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Didn't realize the scatterbrained thing was a bug. They indeed got a penalty all the time and it was holding back my worker. I just assume being scatterbrained is kind of a bad thing in general and just took the hit.


Time to push some people again. :p

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After five seconds with the Placement Mode I have quickly deduced that this is a massive upgrade. I wasn't even someone that was all that bothered by moving segments around but I did think the old way worked a little smoother. But now we suddenly have a system that's way better than any other installment! Very strong.
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Placement mode is an EXCELLENT addition.


Also just played around with the tournament feature to do a G1-style round-robin tournament and it is great. I enjoyed it so much I'm thinking of starting a save with a created fed that just runs round-robin tournaments of different styles (cruiserweight/women/streetfights/giants, etc.) every couple of months.


Have been really enjoying this game since the Beta was released but with the patches, improvements, skins, mods, etc. all coming into play, the game is shaping up beautifully. I'm ready to become ashamed by how many hours I put into it!

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Noticed one things that may be a bug: It is currently possible to set a wrestler "victor" and "loser" in the same fight.


Furthermore, tournament and house show management are pretty complicated atm.


Still, it's a great game so far. =)

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Game is getting there. Still needs a "view roster" button on the screen when setting up a storyline & also for tournaments.


Also add buttons for viewing tag teams to more screens.


Sometimes I don't know a company that well or want to see what teams I have. I don't want to need to back out completely to go view tag teams.

Also Add what tag teams a wrestler is in on the roster screen. They have a ton of info on the screen, yet no tag info. I'm starting to think the only way to solve this on my side would be to make every tag team in my company a stable so I can see their names on the bio screen without needing to hunt that info down.


Also, been awhile so I figure I should mention the need for better refinement in the angle screens again. I don't want road agents being suggested to me by default. It's 1997, I'm WCW & don't know for sure if Arn is retired yet. So I book him & then find out he's not even a wrestler.

That't annoying to me & sure, I could go look & see to make sure, but 2016 didn't have this issue when searching for people. I just clicked "mid-card" and everyone with an push of "mid-card" popped up without me needing to worry about it.

I'm just saying a "In-ring" vs "non In-Ring" button on the angle screen would be neat.


I'm guessing this is coming down the pipeline when we finally get the finances & other major issues fixed. I just figured I'd mention it again.

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I have played a lot of the game so far and want to put out some thoughts. Overall it doesn't feel like the game was built from scratch, it feels like an updated version of an already existing game. I think every new game I am expecting a whole new program but it is what it is. Same game it always has been just a lot more intricate. I think my biggest issue with the game this year is one of my biggest issues with every release. Attendance it totally unrealistic. I only play real word mods. Every damn PPV WCW and WWF do they are in a stadium getting over 60k in attendance. I just hate that. It's the one thing that can really take me out of the game. I don't think it's ever going to change.
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Ooooof, it’s unfortunate they’re not reviewing the latest version, particularly now we have Placement Mode.


It’s literally a game changer.


I feel like placement mode is a headache. I don't know how you could make something so simple so complicated.

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I have played a lot of the game so far and want to put out some thoughts. Overall it doesn't feel like the game was built from scratch, it feels like an updated version of an already existing game. I think every new game I am expecting a whole new program but it is what it is. Same game it always has been just a lot more intricate. I think my biggest issue with the game this year is one of my biggest issues with every release. Attendance it totally unrealistic. I only play real word mods. Every damn PPV WCW and WWF do they are in a stadium getting over 60k in attendance. I just hate that. It's the one thing that can really take me out of the game. I don't think it's ever going to change.


The way I interpret it is that essentially you're asking yourself "If we had an infinite seat venue, how many people would show up?"


It's incredibly unrealistic if you look at the actual numbers, but would it have been possible that WWF could have run 60k seaters a month with the resources to do it? Maybe.


However, I still think the events attendances are busted. TV attendances seem good, but the multiplication of TV to Events is very off.

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The way I interpret it is that essentially you're asking yourself "If we had an infinite seat venue, how many people would show up?"


It's incredibly unrealistic if you look at the actual numbers, but would it have been possible that WWF could have run 60k seaters a month with the resources to do it? Maybe.


However, I still think the events attendances are busted. TV attendances seem good, but the multiplication of TV to Events is very off.


This has been an issue since the series went to TEW. I've suggested ideas, even as simple as a click box to turn off "stadium" style shows. Even with TV, it's incredibly rare that anyone draw over 15k for a tv taping. It's been over 20 years since that was common.


I can suspend my belief a lot in the game but this one issue keeps getting at me!

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I feel like placement mode is a headache. I don't know how you could make something so simple so complicated.

How is it complicated in the slightest? You literally right click a segment, move it wherever you want on the card and then right click it again! You don’t even need to right click it the second time if you don’t want!


Don’t tell me you toggle the Placement Mode button at the bottom of the screen on and off every time you try and move a segment? Surely you’re not doing that!

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How is it complicated in the slightest? You literally right click a segment, move it wherever you want on the card and then right click it again! You don’t even need to right click it the second time if you don’t want!


Don’t tell me you toggle the Placement Mode button at the bottom of the screen on and off every time you try and move a segment? Surely you’re not doing that!


Honestly for the first few minutes I was doing that until I realized that's not the case at all.

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