asked about his match tonight. He did a great job talking – this guy really is the total package for someone that young. I’m using Marina Del Ray as an interviewer. I want to give her someone to manage as well, but I haven’t picked one, and multitasking is a good thing anyway. Marina also did a pretty good job talking, but I think the character she’s trying to portray isn’t very interesting to the crowd.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 23</p><p> Time: 4 min</p><p> James Diaz has debuted his Monster gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Great.</p><p> Marina Del Ray has debuted her Bubbly Babyface gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Awful.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="5k0trQz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5k0trQz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="lqoe7z3.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/lqoe7z3.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Blue Dragon vs Deuce Madeleine</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Next up was another tournament match, this time between Blue Dragon and Deuce Madeleine. We tried to go for a fast-paced high-flying match between the two men. Both of them have a lot of skill as flyers, and it turned out pretty well, if not as well as it could have. Dragon really stood out, and he was the eventual winner, pinning Deuce with a Dragon Driver. Deuce seemed pretty off his game, and he just doesn’t have the stamina necessary to keep up the pace needed for a match like this, even for the relatively short time it ran for. Dragon also really pulls off his gimmick well. He didn’t say a word, but he just knows how to carry himself to pull it off.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 23</p><p> Time: 7:55</p><p> Blue Dragon has debuted his Dragonblood gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Great.</p><p> Deuce Madeleine has debuted his Hair Trigger gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Great.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="lqoe7z3.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/lqoe7z3.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="5k0trQz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5k0trQz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Deuce Madeleine post-match rage</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> After losing the match, Deuce Madeleine went into a rage. It almost seemed like a tantrum, but more based on anger than petulance. Blue Dragon was just barely able to escape before Deuce could grab him. Deuce spent another minute or so in this state before storming off. This segment actually turned out fantastically. Both Deuce and Dragon know how to work the crowd well.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 25</p><p> Time: 2 min</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="x6DJa8r.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/x6DJa8r.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="2NDSpqE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/2NDSpqE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>Interview with Zippy Deverell</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Then it was time for the second pre-taped angle, this time with Zippy Deverell. We were able to hide the pre-taping pretty well for this one, as it was supposed to be after our match. Now that Zippy got his hands on a mic, he was able to show off his real talents. He cut a great promo talking himself up, with a few snide remarks toward me added for good measure.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 28</p><p> Time: 4 min</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="pdWnOsd.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pdWnOsd.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="uTNIwhG.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/uTNIwhG.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> <strong>James Diaz vs Reilly Patton</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Finally, we’d reached the main event: “Son of the Monster” James Diaz vs “The Perpetually Underrated” Reilly Patton. This was a great match that had the potential to be a lot better. They were able to keep up a breakneck pace for almost fifteen solid minutes. Diaz took the lead early on and it was clear he was the better fighter, but Patton got in offense and it never seemed like he was totally out. Unfortunately, the two didn’t click very well in the ring, and there were a few missed timings and blown spots. Patton also didn’t do a great job getting the crowd on his side. Still, this was by far the best match on the card and a great capstone to our first ever show. The match ended when Diaz hit a devasting Asian Thumb Spike (not looking forward to being on the receiving end of one of those someday) and pinned Patton for the win.</p><p> </p><p> Rating: 31</p><p> Time: 14:37</p><p> Reilly Patton has debuted his The Perpetually Underrated Gimmick. It has gotten an initial rating of Poor.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Match summary:</p><p> Zippy Deverell def. Kieran Andrews</p><p> Blue Dragon def. Deuce Madeleine</p><p> James Diaz def. Reilly Patton</p><p> </p><p> Show rating: 27</p><p> Attendance: 9</p><p> Online viewership: 3,180</p><p> This show has increased our popularity in 11 regions.</p>
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A new set of predictions!


ZOOM Livewire, Week 3 of January, 2020


Bret Kyle vs Jimmy Marino (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Jay Silver vs Zel Quinn (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Spencer Edmund vs Taylor Norton (ZOOM Championship Tournament match)


Bonus prediction: The day after the show, I found out that one of the six wrestlers on the show started dating my referee, Jenny Morgan. Who was it?

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