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Wolf Hawkins vs Matt Hocking

Tale of the Tape: The ascendant Matt Hocking takes on his toughest challenge this year with the legendary Wolf Hawkins - who will be looking to bounce back from Sunday's defeat - in his way.


#1 Contendership 10 Man Battle Royale:

Benny Benson vs Doc Hammond vs Edd Stone vs Freddy Huggins vs Fro Sure vs Greg Gauge vs Jay Chord vs One Man Army vs Roderick Remus

Tale of the Tape: A huge opportunity for one of these men; the winner will be granted a shot at the TCW World Heavyweight Title next week on Total Wrestling!


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Human Arsenal vs T-Bone Bright vs Marc Speed

Tale of the Tape: A clash of men looking to gain some momentum as we head into Spring. A victory here could position the winner for a shot at the Television Title.


John Blackfyre vs Chris Flynn

Tale of the Tape: The enigmatic and waifish John Blackfyre made his striking return to TCW on Sunday when he cost Wolf Hawkins his shot at the World Title. Perhaps tellingly, his first match back will see him go up against a member of Wolf's Syndicate stable.


Jackson Laine vs Joshua Taylor

Tale of the Tape: Taylor has looked more like his old self in recent weeks, in personality if not in form, by shunning the under-handed tactics and returning to what he does best - wrestling. Laine recorded a big singles win over Maverick at The War and will be looking to carry this momentum forward.

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What a great pay-per-view! This diary truly deserves a lot more attention than it's getting. Hope you'll keep things going and don't lose motivation. I'm here as a loyal reader, and I think this is one of the best diaries in the forum right now.




Wolf Hawkins vs Matt Hocking

Interesting. Wolf needs a win, but Matt is on a roll right now and there's the lingering question whether Blackfyre will intervene. Still, I'm going with the more obvious pick here.


#1 Contendership 10 Man Battle Royale:

Benny Benson vs Doc Hammond vs Edd Stone vs Freddy Huggins vs Fro Sure vs Greg Gauge vs Jay Chord vs One Man Army vs Roderick Remus

It's between Stone and Chord for me, and probably something like a 60/40 pick. Chord is ready to challenge for the title though, and I think that Edd might still have some way to go until he gets there.


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Human Arsenal vs T-Bone Bright vs Marc Speed

I don't really know who to pick here, so... let's see!


John Blackfyre vs Chris Flynn

No-brainer. I love the way you introduced him. Every company needs an Undertaker-like character in my books. Can't wait to see more of him!


Jackson Laine vs Joshua Taylor

No-brainer, part 2.

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Thanks for the kind words folks! It's totally cool if this stays under the radar, I write it because I enjoy doing it so as long as I stay interested in the save this will keep going. I think my general plan is to get to Total Mayhem, see how my long term plans are panning out and then go from there. So we'll get at least three more months of big shows, and I'm like 90% certain that I want to do a full year so probably way more than that.
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<p>(Done and done!)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">In Profile: John Blackfyre</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="Mi8Yim3.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Mi8Yim3.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Name(s):</strong> John Blackfyre, Aldous Blackfriar, Matthew DeVille, Blackfire, The Dark Wanderer, The Man In Black, His Satanic Majesty</p><p>

<strong>Theme Song:</strong>

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EqQuihD0hoI?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Rob Zombie - Dragula (Official Music Video)"></iframe></div></div> by Rob Zombie<p>

<strong>Signed:</strong> January 2020</p><p>

<strong>Notable Accomplishments:</strong> TCW School of Pro Wrestling Graduate (2013)</p><p>

<strong>Real Name:</strong> Matt Dell</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 24</p><p>

<strong>From:</strong> Denver, Colorado</p><p>

<strong>Billed From:</strong> The Dark Beyond</p><p>

<strong>Gimmick:</strong> The Dark Wanderer</p><p>

<strong>Power15 Highest Placement:</strong> 10</p><p>

<strong>Likes:</strong> The colour black, the sound of his own voice, mood lighting</p><p>

<strong>Dislikes:</strong> Bright colours, pop music, dishonesty</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It's hard to believe that John Blackfyre is only 24. Graduating from the prestigious School of Pro Wrestling to the main TCW roster at the age of 17, he found himself with little to do for the first year of his career before finally being released in 2014. Yet anyone who watched him work knew the kid had something special about him. Setting about making a name for himself on the independent scene, the re-named Aldous Blackfriar soon proved that he was more than capable of carrying his own weight.</p><p> </p><p>

To the unobservant Blackfyre's gimmick hasn't changed much since his TCW debut. He still wears black, he still wears makeup and he still talks in long, flowery prose which sets his promo style apart from basically everyone else in the business right now. But the hokey explicitly satanic gimmick that he entered the business with is a far cry from the character he plays now. Where once it was all lace shirts and inverted crosses, he now plays more of a mysterious "Man In Black" character. A kind of fantastical, dark, nomadic cowboy figure. Matt Dell - the man behind the character - has often cited Stephen King's Dark Tower series as an inspiration for the character he has spent the last 8 years building. A sort of hodge-podge of westerns, chivalric fantasy and nuclear wasteland zombie shlock. And when he glides to the ring with his face largely obscured by his wide-brimmed black stetson and Rob Zombie's thumping industrial metal playing in the background it's hard to argue that he isn't nailing the aesthetic that he's going for.</p><p> </p><p>

Aside from his great character and top-notch promo work, Blackfyre has really developed into a solid hand in the ring since he first burst onto the scene in 2013. An all-rounder with a mind for in-ring storytelling far more advanced that his age would suggest, his expansive moveset includes a scoop slam driver, a springboard moonsault and a wrist-hold rope walk which he transitions into a rolling armbar. And that's without mentioning his list of finishers which include a pedigree ("Bat Wing"), a modified cobra clutch ("Gloomweaver Clutch") and the ever dependable super kick.</p><p> </p><p>

To the surprise of no one, Blackfyre usually (read: always) wears black to the ring. A long black trenchcoat and the aforementioned cowboy hat are part of his entrance attire, and in the ring he wears distressed black jeans with black boots (complete with small strips of red), and on his arms he wears two signature sleeves (also black) with a criss-crossed lace-up pattern along their seams, which partially conceal his heavily tattooed arms and upper body.</p><p> </p><p>

So, the big question for Blackfyre is, why come back to TCW and why now? And the big answer based on how they have re-introduced his character appears to be that they have significant plans for him. It remains to be seen how his program with Wolf Hawkins will develop but it is painfully clear to anyone watching that he is destined for a high spot on the card.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling - March 2020, Week 1</span></strong></span></p><p>

Louisiana Auditorium, Louisiana - 9,937</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="1U9n1C4.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1U9n1C4.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">(Pre Show)</p><p>

<strong>Mighty Meaty def Maverick & Jeremie Courtney</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> 50</p><p>

<strong>Length:</strong> 6:01</div></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">(Pre Show)</p><p>

<strong>American Ultra def Dean Daniels & Elliot Thomas</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> 30</p><p>

<strong>Length:</strong> 5:21</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="6VXuibm.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6VXuibm.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/zuQGx1H1Qh8?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Five Finger Death Punch - The Pride"></iframe></div></div> by Five Finger Death Punch</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

As the camera wheels around a very-nearly sold-out arena in the heart of New Orleans, the usual structure of the Total Wrestling intro - as well as the title music of the show - is interrupted by some familiar theme music…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="T1nxS5x.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/T1nxS5x.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PhdeWlGpwS0?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Health - Tears"></iframe></div></div> by HEALTH</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Wolf Hawkins may have lost on Sunday, but his intro is as brooding and ominous as ever. He strides down the smoke-covered floor of the ramp with green lasers illuminating his passage in a dark blue suit and with an expression on his face that could stop a clock.</p><p> </p><p>

