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What makes crowds boo a worker?

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for a company like NXT - what do the skills need to be at to make a crowd stop hating someone?


Doesn't matter what name the promotion has. What matters is their product. Look at what the product settings are and refer to the list for an idea of what needs to change to make the fans accept the worker.

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I got the same results (Puro, Aerial, Psych, and Technical), but 50 wasn't enough for me to completely avoid the penalties. I got the "not thrilled" version.


Ohhh, interesting. I wonder if it's just a different penalty between different products (maybe their fans don't hate people as much as other products do) or if there's something about numbers that means you can get either? I think most of the ones I was testing were getting either "pretty vocal crowd" or "lot of vocal static".

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The NEARLY definitive list. 95% sure of everything on here, I just give up on wrestling nerd nirvana for now because nothing makes sense.


The message "The fan base will be very opinionated and will turn on workers they don't feel belong" refers to wrestlers needing the following, according to each product:


(All are tested with PSW; I don't THINK the cut-off varies according to fed size but it might. Skills themselves shouldn't change though.) I THINK from a comment Adam made when updating a patch, and from testing done by awesomenessofme1, that penalties don't kick in until wrestlers are at a certain level of experience since fans are more tolerant of ultra-green rookies, btw.


Important reminder: You generally don't need to worry overly about penalties anyway, this is just for people who are interested. You do NOT need to fire people your fans don't like; some of them may be perfectly capable of getting good grades despite this. Remember, skills improve, and when they're wrestling, they're hopefully improving, so even if a crowd doesn't currently like someone they may do eventually.


Anti-Establishment Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Deathmatch - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Deathmatch Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Episodic Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Extreme Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Gory Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Grindhouse Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Aerial, Hardcore must be 50+

Guerilla Warfare - 1 of Psychology, Technical, Puroresu or Aerial must be 50+

Hardcore Evolved - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Psychology must be 50+

Hardcore Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

High Flying Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Aerial must be 50+

Junior-Deathmatch Combined - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Puerto Rican Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Slobberknocker-Deathmatch Combined - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Wrestling Nerd Nirvana - 1 of Psychology, Technical, Puroresu or Aerial must be 50+ (Thanks Astil!)


Hey bud, im getting 'didnt seem particularly thrilled to see....' use the nerd nirvana product but the wrestler has 55 in two of the mentioned skills?

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I'm not the type of person to break the game's system down to cold hard numbers (although I understand and respect people who do that) but my gut feeling and understanding of various products seems to coincide with Jaded's list when I ask "what would make fans of such a style boo someone?"


For starters, it's almost always a variant of some hardcore style in question. The core of such a product is either wild fistfights or crazy weapons spots, so the crowd would boo someone who couldn't throw a proper punch or would botch a chair shot.


If you take that up a notch from just bloody deathmatches and add some angles and edgy storytelling a la oldschool ECW, fans might be able to overlook someone's in-ring shortcomings if they cut good promos, have a good gimmick or pull off an exciting long entrance. Thus, Charisma becomes an alternative to avoid getting booed.


If it's some sort of lucha hardcore, you can get away with good high flyers who can't brawl or lack charisma, as long as they do them flips right.


If it's a smarky, meta kind of product, Psychology and Selling become big factors, because you don't want to be labelled a spot monkey in such an environment. Also, Puroresu might be a viable alternative to Brawling, mainly because these smarky internet fans are big into Japanese wrestling and all things strong style.


To come round to the opening question, Acid's shortcomings seem to be his Toughness and Resilience, but that shouldn't have anything to do with him getting booed (just him getting injured and picking up a lot of wear and tear from working the style). His Brawling and Hardcore are weaker than his Technical/Aerial/Flashiness, but since the product requires Steal the Show matches I think he could get away with flips (though I'd feel more certain if the product required High Spots matches). Which leads me to believe that Charisma, another thing he's not great at, is probably a factor in IPW. Apparently they see him as a solid but bland high flyer who can only do that and wouldn't survive a blow-for-blow exchange with the heavy hitters on the roster.

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I'll never forget playing the 1991 or 92 mod with ECW and they had a tag team called the super destroyers that got booed out of every match I put them in. I was trying to stay true to the time and even watched some YouTube videos of them wrestling. Man they were bad....
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Hey bud, im getting 'didnt seem particularly thrilled to see....' use the nerd nirvana product but the wrestler has 55 in two of the mentioned skills?


Out of curiosity what size is your promotion? I'm wondering if maybe 50 in a stat is the base requirement, but that number might increase for larger companies since bigger companies generally have higher standards. Kind of like how bigger companies have higher stat requirements in generated owner goals.


I've done no testing of this myself, so I might be completely off here.

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  • 2 months later...
The NEARLY definitive list. 95% sure of everything on here, I just give up on wrestling nerd nirvana for now because nothing makes sense.


The message "The fan base will be very opinionated and will turn on workers they don't feel belong" refers to wrestlers needing the following, according to each product:


(All are tested with PSW; I don't THINK the cut-off varies according to fed size but it might. Skills themselves shouldn't change though.) I THINK from a comment Adam made when updating a patch, and from testing done by awesomenessofme1, that penalties don't kick in until wrestlers are at a certain level of experience since fans are more tolerant of ultra-green rookies, btw.


Important reminder: You generally don't need to worry overly about penalties anyway, this is just for people who are interested. You do NOT need to fire people your fans don't like; some of them may be perfectly capable of getting good grades despite this. Remember, skills improve, and when they're wrestling, they're hopefully improving, so even if a crowd doesn't currently like someone they may do eventually.


Anti-Establishment Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Deathmatch - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Deathmatch Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Episodic Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Extreme Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Gory Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Grindhouse Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Aerial, Hardcore must be 50+

Guerilla Warfare - 1 of Psychology, Technical, Puroresu or Aerial must be 50+

Hardcore Evolved - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Psychology must be 50+

Hardcore Lucha Libre - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

High Flying Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Aerial must be 50+

Junior-Deathmatch Combined - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Puerto Rican Hardcore - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore, Charisma must be 50+

Slobberknocker-Deathmatch Combined - 1 of Brawling, Hardcore must be 50+

Wrestling Nerd Nirvana - 1 of Charisma, Psychology, Brawl, Technical, Puro or Aerial must be 60+ (Thanks Astil, awesomenessofme1, and gazwefc83 who seem to have nailed this one between them - Adam added in tech support a couple of other possibilities.)


Any chance of completing the list with the rest of the Product types?

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Any chance of completing the list with the rest of the Product types?


I haven't played for ages, but if someone wants to post a list of any new products which have negative crowd reactions I'll try and experiment if I get a chance.

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