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Poll: Do you MOSTLY play Cverse or Real World Mod? Just curious...

Poll: Do you MOSTLY play Cverse or Real World Mod? Just curious...  

413 members have voted

  1. 1. Poll: Do you MOSTLY play Cverse or Real World Mod? Just curious...

    • Default Cverse
    • Real World
    • Another Fictional like Thunderverse, etc

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Cverse 97.


Now that I've grown used to this mod, I couldn't imagine playing default Cverse. Default data doesn't have enough wrestlers to debut in the future - enough for the next 2 years, yes, enough for the next 20, no. I like long games and the default Cverse made me sad when the randomly generated content wasn't as good as the handcrafted stuff.

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Cverse 97.


Now that I've grown used to this mod, I couldn't imagine playing default Cverse. Default data doesn't have enough wrestlers to debut in the future - enough for the next 2 years, yes, enough for the next 20, no. I like long games and the default Cverse made me sad when the randomly generated content wasn't as good as the handcrafted stuff.


This, plus a side helping of 77 and the 2018 C'Verse mod which might be the most interesting mod for a TEW game ever.


I was hoping the game would take things in an interesting relation and it was.... eh. Doesn't help I was a huge NOTBPW fan and the CWA just feels... wrong.

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Real world mods just don't play the same way the cverse does, they play the way the modder thinks the game is played with stats that represent what the modder thinks the workers should have to reflect their perception of a worker's real talents as opposed to what would actually work in the game, for this reason it's rare to see a real world mod I like.
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What's the best real world mod to go for? I've never played them before but I'm looking to try one, I've just got no idea what the difference is between them all and I feel rude going into one of their threads and just flat out asking
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Cverse is my favorite. For me I just like the fictional data bases more. When I first started with this series I preferred the RW mods (back in the EWR days). When the switch was made to TEW I started out for a short moment with the RW mods but decided to try out the Cverse. It was just more fun for me. I didn't feel limited to pre-conceived ideas. Not that I would totally copy real life but for example I felt as I would have to create and use Evolution as a stable when it was time for it to debut. Then I'd have to eventually break it up and do a story line that had Batista against Evolution. So I started feeling like I was re-creating what had already been done to an extent.


I've tried other fictional mods and there are some great ones out there as well but I just always default back to Cverse.

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I voted other fictional, but it's still the C-Verse but my own version of it (cheap plug http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=546316)


as someone else said, I feel I can just have anyone do anything in the C-Verse, but if I were to play real life mod I could only have people do things I could imagine them doing for real. I Couldn't book Samoa Joe as a demon or cult leader based on his menace, for example. Plus with C-Verse their stats are stats, they are right as they aren't real. But the last time I played real world mod (2 or 3 versions ago) I found guys I really liked were rated quite low, and guys I didn't care about in real life were rated highly.


Sort of forced me to push guys I didn't actually like, which ruined my fun, or found people I enjoyed under performed, which ruined my enjoyment lol. I don't want to push HBK due to his god stats, I want to push Spanky dammit! :)

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Real World. 80s. I have attempted the real world 1970s but I don't know much about the era. I've never really attempted the CVerse but I do love the characters in it (so I upload them into the real world databases I use)
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I'm fairly biased but I spend most of my time in the Thunderverse. CVerse this year just ain't grabbing me and my brain can't get around the blocks it puts up for real world mods - so much time spent going "X & Y would never do that" whereas fictional mods are a blank canvas.
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I generally start with a slightly modified CVerse for at least the first month after release waiting for patches and balances and learning the new systems. Then I move on to a fictional mod. In TEW2016 that was mainly CV97 and Thunderverse. In past TEW's I played a lot of 9000-verse.


This time I'm thinking of going with Effganic for my first serious game after simming it for quite a few years.

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CVerse has never really grabbed me for any sort of serious longterm play. While I get that it's the database TEW is optimized for, I've just never been able to shake this feeling like I'm playing with somebody else's toys.


I used to swear by real world mods while playing 2013 and for my first year or so with 2016. I eventually burned out on those too, partly due to realizing how often I was falling into 'predictable' habits (sign Flair/Austin/Styles/etc to developmental deals the moment they debut, book certain real-world matches that "must" happen at their respective PPVs), and partly due to the nostalgia aspect losing its appeal for me. Booking 2001 WWF "my" way doesn't change the fact that the actual events of that year entirely killed my interest in wrestling for well over a decade.


Effganic is what kept me going with TEW for the last few years. Being able to build a promotion from the 'start' of modern wrestling and grow it into a territory and eventually an industry giant is a sales pitch that appeals to me, and I'm able to tell myself my own stories, without having to worry about "No, Hulk Hogan definitely wouldn't do that." TEW 2020 seems like an even better fit for this sort of mod, as the attribute system should help to give individual workers more personality after the point where the default new worker profiles start to grow same-y.

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