When he reaches the ring he calls for a microphone and takes the best part of a minute pacing the ring as the thumping synth of his theme song continues to play, as if he is psyching himself up for what he is about to say.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>WH:</strong> Let me get this out of the way first: if one more person tells me how ‘unfortunate’ it was that I wasn’t able to put Andrews away on Sunday, I’m taking their head and smashing it through a window.</div></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd boo and jeer lightly.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>WH:</strong>There's two things to address. The 'What' and the 'How. I lost. Alright? I lost. No getting around that. That's the 'What'. Now, the 'How'?</div></p><p> </p><p>

His face breaks into a humourless grin and he shakes his head.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>WH:</strong> Now that’s the real rub, isn’t it? I can accept losing, but losing because some jumped-up SPW graduate decided to get involved? That I can’t accept. So John Blackfy...</div></p><p> </p><p>

Before Wolf can finish his sentence, he is cut off by another familiar theme song...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="5A97zG3.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5A97zG3.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/aflaAveflvU?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Fire From The Gods - Right Now (Official Music Video)"></iframe></div></div> by Fire From The Gods</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Andrews emerges out onto the stage amidst strobing red and white lights in a short-sleeve paisley shirt and sunglasses with a mic in hand.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>AA:</strong> Let me stop you right there, Wolf. You and Blackfyre may well have a score to settle, but I’ll be damned if you’re getting off with an excuse for losing to me. I can’t have another year of you complaining that I was lucky to walk away with the belt which, let’s face it, maybe I was. We’re going at it again before anyone else gets to take a run at you.</div></p><p> </p><p>

Both men stare coldly at one another and it appears like all that needs to be said has already been addressed, but someone else clearly feels differently as a third theme song booms around the auditorium…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="unZYIMj.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/unZYIMj.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/CmXWkMlKFkI?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart (Official Music Video)"></iframe></div></div> by Motley Crue</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>JB:</strong> Boys, boys boys, what have I told you about going off the script and making your own matches? </div></p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce paces out onto the stage a few feet away from Andrews, who he side-eyes before turning his gaze to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>JB:</strong> You know what next month is? Don’t answer, I’ll tell you. It’s Battleground next month. And you know what we do at Battleground? I’ll give you a hint: it aint singles matches.</div></p><p> </p><p>

Bruce begins pacing from side to side as he explains his position, his eyes shifting from Wolf to Ace and back again.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>JB:</strong> Battleground is a 4 vs 4 show. Always has been, and you know I’m a stickler for tradition. So here’s what we’re going to do: Wolf already has three guys watching his back - I’m assuming The Syndicate are up for some group action? So Andrews, you need to find yourself some friends. If The Syndicate can beat you at Battlegrounds then maybe, just maybe, I’ll consider giving Wolf another shot at that belt.</div></p><p> </p><p>

Wolf smiles humourlessly once again while Andrews nods and runs a hand through his sandy blonde hair.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>JB:</strong> And Ace? You’re gonna defend that title next week against whoever wins the Battle Royale tonight. A match Wolf won’t be in. So I would get your mind off of him and onto whoever your next opponent might be.</div></p><p> </p><p>

Bruce’s music plays again as he heads to the back, leaving the Ace and the Wolf staring each other down as the camera feed finally switches to the announce team.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 88</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="7kSPGz5.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7kSPGz5.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="fzyOKYn.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fzyOKYn.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="JagOiTz.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JagOiTz.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ernie Turner looks, as usual, slightly annoyed that things haven’t gone exactly his way. Meanwhile Shawn Doakes and Jasmine Saunders are comparing notes.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>ET:</strong> Well let’s chalk this up as yet another example of Jack Bruce ruining everyone else’s fun.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>JS:</strong> Ignore him, Shawn.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SD:</strong> Hello and welcome to Total Wrestling, folks! It’s March and we’re on the road to Battleground where teams of four men will clash to see who is the toughest. But we’re only two days removed from The War To Settle The Score and what a night it was. John Blackfyre made his return, Jay Chord emerged from a brutal contest as a victor and Mighty Mo overcame Eddie Peak and issued an ultimatum to the Sinner Society.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ET:</strong> And Wolf Hawkins should, by all rights, be our World Champion right now.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>JS:</strong> Hard to say for sure, but he definitely had Andrews on the ropes when John Blackfyre made his appearance.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SD:</strong> Tonight we’ll see Joshua Taylor attempt to bounce back from his loss to Edd Stone against Jackson Laine, a battle royale to determine who will receive a World Title shot next week, the Television champion Matt Hocking in non-title action against Wolf Hawkins and the first in-ring appearance of John Blackfyre.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ET:</strong> I’m looking forward to seeing Blackfyre’s mystique well and truly demolished when he loses his debut match. Dude doesn’t scare me.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>JS:</strong> You never were that smart.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SD:</strong> First up is Joshua Taylor and the exciting Jackson Laine!</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="YbOWxDb.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/YbOWxDb.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="vlZrD5T.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vlZrD5T.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Jackson Laine vs Joshua Taylor</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Jackson Laine comes into this one full of confidence after his victory at last week’s pay-per-view over Maverick, and he appears to have a spring to his step as he swaggers down to the ring in his orange and black tights. Taylor, by comparison, looks cautious and introverted. And while Laine is technically the face in the match the fans can only health-heartedly boo Taylor, his poor form combined with a return to a more honest style of ring work making him something of a sympathy case.</p><p> </p><p>

Jackson starts things off fast as he transitions out of a lock up into an arm hold, sends Taylor to the ropes and then drops him with a clothesline. His opponent surges back to his feet, ducks another clothesline attempt and then goes for a back-body drop but Laine telegraphs it, scores a boot to stand Taylor up and then hits another clothesline. It takes several minutes for Taylor to land any significant offense, eventually countering another running move attempt into an octopus stretch which he uses to punish Laine’s abdomen.</p><p> </p><p>

Jackson eventually powers out of the hold and the pair begin brawling around the ring, a stretch of match which is punctuated by a nice reverse suplex from Laine and a swinging neckbreaker from Taylor. At one point Joshua Taylor goes to the turnbuckle and begins removing the pad, then stops half-way through and goes back to wrestling the proper way with Laine; an action - or inaction - which draws applause from the attendant fans. Fortunately though he is eventually able to capitalise on Laine’s inexperience, when his opponent goes for a front toe kick which he counters into a dragon screw before picking Laine up in the Butterfy Lock and collapsing in the centre of the ring as he cinches in the hold. Referee Ray Johnson quickly calls the match in Taylor’s favour when Laine loses consciousness.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 61</p><p>

<strong>Length:</strong> 9:38</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Joshua Taylor via submission</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage now and the camera catches up with Mighty Mo and Tana the Mighty deep in conversation backstage...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="ppctVM7.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ppctVM7.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="c92qrSW.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/c92qrSW.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>MM:</strong> You got the list, T?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TM:</strong> But of course, bro.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MM:</strong> Any names jump out at you?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TM:</strong> A couple yeah.</p><p>

</div></p><p> </p><p>

There’s a silence for a moment before Mo groans and punches Tana in the arm.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>MM:</strong> You gonna make me guess, man? Like who?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TM:</strong> Ok, you’re gonna think I’m crazy…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MM:</strong> Already do.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TM:</strong> ...but what about Joshua Taylor?</p><p>

</div></p><p> </p><p>

Another silence, punctuated only by Mo’s creased and incredibly sceptical brow.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>MM:</strong> This seems poorly considered, man.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TM:</strong> Hear me out: dude needs some wins under his belt and seems to be coming round on this whole “Not being an ass” thing. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>MM:</strong> I mean, yeah, but, we gonna be a charity case for every fool on the roster who tries to reform their character?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TM:</strong> Nah, just the ones as good in the ring as Taylor, bro. We wanna put those Sinner Society jokers to bed for good, we need some heavy firepower because you know they aren’t gonna play fair.</p><p>

</div></p><p> </p><p>

Tana grins and nods suggestively, Mo frowns but ultimately appears to relent.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>MM:</strong> Alright, who else you got on the list, T?</p><p>

</div></p><p> </p><p>

The camera fades to black as both men close ranks and begin talking in hushed voices.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 69</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="Mi8Yim3.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Mi8Yim3.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="5tEJyf5.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5tEJyf5.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>John Blackfyre vs Chris Flynn</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

John Blackfyre’s debut match is, as is expected, a spectacle. As Rob Zombie’s industrial metal blasts out of the PA system around a pitch black arena a single spotlight shines down on the stage, where - after several seconds - Blackfyre appears covered in a veil of smoke, which trails off of his long black trenchcoat and cowboy hat. In his right hand he clasps a leather-bound black book.</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Flynn, by comparison, wears the face of a man who lost one high profile match on Sunday and is really upset about it. And for their part the announcers play up that Blackfyre is heavily tipped as the favourite here.</p><p> </p><p>

The match very quickly descends into a glorified squash as Blackfyre utilises his almost ghostly agility to simply slink around all of Flynn’s attempted offense while hitting him with snug strikes and his own signature moves. In one instance the Syndicate subordinate goes for a wild lunging clothesline which Blackfyre dodges and transitions into wrist control before mounting the turnbuckle, walking along the ropes and hitting a great rolling armbar which has Flynn roaring in pain.</p><p> </p><p>

Blackfyre eventually puts Flynn out of his misery when he lands his signature springboard moonsault and then seals the deal with his Bat Wing pedigree. The fans greet his debut victory with applause, which turn to gasps when he places his hand on his face in the centre of the ring, causing the lights to momentarily black out once more and giving him time to vanish.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 26</p><p>

<strong>Length:</strong> 5:29</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> John Blackfyre via pinfall</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="6ibAGCD.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6ibAGCD.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="seNlPLi.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/seNlPLi.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="BIVS4Uw.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BIVS4Uw.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="xQF0y8Q.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/xQF0y8Q.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Human Arsenal vs T-Bone Bright vs Marc Speed</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This match is billed as being for a shot at the Television Title though the announcer seem a little perplexed as to how any of these men are deserving of a shot while the likes of Greg Gauge continue to go without a rematch.</p><p> </p><p>

It quickly breaks down into a brawl between Diamond and T-Bone on the outside while Marc Speed and Human Arsenal get into a more technical catch-wrestling exchange in the ring, with little interchange between the two pairs. After several minutes of this it becomes apparent that Dave Diamond and Speed are gaining the upper hand with Arsenal slumped in the corner after a withering series of strikes and T-Bone down in a pile of cables and electrical equipment after being backdropped off of an announce table.</p><p> </p><p>

As Dave and Speed get set to square up though, an unfamiliar theme song hits which causes the announcers to sit up and take notice…</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="kdYhHr1.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kdYhHr1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="aj6TutR.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aj6TutR.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="4cLAZPk.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4cLAZPk.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="06oTMPr.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/06oTMPr.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2bFFGKSSs-c?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="e-dubble - Two Tone Rebel"></iframe></div></div> by E-Dubble</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Four men, two of which have never been seen in TCW before, stride down to the ringside in expensive looking suits and sunglasses. Nelsum “Heartbreak” Callum, Davis Wayne Newton and the tag team of Rich & Famous - Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol - clearly have some business here.</p><p> </p><p>

The match has effectively come to a halt as Dave Diamond and Marc Speed turn to face the intruders, who remain stationary on ringside for a moment before exchanging a glance and storming the ring. With Arsenal and T-Bone still down the numbers are too much for the other two competitors; Davis Wayne Newton drops Dave Diamond with a snug fisherman suplex before standing up and straightening his tie while Rich & Famous put the boots to Marc Speed.</p><p> </p><p>

The referee is forced to call the match as a no contest, but the four men remain in the ring...</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 51</p><p>

<strong>Length:</strong> 10:00</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> No Contest</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="kdYhHr1.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kdYhHr1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="aj6TutR.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aj6TutR.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="06oTMPr.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/06oTMPr.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="4cLAZPk.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4cLAZPk.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2bFFGKSSs-c?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="e-dubble - Two Tone Rebel"></iframe></div></div> by E-Dubble</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

“Heartbreak” Callum - in a navy suit and white trousers with an incredibly expensive-looking watch on his wrist - calls for a mic while Davis Wayne Newton and Rich & Famous clear Dave Diamond and Marc Speed out of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>NC:</strong> Not that any one of you low-class morons deserve an explanation, but in the interest of keeping a balanced account: the four men standing in this ring represent the top one percent, the cream of the crop, and the names you’ll want to commit to memory if you have any interest in staying relevant. </div></p><p> </p><p>

Wayne Newton - in a dark green suit, white shirt and black tie - returns to Callum's side.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>NC:</strong> We are “The Triple Threat” Davis Wayne Newton...</div></p><p> </p><p>

Newton straightens his tie and folds his arms.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>NC:</strong> ...Rich & Famous - Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol...</div></p><p> </p><p>

Rich & Famous do their signature pose where Jake Idol flexes his biceps while Jordan pushes his sunglasses down his nose and winks at the hard cam.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>NC:</strong> ...and Nelsum “Heartbreak” Callum. We are “The 1%” and you’ll be hearing from us again.</div></p><p> </p><p>

This new stable - hereafter dubbed “The 1%” by the announce team - poses for a second longer in the ring before their theme song begins playing and the show cuts to commercial.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="4XFq0tm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4XFq0tm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/2bFFGKSSs-c?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="e-dubble - Two Tone Rebel"></iframe></div></div> by E-Dubble</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 47</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

On returning from the break the camera feed cuts back to the announce team who are deep in discussion about what we have seen thus far.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="7kSPGz5.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7kSPGz5.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="fzyOKYn.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fzyOKYn.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="JagOiTz.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/JagOiTz.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>JS:</strong> Who the hell let The 1% in the building tonight? Are people just walking into all of our matches now?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ET:</strong> You didn’t seem to mind as much on Sunday when Blackfyre was dropping Wolf Hawkins.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SD:</strong> Whichever way you slice it, this is a worrying precedent. Jack Bruce needs to regain control of his locker room. We knew these men had been signed and have seen some of them compete here since then, but there was never any indication that they would band together like this, or take this kind of action.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ET:</strong> Well, they have, and I’m all for it. These guys are clearly class acts, prime athletes and have shown the kind of ambition and initiative that sets superstars aside from the rest.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SD:</strong> That interruption aside, it’s been a night of promise so far. A solid win for Joshua Taylor…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ET:</strong> Who is back to being a goody-two-shoes apparently.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>JS:</strong> Which has put him on Mighty Meaty’s list of potential partners.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ET:</strong> Idiots, the three of them.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SD:</strong> And a dominant display from John Blackfyre over Chris Flynn as well. While we may not officially have a challenger for Matt Hocking’s Television Title, we certainly have some exciting new faces on the scene.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>JS:</strong> And we’ll be seeing Hocking in action shortly. You have to imagine that he has been watching all of these new arrivals with a mixture of interest and concern.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>ET:</strong> If they’re smart, all these new guys will be watching the next match. Jay Chord is about to earn himself a title shot.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>JS:</strong> Back on board with Jay Chord are we, ET? That was quick.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SD:</strong> Chord certainly seems like the favourite on paper. But let’s not forget that we will also be seeing Edd Stone and Fro Sure - who are both riding strong waves of momentum - as well as the likes of Greg Gauge, Doc Hammond and One Man Army, all of whom pose a real threat.</div></p><p> </p><p>

As if on cue Doakes is cut off by the opening chords of Edd Stone’s theme music, signalling that the Battle Royale is getting underway.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="KZaDumk.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KZaDumk.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="keLjUvy.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/keLjUvy.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="6XPcyNb.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6XPcyNb.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="3TUjPMO.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/3TUjPMO.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="RoYGCzC.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RoYGCzC.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="zgYJANV.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zgYJANV.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="orQGI7Y.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/orQGI7Y.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="E2J8wyf.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/E2J8wyf.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="p2dVlnl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/p2dVlnl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="icNm9Ke.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/icNm9Ke.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>#1 Contendership 10 Man Battle Royale: Benny Benson, Doc Hammond, Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins, Fro Sure, Greg Gauge, Jay Chord, One Man Army, Roderick Remus, Troy Tornado</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

With the ring fit to burst with top-of-the-card talent and the announcers - in particular Ernie Turner - close to losing their minds at who might emerge from this contest as the new #1 contender for the World Title, things get underway chaotically. And realistically, how could they start any other way?</p><p> </p><p>

First to go is Roderick Remus who is hit by an amazing double team as One Man Army monkey flips him out of the corner where he is caught with a mid-air clothesline by Fro Sure before his limp body is tossed over the top rope. Greg Gauge makes short work of Benny Benson, who makes the unwise choice of mounting the turnbuckle which allows Gauge the opportunity to crotch him with a well-timed rope bump before a dropkick sends him tumbling to the outside. He then turns into an attempted blindside attack by Troy Tornado but is able to slip the strike attempt and nail a big release full nelson suplex in return. Troy is out of it and can only tamely fight back as he is picked up and tossed over the top rope.</p><p> </p><p>

Gauge takes a second to laugh down at the groggy forms of Benson and Troy which proves to be a fatal mistake as Fro Sure quickly springs on him, lifting him up and over the rope to eliminate the son of Sam Keith. The crowd roars in Fro’s approval as he does so and then cheers him on as he grins down at Gauge who simply stares icily back up at him. Ignoring the demands of Ray Johnson to clear the ringside area he slides a thumb across his throat as he exchanges a long stare with Fro before finally relenting.</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile Jay Chord has run train in the ring, flattening One Man Army, Doc Hammond and Freddy Huggins in sequence with a fantastically choreographed sequence of running moves. Edd Stone lurks in a corner, conspicuous in his refusal to get involved. Chord eliminates Freddy Huggins with a hip toss to the outside which Huggins is able to counter by landing on the apron but, true to form, Huggins celebrates too early and so doesn’t see Chord clocking the counter, nor is he able to do anything about the flush punch which sends him spilling down to the floor.</p><p> </p><p>

Elsewhere One Man Army has recovered enough to hit the Guided Missile through a crowded ring on his former New Wave tag partner: Doc Hammond - much to the fans approval. A dazed Doc is unable to fight back and falls tamely over the top rope after a clothesline from OMA.</p><p> </p><p>

The match is down to its final four competitors: Edd Stone, Jay Chord, Fro Sure and One Man Army. And what might initially look like a mis-match in favour of the babyfaces turns into an even fight when Stone makes the odd choice of attacking Fro Sure. Fro, who at this point is looking fairly tired, puts up a game defence against Stone but ultimately doesn’t have enough in the tank to hang with the fresher man, leading to him eating a big jumping facebuster before being tossed over the tope.</p><p> </p><p>

Stone and Chord appear to form some kind of temporary partnership as they begin to stalk One Man Army around the ring, but OMA has the power and the experience on both men leading to a couple of nice strength spots where he is able to send them flying as they attempt to pile on top of him. Stone is the first to make a mistake as he opts to go for the Party’s Over from the top rope which OMA rolls to avoid, and a Guided Missile later Stone has been roughly tossed over the top rope leaving the One Man Army and Jay Chord in the ring together.</p><p> </p><p>

OMA is initially able to get the better of Chord as he uses his size and strength to cut off large parts of the ring to Chord but the match turns on an attempted - and missed - Guided Missile which is reversed into a sick-sounding European Uppercut by Chord. OMA looks out on his feet and when Jay Chord sends him running to the ropes and then topples him back over them with a missile dropkick no one is surprised, however the fans collectively roar as somehow OMA is able to hold onto the top rope and hook himself back into the ring. Chord notices too late and can only stare in wide-eyed disbelief as OMA rushes across the ring and dumps him out of the ring before he can respond.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 72</p><p>

<strong>Length:</strong> 15:46</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> One Man Army via final elimination (Jay Chord)</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage now and a sandy-haired figure in a paisley shirt is walking with a title in his hand...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="5A97zG3.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5A97zG3.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It’s clear that Aaron Andrews is searching for someone by the way he is scanning around with his eyes, and as he arrives at a door - which he knocks on - it becomes clear who...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="AKLPPKc.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/AKLPPKc.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sammy Bach opens his dressing room door in his denim vest and jeans and smiles politely, if a little tiredly, at the Ace. His forehead is still a criss-cross of butterfly stitches where Chord opened him up with a Cradle Piledriver a few days ago.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>AA:</strong> You ok, Sammy?</div></p><p> </p><p>

Bach puffs out his cheeks.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>SB:</strong> I’ve been better, to be honest Ace.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AA:</strong> Yeah… yeah. I get that. Well, listen, I’m not gonna beat around the bush; I need some partners for Battleground and you’re at the top of my list.</div></p><p> </p><p>

Bach seems a little surprised, his eyebrows rising as he leans on the frame of the door.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>SB:</strong> You sure you got the right guy, Andrews?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AA:</strong> I’m sure.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>SB:</strong>I… uh… I’m flattered man, honestly I am. But I just don’t know if I can hang the way you’re asking me to anymore. That match with Chord… something’s not right with me right now.</div></p><p> </p><p>

Andrews shifts the title belt in his hand and puts the other on Bach’s shoulder.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>AA:</strong> You’re crazy, Sammy. You’re having a bad run, yeah. They happen. But you’re a legend in this damn company. You sell more merch than just about anyone else; the fans love you. And you may not have beaten Chord on Sunday, but I promise you this: he’ll remember you for the rest of his career. So will the rest of us.</div></p><p> </p><p>

Bach smiles weakly but his eyes drop.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>SB:</strong> I appreciate the offer, Ace. I really do. But I need to think it over, OK?</div></p><p> </p><p>

Andrews nods though it’s hard for him to conceal his disappointment as the camera feed cuts back to the arena.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 82</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="T1nxS5x.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/T1nxS5x.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">VS</span></strong> <img alt="CD7v4zQ.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/CD7v4zQ.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Wolf Hawkins vs Matt Hocking</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hocking looks totally unfazed by the gravity of the occasion as he gets set to square up with Wolf Hawkins in what is surely the biggest match of his career thus far. Wolf, as per usual, looks like it’s just another Tuesday, though the announcers can’t help but draw attention to his loss on Sunday.</p><p> </p><p>

Things start off slowly with both men seeking to ease their way into an advantageous position over the other. Wrist and facelocks transition into snapmares and drop toe holds as both men vie for dominance without being willing to risk too much, but if there is a ‘winner’ of the early exchanges then it would be fair to say that Hocking gets the better of it.</p><p> </p><p>

Wolf takes a moment to re-assess and then - as the pair go to lock-up again - it becomes clear what his plan is as he drops to one knee and doubles Hocking over with a nasty, flush forearm to the gut. It’s clear that he is not willing to take any chances here and he leaps on the injured Hocking like a, well, like a Wolf with some vicious ground-based offense. Hocking is eventually able to get back to his feet when Charles Hapstander calls for a rope break on a rear chinlock, but it looks like the damage has been done.</p><p> </p><p>

Wolf is dropped twice with a pair of scything side kicks as he rushes Hocking and then has his momentum further curtailed by a well-timed sleeper hold, though he has escaped a million of those in his career and this time is no different. After some brawling the pair end up in the corner where Wolf goes for a superplex, but Hocking is able to counter this into a tornado DDT. However, it takes him several seconds to scale the turnbuckle again in order to attempt the Hock Shock and this delay is all Wolf needs as he rolls clear of the move. As Wolf picks the half-dead Hocking up into his signature brainbuster the fans know things are only going to go one way from here and collectively groan as their fears are concerned when Hawkins lands the Full Moon Rising knee for the pinfall victory.</p><p> </p><p>

As the show goes off the air Hawkins is the focus of the camera, celebrating a resounding victory from the top of the ramp as he is played off by his theme song.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"><strong>Rating:</strong> 80</p><p>

<strong>Length:</strong> 23:04</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Wolf Hawkins via pinfall</div></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Overall Show Rating:</strong> 79</p></div><p></p><p></div></p>

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It's time to review our predictions and, in complete fairness, I threw not one but TWO curveballs this week with the results of the 4-man midcard match and the 10-man battle royale. Rest assured, we'll be seeing more of The 1% in the coming weeks, and Jay Chord may have some words for One Man Army...


So, here are our scores:


christmas_ape: 3/5

Hitman74: 2/5

KnowYourEnemy: 3/5

Xendarii: 3/5


So it's a three-way tie between christmas_ape, KnowYourEnemy and Xendarii. Well done to all three of you, a Behemoths-themed cake making set and instructional DVD is on it's way to you as we speak!


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

This Month Running Prediction Scores:


christmas_ape: 1

KnowYourEnemy: 1

Xendarii: 1


Overall Running Prediction Scores:


christmas_ape: 6

Herrbear: 2

KnowYourEnemy: 1

Xendarii: 5</div>

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Preview: TCW Presents Total Wrestling - March 2020, Week 2

(to be posted by 21/07/2020)




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">TCW World Heavyweight Title

One Man Army vs Aaron Andrews ©

Tale of the Tape: One Man Army was the surprising victor in a 10-man battle royale that included Greg Gauge and Jay Chord, but will lightning be able to strike twice as he competes for the World Title?


Sammy Bach vs Edd Stone

Tale of the Tape: A clash of cruiserweight veterans in TCW, with Sammy needing a win and Stone looking to bounce back from his elimination in the battle royale last week.


The 1% vs Bart Biggins, Dean Daniels, Chance Fortune & Human Arsenal

Tale of the Tape: The 1% (Nelson Callum, Davis Wayne Newton and Rich & Famous) made a shocking debut last week as they ran roughshod over a midcard clash. Now they will be looking for victory in their first official match as a group.


Jeremie Courtney, Maverick & Marc Speed vs John Blackfyre, Fro Sure & Matt Hocking

Tale of the Tape: Both Blackfyre and Fro Sure are rapidly rising up the ranks in TCW's midcard, meanwhile Matt Hocking will be looking to return to winning ways after his loss to Wolf Hawkins last week. But Maverick and Marc Speed are both canny operators who could prove to be frustrating obstacles.


Mighty Mo vs Jay Chord

Tale of the Tape: These two last met in January where Jay emerged victorious, and after his second-to-last elimination last week he will be looking to set things right. However, Mo is no pushover and will be stern opposition for the man who believes he deserves a World Title shot.


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March 7th 2020 - Eye On The Ring, Konrad Douglas


The Mystery of TCW's New Signing




My editor tells me that it's incredibly bad for clicks to lead off a story by admitting we know no more about it than we did last week, yet so uncommon is this feeling I am experiencing - that of unadulterated failure - that I feel I must share the unvarnished truth with you. This is frustrating.


We know that TCW has signed a high profile wrestler from one of the other two big US companies. We know this because they have coyly said as much while letting nothing else slip. We don't know who they are, when they will debut or what kind of gimmick they will have. Everyone at TCW is remaining annoyingly tight-lipped about this one. If I were a betting man I would say that we won't see them until Battleground is done, but who knows?


Nevertheless, Eye On The Ring is the space to watch for the news; if and when it does break we shall be the ones breaking it.


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


Future Endeavours




A couple of releases from TCW quietly slipped out while - almost - no one was watching today. The first is a big blow: Darryl Devine has always been a talented worker yet he can now add TCW to the list of companies where he has failed to make a splash. Reports indicate that he had grown tired of his position as what amounted to a glorified jobber and asked for his release at the end of February. TCW were initially reluctant to let him go but have since relented.


Chris Flynn went out on his back, as is tradition, but the reality is that he has not achieved much in TCW - albeit not entirely through his own fault as he was badly hampered by a nasty shoulder injury last year. Still, the Syndicate man who was kind of not really in the Syndicate except when it suited TCW to mention it has been given the boot.


Where will these two land? Devine surely won't have much trouble getting a job, though with heat between him and USPW it seems likely that he may leave the US entirely if the SWF don't come calling, or if he is willing to take a step down to the indies.


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


Other Signings


Just the one signing for TCW this week as they picked up the technical workhorse Mark Griffin from CAW earlier this week.




Relatively unknown in the US, he's an accomplished amateur wrestler and will bring some real storytelling prowess and exceptional mat work to TCW.


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>

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<p>That card is <em>really</em> tough to call for me. Feels like Bach vs. Stone and Mo vs. Chord could go anywhere!</p><p> </p><p>

TCW World Heavyweight Title</p><p>

One Man Army vs <strong>Aaron Andrews ©</strong></p><p>

<em>OMA is the opposite of championship material for me, mainly because of his gimmick (hate it).</em></p><p> </p><p>

Sammy Bach vs <strong>Edd Stone</strong></p><p>

<em>One of the 50/50 decisions. No real reasoning here, just (probably wrong) gut feeling.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The 1%</strong> vs Bart Biggins, Dean Daniels, Chance Fortune & Human Arsenal</p><p>

<em>You're not gonna let them lose their debut match.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jeremie Courtney, Maverick & Marc Speed vs <strong>John Blackfyre, Fro Sure & Matt Hocking</strong></p><p>

<em>Booking Blackfyre in a random 3v3 match after the impact he's generated by attacking Hawkins seems a bit strange to me. Anyway, this team is multiple levels above their opponents.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mighty Mo vs <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

<em>I keep saying that Mo should get a singles push, but Chord has been really good over the last weeks and shouldn't lose again.</em></p>

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<p>One Man Army vs <strong>Aaron Andrews ©</strong></p><p>

This smacks of "the match that Andrews wins before getting attacked by the mystery new signing"</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach</strong> vs Edd Stone</p><p>

I would love to see Edd win, but think it's Sammy here.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The 1%</strong> vs Bart Biggins, Dean Daniels, Chance Fortune & Human Arsenal</p><p>

Banker of the night.</p><p> </p><p>

Jeremie Courtney, Maverick & Marc Speed vs<strong> John Blackfyre, Fro Sure & Matt Hocking</strong></p><p>

Although this comes a close second.</p><p> </p><p>

Mighty Mo vs <strong>Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

I would be happy for Mo to get the win and this feud last a while, but Jay should really be winning to this.</p>

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<p>TCW World Heavyweight Title</p><p>

One Man Army vs <strong>Aaron Andrews ©</strong></p><p>

Tale of the Tape: One Man Army was the surprising victor in a 10-man battle royale that included Greg Gauge and Jay Chord, but will lightning be able to strike twice as he competes for the World Title?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach</strong> vs Edd Stone</p><p>

Tale of the Tape: A clash of cruiserweight veterans in TCW, with Sammy needing a win and Stone looking to bounce back from his elimination in the battle royale last week.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The 1%</strong> vs Bart Biggins, Dean Daniels, Chance Fortune & Human Arsenal</p><p>

Tale of the Tape: The 1% (Nelson Callum, Davis Wayne Newton and Rich & Famous) made a shocking debut last week as they ran roughshod over a midcard clash. Now they will be looking for victory in their first official match as a group.</p><p> </p><p>

Jeremie Courtney, Maverick & Marc Speed vs<strong> John Blackfyre, Fro Sure & Matt Hocking</strong></p><p>

Tale of the Tape: Both Blackfyre and Fro Sure are rapidly rising up the ranks in TCW's midcard, meanwhile Matt Hocking will be looking to return to winning ways after his loss to Wolf Hawkins last week. But Maverick and Marc Speed are both canny operators who could prove to be frustrating obstacles.</p><p> </p><p>

Mighty Mo vs<strong> Jay Chord</strong></p><p>

Tale of the Tape: These two last met in January where Jay emerged victorious, and after his second-to-last elimination last week he will be looking to set things right. However, Mo is no pushover and will be stern opposition for the man who believes he deserves a World Title shot.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Xendarii" data-cite="Xendarii" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49598" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Jeremie Courtney, Maverick & Marc Speed vs <strong>John Blackfyre, Fro Sure & Matt Hocking</strong><p> <em>Booking Blackfyre in a random 3v3 match after the impact he's generated by attacking Hawkins seems a bit strange to me. Anyway, this team is multiple levels above their opponents.</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Totally fair criticism on the Blackfyre booking. He's in the frustrating position where his perception doesn't match where I see him on the card, so I'm trying to change that without killing his mystique TOO much by putting him in midcard matches. For this month he's going to be treading water while trying to maintain the momentum of his first appearance. Though he may have a chance to take a high profile scalp or two in the near future...</p>
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Oooh, also, little update before I forget:


I think I might start including a few more mechanical notes at the end of each month, like worker overness, storyline heat and my actual popularity numbers as a company. I've not done it thus far as I feel obfuscating the mechanics can make things feel a bit more "real", but I've seen other diaries do it and some people seem to enjoy it, so I'm happy to include those details going forward!

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling - March 2020, Week 2

Theatre of Dreams, Portland - 9,537





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">(Pre Show)

Roderick Remus def Benny Benson

Rating: 62

Length: 15:37</div>



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">(Pre Show)

Troy Tornado def Jackson Laine

Rating: 57

Length: 15:34</div>



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">(Pre Show)

American Ultra def Hammer & Anvil (Elliot Thomas & Mark Griffin)

Rating: 50

Length: 9:45</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>



by Five Finger Death Punch


TCW has travelled to the North West for tonight’s episode of Total Wrestling; it’s a rainy night outside in Portland but inside the Theatre of Dreams the ten thousand fans in attendance are heating up nicely! The arena is illuminated by flashing lights and pyro as “The Pride” welcomes both attendees and viewers alike to the show, and the camera feed cuts to our announce team for the night: Shawn Doakes, Ernie Turner and Jasmine Saunders.




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">SD: Hello and welcome, once again, to the hottest wrestling on the planet. We’re live in Portland tonight where we will see the World Title defended, superstars like Sammy Bach and Jay Chord in singles action and the in-ring debut of the ostentatious 1% stable.


ET: Ostentatious?


JS: Not surprised you’ve never heard that word before.


ET: I’ve heard it before…


JS: Sammy Bach faces Edd Stone tonight in a match which may well determine where his future lies in TCW. Stone has been ascendant recently, Bach: less so.


ET:...I just choose to use smaller words because I’m not pretentious…


SD: And in a clash of two of our hottest young stars Jay Chord will take on Mighty Mo; the first time they have met since January where Chord was victorious.


JS: Mo has been quietly putting the Sinner Society to the sword without troubling the main event scene this year, but this could be his chance.


ET: Honestly, it’s like I’m not even here.


SD: And of course who could forget our World Title clash as Aaron Andrews meets One Man Army - the winner of last week’s battle royale to determine the number 1 contender?


ET: God willing the ring will collapse and incapacitate both men.


SD: First up: Chord vs Mo. This one is gonna be a slug-fest folks.</div>


The crowd rise to their feet as “Beast Inside Me” begins playing, signalling the arrival of Mighty Mo.


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


ppctVM7.pngVS orQGI7Y.png

Mighty Mo vs Jay Chord


Mo, in his usual white trunks and boots, looks like a million bucks in the early running of this one as Mo literally bounces off of him in an ill-advised attempt to floor the bigger man. It’s clear that Jay’s loss last week is playing on his mind and he is unable to really focus in on what he should be doing to beat Mo, which gives his opponent all the opportunity he needs to begin dominating Chord. First, Jay is sent flying across the ring with an enormous flapjack, then he is driven into the mat with a big stalling suplex and finally he topples over the top rope after a running lariat. Furious, Jay takes a moment to collect himself.


When things get back under-way Jay is finally able to force Mo into a mistake by baiting a shoulder charge in the corner which he dodges. He follows this up with some fairly devious offense which focuses on debilitating Mo’s ability to see, something the ref does nothing about much to the frustration of the fans.


Ultimately Mo has to go for high risk offense to try and swing the match back in his favour, and although he is able to nail a Hopes Fall spinebuster he isn’t able to make a cover. And when he goes for The Plunge it gives Chord an opportunity of his own as he flips out of it, hits a low blow which Ray Johnson somehow does not see and then nails a Cradle Piledriver for the win.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">Rating: 79

Length: 14:41

Winner: Jay Chord via pinfall</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


As the ring is cleared the camera cuts to a corridor backstage where Greg Gauge is pacing the hallways, clearly looking for someone.




Suddenly, he is pulled up short by a voice - clearly the voice of the person he is looking for.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">FS: Power walking around like that without warming up? You’re gonna pull a muscle man.</div>


The camera swings to follow Gauge’s gaze to reveal…




...Fro Sure, swigging from a bottle of water and leaning against a steel column in his purple tights and white boots.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">GG: Hanging out alone back here is dangerous. Could get hurt.


FS: I’ll take my chances.


GG: Fair enough. How about we step outside and we see how those chances hold up?


FS: In this rain? No chance man, it’ll mess up my hair. If you wanna go for a walk you go right ahead though, although I’ll warn you that the streets can get a little dicey at this time of night. Not sure the last time the son of Sam Keith went outside without a body guard.</div>


Gauge’s eye twitches ever so slightly and he grins coldly, leaning towards Fro. The camera zooms in to catch the tension.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">GG: It’s cute that you think you’re on my level. I have a feeling we might see each other at Battlegrounds. I’d come prepared if I were you.


FS: Always do, Gregory. Now get outta my face before I drop you.</div>


The pair stare each other down before Gauge turns and walks away.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">Rating: 63</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


VnFABmp.jpgx3OY9fG.jpgxQF0y8Q.jpgVS Mi8Yim3.pngCD7v4zQ.pngRoYGCzC.png

Jeremie Courtney, Maverick & Marc Speed vs John Blackfyre, Matt Hocking & Fro Sure


As things get underway it’s clear that no one in the ring knows what to make of the dark form of John Blackfyre who looms like a spectre in the corner of the ring. Hocking starts things off and gets in some great looking high flying offense including a nice tornado DDT before tagging in Fro, who goes to work dancing around Marc Speed, getting in his own stiff strikes.


The match springs into life when Blackfyre enters the fray, getting a few minutes of clearly very choreographed offense designed to make him look great in which he clears the ring with his signature scoop slam, rope walk and then a Bat Wing which he uses to plant Maverick. For some reason he is not willing to go for the pin immediately and instead drags the legal man back to his feet before locking in the Gloomweaver Clutch for the submission victory. And as soon as the match is won, before either Fro or Hocking are able to congratulate him, he has left the ring.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">Rating: 55

Length: 10:12

Winner: John Blackfyre via submission (Maverick)</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


The camera cuts backstage again where Mighty Meaty are knocking on a dressing room door, though the name on it is obscured by their backs. Mo is back in his civilian clothes, a little sweat from his earlier match still beading on his neck.




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">TM: You done your hair, bro? You’re looking a little puffy.


MM: Puffy? Dude what the hell?


TM: I’m just sayin’, man. We’re tryna make a good impression here.</div>


The door swings open and it becomes clear whose dressing room it is.




Joshua Taylor eyes both men and then sighs.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">TM: What’s up, Josh?</div>


Tana grunts as Mo clearly elbows him in the ribs.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">MM: Hey Taylor, got a proposition for you.</div>


Taylor narrows his eyes slightly.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">JT: Alright, go on.


MM: We’ve had our differences in the past. Haven’t always seen eye to eye. But you seem like you might actually have some interest in fixing your reputation round here…


TM: ...Which, let’s be honest, can’t get much worse</div>


Tana grunts again as Mo slaps the back of his head.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">MM: And we wanna give you the chance to do that. You want to get back in the good graces of the boys? Putting the Sinner Society to bed is step 1.</div>


Taylor’s face drops a little, as if he can’t really bring himself to hold the gaze of either of Mighty Meaty.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">JT: Why would you guys trust me to do that?


MM: Because we’ve been around long enough to remember when you weren't behaving like the biggest ass on the roster. That Taylor is still in there somewhere, and it’s time to let him out, man.</div>


All three men stand in silence for a second as Taylor considers the proposal, then break into cautious smiles as a hand is extended which both Mo and Tana shake in turn before the camera cuts back to the ring.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">Rating: 72</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


kdYhHr1.pngaj6TutR.png4cLAZPk.png06oTMPr.pngVS lwzQqQx.pngew4MnPq.pngXnOuKNe.pngseNlPLi.png

The 1% vs Bart Biggins, Dean Daniels, Chance Fortune & Human Arsenal


The story of this match is, as Ernie Turner loudly and often proclaims, a clinic of team wrestling. The 1% look great and dismantle their opponents here, allowing them almost no offense throughout the entire match.


While Nelson Callum appears to be more of their mouthpiece he is happy to start things off against Bart Biggins, who he effectively removes from the match with a Split half nelson suplex before the tag out to Jake Jordan. Rich & Famous take their time putting on a real showcase of their own tag team expertise, cutting first Biggins, then Chance Fortune off from the friendly half of the ring with some great double team action. And when Davis Wayne Newton is tagged in to take a run against Human Arsenal he is basically wrestling 4 vs 1 as all of his team mates have been severely damaged.


While Arsenal is a respected veteran the Triple Threat takes little time in breaking down the former machine, hitting him with his unique blend of mixed offense before finishing things off with his Triple Threat Plex.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">Rating: 56

Length: 9:32

Winner: Davis Wayne Newton via pinfall (Human Arsenal)</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>




Aaron Andrews is warming up backstage in his red and white tights and taped fists, the World Title resting on a dressing table in the background, when there is a knock at the door. While he is initially tense as he stands to answer it, when we see who it is the atmosphere relaxes a little…




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">MH: Evening, Ace. What’s up?


AA: Oh not much, just warming up for a World Title match.</div>


His tone is playful enough as he goes back to stretching.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">MH: I’m going to cut to the chase: you need partners for Battlegrounds, and I want another shot at Wolf. I let myself down last week.


AA: I like you, Matt, and you’re damn good in the ring. But I need to build a team that can work together and you, well, no offence but you’re kind of the opposite of a team player.</div>


Hocking grips Andrews’ upper arm to stop him from exercising for a moment and fixes him with a deadly serious stare.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">MH: Give me this chance, Ace. I promise I won’t let you down.</div>


Andrews stares back at Hocking and then, after a pause, nods. The camera feed cuts back to the announce team.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">Rating: 83</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


Back at the announce table Ernie Turner is wearing a rain coat for some reason (presumably to mock the North West) while Shawn Doakes and Jasmine Saunders shuffle their notes.




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">SD: Well, well, well, looks like we have some alliances forming here in TCW. Aaron Andrews approached Sammy Bach last week and now he has Matt Hocking on his team for Battlegrounds. Meanwhile Mighty Meaty have somehow managed to convince the ring general Joshua Taylor to help them.


JS: That’s a massive get for them.


ET: Such a disappointment.


JS: Both the Sinner Society and the Syndicate must be watching wearily to see how the teams lined up against them shake out. And The 1% continue to look impressive though we don’t yet know who they will face.


ET: Now there’s a set of young men with their heads screwed on straight.


JS: I don’t envy whoever their opponents end up being; that’s a finely tuned machine if ever I’ve seen one.


SD: And up next we have two huge matches. First Sammy Bach looks to get back to winning ways against Edd Stone, who is hoping to do the same. These two may well exchange positions on the card if Stone wins; a huge opportunity for the Canadian.


ET: I’m expecting big things from him.


SD: And then our World Title match. We haven’t seen One Man Army yet tonight but word has it that he has been training in solitude all week and has remained shut in his locker room for the entire night. The man is laser focused on the World Title.


JS: Still hoping for that ring collapse, ET?


ET: Praying to every deity I know.


SD: And that’s Sammy Bach’s music. We’re set to get started here folks! Back to the action!</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


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Sammy Bach vs Edd Stone


In what - on paper - is an odd clash of faces, it is clear early on who is going to play heel in the match. Edd Stone has shown that his laid back personality might have some sharp edges beneath the cool and calm exterior in recent weeks and it is obvious to everyone watching that he is prepared to bend, if not actively break, the rules to defeat Bach. Not least because a victory here would be an enormous statement for his career.


The early respectful lockups and chain holds give way to a more frenetic pace with Stone looking as though he is trying to embarrass the older veteran with some flashy aerial offense, something the fans loudly voice their displeasure about. The fans actually grow so sick of Stone’s antics that when Bach eventually snaps and drops the Canadian Party Animal with a running DDT they erupt in applause.


Stone is staggered by the sudden surge of offense and can do little do defend himself as Bach opens up on him with strikes and throws, culminating in Stone’s head being driven into each turnbuckle in sequence before he staggers to the centre of the ring where he flops to the mat like a fish.


Bach roughly picks Stone up by his head and signals for the Adrenaline Shot which Stone is initially able to slip out of, but after an exchange of strikes and sending Bach to the ropes with an irish whip the Dark Rock God is able to return the favour, turning a back-drop attempt from Stone into a double underhook which he uses to drill the Adrenaline Shot in the centre of the ring. Not content with what would be an inevitable pinfall victory at this point he grabs Stone’s legs and turns him over into the Bach On Your Back which the Canadian almost immediately submits to.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">Rating: 68

Length: 24:33

Winner: Sammy Bach via submission</div>


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World Heavyweight Title

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One Man Army vs Aaron Andrews ©


A single spotlight descends on the ring as the contest to decide the World Heavyweight Champion gets under way. Referee Tony Thorpe explains the rules to both Aaron Andrews - in his typical red and white tights with taped hands - and One Man Army - in his camo pants and boots - and checks both men for illegal foreign objects.


As the bell rings both men shake hands and then begin circling one another in the ring as the house lights go down to draw the focus on the match getting underway. OMA is the first to score a significant hit when he transitions out of a hammerlock into a running shoulder block and then a scoop slam. Andrews retreats to the corner and collects himself before the pair lock up again. This time Andrews is able to gain the upper hand when he counters another shoulder block attempt into a drop toe hold which he transitions into a calf crusher. This kind of tentative back and forth continues for several minutes.


Andrews brings the match up a notch when he invites One Man Army into a striking match in the middle of the ring - perhaps ill-advisedly - by landing a thudding forearm across OMA’s neck. The response is equally painful sounding and both men go back and forth with forearm strikes and chops until welts are visible on both of their chests. Andrews is the first to fall to one knee and is punished with a swinging DDT from OMA.


The match spills out of the ring briefly when - after a few more minutes of brawling - OMA hits a clothesline which sends both men over the top rope. Andrews is able to goad One Man Army into braining himself on a ringpost with a headbutt attempt which buys him enough time to mount the apron and hit an improvised Into The Blue on his opponent, who he then slides back into the ring. But OMA somehow powers back to his feet, lands a front kick to Andrews’ head and then - as the Ace staggers back to his feet - nails him with the Guided Missile. But, just as he is about to make the cover, someone walks down the ramp…




One Man Army turns to face Jay Chord as he swaggers down to ring side and both men begin jaw-jacking, and Chord eventually mounts the apron. Tony Thorpe tries to get between the two men but ultimately is unable to and OMA and Chord get into a slight scuffle which eventually sees Chord sent spilling back down to ringside, but the distraction has done its job. A visibly annoyed Aaron Andrews hits OMA with a Gut Check as he turns around, then climbs the turnbuckle to hit the Into The Blue and score the pinfall victory.


However, as the show goes off the air both Andrews and OMA sit tiredly in the ring with frustrated looks on their faces staring back up the ramp at the retreating form of Jay Chord, who is grinning.


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">Rating: 77

Length: 24:41

Winner: Aaron Andrews via pinfall</div>


<div style="font-size:0px; height:1px; width:900px; background-color:#000;"></div>


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

Overall Show Rating: 76


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Booker's Notes


Show Notes


Bit disappointed by the Bach vs Stone and AA vs OMA grades here, meanwhile Jay vs Mo once again demonstrates that with a bit of a push for Mo this could easily be a PPV main event at some point in the future...


Glad to get the 1% on the screen. These guys will be a midcard force in the coming weeks and it is not coincidence that this four man stable have debuted a few weeks before the annual 4 vs 4 PPV...


Blackfyre gets another win though, as was pointed out previously, I don't want to remove his mystique or kill his momentum by taking him from jumping Wolf Hawkins to fighting midcard jobbers. Suffice to say, he and Wolf aren't done.


Overness Changes


Aaron Andrews simply will not go above 82 overness no matter what I do with him. I suspect that this is his cap until TCW moves to a Big size. Wolf is now more over than Ace despite jobbing more often (83 overall in the US up from 80 at the start of the game) and Jay isn't far off either (76 up from 71 at the start of the game). Elsewhere Mo continues to hover at 68 (started at 67) which I think is down to him being a bit of a jobber to the stars at the moment, Edd Stone and Matt Hocking continue to rocket up (going from 60 to 70 and 54 to 67 respectively). Joshua Taylor and Sammy Bach are both in need of some love; JT has dropped from a high of 70 in February to 62 currently - his turn should help matters here - and Sammy is down from 75 at the game start to 71/72.


Looking at the rising stars, Fro Sure is up to 29 across the US having started as a complete unknown in all but two regions. Jackson Laine is up to 27 overall having started in a similar spot and John Blackfyre is up from 16 to 20. All three should continue to be part of storylines going forward, though I'm having to be realistic with who I give them wins over at this point. Trying not to annoy half my roster by having them job to the young guys!

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Just wanted to say that it's taken me some time but I've fully caught up on this and the work you're doing is excellent, my friend.

Slick presentation and well written and I'll echo the thoughts of others in that this definitely deserves more eyes on it.

Keep up the good work. I'll be reading now too.

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Just wanted to say that it's taken me some time but I've fully caught up on this and the work you're doing is excellent, my friend.

Slick presentation and well written and I'll echo the thoughts of others in that this definitely deserves more eyes on it.

Keep up the good work. I'll be reading now too.


Thanks very much! Glad to have you aboard.

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<p>So it's time, once again to review our intrepid predcicters scores for this week! And they all did incredibly well; a couple of bankers in there but the only match which threw a slight curve was Sammy Bach coming out on top over Edd Stone; Stone is ascending the card but Bach is still one of the top dogs in the whole company.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>christmas_ape:</strong> 5/5</p><p>

<strong>eayragt:</strong> 5/5</p><p>

<strong>Xendarii:</strong> 4/5</p><p> </p><p>

So that makes this week a two-way tie between <strong>christmas_ape</strong> and <strong>eayragt</strong> who both scored clean sweeps. You have both been subscribed to Freddy Huggins home yoga class streaming service as reward for your excellent work.</p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";"></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">This Month Running Prediction Scores:</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>christmas_ape:</strong> 2</p><p>

<strong>eayragt:</strong> 1</p><p>

<strong>KnowYourEnemy:</strong> 1</p><p>

<strong>Xendarii:</strong> 1</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall Running Prediction Scores:</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>christmas_ape:</strong> 7</p><p>

<strong>eayragt:</strong> 1</p><p>

<strong>Herrbear:</strong> 2</p><p>

<strong>KnowYourEnemy:</strong> 1</p><p>

<strong>Xendarii:</strong> 5</div></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kanegan" data-cite="kanegan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49598" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just caught up with this and you are doing a wonderful job. It wants me to pick up a TCW game. I will be keeping tabs from now on, having already subscribed.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's awesome, thanks so much for checking it out. I know most people probably say this, but I'm honestly just flattered that anyone reads this at all. I'm sincerely super happy to have any and all of you along for the ride!</p>
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Just caught up with everything and I'm craving some more ! Love what you're doing with Chord, hes obviously a future world champion if handled correctly. I also love the fact that you had One Man Army get a little momentum before losing the world title shot. I didn't expect it. I'd love to see Ed Stone do a little better. How old is he again ? Also John Blackfyre in the Main Event scene is cool. Does he start off with a lot of pop?
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